1. On Linux, you may need to install Python 3's pip via `sudo apt-get install python3-pip` and then run `pip3 install --user awsebcli`. This installs to your home directory and you need to have `~/.local/bin` in your $PATH.
2. Install [AWS CLI](https://aws.amazon.com/cli/): `brew install awscli` on Mac and `pip install --user awscli` on Linux.
1. Add your AWS IAM Security Credentials to `aws configure`.
1. These are at Console Home -> IAM -> Users -> {{Your Name}} -> Security
Credentials. Note that your private key was only shown unpon creation. If
you've lost your private key you have to deactivate your old key and
create a new one.
3. Get the K2 team private SSH key. (Ignore this when we have a Bastion Host). Ask someone on K2 for a copy of the private SSH key. Copy it to your ~/.ssh folder.
1.`chmod 400 ~/.ssh/k2-keypair.pem`
1.`ssh i ~/.ssh/k2-keypair.pem some-ec2-box-we-own.amazonaws.com`