diff --git a/internal_packages/tooltip/lib/main.cjsx b/internal_packages/tooltip/lib/main.cjsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 78656842b..000000000
--- a/internal_packages/tooltip/lib/main.cjsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-_ = require 'underscore'
-React = require "react"
-Tooltip = require "./tooltip"
-{ComponentRegistry} = require("nylas-exports")
-module.exports =
- item: null # The DOM item the main React component renders into
- activate: (@state={}) ->
- @item = document.createElement("div")
- @item.setAttribute("id", "tooltip-container")
- @item.setAttribute("class", "tooltip-container")
- @tooltip = React.render(React.createElement(Tooltip), @item)
- document.querySelector(NylasEnv.workspaceViewParentSelector).appendChild(@item)
- @mouseDownListener = _.bind(@tooltip.onMouseDown, @tooltip)
- @mouseOverListener = _.bind(@tooltip.onMouseOver, @tooltip)
- @mouseOutListener = _.bind(@tooltip.onMouseOut, @tooltip)
- window.addEventListener("mousedown", @mouseDownListener)
- window.addEventListener("mouseover", @mouseOverListener)
- window.addEventListener("mouseout", @mouseOutListener)
- deactivate: ->
- React.unmountComponentAtNode(@item)
- document.querySelector(NylasEnv.workspaceViewParentSelector).removeChild(@item)
- window.removeEventListener("mousedown", @mouseDownListener)
- window.removeEventListener("mouseover", @mouseOverListener)
- window.removeEventListener("mouseout", @mouseOutListener)
- serialize: -> @state
diff --git a/internal_packages/tooltip/lib/tooltip.cjsx b/internal_packages/tooltip/lib/tooltip.cjsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 80f2c57bf..000000000
--- a/internal_packages/tooltip/lib/tooltip.cjsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-_ = require 'underscore'
-React = require 'react/addons'
-{DOMUtils} = require 'nylas-exports'
-IMPORTANT: This has been deprecated. Use the native `title=` attribute instead.
-This will ensure native-behavior cross platform.
-The Tooltip component displays a consistent hovering tooltip for use when
-extra context information is required.
-Activate by adding a `data-tooltip="Label"` to any element
-It's a global-level singleton
-class Tooltip extends React.Component
- @displayName: "Tooltip"
- constructor: (@props) ->
- @state =
- top: 0
- pos: "below"
- left: 0
- width: 0
- pointerLeft: 0
- display: false
- content: ""
- componentWillMount: =>
- @KEEP_DELAY = 300
- @_showDelay = @DEFAULT_DELAY
- @_showTimeout = null
- @_showDelayTimeout = null
- componentWillUnmount: =>
- clearTimeout @_showTimeout
- clearTimeout @_showDelayTimeout
- @_mutationObserver?.disconnect()
- @_enteredTooltip = false
- render: =>
- _positionStyles: =>
- top: @state.top
- left: @state.left
- width: @state.width
- display: if @state.display then "block" else "none"
- # This are public methods so they can be bound to the window event
- # listeners.
- onMouseOver: (e) =>
- elWithTooltip = @_elementWithTooltip(e.target)
- if elWithTooltip and DOMUtils.nodeIsVisible(elWithTooltip)
- if elWithTooltip isnt @_lastTarget
- @_onTooltipEnter(elWithTooltip)
- else if @state.display
- @_hideTooltip()
- onMouseOut: (e) =>
- if @_elementWithTooltip(e.fromElement) and not @_elementWithTooltip(e.toElement)
- @_onTooltipLeave()
- onMouseDown: (e) =>
- if @state.display
- @_hideTooltip()
- _elementWithTooltip: (target) =>
- while target
- break if target?.dataset?.tooltip?
- target = target.parentNode
- return target
- _onTooltipEnter: (target) =>
- # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MutationObserver
- @_mutationObserver?.disconnect()
- @_mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(@_onTooltipLeave)
- @_mutationObserver.observe(target.parentNode, attributes: true, subtree: true, childList: true)
- @_lastTarget = target
- @_enteredTooltip = true
- clearTimeout(@_showTimeout)
- clearTimeout(@_showDelayTimeout)
- @_showTimeout = setTimeout =>
- @_showTooltip(target)
- , @_showDelay
- _onTooltipLeave: =>
- return unless @_enteredTooltip
- @_enteredTooltip = false
- clearTimeout(@_showTimeout)
- @_hideTooltip()
- @_showDelay = 10
- clearTimeout(@_showDelayTimeout)
- @_showDelayTimeout = setTimeout =>
- @_showDelay = @DEFAULT_DELAY
- _showTooltip: (target) =>
- return unless DOMUtils.nodeIsVisible(target)
- content = target.dataset.tooltip
- return if (content ? "").trim().toLowerCase().length is 0
- guessedWidth = @_guessWidth(content)
- dim = target.getBoundingClientRect()
- left = dim.left + dim.width / 2
- top = dim.top + dim.height + 14
- tooltipPos = "below"
- if top + FLIP_THRESHOLD > @_windowHeight()
- tooltipPos = "above"
- top = dim.top - TOOLTIP_HEIGHT
- # If for some reason the element was removed from underneath us, we
- # won't know until we get here. The element's dimensions will return
- # (0, 14), which we can use to filter out bad displays. This can
- # happen if our mutation observer misses the event. In some cases
- # (like the multi-select toolbar), the button's great-grandparent is
- # removed from the DOM and no mutation observer event is fired.
