
411 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

fix(drafts): Various improvements and fixes to drafts, draft state management Summary: This diff contains a few major changes: 1. Scribe is no longer used for the text editor. It's just a plain contenteditable region. The toolbar items (bold, italic, underline) still work. Scribe was causing React inconcistency issues in the following scenario: - View thread with draft, edit draft - Move to another thread - Move back to thread with draft - Move to another thread. Notice that one or more messages from thread with draft are still there. There may be a way to fix this, but I tried for hours and there are Github Issues open on it's repository asking for React compatibility, so it may be fixed soon. For now contenteditable is working great. 2. Action.saveDraft() is no longer debounced in the DraftStore. Instead, firing that action causes the save to happen immediately, and the DraftStoreProxy has a new "DraftChangeSet" class which is responsbile for batching saves as the user interacts with the ComposerView. There are a couple big wins here: - In the future, we may want to be able to call Action.saveDraft() in other situations and it should behave like a normal action. We may also want to expose the DraftStoreProxy as an easy way of backing interactive draft UI. - Previously, when you added a contact to To/CC/BCC, this happened: <input> -> Action.saveDraft -> (delay!!) -> Database -> DraftStore -> DraftStoreProxy -> View Updates Increasing the delay to something reasonable like 200msec meant there was 200msec of lag before you saw the new view state. To fix this, I created a new class called DraftChangeSet which is responsible for accumulating changes as they're made and firing Action.saveDraft. "Adding" a change to the change set also causes the Draft provided by the DraftStoreProxy to change immediately (the changes are a temporary layer on top of the database object). This means no delay while changes are being applied. There's a better explanation in the source! This diff includes a few minor fixes as well: 1. Draft.state is gone—use Message.object = draft instead 2. String model attributes should never be null 3. Pre-send checks that can cancel draft send 4. Put the entire curl history and task queue into feedback reports 5. Cache localIds for extra speed 6. Move us up to latest React Test Plan: No new tests - once we lock down this new design I'll write tests for the DraftChangeSet Reviewers: evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-02-04 08:24:31 +08:00
path = require 'path'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
EmitterMixin = require('emissary').Emitter
{Emitter, Disposable} = require 'event-kit'
{File} = require 'pathwatcher'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
Q = require 'q'
Grim = require 'grim'
Package = require './package'
# Extended: Handles loading and activating available themes.
# An instance of this class is always available as the `atom.themes` global.
# Section: Atom
fix(drafts): Various improvements and fixes to drafts, draft state management Summary: This diff contains a few major changes: 1. Scribe is no longer used for the text editor. It's just a plain contenteditable region. The toolbar items (bold, italic, underline) still work. Scribe was causing React inconcistency issues in the following scenario: - View thread with draft, edit draft - Move to another thread - Move back to thread with draft - Move to another thread. Notice that one or more messages from thread with draft are still there. There may be a way to fix this, but I tried for hours and there are Github Issues open on it's repository asking for React compatibility, so it may be fixed soon. For now contenteditable is working great. 2. Action.saveDraft() is no longer debounced in the DraftStore. Instead, firing that action causes the save to happen immediately, and the DraftStoreProxy has a new "DraftChangeSet" class which is responsbile for batching saves as the user interacts with the ComposerView. There are a couple big wins here: - In the future, we may want to be able to call Action.saveDraft() in other situations and it should behave like a normal action. We may also want to expose the DraftStoreProxy as an easy way of backing interactive draft UI. - Previously, when you added a contact to To/CC/BCC, this happened: <input> -> Action.saveDraft -> (delay!!) -> Database -> DraftStore -> DraftStoreProxy -> View Updates Increasing the delay to something reasonable like 200msec meant there was 200msec of lag before you saw the new view state. To fix this, I created a new class called DraftChangeSet which is responsible for accumulating changes as they're made and firing Action.saveDraft. "Adding" a change to the change set also causes the Draft provided by the DraftStoreProxy to change immediately (the changes are a temporary layer on top of the database object). This means no delay while changes are being applied. There's a better explanation in the source! This diff includes a few minor fixes as well: 1. Draft.state is gone—use Message.object = draft instead 2. String model attributes should never be null 3. Pre-send checks that can cancel draft send 4. Put the entire curl history and task queue into feedback reports 5. Cache localIds for extra speed 6. Move us up to latest React Test Plan: No new tests - once we lock down this new design I'll write tests for the DraftChangeSet Reviewers: evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-02-04 08:24:31 +08:00
