Create projects, service accounts, jsons and a group list in csv using gcloud sdk
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2019-06-06 07:48:50 +00:00
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Usage: ./sa-gen will run the script using the variables that you insert/edit below.

This script uses gcloud sdk to create multiple projects and up to 100 service accounts per project. It also downloads a json file for each service account that is created, putting a copy of the json file into the directory that you specify in KEYS_DIR in the script.

The script also creates a csv file in the KEYS_DIR directory that can be used to bulk upload service account emails to a google group, which can then be added to your Team Drives and/or My Drive folders. This allows you to use service accounts with rclone sync/copy

If you have already installed gcloud sdk please be sure you have initialized the account for which you wish to create projects ans service accounts. If you have not installed gcloud sdk please go to and follow instructions to install for your OS, Once you have installed gcloud sdk be sure to run gcloud init and authorize (auth) to the account for which you want to create service accounts.

There are a number of variables that you need to specify to run sa-gen for your own account, and to create service accounts and jsons that are names the way you want to name them. These variables are described below. The names and numeric ranges are quite flexible - name them as you like.

export KEYS_DIR=/opt/sa This is the location where you want to store your service account json keys. Please create it before running this script Note that you can create a maximum of 100 service accounts per project, but you can store all of your json keys in this directory as long as the json file names do not overlap.

export ORGANIZATION_ID="" This can be left blank ( "" ) if you have already initialized the organization in gcloud sdk with gcloud init. However if you want to be certain then you can manually replace it with your own ORGANIZATION_ID. It is a numeric ID, rather than your account/domain name. The easiest way find your own ORGANIZATION ID is to use the console where you have installed gcloud sdk and type the command gcloud organizations list. This will show you your DISPLAY_NAME, ID, and DIRECTORY_CUSTOMER_ID. The 12 digit number in the middle is your ORGANIZATION_ID. Insert that number in the script. If for some reason you cannot find the ORGANIZATION_ID using the gcloud sdk you can also go to On that screen go to the top. Choose Select Project, then in the popup choose Select From and choose your account/domain name. You should see a column titled ID. The 12 digit number next to your account/domain name is the ORGANIZATION_ID.

export This is the name of the group that you will share your team drives or my drive folders with. Normally this will be in the format "" or ""

export PROJECT_BASE_NAME=sasync This is the base name for a project created with this script. It will be appended with the number of each project as they are created. For example, a base of 'sacopy' will create projects called sacopy1, sacopy2 and so on.

export FIRST_PROJECT_NUM=1 export LAST_PROJECT_NUM=12 These are the starting and ending numbers for the project name. As noted above, a base name of 'sacopyand first number of1will create projectssacopy1, sacopy2until the LAST_PROJECT_NUM . You can choose your own base name if you like, rather thansacopy`. Note that paid gsuite accounts can create a max of 50 accounts, but can apply for more. Free accounts can create up to 12 projects

export SA_EMAIL_BASE_NAME=sagen This is the base name for each service account email created with this script. It will be appended with the number of each service account as they are created. For example, a base of 'sagen' will create service accounts with email addresses in the format , incrementing up to If you have more than one project then the script will increment SA numbers and project numbers, e.g. and so on.

export FIRST_SA_NUM=1 FIRST_SA_NUM will be the number of the first service account and json file for this batch that you are creating. If this is your first batch then set FIRST_SA=1. Otherwise set it to your highest SA number+1

export NUM_SAS_PER_PROJECT=100 NUM_SAS_PER_PROJECT is the number of service accounts/SAs that you want to create for each project

If you have set all of these correctly they you can run ./sa-gen and it will cycle through creation of your projects and service accounts. The json files will be in the directory you specified, along with a file called members.csv which you can bulk upload to your group.

** See for further information. Note that sa-guide may not be completely updated, but should provide some help.**

NOTES: Forked from DashLt at and Forked from mc2squared at Borrowed some great ideas from JD at


Create up to 100 service accounts for a google project using gcloud SDK

forked from DashLt at and

forked from mc2squared at

requires gcloud command line tools

install with curl | bash or go to to read more and install in non-linux OSes.

max 100 service accounts per project

max 12 projects for a normal gmail account. max 50 projects for a paid gsuite account. You can request more project from Google if necessary.

run gcloud init --console-only first and select a project for your first batch of 100. For subsequent batches of 100 you run gcloud init again, pick 1, [1] Re-initialize this configuration then choose the account where your projects/SAs reside. Then choose the next project.

Before running the script: Create a folder for your keys

Set your key directory, default is KEYS_DIR=/opt/sa. There is no need to change your KEYS_DIR as you run more batches and projects, as long as you increment the key numbers appropriately to not overwrite existing keys.

If you want to create more than 100 jsons then increment COUNT for each batch. For the first batch set COUNT=1 and sagen{1..100} in the script. ( Note that sagen is simply a text prefix for the name that the SA email will be given. You may choose whatever prefix you like.)

For more batches edit and change COUNT=101 and sagen{101..200} in the script. Third batch COUNT=201 sagen{201..300} and so on...


In the first pass use the following:

# If you want to create more than 100 jsons then increment COUNT for each batch.
# For the first batch COUNT=1. Second batch COUNT=101. Third batch COUNT=201 ...
for name in sagen{1..101}; do

Then in the second pass do the following

# If you want to create more than 100 jsons then increment COUNT for each batch.
# For the first batch COUNT=1. Second batch COUNT=101. Third batch COUNT=201 ...
for name in sagen{101..201}; do

Then for the third pass do the following:

# If you want to create more than 100 jsons then increment COUNT for each batch.
# For the first batch COUNT=1. Second batch COUNT=101. Third batch COUNT=201 ...
for name in sagen{201..301}; do