
888 lines
65 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"\"Launch on system start\" only works in XDG-compliant desktop environments. To enable the Mailspring icon in the system tray, you may need to install libappindicator.": "\"Li destpêka pergala destpêkirinê\" tenê di hawirdora dîskên xDG-compliant de dixebite. Ji bo ku karûbarên Mailspring di pergala trayê de, hûn hewce bike ku libepindicator saz bikin.",
"%1$@ of %2$@": "%1$@ of %2$@",
"%@ cannot be attached because it is larger than 25MB.": "%@ nikarin girêdan ji ber ku ew ji 25MB mezintir e.",
"%@ has been installed and enabled. No need to restart! If you don't see the plugin loaded, check the console for errors.": "%@ sazkirin û çalak kirin. Pêdiviya hewce ne hewce ye! Ger hûn pelê barkirinê nebînin, kontrola konsolê kontrol bikin.",
"%@ is a directory. Try compressing it and attaching it again.": "%@ pirtûkxaneyê ye. Vebijêrin lêgerîna wî û dîsa veguhestin.",
"%@ messages in this thread are hidden because they were moved to trash or spam.": "%@ Peyama vê mijara veşartî nebe, çimkî ew bi qeçax an jî spama veguherandin.",
"%@ others": "%@ din",
"%@ recently %@ %@": "%@ dawîn %@ %@",
"(No Recipients)": "(Na Serkeftî nîne)",
"(No Subject)": "(Naverok)",
"(Requires supported window manager. Press `Alt` to show menu.)": "(Rêveberê paceyê ya piştevanîya pêdivî ye. `Alt` ji bo menuê nîşan bide.)",
"... and much more!": "... û pir zêde!",
"1 other": "1 dî",
"A Gmail application-specific password is required.": "Şîfreyek daxwaznameyeke taybet a gerek pêwîst e.",
"A new version is available!": "Versiyonek nû ye!",
"About Mailspring": "About Mailspring",
"Accept": "Baweranîn",
"Account": "Konto",
"Account Details": "Agahdariyên Hesab",
"Account Label": "Label Account",
"Account Settings": "Sîstema Hesabê",
"Accounts": "Hesab",
"Actions": "Actions",
"Activity": "Çalakî",
"Activity View": "View Activity",
"Add Account": "Account Add",
"Add your %@ account": "Hesabê xwe %@ zêde bike",
"Added %@": "Added %@",
"Added %@ to %@ threads": "Added %@ to thread %@",
"Adding account": "Hesabê zêde bike",
"Adding your account to Mailspring…": "Hesabê we di Mailspring de zêde bike ...",
"Address": "Navnîşan",
"After %@ Seconds": "Piştî %@ Duyemîn",
"After sending, enable undo for": "Piştî şandina şandin, ji bo veguherandina çalakiyê",
"Aliases": "Aliyan",
"All": "Gişt",
"All Accounts": "Hemû hesab",
"All Contact Previews Used": "Hemû Contact Previews Bikaranîna Bikaranîna",
"All Mail": "Hemû Mail",
"All Reminders Used": "Hemû Reminders Bikaranîna",
"All Scheduled Sends Used": "Hemû Send Scheduled Posts used",
"All Sharing Links Used": "Hemû Lînkên Girêdana Bikaranîna Bikaranîna",
"All Snoozes Used": "All Snoozes Used",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"All Translations Used": "Hemû Werger têne bikar anîn",
"All used up!": "Hemû bikar anîn!",
"Allow insecure SSL": "Bila SSL ne ewleh bikin",
"Always show images from %@": "Herwiha wêneyên ji %@",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Always translate %@": "Herdem [%@ wergerînin",
"An error has occurred": "Çewtiyek çêbû",
"An unknown error has occurred": "Çewtiyek nenas hat dîtin",
"An update to Mailspring is available %@": "An update to Mailspring heye. %@",
"Any": "Herçiyek",
"App Password": "Password Password",
"Appearance": "Xuyabûnî",
"Application": "Bikaranînî",
"Apply Label": "Label Apply",
"Apply Layout": "Apply Layout",
"Applying changes...": "Guherandinên guhartinê ...",
"Applying labels": "Labels",
"Archive": "Arşîv",
"Archived %@": "Archived %@",
"Are you sure?": "Piştrastin?",
"Attach File": "Daxistina pelê",
"Attach Mailsync to Xcode": "Têkilî Mailsync a Xcode",
"Attachment name": "Navê têkildarî",
"Attachments": "Attachments",
"Authentication Error - Check your username and password.": "Çewtiya Nerastkirinê - Navê bikarhêner û şîfreya xwe bibînin.",
"Authentication required.": "Pêdivî ye.",
"Automatic CC / BCC": "Automatic CC / BCC",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Automatic Translation": "Wergerandina otomatîkî",
"Automatically load images in viewed messages": "Di wêneyên dîtî de wêneyên otomatîk bixweber bike",
"Back": "Paş",
"Bcc": "Bcc",
"Best Templates and Subject Lines": "Tîmên Bêyal û Bersîvên Bersîv",
"Body": "Beden",
"Bring All to Front": "Tişta Bere Berê",
"By default, mail rules are only applied to new mail as it arrives. Applying rules to your entire inbox may take a long time and degrade performance.": "Bi rêkûpêk, rêbazên nameyan tenê bi navnîşên nû yên nû têne bicihkirin. Qanûnên li seranserê tevahiya inbox dikare pêkanîna demek dirêj û performansa xwe bigirin.",
"Caching mail": "Maila caching",
"Caching recent mail": "Peyama dawî ya kişandinê",
"Can't find the selected thread in your mailbox": "Dîroka hilbijartinê di navnîşa posteyê de nabînin",
"Cancel": "Bişûndekirin",
"Cancel Send Later": "Piştre bişîne",
"Cannot scan templates directory": "Dîrek dokumentên scan nikare",
"Cannot send message": "Peyam nayê şandin",
"Cc": "Cc",
"Certificate Error": "Çewtiya belgeyê",
"Change Folder": "Peldanka Peldanka",
"Change Labels": "Lîsteyên Guhertin",
"Change Theme": "Guhertinê",
"Change Theme...": "Dîroka Guherînê ...",
"Changed labels": "Label guhertin",
"Changed labels on %@ threads": "Li ser mijarên %@ guhertinên guhertin",
"Changes are saved automatically. View the %@ for tips and tricks.": "Guhertin bixweber xilas kirin. Dîtin û pêşniyarên %@ bibînin.",
"Changing folder mapping...": "Guherandina mapping folder ...",
"Check Again": "Dîsa dîsa bibînin",
"Check for Updates": "Ji bo agahdariyên kontrol bikin",
"Check messages for spelling": "Peyvên ji bo spelling kontrol bikin",
"Checking": "Checking",
"Checking for mail": "Checking for mail",
"Choose": "Helbijartin",
"Choose Directory": "Dîtin hilbijêre",
"Choose an image": "Wêne hilbijêre",
"Choose folder": "Peldanka hilbijêrin",
"Choose folder or label": "Hilbijêre an label",
"Cleanup Complete": "Cleanup Complete",
"Cleanup Error": "Çewtiya Paqijkirinê",
"Cleanup Started": "Cleanup Started",
"Clear Selection": "Hilbijêre Hilbijêre",
"Clear reminder": "Şîreta paqij bike",
"Click 'Learn More' to view instructions in our knowledge base.": "Click 'Zêdetir Bide' binivîse ji bo rêbazên di zanîna me de binêrin.",
"Click any theme to apply:": "Dema ti temaşe bike ku serîlêdanê bikin:",
"Click shortcuts above to edit them. For even more control, you can edit the shortcuts file directly below.": "Ji bo şertên jorîn li jorê kurt bikin. Ji bo bêtir kontrola, hûn dikarin pelê kurteya kurtpûrên bi rasterast jêrîn biguherînin.",
"Click to replace": "Ji bo veguherînê bike",
"Click to upload": "Click to upload",
"Clicked": "Clicked",
"Clicked by:": "Click by:",
"Close Window": "Paceyê vekin",
"Collapse": "Jiberhevketin",
"Collapse All": "Hemû tomar bike",
"Combine your search queries with Gmail-style terms like %@ and %@ to find anything in your mailbox.": "Dîtinên lêgerînên xwe digel bi termên gmail-like-style-like %@ û %@ digerin ku hûn tiştek li postboxê bibînin.",
"Comma-separated email addresses": "Navnîşên nameyên cuda yên koma vekirî",
"Company / Domain Logo": "Şirket / Domain Logo",
"Company overviews": "Şîrketên şîrketî",
"Complete the IMAP and SMTP settings below to connect your account.": "Vebijêrînên IMAP û SMTP binirxînin ku bi hesabê xwe re têkevin.",
"Compose New Message": "Peyama Nû ya Binivîse",
"Compose new message": "Peyama nû ya nû binivîsin",
"Compose with context": "Bi çarçoveyê re binivîsin",
"Composer": "Composer",
"Composing": "Composing",
"Connect Account": "Hesabê Girêdanê",
"Connect an email account": "Hesabek e-nameya pêwendî bike",
"Connecting to %@…": "Girêdanê %@ ...",
"Connection Error - Unable to connect to the server / port you provided.": "Çewtiya Girêdanê - Ji bo girêdana server / port ya ku hûn pêşkêş kirin ne girêdayî ye.",
"Continue": "Berdewamkirin",
"Copied": "Copied",
"Copy": "Kopî",
"Copy Debug Info to Clipboard": "Agahdariya Debugê ji bo Clipboard",
"Copy Email Address": "Navnîşana Navnîşan Email",
"Copy Image": "Copy Image",