module.exports =
class ThemeManager
constructor: ({@packageManager, @resourcePath, @configDirPath, @safeMode}) ->
@emitter = new Emitter
@styleSheetDisposablesBySourcePath = {}
@lessCache = null
@initialLoadComplete = false
@packageManager.registerPackageActivator(this, ['theme'])
@sheetsByStyleElement = new WeakMap
stylesElement = document.head.querySelector('atom-styles')
stylesElement.onDidAddStyleElement @styleElementAdded.bind(this)
stylesElement.onDidRemoveStyleElement @styleElementRemoved.bind(this)
stylesElement.onDidUpdateStyleElement @styleElementUpdated.bind(this)
if atom.inDevMode() and not atom.inSpecMode()
console.log('In Dev Mode - Watching /static for LESS changes')
watchStylesIn = (folder) =>
stylePaths = fs.listTreeSync(folder)
PathWatcher = require 'pathwatcher'
for stylePath in stylePaths
continue unless path.extname(stylePath) is '.less' stylePath, =>
fix(drafts): Various improvements and fixes to drafts, draft state management Summary: This diff contains a few major changes: 1. Scribe is no longer used for the text editor. It's just a plain contenteditable region. The toolbar items (bold, italic, underline) still work. Scribe was causing React inconcistency issues in the following scenario: - View thread with draft, edit draft - Move to another thread - Move back to thread with draft - Move to another thread. Notice that one or more messages from thread with draft are still there. There may be a way to fix this, but I tried for hours and there are Github Issues open on it's repository asking for React compatibility, so it may be fixed soon. For now contenteditable is working great. 2. Action.saveDraft() is no longer debounced in the DraftStore. Instead, firing that action causes the save to happen immediately, and the DraftStoreProxy has a new "DraftChangeSet" class which is responsbile for batching saves as the user interacts with the ComposerView. There are a couple big wins here: - In the future, we may want to be able to call Action.saveDraft() in other situations and it should behave like a normal action. We may also want to expose the DraftStoreProxy as an easy way of backing interactive draft UI. - Previously, when you added a contact to To/CC/BCC, this happened: <input> -> Action.saveDraft -> (delay!!) -> Database -> DraftStore -> DraftStoreProxy -> View Updates Increasing the delay to something reasonable like 200msec meant there was 200msec of lag before you saw the new view state. To fix this, I created a new class called DraftChangeSet which is responsible for accumulating changes as they're made and firing Action.saveDraft. "Adding" a change to the change set also causes the Draft provided by the DraftStoreProxy to change immediately (the changes are a temporary layer on top of the database object). This means no delay while changes are being applied. There's a better explanation in the source! This diff includes a few minor fixes as well: 1. Draft.state is gone—use Message.object = draft instead 2. String model attributes should never be null 3. Pre-send checks that can cancel draft send 4. Put the entire curl history and task queue into feedback reports 5. Cache localIds for extra speed 6. Move us up to latest React Test Plan: No new tests - once we lock down this new design I'll write tests for the DraftChangeSet Reviewers: evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-02-04 08:24:31 +08:00
styleElementAdded: (styleElement) ->
{sheet} = styleElement
@sheetsByStyleElement.set(styleElement, sheet)
@emit 'stylesheet-added', sheet
@emitter.emit 'did-add-stylesheet', sheet
@emit 'stylesheets-changed'
@emitter.emit 'did-change-stylesheets'
styleElementRemoved: (styleElement) ->
sheet = @sheetsByStyleElement.get(styleElement)
@emit 'stylesheet-removed', sheet
@emitter.emit 'did-remove-stylesheet', sheet
@emit 'stylesheets-changed'
@emitter.emit 'did-change-stylesheets'
styleElementUpdated: ({sheet}) ->
@emit 'stylesheet-removed', sheet
@emitter.emit 'did-remove-stylesheet', sheet
@emit 'stylesheet-added', sheet
@emitter.emit 'did-add-stylesheet', sheet
@emit 'stylesheets-changed'
@emitter.emit 'did-change-stylesheets'
