Fix: Ensure correct keytar migration on snap and improve documentation (#2474)

This commit is contained in:
Janosch Braukmann 2023-10-23 16:28:29 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 16b6102319
commit 390a301dd7
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
90 changed files with 107 additions and 191 deletions

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring kon nie 'n aanhangsel stoor nie omdat jy nie meer spasie op die skyf het nie.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring kon nie 'n aanhangsel stoor nie. Maak seker dat toestemmings korrek ingestel is en probeer Mailspring herbegin as die probleem voortduur.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring kon nie die mailsync-proses kweek nie. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring kon jou wagwoord nie stoor nie. %@ Vir meer inligting, besoek %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring kon jou wagwoord nie stoor nie. Vir meer inligting, besoek %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring lessenaar kennisgewings op Linux vereis Zenity. U moet dit dalk met u pakketbestuurder installeer.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ondersteun nie styleheets met die uitbreiding nie: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring het foute ondervind met die sinkronisering van hierdie rekening. Crash verslae is gestuur na die Mailspring span en ons sal werk om hierdie foute op te los in die volgende uitgawe.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring kon nie die plaaslike kas herstel nie. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring kon nie skryf na die lêerlêer wat jy gespesifiseer het nie (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring bied nie meer boodskappe wat in %@ geskryf is, te vertaal nie.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Maak seker jy het `libsecret` geïnstalleer en 'n sleutelring is teenwoordig.",
"Manage": "bestuur",
"Manage Accounts": "Bestuur rekeninge",
"Manage Billing": "Bestuur faktuur",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "የዲስክ ቦታ ስለጨረሱ Mailspring ዓባሪውን ማስቀመጥ አልቻለም.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring ዓባሪን ማስቀመጥ አልቻለም. ፍቃዶቹ በትክክል ከተዘጋጁ እና ችግሩ ከቀጠለ Mailspring እንደገና ለመጀመር ይሞክሩ.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring የ mmsync ሂደቱን መፈጠር አይችልም. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring የይለፍ ቃልዎን ደህንነቱ በተጠበቀ ሁኔታ ሊያከማች አይችልም. %@ ለተጨማሪ መረጃ %@ ን ይጎብኙ.",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring የይለፍ ቃልዎን ደህንነቱ በተጠበቀ ሁኔታ ሊያከማች አይችልም. ለተጨማሪ መረጃ %@ ን ይጎብኙ.",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "በሊነክስ ላይ የዴስክቶፕ ማሳወቂያዎች የዜና ማሰራጫ ያስፈልጋቸዋል. ከእርስዎ የጥቅል አስተዳዳሪ ጋር መጫን ሊኖርብዎ ይችላል.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring በቅጥያው አማካኝነት የሉህ ቅርጾችን አይደግፍም %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ከዚህ መለያ ጋር በማመሳሰል ስህተት አጋጥሞታል. የብልሽት ሪፖርቶች ወደ Mailspring ቡድን ተልከዋል, እናም እነዚህን ስህተቶች በሚቀጥለው ቅጂ ላይ ለማስተካከል እንሰራለን.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring የአካባቢያዊ መሸጎጫውን ዳግም ማስጀመር አልቻለም. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring እርስዎ የገለጹትን የፋይል ቦታ መጻፍ አልቻለም (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "መልእክቶች ከእንግዲህ በ %@ ውስጥ የተጻፉ መልዕክቶችን ለመተርጎም አይሰጡም ፡፡",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "«Libsecret» እንዳለዎ ያረጋግጡ እና የቁልፍ ማድረጊያ ማብራት አለብዎት.",
"Manage": "አቀናብር",
"Manage Accounts": "መለያዎችን ያስተዳድሩ",
"Manage Billing": "የክፍያ መጠየቂያ አቀናብር",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "تعذر على Mailspring حفظ مرفق لأنك نفدت مساحة القرص.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "تعذر على Mailspring حفظ المرفق. تحقق من تعيين الأذونات بشكل صحيح وحاول إعادة تشغيل Mailspring إذا استمرت المشكلة.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring لا يمكن أن تفرز عملية mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "تعذر على Mailspring تخزين كلمة مرورك بشكل آمن. %@ لمزيد من المعلومات ، يرجى زيارة %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "تعذر على Mailspring تخزين كلمة مرورك بشكل آمن. لمزيد من المعلومات ، يرجى زيارة %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "تتطلب إخطارات سطح المكتب Mailspring على Linux أن تكون Zenity. قد تحتاج إلى تثبيته مع مدير الحزم الخاص بك.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring لا يدعم أوراق الأنماط بالامتداد: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "واجهت Mailspring أخطاء في مزامنة هذا الحساب. تم إرسال تقارير الأعطال إلى فريق Mailspring وسنعمل على إصلاح هذه الأخطاء في الإصدار التالي.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "تعذر على Mailspring إعادة تعيين ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت المحلية. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "تعذر على Mailspring الكتابة إلى موقع الملف الذي حددته (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "لن يقوم Mailspring بعرض ترجمة الرسائل المكتوبة بـ %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "تأكد من تثبيت `libsecret` وحلقة مفاتيح موجودة.",
"Manage": "تدبير",
"Manage Accounts": "إدارة الحسابات",
"Manage Billing": "إدارة الفوترة",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Disk boşluğundan istifadə etdiyiniz üçün Mailspring bir əlavə saxlaya bilmədi.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring bir əlavə saxlaya bilmədi. İzinlerin doğru bir şekilde ayarlandığını kontrol edin ve sorun devam ederse Mailspring'i yeniden deneyin.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring mailsync prosesini aça bilmədi. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring parolunuzu təhlükəsiz saxlamadı. %@ Daha ətraflı məlumat üçün %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring parolunuzu təhlükəsiz saxlamadı. Daha ətraflı məlumat üçün %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linux-da masa üstü masaüstü bildirişləri Zenity tələb edir. Paket menecerinizə yükləməlisiniz.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring uzantı ilə üslubları dəstəkləmir: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring bu hesabı sinxronizasiya edən səhvlər ilə qarşılaşdı. Crash hesabatları Mailspring qrupuna göndərilib və biz növbəti səhvlərdə bu səhvləri düzəltməyə çalışacağıq.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring yerli önbelleği sıfırlayamadı. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring belirttiğiniz fayl konumuna yazılamadı (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring artıq %@ ilə yazılmış mesajları tərcümə etməyi təklif etməyəcəkdir.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Sizə 'libsecret' quraşdırıldığından və bir keyring var olduğundan əmin olun.",
"Manage": "İdarə et",
"Manage Accounts": "Hesabları idarə et",
"Manage Billing": "Faturalandırmayı idarə et",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring не можа захаваць ўкладанне, таму што вы вычарпалі дыскавай прасторы.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring не можа захаваць ўкладанне. Пераканайцеся, што правы доступу ўстаноўлены правільна і паспрабуйце перазапусціць Mailspring, калі праблема не ўхіленая.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring не можа спарадзіць працэс mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring не можа захоўваць пароль надзейна. %@ Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring не можа захоўваць пароль надзейна. Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring настольныя апавяшчэння аб Linux патрабуюць Zenity. Вы, магчыма, спатрэбіцца ўсталяваць яго з дапамогай мэнэджара пакетаў.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring не падтрымлівае табліцы стыляў з пашырэннем: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring паўсталі памылкі пры сінхранізацыі гэтага рахунку. Справаздачы пра памылкі былі адпраўленыя ў каманду Mailspring, і мы будзем працаваць, каб выправіць гэтыя памылкі ў наступным выпуску.",
@ -360,8 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring не ўдалося аднавіць лакальны кэш. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring не змог запісаць у файл названай тэчцы (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring больш не прапануе перакладаць паведамленні, напісаныя на %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Пераканайцеся, што вы `libsecret` усталяваны і бірулька прысутнічае.",
"Manage": "кіраваць",
"Manage Accounts": "Упраўленне уліковых запісаў",
"Manage Billing": "кіраванне білінг",
"Manage Templates...": "Упраўленне шаблонамі ...",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring не можа да запази прикачен файл, защото сте изчерпали дисковото пространство.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring не можа да запази прикачен файл. Проверете дали разрешенията са зададени правилно и опитайте да рестартирате Mailspring, ако проблемът продължава.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring не може да възникне в процеса на изпращане на съобщения. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring не можа да съхрани паролата ви сигурно. %@ За повече информация посетете %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring не можа да съхрани паролата ви сигурно. За повече информация посетете %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Съобщенията на Mailspring за настолни компютри на Linux изискват Zenity. Може да се наложи да го инсталирате с вашия мениджър на пакети.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring не поддържа стилове с разширение: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring срещна грешки при синхронизирането на този профил. Съобщенията за сривове бяха изпратени до екипа на Mailspring и ние ще работим, за да отстраним тези грешки в следващото издание.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring не успя да нулира местния кеш. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring не можа да напише файла, който сте посочили (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring вече няма да предлага превод на съобщения, написани на %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Уверете се, че сте инсталирали \"libsecret\" и има ключалка.",
"Manage": "управлявам",
"Manage Accounts": "Управление на профили",
"Manage Billing": "Управление на таксуването",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring একটি সংযুক্তি সংরক্ষণ করতে পারেনি কারণ আপনার ডিস্কে স্থান ফুরিয়ে গেছে।",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring একটি সংযুক্তি সংরক্ষণ করতে পারে না। অনুমতিগুলি সঠিকভাবে সেট করা আছে কিনা তা পরীক্ষা করুন এবং সমস্যাটি যদি অবিরত থাকে তবে Mailspring পুনরায় আরম্ভ করার চেষ্টা করুন।",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring mailsync প্রক্রিয়া spawn করতে পারে না। %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring নিরাপদে আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড সংরক্ষণ করতে পারে না। %@ আরও তথ্যের জন্য, %@ যান",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring নিরাপদে আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড সংরক্ষণ করতে পারে না। আরও তথ্যের জন্য, %@ যান",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "লিনাক্সে মেল্সপ্রিং ডেস্কটপ বিজ্ঞপ্তিগুলি জেনেটি প্রয়োজন। আপনার প্যাকেজ ম্যানেজারের সাথে এটি ইনস্টল করতে হবে।",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "মেলসপ্রিং এক্সটেনশন সহ স্টাইলশীটগুলিকে সমর্থন করে না: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring এই অ্যাকাউন্ট সিঙ্কিং ত্রুটি সম্মুখীন। ক্র্যাশ প্রতিবেদনগুলি Mailspring টিমকে পাঠানো হয়েছে এবং আমরা পরবর্তী রিলিজে এই ত্রুটিগুলির সমাধান করতে কাজ করব।",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring স্থানীয় ক্যাশে রিসেট করতে অক্ষম। %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring আপনি নির্দিষ্ট করা ফাইল অবস্থান লিখতে অক্ষম ছিল (%@)।",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "মেলস্প্রিং আর %@ এ লিখিত বার্তাগুলি অনুবাদ করার প্রস্তাব দিবে না।",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "আপনি `libsecret` ইনস্টল করেছেন এবং একটি কীরণ উপস্থিত রয়েছে তা নিশ্চিত করুন।",
"Manage": "পরিচালনা করা",
"Manage Accounts": "অ্যাকাউন্ট পরিচালনা করুন",
"Manage Billing": "বিলিং পরিচালনা করুন",

View file

@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring nije mogao sačuvati prilog jer ste izgubili prostor na disku.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring nije mogao sačuvati prilog. Proverite da li su ispravke postavljene ispravno i pokušajte ponovo pokrenuti Mailspring ako se problem i dalje javlja.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring nije mogao spawn proces pošte. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nije mogao čuvati vašu lozinku sigurno. %@ Za više informacija posetite %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nije mogao čuvati vašu lozinku sigurno. Za više informacija posetite %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring radna obaveštenja na Linuxu zahtevaju Zenity. Možda ćete morati da ga instalirate pomoću menadžera paketa.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ne podržava stilove sa ekstenzijom: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring je naišao na greške u sinhronizaciji ovog naloga. Izveštaji o oštećenjima su poslati timu Mailspring i radićemo da ispravimo ove greške u sledećem izdanju.",
@ -359,7 +359,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring nije mogao resetovati lokalnu keš memoriju. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring nije mogao pisati na lokaciju datoteke koju ste naveli (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring više neće nuditi prijevod poruka napisanih na %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Uverite se da ste instalirali `libsecret` i prisutan je ključ.",
"Manage": "Upravljajte",
"Manage Accounts": "Upravljanje nalogom",
"Manage Billing": "Upravljanje obračunom",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring no ha pogut desar un fitxer adjunt perquè s'ha quedat sense espai al disc.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring no ha pogut desar un fitxer adjunt. Comproveu que els permisos estiguin configurats correctament i proveu de reiniciar Mailspring si el problema persisteix.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring no ha pogut generar el procés de mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring no ha pogut desar la contrasenya de manera segura. %@ Per obtenir més informació, visiteu %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring no ha pogut desar la contrasenya de manera segura. Per obtenir més informació, visiteu %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Les notificacions de correu de Mailspring a Linux requereixen Zenity. És possible que hàgiu d'instal·lar-lo amb el vostre gestor de paquets.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring no admet fulles d'estil amb l'extensió: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ha detectat errors en sincronitzar aquest compte. S'han enviat informes d'error a l'equip de Mailspring i treballarem per corregir aquests errors en el pròxim llançament.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring no ha pogut restableix la memòria cau local. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring no ha pogut escriure a la ubicació del fitxer especificada (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring ja no oferirà la traducció de missatges escrits en %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Assegureu-vos que teniu instal·lat 'libsecret` i hi ha un anell de claus.",
"Manage": "Gestiona",
"Manage Accounts": "Gestionar comptes",
"Manage Billing": "Gestioneu la facturació",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Ang Mailspring dili makaluwas sa usa ka attachment tungod kay nahutdan ka sa disk space.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Ang Mailspring dili makaluwas sa usa ka bahin. Susiha nga husto ang mga permiso ug susiha pagsugod ang Mailspring kung ang isyu nagpadayon.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Ang Mailspring dili makapatubo sa proseso sa mailsync. [Элсэн]",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Ang Mailspring dili makatipig sa imong password sa kasigurohan. [Элсэн] Alang sa dugang kasayuran, bisitaha ang [элсэн]",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Ang Mailspring dili makatipig sa imong password sa kasigurohan. Alang sa dugang kasayuran, bisitaha ang [элсэн]",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Ang mga notipikasyon sa desktop sa Linux nagkinahanglan og Zenity. Mahimo nimo kini i-install sa imong manager sa package.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Ang Mailspring wala mosuporta sa mga estilo nga adunay mga extension: [элсэн]",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Nakatagbo ang Mailspring mga kasaypanan sa pag-sync niini nga asoy. Ang mga taho sa Crash gipadala ngadto sa team sa Mailspring ug kami magtrabaho aron ayuhon kini nga mga sayop sa sunod nga pagpagawas.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Ang Mailspring dili maka-reset sa lokal nga cache. [Элсэн]",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Ang Mailspring dili makasulat sa lokasyon sa file nga imong gipili (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Wala na motanyag ang Mailspring sa paghubad sa mga mensahe nga nasulat sa %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Siguroha nga ikaw adunay `libsecret` nga naka-install ug ang usa ka keyring anaa.",
"Manage": "Pagdumala",
"Manage Accounts": "Pagdumala sa mga Account",
"Manage Billing": "Pagdumala sa Billing",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring ùn pò micca salvà un imuneratu perchè ùn esiste micca di u spaziu discu.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring ùn pò micca salvà un attacheti. Verificate chì i permessi sò stampati bè è pruvate à restituisce Mailspring se u perspettiva persiste.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring ùn pò micca spawn u processu mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ùn pò micca guardà a vostra password sicura. %@ Per più infurmazione, visitate %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ùn pò micca guardà a vostra password sicura. Per più infurmazione, visitate %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring a notificazioni di scrittura à u Linux necessaria Zenity. Pudete bisognu di installà cù u vostru gestore di u pacchettu.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ùn sustene micca i mudelli di stallazione cù l'estensione: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring hà scontri erruri chì si syncing stu cuntu. Crash hè statu mandatu à u parcru Mailspring è avemu travagliatu per riparà quelli errori in u prossime liberu.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring hè statu capace di rinvià u cache local. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring ùn hè statu capace di scrive à u locu di u schedariu chì hà specificatu (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring ùn offre più pè traduce missaghji scritti in %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Assicuratevi di avè u libsecretu installatu è un chenu hè presentu.",
"Manage": "Manage",
"Manage Accounts": "Manage Accounts",
"Manage Billing": "Manage Billing",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring nemohl uložit přílohu, protože došlo místo na disku.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring nemohl uložit přílohu. Zkontrolujte, zda jsou správně nastavena uživatelská oprávnění, a pokud problém přetrvává, zkuste restartovat aplikaci Mailspring.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring nemohl spustit proces mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nemohl bezpečně uložit vaše heslo. %@ Další informace naleznete na stránce %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nemohl bezpečně uložit vaše heslo. Další informace naleznete na stránce %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring pro systémová upozornění využívá program zenity. Možná bude třeba jej ručně nainstalovat vaším správcem balíčků.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring nepodporuje styly s příponou: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Při spuštění aplikace Mailspring došlo k chybám při synchronizaci tohoto účtu. Zprávy o selhání byly odeslány týmu Mailspring a my se vynasnažíme tyto chyby opravit v příštím vydání.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring nemohl obnovit mezipaměť. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring nemohl uskutečnit zápis do zadaného umístění souboru (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring již nebude nabízet překlad zpráv napsaných v %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Ujistěte se, že máte nainstalovaný `libsecret` a v systému je přítomná klíčenka.",
"Manage": "Spravovat",
"Manage Accounts": "Správa účtů",
"Manage Billing": "Správa fakturace",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Ni all Mailspring achub atodiad oherwydd eich bod wedi rhedeg allan o le ar ddisg.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Ni allai Mailspring achub atodiad. Gwiriwch fod y caniatâd yn cael ei osod yn gywir a cheisiwch ailgychwyn Mailspring os yw'r mater yn parhau.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Ni allai Mailspring silio'r broses mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Ni all Mailspring storio'ch cyfrinair yn ddiogel. %@ Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Ni all Mailspring storio'ch cyfrinair yn ddiogel. Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mae hysbysiadau bwrdd gwaith Mailspring ar Linux yn gofyn am Zenity. Efallai y bydd angen i chi ei osod gyda'ch rheolwr pecyn.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Nid yw Mailspring yn cefnogi arddulliau arddull gyda'r estyniad: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Gwelodd Mailspring wallau sy'n synci'r cyfrif hwn. Anfonwyd adroddiadau cras i dîm Mailspring a byddwn yn gweithio i osod y gwallau hyn yn y datganiad nesaf.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Ni all Mailspring ailosod y cache lleol. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Ni all Mailspring ysgrifennu at y lleoliad ffeil a bennwyd gennych (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Ni fydd Mailspring bellach yn cynnig cyfieithu negeseuon a ysgrifennwyd yn %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod wedi gosod `libsecret` ac mae ffugenydd yn bresennol.",
"Manage": "Rheoli",
"Manage Accounts": "Rheoli Cyfrifon",
"Manage Billing": "Rheoli Biliau",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring kunne ikke gemme en vedhæftet fil, fordi du er løbet tør for diskplads.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring kunne ikke gemme en vedhæftet fil. Kontrollér, at tilladelser er indstillet korrekt, og prøv at genstarte Mailspring, hvis problemet fortsætter.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring kunne ikke gyde mailsync processen. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring kunne ikke gemme dit kodeord sikkert. %@ For mere information besøg %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring kunne ikke gemme dit kodeord sikkert. For mere information besøg %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring desktop notifikationer på Linux kræver Zenity. Det kan være nødvendigt at installere det med din pakkechef.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring understøtter ikke stylesheets med udvidelsen: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring fandt fejl ved at synkronisere denne konto. Crash-rapporter er blevet sendt til Mailspring-teamet, og vi vil arbejde for at rette disse fejl i den næste udgave.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring kunne ikke nulstille den lokale cache. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring kunne ikke skrive til den filplacering, du angav (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring tilbyder ikke længere at oversætte meddelelser skrevet i %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Sørg for at du har `libsecret` installeret, og en nøgle er til stede.",
"Manage": "Styre",
"Manage Accounts": "Administrer konti",
"Manage Billing": "Administrer fakturering",

