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feat(mail-rules): Per-account mail rules filter incoming, existing mail Summary: Originally, this was going to be a totally independent package, but I wasn't able to isolate the functionality and get it tied in to the delta-stream consumption. Here's how it currently works: - The preferences package has a new tab which allows you to edit mail filters. Filters are saved in a new core store, and a new stock component (ScenarioEditor) renders the editor. The editor takes a set of templates that define a value space, and outputs a valid set of values. - A new MailFilterProcessor takes messages and creates tasks to apply the actions from the MailFiltersStore. - The worker-sync package now uses the MailFilterProcessor to apply filters /before/ it calls didPassivelyReceiveNewModels, so filtrs are applied before any notifications are created. - A new task, ReprocessMailFiltersTask allows you to run filters on all of your existing mail. It leverages the existing TaskQueue architecture to: a) resume where it left off if you quit midway, b) be queryable (for status) from all windows and c) cancelable. The TaskQueue is a bit strange because it runs performLocal and performRemote very differently, and I had to use `performRemote`. (todo refactor soon.) This diff also changes the EditableList a bit to behave like a controlled component and render focused / unfocused states. Test Plan: Run tests, only for actual filter processing atm. Reviewers: juan, evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-12-23 15:19:32 +08:00
React = require 'react'
_ = require 'underscore'
ReprocessMailRulesTask} = require 'nylas-exports'
ScenarioEditor} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
ConditionTemplatesForAccount} = MailRulesTemplates
class PreferencesMailRules extends React.Component
@displayName: 'PreferencesMailRules'
accountId: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired
constructor: (@props) ->
@state = @stateForAccount(@props.accountId)
componentDidMount: =>
@_unsubscribers = []
@_unsubscribers.push MailRulesStore.listen @_onRulesChanged
@_unsubscribers.push TaskQueueStatusStore.listen @_onTasksChanged
componentWillUnmount: =>
unsubscribe() for unsubscribe in @_unsubscribers
componentWillReceiveProps: (newProps) =>
newState = @stateForAccount(newProps.accountId)
stateForAccount: (accountId) =>
account = AccountStore.accountForId(accountId)
feat(mail-rules): Per-account mail rules filter incoming, existing mail Summary: Originally, this was going to be a totally independent package, but I wasn't able to isolate the functionality and get it tied in to the delta-stream consumption. Here's how it currently works: - The preferences package has a new tab which allows you to edit mail filters. Filters are saved in a new core store, and a new stock component (ScenarioEditor) renders the editor. The editor takes a set of templates that define a value space, and outputs a valid set of values. - A new MailFilterProcessor takes messages and creates tasks to apply the actions from the MailFiltersStore. - The worker-sync package now uses the MailFilterProcessor to apply filters /before/ it calls didPassivelyReceiveNewModels, so filtrs are applied before any notifications are created. - A new task, ReprocessMailFiltersTask allows you to run filters on all of your existing mail. It leverages the existing TaskQueue architecture to: a) resume where it left off if you quit midway, b) be queryable (for status) from all windows and c) cancelable. The TaskQueue is a bit strange because it runs performLocal and performRemote very differently, and I had to use `performRemote`. (todo refactor soon.) This diff also changes the EditableList a bit to behave like a controlled component and render focused / unfocused states. Test Plan: Run tests, only for actual filter processing atm. Reviewers: juan, evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-12-23 15:19:32 +08:00
rules = MailRulesStore.rulesForAccountId(accountId)
return {
account: account
rules: rules
selectedRule: _.findWhere(rules, {id: @state?.selectedRule?.id}) ? rules[0]
tasks: TaskQueueStatusStore.tasksMatching(ReprocessMailRulesTask, {})
actionTemplates: ActionTemplatesForAccount(account)
ConditionTemplates: ConditionTemplatesForAccount(account)
render: =>
<div className="container-mail-rules">
<h2>Mail Rules</h2>
<div className="platform-note" style={marginTop:30, maxWidth: 600}>
By default, mail rules are only applied to new mail as it arrives.
Applying rules to your entire mailbox may take quite a while and
temporarily degrade performance.