Section: Event Subscription
# Essential: Invoke `callback` when style sheet changes associated with
# updating the list of active themes have completed.
# * `callback` {Function}
onDidChangeActiveThemes: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-change-active-themes', callback
@emitter.on 'did-reload-all', callback # TODO: Remove once deprecated pre-1.0 APIs are gone
onDidReloadAll: (callback) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use `::onDidChangeActiveThemes` instead.")
# Deprecated: Invoke `callback` when a stylesheet has been added to the dom.
# * `callback` {Function}
# * `stylesheet` {StyleSheet} the style node
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidAddStylesheet: (callback) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use atom.styles.onDidAddStyleElement instead")
@emitter.on 'did-add-stylesheet', callback
# Deprecated: Invoke `callback` when a stylesheet has been removed from the dom.
# * `callback` {Function}
# * `stylesheet` {StyleSheet} the style node
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidRemoveStylesheet: (callback) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use atom.styles.onDidRemoveStyleElement instead")
@emitter.on 'did-remove-stylesheet', callback
# Deprecated: Invoke `callback` when a stylesheet has been updated.
# * `callback` {Function}
# * `stylesheet` {StyleSheet} the style node
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidUpdateStylesheet: (callback) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use atom.styles.onDidUpdateStyleElement instead")
@emitter.on 'did-update-stylesheet', callback
# Deprecated: Invoke `callback` when any stylesheet has been updated, added, or removed.
# * `callback` {Function}
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChangeStylesheets: (callback) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use atom.styles.onDidAdd/RemoveStyleElement instead")
@emitter.on 'did-change-stylesheets', callback
on: (eventName) ->
switch eventName
when 'reloaded'
Grim.deprecate 'Use ThemeManager::onDidChangeActiveThemes instead'
when 'stylesheet-added'
Grim.deprecate 'Use ThemeManager::onDidAddStylesheet instead'
when 'stylesheet-removed'
Grim.deprecate 'Use ThemeManager::onDidRemoveStylesheet instead'
when 'stylesheet-updated'
Grim.deprecate 'Use ThemeManager::onDidUpdateStylesheet instead'
when 'stylesheets-changed'
Grim.deprecate 'Use ThemeManager::onDidChangeStylesheets instead'
Grim.deprecate 'ThemeManager::on is deprecated. Use event subscription methods instead.'
EmitterMixin::on.apply(this, arguments)
Section: Accessing Available Themes
getAvailableNames: ->
# TODO: Maybe should change to list all the available themes out there?
Section: Accessing Loaded Themes
# Public: Get an array of all the loaded theme names.
getLoadedThemeNames: -> for theme in @getLoadedThemes()
getLoadedNames: ->
Grim.deprecate("Use `::getLoadedThemeNames` instead.")
# Public: Get an array of all the loaded themes.
getLoadedThemes: ->
pack for pack in @packageManager.getLoadedPackages() when pack.isTheme()
Section: Accessing Active Themes
# Public: Get an array of all the active theme names.
getActiveThemeNames: -> for theme in @getActiveThemes()
getActiveNames: ->
Grim.deprecate("Use `::getActiveThemeNames` instead.")
# Public: Get an array of all the active themes.
getActiveThemes: ->
pack for pack in @packageManager.getActivePackages() when pack.isTheme()
activatePackages: -> @activateThemes()
Section: Managing Enabled Themes
# Public: Get the enabled theme names from the config.
# Returns an array of theme names in the order that they should be activated.
getEnabledThemeNames: ->
themeNames = atom.config.get('core.themes') ? []
themeNames = [themeNames] unless _.isArray(themeNames)
themeNames = themeNames.filter (themeName) ->
if themeName and typeof themeName is 'string'
return true if atom.packages.resolvePackagePath(themeName)
console.warn("Enabled theme '#{themeName}' is not installed.")