View file

@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring konnte einen Anhang nicht speichern, da der Speicherplatz nicht mehr ausreicht.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring konnte keinen Anhang speichern. Überprüfen Sie, ob die Berechtigungen korrekt festgelegt sind und starten Sie Mailspring neu, falls das Problem weiterhin besteht.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring konnte den Mail-Synchronisierungsvorgang nicht starten. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring konnte Ihr Passwort nicht sicher speichern. %@ Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring konnte Ihr Passwort nicht sicher speichern. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring Desktop-Benachrichtigungen unter Linux erfordert Zenity. Möglicherweise müssen Sie es mit Ihrem Paketmanager installieren.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring unterstützt keine Stylesheets mit der Erweiterung: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring hat Fehler bei der Synchronisierung dieses Kontos festgestellt. Absturzberichte wurden an das Mailspring-Team gesendet und wir werden daran arbeiten, diese Fehler in der nächsten Version zu beheben.",
@ -367,7 +367,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring konnte den lokalen Cache nicht zurücksetzen. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring konnte nicht an den von Ihnen angegebenen Speicherort (%@) schreiben. %@",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring bietet keine Übersetzung von Nachrichten in %@ mehr an.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. If you installed Mailspring via `snap`, please run `sudo snap connect mailspring:password-manager-service` to connect it to your keyring. ": "Stellen Sie sicher, dass `libsecret` installiert ist und ein Schlüsselring vorhanden ist. Falls Sie Mailspring via `snap` installiert haben, führen Sie den folgenden Befehl aus um Mailspring mit dem Schlüsselring zu verbinden: `sudo snap connect mailspring:password-manager-service`",
"Manage": "Verwalten",
"Manage Accounts": "Konten verwalten",
"Manage Billing": "Bezahlung verwalten",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Το Mailspring δεν μπόρεσε να αποθηκεύσει ένα συνημμένο επειδή εξαντλήθηκε ο χώρος στο δίσκο.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Το Mailspring δεν μπόρεσε να σώσει ένα συνημμένο. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι τα δικαιώματα έχουν ρυθμιστεί σωστά και δοκιμάστε να κάνετε επανεκκίνηση του Mailspring εάν το πρόβλημα παραμένει.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Το Mailspring δεν θα μπορούσε να δημιουργήσει τη διαδικασία mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Το Mailspring δεν μπόρεσε να αποθηκεύσει τον κωδικό σας με ασφάλεια. %@ Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, επισκεφτείτε %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Το Mailspring δεν μπόρεσε να αποθηκεύσει τον κωδικό σας με ασφάλεια. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, επισκεφτείτε %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Οι ειδοποιήσεις Mailspring στην επιφάνεια εργασίας του Linux απαιτούν Zenity. Μπορεί να χρειαστεί να το εγκαταστήσετε με το διαχειριστή πακέτων.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Το Mailspring δεν υποστηρίζει φύλλα στυλ με την επέκταση: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Το Mailspring αντιμετώπισε σφάλματα κατά τη συγχρονισμό αυτού του λογαριασμού. Οι αναφορές σφαλμάτων έχουν σταλεί στην ομάδα Mailspring και θα προσπαθήσουμε να διορθώσουμε αυτά τα σφάλματα στην επόμενη έκδοση.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Το Mailspring δεν μπόρεσε να επαναφέρει την τοπική μνήμη cache. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Το Mailspring δεν μπόρεσε να γράψει στη θέση του αρχείου που ορίσατε (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Το Mailspring δεν θα προσφέρει πλέον τη μετάφραση μηνυμάτων γραμμένα στο %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχετε εγκαταστήσει το `libsecret` και υπάρχει ένα κλειδί.",
"Manage": "Διαχειρίζονται",
"Manage Accounts": "Διαχείριση λογαριασμών",
"Manage Billing": "Διαχείριση χρεώσεων",

View file

@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.",
@ -362,7 +362,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to read the contents of your templates directory (%@). You may want to delete this folder or ensure filesystem permissions are set correctly.": "Mailspring was unable to read the contents of your templates directory (%@). You may want to delete this folder or ensure filesystem permissions are set correctly.",
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ",
"Manage": "Manage",
"Manage Accounts": "Manage Accounts",
"Manage Billing": "Manage Billing",

View file

@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.",
@ -397,7 +397,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. If you installed Mailspring via `snap`, please run `sudo snap connect mailspring:password-manager-service` to connect it to your keyring. ": "Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. If you installed Mailspring via `snap`, please run `sudo snap connect mailspring:password-manager-service` to connect it to your keyring. ",
"Manage": "Manage",
"Manage Accounts": "Manage Accounts",
"Manage Billing": "Manage Billing",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring ne povis konservi korinklinon ĉar vi forkuris el disko.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring ne povis ŝpari korinklinon. Kontrolu, ke la permesoj estas agorditaj ĝuste kaj provu rekomenci Mailspring se la afero persistas.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring ne povis krei la procezon de mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ne povis stoki vian pasvorton sekure. %@ Por pliaj informoj, vizitu %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ne povis stoki vian pasvorton sekure. Por pliaj informoj, vizitu %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring labortablo sciigoj pri Linukso postulas Zenity. Vi eble bezonas instali ĝin per via pakaĵministro.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ne subtenas stilojn kun la etendo: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring renkontis erarojn sinkronigante ĉi tiun konton. Malfruaj raportoj estis senditaj al la Mailspring-teamo kaj ni laboros por ripari tiujn erarojn en la sekva eldono.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring ne povis restarigi la lokan kaŝmemoron. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring ne povis skribi al la dosiera loko, kiun vi specifis (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring ne plu ofertos traduki mesaĝojn skribitajn en %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Certiĝu, ke vi havas 'libsecret' instalitan kaj kurioza ĉeesto.",
"Manage": "Administri",
"Manage Accounts": "Administri kontojn",
"Manage Billing": "Administri Billing",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring no pudo guardar un archivo adjunto porque se quedó sin espacio en disco.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring no pudo guardar un archivo adjunto. Verifique que los permisos estén configurados correctamente e intente reiniciar Mailspring si el problema persiste.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring no pudo generar el proceso de sincronización de correo. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring no pudo almacenar su contraseña de forma segura. %@ Para más información, visite %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring no pudo almacenar su contraseña de forma segura. Para más información, visite %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Las notificaciones de escritorio de Mailspring en Linux requieren Zenity. Es posible que necesite instalarlo con su gestor de paquetes.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring no admite hojas de estilo con la extensión: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring encontró errores al sincronizar esta cuenta. Se han enviado informes de errores al equipo de Mailspring y trabajaremos para corregir estos errores en la próxima versión.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring no pudo restablecer el caché local. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring no pudo escribir en la ubicación del archivo que especificó (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring ya no ofrecerá traducir mensajes escritos en %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Asegúrese de tener `libsecret` instalado y de que haya un llavero.",
"Manage": "Gestionar",
"Manage Accounts": "Cuentas de administración",
"Manage Billing": "Gestionar facturación",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring ei suutnud manust säilitada, sest teil on kettaruumi otsa saanud.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring ei suutnud manust säilitada. Kontrollige, kas õigused on õigesti seadistatud ja proovige uuesti proovida, kui probleem püsib.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring ei suutnud luua mailsync protsessi. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ei suutnud teie parooli turvaliselt salvestada. %@ Lisateabe saamiseks külastage %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ei suutnud teie parooli turvaliselt salvestada. Lisateabe saamiseks külastage %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linuxi töölaua märguanded vajavad Zenityt. Võimalik, et peate selle installima paketihalduriga.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ei toeta laiendusega stiilseid tabeleid: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring tekkis vigu selle konto sünkroonimisel. Crash-aruanded on saadetud mailspringi meeskonnale ja me töötame selle vea parandamiseks järgmises väljaandes.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring ei suutnud kohalikku vahemälust lähtestada. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring ei suutnud kirjutada määratud faili asukohta (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring ei paku enam sõnades %@ kirjutatud kirjade tõlkimist.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Veenduge, et teil on paigaldatud `libsecret 'ja võtmerõngas on kohal.",
"Manage": "Hallata",
"Manage Accounts": "Kontode haldamine",
"Manage Billing": "Arvelduse haldamine",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring-ek ezin izan du eranskinik gorde disko gogorrean.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring-ek ezin izan du eranskinik gorde. Egiaztatu baimenak behar bezala ezarri direla eta saiatu Mailspring berrabiarazi arazoa jarraitzen baduzu.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring-ek ezin izan du mailsync prozesua abiarazi. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring-ek ezin izan du zure pasahitza segurtasunez gorde. %@ Informazio gehiago lortzeko, bisitatu %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring-ek ezin izan du zure pasahitza segurtasunez gorde. Informazio gehiago lortzeko, bisitatu %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring mahaigaineko jakinarazpenak Linuxen eskatzen Zenity. Pakete kudeatzailearekin instalatu beharko duzu.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspringek ez ditu estilo-orriak onartzen luzapenarekin: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring-ek akatsak kontu hau sinkronizatu du. Crash txostenak Mailspring taldera bidali dira eta hurrengo bertsioan erroreak konponduko ditugu.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring-ek ezin izan du bertakoa cachea berrezarri. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring-ek ezin izan du zehaztutako fitxategiaren kokaleku batera idatzi (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Posta elektronikoa ez da gehiago eskainiko %@ -en idatzitako mezuak itzultzeko.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Ziurtatu `libsecret` instalatu duzula eta gako-sorta dago.",
"Manage": "kudeatu",
"Manage Accounts": "Kudeatu kontuak",
"Manage Billing": "Kudeatu fakturazioa",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring نمی تواند پیوست را ذخیره کند، زیرا شما از فضای دیسک فرار کرده اید.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring نمی تواند پیوست را ذخیره کند. بررسی کنید که مجوزها به درستی تنظیم شده اند و اگر مسئله همچنان ادامه دارد، سعی کنید Mailspring را مجددا راه اندازی کنید.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring نمیتواند فرآیند mailsync را ایجاد کند. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring نمی تواند رمز عبور شما را به صورت امن ذخیره کند. %@ برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر، به %@ مراجعه کنید",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring نمی تواند رمز عبور شما را به صورت امن ذخیره کند. برای کسب اطلاعات بیشتر، به %@ مراجعه کنید",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "اطلاعیه های رومیزی Mailspring در لینوکس به Zenity نیاز دارند. ممکن است لازم باشد آن را با مدیر بسته خود نصب کنید.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring از شیوهای با پسوند پشتیبانی نمی کند: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring با خطاهای همگام سازی این حساب مواجه شد. گزارش های خرابی به تیم Mailspring ارسال شده است و ما برای رفع این خطاها در نسخه بعدی کار خواهیم کرد.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring قادر به بازنویسی حافظه داخلی نیست. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring قادر به نوشتن در محل فایل مورد نظر شما نبود (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "نامه پستی دیگر برای ترجمه پیام های نوشته شده در %@ دیگر پیشنهاد نخواهد کرد.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "اطمینان حاصل کنید که شما `libsecret` نصب کرده اید و یک جلیقه وجود دارد.",
"Manage": "مدیریت کردن",
"Manage Accounts": "مدیریت حسابها",
"Manage Billing": "مدیریت صورتحساب",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring ei voinut tallentaa liitetiedostoa, koska se on loppunut levytilasta.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring ei voinut tallentaa liitetiedostoa. Tarkista, että käyttöoikeudet on määritetty oikein ja yritä käynnistää Mailspring uudelleen, jos ongelma jatkuu.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring ei voinut kutua postisync-prosessia. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ei voinut tallentaa salasanaasi turvallisesti. %@ Lisätietoja on osoitteessa %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ei voinut tallentaa salasanaasi turvallisesti. Lisätietoja on osoitteessa %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring-työpöytäilmoitukset Linuxissa vaativat Zenityn. Saatat joutua asentamaan sen paketinhallinnassa.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ei tue laajennussarjoja: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring kohdisti virheitä tämän tilin synkronointiin. Crash-raportit on lähetetty Mailspring-tiimiin ja pyrimme korjaamaan nämä virheet seuraavassa julkaisussa.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring ei pystynyt palauttamaan paikallista välimuistia. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring ei pystynyt kirjoittamaan määrittämäsi tiedostokohtaan (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Viestiprosentti ei enää tarjoa kääntää sanoilla %@ kirjoitettuja viestejä.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Varmista, että sinulla on `libsecret` ja avaimenperä on paikallaan.",
"Manage": "hoitaa",
"Manage Accounts": "Hallitse tilit",
"Manage Billing": "Hallinnoi laskutusta",

