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proxyquire = require 'proxyquire'
React = require "react"
ReactDOM = require "react-dom"
ReactTestUtils = require 'react-addons-test-utils'
MessageBodyProcessor} = require "nylas-exports"
MessageItemBody = React.createClass({render: -> <div></div>})
feat(unsafe-components): Wrap injected components, catch exceptions, clean up ComponentRegistry Summary: This diff gives the ComponentRegistry a cleaner, smaller API. Instead of querying by name, location or role, it's now just location and role, and you can register components for one or more location and one or more roles without assigning the entries in the registry separate names. When you register with the ComponentRegistry, the syntax is also cleaner and uses the component's displayName instead of requiring you to provide a name. You also provide the actual component when unregistering, ensuring that you can't unregister someone else's component. InjectedComponent and InjectedComponentSet now wrap their children in UnsafeComponent, which prevents render/component lifecycle problems from propogating. Existing components have been updated: 1. maxWidth / minWidth are now containerStyles.maxWidth/minWidth 2. displayName is now required to use the CR. 3. containerRequired = false can be provided to exempt a component from being wrapped in an UnsafeComponent. This is useful because it's slightly faster and keeps DOM flat. This diff also makes the "Show Component Regions" more awesome. It displays column regions, since they now use the InjectedComponentSet, and also shows for InjectedComponent as well as InjectedComponentSet. Change ComponentRegistry syntax, lots more work on safely wrapping items. See description. Fix for inline flexbox scenarios (message actions) Allow ~/.inbox/packages to be symlinked to a github repo Test Plan: Run tests! Reviewers: evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-05-01 07:10:15 +08:00
{InjectedComponent} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
file = new File
id: 'file_1_id'
filename: 'a.png'
contentType: 'image/png'
size: 10
file_not_downloaded = new File
id: 'file_2_id'
filename: 'b.png'
contentType: 'image/png'
size: 10
file_inline = new File
id: 'file_inline_id'
filename: 'c.png'
contentId: 'file_inline_id'
contentType: 'image/png'
size: 10
file_inline_downloading = new File
id: 'file_inline_downloading_id'
filename: 'd.png'
contentId: 'file_inline_downloading_id'
contentType: 'image/png'
size: 10
file_inline_not_downloaded = new File
id: 'file_inline_not_downloaded_id'
filename: 'e.png'
contentId: 'file_inline_not_downloaded_id'
contentType: 'image/png'
size: 10
file_cid_but_not_referenced = new File
id: 'file_cid_but_not_referenced'
filename: 'f.png'
contentId: 'file_cid_but_not_referenced'
contentType: 'image/png'
size: 10
file_cid_but_not_referenced_or_image = new File
id: 'file_cid_but_not_referenced_or_image'
filename: 'ansible notes.txt'
contentId: 'file_cid_but_not_referenced_or_image'
contentType: 'text/plain'
size: 300
file_without_filename = new File
id: 'file_without_filename'
contentType: 'image/png'
size: 10
download =
fileId: 'file_1_id'
download_inline =
fileId: 'file_inline_downloading_id'
user_1 = new Contact
name: "User One"
email: ""
user_2 = new Contact
name: "User Two"
email: ""
user_3 = new Contact
name: "User Three"
email: ""
user_4 = new Contact
name: "User Four"
email: ""
user_5 = new Contact
name: "User Five"
email: ""
MessageItem = proxyquire '../lib/message-item',
'./message-item-body': MessageItemBody
MessageTimestamp = require('../lib/message-timestamp').default
fix(spec): add support for async specs and disable misbehaving ones More spec fixes replace process.nextTick with setTimeout(fn, 0) for specs Also added an unspy in the afterEach Temporarily disable specs fix(spec): start fixing specs Summary: This is the WIP fix to our spec runner. Several tests have been completely commented out that will require substantially more work to fix. These have been added to our sprint backlog. Other tests have been fixed to update to new APIs or to deal with genuine bugs that were introduced without our knowing! The most common non-trivial change relates to observing the `NylasAPI` and `NylasAPIRequest`. We used to observe the arguments to `makeRequest`. Unfortunately `` is argumentless. Instead you can do: `` to get the `options` passed into the object. the `.object` property grabs the context of the spy when it was last called. Fixing these tests uncovered several concerning issues with our test runner. I spent a while tracking down why our participant-text-field-spec was failling every so often. I chose that spec because it was the first spec to likely fail, thereby requiring looking at the least number of preceding files. I tried binary searching, turning on and off, several files beforehand only to realize that the failure rate was not determined by a particular preceding test, but rather the existing and quantity of preceding tests, AND the number of console.log statements I had. There is some processor-dependent race condition going on that needs further investigation. I also discovered an issue with the file-download-spec. We were getting errors about it accessing a file, which was very suspicious given the code stubs out all fs access. This was caused due to a spec that called an async function outside ot a `waitsForPromise` block or a `waitsFor` block. The test completed, the spies were cleaned up, but the downstream async chain was still running. By the time the async chain finished the runner was already working on the next spec and the spies had been restored (causing the real fs access to run). Juan had an idea to kill the specs once one fails to prevent cascading failures. I'll implement this in the next diff update Test Plan: npm test Reviewers: juan, halla, jackie Differential Revision: Disable other specs Disable more broken specs All specs turned off till passing state Use async-safe versions of spec functions Add async test spec Remove unused package code Remove canary spec
2016-12-13 04:12:20 +08:00
xdescribe "MessageItem", ->
beforeEach ->
spyOn(FileDownloadStore, 'pathForFile').andCallFake (f) ->
return '/fake/path.png' if is
return '/fake/path-inline.png' if is
return '/fake/path-downloading.png' if is
return null
spyOn(FileDownloadStore, 'downloadDataForFiles').andCallFake (ids) ->
return {'file_1_id': download, 'file_inline_downloading_id': download_inline}
spyOn(MessageBodyProcessor, '_addToCache').andCallFake ->
@message = new Message
id: "111"
from: [user_1]
to: [user_2]
cc: [user_3, user_4]
bcc: null
body: "Body One"
date: new Date(1415814587)
draft: false
files: []
unread: false
snippet: "snippet one..."