# Use a built-in syntax and UI theme any time the configured themes are not
# available.
if themeNames.length is 0
builtInThemeNames = [
fix(drafts): Various improvements and fixes to drafts, draft state management Summary: This diff contains a few major changes: 1. Scribe is no longer used for the text editor. It's just a plain contenteditable region. The toolbar items (bold, italic, underline) still work. Scribe was causing React inconcistency issues in the following scenario: - View thread with draft, edit draft - Move to another thread - Move back to thread with draft - Move to another thread. Notice that one or more messages from thread with draft are still there. There may be a way to fix this, but I tried for hours and there are Github Issues open on it's repository asking for React compatibility, so it may be fixed soon. For now contenteditable is working great. 2. Action.saveDraft() is no longer debounced in the DraftStore. Instead, firing that action causes the save to happen immediately, and the DraftStoreProxy has a new "DraftChangeSet" class which is responsbile for batching saves as the user interacts with the ComposerView. There are a couple big wins here: - In the future, we may want to be able to call Action.saveDraft() in other situations and it should behave like a normal action. We may also want to expose the DraftStoreProxy as an easy way of backing interactive draft UI. - Previously, when you added a contact to To/CC/BCC, this happened: <input> -> Action.saveDraft -> (delay!!) -> Database -> DraftStore -> DraftStoreProxy -> View Updates Increasing the delay to something reasonable like 200msec meant there was 200msec of lag before you saw the new view state. To fix this, I created a new class called DraftChangeSet which is responsible for accumulating changes as they're made and firing Action.saveDraft. "Adding" a change to the change set also causes the Draft provided by the DraftStoreProxy to change immediately (the changes are a temporary layer on top of the database object). This means no delay while changes are being applied. There's a better explanation in the source! This diff includes a few minor fixes as well: 1. Draft.state is gone—use Message.object = draft instead 2. String model attributes should never be null 3. Pre-send checks that can cancel draft send 4. Put the entire curl history and task queue into feedback reports 5. Cache localIds for extra speed 6. Move us up to latest React Test Plan: No new tests - once we lock down this new design I'll write tests for the DraftChangeSet Reviewers: evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-02-04 08:24:31 +08:00
themeNames = _.intersection(themeNames, builtInThemeNames)
if themeNames.length is 0
themeNames = ['light-ui']
fix(drafts): Various improvements and fixes to drafts, draft state management Summary: This diff contains a few major changes: 1. Scribe is no longer used for the text editor. It's just a plain contenteditable region. The toolbar items (bold, italic, underline) still work. Scribe was causing React inconcistency issues in the following scenario: - View thread with draft, edit draft - Move to another thread - Move back to thread with draft - Move to another thread. Notice that one or more messages from thread with draft are still there. There may be a way to fix this, but I tried for hours and there are Github Issues open on it's repository asking for React compatibility, so it may be fixed soon. For now contenteditable is working great. 2. Action.saveDraft() is no longer debounced in the DraftStore. Instead, firing that action causes the save to happen immediately, and the DraftStoreProxy has a new "DraftChangeSet" class which is responsbile for batching saves as the user interacts with the ComposerView. There are a couple big wins here: - In the future, we may want to be able to call Action.saveDraft() in other situations and it should behave like a normal action. We may also want to expose the DraftStoreProxy as an easy way of backing interactive draft UI. - Previously, when you added a contact to To/CC/BCC, this happened: <input> -> Action.saveDraft -> (delay!!) -> Database -> DraftStore -> DraftStoreProxy -> View Updates Increasing the delay to something reasonable like 200msec meant there was 200msec of lag before you saw the new view state. To fix this, I created a new class called DraftChangeSet which is responsible for accumulating changes as they're made and firing Action.saveDraft. "Adding" a change to the change set also causes the Draft provided by the DraftStoreProxy to change immediately (the changes are a temporary layer on top of the database object). This means no delay while changes are being applied. There's a better explanation in the source! This diff includes a few minor fixes as well: 1. Draft.state is gone—use Message.object = draft instead 2. String model attributes should never be null 3. Pre-send checks that can cancel draft send 4. Put the entire curl history and task queue into feedback reports 5. Cache localIds for extra speed 6. Move us up to latest React Test Plan: No new tests - once we lock down this new design I'll write tests for the DraftChangeSet Reviewers: evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-02-04 08:24:31 +08:00