"Copy Link Address": "Navnîşa Girêdanê Kopî bike",
"Copy link": "Link link",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Copy mailbox permalink": "Permalink pelika posteyê bişopînin",
"Could not create folder.": "Nabe ku peldanka nû çêbikin.",
"Could not find a file at path '%@'": "Pelê li ser rêya '%@' nehat dîtin",
"Could not install plugin": "Pelê nekin sazkirin",
"Could not reach %@. %@": "Nikaribû %@. %@",
"Could not reach Mailspring. Please try again or contact if the issue persists. (%@: %@)": "Nekarî Mailspring. Ji kerema xwe re dîsa biceribînin an jî piştgirî têkilî bikin eger pirsgirêk bimîne. (%@: %@)",
"Could not reset accounts and settings. Please delete the folder %@ manually.\n\n%@": "Vebijêrk û hesabên nû ve nekarin. Ji kerema xwe peldanka pelê %@ ji xwe re jê rake. \n \n %@",
"Create": "Xûliqandin",
"Create a Plugin": "Create a plugin",
"Create a Theme": "Avakirina Avakirina",
"Create a new Rule": "Rêzika nû ya nû biafirînin",
"Create a rule or select one to get started": "Rêwerek çêbikin an jî hilbijêre ku dest pê bikin",
"Create new item": "Nû çêbikin",
"Create templated messages and fill them quickly to reply to messages and automate your common workflows.": "Peyamên xemgînkirî çêbikin û bi lez zû wan dakevin ku ji bo peyamên xwe bidin û karên hevbeş yên xwe otomat bikin.",
"Creating %@": "Creating %@",
"Custom": "Hûnbunî",
"Custom Image…": "Wêne Custom",
"Custom Window Frame and Right-hand Menu": "Mîhengê Frame û Maf-Dest Menu",
"Customization": "Customization",
"Cut": "Birrîn",
"Date": "Rojek",
"Decline": "Paşvegerrî",
"Default": "Destçûnî",
"Default Window Controls and Auto-hiding Menubar": "Destûra Pace Control û Auto-Hiding Menubar",
"Default Window Controls and Menubar": "Destûra Pace Control û Menubar",
"Default for new messages:": "Ji bo peyamên nû veke:",
"Default for:": "Ji bo:",
"Default reply behavior": "Rûsyayê bersîv",
"Delete": "Jêbirin",
"Delete Draft": "Draftê jêbirin",
"Delete Template?": "Peldanka jêbirin?",
"Delete your custom key bindings and reset to the template defaults?": "Bindingsên kaxezê yên jêbirin û veguhastina şablonên veguherînin?",
"Deleted": "Jêbirin",
"Deleting %@": "Deletkirina %@",
"Deleting all messages in %@": "Hemû mesajan di %@",
"Deleting draft": "Draft draft",
"Deselect all conversations": "Hemû danûstandinên hilbijêre",
"Developer": "Developer",
"Disable": "Disable",
"Dismiss": "Berdan",
"Display conversations in descending chronological order": "Gotûbêja danûstandinên di binavê kronîk de dagir bikin",
"Display thumbnail previews for attachments when available.": "Pêşniyarên ku dema berdêran çêbibe pêşniyarên pêşniyaz nîşan bide. (macos tenê)",
"Do you prefer a single panel layout (like Gmail) or a two panel layout?": "Ma tu ji peldanka yekane hez bike (wek gmail) an du panelê du peldanka?",
"Dont show this again": "Vê dîsa dîsa nîşanî",
"Download All": "All download",
"Download Failed": "Daxistin",
"Download Now": "Daxistin Niha",
"Downloading Update": "Daxistin nûvekirin",
"Dozens of other features!": "Tenên taybetmendiyên din!",
"Draft": "Draft",
"Drafts": "Drafts",
"Drafts folder not found": "Peldanka Drafts nehat dîtin",
"Drop to Attach": "Drop to Attach",
"Edit": "Weşandin",
"Edit Item": "Edit Item",
"Edit Message": "Peyama Veşêre",
"Edit Reminder": "Guherandinê biguherîne",
"Edit Signatures...": "Îmzekirin",
"Edit custom shortcuts": "Edit shortcuts custom",
"Email": "Email",
"Email Address": "Navnîşana emailê",
"Empty": "Vala",
"Empty %@ now": "Vala %@ niha",
"Enable": "Bikêrkirin",
"Enable read receipts %@ or link tracking %@ to see notifications here.": "Çalakiyên xwendinê %@ Çalakî û veguhastina pêwendiyê %@ bibînin ku li vir agahdariya xwe bibînin.",
"Enable verbose IMAP / SMTP logging": "Çalakkirina verbose çalak bike IMAP / SMTP",
"Encountered an error while syncing %@": "Dema çewtkirina çewtiya çewtiyê %@",
"Enter Full Screen": "Full Screen Enter",
"Enter your email account credentials to get started.": "Ji bo destnîşankirina hesabên nameyên xwe têkevin.",
"Enter your email account credentials to get started. Mailspring\nstores your email password securely and it is never sent to our servers.": "Ji bo destnîşankirina hesabên nameyên xwe têkevin. Mailspring \n şîfreya we bi ewlehiya e-nameya xwe ewle ye û ew carî neyê servîsên xwe nehatiye şandin.",
"Error": "Şaşî",
"Event": "Bûyer",
"Exit": "Derî",
"Exit Full Screen": "Full Screen",
"Expand / collapse conversation": "Daxuyanî / belavkirina gotûbêjê",
"Expand All": "Expand All",
"Explore Mailspring Pro": "Proses Mailspring Pro",
"Export Failed": "Export failed",
"Export Raw Data": "Raw Data Export",
"Facebook URL": "URL",
"Failed to load \"%@\"": "Failed to load \"%@\"",
"Failed to load config.json: %@": "Failed to configure.json: %@",
"Failed to save \"%@\"": "Failed to save \"%@\"",
"Failed to save config.json: %@": "Failed to save.json: %@",
"False": "şaş",
"Fax": "Fax",
"File": "Dosî",
"Find": "Dîtin",
"Find Next": "Piştre bibînin",
"Find Previous": "Pêşîn",
"Find in Mailbox": "Mailboxê bibînin",
"Find in Thread": "Di mijara Binivîse",
"Find in thread": "Di mijara xwe bibînin",
"Flags": "Alan",
"Focus the %@ field": "Zeviyê %@ Focus bikin",
"Folder": "Pêçek",
"Folders": "Folders",
"Follow-up reminders": "Reminder-follow follow",
"Food and Drink": "Xwarin û vexwarin",
"Forward": "Pêşve",
"Forwarded Message": "Peyama Pêşdibistanê",
"Frequently Used": "Frequently Used",
"From": "Ji",
"GMX requires that you %@ before using email clients like Mailspring.": "GMX hewce dike ku hûn %@ berî bikarhênerên emailên wekî Mailspring bikar bînin.",
"General": "Giştî",
"Get Mailspring Pro": "Pro Mailspring Pro",
"Get Started": "Destpêk",
"Get notified when each recipient opens your email to send timely follow-ups and reminders.": "Gava ku agahdariya we di navnîşan û paşniyarên xwe de bişîne, her kesê xwe bişînin ku e-nameya xwe vedike.",
"Get reminded if you don't receive a reply for this message within a specified time.": "Hişyar bikin ku heger ji bo vê mesajê di navnîşek nimûne de tu bersiv nake.",
"Get reminded!": "Bîr bînin!",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Getting Started Guide": "Rêbernameya Destpêkirin",
"Give your draft a subject to name your template.": "Daxuyaniya xwe bidin a mijara navnîşa xwe ya navê xwe.",
"Gmail IMAP is not enabled. Visit Gmail settings to turn it on.": "IMAPê çalak nabe. Serastkirinên Gmailê bixwazin ku li ser vê turnê bike.",
"Gmail Remove from view": "Gmail ji bîr bistîne",
"Gmail bandwidth exceeded. Please try again later.": "Gmail-bandwidth gihîşt. Ji kerema xwe paşê dîsa biceribîne.",
"Go Back": "Min himbêz bike",
"Go further with Mailspring Pro": "Bi Mailspring Pro re biçin",
"Go to %@": "Herin %@",
"Got it!": "Min girt!",
"Gravatar Profile Photo": "Gravatar Profile Photo",
"Handle it later!": "Piştre piştrast bike!",
"Have you enabled access through Yahoo?": "Ma hûn bi rêya Yahoo!",
"Help": "Alîkarî",
"Help Center": "Navenda Alîkariyê",
"Hide": "Veşartin",
"Hide Badge": "Badge",
"Hide Mailspring": "Hide Mailspring",
"Hide Others": "Din veşartin",
"Hide Sidebar": "Sidebar veşêre",
"Hooray! Youre done.": "Hooray! Hûn kirin.",
"Huge": "Pirr",
"If %@ of the following conditions are met:": "Heger %@ şertên jêrîn têne hevdîtin kirin:",
"If you enjoy Mailspring, upgrade to Mailspring Pro from %@ to enable all these great features permanently:": "Heke hûn Mailspring kêfxweş dikin, ji bo Mailspring Pro ji %@ nûjen bikin ji bo van hemû taybetmendiyên van xwerasên mezin bikar bînin:",
"If you've enabled link tracking or read receipts, those events will appear here!": "Heke hûn veguhestina lînkek an jî qeydên xwendin, wê bûyerên wê li vir bêne dîtin!",
"Important": "Giring",
"In 1 Week": "Di hefteyê de",
"In 1 hour": "Di saetê de",
"In 2 Weeks": "Di hefteyên 2",
"In 2 hours": "Di 2 saetan de",
"In 3 Days": "Di 3 Rojan de",
"In 3 Hours": "Di 3 Saetan de",
"In a Month": "Di mehekê de",
