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synced 2025-02-24 08:04:11 +08:00
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64 lines
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React = require 'react'
{Actions, AccountStore} = require("nylas-exports")
{RetinaImg} = require('nylas-component-kit')
crypto = require 'crypto'
classNames = require 'classnames'
class AccountSwitcher extends React.Component
@displayName: 'AccountSwitcher'
@containerRequired: false
minWidth: 64
maxWidth: 64
constructor: (@props) ->
@state = @_getStateFromStores()
componentDidMount: =>
@unsubscribers = []
@unsubscribers.push AccountStore.listen @_onStoreChange
# It's important that every React class explicitly stops listening to
# atom events before it unmounts. Thank you event-kit
# This can be fixed via a Reflux mixin
componentWillUnmount: =>
unsubscribe() for unsubscribe in @unsubscribers
render: =>
if @state.accounts.length is 0
return <span></span>
<div id="account-switcher">
_accounts: =>
return @state.accounts.map (account) =>
hash = account.emailAddress.trim().toLowerCase()
hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(hash, 'utf8').digest('hex')
classnames = classNames
'account': true
'active': account is @state.account
<div title={account.emailAddress} className={classnames} key={account.id} onClick={ => @_onSwitchAccount(account) }>
<img src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/#{hash}?d=blank&s=88" className="gravatar" />
<RetinaImg name={"ic-settings-account-#{account.provider}.png"}
style={width: 44, height: 44}
mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentPreserve} />
_onStoreChange: =>
@setState @_getStateFromStores()
_onSwitchAccount: (account) =>
_getStateFromStores: =>
accounts: AccountStore.items()
account: AccountStore.current()
module.exports = AccountSwitcher