View file

@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring n'a pas pu enregistrer une pièce jointe car vous n'avez plus d'espace disque",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring n'a pas pu enregistrer une pièce jointe. Vérifiez que les autorisations sont correctement définies et essayez de redémarrer Mailspring si le problème persiste.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring n'a pas pu générer le processus mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring n'a pas pu stocker votre mot de passe en toute sécurité. %@ Pour plus d'informations, visitez le site %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring n'a pas pu stocker votre mot de passe en toute sécurité. Pour plus d'informations, visitez le site %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Les notifications sur le bureau de Mailspring sous Linux requièrent Zenity. Vous devrez peut-être l'installer avec votre gestionnaire de paquets.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ne supporte pas les feuilles de style avec l'extension : %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring a rencontré des erreurs lors de la synchronisation de ce compte. Des rapports d'incident ont été envoyés à l'équipe Mailspring et nous nous efforcerons de corriger ces erreurs dans la prochaine version.",
@ -392,7 +392,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring n'a pas pu réinitialiser le cache local. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring n'a pas pu écrire à l'emplacement du fichier que vous avez spécifié (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring ne proposera plus de traduire les messages écrits en %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Assurez-vous que `libsecret` est installé et quun trousseau de clés est présent.",
"Manage": "Gérer",
"Manage Accounts": "Gérer les comptes",
"Manage Billing": "Gérer la facturation",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring koe in befêstiging bewarje omdat jo út de skiifromte rinne.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring koe in taheaksel net bewarje. Kontrolearje dat tagongsrjochten goed ynsteld binne en besykje Mailspring opnij te meitsjen as it probleem ophâldt.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring koe it postsync-proses net ûntjaan. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring koe jo wachtwurd wisse net bewarje. %@ Foar mear ynformaasje kinne jo besykje %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring koe jo wachtwurd wisse net bewarje. Foar mear ynformaasje kinne jo besykje %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring-buroblêden-notifikaasjes op Linux freegje Zenity. Jo moatte miskien it ynstalleare mei jo pakket manager.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring stipet Stylesheets mei de útwreiding: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring joech fouten dy't dit akkount synsysteem syngronisearje. Untwerpberjochten binne stjoerd nei it Mailspringteam en wy sille wurkje om dizze flater yn 'e folgjende release te beheinen.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring koe net it lokale cache weromsetje. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring koe net skriuwe nei de triem-lokaasje dy jo oantsjutte (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring sil net langer oanbiede om berjochten te skriuwen skreaun yn %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Soargje derfoar dat jo 'libsecret` ynstallearre hawwe en in keyring is oanwêzich.",
"Manage": "Manage",
"Manage Accounts": "Kontakearje beheare",
"Manage Billing": "Billing beheare",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Níorbh fhéidir le Mailspring ceangaltán a shábháil toisc go bhfuil tú ag rith as spás diosca.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Níorbh fhéidir le Mailspring ceangaltán a shábháil. Seiceáil go bhfuil na ceadanna leagtha amach i gceart agus déan iarracht Mailspring a athshlánú má leanann an cheist.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Níorbh fhéidir Mailspring an próiseas mailsync a sceitheadh. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Níorbh fhéidir Mailspring do phasfhocal a stóráil go daingean. %@ Le haghaidh tuilleadh faisnéise, tabhair cuairt ar %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Níorbh fhéidir Mailspring do phasfhocal a stóráil go daingean. Le haghaidh tuilleadh faisnéise, tabhair cuairt ar %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Éilíonn fógraí deisce Mailspring ar Linux Zenity. D'fhéadfadh go mbeadh ort é a shuiteáil le do bhainisteoir pacáiste.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Ní thacaíonn Mailspring le bileoga stíleanna leis an síneadh: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Tháinig mailspring ar earráidí a raibh an cuntas seo ann. Cuireadh tuairiscí céimnithe chuig an bhfoireann Mailspring agus oibreoimid na hearráidí seo a shocrú sa chéad scaoileadh eile.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Níorbh fhéidir Mailspring an taisce áitiúil a athshocrú. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Níorbh fhéidir Mailspring scríobh chuig an suíomh comhad a shonraíodh tú (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Ní thabharfaidh Mailspring tairiscintí a aistriú i %@ a thuilleadh.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Bí cinnte go bhfuil `libsecret` suiteáilte agat agus go bhfuil cluasán i láthair.",
"Manage": "Bainistigh",
"Manage Accounts": "Bainistigh na gCuntas",
"Manage Billing": "Bainistigh Bille",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Cha b 'urrainn dha Mailspring ceangal a shàbhaladh seach gu bheil thu air falbh à àite diosg.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Cha b 'urrainn dha Mailspring ceangal a shàbhaladh. Dèan cinnteach gu bheil na ceadan air an suidheachadh ceart agus feuch ri ath-thòiseachadh Mailspring ma tha an cùis a 'leantainn.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Cha b 'urrainn dha Mailspring sìol a chur air pròiseas mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Cha b 'urrainn do Mhailspring do fhacal-faire a stòradh gu tèarainte. %@ Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh, tadhail air %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Cha b 'urrainn do Mhailspring do fhacal-faire a stòradh gu tèarainte. Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh, tadhail air %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Feumaidh notaichean deasg mailspring air Linux Zenity. Dh'fhaoidte gum feum thu a stàladh leis a 'mhanaidsear pacaid agad.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Chan eil Mailspring a 'toirt taic do dhuilleagan stoidhle leis an leudachadh: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Choinnich Mailspring ri mearachdan a bha a 'freagairt air a' chunntas seo. Chaidh aithisgean crash a chur gu sgioba Mailspring agus obraichidh sinn gus na mearachdan sin a rèiteachadh san ath fhoillseachadh.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Cha b 'urrainn do Mhailspring an tasglann ionadail ath-shuidheachadh. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Cha b 'urrainn do Mhailspring sgrìobhadh chun an àite faidhle a dh' ainmich thu (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Cha bhith Mailspring a tabhann teachdaireachdan eadar-theangachadh ann an %@ tuilleadh.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Dèan cinnteach gu bheil thu air 'freasdal' a chuir a-steach agus gu bheil inneal-làimhe an-dràsta.",
"Manage": "Stiùireadh",
"Manage Accounts": "Stiùirich Cunntasan",
"Manage Billing": "Stiùireadh a 'Bhile",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring non puido gardar un ficheiro adxunto porque non tiña espazo no disco.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring non puido gardar un anexo. Verifique que os permisos estean configurados correctamente e tente reiniciar Mailspring se o problema persiste.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring non puido xerar o proceso de mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring non puido gardar o contrasinal de forma segura. %@ Para obter máis información, visite %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring non puido gardar o contrasinal de forma segura. Para obter máis información, visite %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "As notificacións de escritorio Mailspring en Linux requiren Zenity. Pode que teña que instalalo co xestor de paquetes.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring non soporta follas de estilo coa extensión: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring atopou erros que sincronizan esta conta. Os informes de fallos foron enviados ao equipo de Mailspring e traballaremos para solucionar estes erros no próximo lanzamento.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring non puido restablecer a caché local. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring non puido escribir na localización do ficheiro que especificou (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring xa non ofrecerá traducir mensaxes escritas en %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Asegúrese de ter instalado 'libsecret` e hai un anel de chaves presente.",
"Manage": "Xestionar",
"Manage Accounts": "Xestionar contas",
"Manage Billing": "Xestionar a facturación",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring એ જોડાણને સાચવી શક્યું નથી કારણ કે તમારી પાસે ડિસ્ક સ્થાન સમાપ્ત થઈ ગયું છે.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "મેલસ્પ્રિંગ જોડાણને સાચવી શક્યું નથી. તપાસો કે પરવાનગીઓ યોગ્ય રીતે સેટ કરેલી છે અને જો સમસ્યા ચાલુ રહે તો Mailspring ને ફરીથી પ્રારંભ કરવાનો પ્રયાસ કરો.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring mailsync પ્રક્રિયાને સ્પાન કરી શક્યું નથી. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "મેલસ્પ્રિંગ તમારા પાસવર્ડને સુરક્ષિત રીતે સંગ્રહિત કરી શક્યો નથી. %@ વધુ માહિતી માટે, %@ ની મુલાકાત લો",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "મેલસ્પ્રિંગ તમારા પાસવર્ડને સુરક્ષિત રીતે સંગ્રહિત કરી શક્યો નથી. વધુ માહિતી માટે, %@ ની મુલાકાત લો",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linux પર મેલ્સપ્રિગ ડેસ્કટૉપ સૂચનાઓ ઝેનિટીની જરૂર છે. તમારે તેને તમારા પેકેજ મેનેજર સાથે ઇન્સ્ટોલ કરવાની જરૂર પડી શકે છે.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "મેલ્સપ્રિગ એક્સ્ટેંશન સાથે સ્ટાઈલશીટ્સને સપોર્ટ કરતું નથી: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ને આ એકાઉન્ટને સમન્વયિત કરવામાં ભૂલ આવી. ક્રેશ રિપોર્ટ્સ મેલસ્પ્રિંગ ટીમને મોકલવામાં આવી છે અને અમે આ ભૂલોને આગલી રીલીઝમાં ઠીક કરવા માટે કાર્ય કરીશું.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "મેલ્સપ્રિગ સ્થાનિક કેશને ફરીથી સેટ કરવામાં અસમર્થ હતો. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring તમે ઉલ્લેખિત ફાઇલ સ્થાન પર લખવા માટે અસમર્થ હતા (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "મેઇલસ્પ્રિંગ હવે %@ માં લખેલા સંદેશાઓનું ભાષાંતર કરવાની offerફર કરશે નહીં.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "ખાતરી કરો કે તમારી પાસે 'libsecret' ઇન્સ્ટોલ કરેલું છે અને કીરીંગ હાજર છે.",
"Manage": "મેનેજ કરો",
"Manage Accounts": "એકાઉન્ટ્સ મેનેજ કરો",
"Manage Billing": "બિલિંગ મેનેજ કરો",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Kusawa ba zai iya adana haɗe-haɗe ba saboda ka gudu daga sararin sarari.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Kusawa ba zai iya adana haɗe-haɗe ba. Bincika cewa an saita izinin izini daidai kuma gwada sake farawa Mailspring idan batun ya ci gaba.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Kuskuren ba zai iya tsayar da tsari na mailsync ba. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ba zai iya adana kalmar wucewa ba. %@ Don ƙarin bayani, ziyarci %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ba zai iya adana kalmar wucewa ba. Don ƙarin bayani, ziyarci %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Siffarwa ta wayar tarho akan Linux yana bukatar Zenity. Kila iya buƙatar shigar da shi tare da mai sarrafa ku.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Kusawa ba ya goyi bayan layi tare da tsawo: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ci karo da kurakurai daidaita wannan asusun. An aika rahoto crash zuwa tawagar Mailspring kuma za muyi aiki don gyara wadannan kurakurai a cikin saki na gaba.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring bai iya sake saita cache na gida ba. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Kuskuren ba zai iya rubuta zuwa wurin fayil ɗin da aka kayyade (%@) ba.",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "'Ya'yan gidan tarihi ba za su ƙara bayar da fassarar saƙonnin da aka rubuta ba %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Tabbatar cewa kana da 'libsecret' kuma an yi amfani da keyring.",
"Manage": "Sarrafa",
"Manage Accounts": "Sarrafa Asusun",
"Manage Billing": "Sarrafa Biyan kuɗi",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "ʻAʻole hiki i ka Mailspring ke mālama i kahi pilikino no ka mea ua holoʻoe mai kahi mokulele.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "ʻAʻole i hiki i Mailspring ke mālama i kahi pilina. E hōʻoia i ka hoʻonohonoho ponoʻiaʻana o nāʻaeʻana a ho'āʻo hou e hoʻonohonoho hou i ka Mailspring inā pili ka hihia.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "ʻAʻole i hiki i Mailspring ke hoʻopili i ka hana mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "ʻAʻole hiki i ka Mailspring ke mālama i kāu'ōlelo malū. %@ No kaʻike hou aku, e kipa i %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "ʻAʻole hiki i ka Mailspring ke mālama i kāu'ōlelo malū. No kaʻike hou aku, e kipa i %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Nāʻike leka uila Mailspring i Linux e pono ai i ka Zenity. Ponoʻoe e hoʻokomo iā ia me kāu pūnaewele pūnaewele.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "ʻAʻole i kākoʻoʻo Mailspring i nāʻano style with extension: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Hoʻomaopopoʻo Mailspring i nā hewa e hana ana i kēia pūʻulu. Ua hoʻounaʻia nā leka uila i ka hui Mailspring a e hana mākou e hoʻoponopono i kēia mau hewa i ka hoʻopuka hou.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "ʻAʻole i hiki i Mailspring ke hoʻonohonoho hou i ka peʻe o kahi. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "ʻAʻole i hiki i Mailspring ke kākau i kahi i hoʻonohonohoʻia eʻoe (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "ʻAʻole e hāʻawi hou ʻo Mailspring i unuhi i kā unuhi i kākau ʻia i loko o %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Makemake ua hoʻokomoʻiaʻo 'libsecret' a aiaʻia kahi kī.",
"Manage": "Hoʻoponopono",
"Manage Accounts": "Hoʻoponopono i nā Pūnaewele",
"Manage Billing": "Hoʻoponopono i Billing",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring अटैचमेंट को सहेज नहीं सका क्योंकि आपने डिस्क स्पेस से बाहर चलाया है।",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "मेलस्प्रिंग एक अनुलग्नक को सहेज नहीं सका। जांचें कि अनुमतियां सही तरीके से सेट की गई हैं और यदि समस्या बनी रहती है तो मेलस्प्रिंग को पुनरारंभ करने का प्रयास करें।",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring mailsync प्रक्रिया को उत्पन्न नहीं कर सका। %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "मेलस्प्रिंग आपके पासवर्ड को सुरक्षित रूप से स्टोर नहीं कर सका। %@ अधिक जानकारी के लिए, %@ पर जाएं",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "मेलस्प्रिंग आपके पासवर्ड को सुरक्षित रूप से स्टोर नहीं कर सका। अधिक जानकारी के लिए, %@ पर जाएं",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "लिनक्स पर मेलस्प्रिंग डेस्कटॉप नोटिफिकेशन जेनिटी की आवश्यकता है। आपको इसे अपने पैकेज मैनेजर के साथ स्थापित करने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है।",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "मेलस्प्रिंग एक्सटेंशन के साथ स्टाइलशीट का समर्थन नहीं करता है: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "मेलस्प्रिंग में इस खाते को समन्वयित करने में त्रुटियों का सामना करना पड़ा। क्रैश रिपोर्ट मेलस्प्रिंग टीम को भेजी गई है और हम अगली रिलीज में इन त्रुटियों को ठीक करने के लिए काम करेंगे।",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "मेलस्प्रिंग स्थानीय कैश को रीसेट करने में असमर्थ था। %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "मेलस्प्रिंग आपके द्वारा निर्दिष्ट फ़ाइल स्थान पर लिखने में असमर्थ था (%@)।",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "मेलस्प्रिंग अब [।] में लिखे गए संदेशों का अनुवाद करने की पेशकश नहीं करेगा।",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "सुनिश्चित करें कि आपके पास `libsecret` स्थापित है और एक कीरिंग मौजूद है।",
"Manage": "प्रबंधित",
"Manage Accounts": "खातों का प्रबंध करे",
"Manage Billing": "बिलिंग प्रबंधित करें",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring yuav tsis txuag tau ib qho txuas vim koj tau khiav ntawm qhov chaw disk.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring yuav cawm tsis tau ib qho txuas. Kuaj xyuas tias cov kev tso cai raug teeb tsa thiab hloov dua siab tshiab dua yog tias qhov teeb meem no tseem ua tsis tiav.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring yuav tsis ntses txoj kev mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring yuav tsis khaws koj tus password kom ruaj khov. %@ Yog xav paub ntxiv, mus xyuas %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring yuav tsis khaws koj tus password kom ruaj khov. Yog xav paub ntxiv, mus xyuas %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring desktop cov ntawv qhia txog Linux yuav tsum tau Zenity. Koj yuav tsum nruab nrog nws nrog koj tus neeg saib xyuas lub pob.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring tsis txhawb stylesheets nrog tus extension: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ntsib yuam kev syncing cov nyiaj no. Cov ntaub ntawv sib tsoo tau raug xa mus rau Mailspring pab neeg thiab peb yuav ua haujlwm los txhim kho cov teeb meem no tom ntej tso.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring tsis muaj peev xwm pib dua lub zos cache. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring tsis tuaj yeem sau ntawv rau qhov chaw koj tau teev (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring yuav tsis muab cov ntaub ntawv los txhais ua lus %@ lawm.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Xyuas kom koj muaj 'libsecret' ntsia thiab muaj qhov keyring.",
"Manage": "Tswj",
"Manage Accounts": "Tswj Accounts",
"Manage Billing": "Tswj nqi",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring nije mogao spremiti privitak jer ste ponestali prostora na disku.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring nije mogao spremiti privitak. Provjerite jesu li dopuštenja pravilno postavljena i pokušajte ponovo pokrenuti Mailspring ako problem i dalje postoji.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring nije mogao stvoriti proces e-pošte. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nije mogao sigurno spremiti vašu lozinku. %@ Dodatne informacije potražite u odjeljku %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nije mogao sigurno spremiti vašu lozinku. Dodatne informacije potražite u odjeljku %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring desktop obavijesti o Linuxu zahtijevaju Zenity. Možda ćete je morati instalirati s upraviteljem paketa.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ne podržava listove stilova s proširenjem: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring naišao je na pogreške u sinkroniziranju ovog računa. Izvješća o rušenju slanja poslana su ekipi Mailspring i radit ćemo u rješavanju ovih pogrešaka u sljedećem izdanju.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring nije mogao vratiti lokalnu predmemoriju. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring nije mogao pisati na mjesto datoteke koju ste naveli (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring više neće nuditi prijevod poruka napisanih na %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Provjerite jeste li instalirali `libsecret` i prisutan je keyring.",
"Manage": "Upravljati",
"Manage Accounts": "Upravljajte računima",
"Manage Billing": "Upravljajte naplatom",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring pa t 'kapab sove yon atachman paske ou te kouri soti nan espas ki gen kapasite.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring pa t 'kapab sove yon atachman. Tcheke ke otorizasyon yo mete kòrèkteman epi eseye rekomanse Mailspring si pwoblèm lan toujou.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring pa t 'kapab anjandre pwosesis la mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring pa t 'kapab estoke modpas ou byen. %@ Pou plis enfòmasyon, vizite %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring pa t 'kapab estoke modpas ou byen. Pou plis enfòmasyon, vizite %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring notifikasyon Desktop sou Linux mande pou Zenity. Ou ka bezwen enstale li avèk manadjè pake ou.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring pa sipòte stile yo ak ekstansyon an: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring rankontre erè senkronize kont sa a. Rapò aksidan yo te voye nan ekip la Mailspring epi nou pral travay ranje erè sa yo nan lage nan pwochen an.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring te kapab reset kachèt lokal la. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring pa t 'kapab ekri nan kote a dosye ou espesifye (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring p ap ofri pou tradui mesaj ki ekri nan %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Asire ou ke ou gen `libsecret` enstale ak yon keyring ki prezan.",
"Manage": "Jere",
"Manage Accounts": "Jere Kont",
"Manage Billing": "Jere bòdwo",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "A Mailspring nem tudta menteni a mellékletet, mert elfogyott a lemezterület.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "A Mailspring nem tudta menteni a mellékletet. Ellenőrizze, hogy a jogosultságok helyesen vannak-e beállítva, és próbálja meg újraindítani a Mailspring alkalmazást, ha a probléma továbbra is fennáll.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "A Mailspring nem tudta létrehozni a mailsync folyamatot. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "A Mailspring nem tudta biztonságosan tárolni jelszavát. %@ További információért látogasson el a %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "A Mailspring nem tudta biztonságosan tárolni jelszavát. További információért látogasson el a %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "A Mailspring asztali értesítések a Linux rendszeren Zenity-t igényelnek. Lehet, hogy telepítenie kell a csomagkezelővel.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "A Mailspring nem támogatja a kiterjesztésű stíluslapokat: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "A Mailspring hibát észlelt a fiók szinkronizálásával kapcsolatban. A balesetekről szóló jelentéseket elküldtük a Mailspring csapatnak, és megpróbáljuk megoldani ezeket a hibákat a következő kiadásban.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "A Mailspring nem tudta visszaállítani a helyi gyorsítótárat. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "A Mailspring nem tudta írni a megadott fájl helyére (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "A Mailspring nem fogja felajánlani a %@ nyelven írt üzenetek fordítását.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Győződjön meg arról, hogy telepítve van a `libsecret` és egy kulcstartó van.",
"Manage": "kezel",
"Manage Accounts": "Fiókok kezelése",
"Manage Billing": "Számlázás kezelése",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring- ը չկարողացավ պահպանել հավելվածը, քանի որ դուք ավարտվել է սկավառակի տարածությունից:",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring- ը չի կարող պահել հավելվածը: Ստուգեք, որ թույլտվությունները ճիշտ են եւ փորձեք վերսկսել Mailspring, եթե խնդիրը չկատարվի:",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring- ը չի կարող ծածկել mailsync գործընթացը: %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring- ը չի կարող պահել ձեր գաղտնաբառը անվտանգ: %@ Լրացուցիչ տեղեկությունների համար այցելեք %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring- ը չի կարող պահել ձեր գաղտնաբառը անվտանգ: Լրացուցիչ տեղեկությունների համար այցելեք %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linux- ի փոստարկղային աշխատասեղանները պահանջում են Zenity- ը: Ձեզ հարկավոր է տեղադրել այն փաթեթային կառավարչի հետ:",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring- ը չի աջակցում ոճաթերթերի ընդլայնման հետ, %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring- ը հանդիպեց այս հաշվի համաժամացման սխալների հետ: Crash Reports- ը ուղարկվել է Mailspring թիմին եւ մենք կփորձենք ամրագրել այս սխալները հաջորդ թողարկումում:",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring- ը չկարողացավ վերականգնել տեղական քեշը: %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring- ը չկարողացավ գրել ֆայլի գտնվելու վայրը (%@):",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring- ը այլևս չի առաջարկի թարգմանել %@ - ում գրված հաղորդագրությունները:",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Համոզվեք, որ ունեք «libsecret» եւ տեղադրված է keyring:",
"Manage": "Կառավարեք",
"Manage Accounts": "Կառավարեք Հաշիվներ",
"Manage Billing": "Կառավարել Վճարումը",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Keturunan tidak dapat menyimpan lampiran karena Anda kehabisan ruang disk.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Keturunan tidak dapat menyimpan lampiran. Periksa bahwa izin disetel dengan benar dan coba mulai ulang Mailspring jika masalah berlanjut.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring tidak dapat menelurkan proses mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring tidak bisa menyimpan kata sandi Anda dengan aman. %@ Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring tidak bisa menyimpan kata sandi Anda dengan aman. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Pemberitahuan desktop email di Linux membutuhkan Zenity. Anda mungkin perlu menginstalnya dengan manajer paket Anda.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring tidak mendukung stylesheet dengan ekstensi: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring mengalami kesalahan menyinkronkan akun ini. Laporan kerusakan telah dikirim ke tim Mailspring dan kami akan berusaha memperbaiki kesalahan ini di rilis berikutnya.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Keturunan tidak dapat mengatur ulang cache lokal. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring tidak dapat menulis ke lokasi file yang Anda tentukan (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring tidak lagi menawarkan untuk menerjemahkan pesan yang ditulis dalam %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Pastikan Anda memiliki `libsecret` terpasang dan ada keyring.",
"Manage": "Mengelola",
"Manage Accounts": "Mengelola akun",
"Manage Billing": "Kelola Penagihan",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring enweghị ike ịchekwa mgbakwunye n'ihi na ị gbapụla na ohere diski.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring enweghị ike ịchekwa mgbakwunye. Lelee na a na-edozi ikikere ahụ ma gbalịa ịmalitegharịa Mailspring ma ọ bụrụ na nsogbu ahụ ka dị.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring enweghị ike ịmepụta ozi mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring enweghị ike ichekwa paswọọdụ gị n'enweghị nsogbu. %@ Maka ama ndị ọzọ, gaa na %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring enweghị ike ichekwa paswọọdụ gị n'enweghị nsogbu. Maka ama ndị ọzọ, gaa na %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Nkọwapụta desktọọpụ mailsp na Linux chọrọ Zenity. Ị nwere ike iji wụnye njikwa ngwugwu gị.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring adịghị akwado ụdị ejiji na ndọtị: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring zutere njehie na-ejikọta akaụntụ a. E zigara ndị ọrụ Mailspring ozi akụkọ mberede na anyị ga-arụ ọrụ iji dozie njehie ndị a na ntọhapụ ọzọ.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring enweghị ike ịtọgharịa cache mpaghara. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring enweghị ike ide edere ebe ị kwuru (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Ndị na-ezitere ozi agaghịzi akpọọ maka ịtụgharị ozi edere na %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Jide n'aka na ị nwere \"libsecret\" arụnyere na igodo dị ugbu a.",
"Manage": "Jikwaa",
"Manage Accounts": "Jikwaa Akaụntụ",
"Manage Billing": "Jikwaa Ịgba Ụgwọ",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring gat ekki vistað viðhengi vegna þess að þú hefur runnið úr plássi.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring gat ekki vistað viðhengi. Athugaðu að heimildir séu stilltar á réttan hátt og reyndu að endurræsa Mailspring ef vandamálið er viðvarandi.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring gat ekki hrognt mailsync ferlið. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring gat ekki vistað lykilorðið þitt á öruggan hátt. %@ Nánari upplýsingar er að finna á %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring gat ekki vistað lykilorðið þitt á öruggan hátt. Nánari upplýsingar er að finna á %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring skrifborð tilkynningar á Linux krefjast Zenity. Þú gætir þurft að setja það upp með pakka framkvæmdastjóra þínum.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring styður ekki stílblöð með viðbótinni: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring lenti í villum sem samstilltu þennan reikning. Hrunskýrslur hafa verið sendar til Mailspring liðsins og við munum vinna að því að laga þessar villur í næstu útgáfu.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring gat ekki endurstillt staðbundna skyndiminni. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring gat ekki skrifað til skrásetningarinnar sem þú tilgreindir (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring mun ekki lengur bjóða upp á að þýða skilaboð skrifuð í %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Gakktu úr skugga um að þú hafir `libsecret` uppsett og keyring sé til staðar.",
"Manage": "Stjórna",
"Manage Accounts": "Stjórna reikningum",
"Manage Billing": "Stjórna innheimtu",