<Flexbox style={marginTop:10, maxWidth: 600}>
<button className="btn" style={float:'right'} onClick={@_onReprocessRules}>
Process all Mail
_renderList: =>
feat(mail-rules): Per-account mail rules filter incoming, existing mail Summary: Originally, this was going to be a totally independent package, but I wasn't able to isolate the functionality and get it tied in to the delta-stream consumption. Here's how it currently works: - The preferences package has a new tab which allows you to edit mail filters. Filters are saved in a new core store, and a new stock component (ScenarioEditor) renders the editor. The editor takes a set of templates that define a value space, and outputs a valid set of values. - A new MailFilterProcessor takes messages and creates tasks to apply the actions from the MailFiltersStore. - The worker-sync package now uses the MailFilterProcessor to apply filters /before/ it calls didPassivelyReceiveNewModels, so filtrs are applied before any notifications are created. - A new task, ReprocessMailFiltersTask allows you to run filters on all of your existing mail. It leverages the existing TaskQueue architecture to: a) resume where it left off if you quit midway, b) be queryable (for status) from all windows and c) cancelable. The TaskQueue is a bit strange because it runs performLocal and performRemote very differently, and I had to use `performRemote`. (todo refactor soon.) This diff also changes the EditableList a bit to behave like a controlled component and render focused / unfocused states. Test Plan: Run tests, only for actual filter processing atm. Reviewers: juan, evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-12-23 15:19:32 +08:00
onSelectItem={@_onSelectRule} />
_renderListItemContent: (rule) ->
if rule.disabled
return <div className="item-rule-disabled">{}</div>
feat(mail-rules): Per-account mail rules filter incoming, existing mail Summary: Originally, this was going to be a totally independent package, but I wasn't able to isolate the functionality and get it tied in to the delta-stream consumption. Here's how it currently works: - The preferences package has a new tab which allows you to edit mail filters. Filters are saved in a new core store, and a new stock component (ScenarioEditor) renders the editor. The editor takes a set of templates that define a value space, and outputs a valid set of values. - A new MailFilterProcessor takes messages and creates tasks to apply the actions from the MailFiltersStore. - The worker-sync package now uses the MailFilterProcessor to apply filters /before/ it calls didPassivelyReceiveNewModels, so filtrs are applied before any notifications are created. - A new task, ReprocessMailFiltersTask allows you to run filters on all of your existing mail. It leverages the existing TaskQueue architecture to: a) resume where it left off if you quit midway, b) be queryable (for status) from all windows and c) cancelable. The TaskQueue is a bit strange because it runs performLocal and performRemote very differently, and I had to use `performRemote`. (todo refactor soon.) This diff also changes the EditableList a bit to behave like a controlled component and render focused / unfocused states. Test Plan: Run tests, only for actual filter processing atm. Reviewers: juan, evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-12-23 15:19:32 +08:00
_renderDetail: =>
rule = @state.selectedRule
if rule
<ScrollRegion className="rule-detail">
feat(mail-rules): Per-account mail rules filter incoming, existing mail Summary: Originally, this was going to be a totally independent package, but I wasn't able to isolate the functionality and get it tied in to the delta-stream consumption. Here's how it currently works: - The preferences package has a new tab which allows you to edit mail filters. Filters are saved in a new core store, and a new stock component (ScenarioEditor) renders the editor. The editor takes a set of templates that define a value space, and outputs a valid set of values. - A new MailFilterProcessor takes messages and creates tasks to apply the actions from the MailFiltersStore. - The worker-sync package now uses the MailFilterProcessor to apply filters /before/ it calls didPassivelyReceiveNewModels, so filtrs are applied before any notifications are created. - A new task, ReprocessMailFiltersTask allows you to run filters on all of your existing mail. It leverages the existing TaskQueue architecture to: a) resume where it left off if you quit midway, b) be queryable (for status) from all windows and c) cancelable. The TaskQueue is a bit strange because it runs performLocal and performRemote very differently, and I had to use `performRemote`. (todo refactor soon.) This diff also changes the EditableList a bit to behave like a controlled component and render focused / unfocused states. Test Plan: Run tests, only for actual filter processing atm. Reviewers: juan, evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-12-23 15:19:32 +08:00
<div className="inner">
<span>If </span>
<select value={rule.conditionMode} onChange={@_onRuleConditionModeEdited}>
<option value='any'>Any</option>
<option value='all'>All</option>
<span> of the following conditions are met:</span>
onChange={ (conditions) => Actions.updateMailRule(, {conditions}) }
className="well well-matchers"/>
<span>Perform the following actions:</span>
onChange={ (actions) => Actions.updateMailRule(, {actions}) }
className="well well-actions"/>
<div className="rule-detail">
<div className="no-selection">Create a rule or select one to get started</div>
_renderDetailDisabledNotice: =>
return false unless @state.selectedRule.disabled
<div className="disabled-reason">
<button className="btn" onClick={@_onRuleEnabled}>Enable</button>
This rule has been disabled. Make sure the actions below are valid
and re-enable the rule.
