diff --git a/exports/nylas-exports.coffee b/exports/nylas-exports.coffee
index 97ef50c66..1bf9c1b90 100644
--- a/exports/nylas-exports.coffee
+++ b/exports/nylas-exports.coffee
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Exports =
# The Task Queue
Task: require '../src/flux/tasks/task'
TaskQueue: require '../src/flux/stores/task-queue'
+ UndoRedoStore: require '../src/flux/stores/undo-redo-store'
# Tasks
CreateMetadataTask: require '../src/flux/tasks/create-metadata-task'
diff --git a/internal_packages/composer/lib/composer-view.cjsx b/internal_packages/composer/lib/composer-view.cjsx
index f4a4c7f88..108a1dec3 100644
--- a/internal_packages/composer/lib/composer-view.cjsx
+++ b/internal_packages/composer/lib/composer-view.cjsx
@@ -260,10 +260,14 @@ class ComposerView extends React.Component
_renderBody: =>
if @props.mode is "inline"
- @_renderBodyContenteditable()
+ {@_renderBodyContenteditable()}
+ {@_renderAttachments()}
@refs.scrollbar }>
+ {@_renderAttachments()}
_renderBodyContenteditable: =>
@@ -281,30 +285,23 @@ class ComposerView extends React.Component
unless @props.localId
- {@_renderNonImageAttachmentsAndUploads()}
- {@_renderImageAttachmentsAndUploads()}
- _renderNonImageAttachmentsAndUploads: ->
- @_nonImages().map (fileOrUpload) =>
- if fileOrUpload.object is "file"
- @_attachmentComponent(fileOrUpload)
- else
+ _renderAttachments: ->
+ renderSubset = (arr, attachmentRole, UploadComponent) =>
+ arr.map (fileOrUpload) =>
+ if fileOrUpload.object is "file"
+ @_attachmentComponent(fileOrUpload, attachmentRole)
+ else
- _renderImageAttachmentsAndUploads: ->
- @_images().map (fileOrUpload) =>
- if fileOrUpload.object is "file"
- @_attachmentComponent(fileOrUpload, "Attachment:Image")
- else
+ {renderSubset(@_nonImages(), 'Attachment', FileUpload)}
+ {renderSubset(@_images(), 'Attachment:Image', ImageFileUpload)}
_attachmentComponent: (file, role="Attachment") =>
targetPath = FileUploadStore.linkedUpload(file)?.filePath
@@ -317,8 +314,10 @@ class ComposerView extends React.Component
targetPath: targetPath
messageLocalId: @props.localId
- if role is "Attachment" then className = "non-image-attachment attachment-file-wrap"
- else className = "image-attachment-file-wrap"
+ if role is "Attachment"
+ className = "non-image-attachment attachment-file-wrap"
+ else
+ className = "image-attachment-file-wrap"
describe "if the draft has not yet loaded", ->
it "should set _focusOnUpdate and focus after the next render", ->
- useDraft.call(@)
- makeComposer.call(@)
+ @draft = new Message(draft: true, body: "")
+ proxy = draftStoreProxyStub(DRAFT_LOCAL_ID, @draft)
+ proxyResolve = null
+ spyOn(DraftStore, "sessionForLocalId").andCallFake ->
+ new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
+ proxyResolve = resolve
- proxy = @composer._proxy
- @composer._proxy = null
+ makeComposer.call(@)
spyOn(@composer.refs['contentBody'], 'focus')
- @composer._proxy = proxy
- @composer._onDraftChanged()
+ proxyResolve(proxy)
@@ -550,7 +552,7 @@ describe "populated composer", ->
fileSize: 1024
spyOn(Actions, "fetchFile")
- spyOn(FileUploadStore, "linkedUpload")
+ spyOn(FileUploadStore, "linkedUpload").andReturn null
spyOn(FileUploadStore, "uploadsForMessage").andReturn [@up1, @up2]
useDraft.call @, files: [@file1, @file2]
@@ -569,10 +571,9 @@ describe "populated composer", ->
els = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps(@composer, InjectedComponent, matching: role: "Attachment:Image")
expect(els.length).toBe 1
- it 'renders the non image upload as a FileUpload', ->
- els = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(@composer, "file-upload")
- expect(els.length).toBe 1
+ it 'renders the uploads with the correct components', ->
+ el = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@composer, 'file-upload')
+ expect(el).toBeDefined()
- it 'renders the image upload as an ImageFileUpload', ->
- els = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(@composer, "image-file-upload")
- expect(els.length).toBe 1
+ el = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@composer, 'image-file-upload')
+ expect(el).toBeDefined()
diff --git a/internal_packages/composer/stylesheets/composer.less b/internal_packages/composer/stylesheets/composer.less
index 5f962e984..0f3344016 100644
--- a/internal_packages/composer/stylesheets/composer.less
+++ b/internal_packages/composer/stylesheets/composer.less
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
cursor: text;
overflow: auto;
position: relative;
- padding: 0 8px;
+ margin: 0 8px;
.quoted-text-control {
position: absolute;
diff --git a/internal_packages/developer-bar/lib/developer-bar-task.cjsx b/internal_packages/developer-bar/lib/developer-bar-task.cjsx
index b384d3ecb..2691b6f77 100644
--- a/internal_packages/developer-bar/lib/developer-bar-task.cjsx
+++ b/internal_packages/developer-bar/lib/developer-bar-task.cjsx
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class DeveloperBarTask extends React.Component
"task-local-error": qs.localError
"task-remote-error": qs.remoteError
"task-is-processing": qs.isProcessing
- "task-success": qs.performedLocal and qs.performedRemote
+ "task-success": qs.localComplete and qs.remoteComplete
module.exports = DeveloperBarTask
diff --git a/internal_packages/message-list/spec/message-toolbar-items-spec.cjsx b/internal_packages/message-list/spec/message-toolbar-items-spec.cjsx
index 0ec03b9e3..140affb7d 100644
--- a/internal_packages/message-list/spec/message-toolbar-items-spec.cjsx
+++ b/internal_packages/message-list/spec/message-toolbar-items-spec.cjsx
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ describe "MessageToolbarItem starring", ->
starButton = React.findDOMNode(messageToolbarItems.refs.starButton)
TestUtils.Simulate.click starButton
- expect(Actions.queueTask.mostRecentCall.args[0].thread).toBe(test_thread)
+ expect(Actions.queueTask.mostRecentCall.args[0].threadsOrIds).toEqual([test_thread])
@@ -39,6 +39,6 @@ describe "MessageToolbarItem starring", ->
starButton = React.findDOMNode(messageToolbarItems.refs.starButton)
TestUtils.Simulate.click starButton
- expect(Actions.queueTask.mostRecentCall.args[0].thread).toBe(test_thread_starred)
+ expect(Actions.queueTask.mostRecentCall.args[0].threadsOrIds).toEqual([test_thread_starred])
diff --git a/internal_packages/message-list/stylesheets/message-list.less b/internal_packages/message-list/stylesheets/message-list.less
index d382b8f0d..f43671f52 100644
--- a/internal_packages/message-list/stylesheets/message-list.less
+++ b/internal_packages/message-list/stylesheets/message-list.less
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
max-width: @message-max-width;
margin: 11px auto 10px auto;
padding: 0 20px;
+ -webkit-user-select: text;
.message-subject {
font-size: @font-size-large;
diff --git a/internal_packages/thread-list/lib/empty-state.cjsx b/internal_packages/thread-list/lib/empty-state.cjsx
index b3b91117e..e951f9b9c 100644
--- a/internal_packages/thread-list/lib/empty-state.cjsx
+++ b/internal_packages/thread-list/lib/empty-state.cjsx
@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ class EmptyState extends React.Component
@_worker = NylasAPI.workerForNamespace(namespace)