View file

@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring non è riuscito a salvare un allegato perché hai esaurito lo spazio su disco.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring non è riuscito a salvare un allegato. Verifica che le autorizzazioni siano impostate correttamente e prova a riavviare Mailspring se il problema persiste.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring non è stato in grado di generare il processo mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring non ha potuto memorizzare la tua password in modo sicuro. %@ Per ulteriori informazioni, visita %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring non ha potuto memorizzare la tua password in modo sicuro. Per ulteriori informazioni, visita %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Le notifiche desktop di Mailspring su Linux richiedono Zenity. Potrebbe essere necessario installarlo con il tuo gestore di pacchetti.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring non supporta i fogli di stile con l'estensione: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ha riscontrato errori nella sincronizzazione di questo account. I rapporti sugli arresti anomali sono stati inviati al team di Mailspring e lavoreremo per correggere questi errori nella prossima versione.",
@ -361,7 +361,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring non è stato in grado di ripristinare la cache locale. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring non è stato in grado di scrivere nel percorso del file specificato (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring non offrirà più di tradurre i messaggi scritti in %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Assicurati di aver installato `libsecret` e che sia presente un portachiavi.",
"Manage": "Gestire",
"Manage Accounts": "Gestisci account",
"Manage Billing": "Gestisci la fatturazione",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "ディスクスペースが足りなくなったため、Mailspringは添付ファイルを保存できませんでした。",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspringは添付ファイルを保存できませんでした。権限が正しく設定されていることを確認し、問題が解決しない場合はMailspringを再起動してみてください。",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspringはmailsyncプロセスを起動できませんでした。 %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspringはあなたのパスワードを安全に保存できませんでした。 %@詳細については、%@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspringはあなたのパスワードを安全に保存できませんでした。詳細については、%@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linux上のMailspringデスクトップ通知にはZenityが必要です。パッケージマネージャーにインストールする必要があるかもしれません。",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspringは、拡張子が付いたスタイルシートをサポートしていません%@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspringがこのアカウントを同期する際にエラーが発生しました。クラッシュレポートはMailspringチームに送信されており、次のリリースでこれらのエラーを修正するよう努めます。",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspringはローカルキャッシュをリセットできませんでした。 %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspringはあなたが指定したファイルの場所%@)に書き込めませんでした。",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspringは、%@で書かれたメッセージを翻訳するようにはもう提案しないでしょう。",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "`libsecret`がインストールされていて、キーリングが存在することを確認してください。",
"Manage": "管理",
"Manage Accounts": "アカウントの管理",
"Manage Billing": "請求の管理",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "ფოსტა ვერ შეინახავს დანართს, რადგან დისკიდან გაქცევა გაქვს.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "ფოსტა ვერ შეინახავს დანართს. შეამოწმეთ, რომ ნებართვა სწორად არის დაყენებული და შეეცადეთ გადატვირთოთ Mailspring თუ ეს საკითხი რჩება.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring ვერ გააგზავნა mailsync პროცესი. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "ფოსტაზე ვერ შეინახა პაროლი უსაფრთხოდ. %@ დამატებითი ინფორმაციისთვის, ეწვიეთ %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "ფოსტაზე ვერ შეინახა პაროლი უსაფრთხოდ. დამატებითი ინფორმაციისთვის, ეწვიეთ %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linux- ის ფოსტის დესკტოპის შეტყობინებები მოითხოვს Zenity- ს. შესაძლოა დაგჭირდეთ მისი პაკეტის მენეჯერის დაყენება.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring მხარს არ უჭერს სტილების სტილს: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "ამ ანგარიშის სინქრონიზაციისას შეცდომები შეექმნა. Crash ანგარიშები გაიგზავნა Mailspring გუნდი და ჩვენ ვიმუშავებთ დაფიქსირება ამ შეცდომების მომდევნო გათავისუფლებას.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "ფოსტა ვერ შეძლო ადგილობრივი კეშის გადატვირთვა. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring ვერ დაწერა თქვენს მიერ მითითებულ ფაილზე (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "ელ.ფოსტა აღარ შემოგთავაზებთ %@ -ში დაწერილი შეტყობინებების თარგმნას.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "დარწმუნდით, რომ თქვენ გაქვთ `Libsecret` დაყენებული და საკვანძო სიტყვები.",
"Manage": "Მართვა",
"Manage Accounts": "ანგარიშების მართვა",
"Manage Billing": "ბილინგის მართვა",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Дискте бос орын болғандықтан, пошта жәшігі тіркемені сақтай алмады.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Пошта жәшігі тіркемені сақтай алмады. Рұқсаттардың дұрыс орнатылғанын тексеріңіз және мәселе шешілмесе, Mailspring қызметін қайта бастаңыз.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring пошталық синхрондау процесін жасай алмады. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring сіздің құпия сөзіңізді қауіпсіз сақтай алмады. %@ Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring сіздің құпия сөзіңізді қауіпсіз сақтай алмады. Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linux жүйесінде жұмыс істейтін үстелдік хабарландырулар Zenity талап етеді. Оны пакет менеджерімен орнату қажет болуы мүмкін.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring кеңейтумен бірге стиль кестелерін қолдамайды: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Поштада осы есептік жазбаны синхрондаған қателер кездеседі. Бұзушылық туралы есептер «Пресс-хроника» командасына жіберілді және келесі қателерді түзетуге тырысамыз.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring жергілікті кэшті қалпына келтіре алмады. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring сіз көрсеткен файлға жаза алмады (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Бұдан әрі Mailspring %@ тілінде жазылған хабарламаларды аударуды ұсынбайды.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Сізде 'libsecret' орнатылған және кілттердің бар екеніне көз жеткізіңіз.",
"Manage": "Басқарыңыз",
"Manage Accounts": "Есептік жазбаларды басқару",
"Manage Billing": "Төлемді басқару",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring មិនអាចរក្សាទុកឯកសារភ្ជាប់បានទេពីព្រោះអ្នកបានអស់ទំហំផ្ទុក។",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring មិនអាចរក្សាទុកឯកសារភ្ជាប់បានទេ។ ពិនិត្យមើលថាសិទ្ធិត្រូវបានកំណត់យ៉ាងត្រឹមត្រូវហើយព្យាយាមចាប់ផ្តើម Mailspring ឡើងវិញប្រសិនបើបញ្ហានៅតែបន្ត។",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring មិនអាចបង្កើតដំណើរការ mailsync បានទេ។ %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring មិនអាចរក្សាទុកពាក្យសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នកឱ្យមានសុវត្ថិភាព។ %@ សម្រាប់ព័ត៌មានបន្ថែមសូមទស្សនា %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring មិនអាចរក្សាទុកពាក្យសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នកឱ្យមានសុវត្ថិភាព។ សម្រាប់ព័ត៌មានបន្ថែមសូមទស្សនា %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring ការជូនដំណឹងផ្ទៃតុនៅលើលីនុចត្រូវការ Zenity ។ អ្នកប្រហែលជាត្រូវដំឡើងវាជាមួយកម្មវិធីគ្រប់គ្រងកញ្ចប់របស់អ្នក។",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring មិនគាំទ្រសន្លឹករចនាប័ទ្មដែលមានផ្នែកបន្ថែម: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring មានកំហុសដែលធ្វើសមកាលកម្មគណនីនេះ។ របាយការណ៍គាំងត្រូវបានបញ្ជូនទៅក្រុម Mailspring ហើយយើងនឹងធ្វើការដោះស្រាយកំហុសទាំងនេះនៅក្នុងការចេញផ្សាយបន្ទាប់។",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring មិនអាចតំឡើងឃ្លាំងសម្ងាត់មូលដ្ឋានឡើងវិញបានទេ។ %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring មិនអាចសរសេរទៅទីតាំងឯកសារដែលអ្នកបានបញ្ជាក់ (%@) ។",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring នឹងមិនផ្តល់ជូនដើម្បីបកប្រែសារដែលបានសរសេរជា %@ ទៀតទេ។",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "សូមប្រាកដថាអ្នកបានដំឡើង `libsecret` ហើយ keyring មានវត្តមាន។",
"Manage": "គ្រប់គ្រង",
"Manage Accounts": "គ្រប់គ្រងគណនី",
"Manage Billing": "គ្រប់គ្រងការចេញវិក្កយបត្រ",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "ಡಿಸ್ಕ್ ಸ್ಥಳಾವಕಾಶವಿಲ್ಲದ ಕಾರಣ ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ಗೆ ಲಗತ್ತನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸಲಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ಗೆ ಲಗತ್ತನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸಲಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ. ಆ ಅನುಮತಿಗಳನ್ನು ಸರಿಯಾಗಿ ಹೊಂದಿಸಿವೆ ಮತ್ತು ಸಮಸ್ಯೆಯು ಮುಂದುವರಿದರೆ MailSpring ಅನ್ನು ಮರುಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಲು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ಗೆ ಮೇಲ್ಸಿಂಕ್ ಪ್ರಕ್ರಿಯೆಯನ್ನು ನೀಡಲಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪಾಸ್ವರ್ಡ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸುರಕ್ಷಿತವಾಗಿ ಸಂಗ್ರಹಿಸಲಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ. %@ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಮಾಹಿತಿಗಾಗಿ, ಭೇಟಿ ನೀಡಿ %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪಾಸ್ವರ್ಡ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸುರಕ್ಷಿತವಾಗಿ ಸಂಗ್ರಹಿಸಲಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ. ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಮಾಹಿತಿಗಾಗಿ, ಭೇಟಿ ನೀಡಿ %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "ಲಿನಕ್ಸ್ನಲ್ಲಿನ ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ ಡೆಸ್ಕ್ಟಾಪ್ ಅಧಿಸೂಚನೆಗಳು ಜೆನಿಟಿಗೆ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿರುತ್ತದೆ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪ್ಯಾಕೇಜ್ ಮ್ಯಾನೇಜರ್ನೊಂದಿಗೆ ನೀವು ಇದನ್ನು ಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಬೇಕಾಗಬಹುದು.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "ವಿಸ್ತರಣೆಯೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸ್ಟೈಲ್ಶೀಟ್ಗಳನ್ನು ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "ಈ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಸಿಂಕ್ ಮಾಡುವಲ್ಲಿ ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ ದೋಷಗಳನ್ನು ಎದುರಿಸಿದೆ. ಕ್ರ್ಯಾಶ್ ವರದಿಗಳನ್ನು ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ ತಂಡಕ್ಕೆ ಕಳುಹಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಮುಂದಿನ ಬಿಡುಗಡೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಈ ದೋಷಗಳನ್ನು ಸರಿಪಡಿಸಲು ನಾವು ಕೆಲಸ ಮಾಡುತ್ತೇವೆ.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "ಸ್ಥಳೀಯ ಸಂಗ್ರಹವನ್ನು ಮರುಮಾರಾಟ ಮಾಡಲು ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ಗೆ ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "ನೀವು ಸೂಚಿಸಿದ ಫೈಲ್ ಸ್ಥಳಕ್ಕೆ MailSpring ಗೆ ಬರೆಯಲಾಗಲಿಲ್ಲ (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "%@ ನಲ್ಲಿ ಬರೆಯಲಾದ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳನ್ನು ಭಾಷಾಂತರಿಸಲು ಮೇಲ್‌ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ ಇನ್ನು ಮುಂದೆ ನೀಡುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "ನೀವು `ಲಿಬ್ಸೆಕ್ರೆಟ್` ಅನ್ನು ಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಿರುವಿರಿ ಮತ್ತು ಕೀರಿಂಗ್ ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿದೆ ಎಂದು ಖಚಿತಪಡಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ.",
"Manage": "ನಿರ್ವಹಿಸು",
"Manage Accounts": "ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ನಿರ್ವಹಿಸಿ",
"Manage Billing": "ಬಿಲ್ಲಿಂಗ್ ಅನ್ನು ನಿರ್ವಹಿಸಿ",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "디스크 공간이 부족하여 Mailspring이 첨부 파일을 저장할 수 없습니다.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring이 첨부 파일을 저장할 수 없습니다. 사용 권한이 올바르게 설정되어 있는지 확인하고 문제가 지속되면 Mailspring을 다시 시작하십시오.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring은 mailsync 프로세스를 생성할 수 없습니다. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring은 비밀번호를 안전하게 저장할 수 없습니다. %@ 자세한 내용은 %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring은 비밀번호를 안전하게 저장할 수 없습니다. 자세한 내용은 %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linux에서 Mailspring의 바탕 화면 알림을 활성화하려면 Zenity가 필요합니다. 패키지 관리자와 함께 설치해야 할 수도 있습니다.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring은 확장자가 있는 스타일 시트를 지원하지 않습니다 : %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring에서 이 계정을 동기화하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 충돌 보고서는 Mailspring 팀에 보내졌으며 우리는 다음 릴리스에서 이러한 오류를 수정하기 위해 노력할 것입니다.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring이 로컬 캐시를 초기화하지 못했습니다. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring이 지정한 파일 위치 (%@)에 쓸 수 없습니다.",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring은 더 이상 %@로 작성된 메시지를 번역할 것을 제안하지 않습니다.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "`libsecret`을 설치하고 열쇠 고리가 있는지 확인하십시오.",
"Manage": "관리",
"Manage Accounts": "계정 관리",
"Manage Billing": "결제 관리",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring nikare girêdanek nayê tomarkirin ji ber ku te ji qada dîskê vekişîne.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring nikare peywendîdar nabe. Pêwîstin ku destûra rast hatine xistin û hewl bikin ku ger pirsgirêk bimîne.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring nikare pêvajoyê mailsync nedikirin. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nikare şîfreya we ewlehî tomar bike. %@ Ji bo bêtir agahdarî, serdana %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nikare şîfreya we ewlehî tomar bike. Ji bo bêtir agahdarî, serdana %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Agahdariyên diyarkirî yên Linux li Zenity hewce ne. Hûn hewce ne ku hûn bi rêveberê pakêmana xwe saz bikin.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring piştgiriya stylesheets û bi dirêjkirina pelan piştgirî nakin: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring di vê hesabê de çewtî çewtiyên xist. Raportên krîza hatine tîpa Mailspring şandin û em ê xebitin ku di van serbestberdana paşê de paşê çareser bikin.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring nikare ku veguhastina herêmî veguhestin. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring nikare ku hûn diyar kir ku pelê pelê binivîsînin (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring naha dê pêşkêşî peyvên ku li %@ hatine nivîsandin wergerîne.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Hêvîdar bikin ku we xwedî libsecret` saz kirin û kêşik heye.",
"Manage": "Rêvebirin",
"Manage Accounts": "Accounts Manage",
"Manage Billing": "Billing Manage",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring сиз диск орун калбай калды, анткени Тиркемени сактай албай койдук.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring Тиркемени сактай албай койдук. уруксаттар туура коюлганын текшерип жана маселе чечилбесе, анда Mailspring кайра аракет.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring mailsync жараянын туудурган жок. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring коопсуз сөздү сактоо мүмкүн эмес. %@ Көбүрөөк маалымат алыш үчүн, сапар %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring коопсуз сөздү сактоо мүмкүн эмес. Көбүрөөк маалымат алыш үчүн, сапар %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linux боюнча Mailspring рабочий эскертмелер Zenity талап кылат. Сиз топтом менеджер менен орнотуу үчүн керек болушу мүмкүн.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring узартуу менен Стилдерди колдоого албайт: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring Бул эсепти шайкештирип ката кетти. Crash отчеттор Mailspring командасы жиберилген жана кийинки бул каталарды чечүү үчүн иштей аласыз.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring жергиликтүү Кешти тазалоо үчүн алган жок. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring көрсөтүлгөн билэ жайгашкан (%@) жазып алган эмес.",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring мындан ары %@ жазылган билдирүүлөрдү которууну сунуштайт.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Сиз `орнотулган libsecret` текшерип, бир уйлордун бар.",
"Manage": "башкаруу",
"Manage Accounts": "Каттоо эсептерин башкаруу",
"Manage Billing": "башкаруу эсептешүүнү",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "E Mailspring konnt net en Uschloss späicheren, well Dir aus Festplattform geännert huet.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "E Mailspring konnt keen Uschloss späicheren. Kontrolléiert datt d'Permissiounen korrekt festgeluede ginn an probéiert Mailspring ze starten wann de Problem weider geet.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring konnt den Mailsync-Prozess net spawelen. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring konnt Äre Passwuert net sécher speichern. %@ Näischt fir méi Informatiounen, besicht %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring konnt Äre Passwuert net sécher speichern. Näischt fir méi Informatiounen, besicht %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring Desktop Notifikatiounen op Linux erforderen Zenit. Dir musst mat dësem Package Manager installéieren.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ënnerstëtzt Stylesheets ouni Extrait: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring hu Problemer mat der Synchronisatioun vun dësem Kont behandelen. Crashreporten ginn un de Mailspring-Team geschéckt a mir schaffen fir dës Fehler an der nächster Verëffentlechung ze fixéieren.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring konnt net den lokalen Cache opmaachen. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "E Mailspring konnt net an de Fichier vun der Datei uginn hunn deen Dir uginn hutt (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring wäert net méi ubidden fir Messagen ze schreiwen déi an [written] geschriwwe sinn.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Vergewëssert Iech datt Dir \"libsecret\" installéiert hutt an e Keyring ass präsent.",
"Manage": "Geréieren",
"Manage Accounts": "Konten verwalten",
"Manage Billing": "Billing maachen",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring ບໍ່ສາມາດບັນທຶກການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ເນື່ອງຈາກວ່າທ່ານໄດ້ຫມົດລົງຈາກພື້ນທີ່ດິດ.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring ບໍ່ສາມາດບັນທຶກການແນບໄດ້. ກວດເບິ່ງວ່າການອະນຸຍາດຖືກກໍານົດຢ່າງຖືກຕ້ອງແລະລອງ restarting Mailspring ຖ້າບັນຫາຍັງຄົງຢູ່.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring ບໍ່ສາມາດສ້າງຂະບວນການ mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ບໍ່ສາມາດເກັບຮັກສາລະຫັດຜ່ານຂອງທ່ານຢ່າງປອດໄພ. %@ ສໍາລັບຂໍ້ມູນເພີ່ມເຕີມ, ໄປຢ້ຽມຢາມ %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ບໍ່ສາມາດເກັບຮັກສາລະຫັດຜ່ານຂອງທ່ານຢ່າງປອດໄພ. ສໍາລັບຂໍ້ມູນເພີ່ມເຕີມ, ໄປຢ້ຽມຢາມ %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring ການແຈ້ງເຕືອນເດດທັອບໃນ Linux ຕ້ອງການ Zenity. ທ່ານອາດຕ້ອງຕິດຕັ້ງມັນກັບຜູ້ຈັດການຊຸດຂອງທ່ານ.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ບໍ່ສະຫນັບສະຫນູນຄໍເຕົ້າໄຂ່ທີ່ມີການຂະຫຍາຍ: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ພົບຂໍ້ຜິດພາດທີ່ຊິງຕໍ່ບັນຊີນີ້. ບົດລາຍງານ Crash ໄດ້ຖືກສົ່ງໄປຫາທີມງານ Mailspring ແລະພວກເຮົາຈະເຮັດວຽກເພື່ອແກ້ໄຂຂໍ້ຜິດພາດເຫຼົ່ານີ້ໃນການປ່ອຍຕໍ່ໄປ.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring ບໍ່ສາມາດຕັ້ງຄ່າແຄດໃຫມ່ໄດ້. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring ບໍ່ສາມາດຂຽນໄປທີ່ສະຖານທີ່ໄຟລ໌ທີ່ທ່ານໄດ້ລະບຸໄວ້ (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring ຈະບໍ່ສະ ເໜີ ໃຫ້ແປຂໍ້ຄວາມທີ່ຂຽນເປັນ %@ ອີກຕໍ່ໄປ.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "ໃຫ້ແນ່ໃຈວ່າທ່ານໄດ້ຕິດຕັ້ງ `libsecret` ແລະ keyring ມີຢູ່.",
"Manage": "ການຄຸ້ມຄອງ",
"Manage Accounts": "ຈັດການບັນຊີ",
"Manage Billing": "ຈັດການການເອີ້ນເກັບເງິນ",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "\"Mailspring\" nepavyko išsaugoti priedo, nes jūsų disko vieta baigėsi.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "\"Mailspring\" nepavyko išsaugoti priedo. Patikrinkite, ar leidimai teisingai nustatyti, ir bandykite iš naujo paleisti \"Mailspring\", jei problema išlieka.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "\"Mailspring\" negalėjo sukelti \"mailsync\" proceso. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "\"Mailspring\" negalėjo saugiai saugoti savo slaptažodžio. %@ Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos, apsilankykite %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "\"Mailspring\" negalėjo saugiai saugoti savo slaptažodžio. Norėdami gauti daugiau informacijos, apsilankykite %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "\"Linux\" darbalaukio pranešimai reikalauja \"Zenity\". Jums gali prireikti jį įdiegti paketo tvarkytuve.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "\"Mailspring\" nepalaiko stilių su plėtiniu: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "\"Mailspring\" susidūrė su šios sąskaitos sinchronizavimu. Bandymų ataskaitos buvo išsiųstos \"Mailspring\" komandai, o mes atliksime darbą, kad ištaisytume šias klaidas kitame leidime.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "\"Mailspring\" nepavyko iš naujo nustatyti vietos talpyklos. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "\"Mailspring\" nepavyko įrašyti į nurodytą failo vietą (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "„Mailspring“ nebegalės versti pranešimų, parašytų %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Įsitikinkite, kad įdiegėte \"libsecret\" ir esate užraktu.",
"Manage": "Valdyti",
"Manage Accounts": "Tvarkyti paskyras",
"Manage Billing": "Tvarkyti atsiskaitymą",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring nevarēja saglabāt pielikumu, jo jums ir beidzies diska vieta.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring nevarēja saglabāt pielikumu. Pārbaudiet, vai atļaujas ir pareizi iestatītas un, ja problēma atkārtojas, mēģiniet atkārtoti palaist Pailspring.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring nevarēja radīt mailsync procesu. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nevarēja droši saglabāt jūsu paroli. %@ Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nevarēja droši saglabāt jūsu paroli. Lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, apmeklējiet %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Ziemassvētku darbvirsmas paziņojumi uz Linux ir nepieciešami. Jums, iespējams, būs jāinstalē tas kopā ar pakešu pārvaldnieku.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring neatbalsta stilu lapas ar paplašinājumu: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring radās kļūdas, sinhronizējot šo kontu. Avāriju pārskati ir nosūtīti Mailspring komandai, un mēs strādāsim, lai novērstu šīs kļūdas nākamajā laidienā.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring nevarēja atiestatīt vietējo kešatmiņu. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring nevarēja rakstīt norādītajā faila atrašanās vietā (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring vairs nepiedāvās tulkot ziņojumus, kas rakstīti ar %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Pārliecinieties, ka esat instalējis `libsecret` un ir atslēgu ritenis.",
