2016-02-20 04:30:24 +08:00
import uuid from 'node-uuid';
2016-02-24 14:55:47 +08:00
import {ComposerExtension, Actions, QuotedHTMLTransformer} from 'nylas-exports';
import {PLUGIN_ID, PLUGIN_URL} from './open-tracking-constants';
2016-02-20 04:30:24 +08:00
class DraftBody {
constructor(draft) {this._body = draft.body}
get unquoted() {return QuotedHTMLTransformer.removeQuotedHTML(this._body);}
set unquoted(text) {this._body = QuotedHTMLTransformer.appendQuotedHTML(text, this._body);}
get body() {return this._body}
export default class OpenTrackingComposerExtension extends ComposerExtension {
static finalizeSessionBeforeSending({session}) {
const draft = session.draft();
// grab message metadata, if any
const metadata = draft.metadataForPluginId(PLUGIN_ID);
if (metadata) {
// generate a UID
const uid = uuid.v4().replace(/-/g, "");
// insert a tracking pixel <img> into the message
2016-02-25 04:17:39 +08:00
const serverUrl = `${PLUGIN_URL}/open/${draft.accountId}/${uid}`;
2016-02-20 04:30:24 +08:00
const img = `<img width="0" height="0" style="border:0; width:0; height:0;" src="${serverUrl}">`;
const draftBody = new DraftBody(draft);
draftBody.unquoted = draftBody.unquoted + "<br>" + img;
// save the draft
session.changes.add({body: draftBody.body});
// save the uid to draft metadata
metadata.uid = uid;
Actions.setMetadata(draft, PLUGIN_ID, metadata);