# Reverse so the first (top) theme is loaded after the others. We want
# the first/top theme to override later themes in the stack.
# Set the list of enabled themes.
# * `enabledThemeNames` An {Array} of {String} theme names.
setEnabledThemes: (enabledThemeNames) ->
Grim.deprecate("Use `atom.config.set('core.themes', arrayOfThemeNames)` instead")
atom.config.set('core.themes', enabledThemeNames)
Section: Private
# Returns the {String} path to the user's stylesheet under ~/.atom
getUserStylesheetPath: ->
Grim.deprecate("Call atom.styles.getUserStyleSheetPath() instead")
# Resolve and apply the stylesheet specified by the path.
# This supports both CSS and Less stylsheets.
# * `stylesheetPath` A {String} path to the stylesheet that can be an absolute
# path or a relative path that will be resolved against the load path.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to remove the
# required stylesheet.
requireStylesheet: (stylesheetPath) ->
if fullPath = @resolveStylesheet(stylesheetPath)
content = @loadStylesheet(fullPath)
@applyStylesheet(fullPath, content)
throw new Error("Could not find a file at path '#{stylesheetPath}'")
unwatchUserStylesheet: ->
@userStylsheetSubscriptions = null
fix(drafts): Various improvements and fixes to drafts, draft state management Summary: This diff contains a few major changes: 1. Scribe is no longer used for the text editor. It's just a plain contenteditable region. The toolbar items (bold, italic, underline) still work. Scribe was causing React inconcistency issues in the following scenario: - View thread with draft, edit draft - Move to another thread - Move back to thread with draft - Move to another thread. Notice that one or more messages from thread with draft are still there. There may be a way to fix this, but I tried for hours and there are Github Issues open on it's repository asking for React compatibility, so it may be fixed soon. For now contenteditable is working great. 2. Action.saveDraft() is no longer debounced in the DraftStore. Instead, firing that action causes the save to happen immediately, and the DraftStoreProxy has a new "DraftChangeSet" class which is responsbile for batching saves as the user interacts with the ComposerView. There are a couple big wins here: - In the future, we may want to be able to call Action.saveDraft() in other situations and it should behave like a normal action. We may also want to expose the DraftStoreProxy as an easy way of backing interactive draft UI. - Previously, when you added a contact to To/CC/BCC, this happened: <input> -> Action.saveDraft -> (delay!!) -> Database -> DraftStore -> DraftStoreProxy -> View Updates Increasing the delay to something reasonable like 200msec meant there was 200msec of lag before you saw the new view state. To fix this, I created a new class called DraftChangeSet which is responsible for accumulating changes as they're made and firing Action.saveDraft. "Adding" a change to the change set also causes the Draft provided by the DraftStoreProxy to change immediately (the changes are a temporary layer on top of the database object). This means no delay while changes are being applied. There's a better explanation in the source! This diff includes a few minor fixes as well: 1. Draft.state is gone—use Message.object = draft instead 2. String model attributes should never be null 3. Pre-send checks that can cancel draft send 4. Put the entire curl history and task queue into feedback reports 5. Cache localIds for extra speed 6. Move us up to latest React Test Plan: No new tests - once we lock down this new design I'll write tests for the DraftChangeSet Reviewers: evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-02-04 08:24:31 +08:00
@userStylesheetFile = null
@userStyleSheetDisposable = null
loadUserStylesheet: ->
userStylesheetPath = atom.styles.getUserStyleSheetPath()
return unless fs.isFileSync(userStylesheetPath)
@userStylesheetFile = new File(userStylesheetPath)
@userStylsheetSubscriptions = new CompositeDisposable()
reloadStylesheet = => @loadUserStylesheet()