"In order to perform actions on this mailbox, you need to resolve the sync issue. Visit Preferences > Accounts for more information.": "Ji bo ku çalakiya vê mailboxê de, hûn hewce ne ku pirsgirêka sync çareser bikin. Vebijêrkên Serkeftin> Hesabên bêtir agahdariyê.",
"In order to send mail through Mailspring, your email account must have a Sent Mail folder. You can specify a Sent folder manually by visiting Preferences > Folders and choosing a folder name from the dropdown menu.": "Ji bo ku ji Mailspring re bişîne bişîne, hesabê emailê we divê peldanka Peyamê bişîne. Hûn dikarin bi peldanka pêşniyarê veguherînek ji hêla Pêşdîtinên Pêşniyarkirî> Folders û hilbijêreke peldanka menuê ji hilbijêre.",
"In order to send mail through Mailspring, your email account must have a Trash folder. You can specify a Trash folder manually by visiting Preferences > Folders and choosing a folder name from the dropdown menu.": "Ji bo ku ji Mailspring re bişîne bişîne, hesabê we yê email divê peldanka trash heye. Hûn dikarin peldanka peldanka trashê bi destnîşan bikin Pêşdîtin> Folders û navnîşê peldanka peldanka ji peldanka menuê hilbijêre.",
"Inbox": "Inbox",
"Incoming Mail": "Maila Veger",
"Indent": "Indent",
"Information": "Agahî",
"Insert Numbered List": "Lîsteya Niştimanî binivîse",
"Insert a Quote Block": "Barkirina Block",
"Insert a bulleted list": "Lîsteya bulleted bike",
"Insert a link": "Girêdanê binivîse",
"Insert content here!": "Li vir binivîse naverokê!",
"Install": "Lêkirin",
"Install Theme": "Sernavê saz bikin",
"Install a Plugin": "Plugin saz bikin",
"Instantly": "Derhal",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Instantly translate messages you receive into your preferred reading language.": "Mesajên ku hûn werdigirin di zimanê xwendina xweya xweyê bijarte de tavilê wergerînin.",
"Invalid template name! Names can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, and underscores.": "Navê sembola çewt Navê navên tenê di nameyan, hejmar, cihan, dans û navên navnîşan de hene.",
"It looks like your draft already has some content. Loading this template will overwrite all draft contents.": "Ew xuya dike wekî pêşniyarên we berê xwe hinek naverokê heye. Vê pelê vê barkirinê dê hemû materyalên pêşniyarê li ser binivîsin.",
"It originates from %@ but replies will go to %@.": "Ew ji %@ veguherîne, lê bersiv dê biçin %@.",
"Job Title": "Manşeta şolê",
"Jumping": "Here cem",
"Label as...": "Label wekî ...",
"Labels": "Labels",
"Language Conversion Failed": "Vebijêrtina Zimanê Ziman",
"Large": "Mezin",
"Last 2 Weeks": "Di hefteyên dawî de",
"Last 4 Weeks": "Dawîn 4 Çile",
"Last 7 Days": "Dawiyê 7 Rojan",
"Later Today": "Paşê îro",
"Launch on system start": "Destpêk pergala destpêkê",
"Layout": "Rêz",
"Learn More": "Bêtir hîn bibin",
"Learn Spelling": "Spelling Learn",
"Learn more": "Bêtir hîn bibin",
"Let's set things up to your liking.": "Bila tiştên ku hûn bi kêfxweşiya xwe bistînin.",
"Link Click Rate": "Rêjeya pêwendiyê binivîse",
"Link tracking": "Link tracking",
"Link tracking does not work offline. Please re-enable when you come back online.": "Guherandina pêwendiyê negirêdayî ne. Ji kerema xwe hûn dîsa veguhestin re dîsa vebigere.",
"Loading Messages": "Messages",
"Loading...": "Loading ...",
"Local Data": "Daneyên herêmî",
"Log Data": "Dane Data",
"Look Up “%@”": "Binêrin \"%@\"",
"Looking for accounts...": "Li benda lêgerîn ...",
"Looking for more messages": "Li benda mesajên bêtir digerin",
"Looks Good!": "Binêrin baş!",
"Mail Rules": "Mail Rules",
"Mail Templates": "Mail Templates",
"Mailbox Summary": "Vebijêrk Mailbox",
"Mailbox insights": "Navnîşên Mailbox",
"Mailspring Basic": "Mailspring Basic",
"Mailspring Help": "Alîkariya Mailspring",
"Mailspring Pro": "Mailspring Pro",
"Mailspring Reminder": "Mailspring Reminder",
"Mailspring can no longer authenticate with %@. The password or authentication may have changed.": "Mailspring êdî nikare bi %@ piştrast bikin. Dibe ku şîfre an nasnameyê guhertin.",
"Mailspring can't find your Drafts folder. To create and send mail, visit Preferences > Folders and choose a Drafts folder.": "Mailspring peldanka draftsên xwe nabînin. Ji bo afirandina mail û bişîne, Pêşniyarên biçin> Folders û peldanka Drafts hilbijêrin.",
"Mailspring could not find the mailsync process. If you're building Mailspring from source, make sure mailsync.tar.gz has been downloaded and unpacked in your working copy.": "Mailspring dikare pêvajoyên mailsync bibînin. Heke hûn ji çavkaniya Mailspring ava dikin, be sure mailsync.tar.gz di kopê xebata xwe de hatîye daxistin û bêpaqijkirin.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring nikare girêdanek nayê tomarkirin ji ber ku te ji qada dîskê vekişîne.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring nikare peywendîdar nabe. Pêwîstin ku destûra rast hatine xistin û hewl bikin ku ger pirsgirêk bimîne.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring nikare pêvajoyê mailsync nedikirin. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nikare şîfreya we ewlehî tomar bike. Ji bo bêtir agahdarî, serdana %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Agahdariyên diyarkirî yên Linux li Zenity hewce ne. Hûn hewce ne ku hûn bi rêveberê pakêmana xwe saz bikin.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring piştgiriya stylesheets û bi dirêjkirina pelan piştgirî nakin: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring di vê hesabê de çewtî çewtiyên xist. Raportên krîza hatine tîpa Mailspring şandin û em ê xebitin ku di van serbestberdana paşê de paşê çareser bikin.",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Mailspring has translated this message into %@.": "Mailspring ev peyam wergerand [[[].",
"Mailspring is clearing its cache %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring cache ev e ku ji bo %@. Li ser pîvana mailboxê, ev dikare çend-sê-an-çend çend deqeyan bistînin. Wê hişyar dê dema ku paqijkirina temamî pêk tê.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring bernameyeke serbixwe %@, û dahatiya endamê we destnîşan dike ku wext û wextê hilberîna hilberînê dema we derbas dikin.",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring di modê dev de dimeşîne û dibe ku bibe!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring ev mijar bişkojk e û ew eşîrên biharê ye. Ji bo dirêjên dirêj, ev dibe ku demek dirêj bikin.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring nikare sync %@",
"Mailspring reset the local cache for %@ in %@ seconds. Your mailbox will now begin to sync again.": "Mailspring ji bo %@ di %@ çiravên cacheyê herêmê vekin. Mailboxa we dê dest bi hev re dîsa dest pê bike.",
"Mailspring shows you everything about your contacts right inside your inbox. See LinkedIn profiles, Twitter bios, message history, and more.": "Mailspring hûn di navnîşên xwe de di nav hemû têkiliyên te de nîşan dide. Guherandinên LinkedIn, Twitter bios, dîrokek peyamê, û bêtir bibînin.",
"Mailspring was unable to modify your keymaps at %@.": "Mailspring nikare ku keymaps li ser %@ xwe biguherînin.",
"Mailspring was unable to read the contents of your templates directory (%@). You may want to delete this folder or ensure filesystem permissions are set correctly.": "Mailspring nikare naveroka xweya peldanka teze (%@) xwendin. Hûn dikarin bixwazin vê peldankê jê bikî an jî piştrast bikin ku destûrên pergala pelê rast e.",
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring nikare ku veguhastina herêmî veguhestin. %@",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring nikare ku hûn diyar kir ku pelê pelê binivîsînin (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring naha dê pêşkêşî peyvên ku li %@ hatine nivîsandin wergerîne.",
"Manage": "Rêvebirin",
"Manage Accounts": "Accounts Manage",
"Manage Billing": "Billing Manage",
"Manage Templates...": "Templates Management ...",
"Manually": "Mirovan",
"Mark as %@": "Mark %@",
"Mark as Important": "Mark as girîng",
"Mark as Not Important": "Mark as Not Important",
"Mark as Read": "Mark as read",
"Mark as Spam": "Mark Spam",
"Marked %@ as Spam": "Mark %@ wekî Spam",