feat(mail-rules): Per-account mail rules filter incoming, existing mail Summary: Originally, this was going to be a totally independent package, but I wasn't able to isolate the functionality and get it tied in to the delta-stream consumption. Here's how it currently works: - The preferences package has a new tab which allows you to edit mail filters. Filters are saved in a new core store, and a new stock component (ScenarioEditor) renders the editor. The editor takes a set of templates that define a value space, and outputs a valid set of values. - A new MailFilterProcessor takes messages and creates tasks to apply the actions from the MailFiltersStore. - The worker-sync package now uses the MailFilterProcessor to apply filters /before/ it calls didPassivelyReceiveNewModels, so filtrs are applied before any notifications are created. - A new task, ReprocessMailFiltersTask allows you to run filters on all of your existing mail. It leverages the existing TaskQueue architecture to: a) resume where it left off if you quit midway, b) be queryable (for status) from all windows and c) cancelable. The TaskQueue is a bit strange because it runs performLocal and performRemote very differently, and I had to use `performRemote`. (todo refactor soon.) This diff also changes the EditableList a bit to behave like a controlled component and render focused / unfocused states. Test Plan: Run tests, only for actual filter processing atm. Reviewers: juan, evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-12-23 15:19:32 +08:00
_renderTasks: =>
return false if @state.tasks.length is 0
<div style={flex: 1, paddingLeft:20}>
{ (task) ->
<Flexbox style={alignItems: 'baseline'}>
<div style={paddingRight: "12px"}>
<RetinaImg name="sending-spinner.gif" width={18} mode={RetinaImg.Mode.ContentPreserve} />
feat(mail-rules): Per-account mail rules filter incoming, existing mail Summary: Originally, this was going to be a totally independent package, but I wasn't able to isolate the functionality and get it tied in to the delta-stream consumption. Here's how it currently works: - The preferences package has a new tab which allows you to edit mail filters. Filters are saved in a new core store, and a new stock component (ScenarioEditor) renders the editor. The editor takes a set of templates that define a value space, and outputs a valid set of values. - A new MailFilterProcessor takes messages and creates tasks to apply the actions from the MailFiltersStore. - The worker-sync package now uses the MailFilterProcessor to apply filters /before/ it calls didPassivelyReceiveNewModels, so filtrs are applied before any notifications are created. - A new task, ReprocessMailFiltersTask allows you to run filters on all of your existing mail. It leverages the existing TaskQueue architecture to: a) resume where it left off if you quit midway, b) be queryable (for status) from all windows and c) cancelable. The TaskQueue is a bit strange because it runs performLocal and performRemote very differently, and I had to use `performRemote`. (todo refactor soon.) This diff also changes the EditableList a bit to behave like a controlled component and render focused / unfocused states. Test Plan: Run tests, only for actual filter processing atm. Reviewers: juan, evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-12-23 15:19:32 +08:00
{" — #{new Number(task.numberOfImpactedItems()).toLocaleString()} processed..."}
<div style={flex: 1}></div>
<button className="btn btn-sm" onClick={ => Actions.dequeueTask( }>Cancel</button>
_onReprocessRules: =>
needsMessageBodies = =>
for rule in @state.rules
for condition in rule.conditions
if condition.templateKey is 'body'
return true
return false
if needsMessageBodies()
NylasEnv.showErrorDialog("One or more of your mail rules requires the bodies of messages being processed. These rules can't be run on your entire mailbox.")
task = new ReprocessMailRulesTask(
_onAddRule: =>
_onSelectRule: (rule, idx) =>
@setState(selectedRule: rule)
_onDeleteRule: (rule, idx) =>
_onRuleNameEdited: (newName, rule, idx) =>
Actions.updateMailRule(, {name: newName})
_onRuleConditionModeEdited: (event) =>
Actions.updateMailRule(, {conditionMode:})
_onRuleEnabled: =>
Actions.updateMailRule(, {disabled: false, disabledReason: null})
feat(mail-rules): Per-account mail rules filter incoming, existing mail Summary: Originally, this was going to be a totally independent package, but I wasn't able to isolate the functionality and get it tied in to the delta-stream consumption. Here's how it currently works: - The preferences package has a new tab which allows you to edit mail filters. Filters are saved in a new core store, and a new stock component (ScenarioEditor) renders the editor. The editor takes a set of templates that define a value space, and outputs a valid set of values. - A new MailFilterProcessor takes messages and creates tasks to apply the actions from the MailFiltersStore. - The worker-sync package now uses the MailFilterProcessor to apply filters /before/ it calls didPassivelyReceiveNewModels, so filtrs are applied before any notifications are created. - A new task, ReprocessMailFiltersTask allows you to run filters on all of your existing mail. It leverages the existing TaskQueue architecture to: a) resume where it left off if you quit midway, b) be queryable (for status) from all windows and c) cancelable. The TaskQueue is a bit strange because it runs performLocal and performRemote very differently, and I had to use `performRemote`. (todo refactor soon.) This diff also changes the EditableList a bit to behave like a controlled component and render focused / unfocused states. Test Plan: Run tests, only for actual filter processing atm. Reviewers: juan, evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision:
2015-12-23 15:19:32 +08:00
_onRulesChanged: =>
next = @stateForAccount(@props.accountId)
nextRules = next.rules
prevRules = @state?.rules || []
added = _.difference(nextRules, prevRules)
if added.length is 1
next.selectedRule = added[0]
_onTasksChanged: =>
@setState(tasks: TaskQueueStatusStore.tasksMatching(ReprocessMailRulesTask, {}))
module.exports = PreferencesMailRules