"Manage": "Pārvaldīt",
"Manage Accounts": "Pārvaldīt kontus",
"Manage Billing": "Pārvaldīt norēķinu",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Ny mailspring dia tsy afaka nanavotra ny rindrankajy satria nihazakazaka tao amin'ny habaka.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring dia tsy afaka nanavotra ny fifandraisana. Hamarino fa ny fahazoan-dàlana dia napetraka araka ny tokony ho izy ary manandrana manomboka Mailspring raha mbola mitohy ny olana.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring dia tsy afaka mamoaka ny paik'ady mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring dia tsy afaka mitahiry tsara ny tenimiafinao. %@ Raha mila fanazavana bebe kokoa, tsidiho %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring dia tsy afaka mitahiry tsara ny tenimiafinao. Raha mila fanazavana bebe kokoa, tsidiho %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Ny mailspring fampahafantarana ny bootera amin'ny Linux dia mila Zenity. Azonao atao ny mametraka azy amin'ny manager manager.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring dia tsy manohana stages miaraka amin'ny fanitarana: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring dia nahita fahadisoana nanitsy ity kaonty ity. Tatitra an-dalambe no nalefa tany amin'ny ekipan'ny Mailspring ary hiasa hamaha ireo fahadisoana amin'ny famoahana manaraka isika.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Ny mailspring dia tsy afaka namerina ny cache teo an-toerana. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Tsy afaka nanoratra tamin'ny alàlan'ny toerana nofaritanao (%@) ny mailspring.",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Tsy hatolotra intsony ny Mailspring handikana ireo hafatra voasoratra ao amin'ny %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Ataovy azo antoka fa manana 'libsecret` ny fametrahana ary misy ny kitendry.",
"Manage": "mitantana",
"Manage Accounts": "Mitantana ny kaonty",
"Manage Billing": "Manage Billing",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Kaore i taea e te Mailspring te tiaki i tetahi taapiri mo te mea kua rere koe i te mokowā kōpae.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Kaore i taea e te Mailspring te tiaki i tetahi taapiri. Tirohia me whakaaetia nga whakaaetanga tika me te ngana ano i te tīmata i te Mailspring mehemea kei te haere tonu te take.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Kaore i taea e te Mailspring te whakaputa i te tukanga mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Kaore i taea e te Mailspring te penapena i to kupuhipa. %@ Mo etahi atu korero, haere ki %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Kaore i taea e te Mailspring te penapena i to kupuhipa. Mo etahi atu korero, haere ki %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Ko te whakamohio i nga whakamohiotanga papamahi i runga i Linux e hiahia ana ki te Zenity. Ka hiahia koe ki te whakauru ki te kaiwhakahaere poari.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Kaore e tautokohia ana e te mailspets nga waahanga me te toronga: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "I tutuki nga hapa i te haukoti i tenei kaute. Kua tukuna nga ripoata crash ki te kapa Mailspring, a ka mahi matou ki te whakatika i enei hapa i roto i te tuku atu.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Kāore i taea e Mailspring te tautuhi i te keteehe o te rohe. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Kaore i taea e Mailspring te tuhi ki te tauranga i tohua e koe (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Kaore e tukuna a Mailspring ki te whakamaori i nga reta i tuhia ki %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Me whakarite he 'libsecret' kua oti te whakauru, kei reira hoki he tohu.",
"Manage": "Whakahaere",
"Manage Accounts": "Whakahaerehia Ngā Pūkete",
"Manage Billing": "Whakahaere Pire",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring не можеше да зачувува прилог бидејќи имате краен простор на дискот.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring не можеше да зачува прилог. Проверете дали дозволите се поставени правилно и обидете се да го рестартирате Mailspring ако проблемот продолжи.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring не може да го подигне процесот за испраќање пораки. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring не можеше безбедно да ја зачува вашата лозинка. %@ За повеќе информации, посетете %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring не можеше безбедно да ја зачува вашата лозинка. За повеќе информации, посетете %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring работните известувања на Линукс бараат Зенит. Можеби ќе треба да го инсталирате со вашиот менаџер на пакети.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring не поддржува стилови со продолжување: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring наиде на грешки во синхронизирањето на оваа сметка. Извештаите за падови беа испратени до тимот на Mailspring и ние ќе работиме да ги исправиме овие грешки во следното издание.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring не можеше да го ресетира локалниот кеш. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring не успеа да запише во локацијата за датотеки што ја наведовте (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Пошта порака повеќе нема да понуди да преведува пораки напишани во %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Осигурајте се дека имате инсталирано `libsecret` и е присутен приврзок.",
"Manage": "Управувај",
"Manage Accounts": "Управување со сметки",
"Manage Billing": "Управувај со фактурирането",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring нь дискний зайгүй болсон учир хавсралтыг хадгалж чадсангүй.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring хавсралтыг хадгалж чадсангүй. Зөвшөөрөл зөв заагдсан эсэхийг шалгаад асуудал гарч ирвэл Mailspring-г дахин эхлүүлэхийг оролдоорой.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring нь mailsync процессыг үүсгэж чадсангүй. [Болгосон]",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring нууц үгээ аюулгүй хадгалах боломжгүй. %@ Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг [ц]",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring нууц үгээ аюулгүй хадгалах боломжгүй. Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг [ц]",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Линукс дээрх мэдэгдлүүд нь Zenity-г шаарддаг. Та үүнийг багцын менежерт суулгаж болно.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring өргөтгөлтэй загварын хэв маягыг дэмжихгүй байна: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring энэ дансыг синк хийхэд алдаа гарсан. Сүйрлийн тайланг Mailspring баг руу илгээсэн бөгөөд дараагийн хувилбарт эдгээр алдааг засахын тулд ажиллах болно.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring нь локал кэшийг дахин тохируулж чадсангүй. [Болгосон]",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring таны ([еф]) заасан файлын байрлал руу бичих боломжгүй байсан.",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring нь %@ дээр бичигдсэн зурвасуудыг орчуулахыг санал болгохгүй.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Та `libsecret` суулгагдсан эсэхээ шалгаарай, киринг хийж байгаа эсэхийг шалгаарай.",
"Manage": "Удирдах",
"Manage Accounts": "Акаунтуудыг удирдах боломжтой",
"Manage Billing": "Нэхэмжлэхийг удирдах",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring tidak dapat menyimpan lampiran kerana anda telah kehabisan ruang cakera.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring tidak dapat menyimpan lampiran. Semak kebenaran yang ditetapkan dengan betul dan cuba mulakan semula Mailspring jika isu itu berterusan.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring tidak dapat menanam proses mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring tidak dapat menyimpan kata laluan anda dengan selamat. %@ Untuk maklumat lanjut, lawati %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring tidak dapat menyimpan kata laluan anda dengan selamat. Untuk maklumat lanjut, lawati %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Pemberitahuan desktop Mailspring di Linux memerlukan Zenity. Anda mungkin perlu memasangnya dengan pengurus pakej anda.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring tidak menyokong stylesheets dengan pelanjutan: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring menemui ralat menyegerakkan akaun ini. Laporan kemalangan telah dihantar ke pasukan Mailspring dan kami akan berusaha untuk membetulkan kesilapan ini dalam pembebasan seterusnya.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring tidak dapat menetapkan semula cache tempatan. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring tidak dapat menulis ke lokasi fail yang anda nyatakan (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring tidak akan lagi menawarkan untuk menterjemah mesej yang ditulis dalam %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Pastikan anda mempunyai `libsecret` dipasang dan ada keyring.",
"Manage": "Mengurus",
"Manage Accounts": "Urus Akaun",
"Manage Billing": "Urus Pengebilan",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring ma setax isalva sekwestru għaliex spiċċajt mill-ispazju fuq id-disk.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring ma setax isalva sekwestru. Iċċekkja li l-permessi huma stabbiliti b'mod korrett u pprova jerġa 'jibda Mailspring jekk il-kwistjoni tippersisti.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring ma setax imexxi l-proċess ta 'mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ma setax jaħżen il-password tiegħek b'mod sigur. %@ Għal aktar informazzjoni, żur %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ma setax jaħżen il-password tiegħek b'mod sigur. Għal aktar informazzjoni, żur %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Notifiki ta 'desktop Mailspring fuq Linux jeħtieġu Zenity. Jista 'jkollok bżonn tinstallah mal-maniġer tal-pakkett tiegħek.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ma jappoġġjax stylesheets bl-estensjoni: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ltaqa 'ma' żbalji li jissinkronizzaw dan il-kont. Ir-rapporti tal-ħbit ġew mibgħuta lit-tim ta 'Mailspring u aħna ser naħdmu biex niffissaw dawn l-iżbalji fir-rilaxx li jmiss.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring ma rnexxiliex iġġedded il-cache lokali. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring ma setax jikteb fil-post tal-fajl li speċifikajt (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring ma jibqax joffri tittraduċi messaġġi miktuba fi %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Kun żgur li jkollok 'libsecret' installat u jkun hemm preżenti keyring.",
"Manage": "Manage",
"Manage Accounts": "Ġestjoni tal-Kontijiet",
"Manage Billing": "Manage Billing",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "သငျသညျ disk space ကိုများထဲက run ကြောင့် Mailspring ပူးတွဲမကယ်တင်နိုင်ဘူး။",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring ပူးတွဲမကယ်တင်နိုင်ဘူး။ ခွင့်ပြုချက်ကိုမှန်ကန်စွာသတ်မှတ်ထားကြသည် Check နှင့်ပြဿနာဆက်ရှိနေသေးလျှင် Mailspring ပြန်လည်စတင်စမ်းပါ။",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring အဆိုပါ mailsync ဖြစ်စဉ်ကို spawn နိုင်ဘူး။ %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring လုံလုံခြုံခြုံသင့်ရဲ့စကားဝှက်ကိုသိမ်းဆည်းထားနိုင်ဘူး။ %@ ပိုမိုသိရှိလိုပါက %@ သွားရောက်ကြည့်ရှု",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring လုံလုံခြုံခြုံသင့်ရဲ့စကားဝှက်ကိုသိမ်းဆည်းထားနိုင်ဘူး။ ပိုမိုသိရှိလိုပါက %@ သွားရောက်ကြည့်ရှု",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linux ကို desktop ပေါ်မှာအသိပေးချက်များကို Mailspring Zenity လိုအပ်သည်။ သင်သည်သင်၏အထုပ်မန်နေဂျာနှင့်အတူထည့်သွင်းဖို့လိုအပ်လိမ့်မည်။",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring တိုးချဲ့မှုနှင့်အတူ Stylesheets ထောကျပံ့ပေးမထားဘူး: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ဒီ account ကိုထပ်တူပြုခြင်းအမှားများကြုံတွေ့။ လေယာဉ်ပျက်ကျအစီရင်ခံစာများ Mailspring အဖွဲ့ကိုစေလွှတ်ပါပြီကျနော်တို့လာမယ့်ဖြန့်ချိတွင်ဤအမှားများကို fix မှအလုပ်လုပ်ပါလိမ့်မယ်။",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring ဒေသခံ cache ကို reset နိုင်ခြင်းမရှိခဲ့ပေ။ %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring သင်သတ်မှတ်ထားတဲ့ဖိုင်တည်နေရာ (%@) ကိုရေးသားဖို့နိုင်ခြင်းမရှိခဲ့ပေ။",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring မရှိတော့ %@ ၌ရေးထားလျက်ရှိ၏မက်ဆေ့ခ်ျဘာသာပြန်ဆိုပူဇော်ပါလိမ့်မယ်။",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "သငျသညျ `libsecret` installed ရှိသည်နှင့်တစ်ဦး keyring ပစ္စုပ္ပန်ဖြစ်ပါတယ်သေချာအောင်လုပ်ပါ။",
"Manage": "စီမံခန့်ခွဲရန်",
"Manage Accounts": "Manage Accounts ကို",
"Manage Billing": "ငွေတောင်းခံလွှာကိုစီမံခန့်ခွဲ",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring संलग्नक बचत गर्न सकेन किनभने तपाईं डिस्क स्पेसबाट बाहिर जानुभएको छ।",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "संलग्नक बचत गर्न सकेन। त्यो अनुमतिहरू सही तरिकाले सेट गरी जाँच गर्नुहोस् र मुद्दा जारी रह्यो भने Mailspring पुनः सुरु गर्ने प्रयास गर्नुहोस्।",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring लाई mailsync प्रक्रिया स्पन गर्न सकिएन। %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring तपाईंको पासवर्ड सुरक्षित रूपमा भण्डारण गर्न सकिएन। %@ थप जानकारीको लागि, भ्रमण गर्नुहोस् %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring तपाईंको पासवर्ड सुरक्षित रूपमा भण्डारण गर्न सकिएन। थप जानकारीको लागि, भ्रमण गर्नुहोस् %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "लिनक्समा डेस्कटप सूचनाहरू Mailspring Zenity चाहिन्छ। तपाईले यसलाई तपाइँको प्याकेज प्रबन्धकसँग स्थापना गर्न आवश्यक पर्दछ।",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring एक्सटेन्सनसँग शैली शैलीहरू समर्थन गर्दैन: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring यो खाता समक्रमण गर्दा त्रुटिहरू सामना गर्यो। क्र्यास रिपोर्टहरू Mailspring टीममा पठाइएको छ र हामी अर्को त्रुटिमा यी त्रुटिहरू ठीक गर्न काम गर्नेछौं।",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "स्थानीय क्यास रिसेट गर्न Mailspring मा असमर्थ थियो। %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring तपाईंले निर्दिष्ट गर्नुभएको फाइल स्थानमा लेख्न असमर्थ भयो (%@)।",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "मेलस्प्रिले अब %@ मा लेखिएका सन्देशहरू अनुवाद गर्न प्रस्ताव गर्दैन।",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "निश्चित गर्नुहोस् तपाईंकोसँग `libsecret` स्थापना भएको छ र एउटा कीरिंग उपस्थित छ।",
"Manage": "व्यवस्थापन गर्नुहोस्",
"Manage Accounts": "खाताहरू व्यवस्थापन गर्नुहोस्",
"Manage Billing": "बिलिङ व्यवस्थापन गर्नुहोस्",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring kan een bijlage niet opslaan omdat er onvoldoende schijfruimte is.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring kan een bijlage niet opslaan. Controleer of de machtigingen correct zijn ingesteld en probeer Mailspring opnieuw op te starten als het probleem aanhoudt.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring kon het mailsync-proces niet voortbrengen. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring kon uw wachtwoord niet veilig opslaan. %@ Ga voor meer informatie naar %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring kon uw wachtwoord niet veilig opslaan. Ga voor meer informatie naar %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring-bureaubladmeldingen op Linux vereisen Zenity. U moet het mogelijk installeren met uw pakketbeheerder.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ondersteunt stylesheets niet met de extensie: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ondervond fouten bij het synchroniseren van dit account. Er zijn crashrapporten verzonden naar het Mailspring-team en we zullen werken aan het oplossen van deze fouten in de volgende release.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring kan de lokale cache niet opnieuw instellen. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring kon niet schrijven naar de bestandslocatie die u hebt opgegeven (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring biedt niet langer aan om berichten te vertalen die zijn geschreven in %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Zorg ervoor dat u `libsecret` hebt geïnstalleerd en dat er een sleutelring aanwezig is.",
"Manage": "beheren",
"Manage Accounts": "Accounts beheren",
"Manage Billing": "Beheer facturering",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring ਅਟੈਚਮੈਂਟ ਨੂੰ ਬਚਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਕਦਾ ਕਿਉਂਕਿ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ ਡਿਸਕ ਸਪੇਸ ਖਤਮ ਹੋ ਚੁੱਕੀ ਹੈ.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring ਇੱਕ ਅਟੈਚਮੈਂਟ ਨੂੰ ਬਚਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਕਦੀ ਇਹ ਜਾਂਚ ਕਰੋ ਕਿ ਇਜਾਜ਼ਤ ਜਾਰੀ ਹੋਣ 'ਤੇ ਇਹ ਸਹੀ ਢੰਗ ਨਾਲ ਸੈੱਟ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਮੇਲਸਫੇੰਗ ਮੁੜ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring ਮੇਲਸਿੰਕ ਪ੍ਰਕਿਰਿਆ ਨੂੰ ਸਪੌਨ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੀ %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਨੂੰ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਅਤ ਰੂਪ ਨਾਲ ਸਟੋਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੀ %@ ਵਧੇਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਲਈ, ਵੇਖੋ %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਨੂੰ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਅਤ ਰੂਪ ਨਾਲ ਸਟੋਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੀ ਵਧੇਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਲਈ, ਵੇਖੋ %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring ਨੂੰ Linux ਉੱਤੇ ਡਰਾਫਟ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਜੈਨਟੀ ਦੀ ਜਰੂਰਤ ਪੈਂਦੀ ਹੈ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਇਸਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ਨਾਲ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੋ ਸਕਦੀ ਹੈ.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ਐਕਸਟੈਂਸ਼ਨ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਸਟਾਇਲਸ਼ੀਟਾਂ ਦਾ ਸਮਰਥਨ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰਦੀ: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ਨੇ ਇਹ ਖਾਤਾ ਸਮਕਾਲੀ ਕਰਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸ਼ੁੱਧੀ ਮਹਿਸੂਸ ਕੀਤੀ. ਕ੍ਰੈਸ਼ ਰਿਪੋਰਟਾਂ ਨੂੰ Mailspring ਟੀਮ ਨੂੰ ਭੇਜਿਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਅਗਲੀ ਰਿਲੀਜ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਗਲਤੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਠੀਕ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਾਂਗੇ.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring ਸਥਾਨਕ ਕੈਸ਼ ਨੂੰ ਰੀਸੈੱਟ ਕਰਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ ਸੀ %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵਲੋਂ ਨਿਰਧਾਰਿਤ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ ਫਾਇਲ ਦੀ ਸਥਿਤੀ (%@) ਨੂੰ ਲਿਖਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ ਸੀ.",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "ਮੇਲਸਪ੍ਰਿੰਗ ਹੁਣ %@ ਵਿਚ ਲਿਖੇ ਸੰਦੇਸ਼ਾਂ ਦਾ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਪੇਸ਼ਕਸ਼ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰੇਗੀ.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "ਯਕੀਨੀ ਬਣਾਓ ਕਿ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ 'libsecret` ਸਥਾਪਿਤ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਕੀਰਿੰਗ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਹੈ.",
"Manage": "ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧ ਕਰਨਾ, ਕਾਬੂ ਕਰਨਾ",
"Manage Accounts": "ਖਾਤੇ ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧਿਤ ਕਰੋ",
"Manage Billing": "ਬਿਲਿੰਗ ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧਿਤ ਕਰੋ",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Program Mailspring nie mógł zapisać załącznika, ponieważ zabrakło miejsca na dysku.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring nie mógł zapisać załącznika. Sprawdź, czy uprawnienia są ustawione poprawnie i spróbuj ponownie uruchomić program Mailspring, jeśli problem będzie nadal występować.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring nie mógł odnowić procesu mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nie może bezpiecznie przechowywać Twojego hasła. %@ Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, odwiedź %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nie może bezpiecznie przechowywać Twojego hasła. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, odwiedź %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Powiadomienia na pulpicie Mailspring w systemie Linuks wymagają Zenity. Może być konieczne zainstalowanie go razem z menedżerem pakietów.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring nie obsługuje arkuszy stylów z rozszerzeniem: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "W programie Mailspring wystąpiły błędy synchronizujące to konto. Raporty o awariach zostały wysłane do zespołu Mailspring; spróbujemy naprawić te błędy w następnej wersji.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring nie mógł zresetować lokalnej pamięci podręcznej. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring nie mógł zapisać w podanej lokalizacji pliku (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring nie będzie już oferował tłumaczenia wiadomości napisanych w %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Upewnij się, że masz zainstalowaną bibliotekę `libsecret` i obecny jest keyring.",
"Manage": "Zarządzaj",
"Manage Accounts": "Zarządzaj kontami",
"Manage Billing": "Zarządzaj rozliczeniami",

