2015-11-28 03:49:24 +08:00
{ComposerExtension, AccountStore, DOMUtils} = require 'nylas-exports'
2015-09-03 04:20:01 +08:00
_ = require 'underscore'
2015-11-19 04:09:07 +08:00
spellchecker = require('spellchecker')
remote = require('remote')
MenuItem = remote.require('menu-item')
2015-09-03 04:20:01 +08:00
SpellcheckCache = {}
2015-11-28 03:49:24 +08:00
class SpellcheckComposerExtension extends ComposerExtension
2015-09-03 04:20:01 +08:00
@isMisspelled: (word) ->
2015-11-19 04:09:07 +08:00
SpellcheckCache[word] ?= spellchecker.isMisspelled(word)
2015-09-03 04:20:01 +08:00
2015-11-28 03:49:24 +08:00
@onInput: (editableNode) =>
2015-09-12 02:12:25 +08:00
2015-09-03 04:20:01 +08:00
2015-11-26 08:07:50 +08:00
@onShowContextMenu: (editableNode, selection, event, menu) =>
2015-11-19 04:09:07 +08:00
range = DOMUtils.Mutating.getRangeAtAndSelectWord(selection, 0)
word = range.toString()
if @isMisspelled(word)
corrections = spellchecker.getCorrectionsForMisspelling(word)
if corrections.length > 0
corrections.forEach (correction) =>
menu.append(new MenuItem({
label: correction,
click: @applyCorrection.bind(@, editableNode, range, selection, correction)
menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'No Guesses Found', enabled: false}))
menu.append(new MenuItem({ type: 'separator' }))
menu.append(new MenuItem({
label: 'Learn Spelling',
click: @learnSpelling.bind(@, editableNode, word)
menu.append(new MenuItem({ type: 'separator' }))
@applyCorrection: (editableNode, range, selection, correction) =>
DOMUtils.Mutating.applyTextInRange(range, selection, correction)
@learnSpelling: (editableNode, word) =>
2015-09-09 08:52:26 +08:00
delete SpellcheckCache[word]
2015-09-12 02:12:25 +08:00
2015-09-03 04:20:01 +08:00
@walkTree: (editableNode) =>
treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(editableNode, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT)
nodeList = []
selection = document.getSelection()
selectionSnapshot =
anchorNode: selection.anchorNode
anchorOffset: selection.anchorOffset
focusNode: selection.focusNode
focusOffset: selection.focusOffset
selectionImpacted = false
while (treeWalker.nextNode())
while (node = nodeList.pop())
str = node.textContent
# https://regex101.com/r/bG5yC4/1
wordRegexp = /(\w[\w'’-]*\w|\w)/g
while ((match = wordRegexp.exec(str)) isnt null)
spellingSpan = null
if node.parentNode and node.parentNode.nodeName is 'SPELLING'
if match[0] is str
spellingSpan = node.parentNode
misspelled = @isMisspelled(match[0])
markedAsMisspelled = spellingSpan?.classList.contains('misspelled')
if misspelled and not markedAsMisspelled
2015-09-12 02:12:25 +08:00
# The insertion point is currently at the end of this misspelled word.
# Do not mark it until the user types a space or leaves.
if selectionSnapshot.focusNode is node and selectionSnapshot.focusOffset is match.index + match[0].length
2015-10-23 07:08:03 +08:00
2015-09-03 04:20:01 +08:00
if spellingSpan
if match.index is 0
matchNode = node
matchNode = node.splitText(match.index)
afterMatchNode = matchNode.splitText(match[0].length)
spellingSpan = document.createElement('spelling')
spellingSpan.innerText = match[0]
matchNode.parentNode.replaceChild(spellingSpan, matchNode)
for prop in ['anchor', 'focus']
if selectionSnapshot["#{prop}Node"] is node
if selectionSnapshot["#{prop}Offset"] > match.index + match[0].length
selectionImpacted = true
selectionSnapshot["#{prop}Node"] = afterMatchNode
selectionSnapshot["#{prop}Offset"] -= match.index + match[0].length
else if selectionSnapshot["#{prop}Offset"] > match.index
selectionImpacted = true
selectionSnapshot["#{prop}Node"] = spellingSpan.childNodes[0]
selectionSnapshot["#{prop}Offset"] -= match.index
else if not misspelled and markedAsMisspelled
if selectionImpacted
selection.setBaseAndExtent(selectionSnapshot.anchorNode, selectionSnapshot.anchorOffset, selectionSnapshot.focusNode, selectionSnapshot.focusOffset)
@finalizeSessionBeforeSending: (session) ->
body = session.draft().body
clean = body.replace(/<\/?spelling[^>]*>/g, '')
if body != clean
session.changes.add(body: clean)
2015-11-28 03:49:24 +08:00
SpellcheckComposerExtension.SpellcheckCache = SpellcheckCache
2015-09-03 04:20:01 +08:00
2015-11-28 03:49:24 +08:00
module.exports = SpellcheckComposerExtension