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_ = require 'underscore'
_str = require 'underscore.string'
{React, Actions, ExtensionRegistry} = require 'nylas-exports'
{Menu, RetinaImg, ButtonDropdown} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
class SendActionButton extends React.Component
@displayName: "SendActionButton"
draft: React.PropTypes.object
style: React.PropTypes.object
isValidDraft: React.PropTypes.func
style: {}
@CONFIG_KEY: "core.sending.defaultSendType"
constructor: (@props) ->
@state =
actionConfigs: @_actionConfigs(@props)
componentDidMount: =>
@unsub = ExtensionRegistry.Composer.listen(@_onExtensionsChanged)
componentWillReceiveProps: (newProps) =>
@setState actionConfigs: @_actionConfigs(newProps)
componentWillUnmount: =>
primaryClick: => @_onPrimaryClick()
_configKeyFromTitle: (title) =>
return _str.dasherize(title.toLowerCase())
_onExtensionsChanged: =>
@setState actionConfigs: @_actionConfigs(@props)
_defaultActionConfig: =>
title: "Send"
iconUrl: null
onSend: ({draft}) -> Actions.sendDraft(draft.clientId)
configKey: "send"
_actionConfigs: (props) =>
return [] unless props.draft
actionConfigs = [@_defaultActionConfig()]
for extension in ExtensionRegistry.Composer.extensions()
actionConfig = extension.sendActionConfig?({draft: props.draft})
if actionConfig
@_verifyConfig(actionConfig, extension)
actionConfig.configKey = @_configKeyFromTitle(actionConfig.title)
catch err
feat(error): improve error reporting. Now `NylasEnv.reportError` Summary: The goal is to let us see what plugins are throwing errors on Sentry. We are using a Sentry `tag` to identify and group plugins and their errors. Along the way, I cleaned up the error catching and reporting system. There was a lot of duplicate error logic (that wasn't always right) and some legacy Atom error handling. Now, if you catch an error that we should report (like when handling extensions), call `NylasEnv.reportError`. This used to be called `emitError` but I changed it to `reportError` to be consistent with the ErrorReporter and be a bit more indicative of what it does. In the production version, the `ErrorLogger` will forward the request to the `nylas-private-error-reporter` which will report to Sentry. The `reportError` function also now inspects the stack to determine which plugin(s) it came from. These are passed along to Sentry. I also cleaned up the `console.log` and `console.error` code. We were logging errors multiple times making the console confusing to read. Worse is that we were logging the `error` object, which would print not the stack of the actual error, but rather the stack of where the console.error was logged from. Printing `error.stack` instead shows much more accurate stack traces. See changes in the Edgehill repo here: Test Plan: Manual Reviewers: juan, bengotow Reviewed By: bengotow Differential Revision:
2016-02-04 07:06:52 +08:00
return actionConfigs
_verifyConfig: (config={}, extension) =>
name =
if not _.isString(config.title)
throw new Error("#{name}.sendActionConfig must return a string `title`")
if not _.isFunction(config.onSend)
throw new Error("#{name}.sendActionConfig must return a `onSend` function that will be called when the action is selected")
return true
render: =>
return false unless @props.draft
if @state.actionConfigs.length is 1
_onPrimaryClick: =>
{preferred} = @_orderedActionConfigs()
_renderSingleDefaultButton: =>
className={"btn btn-toolbar btn-normal btn-emphasis btn-text btn-send"}
style={order: -100}
_renderSendDropdown: =>
{preferred, rest} = @_orderedActionConfigs()
className={"btn-send btn-emphasis btn-text"}
style={order: -100}
_orderedActionConfigs: =>
configKeys = _.pluck(@state.actionConfigs, "configKey")
preferredKey = NylasEnv.config.get(SendActionButton.CONFIG_KEY)
if not preferredKey? or preferredKey not in configKeys
preferredKey = @_defaultActionConfig().configKey
preferred = _.findWhere(@state.actionConfigs, configKey: preferredKey)
rest = _.without(@state.actionConfigs, preferred)
{preferred, rest}
_sendWithAction: ({onSend}) =>
isValidDraft = @props.isValidDraft()
if isValidDraft
onSend({draft: @props.draft})
catch err
feat(error): improve error reporting. Now `NylasEnv.reportError` Summary: The goal is to let us see what plugins are throwing errors on Sentry. We are using a Sentry `tag` to identify and group plugins and their errors. Along the way, I cleaned up the error catching and reporting system. There was a lot of duplicate error logic (that wasn't always right) and some legacy Atom error handling. Now, if you catch an error that we should report (like when handling extensions), call `NylasEnv.reportError`. This used to be called `emitError` but I changed it to `reportError` to be consistent with the ErrorReporter and be a bit more indicative of what it does. In the production version, the `ErrorLogger` will forward the request to the `nylas-private-error-reporter` which will report to Sentry. The `reportError` function also now inspects the stack to determine which plugin(s) it came from. These are passed along to Sentry. I also cleaned up the `console.log` and `console.error` code. We were logging errors multiple times making the console confusing to read. Worse is that we were logging the `error` object, which would print not the stack of the actual error, but rather the stack of where the console.error was logged from. Printing `error.stack` instead shows much more accurate stack traces. See changes in the Edgehill repo here: Test Plan: Manual Reviewers: juan, bengotow Reviewed By: bengotow Differential Revision:
2016-02-04 07:06:52 +08:00
_dropdownMenu: (actionConfigs) =>
<Menu items={actionConfigs}
itemKey={ (actionConfig) -> actionConfig.configKey }
_contentForAction: ({iconUrl}) =>
if iconUrl
plusHTML = <span>&nbsp;+&nbsp;</span>
additionalImg = <RetinaImg url={iconUrl}
mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask} />
plusHTML = ""
additionalImg = ""
<RetinaImg name="icon-composer-send.png" mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentIsMask} />
<span className="text">Send{plusHTML}</span>{additionalImg}
module.exports = SendActionButton