mirror of
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227 lines
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_ = require 'underscore-plus'
{deprecate} = require 'grim'
textUtils = require './text-utils'
WhitespaceRegexesByTabLength = {}
EscapeRegex = /[&"'<>]/g
StartDotRegex = /^\.?/
WhitespaceRegex = /\S/
MaxTokenLength = 20000
# Represents a single unit of text as selected by a grammar.
module.exports =
class Token
value: null
hasPairedCharacter: false
scopes: null
isAtomic: null
isHardTab: null
firstNonWhitespaceIndex: null
firstTrailingWhitespaceIndex: null
hasInvisibleCharacters: false
constructor: ({@value, @scopes, @isAtomic, @bufferDelta, @isHardTab, @hasPairedCharacter}) ->
@screenDelta = @value.length
@bufferDelta ?= @screenDelta
@hasPairedCharacter ?= textUtils.hasPairedCharacter(@value)
isEqual: (other) ->
# TODO: scopes is deprecated. This is here for the sake of lang package tests
@value == other.value and _.isEqual(@scopes, other.scopes) and !!@isAtomic == !!other.isAtomic
isBracket: ->
splitAt: (splitIndex) ->
leftToken = new Token(value: @value.substring(0, splitIndex), scopes: @scopes)
rightToken = new Token(value: @value.substring(splitIndex), scopes: @scopes)
if @firstNonWhitespaceIndex?
leftToken.firstNonWhitespaceIndex = Math.min(splitIndex, @firstNonWhitespaceIndex)
leftToken.hasInvisibleCharacters = @hasInvisibleCharacters
if @firstNonWhitespaceIndex > splitIndex
rightToken.firstNonWhitespaceIndex = @firstNonWhitespaceIndex - splitIndex
rightToken.hasInvisibleCharacters = @hasInvisibleCharacters
if @firstTrailingWhitespaceIndex?
rightToken.firstTrailingWhitespaceIndex = Math.max(0, @firstTrailingWhitespaceIndex - splitIndex)
rightToken.hasInvisibleCharacters = @hasInvisibleCharacters
if @firstTrailingWhitespaceIndex < splitIndex
leftToken.firstTrailingWhitespaceIndex = @firstTrailingWhitespaceIndex
leftToken.hasInvisibleCharacters = @hasInvisibleCharacters
[leftToken, rightToken]
whitespaceRegexForTabLength: (tabLength) ->
WhitespaceRegexesByTabLength[tabLength] ?= new RegExp("([ ]{#{tabLength}})|(\t)|([^\t]+)", "g")
breakOutAtomicTokens: (tabLength, breakOutLeadingSoftTabs, startColumn) ->
if @hasPairedCharacter
outputTokens = []
column = startColumn
for token in @breakOutPairedCharacters()
if token.isAtomic
outputTokens.push(token.breakOutAtomicTokens(tabLength, breakOutLeadingSoftTabs, column)...)