@_workerUnlisten() if @_workerUnlisten
@_workerUnlisten = @_worker.listen(@_onChange, @)
- console.log(@_worker)
@setState(syncing: @_worker.busy())
componentWillUnmount: ->
diff --git a/internal_packages/thread-list/lib/thread-list-store.coffee b/internal_packages/thread-list/lib/thread-list-store.coffee
index d9ad6f7e7..0383ff33b 100644
--- a/internal_packages/thread-list/lib/thread-list-store.coffee
+++ b/internal_packages/thread-list/lib/thread-list-store.coffee
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ module.exports =
ThreadListStore = Reflux.createStore
init: ->
- @_afterViewUpdate = []
@listenTo Actions.searchQueryCommitted, @_onSearchCommitted
@listenTo Actions.selectLayoutMode, @_autofocusForLayoutMode
@@ -53,8 +52,6 @@ ThreadListStore = Reflux.createStore
@_viewUnlisten = view.listen ->
- fn() for fn in @_afterViewUpdate
- @_afterViewUpdate = []
@@ -110,21 +107,20 @@ ThreadListStore = Reflux.createStore
_onToggleStarSelection: ->
- selected = @_view.selection.items()
+ selectedThreads = @_view.selection.items()
focusedId = FocusedContentStore.focusedId('thread')
keyboardId = FocusedContentStore.keyboardCursorId('thread')
oneAlreadyStarred = false
- for thread in selected
+ for thread in selectedThreads
if thread.hasTagId('starred')
oneAlreadyStarred = true
- for thread in selected
- if oneAlreadyStarred
- task = new AddRemoveTagsTask(thread, [], ['starred'])
- else
- task = new AddRemoveTagsTask(thread, ['starred'], [])
- Actions.queueTask(task)
+ if oneAlreadyStarred
+ task = new AddRemoveTagsTask(selectedThreads, [], ['starred'])
+ else
+ task = new AddRemoveTagsTask(selectedThreads, ['starred'], [])
+ Actions.queueTask(task)
_onToggleStarFocused: ->
focused = FocusedContentStore.focused('thread')
@@ -140,18 +136,19 @@ ThreadListStore = Reflux.createStore
_onArchiveSelection: ->
- selected = @_view.selection.items()
+ selectedThreads = @_view.selection.items()
+ selectedThreadIds = selectedThreads.map (thread) -> thread.id
focusedId = FocusedContentStore.focusedId('thread')
keyboardId = FocusedContentStore.keyboardCursorId('thread')
- for thread in selected
- task = new AddRemoveTagsTask(thread, ['archive'], ['inbox'])
- Actions.queueTask(task)
- if thread.id is focusedId
+ task = new AddRemoveTagsTask(selectedThreads, ['archive'], ['inbox'])
+ task.waitForPerformLocal().then =>
+ if focusedId in selectedThreadIds
Actions.setFocus(collection: 'thread', item: null)
- if thread.id is keyboardId
+ if keyboardId in selectedThreadIds
Actions.setCursorPosition(collection: 'thread', item: null)
+ Actions.queueTask(task)
_onArchiveAndPrev: ->
@@ -181,10 +178,6 @@ ThreadListStore = Reflux.createStore
index = Math.min(Math.max(index + offset, 0), @_view.count() - 1)
nextKeyboard = nextFocus = @_view.get(index)
- # Archive the current thread
- task = new AddRemoveTagsTask(focused, ['archive'], ['inbox'])
- Actions.queueTask(task)
# Remove the current thread from selection
@@ -194,9 +187,12 @@ ThreadListStore = Reflux.createStore
if layoutMode is 'list' and not explicitOffset
nextFocus = null
- @_afterViewUpdate.push ->
+ # Archive the current thread
+ task = new AddRemoveTagsTask(focused, ['archive'], ['inbox'])
+ task.waitForPerformLocal().then ->
Actions.setFocus(collection: 'thread', item: nextFocus)
Actions.setCursorPosition(collection: 'thread', item: nextKeyboard)
+ Actions.queueTask(task)
_autofocusForLayoutMode: ->
layoutMode = WorkspaceStore.layoutMode()
diff --git a/spec-nylas/stores/draft-store-spec.coffee b/spec-nylas/stores/draft-store-spec.coffee
index 2f5628b64..4028f45ba 100644
--- a/spec-nylas/stores/draft-store-spec.coffee
+++ b/spec-nylas/stores/draft-store-spec.coffee
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ describe "DraftStore", ->
it "sets the sending state when sending", ->
spyOn(atom, "isMainWindow").andReturn true
- spyOn(TaskQueue, "_update")
+ spyOn(TaskQueue, "_updateSoon")
spyOn(Actions, "queueTask").andCallThrough()
runs ->
diff --git a/spec-nylas/stores/task-queue-spec.coffee b/spec-nylas/stores/task-queue-spec.coffee
index 1489cd517..ad84cf195 100644
--- a/spec-nylas/stores/task-queue-spec.coffee
+++ b/spec-nylas/stores/task-queue-spec.coffee
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Task = require '../../src/flux/tasks/task'
TimeoutError} = require '../../src/flux/errors'
class TaskSubclassA extends Task
- constructor: (val) -> @aProp = val # forgot to call super
+ constructor: (val) -> @aProp = val; super
class TaskSubclassB extends Task
constructor: (val) -> @bProp = val; super
@@ -17,77 +17,20 @@ class TaskSubclassB extends Task
describe "TaskQueue", ->
makeUnstartedTask = (task) ->
- TaskQueue._initializeTask(task)
- return task
+ task
- makeLocalStarted = (task) ->
- TaskQueue._initializeTask(task)
+ makeProcessing = (task) ->
task.queueState.isProcessing = true
- return task
- makeLocalFailed = (task) ->
- TaskQueue._initializeTask(task)
- task.queueState.performedLocal = Date.now()
- return task
- makeRemoteStarted = (task) ->
- TaskQueue._initializeTask(task)
- task.queueState.isProcessing = true
- task.queueState.remoteAttempts = 1
- task.queueState.performedLocal = Date.now()
- return task
- makeRemoteSuccess = (task) ->
- TaskQueue._initializeTask(task)
- task.queueState.remoteAttempts = 1
- task.queueState.performedLocal = Date.now()
- task.queueState.performedRemote = Date.now()
- return task
- makeRemoteFailed = (task) ->
- TaskQueue._initializeTask(task)
- task.queueState.remoteAttempts = 1
- task.queueState.performedLocal = Date.now()
- return task
+ task
beforeEach ->
@task = new Task()
@unstartedTask = makeUnstartedTask(new Task())
- @localStarted = makeLocalStarted(new Task())
- @localFailed = makeLocalFailed(new Task())
- @remoteStarted = makeRemoteStarted(new Task())
- @remoteSuccess = makeRemoteSuccess(new Task())
- @remoteFailed = makeRemoteFailed(new Task())
+ @processingTask = makeProcessing(new Task())
- unstartedTask = (task) ->
- taks.queueState.shouldRetry = false
- taks.queueState.isProcessing = false
- taks.queueState.remoteAttempts = 0
- taks.queueState.perfomredLocal = false
- taks.queueState.performedRemote = false
- taks.queueState.notifiedOffline = false
- startedTask = (task) ->
- taks.queueState.shouldRetry = false
- taks.queueState.isProcessing = true
- taks.queueState.remoteAttempts = 0
- taks.queueState.perfomredLocal = false
- taks.queueState.performedRemote = false
- taks.queueState.notifiedOffline = false
- localTask = (task) ->
- taks.queueState.shouldRetry = false
- taks.queueState.isProcessing = true
- taks.queueState.remoteAttempts = 0
- taks.queueState.perfomredLocal = false
- taks.queueState.performedRemote = false
- taks.queueState.notifiedOffline = false
- localSpy = (task) ->
- spyOn(task, "performLocal").andCallFake -> Promise.resolve()
- remoteSpy = (task) ->
- spyOn(task, "performRemote").andCallFake -> Promise.resolve()
+ afterEach ->
+ # Flush any throttled or debounced updates
+ advanceClock(1000)
describe "findTask", ->
beforeEach ->
@@ -111,287 +54,152 @@ describe "TaskQueue", ->
expect(TaskQueue.findTask(TaskSubclassB, {bProp: 'B3'})).toEqual(null)
