solid;padding-left:1ex"><divdir="ltr"><div><divclass="gmail_quote">From: <bclass="gmail_sendername">Jeff Meister</b><spandir="ltr"><<ahref=""target="_blank"></a>></span><br>Date: Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at
4:00 PM<br>Subject: Nylas bug reports<br>To: support <<ahref=""target="_blank"></a>><br>Cc: Michael Grinich <<ahref=""target="_blank"></a>>, Christine
folks,<br><div><br>I made a new thread because the old one was getting really
long. We've noticed a few things when onboarding our first few Exchange
customers:<br><br></div><div>1. One of our users signed in to Nylas
successfully with email <ahref=""target="_blank"></a>, but I see in the dashboard that
his status is "Sync not running", with a white circle rather than red or green.
We haven't seen this one before. Clicking on his entry does show 84 messages
synced, but that hasn't changed in a while. What should we
do?<br><br></div><div>2. We may be experiencing event duplication issues again,
but I'm still looking into this to see if we're causing the problem from our
side. The affected account in this case is <ahref=""target="_blank"></a>. I'll send an update once I have
something concrete, but I wanted to bring it up in case there are any quick
checks you can run on his account in the
meantime.<br></div><div><br></div><div>3. I noticed that drafts have started
appearing in my delta sync. Maybe it was always this way and I didn't notice
because my testing accounts didn't have a user actively emailing, but we're
getting a lot of data that we don't need. We use exclude_types in our delta
sync requests, with every type except "event", but if I add "draft" to this
list, I get a bad request error from Nylas. Can you enable filtering of drafts
here?<br><br></div><div>Thanks again, and see you on Wednesday!<span><fontcolor="#888888"><br></font></span></div><span><fontcolor="#888888"><div>Jeff<br></div></font></span></div>