fix(drafts): Various improvements and fixes to drafts, draft state management Summary: This diff contains a few major changes: 1. Scribe is no longer used for the text editor. It's just a plain contenteditable region. The toolbar items (bold, italic, underline) still work. Scribe was causing React inconcistency issues in the following scenario: - View thread with draft, edit draft - Move to another thread - Move back to thread with draft - Move to another thread. Notice that one or more messages from thread with draft are still there. There may be a way to fix this, but I tried for hours and there are Github Issues open on it's repository asking for React compatibility, so it may be fixed soon. For now contenteditable is working great. 2. Action.saveDraft() is no longer debounced in the DraftStore. Instead, firing that action causes the save to happen immediately, and the DraftStoreProxy has a new "DraftChangeSet" class which is responsbile for batching saves as the user interacts with the ComposerView. There are a couple big wins here: - In the future, we may want to be able to call Action.saveDraft() in other situations and it should behave like a normal action. We may also want to expose the DraftStoreProxy as an easy way of backing interactive draft UI. - Previously, when you added a contact to To/CC/BCC, this happened: <input> -> Action.saveDraft -> (delay!!) -> Database -> DraftStore -> DraftStoreProxy -> View Updates Increasing the delay to something reasonable like 200msec meant there was 200msec of lag before you saw the new view state. To fix this, I created a new class called DraftChangeSet which is responsible for accumulating changes as they're made and firing Action.saveDraft. "Adding" a change to the change set also causes the Draft provided by the DraftStoreProxy to change immediately (the changes are a temporary layer on top of the database object). This means no delay while changes are being applied. There's a better explanation in the source! This diff includes a few minor fixes as well: 1. Draft.state is gone—use Message.object = draft instead 2. String model attributes should never be null 3. Pre-send checks that can cancel draft send 4. Put the entire curl history and task queue into feedback reports 5. Cache localIds for extra speed 6. Move us up to latest React Test Plan: No new tests - once we lock down this new design I'll write tests for the DraftChangeSet Reviewers: evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-02-04 08:24:31 +08:00
catch error
message = """
Unable to watch path: `#{path.basename(userStylesheetPath)}`. Make sure
you have permissions to `#{userStylesheetPath}`.
On linux there are currently problems with watch sizes. See
[this document][watches] for more info.
atom.notifications.addError(message, dismissable: true)
userStylesheetContents = @loadStylesheet(userStylesheetPath, true)
@userStyleSheetDisposable = atom.styles.addStyleSheet(userStylesheetContents, sourcePath: userStylesheetPath, priority: 2)
loadBaseStylesheets: ->
reloadBaseStylesheets: ->
fix(drafts): Various improvements and fixes to drafts, draft state management Summary: This diff contains a few major changes: 1. Scribe is no longer used for the text editor. It's just a plain contenteditable region. The toolbar items (bold, italic, underline) still work. Scribe was causing React inconcistency issues in the following scenario: - View thread with draft, edit draft - Move to another thread - Move back to thread with draft - Move to another thread. Notice that one or more messages from thread with draft are still there. There may be a way to fix this, but I tried for hours and there are Github Issues open on it's repository asking for React compatibility, so it may be fixed soon. For now contenteditable is working great. 2. Action.saveDraft() is no longer debounced in the DraftStore. Instead, firing that action causes the save to happen immediately, and the DraftStoreProxy has a new "DraftChangeSet" class which is responsbile for batching saves as the user interacts with the ComposerView. There are a couple big wins here: - In the future, we may want to be able to call Action.saveDraft() in other situations and it should behave like a normal action. We may also want to expose the DraftStoreProxy as an easy way of backing interactive draft UI. - Previously, when you added a contact to To/CC/BCC, this happened: <input> -> Action.saveDraft -> (delay!!) -> Database -> DraftStore -> DraftStoreProxy -> View Updates Increasing the delay to something reasonable like 200msec meant there was 200msec of lag before you saw the new view state. To fix this, I created a new class called DraftChangeSet which is responsible for accumulating changes as they're made and firing Action.saveDraft. "Adding" a