describe "enqueue", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ spyOn(@unstartedTask, 'runLocal').andCallFake =>
+ @unstartedTask.queueState.localComplete = true
+ Promise.resolve()
it "makes sure you've queued a real task", ->
expect( -> TaskQueue.enqueue("asamw")).toThrow()
it "adds it to the queue", ->
- TaskQueue.enqueue(@task)
- expect(TaskQueue._queue.length).toBe 1
+ spyOn(TaskQueue, '_processQueue').andCallFake ->
+ TaskQueue.enqueue(@unstartedTask)
+ advanceClock()
+ expect(TaskQueue._queue.length).toBe(1)
+ it "immediately calls runLocal", ->
+ TaskQueue.enqueue(@unstartedTask)
+ expect(@unstartedTask.runLocal).toHaveBeenCalled()
it "notifies the queue should be processed", ->
- spyOn(TaskQueue, "_processTask")
spyOn(TaskQueue, "_processQueue").andCallThrough()
+ spyOn(TaskQueue, "_processTask")
- TaskQueue.enqueue(@task)
+ TaskQueue.enqueue(@unstartedTask)
+ advanceClock()
- expect(TaskQueue._processTask).toHaveBeenCalledWith(@task)
- expect(TaskQueue._processTask.calls.length).toBe 1
+ expect(TaskQueue._processTask).toHaveBeenCalledWith(@unstartedTask)
+ expect(TaskQueue._processTask.calls.length).toBe(1)
- it "ensures all tasks have an id", ->
- TaskQueue.enqueue(new TaskSubclassA())
- TaskQueue.enqueue(new TaskSubclassB())
- expect(isTempId(TaskQueue._queue[0].id)).toBe true
- expect(isTempId(TaskQueue._queue[1].id)).toBe true
+ it "throws an exception if the task does not have a queueState", ->
+ task = new TaskSubclassA()
+ task.queueState = undefined
+ expect( => TaskQueue.enqueue(task)).toThrow()
- it "dequeues Obsolete tasks", ->
+ it "throws an exception if the task does not have an ID", ->
+ task = new TaskSubclassA()
+ task.id = undefined
+ expect( => TaskQueue.enqueue(task)).toThrow()
+ it "dequeues obsolete tasks", ->
+ task = new TaskSubclassA()
+ spyOn(TaskQueue, '_dequeueObsoleteTasks').andCallFake ->
+ TaskQueue.enqueue(task)
+ expect(TaskQueue._dequeueObsoleteTasks).toHaveBeenCalled()
+ describe "_dequeueObsoleteTasks", ->
+ it "should dequeue tasks based on `shouldDequeueOtherTask`", ->
class KillsTaskA extends Task
- constructor: ->
shouldDequeueOtherTask: (other) -> other instanceof TaskSubclassA
+ performRemote: -> new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
- taskToDie = makeRemoteFailed(new TaskSubclassA())
+ otherTask = new Task()
+ otherTask.queueState.localComplete = true
+ obsoleteTask = new TaskSubclassA()
+ obsoleteTask.queueState.localComplete = true
+ replacementTask = new KillsTaskA()
+ replacementTask.queueState.localComplete = true
- spyOn(TaskQueue, "dequeue").andCallThrough()
- TaskQueue._queue = [taskToDie, @remoteFailed]
- TaskQueue.enqueue(new KillsTaskA())
- expect(TaskQueue._queue.length).toBe 2
- expect(TaskQueue.dequeue).toHaveBeenCalledWith(taskToDie, silent: true)
- expect(TaskQueue.dequeue.calls.length).toBe 1
+ spyOn(TaskQueue, 'dequeue').andCallThrough()
+ TaskQueue._queue = [obsoleteTask, otherTask]
+ TaskQueue._dequeueObsoleteTasks(replacementTask)
+ expect(TaskQueue._queue.length).toBe(1)
+ expect(TaskQueue.dequeue).toHaveBeenCalledWith(obsoleteTask)
+ expect(TaskQueue.dequeue.calls.length).toBe(1)
describe "dequeue", ->
beforeEach ->
- TaskQueue._queue = [@unstartedTask,
- @localStarted,
- @remoteStarted,
- @remoteFailed]
+ TaskQueue._queue = [@unstartedTask, @processingTask]
it "grabs the task by object", ->
- found = TaskQueue._parseArgs(@remoteStarted)
- expect(found).toBe @remoteStarted
+ found = TaskQueue._resolveTaskArgument(@unstartedTask)
+ expect(found).toBe @unstartedTask
it "grabs the task by id", ->
- found = TaskQueue._parseArgs(@remoteStarted.id)
- expect(found).toBe @remoteStarted
+ found = TaskQueue._resolveTaskArgument(@unstartedTask.id)
+ expect(found).toBe @unstartedTask
it "throws an error if the task isn't found", ->
expect( -> TaskQueue.dequeue("bad")).toThrow()
- it "calls cleanup on dequeued tasks", ->
- spyOn(@remoteStarted, "cleanup")
- TaskQueue.dequeue(@remoteStarted, silent: true)
- expect(@remoteStarted.cleanup).toHaveBeenCalled()
+ describe "with an unstarted task", ->
+ it "moves it from the queue", ->
+ TaskQueue.dequeue(@unstartedTask)
+ expect(TaskQueue._queue.length).toBe(1)
+ expect(TaskQueue._completed.length).toBe(1)
- it "moves it from the queue", ->
- TaskQueue.dequeue(@remoteStarted, silent: true)
- expect(TaskQueue._queue.length).toBe 3
- expect(TaskQueue._completed.length).toBe 1
+ it "notifies the queue has been updated", ->
+ spyOn(TaskQueue, "_processQueue")
+ TaskQueue.dequeue(@unstartedTask)
+ advanceClock(20)
+ expect(TaskQueue._processQueue).toHaveBeenCalled()
+ expect(TaskQueue._processQueue.calls.length).toBe(1)
- it "marks it as no longer processing", ->
- TaskQueue.dequeue(@remoteStarted, silent: true)
- expect(@remoteStarted.queueState.isProcessing).toBe false
- it "notifies the queue has been updated", ->
- spyOn(TaskQueue, "_processQueue")
- TaskQueue.dequeue(@remoteStarted)
- expect(TaskQueue._processQueue).toHaveBeenCalled()
- expect(TaskQueue._processQueue.calls.length).toBe 1
+ describe "with a processing task", ->
+ it "calls cancel() to allow the task to resolve or reject from runRemote()", ->
+ spyOn(@processingTask, 'cancel')
+ TaskQueue.dequeue(@processingTask)
+ expect(@processingTask.cancel).toHaveBeenCalled()
+ expect(TaskQueue._queue.length).toBe(2)
+ expect(TaskQueue._completed.length).toBe(0)
describe "process Task", ->
it "doesn't process processing tasks", ->
- localSpy(@remoteStarted)
- remoteSpy(@remoteStarted)
- TaskQueue._processTask(@remoteStarted)
- expect(@remoteStarted.performLocal).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
- expect(@remoteStarted.performRemote).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+ spyOn(@processingTask, "runRemote").andCallFake -> Promise.resolve()
+ TaskQueue._processTask(@processingTask)
+ expect(@processingTask.runRemote).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
it "doesn't process blocked tasks", ->
class BlockedByTaskA extends Task
- constructor: ->
shouldWaitForTask: (other) -> other instanceof TaskSubclassA
- blockedByTask = new BlockedByTaskA()
- localSpy(blockedByTask)
- remoteSpy(blockedByTask)
+ taskA = new TaskSubclassA()
+ otherTask = new Task()
+ blockedByTaskA = new BlockedByTaskA()
- blockingTask = makeRemoteFailed(new TaskSubclassA())
+ taskA.queueState.localComplete = true
+ otherTask.queueState.localComplete = true
+ blockedByTaskA.queueState.localComplete = true
- TaskQueue._queue = [blockingTask, @remoteFailed]
- TaskQueue.enqueue(blockedByTask)
+ spyOn(taskA, "runRemote").andCallFake -> new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
+ spyOn(blockedByTaskA, "runRemote").andCallFake -> Promise.resolve()
- expect(TaskQueue._queue.length).toBe 3
- expect(blockedByTask.performLocal).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
- expect(blockedByTask.performRemote).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+ TaskQueue._queue = [taskA, otherTask, blockedByTaskA]
+ TaskQueue._processQueue()
- it "doesn't block itself", ->
+ advanceClock()
+ expect(TaskQueue._queue.length).toBe(2)
+ expect(taskA.runRemote).toHaveBeenCalled()
+ expect(blockedByTaskA.runRemote).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+ it "doesn't block itself, even if the shouldWaitForTask method is implemented naively", ->