"Marked %@ threads as %@": "%@ mijarên wekî %@",
"Marked as %@": "Wekî %@",
"Market Cap": "Cap Cap",
"Marking as read": "Marks like reading",
"Marking as unread": "Nîşanek nexşandin",
"Maybe": "Belkî",
"Message": "Agah",
"Message Sent Sound": "Peyam Şandiye Deng",
"Message Viewer": "Message Viewer",
"Messages Received": "Messages Received",
"Messages Sent": "Messages Sent",
"Messages Time of Day": "Peyama Demjimêran",
"Minimize": "Kêmtirîn",
"MobileMe has moved.": "MobileMe veguherand.",
"Monthly": "Mehane",
"Move Message": "Mesaj",
"Move to Applications": "Biçe Serketin",
"Move to Applications?": "Biçe Serketin?",
"Move to Archive": "Vegere Arşîvê",
"Move to Folder": "Vegere Peldanka",
"Move to Label": "Vegere Label",
"Move to Trash": "Vegere Trash",
"Move to newer conversation": "Biçe veguhastina nûve bike",
"Move to older conversation": "Bi veguhastina kevnar veguherînin",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Move to trash (not archive) on swipe / backspace": "Pêvek û paşê veşartinê / peyamên veguherîne ji bîravê vekin",
"Move to...": "Birin...",
"Moved %@ messages to %@": "%@ peyivandin bi %@",
"Moved %@ threads to %@": "Ji %@",
"Moved to %@": "Moved to %@",
"Moving to folder": "Moving to folder",
"Name": "Nav",
"Nature": "Awa",
"Navigation": "Rêserbirinî",
"Never forget to follow up! Mailspring reminds you if your messages haven't received replies.": "Heke ji bîr nekin ku bisekinin! Mailspring ji we re bersiv dide we heke eger peyamên te neyên bersiv kirin.",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Never translate %@": "Qet nebe %@",
"New %@": "Nû %@",
"New Message": "Peyama Nû",
"Next": "Piştî",
"Next Month": "Meha bê",
"Next Week": "Hefteya borî",
"Next thread": "Dîroka din",
"No": "Na",
"No Date": "Na Dîrok",
"No Guesses Found": "No Guesses Found",
"No Matching Profile": "Na Profile Profile",
"No Messages": "No Messages",
"No important folder / label": "Peldanka peldanka / label",
"No name provided": "Naverek nayê dayîn",
"No opens": "Ne vekirî ye",
"No reminders set": "Hîndarkirî tune",
"No rules": "Qanûn tune",
"No search results": "Ne encamên lêgerîn tune",
"No signature": "Tu îmze ne",
"No update available.": "No update available.",
"No valid server found.": "Nayê server nehatiye dîtin.",
"None": "Netû",
"Normal": "Normal",
"Not Important": "Ne girîng e",
"Not Now": "Guhê xwe nedenê",
"Not Spam": "Spam ne",
"Note: Due to issues with your most recent payment, you've been temporarily downgraded to Mailspring %@. Click 'Billing' below to correct the issue.": "Têbigere: Ji ber pirsgirêkên we yên herî dawî ya we, ji ber ku hûn ji Mailspring ve di demekê de kêmtir bûne %@. Li jêr pirsgirêka rastiyê 'Billing' binivîse.",
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"Notify me about new features and plugins via this email address.": "Bi navnîşana vê e-nameyê bi ser taybetmendiyên nû û pluginsê agahdar bike.",
"Now": "Niha",
"OK": "OK",
"Objects": "Objects",
"Of recipients click a link": "Ji wergirtina zanyariyek bitikîne",
"Of threads you start get a reply": "Ji mijarên ku hûn bersiv bidin dest pê bikin",
"Of your emails are opened": "Ji nameyên we vekirî ye",
"Offline": "Offline",
"Okay": "Okay",
"One message in this thread is hidden because it was moved to trash or spam.": "Peyama yek ji vê mijê ve veşartî ye ji ber ku ew dişewitîne an betal bike.",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring niha negirêdayî ye",
"One or more of your mail rules have been disabled.": "Yek an bêtir qaîdeyên nameya we hatine qedexekirin.",
"One or more of your mail rules requires the bodies of messages being processed. These rules can't be run on your entire mailbox.": "Yek an bêtir qanûnên nameya nameyan pêwîste ku bedena peyamên pêvajoy kirin. Ev qanûn nikarin li ser tevahiya posteyê bişînin.",
"Open": "Vekirî",
"Open In Browser": "In Browser Open",
"Open Link": "Girêdanê vekirî",
"Open Mailsync Logs": "Open Mailsync Logs",
"Open Rate": "Rêjeya vekirî",
"Open and link tracking": "Vebijêrk û veguhestinê",
"Open containing folder after downloading attachment": "Peldanka pelê piştî daxistina pêvekê ve girêdayî ye",
"Open selected conversation": "Veguhestinê vekirî vekirî",
"Open tracking does not work offline. Please re-enable when you come back online.": "Tracking Open does not work offline. Ji kerema xwe hûn dîsa veguhestin re dîsa vebigere.",
"Opened": "Vekir",
"Opened by": "Vekirî ye",
"Opens": "Vekirî ye",
"Or, 'next Monday at 2PM'": "Ya, 'Duşemê du 2PM'",
"Outdent": "Derveyî",
"Outgoing Mail": "Outgoing Mail",
"Override standard interface scaling": "Sazkirina standard interface standard",
"Page didn't open? Paste this URL into your browser:": "Page nehatiye vekirî? Vê URLê bi navnîşa we bikişîne:",
"Parsing Error": "Çewtiya Parsing",
"Password": "Şîfre",
"Paste": "Paste",
"Paste and Match Style": "Paste û Match Match",
"People": "Gel",
"Perform these actions:": "Van çalakiyan bistînin:",
"Phone": "Telefonê",
"Play sound when receiving new mail": "Dengê ku gava peyamê nû bistîne",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Please consider paying for Mailspring Pro!": "Kerema xwe ji bo Mailspring Pro re bisekinin!",
"Please provide a password for your account.": "Ji kerema xwe ji bo hesabê we re şîfre bike.",
"Please provide a valid email address.": "Ji kerema xwe ji navnîşana e-nameya bijartî be",
"Please provide a valid port number.": "Ji kerema xwe hejmara portê derbasdar bide.",
"Please provide your name.": "Ji kerema xwe navê xwe bidin.",
"Plugin installed! 🎉": "Plugin sazkirî!ょ",
"Pop thread in": "Dîroka pop di",
"Popout composer…": "Composer Popout ...",
"Popout thread": "Mijara popout",
"Port": "Bender",
"Powerful template support": "Piştgiriya belgeya hêzdar",
"Preferences": "Preferences",
"Preferences > Subscription": "Preferences> Serastkirin",
"Press \"tab\" to quickly move between the blanks - highlighting will not be visible to recipients.": "\"tab\" bi lez di navbera paqijan de bikişînin - balkêşkirina dê ji bo bidestxistinên berbiçav nake.",
"Preview": "Pêşnerîn",
"Previous thread": "Mijara berê",
"Print": "Çap",
"Print Current Thread": "Print Thread",
"Print Thread": "Mijarek çapkirinê",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Privacy note: text below will be sent to an online translation service.": "Nîşeya nepenîtiyê: nivîsa jêrîn dê ji bo karûbarek wergerandinê ya serhêl bê şandin.",
"Privately Held": "Helwesta Taybet",
"Pro tip: Combine search terms with AND and OR to create complex queries.": "Pro tip: Peyvên lêgerînê yên DAIŞ û OR ji bo ku pirsên ciddî çêbikin.",
"Process entire inbox": "Pêvajoya pêvajoya tevahiya inbox",
"Quick Reply": "Bersîvek Quick",
"Quit": "Devjêberdan",
"Quit Mailspring": "Quit Mailspring",
"Raised": "Reised",
"Raw HTML": "Raw HTML",
"Raw Source": "Çavkanî Raw",
"Re-authenticate...": "Re-authenticate ...",
"Read": "Xwendin",
"Read Receipts": "Daxwazin Bixwînin",
"Read Receipts and Link Tracking": "Bersîv û Şopandina Girêdanê bixwînin",
"Reading": "Xwendinî",
"Reading Pane Off": "Reading Pane Off",
"Reading Pane On": "Pane Reading On On",
"Rebuild": "Nûveavakirin",
"Rebuild Cache...": "Cache Rebuild ...",
"Recipient": "Girtevan",
"Reconnect": "Reconnect",
"Redo": "amade",
"Relaunch": "Têkilî",
"Relaunch to apply window changes.": "Têkilî bikin ku guhartina paceyê bixwazin.",
"Reload": "Reload",
"Remind me if no one replies": "Heke bersîva bersivê min bibîr bike",
"Reminder": "Reminder",
"Reminder set for %@ from now": "Reminder ji bo niha ❌",
"Reminders": "Reminders",
"Remove": "Dûrxistin",
"Remove HTML": "HTML hilbijêre",
"Remove Star": "Star Star",
"Remove Stars": "Stars Stars",
"Remove and show next": "Rabe û veşêre",
"Remove and show previous": "Rabe û pêşî nîşan bide",
"Remove from view": "Ji bîr bistînin",
"Remove quoted text": "Nivîskî quoted",
"Removed %@": "%@",
"Removed %@ from %@ threads": "%@ ji mijarên %@ jêbirin",
"Removed %@ from Trash": "Remarkirin %@ Ji Trashê",
"Rename": "Rename",
"Renaming %@": "Renaming %@",
"Replace contents": "Naverokê hilbijêre",