change to the change set also causes the Draft provided by the DraftStoreProxy to change immediately (the changes are a temporary layer on top of the database object). This means no delay while changes are being applied. There's a better explanation in the source! This diff includes a few minor fixes as well: 1. Draft.state is gone—use Message.object = draft instead 2. String model attributes should never be null 3. Pre-send checks that can cancel draft send 4. Put the entire curl history and task queue into feedback reports 5. Cache localIds for extra speed 6. Move us up to latest React Test Plan: No new tests - once we lock down this new design I'll write tests for the DraftChangeSet Reviewers: evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-02-04 08:24:31 +08:00
if nativeStylesheetPath = fs.resolveOnLoadPath(process.platform, ['css', 'less'])
stylesheetElementForId: (id) ->
document.head.querySelector("atom-styles style[source-path=\"#{id}\"]")
resolveStylesheet: (stylesheetPath) ->
if path.extname(stylesheetPath).length > 0
fs.resolveOnLoadPath(stylesheetPath, ['css', 'less'])
loadStylesheet: (stylesheetPath, importFallbackVariables) ->
if path.extname(stylesheetPath) is '.less'
@loadLessStylesheet(stylesheetPath, importFallbackVariables)
fs.readFileSync(stylesheetPath, 'utf8')
loadLessStylesheet: (lessStylesheetPath, importFallbackVariables=false) ->
unless @lessCache?
LessCompileCache = require './less-compile-cache'
@lessCache = new LessCompileCache({@resourcePath, importPaths: @getImportPaths()})
if importFallbackVariables
baseVarImports = """
@import "variables/ui-variables";
less = fs.readFileSync(lessStylesheetPath, 'utf8')
@lessCache.cssForFile(lessStylesheetPath, [baseVarImports, less].join('\n'))
catch error
if error.line?
message = "Error compiling Less stylesheet: `#{lessStylesheetPath}`"
detail = """
Line number: #{error.line}
message = "Error loading Less stylesheet: `#{lessStylesheetPath}`"
detail = error.message
atom.notifications.addError(message, {detail, dismissable: true})
throw error
removeStylesheet: (stylesheetPath) ->
applyStylesheet: (path, text) ->
@styleSheetDisposablesBySourcePath[path] = atom.styles.addStyleSheet(text, sourcePath: path)
stringToId: (string) ->
string.replace(/\\/g, '/')
activateThemes: ->
deferred = Q.defer()
# atom.config.observe runs the callback once, then on subsequent changes.
atom.config.observe 'core.themes', =>
@refreshLessCache() # Update cache for packages in core.themes config
promises = []
for themeName in @getEnabledThemeNames()
if @packageManager.resolvePackagePath(themeName)
console.warn("Failed to activate theme '#{themeName}' because it isn't installed.")
Q.all(promises).then =>
@refreshLessCache() # Update cache again now that @getActiveThemes() is populated
@initialLoadComplete = true
@emit 'reloaded'
@emitter.emit 'did-change-active-themes'
deactivateThemes: ->
@packageManager.deactivatePackage( for pack in @getActiveThemes()
isInitialLoadComplete: -> @initialLoadComplete
addActiveThemeClasses: ->
workspaceElement = document.getElementsByTagName('atom-workspace')[0]
return unless workspaceElement
fix(drafts): Various improvements and fixes to drafts, draft state management Summary: This diff contains a few major changes: 1. Scribe is no longer used for the text editor. It's just a plain contenteditable region. The toolbar items (bold, italic, underline) still work. Scribe was causing React inconcistency issues in the following scenario: - View thread with draft, edit draft - Move to another thread - Move back to thread with draft - Move to another thread. Notice that one or more messages from thread with draft are still there. There may be a way to fix this, but I tried for hours and there are Github Issues open on it's repository asking for React compatibility, so it may be fixed soon. For now contenteditable is working great. 