class BlockingTask extends Task
- constructor: ->
shouldWaitForTask: (other) -> other instanceof BlockingTask
- blockedByTask = new BlockingTask()
- localSpy(blockedByTask)
- remoteSpy(blockedByTask)
+ blockedTask = new BlockingTask()
+ spyOn(blockedTask, "runRemote").andCallFake -> Promise.resolve()
- blockingTask = makeRemoteFailed(new BlockingTask())
- TaskQueue._queue = [blockingTask, @remoteFailed]
- TaskQueue.enqueue(blockedByTask)
- expect(TaskQueue._queue.length).toBe 3
- expect(blockedByTask.performLocal).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
- expect(blockedByTask.performRemote).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+ TaskQueue.enqueue(blockedTask)
+ advanceClock()
+ blockedTask.runRemote.callCount > 0
it "sets the processing bit", ->
- localSpy(@unstartedTask)
- TaskQueue._queue = [@unstartedTask]
- TaskQueue._processTask(@unstartedTask)
- expect(@unstartedTask.queueState.isProcessing).toBe true
+ spyOn(@unstartedTask, "runRemote").andCallFake -> Promise.resolve()
+ task = new Task()
+ task.queueState.localComplete = true
+ TaskQueue._queue = [task]
+ TaskQueue._processTask(task)
+ expect(task.queueState.isProcessing).toBe true
- it "performs local if it's a fresh task", ->
- localSpy(@unstartedTask)
- TaskQueue._queue = [@unstartedTask]
- TaskQueue._processTask(@unstartedTask)
- expect(@unstartedTask.performLocal).toHaveBeenCalled()
- describe "performLocal", ->
- it "on success it marks it as complete with the timestamp", ->
- localSpy(@unstartedTask)
- remoteSpy(@unstartedTask)
- runs ->
- TaskQueue.enqueue(@unstartedTask)
- waitsFor =>
- @unstartedTask.queueState.performedLocal isnt false
- runs ->
- expect(@unstartedTask.queueState.performedLocal).toBeGreaterThan 0
- it "throws an error if it fails", ->
- spyOn(@unstartedTask, "performLocal").andCallFake -> Promise.reject("boo")
- remoteSpy(@unstartedTask)
- runs ->
- TaskQueue.enqueue(@unstartedTask)
- waitsFor =>
- @unstartedTask.queueState.isProcessing == false
- runs ->
- expect(@unstartedTask.queueState.localError).toBe "boo"
- expect(@unstartedTask.performLocal).toHaveBeenCalled()
- expect(@unstartedTask.performRemote).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
- it "dequeues the task if it fails locally", ->
- spyOn(@unstartedTask, "performLocal").andCallFake -> Promise.reject("boo")
- remoteSpy(@unstartedTask)
- runs ->
- TaskQueue.enqueue(@unstartedTask)
- waitsFor =>
- @unstartedTask.queueState.isProcessing == false
- runs ->
- expect(TaskQueue._queue.length).toBe 0
- expect(TaskQueue._completed.length).toBe 1
- describe "performRemote", ->
- beforeEach ->
- localSpy(@unstartedTask)
- it "performs remote properly", ->
- remoteSpy(@unstartedTask)
- runs ->
- TaskQueue.enqueue(@unstartedTask)
- waitsFor =>
- @unstartedTask.queueState.performedRemote isnt false
- runs ->
- expect(@unstartedTask.performLocal).toHaveBeenCalled()
- expect(@unstartedTask.performRemote).toHaveBeenCalled()
- it "dequeues on success", ->
- remoteSpy(@unstartedTask)
- runs ->
- TaskQueue.enqueue(@unstartedTask)
- waitsFor =>
- @unstartedTask.queueState.isProcessing is false and
- @unstartedTask.queueState.performedRemote > 0
- runs ->
- expect(TaskQueue._queue.length).toBe 0
- expect(TaskQueue._completed.length).toBe 1
- it "notifies we're offline the first time", ->
- spyOn(TaskQueue, "_isOnline").andReturn false
- remoteSpy(@unstartedTask)
- spyOn(@unstartedTask, "onError")
- runs ->
- TaskQueue.enqueue(@unstartedTask)
- waitsFor =>
- @unstartedTask.queueState.notifiedOffline == true
- runs ->
- expect(@unstartedTask.performLocal).toHaveBeenCalled()
- expect(@unstartedTask.performRemote).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
- expect(@unstartedTask.onError).toHaveBeenCalled()
- expect(@unstartedTask.queueState.isProcessing).toBe false
- expect(@unstartedTask.onError.calls[0].args[0] instanceof OfflineError).toBe true
- it "doesn't notify we're offline the second+ time", ->
- spyOn(TaskQueue, "_isOnline").andReturn false
- localSpy(@remoteFailed)
- remoteSpy(@remoteFailed)
- spyOn(@remoteFailed, "onError")
- @remoteFailed.queueState.notifiedOffline = true
- TaskQueue._queue = [@remoteFailed]
- runs ->
- TaskQueue._processQueue()
- waitsFor =>
- @remoteFailed.queueState.isProcessing is false
- runs ->
- expect(@remoteFailed.performLocal).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
- expect(@remoteFailed.performRemote).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
- expect(@remoteFailed.onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
- it "marks performedRemote on success", ->
- remoteSpy(@unstartedTask)
- runs ->
- TaskQueue.enqueue(@unstartedTask)
- waitsFor =>
- @unstartedTask.queueState.performedRemote isnt false
- runs ->
- expect(@unstartedTask.queueState.performedRemote).toBeGreaterThan 0
- it "on failure it notifies of the error", ->
- err = new APIError
- spyOn(@unstartedTask, "performRemote").andCallFake -> Promise.reject(err)
- spyOn(@unstartedTask, "onError")
- runs ->
- TaskQueue.enqueue(@unstartedTask)
- waitsFor =>
- @unstartedTask.queueState.isProcessing is false
- runs ->
- expect(@unstartedTask.performLocal).toHaveBeenCalled()
- expect(@unstartedTask.performRemote).toHaveBeenCalled()
- expect(@unstartedTask.onError).toHaveBeenCalledWith(err)
- it "dequeues on failure", ->
- err = new APIError
- spyOn(@unstartedTask, "performRemote").andCallFake -> Promise.reject(err)
- runs ->
- TaskQueue.enqueue(@unstartedTask)
- waitsFor =>
- @unstartedTask.queueState.isProcessing is false
- runs ->
- expect(TaskQueue._queue.length).toBe 0
- expect(TaskQueue._completed.length).toBe 1
- it "on failure it sets the appropriate bits", ->
- err = new APIError
- spyOn(@unstartedTask, "performRemote").andCallFake -> Promise.reject(err)
- spyOn(@unstartedTask, "onError")
- runs ->
- TaskQueue.enqueue(@unstartedTask)
- waitsFor =>
- @unstartedTask.queueState.isProcessing is false
- runs ->
- expect(@unstartedTask.queueState.notifiedOffline).toBe false
- expect(@unstartedTask.queueState.remoteError).toBe err
- describe "under stress", ->
- beforeEach ->
- TaskQueue._queue = [@unstartedTask,
- @remoteFailed]
- it "when all tasks pass it processes all items", ->
- for task in TaskQueue._queue
- localSpy(task)
- remoteSpy(task)
- runs ->
- TaskQueue.enqueue(new Task)
- waitsFor ->
- TaskQueue._queue.length is 0
- runs ->
- expect(TaskQueue._completed.length).toBe 3
diff --git a/spec-nylas/tasks/add-remove-tags-spec.coffee b/spec-nylas/tasks/add-remove-tags-spec.coffee
index fea7265cd..931ceaaba 100644
--- a/spec-nylas/tasks/add-remove-tags-spec.coffee
+++ b/spec-nylas/tasks/add-remove-tags-spec.coffee
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ AddRemoveTagsTask = require '../../src/flux/tasks/add-remove-tags'
DatabaseStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/database-store'
Thread = require '../../src/flux/models/thread'
Tag = require '../../src/flux/models/tag'
+{APIError} = require '../../src/flux/errors'
_ = require 'underscore'
testThread = null
@@ -19,20 +20,19 @@ describe "AddRemoveTagsTask", ->
throw new Error("Not stubbed!")