"Replace draft contents?": "Vebijêrn draft",
"Reply": "Bersiv",
"Reply All": "Bersiva hemiyan bide",
"Reply Rate": "Reply Rate",
"Reply to": "Bersiv bikin",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Reset Accounts and Settings": "Guherandinên Hesab û Guhertin",
"Reset Cache": "Cacheyê vekin",
"Reset Configuration": "Guhertina Vejirandinê",
"Reset Theme": "Vebijêre",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Reset translation settings": "Vebijarkên wergera vekişandin",
"Restart and Install Update": "Guherandin û nûvekirina sazkirinê",
"Restore Defaults": "Parastina Vegerîn",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Restrict width of messages to maximize readability": "Bi şandina peyaman re sînordar bikin ku bi xwendina zêde bikin",
"Resurface messages to the top of the inbox when unsnoozing": "Peyamên nû yên li ser jibîrkirinê dema nûçêkirinê ne",
"Retrying...": "Retrying ...",
"Return to %@": "Vegere %@",
"Return to conversation list": "Vegere lîsteya veguhastinê",
"Revert custom HTML?": "HTML-ê veguhestin?",
"Rich contact profiles": "Profîlên têkilî yên dewlemend",
"Rules only apply to the selected account.": "Qanûn tenê tenê ji hesabê bijartî ve girêdayî ye.",
"Run with Debug Flags": "Bi alên alî vebigere",
"Save Draft as Template...": "Draft Save as Template ...",
"Save Image": "Wêne Save",
"Save Into...": "Bikin ...",
"Saving reminder...": "Saving reminder ...",
"Saving send date...": "Dîroka şandina sendeyê ...",
"Scaling": "Scaling",
"Scaling adjusts the entire UI, including icons, dividers, and text. Messages you send will still have the same font size. Decreasing scale significantly may make dividers and icons too small to click.": "Scaling di tevahiya UI de, di nav şîfre, parçebûn û nivîs de bicîh dike. Peyamên ku hûn şandin, dê hê jî hêsan e. Pîvana pişkek pir girîng dibe ku divî û sembolên biçûk biçûk bikin ku ji bo klik bike.",
"Scanning": "Scanning",
"Scanning messages": "Peyamên şandin",
"Schedule messages to re-appear later to keep your inbox clean and focus on immediate todos.": "Peyamên şandî yên paşê paşê paşê paşde bikin ku ji bo ewlehiya xwe binçav bikin û li ser gavên bi lezgîn balkêş bikin.",
"Schedule messages to send at the ideal time to maximize your email reply rate or automate drip emails.": "Peyamên şandî bidin ku wextê demjimêr re bişînin ku rêjeya bersiva xwe ya herî mezin bişînin an jî embarên dîlên xwe bişînin.",
"Schedule this message to send at the ideal time. Mailspring makes it easy to control the fabric of spacetime!": "Vê peyamê şîrove bikin ku di dema demdirêj de bişînin. Mailspring hêsantir dike ku hêsaziya spacetime kontrol bikin!",
"Scheduled for %@": "Guherandinên ji bo %@",
"Search": "Gerr",
"Search Google for '%@'": "Google ji bo '%@' lêgerîn",
"Search Results": "Encamên lêgerîn",
"Search all mailboxes": "Hemû pakêtên li vir bibînin",
"Search for": "Lêgerîn",
"Search with ease": "Bi hêsanî lêgerîn",
"Security": "Ewlekarî",
"See detailed information about companies you email, including their size, funding and timezone.": "Agahdariyên berfirehtir li ser şîrketên ku hûn bi nameyan re binêrin, tevlîhev, pîvana û demjimêr.",
"See when recipients click links in your emails so you can follow up with precision": "Dema ku peyda bibin peywendiyên di navnîşên xwe de li ser vê rûpelê bikî, hûn dikarin bi rastiya xwe re bigirin",
"See when recipients open this email": "Dema ku peyda bibin ev e-nameyê veke",
"Select All": "Hemû hilbijêrin",
"Select All Read": "Hemû Hemû bixwînin",
"Select All Starred": "Hilbijêre Hemû Hilbijêre",
"Select All Unread": "Hemû Nixwe Hilbijêre",
"Select All Unstarred": "Hemû Hilbijêre hilbijêre",
"Select all conversations": "Hemî axaftin hilbijêrin",
"Select all read conversations": "Hemî danûstandinên xwendin hilbijêre",
"Select all starred conversations": "Hemî hemî biafirîne hilbijêre",
"Select all unread conversations": "Hemî nîqaşên nehêrîn hilbijêre",
"Select all unstarred conversations": "Hemî danûstandinên hilbijêre hilbijêrin",
"Select conversation": "Biaxivin hilbijêre",
"Select file attachment": "Pelê pelê hilbijêrin",
"Selected Account": "Hesabê Hilbijartî",
"Selected Messages": "Messages Messages",
"Selection": "Neqînî",
"Send": "Şandin",
"Send Anyway": "Çawa be jî bişînin",
"Send Later": "Paşê bişînin",
"Send message": "Peyamê bişîne",
"Send more than one message using the same %@ or subject line to compare open rates and reply rates.": "Ji bêtir ji peyama xwe re bikar bîne %@ an jî mijara mijarê ji bo danûstandinên vekirî û rêjeya bersivê danûstandin.",
"Send new messages from:": "Peyamên nû bişîne ji:",
"Send on your own schedule": "Di wextê xwe de bişînin",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Sender Name": "Navê Sender",
"Sending": "Şandin",
"Sending in %@": "Şandin %@",
"Sending in a few seconds": "Di çend saetan de şandin",
"Sending is not enabled for this account.": "Ji bo vê hesabê şandin nehatiye şandin.",
"Sending message": "Peyama şandin",
"Sending now": "Vê şandin",
"Sending soon...": "Zûtir bişîne ...",
"Sent Mail": "Mail bişîne",
"Sent from Mailspring, the best free email app for work": "Ji bo karê Mailspring, ji bo herî baş e-nameyê belaş e",
"Services": "Xizmet",
"Set Reminder": "Reminder",
"Set up Account": "Account Set up",
"Several of your accounts are having issues": "Gelek hesabên we hene",
"Share": "Par",
"Share this Report": "Share this Report",
"Share this thread": "Vê mijarê Share",
"Shortcuts": "Shortcuts",
"Show": "Rêdan",
"Show All": "Hemû nîşan bide",
"Show Detail": "Detail Show",
"Show Gmail-style important markers (Gmail Only)": "Nîşan bide Gmail-style markers important (Only Gmail)",
"Show Images": "Wêne nîşan bide",
"Show Original": "Original Show",
"Show Progress": "Pêşveçûn nîşan bide",
"Show Sidebar": "Sidebar Show",
"Show Templates Folder...": "Folder Templates Show",
"Show Total Count": "Tevahî Giştî nîşan bide",
"Show Unread Count": "Vebijêrk Nixwe",
"Show all messages": "Hemî peyam nîşan bide",
"Show badge on the app icon": "Li ser miracaetê nîşan bide nîşan bide",
"Show icon in menu bar / system tray": "Guhertoya menuê / barê pergala menuê nîşan bide",
"Show more": "Bêtir nîşan bide",
"Show notifications for new unread messages": "Agahdariyên ji bo peyamên nû yên nû ve nîşan bide",
"Show notifications for repeated opens / clicks": "Agahdariyên ji bo dubare vekirî / barkirin nîşan bide",
"Show unread counts for all folders / labels": "Ji bo hemî peldank / labelên nexşeyan veşartin",
"Showing %@ threads with %@ messages": "Mijarên %@ bi %@ peyam tên nîşandan",
"Showing 1 thread with %@ messages": "Peyama 1 mijar bi %@ peyamên nîşanî",
"Sign Out": "Guhê xwe nedene",
"Sign in with %@ in %@ your browser.": "Bi %@ di browserê de %@ şîfre bike.",
"Signatures": "Îmzeyan",
"Single Panel": "Panel Single",
"Small": "Biçûk",
"Snooze": "Snooze",
"Snooze emails to return at any time that suits you. Schedule messages to send at the ideal time. Mailspring makes it easy to control the fabric of spacetime!": "Emails snooze ji bo ku hûn bi xwe re vedigerin vegerin. Peyamên şandî bidin ku wextê xweş baş. Mailspring hêsantir dike ku hêsaziya spacetime kontrol bikin!",
"Snooze messages": "Peyamên Snooze",
"Snooze this email and it'll return to your inbox later. Click here or swipe across the thread in your inbox to snooze.": "Ev e-nameyê snooze bike û ew ê paşê paşê xwe di navboxê de vedigere. Li vir binivîse an jî li seranserê dorpêçê ya di navboxê de biqewitînin.",
"Snoozed": "Snoozed",
"Some providers require an app password.": "Hin pisporên şîfreyê şîfreyê hewce dike.",
"Someone": "Kesek",
"Sorry, Mailspring was unable to deliver this message: %@": "Ji kerema xwe, Mailspring nikaribû ev peyam danîn: %@",
"Sorry, something went wrong when this account was added to Mailspring. If you do not see the account, try linking it again. %@": "Xwezî, dema ku ev hesabê Mailspringê hate zêdekirin tiştek çêbû. Heke hûn hesab nabînin, lê dîsa hewl bike. %@",