2. Action.saveDraft() is no longer debounced in the DraftStore. Instead, firing that action causes the save to happen immediately, and the DraftStoreProxy has a new "DraftChangeSet" class which is responsbile for batching saves as the user interacts with the ComposerView. There are a couple big wins here: - In the future, we may want to be able to call Action.saveDraft() in other situations and it should behave like a normal action. We may also want to expose the DraftStoreProxy as an easy way of backing interactive draft UI. - Previously, when you added a contact to To/CC/BCC, this happened: <input> -> Action.saveDraft -> (delay!!) -> Database -> DraftStore -> DraftStoreProxy -> View Updates Increasing the delay to something reasonable like 200msec meant there was 200msec of lag before you saw the new view state. To fix this, I created a new class called DraftChangeSet which is responsible for accumulating changes as they're made and firing Action.saveDraft. "Adding" a change to the change set also causes the Draft provided by the DraftStoreProxy to change immediately (the changes are a temporary layer on top of the database object). This means no delay while changes are being applied. There's a better explanation in the source! This diff includes a few minor fixes as well: 1. Draft.state is gone—use Message.object = draft instead 2. String model attributes should never be null 3. Pre-send checks that can cancel draft send 4. Put the entire curl history and task queue into feedback reports 5. Cache localIds for extra speed 6. Move us up to latest React Test Plan: No new tests - once we lock down this new design I'll write tests for the DraftChangeSet Reviewers: evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-02-04 08:24:31 +08:00
for pack in @getActiveThemes()
removeActiveThemeClasses: ->
workspaceElement = document.getElementsByTagName('atom-workspace')[0]
return unless workspaceElement
fix(drafts): Various improvements and fixes to drafts, draft state management Summary: This diff contains a few major changes: 1. Scribe is no longer used for the text editor. It's just a plain contenteditable region. The toolbar items (bold, italic, underline) still work. Scribe was causing React inconcistency issues in the following scenario: - View thread with draft, edit draft - Move to another thread - Move back to thread with draft - Move to another thread. Notice that one or more messages from thread with draft are still there. There may be a way to fix this, but I tried for hours and there are Github Issues open on it's repository asking for React compatibility, so it may be fixed soon. For now contenteditable is working great. 2. Action.saveDraft() is no longer debounced in the DraftStore. Instead, firing that action causes the save to happen immediately, and the DraftStoreProxy has a new "DraftChangeSet" class which is responsbile for batching saves as the user interacts with the ComposerView. There are a couple big wins here: - In the future, we may want to be able to call Action.saveDraft() in other situations and it should behave like a normal action. We may also want to expose the DraftStoreProxy as an easy way of backing interactive draft UI. - Previously, when you added a contact to To/CC/BCC, this happened: <input> -> Action.saveDraft -> (delay!!) -> Database -> DraftStore -> DraftStoreProxy -> View Updates Increasing the delay to something reasonable like 200msec meant there was 200msec of lag before you saw the new view state. To fix this, I created a new class called DraftChangeSet which is responsible for accumulating changes as they're made and firing Action.saveDraft. "Adding" a change to the change set also causes the Draft provided by the DraftStoreProxy to change immediately (the changes are a temporary layer on top of the database object). This means no delay while changes are being applied. There's a better explanation in the source! This diff includes a few minor fixes as well: 1. Draft.state is gone—use Message.object = draft instead 2. String model attributes should never be null 3. Pre-send checks that can cancel draft send 4. Put the entire curl history and task queue into feedback reports 5. Cache localIds for extra speed 6. Move us up to latest React Test Plan: No new tests - once we lock down this new design I'll write tests for the DraftChangeSet Reviewers: evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-02-04 08:24:31 +08:00
for pack in @getActiveThemes()
refreshLessCache: ->
getImportPaths: ->
activeThemes = @getActiveThemes()
if activeThemes.length > 0
themePaths = (theme.getStylesheetsPath() for theme in activeThemes when theme)
themePaths = []
for themeName in @getEnabledThemeNames()
if themePath = @packageManager.resolvePackagePath(themeName)
deprecatedPath = path.join(themePath, 'stylesheets')
if fs.isDirectorySync(deprecatedPath)
themePaths.push(path.join(themePath, 'styles'))
themePaths.filter (themePath) -> fs.isDirectorySync(themePath)