- if left < 20 and top < 20
- @_hideTooltip()
- return
- @setState
- top: top
- pos: tooltipPos
- left: @_tooltipLeft(left, guessedWidth)
- width: guessedWidth
- pointerLeft: @_tooltipPointerLeft(left, guessedWidth)
- display: true
- content: target.dataset.tooltip
- _guessWidth: (content) =>
- # roughly 11px per character
- guessWidth = content.length * 11
- return Math.max(Math.min(guessWidth, 250), 50)
- _tooltipLeft: (targetLeft, guessedWidth) =>
- max = @_windowWidth() - guessedWidth - @CONTENT_PADDING
- left = Math.min(Math.max(targetLeft - guessedWidth/2, @CONTENT_PADDING), max)
- return left
- _tooltipPointerLeft: (targetLeft, guessedWidth) =>
- POINTER_WIDTH = 6 + 2 #2px of border-radius
- max = @_windowWidth() - @CONTENT_PADDING
- absoluteLeft = Math.max(Math.min(targetLeft, max), min)
- relativeLeft = absoluteLeft - @_tooltipLeft(targetLeft, guessedWidth)
- left = Math.max(Math.min(relativeLeft, guessedWidth-POINTER_WIDTH), POINTER_WIDTH)
- return left
- _windowWidth: =>
- document.body.offsetWidth
- _windowHeight: =>
- document.body.offsetHeight
- _hideTooltip: =>
- @_mutationObserver?.disconnect()
- @_lastTarget = null
- @setState
- top: 0
- left: 0
- width: 0
- pointerLeft: 0
- display: false
- content: ""
-module.exports = Tooltip
diff --git a/internal_packages/tooltip/package.json b/internal_packages/tooltip/package.json
deleted file mode 100755
index 2f52a9e78..000000000
--- a/internal_packages/tooltip/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- "name": "tooltip",
- "version": "0.1.0",
- "main": "./lib/main",
- "description": "Tooltip",
- "license": "GPL-3.0",
- "private": true,
- "engines": {
- "nylas": "*"
- },
- "dependencies": {
- }
diff --git a/internal_packages/tooltip/spec/tooltip-spec.cjsx b/internal_packages/tooltip/spec/tooltip-spec.cjsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 014e83b94..000000000
--- a/internal_packages/tooltip/spec/tooltip-spec.cjsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Testing the Tooltip component
-_ = require 'underscore'
-React = require 'react/addons'
-ReactTestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils
-Tooltip = require '../lib/tooltip'
-describe "Tooltip", ->
- beforeEach ->
- @tooltip = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
- )
- it "renders to the document", ->
- expect(ReactTestUtils.isCompositeComponentWithType @tooltip, Tooltip).toBe true
diff --git a/internal_packages/tooltip/stylesheets/tooltip.less b/internal_packages/tooltip/stylesheets/tooltip.less
deleted file mode 100644
index cea85fda5..000000000
--- a/internal_packages/tooltip/stylesheets/tooltip.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-@import "ui-variables";
-#tooltip-container {
- position: absolute;
- z-index: 999;
- top: 0;
- left: 0;
-@tooltipHeight: 156px / 2;
-@wingWidth: 42px / 2;
-.tooltip-wrap {
- position: absolute;
- display: none;
- // Position and display are set by React
- background: #fff;
- box-shadow: 0 10px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.19), inset 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
- border-radius: @border-radius-base;
- color: #313435;
- font-weight: @font-weight-normal;
- text-align: center;
- text-transform: capitalize;
- .tooltip-content {
- padding: 0.5em;
- }
- .tooltip-pointer {
- position: absolute;
- width: 22.5px;
- height: 10px;
- background: transparent url('images/tooltip/tooltip-bg-pointer@2x.png') no-repeat;
- background-size: 22.5px 10.5px;
- margin-left: -11.2px;
- }
- &.above {
- .tooltip-pointer {
- transform: rotate(0deg);
- bottom: -9px;
- }
- }
- &.below {
- .tooltip-pointer {
- transform: rotate(180deg);
- top: -9px;
- }
- }