subject: "Subject One"
threadId: "thread_12345"
@thread = new Thread
id: 'thread-111'
@threadParticipants = [user_1, user_2, user_3, user_4]
# Generate the test component. Should be called after @message is configured
# for the test, since MessageItem assumes attributes of the message will not
# change after getInitialState runs.
@createComponent = ({collapsed} = {}) =>
collapsed ?= false
@component = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<MessageItem key={}
collapsed={collapsed} />
# TODO: We currently don't support collapsed messages
# describe "when collapsed", ->
# beforeEach ->
# @createComponent({collapsed: true})
# it "should not render the EmailFrame", ->
# expect( -> ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(@component, EmailFrameStub)).toThrow()
# it "should have the `collapsed` class", ->
# expect(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@component).className.indexOf('collapsed') >= 0).toBe(true)
describe "when displaying detailed headers", ->
beforeEach ->
@createComponent({collapsed: false})
@component.setState detailedHeaders: true
it "correctly sets the participant states", ->
participants = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(@component, "expanded-participants")
expect(participants.length).toBe 2
expect(-> ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@component, "collapsed-participants")).toThrow()
it "correctly sets the timestamp", ->
ts = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(@component, MessageTimestamp)
expect(ts.props.isDetailed).toBe true
describe "when not collapsed", ->
beforeEach ->
@createComponent({collapsed: false})
it "should render the MessageItemBody", ->
frame = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(@component, MessageItemBody)
it "should not have the `collapsed` class", ->
expect(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@component).className.indexOf('collapsed') >= 0).toBe(false)
fix(spec): add support for async specs and disable misbehaving ones More spec fixes replace process.nextTick with setTimeout(fn, 0) for specs Also added an unspy in the afterEach Temporarily disable specs fix(spec): start fixing specs Summary: This is the WIP fix to our spec runner. Several tests have been completely commented out that will require substantially more work to fix. These have been added to our sprint backlog. Other tests have been fixed to update to new APIs or to deal with genuine bugs that were introduced without our knowing! The most common non-trivial change relates to observing the `NylasAPI` and `NylasAPIRequest`. We used to observe the arguments to `makeRequest`. Unfortunately `` is argumentless. Instead you can do: `` to get the `options` passed into the object. the `.object` property grabs the context of the spy when it was last called. Fixing these tests uncovered several concerning issues with our test runner. I spent a while tracking down why our participant-text-field-spec was failling every so often. I chose that spec because it was the first spec to likely fail, thereby requiring looking at the least number of preceding files. I tried binary searching, turning on and off, several files beforehand only to realize that the failure rate was not determined by a particular preceding test, but rather the existing and quantity of preceding tests, AND the number of console.log statements I had. There is some processor-dependent race condition going on that needs further investigation. I also discovered an issue with the file-download-spec. We were getting errors about it accessing a file, which was very suspicious given the code stubs out all fs access. This was caused due to a spec that called an async function outside ot a `waitsForPromise` block or a `waitsFor` block. The test completed, the spies were cleaned up, but the downstream async chain was still running. By the time the async chain finished the runner was already working on the next spec and the spies had been restored (causing the real fs access to run). Juan had an idea to kill the specs once one fails to prevent cascading failures. I'll implement this in the next diff update Test Plan: npm test Reviewers: juan, halla, jackie Differential Revision: Disable other specs Disable more broken specs All specs turned off till passing state Use async-safe versions of spec functions Add async test spec Remove unused package code Remove canary spec
2016-12-13 04:12:20 +08:00
xdescribe "when the message contains attachments", ->
beforeEach ->
@message.files = [
@message.body = """
<img alt=\"A\" src=\"cid:#{file_inline.contentId}\"/>
<img alt=\"B\" src=\"cid:#{file_inline_downloading.contentId}\"/>
<img alt=\"C\" src=\"cid:#{file_inline_not_downloaded.contentId}\"/>
<img src=\"cid:missing-attachment\"/>
it "should include the attachments area", ->
attachments = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@component, 'attachments-area')
it 'injects a MessageAttachments component for any present attachments', ->
els = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps(@component, InjectedComponent, matching: {role: "MessageAttachments"})
expect(els.length).toBe 1
it "should list attachments that are not mentioned in the body via cid", ->
els = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps(@component, InjectedComponent, matching: {role: "MessageAttachments"})
attachments = els[0].props.exposedProps.files
it "should provide the correct file download state for each attachment", ->
els = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps(@component, InjectedComponent, matching: {role: "MessageAttachments"})
{downloads} = els[0].props.exposedProps
it "should still list attachments when the message has no body", ->
@message.body = ""
els = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps(@component, InjectedComponent, matching: {role: "MessageAttachments"})
attachments = els[0].props.exposedProps.files