- describe "rollbackLocal", ->
- it "should perform the opposite changes to the thread", ->
- testThread = new Thread
- id: 'thread-id'
- tags: [
- new Tag({name: 'archive', id: 'archive'})
- ]
- task = new AddRemoveTagsTask(testThread, ['archive'], ['inbox'])
- task._rollbackLocal()
- waitsFor ->
- DatabaseStore.persistModel.callCount > 0
- runs ->
- testThread = DatabaseStore.persistModel.mostRecentCall.args[0]
- expect(testThread.tagIds()).toEqual(['inbox'])
+ describe "shouldWaitForTask", ->
+ it "should return true if another, older AddRemoveTagsTask involves the same threads", ->
+ a = new AddRemoveTagsTask(['t1', 't2', 't3'])
+ a.creationDate = new Date(1000)
+ b = new AddRemoveTagsTask(['t3', 't4', 't7'])
+ b.creationDate = new Date(2000)
+ c = new AddRemoveTagsTask(['t0', 't7'])
+ c.creationDate = new Date(3000)
+ expect(a.shouldWaitForTask(b)).toEqual(false)
+ expect(a.shouldWaitForTask(c)).toEqual(false)
+ expect(b.shouldWaitForTask(a)).toEqual(true)
+ expect(c.shouldWaitForTask(a)).toEqual(false)
+ expect(c.shouldWaitForTask(b)).toEqual(true)
describe "performLocal", ->
beforeEach ->
@@ -108,16 +108,15 @@ describe "AddRemoveTagsTask", ->
describe "performRemote", ->
beforeEach ->
testThread = new Thread
id: '1233123AEDF1'
- namespaceId: 'A12ADE'
+ namespaceId: 'nsid'
@task = new AddRemoveTagsTask(testThread, ['archive'], ['inbox'])
it "should start an API request with the Draft JSON", ->
- spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest')
+ spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest').andCallFake -> Promise.resolve()
waitsFor ->
DatabaseStore.persistModel.callCount > 0
@@ -130,8 +129,27 @@ describe "AddRemoveTagsTask", ->
it "should pass returnsModel:true so that the draft is saved to the data store when returned", ->
- spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest')
+ spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest').andCallFake -> Promise.resolve()
options = NylasAPI.makeRequest.mostRecentCall.args[0]
+ describe "when the server responds with a permanentErrorCode", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest').andCallFake ->
+ Promise.reject(new APIError(statusCode: 400, message: ''))
+ it "should revert the changes to the thread", ->
+ runs ->
+ testThread = new Thread
+ id: 'thread-id'
+ tags: [new Tag(name: 'inbox', id: 'inbox')]
+ task = new AddRemoveTagsTask(testThread, ['archive'], ['inbox'])
+ task.performRemote()
+ waitsFor ->
+ DatabaseStore.persistModel.callCount is 1
+ runs ->
+ testThread = DatabaseStore.persistModel.calls[0].args[0]
+ expect(testThread.tagIds()).toEqual(['inbox'])
diff --git a/spec-nylas/tasks/file-upload-task-spec.coffee b/spec-nylas/tasks/file-upload-task-spec.coffee
index b01052e0d..d938d6382 100644
--- a/spec-nylas/tasks/file-upload-task-spec.coffee
+++ b/spec-nylas/tasks/file-upload-task-spec.coffee
@@ -2,12 +2,17 @@ proxyquire = require 'proxyquire'
_ = require 'underscore'
NylasAPI = require '../../src/flux/nylas-api'
File = require '../../src/flux/models/file'
+Task = require '../../src/flux/tasks/task'
Message = require '../../src/flux/models/message'
Actions = require '../../src/flux/actions'
NamespaceStore = require "../../src/flux/stores/namespace-store"
DraftStore = require "../../src/flux/stores/draft-store"
+ OfflineError,
+ TimeoutError} = require '../../src/flux/errors'
FileUploadTask = proxyquire "../../src/flux/tasks/file-upload-task",
statSync: -> {size: 1234}
@@ -19,6 +24,8 @@ test_file_paths = [
+noop = ->
localId = "local-id_1234"
fake_draft = new Message
@@ -43,6 +50,7 @@ describe "FileUploadTask", ->
beforeEach ->
spyOn(Date, "now").andReturn DATE
spyOn(FileUploadTask, "idGen").andReturn 3
@uploadData =
uploadId: 3
startedUploadingAt: DATE
@@ -54,6 +62,23 @@ describe "FileUploadTask", ->
@task = new FileUploadTask(test_file_paths[0], localId)
+ @req = jasmine.createSpyObj('req', ['abort'])
+ @simulateRequestSuccessImmediately = false
+ @simulateRequestSuccess = null
+ @simulateRequestFailure = null
+ spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest').andCallFake (reqParams) =>
+ new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
+ reqParams.started?(@req)
+ @simulateRequestSuccess = (data) =>
+ reqParams.success?(data)
+ resolve(data)
+ @simulateRequestFailure = (err) =>
+ reqParams.error?(err)
+ reject(err)
+ if @simulateRequestSuccessImmediately
+ @simulateRequestSuccess(testResponse)
it "rejects if not initialized with a path name", (done) ->
waitsForPromise ->
(new FileUploadTask).performLocal().catch (err) ->
@@ -80,22 +105,29 @@ describe "FileUploadTask", ->
data = _.extend @uploadData, state: "pending", bytesUploaded: 0
expect(Actions.uploadStateChanged).toHaveBeenCalledWith data
- it "notifies when the file upload fails", ->
- spyOn(Actions, "uploadStateChanged")
- spyOn(@task, "_getBytesUploaded").andReturn(0)
- @task._rollbackLocal()
- data = _.extend @uploadData, state: "failed", bytesUploaded: 0
- expect(Actions.uploadStateChanged).toHaveBeenCalledWith(data)
+ describe "when the remote API request fails with an API Error", ->
+ it "broadcasts uploadStateChanged", ->
+ runs ->
+ @task.performRemote().catch (err) => console.log(err)
+ waitsFor ->
+ @simulateRequestFailure
+ runs ->
+ spyOn(@task, "_getBytesUploaded").andReturn(0)
+ spyOn(Actions, "uploadStateChanged")
+ @simulateRequestFailure(new APIError())
+ waitsFor ->
+ Actions.uploadStateChanged.callCount > 0
+ runs ->
+ data = _.extend(@uploadData, {state: "failed", bytesUploaded: 0})
+ expect(Actions.uploadStateChanged).toHaveBeenCalledWith(data)
- describe "When successfully calling remote", ->
+ describe "when the remote API request succeeds", ->
beforeEach ->
- spyOn(Actions, "uploadStateChanged")
- @req = jasmine.createSpyObj('req', ['abort'])
- spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest').andCallFake (reqParams) =>
- reqParams.success(testResponse) if reqParams.success
- return @req
@testFiles = []
@changes = []
+ @simulateRequestSuccessImmediately = true
+ spyOn(Actions, "uploadStateChanged")
spyOn(DraftStore, "sessionForLocalId").andCallFake =>
draft: => files: @testFiles
@@ -122,23 +154,19 @@ describe "FileUploadTask", ->
expect(@changes).toEqual [equivalentFile]
describe "file upload notifications", ->
- beforeEach ->
- spyOn(Actions, "fileUploaded")
- spyOn(@task, "_getBytesUploaded").andReturn(1000)
- runs =>
- @task.performRemote()
- advanceClock(2000)
- waitsFor ->
- Actions.fileUploaded.calls.length > 0
it "correctly fires the fileUploaded action", ->
- runs =>
- expect(Actions.fileUploaded).toHaveBeenCalledWith
- file: equivalentFile
- uploadData: _.extend {}, @uploadData,
- state: "completed"
- bytesUploaded: 1000
+ spyOn(@task, "_getBytesUploaded").andReturn(1000)
+ spyOn(Actions, "fileUploaded")
+ @task.performRemote()
+ advanceClock()
+ @simulateRequestSuccess()
+ advanceClock()
+ Actions.fileUploaded.calls.length > 0
+ expect(Actions.fileUploaded).toHaveBeenCalledWith
+ file: equivalentFile
+ uploadData: _.extend {}, @uploadData,
+ state: "completed"
+ bytesUploaded: 1000
describe "when attaching a lot of files", ->
it "attaches them all to the draft", ->
@@ -147,6 +175,7 @@ describe "FileUploadTask", ->
t3 = new FileUploadTask("3.c", localId)
t4 = new FileUploadTask("4.d", localId)
+ @simulateRequestSuccessImmediately = true
waitsForPromise => Promise.all([
@@ -155,28 +184,29 @@ describe "FileUploadTask", ->
]).then =>
expect(@changes.length).toBe 4
- describe "cleanup", ->
+ describe "cancel", ->
it "should not do anything if the request has finished", ->
- req = jasmine.createSpyObj('req', ['abort'])
- reqSuccess = null
- spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest').andCallFake (reqParams) ->
- reqSuccess = reqParams.success
- req
- @task.performRemote()
- reqSuccess(testResponse)
- @task.cleanup()
- expect(req.abort).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+ runs =>
+ @task.performRemote()
+ waitsFor =>
+ @simulateRequestSuccess
+ runs =>
+ @simulateRequestSuccess(testResponse)
+ waitsFor =>
+ @task.req is null
+ runs =>
+ @task.cancel()
+ expect(@req.abort).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
it "should cancel the request if it's in flight", ->
- req = jasmine.createSpyObj('req', ['abort'])
- spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest').andCallFake (reqParams) -> req
spyOn(Actions, "uploadStateChanged")