"Sorry, the file you selected does not look like an image. Please choose a file with one of the following extensions: %@": "Ji kerema xwe, pelê ku te hilbijartî ye, mîna wêneyek nabînin. Ji kerema xwe re pelê yek ji jêrîn hilbijêre: %@",
"Sorry, this account does not appear to have an inbox folder so this feature is disabled.": "Ji kerema xwe, ev hesab neynibe peldanka peldanka anketî nebe, da ku ev taybetmendî qedexekirin e.",
"Sorry, this folder does not exist.": "Ji kerema xwe, peldanka vê yekê nîne.",
"Sorry, we can't interpret %@ as a valid date.": "Ji kerema xwe, em nikarin %@ wekî rojanek yekane nimûne.",
"Sorry, we can't parse %@ as a valid date.": "Ji kerema xwe, em nikarin parve bikin %@ wekî dîrokek derbasdar.",
"Sorry, we couldn't save your signature image to Mailspring's servers. Please try again.\n\n(%@)": "Ji kerema xwe, em nikarin wêneyê îmzeya xwe ya ji bo serversên Mailspring xelas bike. Ji kerema xwe dîsa biceribînin. \n \n (%@)",
"Sorry, we had trouble logging you in": "Ji kerema xwe, em tengahiyê we bi we re têkevin",
"Sorry, we were unable to contact the Mailspring servers to share this thread.\n\n%@": "Ji kerema xwe, em nikarin têkiliyên Mailspring têkilî bikin ku ev mijara parve bikin. \n \n %@",
"Sorry, you can't attach more than 25MB of attachments": "Ji kerema xwe, hûn nikarin 25MB ji hêlên peywendîdar nakin",
"Sorry, your SMTP server does not support basic username / password authentication.": "Ji kerema xwe, servera SMTP nayê navnîşan / navnîşa nasnameya bingehîn de piştgirî nakin.",
"Spam": "Spam",
"Spellcheck language": "Zimanek spellcheck",
"Star": "Stêrk",
"Starred": "Starred",
"Starred %@ threads": "%@ Starred %@",
"Starring": "Starring",
"StartTLS is not available.": "StartTLS ne.",
"Still trying to reach %@…": "Hê hewldan hewl didin %@ ...",
"Stock Symbol %@": "Symbol Symbol %@",
"Stop": "Rawestan",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Stop translating %@": "Wergerandin rawestînin %@",
"Subject": "Mijar",
"Subject Line": "Line Line",
"Subscription": "Abonetî",
"Successfully connected to %@!": "Bi serkeftî ve girêdayî ye %@!",
"Switching back to a signature template will overwrite the custom HTML you've entered.": "Veşêre li ser veguhestina îmtihan ê ê ku hûn tête nivîsandin HTML-ê binivîsin.",
"Symbols": "Symbol",
"Sync New Mail Now": "Sync New Mail Now",
"Sync this conversation to the cloud and anyone with the secret link can read it and download attachments.": "Peywendiya vê gotûbêjê li blokê û her kesî bi girêdana veşartî dikare dikare jê re bixwînin û pêlên pêvekirin.",
"Syncing": "Syncing",
"Syncing your mailbox": "Hevpeyivîna mailboxê",
"TLS Not Available": "TLS Ne",
"Template": "Şablon",
"Template Creation Error": "Çewtiya Creation Template",
"Templates": "Templates",
"Templates Guide": "Templates Guide",
"Thank you for helping debug Mailspring. Mailspring will now restart.": "Ji kerema xwe ji bo alîkariya debeyek Mailspring. Mailspring dê dîsa vekin.",
"Thank you for using %@ and supporting independent software. Get the most out of your subscription: explore pro features below or visit the %@ to learn more about reminders, templates, activity insights, and more.": "Sipas ji bo bikaranîna %@ û pergala serbixwe. Pirsgirêk ji we ji we re bistînin: taybetmendiyên pro ya jêrîn bibînin yan jî biçin %@ ji bo agahdariyên hûrgelan, tîmên, tevgerên çalakiyê, û bêtir fêr bibin.",
"Thanks for downloading Mailspring! Would you like to move it to your Applications folder?": "Ji kerema xwe ji bo daxistina Mailspring! Ma hûn dixwazin ku li ser peldanka Serlêdanên xwe bigerin?",
"The Mailspring Team": "Team Mailspring",
"The Outlook server said you must sign in via a web browser.": "Pêşkêşkara Outlook got ku hûn bi gerdûnerek web-ê îmze bikin.",
"The SMTP server would not relay a message. You may need to authenticate.": "Pêşkêşkara SMTP dê peyamek nagire. Pêdivî ye ku hûn hewce bikin.",
"The contact sidebar in Mailspring Pro shows information about the people and companies you're emailing with.": "Têkiliya peywendîbar di Mailspring Pro agahdariyên mirov û şîrketên ku hûn bi rekêşî re têne nîşan dide.",
"The from address has changed since you started sending this draft. Double-check the draft and click 'Send' again.": "Ji navnîşana vê draftê dest pê kir ji navnîşana xwe guhertin. Daxuyaniya pêşniyar bikin û li paş 'Send' binivîse.",
"The message contains an empty template area.": "Peyama navnîşan a tepeya vala ye.",
"The message contains an illegal attachment that is not allowed by the server.": "Peyamê di pêvekê de qedexeya nerazîbûnê ye ku ji hêla serverê ve ne.",
"The message has been blocked because no sender is configured.": "Peyam hat astengkirin, çimkî ne şandek nehatiye danîn.",
"The message has been blocked by Yahoo - you have exceeded your daily sending limit.": "Peyam Yahoo ji hêla rawestandin - tu ji sînorkirina we rojane derbas kir.",
"The message has been blocked by Yahoo's outbound spam filter.": "Mesaj ji hêla Yahoo-yê veşêre sp spam ve hatiye astengkirin.",
"The message is addressed to a name that doesn't appear to be a recipient (\"%@\")": "Peyamekê bi navê navnîşan tête navnîşan e ku nayê qebûl kirin (\"%@\")",
"The message mentions an attachment but none are attached.": "Peyama peywendîdarek nîqaş lê yek yek girêdayî ye.",
"The plugin or theme folder you selected doesn't contain a package.json file, or it was invalid JSON. %@": "Peldanka peldanka an peldankê ya ku hûn hilbijartî ne, pelê pel.jonê ne, an jî JSON ne çewt bû. %@",
"The plugin or theme you selected has not been upgraded to support Mailspring. If you're the developer, update the package.json's engines field to include \"mailspring\".\n\nFor more information, see this migration guide: %@": "Plugin an mijara te hilbijartî nehatiye piştevanîya Mailspring. Heke hûn pêşveşîner in, pêşniyarên pakistan.json bi qada \"mailspring\" nû bike. \n \n Ji bo agahdariya bêtir, rêberê koçberiyê bibînin: %@",
"The server said you must sign in via your webmail.": "Server got ku hûn bi rêya malpera xwe di navnîşa xwe de şîfre bikin.",
"The subject field is blank.": "Li qada mijarê vala ye.",
"The template and its file will be permanently deleted.": "Peldanka û pelê wê dê her tim derxistin.",
"The thread %@ does not exist in your mailbox!": "Deryaya %@ di navnîşa posteyê de ne.",
"Theme Color": "Rengê rengê",
"Theme and Style": "Mijar û Mijar",
"Themes": "Themes",
"There are %@ more messages in this thread that are not in spam or trash.": "Li ser vê mijarê de bêtir mesajan %@ hene ku ne li sp spam an jî trash.",
"There are too many active connections to your Gmail account. Please try again later.": "Têkiliyên gelemperî bi hesabê we re giyayê hene. Ji kerema xwe paşê dîsa biceribîne.",
"There is one more message in this thread that is not in spam or trash.": "Di vê mijarê de mesajek din heye ku ne li sp spam an jî trash.",
"There was an error checking for updates.": "Çewtiyek ji bo agahdariyên çewtiyek çêbû.",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer.": "Ev taybetmendiyên %@ ji peyamên ku we ev demê şandime ne bûn, da ku ev hejmar tevahiya çalakiya xwe nake. Ji bo şandina enableread û veguhestina navnîşên ku hûn şandin, bi %@ an jî şopandina pêwendiyê %@ li mûşmetê binêrin.",
"This Weekend": "Dawiya vê hefteyê",
"This account is invalid or Mailspring could not find the Inbox or All Mail folder. %@": "Ev hesab çewt e an jî Mailspring nikare peldanka Inbox an Hemû Mail nehat dîtin. %@",
"This looks like a Gmail account! While it's possible to setup an App Password and connect to Gmail via IMAP, Mailspring also supports Google OAuth. Go back and select \"Gmail & Google Apps\" from the provider screen.": "Ev eynî hesabek gmailê ye! Dema ku ew gengaz e ku şîfreya App-ê saz bike û bi rêya GMAP-ê ve girêdayî ye, Mailspring jî piştgiriya Google OAuth. Herin vegerin û \"Gmail & Google Apps\" hilbijêre ji navdarê veşêre.",
"This message has not been opened": "Ev peyam nehatiye vekirin",
"This message looks suspicious!": "Ev peyamek guman e!",