View file

@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "O Mailspring não pôde salvar um anexo porque você ficou sem espaço em disco.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "O Mailspring não pôde salvar um anexo. Verifique se as permissões estão definidas corretamente e tente reiniciar o Mailspring se o problema persistir.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "O Mailspring não consegue gerar o processo mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "O Mailspring não pôde armazenar sua senha com segurança. %@ Para mais informações, visite %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "O Mailspring não pôde armazenar sua senha com segurança. Para mais informações, visite %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "As notificações de desktop do Mailspring no Linux exigem o Zenity. Você pode precisar instalá-lo com o seu gerenciador de pacotes.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "O Mailspring não suporta folhas de estilo com a extensão: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "O Mailspring encontrou erros ao sincronizar essa conta. Os relatórios de falhas foram enviados para a equipe do Mailspring e trabalharemos para corrigir esses erros na próxima versão.",
@ -357,7 +357,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to read the contents of your templates directory (%@). You may want to delete this folder or ensure filesystem permissions are set correctly.": "O Mailspring não pôde ler o conteúdo do seu diretório de modelos (%@). Você pode querer excluir esta pasta ou garantir que as permissões do sistema de arquivos estejam configuradas corretamente.",
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "O Mailspring não pôde redefinir o cache local. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "O Mailspring não pôde gravar no local do arquivo que você especificou (%@).",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Certifique-se de ter o `libsecret` instalado e um keyring presente.",
"Manage": "Gerenciar",
"Manage Accounts": "Gerenciar Contas",
"Manage Billing": "Gerenciar Cobranças",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring não consegiui guardar o anexo um anexo porque você ficou sem espaço em disco.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring não conseguiu guardar um anexo. Verifique se as permissões estão definidas corretamente e tente reiniciar o Mailspring.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring não conseguiu gerar o processo 'mailsync'. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring não conseguiu armazenar a palavra-passe em segurança. %@ Para mais informações, consulte %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring não conseguiu armazenar a palavra-passe em segurança. Para mais informações, consulte %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "As notificações de Mailspring em sistemas Linux exigem Zenity. Pode ser necessário instalar este pacote.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring não tem suporte a folhas de estilo com a extensão: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring encontrou erros ao sincronizar esta conta. Os relatórios de falhas foram enviados para a equipa de suporte e tentaremos corrigir estes erros até à próxima versão.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring não conseguiu repor a cache local. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring não conseguiu escrever na localização especificada (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "O Mailspring não oferecerá mais a tradução de mensagens escritas em %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Certifique-se de que tem o pacote 'libsecret instalado e um chaveiro ativo.",
"Manage": "Gerir",
"Manage Accounts": "Gerir contas",
"Manage Billing": "Gerir faturação",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring nu a putut salva un atașament deoarece ați epuizat spațiul de pe disc.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring nu a putut salva un atașament. Verificați dacă permisiunile sunt setate corect și încercați să reporniți Mailspring dacă problema persistă.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring nu ar putea da naștere procesului mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nu a putut salva parola în siguranță. %@ Pentru mai multe informații, vizitați %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nu a putut salva parola în siguranță. Pentru mai multe informații, vizitați %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Notificările desktop pe Linux necesită Zenity. Este posibil să fie nevoie să îl instalați împreună cu managerul de pachete.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring nu acceptă foi de stil cu extensia: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring a întâmpinat erori la sincronizarea acestui cont. Rapoartele de eroare au fost trimise echipei Mailspring și vom rezolva aceste erori în următoarea versiune.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring nu a reușit să reseta cache-ul local. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring nu a reușit să scrie în locația de fișier pe care ați specificat-o (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring nu va mai oferi traducerea mesajelor scrise în %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Asigurați-vă că aveți instalat `libsecret` și că este prezentă o cheie.",
"Manage": "Administra",
"Manage Accounts": "Gestionați conturile",
"Manage Billing": "Gestionați facturarea",

