
29 lines
1.2 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script is a simple wrapper for mawaya's fclone backed command `add-drive`
# Grab the executable from and put in /usr/bin/
# For a couple TDs you can simply use the fclone command manually
# `gdrive` is a mydrive or td that has full administrative permissions - used for authentication
# `members` is an existing TD whose members/groups you want to mirror in the new TDs
# `declare -a prefix`` is a common prefix or prefixes for the TDs you want to create [optional]
# `declare -a td` are the non common suffices for the new drives. Keep parentheses and use double quotes
# Note: gdrive and members include colon: while prefix and td list do not
# The default entries below would create 10 TDs with the same members/perms as my-td.
# That is, TDs named `goober-001` .. `goober-005` and `gawber-001` .. `gawber-005`
declare -a prefix=("goober" "gawber")
declare -a td=("-001" "-002" "-003" "-004" "-005")
for j in "${prefix[@]}"; do
for i in "${td[@]}"; do
echo "Creating new TD named $j$i"
fclone backend add-drive $gdrive $j$i --tpslimit=1 -o copy-members=$members
sleep 10s
fclone backend lsdrives $gdrive | grep "$prefix"