"This plugin or theme %@ does not list \"mailspring\" in it's package.json's \"engines\" field. Ask the developer to test the plugin with Mailspring and add it, or follow the instructions here: %@": "Ev plugin an mijara %@ lîsteyek \"mailspring\" nîne ku di nav pakistan.json de \"engines\" de ye. Ji pêşveçûnê bipirse ku pêlêdana Mailspring test bikin û lê zêde bike, an jî li gor rêgezên li vir bigirin: %@",
"This rule has been disabled. Make sure the actions below are valid and re-enable the rule.": "Ev rêbaz hate qedexekirin. Bawer bikin ku karên jêrîn dipejirînin û desthilatdariya nû ve bicih bikin.",
"This thread has been moved to the top of your inbox by Mailspring.": "Vê rûpelê li ser topên xwe yên bi Mailspring ve hat.",
"This thread was brought back to the top of your inbox as a reminder": "Ev mijara paşê li ser binivîsa xwe ya inbox di bîra xwe de bû",
"This thread will come back to the top of your inbox if nobody replies by:": "Vê mijara wê vegerî serî ya xwe ya bêtexanê ye, eger yek ji hêla bersiv dide:",
"Thread": "Dezî",
"Threads": "Dîrok",
"Title": "Nav",
"To": "Ber",
"To create a template you need to fill the body of the current draft.": "Ji bo ku peldankek çêbikin hûn hewce ne ku hûn bedena dahatûya dahat bikin.",
"To listen for the Gmail Oauth response, Mailspring needs to start a webserver on port ${LOCAL_SERVER_PORT}. Please go back and try linking your account again. If this error persists, use the IMAP/SMTP option with a Gmail App Password.\n\n%@": "Ji bo bersivê Gmail Oauth guhdar bikî, Mailspring divê hewce dike ku webserver li ser port $ {LOCAL_SERVER_PORT} dest pê bike. Ji kerema xwe vekişin û dîsa hewl bike ku hesabê we re. Ger ev çewtiyek berdewam dike, bijareya IMAP / SMTP bikar bîne û bi şîfrekekek Gmail-ê bikar bînin. \n \n %@",
"Today": "Îro",
"Toggle Bold": "Toggle Bog",
"Toggle Component Regions": "Herêmên Toggle Component",
"Toggle Dev Tools": "Toggle Dev Tools",
"Toggle Developer Tools": "Amûrên Pêşvebirina Toggle",
"Toggle Italic": "Toggle Italic",
"Toggle Screenshot Mode": "Modela Screenshot Toggle",
"Tomorrow": "Sibê",
"Tomorrow Evening": "Tomorrow Evening",
"Tomorrow Morning": "Sibê şeveqê",
"Tonight": "Îro êvarî",
"Track links in this email": "Li ser vê e-nameyê veşartî",
"Track opens and clicks": "Vebijêrk veke û vedike",
"Translate": "Wergerandin",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Translate automatically with Mailspring Pro": "Bi otomatîk bi Mailspring Pro wergerînin",
"Translate email body…": "Body body email",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Translate from %1$@ to %2$@?": "Wergerandin ji %1$@ to %2$@?",
"Translating from %1$@ to %2$@.": "Wergera ji %1$@ ber %2$@.",
"Trash": "Zibil",
"Trashed %@": "Trashed %@",
"Travel and Places": "Travel and Places",
"True": "rast",
"Try Again": "Dubare bixebitin",
"Try it Now": "Try Now",
"Try now": "Biceribînin",
"Twitter Handle": "Twitter Handle",
"Twitter Profile Image": "Twitter Profile Image",
"Two Panel": "Du Panel",
"Uhoh - that's a pro feature!": "Uhoh - ev taybetmendiyek e!",
"Unable to Add Account": "Nabe ku Hesabê zêde bike",
"Unable to Start Local Server": "Nayê ku Pêşkêşkara Local Local destpêkirin",
"Unable to download %@. Check your network connection and try again. %@": "Nikarînkirina daxistinê %@. Têkiliya xwe torê kontrol bikin û dîsa hewl bikin. %@",
"Unable to read package.json for %@: %@": "Nikare xwendin pakson ji bo %@: %@",
"Unarchived %@": "Unarchived %@",
"Underline": "Binxetkirin",
"Undo": "Vebijêre",
"Undoing changes": "Guherandinên veguhastin",
"Unfortunately, link tracking servers are currently not available. Please try again later. Error: %@": "Bêguman, servîsên peywendîdar yên ku niha girêdayî ne. Ji kerema xwe paşê dîsa biceribîne. Çewtiya: %@",
"Unfortunately, open tracking is currently not available. Please try again later. Error: %@": "Mixabin, şopandina vekirî niha ne. Ji kerema xwe paşê dîsa biceribîne. Çewtiya: %@",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"Unfortunately, translation services bill per character and we can't offer this feature for free.": "Mixabin, karûbarên werger werger ji bo karakterê ye û em nikarin vê taybetmendiyê belaş pêşkêş bikin.",
"Unlimited Connected Accounts": "Hesabên Girêdanê yên Girêdanê",
"Unlimited Contact Profiles": "Profîlên Lênêrîna Unlimited",
"Unlimited Link Tracking": "Track Link Unlimited",
"Unlimited Read Receipts": "Gelek Bixwên xwendin",
"Unlimited Reminders": "Reminders Unlimited",
"Unlimited Snoozing": "Unlimited Snoozing",
"Unmarked %@ as Spam": "Unmarked %@ wekî Spam",
"Unnamed Attachment": "Nesaxkirin",
"Unread": "Nixwe",
"Unread Messages": "Nişandanên Peyam",
"Unschedule Send": "Bixwîne Send",
"Unsnoozed message": "Peyama Unsnoozed",
"Unstar": "Nemaze",
"Unstarred": "Hilbijêre",
"Unstarred %@ threads": "Nîşan %@ nayê dîtin",
"Unstarring": "Unstarring",
"Untitled": "Nerazîkirî",
"Untitled Rule": "Rule",
"Update Connection Settings...": "Guherandinên Vejirandin ...",
"Update Error": "Çewtiya nûjenkirinê",
"Upgrade": "Upgrade",
"Upgrade to %@ to use all these great features permanently:": "Upgrade ji bo %@ ji van hemî van taybetmendiyên mezin bi kar tînin:",
"Upgrade to Mailspring Pro": "Upgrade to Mailspring Pro",
"Upgrade to Pro today!": "Upgrade to Pro Today!",
"Use 24-hour clock": "24-hour saet bikar bînin",
"Use Mailspring as default mail client": "Wekî muwekîlê nameyek default default bikar bînin",
"Use the Activity tab to get a birds-eye view of your mailbox: open and click rates, subject line effectiveness, and more.": "Vebijêrk çalakiya tedbîrê bikar bînin ku ji bo balyozên çavên xwe yên meydana xwe bibînin.",
"Verbose logging is now %@": "Vê gihîştinê Verbose niha ye %@",
"View": "Dîtinî",
"View Mail Rules": "Mijarên Mijar bibînin",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"View activity": "Viewalakiyê binihêrin",
"View changelog": "View changelog",
"Visit Thread on GitHub": "Serdana GîtHubê li ser Dîtin",
"Visit Windows Settings to change your default mail client": "Serastkirinên Windows-ê bibînin ku ji muwekîlê xweşartina xwe biguherînin",
"Visit Windows Settings to finish making Mailspring your mail client": "Serastkirinên Windows-ê biçin ku ji bo muwekîlê xwe bişîne Mailspring bi dawî bikin",
"We encountered a problem moving to the Applications folder. Try quitting the application and moving it manually.": "Me pirsgirêkek pevçûnek ji bo peldanka serîlêdanê derket. Biceribînin serîlêdanê û dest bi rêvebirin.",
"We encountered a problem with your local email database. %@\n\nCheck that no other copies of Mailspring are running and click Rebuild to reset your local cache.": "Me pirsgirêkek digel daneya navnîşa xweya herêmî. %@ \n \n Bişkojk ku kopiyên din ên Mailspring diçin û li ser nûvekirina nûçeya xwe ya herêmî vekin bikin.",
"We encountered a problem with your local email database. We will now attempt to rebuild it.": "Me pirsgirêkek digel daneya navnîşa xweya herêmî. Em ê hewl hewl bikin ku wê ava bikin.",
"We encountered an SMTP Gateway error that prevented this message from being delivered to all recipients. The message was only sent successfully to these recipients:\n%@\n\nError: %@": "Me sedema çewtiyek SMTP Gateway ya ku ji vê peyamê re vegotin hemû rêberên xwe vebirin. Peyama tenê bi serkeftî van van qebûlkeran şandin: \n %@ \n \n Çewtiyê: %@",
"We were unable to deliver this message to some recipients. Click 'See Details' for more information.": "Em nikarin ev peyamê hin kesan bistînin. Ji bo bêtir agahî ji bo 'Agahdarî binêrin' binirxînin.",
"We were unable to deliver this message.": "Em nikarin ev peyam danîn.",
"We're having trouble billing your Mailspring subscription.": "Em bi tengahiyek heye ku endamê Mailspringê bistînin.",
"We've picked a set of keyboard shortcuts based on your email account and platform. You can also pick another set:": "We hesabek kurteya klavyeyê ya ku li hesabê xwe û platformê li ser bingeha xwe hilbijêrî. Hûn dikarin hevpeymanek din hilbijêre:",
"Website": "Malpera",
"Welcome to Mailspring": "Welcome to Mailspring",
"When composing, automatically": "Dema ku têgihîştinê, otomatîk",