View file

@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring не смог сохранить вложение, потому что у вас закончилось место на диске.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring не смог сохранить вложение. Убедитесь, что разрешения установлены правильно и попробуйте перезапустить Mailspring, если проблема не устранена.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring не мог вызвать процесс mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring не смог безопасно хранить ваш пароль. %@ Для получения дополнительной информации посетите %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring не смог безопасно хранить ваш пароль. Для получения дополнительной информации посетите %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Уведомления для настольных компьютеров Mailspring на Linux требуют Zenity. Возможно, вам потребуется установить его с помощью менеджера пакетов.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring не поддерживает таблицы стилей с расширением: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring обнаружил ошибки во время синхронизации учетной запись. Отчеты о сбоях были отправлены команде Mailspring, и мы исправим эти ошибки в следующей версии.",
@ -364,7 +364,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring не смог сбросить локальный кеш. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring не удалось записать записать в файл, указанный вами (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring больше не будет предлагать переводить сообщения, написанные на %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Убедитесь, что у вас установлена `libsecret`, и предоставлена связка ключей.",
"Manage": "Управлять",
"Manage Accounts": "Управление учетными записями",
"Manage Billing": "Управление счётом",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "ඔබ ඩිස්ක් අවකාශයෙන් ධාවනය කර ඇති නිසා Mailspring ඇමිණුම සුරැකිය නොහැක.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "ඇමුණුමක් සුරැකිය නොහැකි විය. අවසරයන් නිවැරදිව සකසා ඇති අතර ගැටළුව නොනැවතී ඇත්නම් Mailspring නැවත ආරම්භ කරන්න.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring mailsync ක්රියාවලිය නංවන්නට නොහැකි විය. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "ඔබගේ මුරපදය ආරක්ෂිතව ගබඩා කිරීම සඳහා Mailspring හට නොහැකි විය. %@ වැඩි විස්තර සඳහා %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "ඔබගේ මුරපදය ආරක්ෂිතව ගබඩා කිරීම සඳහා Mailspring හට නොහැකි විය. වැඩි විස්තර සඳහා %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linux මත Mailspring ඩෙස්ක්ටොප් දැනුම්දීම් අවශ්යයි. ඔබේ ඇසුරුම් කළමණාකරු සමඟ එය ස්ථාපනය කිරීමට ඔබට අවශ්ය වනු ඇත.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "දිගුව සමඟ ලිපි ලේසර් සඳහා පහසුකම් සපයන්නේ නැත: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "මෙම ගිණුම සමමුහුර්තකරණය කිරීමේදී Mailspring අසමත් විය. මිස්ස්පිං කණ්ඩායම වෙත කඩා වැටීම් වාර්තා යවා ඇති අතර ඊළඟ නිකුතුවේදී මෙම දෝෂ නිවැරදි කිරීමට අපි කටයුතු කරමු.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "දේශීය මතකය නැවත සැකසීමට Mailspring හට නොහැකි විය. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "ඔබ විසින් නියම කරන ලද ලිපිගොනු ලිපිනයට (Mail) තැපැල් කිරීමට නොහැකි විය (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "%@ හි ලියා ඇති පණිවිඩ පරිවර්තනය කිරීමට තැපැල් ස්ප්‍රින්ග් තවදුරටත් ඉදිරිපත් නොවනු ඇත.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "ඔබ `libsecret` ස්ථාපනය කර ඇති අතර ප්රධාන යතුරක් තිබේදැයි වග බලා ගන්න.",
"Manage": "කළමනාකරණය කරන්න",
"Manage Accounts": "ගිණුම් කළමනාකරණය කරන්න",
"Manage Billing": "බිල්ගත කිරීම කළමනාකරණය කරන්න",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Aplikácia Mailspring nemohla uložiť prílohu, pretože ste vyčerpali miesto na disku.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring nemohol uložiť prílohu. Skontrolujte, či sú oprávnenia správne nastavené a pokúste sa reštartovať službu Mailspring, ak problém pretrváva.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring nemohol spustiť proces mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Služba Mailspring nemohla bezpečne uložiť vaše heslo. %@ Pre viac informácií navštívte %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Služba Mailspring nemohla bezpečne uložiť vaše heslo. Pre viac informácií navštívte %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Upozornenia na mailspring na pracovnej ploche v systéme Linux vyžadujú Zenity. Možno budete musieť nainštalovať s správcom balíkov.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring nepodporuje štýly s príponou: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Služba Mailspring zaznamenala chyby pri synchronizácii tohto účtu. Správy o zlyhaní boli odoslané do tímu Mailspring a my sa budeme snažiť opraviť tieto chyby v ďalšej verzii.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Služba Mailspring sa nepodarilo vynulovať lokálnu vyrovnávaciu pamäť. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring sa nepodarilo zapísať na zadané miesto súboru (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring už nebude ponúkať preklad správ napísaných v %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Uistite sa, že máte nainštalovaný \"libsecret\" a je tu kľúče.",
"Manage": "Spravovať",
"Manage Accounts": "Správa účtov",
"Manage Billing": "Správa fakturácie",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring ni mogel shraniti priloge, ker je zmanjkalo prostora na disku.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring ni mogel shraniti priloge. Preverite, ali so dovoljenja pravilno nastavljena in poskusite ponovno zagnati pošto, če se težava še vedno pojavlja.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring ni mogel razviti procesa mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ni mogel varno shraniti gesla. %@ Za več informacij obiščite %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ni mogel varno shraniti gesla. Za več informacij obiščite %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Obvestila na namizju Mailspring na Linuxu zahtevajo Zenity. Morda ga boste morali namestiti z upraviteljem paketa.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ne podpira slogov z razširitvijo: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring je naletel na napake, ki sinhronizirajo ta račun. Poročila o zrušitvah so bila poslana ekipi programa Mailspring in v naslednjih izdajah bomo odpravili te napake.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring ni mogel ponastaviti lokalnega predpomnilnika. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring ni mogel pisati na izbrano lokacijo datoteke (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring ne bo več ponujal prevajanja sporočil, napisanih v %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Poskrbite, da imate nameščen `libsecret` in da je ključavnica prisotna.",
"Manage": "Upravljajte",
"Manage Accounts": "Upravljanje računov",
"Manage Billing": "Upravljanje obračunavanja",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "E le mafai e le mailspring ona faʻapipiʻi se mea faʻapipiʻi ona ua e alu ese mai le avanoa mokesi.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "E le mafai e le mailspring ona faʻasaoina se mea faʻapipiʻi. Siaki o nei faʻatagaga ua faʻasaga lelei ma taumafai e toe faʻafouina Mailspring pe a fai e faʻaauau le mataupu.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "E le mafai e le mailspring ona faʻasaʻo le mailsync process. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "E le mafai ona teuina faʻamaonia lau upega tafailagi i le mailspring. %@ Mo nisi faʻamatalaga, asiasi i %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "E le mafai ona teuina faʻamaonia lau upega tafailagi i le mailspring. Mo nisi faʻamatalaga, asiasi i %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "O faʻamatalaga i luga ole laulau i luga o Linux e manaomia ai le Sini. Atonu e manaʻomia lou faʻapipiʻiina i lau pulelaʻau.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "E le lagolagoina e le mellowpring ia sitaili ma le faʻaopoopoga: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Na maua e le mailspring mea sese na faʻaogaina ai lenei tala. Ua tuʻuina atu ripoti faʻafuaseʻi i le Mailspring ma o le a matou galulue e faʻafetaui nei mea sese i le isi faʻasalaga.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "E le mafai e le mailspring ona toe faʻafoʻi le natia faitele. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Sa le mafai e le mailspring ona tusi i le faila o le faila na e faʻamatalaina (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "O le a le toe ofoina e le mlingpring le faʻaliliuga o savali o loʻo tusia i %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Ia mautinoa ua i ai ni 'libsecret` faʻapipiʻiina ma o loʻo i ai se ki.",
"Manage": "Puleaina",
"Manage Accounts": "Puleaina Tala",
"Manage Billing": "Pulea Pili",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Codsiyada ma badbaadin karaan lifaaq sababtoo ah waxaad ka baxday meel bannaan.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Codsiyada ma badbaadin karaan lifaaq. Hubi in ogolaanshaha si sax ah loo dhigay isla markaana iskuday inaad dib u bilawdo Mailspring haddii arintu sii socoto.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring ma kicin karin nidaamka mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Codsigeyga ma keydsan karin ereygaaga si ammaan ah. %@ Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah, booqo %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Codsigeyga ma keydsan karin ereygaaga si ammaan ah. Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah, booqo %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Ogaysiisyo shaqo oo ku saabsan Linux ayaa u baahan Zenity. Waxaa laga yaabaa inaad u baahato inaad ku rakibto maamulaha baakadkaaga.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Codsiyada ma taageerto naqshad ayadoo la dheereynayo: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ayaa la kulmay khaladaad isku-dhafan xisaabtan. Warbixinnada gawaarida ayaa loo diray kooxda Mailspring waxaanan ku shaqeyn doonnaa si aan u xalino khaladaadahan soo socda ee soo socda.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring ma awoodin in ay dib u dhigto kaydka maxalliga ah. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring way awoodi wayday inaad u qorto goobta faylkaaga ee aad ku qortay (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Qoysku mar dambe ma soo bandhigi doonaan inay tarjunaan farriimaha ku qoran %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Hubi inaad haysatid 'libsecret' oo lagu rakibay iyo furaha waa la joogayaa.",
"Manage": "Maamul",
"Manage Accounts": "Maamul Xisaabaadka",
"Manage Billing": "Maamul Bixinta",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring nuk mundi të ruajë një bashkëngjitje sepse keni mbetur jashtë hapësirës në disk.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring nuk mund të shpëtojë një shtojcë. Kontrolloni që lejet janë vendosur në mënyrë korrekte dhe provoni të rinisni Mailspring nëse problemi vazhdon.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailedpring nuk mund të gërryej procesin e postës elektronike. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nuk mund ta ruante sigurt fjalëkalimin tuaj. %@ Për më shumë informacion, vizitoni %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring nuk mund ta ruante sigurt fjalëkalimin tuaj. Për më shumë informacion, vizitoni %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Lajmërimet desktop në Linux për Linux kërkojnë Zenity. Ju mund të keni nevojë ta instaloni atë me menaxherin tuaj të paketave.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring nuk mbështet fletët e stilet me shtrirjen: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailedpring hasur gabime syncing këtë llogari. Raportet e Crash janë dërguar në ekipin e Mailedpring dhe ne do të punojmë për të rregulluar këto gabime në lirimin e ardhshëm.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring nuk ishte në gjendje të rivendoste cache lokale. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring nuk ishte në gjendje të shkruante në vendndodhjen e skedarit që specifikonte (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring nuk do të ofrojë më për të përkthyer mesazhe të shkruara në %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Sigurohuni që keni instaluar `libsecret` dhe ka një mbajtëse çelësash.",
"Manage": "Menaxho",
"Manage Accounts": "Menaxho llogaritë",
"Manage Billing": "Menaxho faturimin",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Маилспринг није могао сачувати прилог јер сте изгубили простор на диску.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Маилспринг није могао сачувати прилог. Проверите да ли су исправке постављене исправно и покушајте поново покренути Маилспринг ако се проблем и даље јавља.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Маилспринг није могао покренути процес маилсинц-а. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Маилспринг није могао чувати вашу шифру сигурно. %@ За више информација посетите %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Маилспринг није могао чувати вашу шифру сигурно. За више информација посетите %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Маилспринг радна обавештења на Линуку захтевају Зенити. Можда ћете морати да је инсталирате са менаџером пакета.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Маилспринг не подржава стилове са екстензијом: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Маилспринг је наишао на грешке у синхронизацији овог налога. Извештаји о оштећењима су послати тиму Маилспринг и радићемо да исправимо ове грешке у следећем издању.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Маилспринг није могао ресетовати локалну кеш меморију. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Маилспринг није могао да пише на локацију датотеке коју сте навели (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Маилспринг више неће нудити превод порука написаних на %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Уверите се да сте инсталирали `либсецрет` и присутан је кључ.",
"Manage": "Управљати",
"Manage Accounts": "Управљање налогом",
"Manage Billing": "Управљајте фактурисањем",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring e sitoa ho pholosa sethoathoa hobane u se u tsoa sebakeng sa disk.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring e ne e sitoa ho boloka selekane. Sheba hore litumello li behiloe ka nepo 'me u leke ho qala hape Mailspring haeba taba e ntse e tsoela pele.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring e sitoa ho hlahisa mokhoa oa mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring e sitoa ho boloka phasewete ea hau ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng. %@ Ho fumana lintlha tse ling, etela %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring e sitoa ho boloka phasewete ea hau ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng. Ho fumana lintlha tse ling, etela %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Litlhaloso tsa mailspring tsa desktop ho Linux li hloka Zenity. U ka 'na ua hloka ho e kenya le mookameli oa hau ea phapaka.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ha e tšehetse li-stylesheet ka ho eketsa: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring liphoso tse kopaneng le tsona li lumellana le akhaonto ena. Litlaleho tsa ho senya li rometsoe sehlopheng sa Mailspring 'me re tla sebetsa ho lokisa liphoso tsena ho lokolloa ho latelang.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring e ne e sa khone ho khutlisetsa sebaka sa cache sa sebakeng seo. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring e ne e sa khone ho ngolla sebaka sa feretere seo u se boletseng (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring ha a sa tla hlola a fana ka maikutlo a ho fetolela melaetsa e ngotsoeng ho %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Etsa bonnete ba hore u na le `libsecret` e kentsoeng 'me senotlolo se teng.",
"Manage": "Laola",
"Manage Accounts": "Laola Litlaleho",
"Manage Billing": "Laola ho lefa",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring kunde inte spara en bilaga eftersom du har slut på diskutrymme.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring kunde inte spara en bilaga. Kontrollera att behörigheterna är rätt inställda och försök starta om Mailspring om problemet kvarstår.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring kunde inte hämta mailsync-processen. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring kunde inte lagra ditt lösenord på ett säkert sätt. %@ För mer information, besök %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring kunde inte lagra ditt lösenord på ett säkert sätt. För mer information, besök %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring stationära meddelanden på Linux kräver Zenity. Det kan hända att du måste installera den med din pakethanterare.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring stöder inte stylesheets med förlängningen: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring stötte på fel att synkronisera detta konto. Kraschrapporter har skickats till Mailspring-teamet och vi kommer att arbeta för att åtgärda dessa fel i nästa utgåva.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring kunde inte återställa den lokala cachen. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring kunde inte skriva till filplatsen du angav (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring erbjuder inte längre att översätta meddelanden skrivna i %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Se till att du har `libsecret` installerat och en nyckelring är närvarande.",
"Manage": "Hantera",
"Manage Accounts": "Hantera konton",
"Manage Billing": "Hantera fakturering",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "நீங்கள் வட்டு இடத்தை விட்டு வெளியேறிவிட்டதால் அஞ்சல் இணைப்பு ஒரு இணைப்பை சேமிக்க முடியவில்லை.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "இணைப்பு சேமிக்க முடியவில்லை. சிக்கல்கள் சரியாக அமைக்கப்பட்டு, சிக்கல் தொடர்ந்தால், Mailspring ஐ மறுதொடக்கம் செய்ய முயற்சிக்கவும்.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailsync செயல்முறைக்கு அஞ்சல் அனுப்ப முடியவில்லை. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "உங்கள் கடவுச்சொல்லை பாதுகாப்பாக சேமிக்க முடியவில்லை. %@ மேலும் தகவலுக்கு, வருகை %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "உங்கள் கடவுச்சொல்லை பாதுகாப்பாக சேமிக்க முடியவில்லை. மேலும் தகவலுக்கு, வருகை %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linux இல் Mailspring டெஸ்க்டாப் அறிவிப்புகளுக்கு Zenity தேவைப்படுகிறது. உங்கள் தொகுப்பு நிர்வாகியுடன் அதை நிறுவ வேண்டும்.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "நீட்டிப்புடன் அஞ்சல் அச்சுப்பொறி எழுத்துக்களுக்கு ஆதரவளிக்கவில்லை: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "இந்த கணக்கை ஒத்திசைக்கும் மின்னஞ்சல்கள் பிழைகள் எதிர்கொண்டன. விபத்து அறிக்கைகள் Mailspring குழுவிற்கு அனுப்பப்பட்டுள்ளன, அடுத்த வெளியீட்டில் இந்த பிழைகளை சரிசெய்ய நாங்கள் வேலை செய்கிறோம்.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "உள்ளூர் கேச் மீட்டமைக்க முடியவில்லை. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "நீங்கள் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ள கோப்பிற்கு (%@) அஞ்சல் அனுப்ப முடியும்.",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "%@ இல் எழுதப்பட்ட செய்திகளை மொழிபெயர்க்க மெயில்ஸ்ப்ரிங் இனி வழங்காது.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "நீங்கள் 'libsecret' நிறுவப்பட்டுள்ளதா என்பதை உறுதி செய்து, ஒரு keyring உள்ளது.",
"Manage": "நிர்வகிக்கவும்",
"Manage Accounts": "கணக்குகளை நிர்வகி",
"Manage Billing": "பில்லிங் நிர்வகி",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring ไม่สามารถบันทึกสิ่งที่แนบได้เนื่องจากคุณใช้เนื้อที่ว่างบนดิสก์หมด",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring ไม่สามารถบันทึกไฟล์แนบได้ ตรวจสอบว่ามีการตั้งค่าสิทธิ์อย่างถูกต้องและลองเริ่ม Mailspring ใหม่หากปัญหายังคงอยู่",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring ไม่สามารถคลอดกระบวนการ mailsync ได้ %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ไม่สามารถเก็บรหัสผ่านของคุณได้อย่างปลอดภัย %@ ดูข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring ไม่สามารถเก็บรหัสผ่านของคุณได้อย่างปลอดภัย ดูข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "การแจ้งเตือน Mailspring บนเดสก์ท็อปบน Linux จำเป็นต้องใช้ Zenity คุณอาจต้องติดตั้งกับผู้จัดการแพคเกจของคุณ",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ไม่สนับสนุน stylesheets ที่มีนามสกุล: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring พบข้อผิดพลาดในการซิงค์บัญชีนี้ รายงานข้อขัดข้องถูกส่งไปยังทีม Mailspring และเราจะดำเนินการแก้ไขข้อผิดพลาดเหล่านี้ในรุ่นถัดไป",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring ไม่สามารถรีเซ็ตแคชภายในเครื่องได้ %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring ไม่สามารถเขียนไปยังตำแหน่งไฟล์ที่คุณระบุ (%@)",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring จะไม่เสนอให้แปลข้อความที่เขียนใน %@ อีกต่อไป",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "ตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่าคุณได้ติดตั้ง `libsecret` และมีพวงกุญแจอยู่",
"Manage": "จัดการ",
"Manage Accounts": "จัดการบัญชี",
"Manage Billing": "จัดการการเรียกเก็บเงิน",