- @task.cleanup()
+ advanceClock()
+ @task.cancel()
+ advanceClock()
- expect(req.abort).toHaveBeenCalled()
+ expect(@req.abort).toHaveBeenCalled()
data = _.extend @uploadData,
state: "aborted"
bytesUploaded: 0
diff --git a/spec-nylas/tasks/mark-message-read-spec.coffee b/spec-nylas/tasks/mark-message-read-spec.coffee
index 025b59094..a93283b8b 100644
--- a/spec-nylas/tasks/mark-message-read-spec.coffee
+++ b/spec-nylas/tasks/mark-message-read-spec.coffee
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
NylasAPI = require '../../src/flux/nylas-api'
Actions = require '../../src/flux/actions'
+{APIError} = require '../../src/flux/errors'
MarkMessageReadTask = require '../../src/flux/tasks/mark-message-read'
DatabaseStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/database-store'
Message = require '../../src/flux/models/message'
@@ -17,34 +18,6 @@ describe "MarkMessageReadTask", ->
email: 'dummy@nylas.com'
@task = new MarkMessageReadTask(@message)
- describe "_rollbackLocal", ->
- beforeEach ->
- spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'persistModel').andCallFake -> Promise.resolve()
- it "should not mark the message as unread if it was not unread initially", ->
- message = new Message
- id: '1233123AEDF1'
- namespaceId: 'A12ADE'
- subject: 'New Message'
- unread: false
- to:
- name: 'Dummy'
- email: 'dummy@nylas.com'
- @task = new MarkMessageReadTask(message)
- @task.performLocal()
- @task._rollbackLocal()
- expect(message.unread).toBe(false)
- it "should mark the message as unread", ->
- @task.performLocal()
- @task._rollbackLocal()
- expect(@message.unread).toBe(true)
- it "should trigger an action to persist the change", ->
- @task.performLocal()
- @task._rollbackLocal()
- expect(DatabaseStore.persistModel).toHaveBeenCalled()
describe "performLocal", ->
it "should mark the message as read", ->
@@ -57,9 +30,41 @@ describe "MarkMessageReadTask", ->
describe "performRemote", ->
it "should make the PUT request to the message endpoint", ->
- spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest')
+ spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest').andCallFake => new Promise (resolve,reject) ->
options = NylasAPI.makeRequest.mostRecentCall.args[0]
+ describe "when the remote API request fails", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'persistModel').andCallFake -> Promise.resolve()
+ spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest').andCallFake -> Promise.reject(new APIError(body: '', statusCode: 400))
+ it "should not mark the message as unread if it was not unread initially", ->
+ message = new Message
+ id: '1233123AEDF1'
+ namespaceId: 'A12ADE'
+ subject: 'New Message'
+ unread: false
+ to:
+ name: 'Dummy'
+ email: 'dummy@nylas.com'
+ @task = new MarkMessageReadTask(message)
+ @task.performLocal()
+ @task.performRemote()
+ advanceClock()
+ expect(message.unread).toBe(false)
+ it "should mark the message as unread", ->
+ @task.performLocal()
+ @task.performRemote()
+ advanceClock()
+ expect(@message.unread).toBe(true)
+ it "should trigger an action to persist the change", ->
+ @task.performLocal()
+ @task.performRemote()
+ advanceClock()
+ expect(DatabaseStore.persistModel).toHaveBeenCalled()
diff --git a/spec-nylas/tasks/send-draft-spec.coffee b/spec-nylas/tasks/send-draft-spec.coffee
index 8a00b0408..6524603d6 100644
--- a/spec-nylas/tasks/send-draft-spec.coffee
+++ b/spec-nylas/tasks/send-draft-spec.coffee
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ SyncbackDraftTask = require '../../src/flux/tasks/syncback-draft'
SendDraftTask = require '../../src/flux/tasks/send-draft'
DatabaseStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/database-store'
{generateTempId} = require '../../src/flux/models/utils'
+{APIError} = require '../../src/flux/errors'
Message = require '../../src/flux/models/message'
TaskQueue = require '../../src/flux/stores/task-queue'
_ = require 'underscore'
@@ -37,47 +38,6 @@ describe "SendDraftTask", ->
- describe "When on the TaskQueue", ->
- beforeEach ->
- TaskQueue._queue = []
- TaskQueue._completed = []
- @saveTask = new SyncbackDraftTask('localid-A')
- @saveTaskB = new SyncbackDraftTask('localid-B')
- @sendTask = new SendDraftTask('localid-A')
- @tasks = [@saveTask, @saveTaskB, @sendTask]
- describe "when tasks succeed", ->
- beforeEach ->
- for task in @tasks
- spyOn(task, "performLocal").andCallFake -> Promise.resolve()
- spyOn(task, "performRemote").andCallFake -> Promise.resolve()
- runs ->
- TaskQueue.enqueue(@saveTask, silent: true)
- TaskQueue.enqueue(@saveTaskB, silent: true)
- TaskQueue.enqueue(@sendTask)
- waitsFor ->
- @sendTask.queueState.performedRemote isnt false
- it "processes all of the items", ->
- runs ->
- expect(TaskQueue._queue.length).toBe 0
- expect(TaskQueue._completed.length).toBe 3
- it "all of the tasks", ->
- runs ->
- expect(@saveTask.performRemote).toHaveBeenCalled()
- expect(@saveTaskB.performRemote).toHaveBeenCalled()
- expect(@sendTask.performRemote).toHaveBeenCalled()
- it "finishes the save before sending", ->
- runs ->
- save = @saveTask.queueState.performedRemote
- send = @sendTask.queueState.performedRemote
- expect(save).toBeGreaterThan 0
- expect(send).toBeGreaterThan 0
- expect(save <= send).toBe true
describe "performLocal", ->
it "should throw an exception if the first parameter is not a localId", ->
badTasks = [new SendDraftTask()]
@@ -113,7 +73,8 @@ describe "SendDraftTask", ->
@draftLocalId = "local-123"
@task = new SendDraftTask(@draftLocalId)
spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest').andCallFake (options) =>
- options.success(@draft.toJSON()) if options.success
+ options.success?(@draft.toJSON())
+ Promise.resolve(@draft.toJSON())
spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'findByLocalId').andCallFake (klass, localId) =>
spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'unpersistModel').andCallFake (draft) ->
@@ -207,12 +168,14 @@ describe "SendDraftTask", ->
it "should resend the draft without the reply_to_message_id key set", ->
@draft.id = generateTempId()
spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'findByLocalId').andCallFake => Promise.resolve(@draft)
- spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest').andCallFake ({body, success, error}) ->
+ spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest').andCallFake ({body, success, error}) =>
if body.reply_to_message_id
- err = new Error("Invalid message public id")
- error(err)
+ err = new APIError(body: "Invalid message public id", statusCode: 400)
+ error?(err)
+ return Promise.reject(err)
- success(body)
+ success?(body)
+ return Promise.resolve(body)
waitsForPromise =>
@task.performRemote().then =>
@@ -224,18 +187,23 @@ describe "SendDraftTask", ->
it "should resend the draft without the thread_id or reply_to_message_id keys set", ->
@draft.id = generateTempId()
spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'findByLocalId').andCallFake => Promise.resolve(@draft)
- spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest').andCallFake ({body, success, error}) ->
- if body.thread_id
- err = new Error("Invalid thread public id")
- error(err)
- else
- success(body)
+ spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest').andCallFake ({body, success, error}) =>
+ new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
+ if body.thread_id
+ err = new APIError(body: "Invalid thread public id", statusCode: 400)
+ error?(err)
+ reject(err)
+ else
+ success?(body)
+ resolve(body)
waitsForPromise =>
@task.performRemote().then =>
+ .catch (err) =>
+ console.log(err.trace)
it "throws an error if the draft can't be found", ->
spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'findByLocalId').andCallFake (klass, localId) ->
@@ -257,16 +225,3 @@ describe "SendDraftTask", ->
waitsForPromise =>
@task.performRemote().catch (error) ->
expect(error).toBe "DB error"
- it "onAPIError notifies of the error", ->
- @task.onAPIError(message: "oh no")
- it "onOtherError notifies of the error", ->
- @task.onOtherError()
- it "onTimeoutError notifies of the error", ->
- @task.onTimeoutError()
- it "onOfflineError notifies of the error and dequeues", ->
- @task.onOfflineError()
- expect(Actions.dequeueTask).toHaveBeenCalledWith(@task)
diff --git a/spec-nylas/tasks/syncback-draft-spec.coffee b/spec-nylas/tasks/syncback-draft-spec.coffee
index e428f8b8c..6e8b2f2ff 100644