breakOutLeadingSoftTabs = token.isOnlyWhitespace() if breakOutLeadingSoftTabs
column += token.value.length
return [this] if @isAtomic
if breakOutLeadingSoftTabs
return [this] unless /^[ ]|\t/.test(@value)
return [this] unless /\t/.test(@value)
outputTokens = []
regex = @whitespaceRegexForTabLength(tabLength)
column = startColumn
while match = regex.exec(@value)
[fullMatch, softTab, hardTab] = match
token = null
if softTab and breakOutLeadingSoftTabs
token = @buildSoftTabToken(tabLength)
else if hardTab
breakOutLeadingSoftTabs = false
token = @buildHardTabToken(tabLength, column)
breakOutLeadingSoftTabs = false
value = match[0]
token = new Token({value, @scopes})
column += token.value.length
breakOutPairedCharacters: ->
outputTokens = []
index = 0
nonPairStart = 0
while index < @value.length
if textUtils.isPairedCharacter(@value, index)
if nonPairStart isnt index
outputTokens.push(new Token({value: @value[nonPairStart...index], @scopes}))
outputTokens.push(@buildPairedCharacterToken(@value, index))
index += 2
nonPairStart = index
if nonPairStart isnt index
outputTokens.push(new Token({value: @value[nonPairStart...index], @scopes}))
buildPairedCharacterToken: (value, index) ->
new Token(
value: value[index..index + 1]
scopes: @scopes
isAtomic: true
hasPairedCharacter: true
buildHardTabToken: (tabLength, column) ->
@buildTabToken(tabLength, true, column)
buildSoftTabToken: (tabLength) ->
@buildTabToken(tabLength, false, 0)
buildTabToken: (tabLength, isHardTab, column=0) ->
tabStop = tabLength - (column % tabLength)
new Token(
value: _.multiplyString(" ", tabStop)
scopes: @scopes
bufferDelta: if isHardTab then 1 else tabStop
isAtomic: true
isHardTab: isHardTab
isOnlyWhitespace: ->
not WhitespaceRegex.test(@value)
matchesScopeSelector: (selector) ->
targetClasses = selector.replace(StartDotRegex, '').split('.')
_.any @scopes, (scope) ->
scopeClasses = scope.split('.')
_.isSubset(targetClasses, scopeClasses)
getValueAsHtml: ({hasIndentGuide}) ->
if @isHardTab
classes = 'hard-tab'
classes += ' leading-whitespace' if @hasLeadingWhitespace()
classes += ' trailing-whitespace' if @hasTrailingWhitespace()
classes += ' indent-guide' if hasIndentGuide
classes += ' invisible-character' if @hasInvisibleCharacters
html = "<span class='#{classes}'>#{@escapeString(@value)}</span>"
startIndex = 0
endIndex = @value.length
leadingHtml = ''
trailingHtml = ''
if @hasLeadingWhitespace()
leadingWhitespace = @value.substring(0, @firstNonWhitespaceIndex)
classes = 'leading-whitespace'
classes += ' indent-guide' if hasIndentGuide
classes += ' invisible-character' if @hasInvisibleCharacters
leadingHtml = "<span class='#{classes}'>#{leadingWhitespace}</span>"
startIndex = @firstNonWhitespaceIndex
if @hasTrailingWhitespace()
tokenIsOnlyWhitespace = @firstTrailingWhitespaceIndex is 0
trailingWhitespace = @value.substring(@firstTrailingWhitespaceIndex)
classes = 'trailing-whitespace'
classes += ' indent-guide' if hasIndentGuide and not @hasLeadingWhitespace() and tokenIsOnlyWhitespace
classes += ' invisible-character' if @hasInvisibleCharacters
trailingHtml = "<span class='#{classes}'>#{trailingWhitespace}</span>"
endIndex = @firstTrailingWhitespaceIndex
html = leadingHtml
if @value.length > MaxTokenLength
while startIndex < endIndex
html += "<span>" + @escapeString(@value, startIndex, startIndex + MaxTokenLength) + "</span>"
startIndex += MaxTokenLength
html += @escapeString(@value, startIndex, endIndex)
html += trailingHtml
escapeString: (str, startIndex, endIndex) ->
strLength = str.length
startIndex ?= 0
endIndex ?= strLength
str = str.slice(startIndex, endIndex) if startIndex > 0 or endIndex < strLength
str.replace(EscapeRegex, @escapeStringReplace)
escapeStringReplace: (match) ->
switch match
when '&' then '&'
when '"' then '"'
when "'" then '''
when '<' then '<'
when '>' then '>'
else match
hasLeadingWhitespace: ->
@firstNonWhitespaceIndex? and @firstNonWhitespaceIndex > 0
hasTrailingWhitespace: ->
@firstTrailingWhitespaceIndex? and @firstTrailingWhitespaceIndex < @value.length