2015-09-02 02:57:06 +08:00
_ = require ' underscore '
NylasStore = require ' nylas-store '
{ MessageStore } = require ' nylas-exports '
2015-09-21 05:19:00 +08:00
# ##
The GithubStore is responsible for preparing the data we need ( in this case just the Github url ) for the ` ViewOnGithubButton ` to display .
When thinking how to build this store , the first consideration was where we ' d get our data. The next consideration was when that data would be available.
This Store simply looks for the presence of a " view it on github " link in an email from Github .
This means we ' re going to need a message body to parse. Furthermore, we ' re going to need the message bodies of just the thread the user ' s currently looking at.
We could have gone at this a couple ways . One way would be to grab the messages for the currently focused thread straight from the Database .
We need to be careful since the message bodies ( which could be HUGE ) are stored in a different table then the message metadata .
Luckily , after looking through the available stores , we see that the { MessageStore } does all of this lookup logic for us . It even already listens to whenever the thread changes and loads only the correct messages ( and their bodies ) into its cache .
Instead of writing the Database lookup code ourselves , and creating another , potentially very expensive query , we ' ll use the {MessageStore} instead.
This also means we need to know when the { MessageStore } changes . It ' ll change under a variety of circumstances, but the most common one will be when the currently focused thread changes.
We setup the listener for that change in our constructor and provide a callback .
Our callback , ` _onMessageStoreChanged ` , will grab the messages , check if they ' re relevant (they come from Github), and parse our the links, if any.
It will then cache that result in ` this . _link ` , and finally ` trigger ( ) ` to let the ` ViewOnGithubButton ` know it ' s time to fetch new data.
# ##
2015-09-02 02:57:06 +08:00
class GithubStore extends NylasStore
2015-09-21 05:19:00 +08:00
# It's very common practive for {NylasStore}s to listen to other sources
# of data upon their construction. Since Stores are singletons and
# constructed only once during the initial `require`, there is no
# teardown step to turn off listeners.
2015-09-02 02:57:06 +08:00
constructor: ->
@ listenTo MessageStore , @ _onMessageStoreChanged
2015-09-21 05:19:00 +08:00
# This is the only public method on `GithubStore` and it's read only.
# All {NylasStore}s ONLY have reader methods. No setter methods. Use an
# `Action` instead!
# This is the computed & cached value that our `ViewOnGithubButton` will
# render.
2015-09-02 02:57:06 +08:00
link: -> @ _link
2015-09-21 05:19:00 +08:00
#### "Private" methods ####
2015-09-02 02:57:06 +08:00
_onMessageStoreChanged: ->
return unless MessageStore . threadId ( )
itemIds = _ . pluck ( MessageStore . items ( ) , " id " )
return if itemIds . length is 0 or _ . isEqual ( itemIds , @ _lastItemIds )
@_lastItemIds = itemIds
@_link = if @ _isRelevantThread ( ) then @ _findGitHubLink ( ) else null
@ trigger ( )
_findGitHubLink: ->
msg = MessageStore . items ( ) [ 0 ]
if not msg . body
# The msg body may be null if it's collapsed. In that case, use the
# last message. This may be less relaiable since the last message
# might be a side-thread that doesn't contain the link in the quoted
# text.
msg = _ . last ( MessageStore . items ( ) )
2015-09-21 05:19:00 +08:00
# Yep!, this is a very quick and dirty way to figure out what object
# on Github we're referring to.
2015-09-02 02:57:06 +08:00
# https://regex101.com/r/aW8bI4/2
re = /<a.*?href=['"](.*?)['"].*?view.*?it.*?on.*?github.*?\/a>/gmi
firstMatch = re . exec ( msg . body )
if firstMatch
link = firstMatch [ 1 ] # [0] is the full match and [1] is the matching group
return link
else return null
_isRelevantThread: ->
_ . any ( MessageStore . thread ( ) . participants ? [ ] ) , (contact) ->
( /@github\.com/gi ) . test ( contact . email )
2015-09-21 05:19:00 +08:00
# All {NylasStore}s are constructed upon their first `require` by another
# module. Since `require` is cached, they are only constructed once and
# are therefore singletons.
2015-09-02 02:57:06 +08:00
module.exports = new GithubStore ( )