--- a/spec-nylas/tasks/syncback-draft-spec.coffee
+++ b/spec-nylas/tasks/syncback-draft-spec.coffee
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ describe "SyncbackDraftTask", ->
describe "performRemote", ->
beforeEach ->
spyOn(NylasAPI, 'makeRequest').andCallFake (opts) ->
- opts.success(remoteDraft.toJSON()) if opts.success
+ Promise.resolve(remoteDraft.toJSON())
it "does nothing if no draft can be found in the db", ->
task = new SyncbackDraftTask("missingDraftId")
@@ -108,16 +108,17 @@ describe "SyncbackDraftTask", ->
describe "When the api throws a 404 error", ->
beforeEach ->
- spyOn(TaskQueue, "enqueue")
spyOn(NylasAPI, "makeRequest").andCallFake (opts) ->
- opts.error(testError(opts)) if opts.error
+ Promise.reject(testError(opts))
it "resets the id", ->
task = new SyncbackDraftTask("remoteDraftId")
- task.onAPIError(testError({}))
+ taskStatus = null
+ task.performRemote().then (status) => taskStatus = status
waitsFor ->
DatabaseStore.swapModel.calls.length > 0
runs ->
newDraft = DatabaseStore.swapModel.mostRecentCall.args[0].newModel
expect(isTempId(newDraft.id)).toBe true
- expect(TaskQueue.enqueue).toHaveBeenCalled()
+ expect(taskStatus).toBe(Task.Status.Retry)
diff --git a/spec-nylas/tasks/task-spec.coffee b/spec-nylas/tasks/task-spec.coffee
index 8b89dbc06..56bce54b6 100644
--- a/spec-nylas/tasks/task-spec.coffee
+++ b/spec-nylas/tasks/task-spec.coffee
@@ -1,56 +1,127 @@
-# {APIError} = require '../../src/flux/errors'
-# Task = require '../../src/flux/tasks/task'
-# _ = require 'underscore'
-# describe "Task", ->
-# beforeEach ->
-# @task = new Task()
-# describe "shouldRetry", ->
-# it "should default to false if the error does not have a status code", ->
-# expect(@task.shouldRetry(new Error())).toBe(false)
-# # Should Not Retry
-# it "should return false when the error is a 401 Unauthorized from the API", ->
-# expect(@task.shouldRetry(new APIError({statusCode: 401}))).toBe(false)
-# it "should return false when the error is a 403 Forbidden from the API", ->
-# expect(@task.shouldRetry(new APIError({statusCode: 403}))).toBe(false)
-# it "should return false when the error is a 404 Not Found from the API", ->
-# expect(@task.shouldRetry(new APIError({statusCode: 404}))).toBe(false)
-# it "should return false when the error is a 405 Method Not Allowed from the API", ->
-# expect(@task.shouldRetry(new APIError({statusCode: 405}))).toBe(false)
-# it "should return false when the error is a 406 Not Acceptable from the API", ->
-# expect(@task.shouldRetry(new APIError({statusCode: 406}))).toBe(false)
-# it "should return false when the error is a 409 Conflict from the API", ->
-# expect(@task.shouldRetry(new APIError({statusCode: 409}))).toBe(false)
-# # Should Retry
-# it "should return true when the error is 0 Request Not Made from the API", ->
-# expect(@task.shouldRetry(new APIError({statusCode: 0}))).toBe(true)
-# it "should return true when the error is 407 Proxy Authentication Required from the API", ->
-# expect(@task.shouldRetry(new APIError({statusCode: 407}))).toBe(true)
-# it "should return true when the error is 408 Request Timeout from the API", ->
-# expect(@task.shouldRetry(new APIError({statusCode: 408}))).toBe(true)
-# it "should return true when the error is 305 Use Proxy from the API", ->
-# expect(@task.shouldRetry(new APIError({statusCode: 305}))).toBe(true)
-# it "should return true when the error is 502 Bad Gateway from the API", ->
-# expect(@task.shouldRetry(new APIError({statusCode: 502}))).toBe(true)
-# it "should return true when the error is 503 Service Unavailable from the API", ->
-# expect(@task.shouldRetry(new APIError({statusCode: 503}))).toBe(true)
-# it "should return true when the error is 504 Gateway Timeout from the API", ->
-# expect(@task.shouldRetry(new APIError({statusCode: 504}))).toBe(true)
+Actions = require '../../src/flux/actions'
+TaskQueue = require '../../src/flux/stores/task-queue'
+Task = require '../../src/flux/tasks/task'
+ OfflineError,
+ TimeoutError} = require '../../src/flux/errors'
+noop = ->
+describe "Task", ->
+ describe "initial state", ->
+ it "should set up queue state with additional information about local/remote", ->
+ task = new Task()
+ expect(task.queueState).toEqual({ isProcessing : false, localError : null, localComplete : false, remoteError : null, remoteAttempts : 0, remoteComplete : false })
+ describe "runLocal", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ class APITestTask extends Task
+ performLocal: -> Promise.resolve()
+ performRemote: -> Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Finished)
+ @task = new APITestTask()
+ describe "when performLocal is not complete", ->
+ it "should run performLocal", ->
+ spyOn(@task, 'performLocal').andCallThrough()
+ @task.runLocal()
+ expect(@task.performLocal).toHaveBeenCalled()
+ describe "when performLocal rejects", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ spyOn(@task, 'performLocal').andCallFake =>
+ Promise.reject(new Error("Oh no!"))
+ it "should save the error to the queueState", ->
+ @task.runLocal().catch(noop)
+ advanceClock()
+ expect(@task.performLocal).toHaveBeenCalled()
+ expect(@task.queueState.localComplete).toBe(false)
+ expect(@task.queueState.localError.message).toBe("Oh no!")
+ it "should reject with the error", ->
+ rejection = null
+ runs ->
+ @task.runLocal().catch (err) ->
+ rejection = err
+ waitsFor ->
+ rejection
+ runs ->
+ expect(rejection.message).toBe("Oh no!")
+ describe "when performLocal resolves", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ spyOn(@task, 'performLocal').andCallFake -> Promise.resolve('Hooray')
+ it "should save that performLocal is complete", ->
+ @task.runLocal()
+ advanceClock()
+ expect(@task.queueState.localComplete).toBe(true)
+ it "should save that there was no performLocal error", ->
+ @task.runLocal()
+ advanceClock()
+ expect(@task.queueState.localError).toBe(null)
+ describe "runRemote", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ @task.queueState.localComplete = true
+ it "should run performRemote", ->
+ spyOn(@task, 'performRemote').andCallThrough()
+ @task.runRemote()
+ advanceClock()
+ expect(@task.performRemote).toHaveBeenCalled()
+ describe "when performRemote resolves", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ spyOn(@task, 'performRemote').andCallFake ->
+ Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Finished)
+ it "should save that performRemote is complete with no errors", ->
+ @task.runRemote()
+ advanceClock()
+ expect(@task.performRemote).toHaveBeenCalled()
+ expect(@task.queueState.remoteError).toBe(null)
+ expect(@task.queueState.remoteComplete).toBe(true)
+ it "should only allow the performRemote method to return a Task.Status", ->
+ result = null
+ err = null
+ class OKTask extends Task
+ performRemote: -> Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Retry)
+ @ok = new OKTask()
+ @ok.queueState.localComplete = true
+ @ok.runRemote().then (r) -> result = r
+ advanceClock()
+ expect(result).toBe(Task.Status.Retry)
+ class BadTask extends Task
+ performRemote: -> Promise.resolve('lalal')
+ @bad = new BadTask()
+ @bad.queueState.localComplete = true
+ @bad.runRemote().catch (e) -> err = e
+ advanceClock()
+ expect(err.message).toBe('performRemote returned lalal, which is not a Task.Status')
+ describe "when performRemote rejects", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ @error = new APIError("Oh no!")
+ spyOn(@task, 'performRemote').andCallFake => Promise.reject(@error)
+ it "should save the error to the queueState", ->
+ @task.runRemote().catch(noop)
+ advanceClock()
+ expect(@task.queueState.remoteError).toBe(@error)
+ it "should increment the number of attempts", ->
+ runs ->
+ @task.runRemote().catch(noop)
+ waitsFor ->
+ @task.queueState.remoteAttempts == 1
+ runs ->
+ @task.runRemote().catch(noop)
+ waitsFor ->
+ @task.queueState.remoteAttempts == 2
diff --git a/spec/spec-helper.coffee b/spec/spec-helper.coffee
index 139293166..42c3d0cfc 100644
--- a/spec/spec-helper.coffee
+++ b/spec/spec-helper.coffee
@@ -97,6 +97,13 @@ ReactTestUtils.unmountAll = ->
ReactElementContainers = []
+# Make Bluebird use setTimeout so that it hooks into our stubs, and you can
+# advance promises using `advanceClock()`. To avoid breaking any specs that
+# `dont` manually call advanceClock, call it automatically on the next tick.