"When enabled, Mailspring will notify you as soon as someone reads this message. Sending to a group? Mailspring shows you which recipients opened your email so you can follow up with precision.": "Dema ku çalak kirin, Mailspring dê di wextê ku hûn vê peyamê dixwînin we agahdar bikin. Bi şandina koma Mailspring te nîşanî dide ku kîjan e-peywendvanên we yên ku ji we re vekiriye vekiriye, hûn dikarin bi rastiya xwe re bigirin.",
"When link tracking is turned on, Mailspring will notify you when recipients click links in this email.": "Dema ku veguhastina veguhastinê veguherîn, Mailspring dê wextê wextê wextê ku hûn bigihînin peywendvanan di vê e-nameyê deyn bike.",
"When reading messages, mark as read": "Dema ku peyamên xwendinê, wekî xwendinê bixwînin",
"Window": "Pace",
"Window Controls and Menus": "Pencereyan û Menus",
"With activity tracking, youll know as soon as someone reads your message. Sending to a group? Mailspring shows you which recipients opened your email so you can follow up with precision.": "Bi tevlêbûna çalakiya çalakiyê, hûn ê dizanin ku çawa pêxemberê xwe ji we re xwendin. Bi şandina koma Mailspring te nîşanî dide ku kîjan e-peywendvanên we yên ku ji we re vekiriye vekiriye, hûn dikarin bi rastiya xwe re bigirin.",
"Would you like to make Mailspring your default mail client?": "Ma hûn dixwazin ku mişteriya xwe ya nameya default Mailspring bikin?",
"Write a reply…": "Bersiv binivîse ...",
"Write better emails with LinkedIn profiles, Twitter bios, message history, and more in the right sidebar.": "E-nameyên baştirîn bi profîlên LinkedIn, nivîsîn bios, dîrokek peyama nû, û li hêla sernavê rast binivîse.",
"Yahoo is unavailable.": "Yahoo tune.",
"Yes": "Erê",
"You": "Hûn",
"You are using %@, which is free! You can try pro features like snooze, send later, read receipts and reminders a few times a week.": "Tu bikarhêner %@, ku azad e! Hûn dikarin taybetmendiyên pro yên mîna snooze biceribînin, paşê bişînin, heftê çend caran meqbûz û bîranînan bixwînin.",
"You can add reminders to %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Hûn dikarin bi hevalên xwe re [⇐] e-mailên %2$@ ji Mailspring bingehîn zêde bikin.",
"You can choose a shortcut set to use keyboard shortcuts of familiar email clients. To edit a shortcut, click it in the list below and enter a replacement on the keyboard.": "Hûn dikarin ji bo kurteya kurteya şîfreyê hilbijêrin ku kurteya kurteyên kûrek ên mişterên nasnameyên naskirî bikar bînin Ji bo şîfreyê biguherînin, li jêr lîsteyê binihêrin û li ser klavyeyê biguherînin.",
"You can get open and click notifications for %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Hûn dikarin vekirî bibin û agahdariyên ji bo %1$@ e-mailên her %2$@ li Mailspring bingehîn bikin.",
"You can schedule sending of %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Hûn dikarin şandina navnîşên [⇐] her yek %2$@ bi Mailspring bingehîn bişînin.",
"You can share %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Hûn dikarin [⇐] emails her %2$@ bi Mailspring Basic.",
"You can snooze %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Hûn dikarin bi hevalên xwe re [⇐] hevalên xwe %2$@ bişînin.",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"You can translate up to %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Hûn dikarin bi Mailspring Basic re her sêşemê [%1$@ bi e-nameyê wergerînin.",
"You can view contact profiles for %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Hûn dikarin profîlên têkiliyên pêwendiyê [⇐] her yek %2$@ bi Mailspring Basic.",
"You haven't created any mail rules. To get started, define a new rule above and tell Mailspring how to process your inbox.": "Hûn qanûnên nameyek nekiriye. Ji bo dest bi dest bixin, serweriya nû ya şirove bike û ji Mêvîngê re çawa bisekinin ka hûn inbox.",
"You may need to configure aliases with your mail provider (Outlook, Gmail) before using them.": "Pêdivî ye ku hûn hewce bike ku ji alîyê wan re bikarhênerên peywendîdariya nameya xwe (Outlook, Gmail) ve bikar bînin.",
"You must provide a name for your template.": "Divê navê te ji bo navnîşê xwe bidin.",
"You must provide a template name.": "Divê hûn navê navnîşanekê bidin.",
"You must provide contents for your template.": "Pêdivî ye ku hûn maddeya ji bo teşwîqê bidin.",
"You need to provide one or more recipients before sending the message.": "Pêdivî ye ku hûn ji berî peyamê bişînin yek an bêtir bistînin.",
"You'll find Mailspring, along with other options, listed in Default Apps > Mail.": "Hûn ê Mailspring, di alternatîfên din ên din de bibînin, li Navnîşan Default Apps> Mail.",
"You're running the latest version of Mailspring (%@).": "Tu guhertoya herî dawî ya Mailspring (%@) digerin.",
"You've reached your quota": "Hûn kota xwe gihîştin",
"Your Mailspring ID is missing required fields - you may need to reset Mailspring. %@": "Nasnameya we ya Mailspring weyên hewce ne wenda ye - dibe ku hûn hewce bike ku ji nûvekirina Mailspring vekin. %@",
"Your `Sent Mail` folder could not be automatically detected. Visit Preferences > Folders to choose a Sent folder and then try again.": "Peldanka `Şîfreya Sent`` nikare bixweber nehatiye dîtin. Vebijêrkên Serdanêde> Folders ku ji bo peldanka şîfre hilbijêrin û paşê hewl bikin.",
"Your `Trash` folder could not be automatically detected. Visit Preferences > Folders to choose a Trash folder and then try again.": "Peldanka `Trash` nikare bixweber nehatiye dîtin. Vebijêrkên Serkeftin> Folders ji bo peldanka Trash hilbijêre û paşê dîsa biceribînin.",
"Your name": "Navê te",
"Zoom": "Zoom",
"an email address": "Navnîşek e-nameyê",
"an email subject": "mijara emailek",
"and": "û",
"annual": "yeksalî",
"attachments": "girêdan",
"begins with": "bi dest pê dike",
"click": "bitikîne",
"contains": "hene",
"date received or range": "Dîrok an qebûlkirin",
"does not contain": "nabe",
"employees": "karkeran",
"enable IMAP": "IMAP bikar bînin",
"ends with": "bi dawî",
"equals": "wekhev",
"folder or label": "peldanka an nîşankirî",
"iCloud requires that you create a unique app password for email apps like Mailspring. Follow %@ to create one and then paste it below.": "iCloud hewce dike ku hûn şîfreyên e-nameyê yên ku ji bo Meysêlên Mailspring çêbikin. Pêve bike %@ ji bo afirandina çêkin û paşê binivîse.",
"in %@": "di %@",
"link a phone number": "navnîşanek telefonê",
"matches expression": "gotar",
"month": "meh",
"older messages": "peyamên kevin",
"one or more files": "yek an zêdetir zêdetir pelan",
"open": "vekirî",
"open source": "çavkaniyek vekirî",
"processed": "pêvajoy kirin",
"seconds": "çêdike",
"selected": "hilbijartin",
"then": "paşan",
"these instructions": "van riya",
"threads": "mijaran",
Improve localization (#2466) * feats: add script to improve localization * fix: the script used to generate the translations didn't take certain concatenations into account. Previously : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single Now : Many features are unavailable in plain-text mode. To create a single plain-text draft, hold Alt or Option while clicking Compose or Reply. - Previously : These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. Now : These features were %@ of the messages you sent in this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enable read receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer. - Previously : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\n Now : To make changes to contacts in this account, you'll need to re-authorize Mailspring to access your data.\n\nIn Mailspring's main window, go to Preferences > Accounts, select this account, and click \"Re-authenticate\". You'll be prompted to give Mailspring additional permission to update and delete your contacts. ... * chore: improving the french and format-localizations.js executed * feats: add templates to localizations * fix(localization): define default template to english * chore(localization): added explanations on how to use script files --------- Co-authored-by: Ben Gotow <>
2023-10-16 21:55:45 +08:00
"week": "hefte"