View file

@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring, eki kaydedemedi çünkü disk alanınız bitti.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring eki kaydedemedi. İzinlerin doğru şekilde ayarlandığını denetleyin ve sorun devam ederse Mailspring'i yeniden başlatmayı deneyin.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring, mailsync sürecini üretemedi. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring, parolanızı güvenle saklayamadı. %@ Daha çok bilgi için %@ adresini ziyaret edin.",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring, parolanızı güvenle saklayamadı. Daha çok bilgi için %@ adresini ziyaret edin.",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linux'ta Mailspring masaüstü bildirimleri Zenity gerektirir. Paket yöneticinizle yüklemeniz gerekebilir.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring, uzantıyla birlikte stil sayfalarını desteklemiyor: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring, bu hesabı eşzamanlarken hatalarla karşılaştı. Kilitlenme raporları Mailspring ekibine gönderildi ve bunları sonraki sürümde düzeltmek için çalışacağız.",
@ -361,7 +361,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring, yerel önbelleği sıfırlayamadı. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring, belirttiğiniz dosya konumuna yazamadı (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring artık %@ ile yazılmış iletileri çevirmeyi teklif etmeyecek.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "`libsecret`ın kurulu olduğundan ve anahtarlığın bulunduğundan emin olun.",
"Manage": "Yönet",
"Manage Accounts": "Hesapları Yönet",
"Manage Billing": "Faturalandırmayı Yönet",

View file

@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring не вдалося зберегти вкладений файл, тому що у вас не вистачає місця на диску.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring не вдалося зберегти вкладення. Перевірте, чи правильно встановлено дозволи, і спробуйте перезапустити Mailspring, якщо проблема не зникає.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring не може викликати процес mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring не може зберігати ваш пароль надійно. %@ Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring не може зберігати ваш пароль надійно. Для отримання додаткової інформації відвідайте %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Повідомлення Mailspring на робочому столі на Linux вимагають Zenity. Можливо, вам доведеться встановити його за допомогою менеджера пакетів.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring не підтримує таблиці стилів з розширенням: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring виникла помилка синхронізації цього облікового запису. Звіти про аварійне завершення роботи були надіслані команді Mailspring, і ми будемо працювати над виправленням цих помилок у наступному випуску.",
@ -361,7 +361,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring не зміг скинути локальний кеш. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring не вдалося записати в зазначене вами місцеположення файлу (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring більше не пропонує перекладати повідомлення, написані на %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Переконайтеся, що встановлено `libsecret` та наявний брелок.",
"Manage": "Керувати",
"Manage Accounts": "Керування обліковими записами",
"Manage Billing": "Управління рахунками",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Disk maydoni bo'sh bo'lganligi sababli, pochta jo'natmalari ilovani saqlab bo'lmadi.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring ilovani saqlab bo'lmadi. Ruxsatlar to'g'ri o'rnatilganligini tekshiring va muammo davom etsa Mailspring-ni qayta ishga tushiring.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring pochta xabarlari jarayonini uzata olmaydi. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring sizning parolingizni xavfsiz saqlab bo'lmadi. %@ Qo'shimcha ma'lumot uchun %@ ga tashrif buyuring.",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring sizning parolingizni xavfsiz saqlab bo'lmadi. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot uchun %@ ga tashrif buyuring.",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linuxdagi pochta xabarlari stoli bildirishnomalari Zenity-ni talab qiladi. Siz uni paket menejeringiz bilan o'rnatishingiz kerak bo'lishi mumkin.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring kengaytmali uslub sahifalarini qo'llab-quvvatlamaydi: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Pochta xatida ushbu hisobni sinxronlashda xatolik yuz berdi. Crash hisobotlari Mailspring guruhiga yuborildi va biz ushbu xatlarni keyingi versiyada tuzatishga harakat qilamiz.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring mahalliy keshni tiklab bo'lmadi. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring siz ko'rsatgan fayl manziliga yoza olmadi (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring endi %@ bilan yozilgan xabarlarni tarjima qilishni taklif qilmaydi.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Sizda \"libsecret\" o'rnatilgan va keyring mavjud ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling.",
"Manage": "Boshqarish",
"Manage Accounts": "Hisoblarni boshqarish",
"Manage Billing": "Billingni boshqarish",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring không thể lưu tệp đính kèm vì bạn đã hết dung lượng đĩa.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring không thể lưu tệp đính kèm. Kiểm tra xem các quyền đó có được đặt đúng hay không và thử khởi động lại Mailspring nếu vấn đề vẫn tồn tại.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring không thể sinh ra quá trình mail. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring không thể lưu trữ mật khẩu của bạn một cách an toàn. %@ Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring không thể lưu trữ mật khẩu của bạn một cách an toàn. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy truy cập %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Các thông báo trên máy tính để bàn của Mailspring trên Linux yêu cầu Zenity. Bạn có thể cần phải cài đặt nó với trình quản lý gói của bạn.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring không hỗ trợ bảng định kiểu với phần mở rộng: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring gặp lỗi khi đồng bộ hóa tài khoản này. Báo cáo sự cố đã được gửi đến nhóm Mailspring và chúng tôi sẽ cố gắng khắc phục các lỗi này trong bản phát hành tiếp theo.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring không thể đặt lại bộ nhớ cache cục bộ. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring không thể ghi vào vị trí tệp bạn đã chỉ định (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring sẽ không còn cung cấp dịch các tin nhắn được viết bằng %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn đã cài đặt `libsecret` và có một keyring.",
"Manage": "Quản lý",
"Manage Accounts": "Quản lý tài khoản",
"Manage Billing": "Quản lý thanh toán",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "I-Mailspring ayikwazanga ukulondoloza isinamathiselo ngenxa yokuba uphumelele kwi disk space.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "I-Mailspring ayikwazanga ukulondoloza isinamathiselo. Khangela ukuba iimvume zibekwe ngokuchanekileyo kwaye uzame ukuqala kwakhona i-Mailspring ukuba umcimbi uyaqhubeka.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "I-Mailspring ayikwazanga ukususa inkqubo ye-mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "I-Mailspring ayikwazanga ukugcina iphasiwedi yakho ngokukhuselekileyo. %@ Ukuze uthole ulwazi oluninzi, tyelela %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "I-Mailspring ayikwazanga ukugcina iphasiwedi yakho ngokukhuselekileyo. Ukuze uthole ulwazi oluninzi, tyelela %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Iifayile zeMailspring izaziso zeDesktop zifuna iZenity. Unokufuna ukuyifaka kunye nomphathi wakho wephakheji.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "I-Mailspring ayixhasi iifayile zeetayiti kunye nokongezwa: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "I-Mailspring iifayile ezidibeneyo zivumelanisa le akhawunti. Iingxelo ze-Crash zithunyelwe kwiqela le-Mailspring kwaye siya kusebenza ukulungisa ezi mpazamo ekukhululweni okulandelayo.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "I-Mailspring ayikwazanga ukusetha kwakhona i-cache yendawo. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "I-Mailspring ayikwazanga ukubhala kwindawo yefayili ochaziweyo (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Imaphulelo asizukunikeza ukuguqulela imiyalezo ebhaliweyo kwi %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Qinisekisa ukuba u-'secsecret` efakwe kwaye iqhosha lokungena likhoyo.",
"Manage": "Lawula",
"Manage Accounts": "Ukulawula iAkhawunti",
"Manage Billing": "Lawula i ntlawulo",

View file

@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring无法保存附件因为磁盘空间不足。",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring无法保存附件。检查权限是否设置正确如果问题仍然存在请尝试重新启动Mailspring。",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring无法生成mailsync进程。 %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring无法安全地存储您的密码。 %@欲了解更多信息,请访问%@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring无法安全地存储您的密码。欲了解更多信息,请访问%@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linux上的Mailspring桌面通知需要Zenity。您可能需要通过软件包管理器安装。",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring不支持扩展名为的样式表%@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring在同步此帐户时遇到错误。崩溃报告已发送给Mailspring团队我们将努力在下一版本中修复这些错误。",
@ -352,7 +352,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to read the contents of your templates directory (%@). You may want to delete this folder or ensure filesystem permissions are set correctly.": "Mailspring无法读取模板目录的内容%@)。您可能希望删除此文件夹或确保正确设置文件系统权限。",
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring无法重置本地缓存。 %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring无法写入您指定的文件位置%@)。",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "确保安装了`libsecret`并且存在密钥环。",
"Manage": "管理",
"Manage Accounts": "管理帐户",
"Manage Billing": "管理帐单",

View file

@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring 無法保存附件,因為磁盤空間不足。",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring 無法保存附件。檢查權限是否設置正確,如果問題仍然存在,請嘗試重新啟動 Mailspring。",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring 無法生成 mailsync 進程。 %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring 無法安全地存儲您的密碼。 %@欲了解更多信息,請前往%@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring 無法安全地存儲您的密碼。欲了解更多信息,請前往%@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linux 上的 Mailspring 桌面通知需要 Zenity。您可能需要將其與軟件包管理器一起安裝。",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring 不支持擴展名為的樣式表:%@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring在同步此帳號時遇到錯誤。崩潰報告已發送給 Mailspring 團隊,我們將努力在下一版本中修復這些錯誤。",
@ -362,7 +362,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring 無法重置本地緩存。%@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring 無法寫入您指定的檔案位置(%@)。",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring將不再翻譯以%@編寫的消息。",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "確保安裝了`libsecret`並且存在密鑰環。",
"Manage": "管理",
"Manage Accounts": "管理帳號",
"Manage Billing": "管理帳單",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring无法保存附件因为磁盘空间不足。",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring无法保存附件。检查权限是否设置正确如果问题仍然存在请尝试重新启动Mailspring。",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring无法生成mailsync进程。 %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring无法安全地存储您的密码。 %@欲了解更多信息,请访问%@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring无法安全地存储您的密码。欲了解更多信息,请访问%@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Linux上的Mailspring桌面通知需要Zenity。您可能需要将其与软件包管理器一起安装。",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring不支持扩展名为的样式表%@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring在同步此帐户时遇到错误。崩溃报告已发送给Mailspring团队我们将努力在下一版本中修复这些错误。",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring无法重置本地缓存。 %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "Mailspring无法写入您指定的文件位置%@)。",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring将不再提供翻译%@中写入的消息。",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "确保安装了`libsecret`并且存在密钥环。",
"Manage": "管理",
"Manage Accounts": "管理帐户",
"Manage Billing": "管理帐单",

View file

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
"Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "I-Mailspring ayikwazanga ukulondoloza isinamathiselo ngoba usuphelile isikhala sedisk.",
"Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "I-Mailspring ayikwazanga ukulondoloza okunamathiselwe. Hlola ukuthi izimvume zihlelwe kahle bese uzama ukuqala kabusha i-Mailspring uma inkinga iqhubeka.",
"Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "I-Mailspring ayikwazanga ukufaka inqubo ye-mailsync. %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "I-Mailspring ayikwazanga ukulondoloza iphasiwedi yakho ngokuphepha. %@ Ukuze uthole olunye ulwazi, vakashela i- %@",
"Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@": "I-Mailspring ayikwazanga ukulondoloza iphasiwedi yakho ngokuphepha. Ukuze uthole olunye ulwazi, vakashela i- %@",
"Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "I-Mailspring izaziso zedeskithophu ku-Linux zidinga i-Zenity. Kungase kudingeke ukuyifaka nomphathi wephakheji yakho.",
"Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "I-Mailspring ayisekeli ama-style wesitayela nesandiso: %@",
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Amaphutha we-Mailspring ahlangabezane nawo avumelanisa le akhawunti. Imibiko yokuphahlazeka ithunyelwe eqenjini le-Mailspring futhi sizosebenza ukulungisa la maphutha ekukhululweni okulandelayo.",
@ -360,7 +360,6 @@
"Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "I-Mailspring ayikwazanga ukusetha kabusha i-cache yendawo. %@",
"Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).Try choosing another location.\n\n%@": "I-Mailspring ayikwazanga ukubhalela endaweni yefayili oyibeke (%@).",
"Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "IMailspring ngeke isanikela ukuhumusha imilayezo ebhalwe ku- %@.",
"Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Qinisekisa ukuthi ukhona `libsecret` efakwe futhi ukhiye okhona.",
"Manage": "Lawula",
"Manage Accounts": "Lawula ama-Akhawunti",
"Manage Billing": "Phatha ukukhokha",

View file

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class KeyManager {
const keys = JSON.parse(raw) as KeySet;
keytar.deletePassword(SERVICE_NAME, KEY_NAME);
console.log("Key Migration finished");
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ class KeyManager {
return result;
setMigrated() {
AppEnv.config.set(configCredentialsMigratedKey, 'true');
setMigrated(value: Boolean) {
AppEnv.config.set(configCredentialsMigratedKey, value);
async deleteAccountSecrets(account: Account) {
@ -149,20 +149,26 @@ class KeyManager {
_reportFatalError(err: Error) {
let more = '';
if (process.platform === 'linux') {
more = localized('Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. If you installed Mailspring via `snap`, please run `sudo snap connect mailspring:password-manager-service` to connect it to your keyring. ');
const clickedButton = require('@electron/remote').dialog.showMessageBoxSync({
type: 'error',
buttons: [localized('Quit')],
buttons: [localized('Mailspring Help'), localized('Quit')],
message: localized(
`Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@`,
`Mailspring could not store your password securely. For more information, visit %@`,
if (clickedButton == 0) {
const shell = require('electron').shell;
// TODO: Remove when removing the keytar dependencies
// If we are in the snap environment and this fails, we ensure that the migration from keytar can run again
if (process.env.SNAP) {
// tell the app to exit and rethrow the error to ensure code relying
// on the passwords being saved never runs (saving identity for example)