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Reflux = require 'reflux'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
# Error types
class RegistryError extends Error
# Event types
class ComponentRegistryEvent
class ComponentAdded extends ComponentRegistryEvent
constructor: (@component) ->
getViewsByName = (components) ->
state = {}
for component in components ? []
# Allow components to be requested as "Component" or "Component as C"
[registered, requested] = component.split " as "
requested ?= registered
state[requested] = ComponentRegistry.findViewByName registered
Mixin =
getInitialState: ->
componentWillMount: ->
@_componentUnlistener = ComponentRegistry.listen (event) =>
@setState getViewsByName(@components)
componentDidUnmount: ->
# Internal representation of components
class Component
constructor: (attributes) ->
# Don't shit the bed if the user forgets `new`
return new Component(attributes) unless @ instanceof Component
['name', 'model', 'view', 'role'].map (key) =>
@[key] = attributes[key] if attributes[key]
unless @name?
throw new RegistryError 'Required: name argument'
unless @view?
throw new RegistryError 'Required: view argument'
# Avoid direct access to the registry
registry = {}
ComponentRegistry = Reflux.createStore
register: (component) ->
# Receive a component or something which can build one
throw new RegistryError 'Required: ComponentRegistry.Component or something which conforms to {name, view}' unless component instanceof Object
component = new Component(component) unless component instanceof Component
if component.name in Object.keys(registry)
throw new RegistryError "Error: Tried to register #{component.name} twice"
registry[component.name] = component
# Trigger listeners
@trigger new ComponentAdded(component)
# Return `this` for chaining
unregister: (name) -> delete registry[name]
getByName: (name) ->
component = registry[name]
throw new RegistryError 'No such component' unless component?
findByName: (name, alt) ->
registry[name] ? alt
findViewByName: (name, alt) ->
registry[name]?.view ? alt
findAllByRole: (role) ->
_.filter (_.values registry), (component) ->
component.role == role
findAllViewsByRole: (role) ->
_.map @findAllByRole(role), (component) -> component.view
_clear: ->
registry = {}
Component: Component
RegistryError: RegistryError
ComponentRegistryEvent: ComponentRegistryEvent
ComponentAdded: ComponentAdded
Mixin: Mixin
module.exports = ComponentRegistry