+Promise.setScheduler (fn) ->
+ setTimeout(fn, 0)
+ process.nextTick -> advanceClock(1)
beforeEach ->
Grim.clearDeprecations() if isCoreSpec
@@ -251,6 +258,8 @@ jasmine.restoreDeprecationsSnapshot = ->
jasmine.useRealClock = ->
jasmine.unspy(window, 'setTimeout')
jasmine.unspy(window, 'clearTimeout')
+ jasmine.unspy(window, 'setInterval')
+ jasmine.unspy(window, 'clearInterval')
jasmine.unspy(_._, 'now')
addCustomMatchers = (spec) ->
diff --git a/src/atom.coffee b/src/atom.coffee
index 3368a89b8..28032cd26 100644
--- a/src/atom.coffee
+++ b/src/atom.coffee
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ WindowEventHandler = require './window-event-handler'
StylesElement = require './styles-element'
Utils = require './flux/models/utils'
+{APIError} = require './flux/errors'
# Essential: Atom global for dealing with packages, themes, menus, and the window.
@@ -271,6 +272,11 @@ class Atom extends Model
error.stack = convertStackTrace(error.stack, sourceMapCache)
eventObject = {message: error.message, originalError: error}
+ # API Errors are a normal part of life and are logged to the API
+ # history panel. We ignore these errors and do not report them to Sentry.
+ if error instanceof APIError
+ return
if @inSpecMode()
else if @inDevMode()
diff --git a/src/command-registry.coffee b/src/command-registry.coffee
index b49167f50..7ce745b09 100644
--- a/src/command-registry.coffee
+++ b/src/command-registry.coffee
@@ -88,6 +88,9 @@ class CommandRegistry
disposable.add @add(target, commandName, callback)
return disposable
+ if not callback
+ throw new Error("CommandRegistry:add called without a callback")
if typeof target is 'string'
@addSelectorBasedListener(target, commandName, callback)
diff --git a/src/flux/errors.coffee b/src/flux/errors.coffee
index 3f020bcd1..7d89c2ce4 100644
--- a/src/flux/errors.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/errors.coffee
@@ -13,9 +13,6 @@ class APIError extends Error
@name = "APIError"
@message = @body?.message ? @body ? @error?.toString?()
- notifyConsole: ->
- console.error("Edgehill API Error: #{@message}", @)
class OfflineError extends Error
constructor: ->
diff --git a/src/flux/nylas-api.coffee b/src/flux/nylas-api.coffee
index a8d9f5112..6123fe969 100644
--- a/src/flux/nylas-api.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/nylas-api.coffee
@@ -10,11 +10,67 @@ NylasLongConnection = require './nylas-long-connection'
{modelFromJSON, modelClassMap} = require './models/utils'
async = require 'async'
+class NylasAPIOptimisticChangeTracker
+ constructor: ->
+ @_locks = {}
+ acceptRemoteChangesTo: (klass, id) ->
+ @_locks["#{klass.name}-#{id}"] is undefined
+ increment: (klass, id) ->
+ @_locks["#{klass.name}-#{id}"] ?= 0
+ @_locks["#{klass.name}-#{id}"] += 1
+ decrement: (klass, id) ->
+ @_locks["#{klass.name}-#{id}"] -= 1
+ if @_locks["#{klass.name}-#{id}"] is 0
+ delete @_locks["#{klass.name}-#{id}"]
+ print: ->
+ console.log("The following models are locked:")
+ console.log(@_locks)
+class NylasAPIRequest
+ constructor: (@api, @options) ->
+ @options.method ?= 'GET'
+ @options.url ?= "#{@api.APIRoot}#{@options.path}" if @options.path
+ @options.json ?= true
+ @options.auth = {'user': @api.APIToken, 'pass': '', sendImmediately: true}
+ unless @options.method is 'GET' or @options.formData
+ @options.body ?= {}
+ @
+ run: ->
+ if atom.getLoadSettings().isSpec
+ return Promise.resolve()
+ if not @api.APIToken
+ return Promise.reject(new Error('Cannot make Nylas request without auth token.'))
+ new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
+ req = request @options, (error, response, body) =>
+ PriorityUICoordinator.settle.then =>
+ Actions.didMakeAPIRequest({request: @options, response: response})
+ if error or response.statusCode > 299
+ apiError = new APIError({error, response, body, requestOptions: @options})
+ @options.error?(apiError)
+ reject(apiError)
+ else
+ @options.success?(body)
+ resolve(body)
+ req.on 'abort', ->
+ reject(new APIError({statusCode: 0, body: 'Request Aborted'}))
+ @options.started?(req)
class NylasAPI
+ PermanentErrorCodes: [400, 404, 500]
constructor: ->
@_workers = []
+ @_optimisticChangeTracker = new NylasAPIOptimisticChangeTracker()
atom.config.onDidChange('env', @_onConfigChanged)
atom.config.onDidChange('nylas.token', @_onConfigChanged)
@@ -107,47 +163,41 @@ class NylasAPI
# success: (body) -> callback gets passed the returned json object
# error: (apiError) -> the error callback gets passed an Nylas
# APIError object.
+ #
+ # Returns a Promise, which resolves or rejects in the success / error
+ # scenarios, respectively.
+ #
makeRequest: (options={}) ->
- return if atom.getLoadSettings().isSpec
- return console.log('Cannot make Nylas request without auth token.') unless @APIToken
- options.method ?= 'GET'
- options.url ?= "#{@APIRoot}#{options.path}" if options.path
- options.json ?= true
- options.auth = {'user': @APIToken, 'pass': '', sendImmediately: true}
+ if atom.getLoadSettings().isSpec
+ return Promise.resolve()
- unless options.method is 'GET' or options.formData
- options.body ?= {}
+ if not @APIToken
+ console.log('Cannot make Nylas request without auth token.')
+ return Promise.reject()
- request options, (error, response, body) =>
- PriorityUICoordinator.settle.then =>
- Actions.didMakeAPIRequest({request: options, response: response})
- if error? or response.statusCode > 299
- if response and response.statusCode is 404 and options.returnsModel
- @_handleModel404(options.url)
- if response and response.statusCode is 401
- @_handle401(options.url)
- options.error?(new APIError({error, response, body}))
- else
- if options.json
- if _.isString(body)
- try
- body = JSON.parse(body)
- catch error
- options.error?(new APIError({error, response, body}))
- if options.returnsModel
- @_handleModelResponse(body)
+ success = (body) =>
+ if options.beforeProcessing
+ body = options.beforeProcessing(body)
+ if options.returnsModel
+ @_handleModelResponse(body)
+ Promise.resolve(body)
- if options.success
- options.success(body)
+ error = (err) =>
+ if err.response
+ if err.response.statusCode is 404 and options.returnsModel
+ @_handleModel404(options.url)
+ if err.response.statusCode is 401
+ @_handle401(options.url)
+ Promise.reject(err)
+ req = new NylasAPIRequest(@, options)
+ req.run().then(success, error)
# If we make a request that `returnsModel` and we get a 404, we want to handle
# it intelligently and in a centralized way. This method identifies the object
# that could not be found and purges it from local cache.
- # Handles:
- #
- # /namespace///
- # /namespace//?thread_id=
+ # Handles: /namespace///
_handleModel404: (modelUrl) ->
url = require('url')
@@ -164,8 +214,7 @@ class NylasAPI
DatabaseStore.find(klass, klassId).then (model) ->
DatabaseStore.unpersistModel(model) if model
- _handle401: (url) ->
- # Throw up a notification indicating that the user should log out and log back in
+ _handle401: (modelUrl) ->
type: 'error'
tag: '401'
@@ -267,14 +316,16 @@ class NylasAPI
- _shouldAcceptModelIfNewer: (klass, model = null) ->
- new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
- DatabaseStore = require './stores/database-store'
- DatabaseStore.find(klass, model.id).then (existing) ->
- if existing and existing.version >= model.version
- resolve(false)
- else
- resolve(true)
+ _shouldAcceptModelIfNewer: (klass, model) ->
+ if @_optimisticChangeTracker.acceptRemoteChangesTo(klass, model.id) is false
+ return Promise.resolve(false)
+ DatabaseStore = require './stores/database-store'
+ DatabaseStore.find(klass, model.id).then (existing) ->
+ if existing and existing.version >= model.version
+ return Promise.resolve(false)
+ else
+ return Promise.resolve(true)
getThreads: (namespaceId, params = {}, requestOptions = {}) ->
requestSuccess = requestOptions.success
@@ -298,4 +349,10 @@ class NylasAPI
qs: params
returnsModel: true
+ incrementOptimisticChangeCount: (klass, id) ->
+ @_optimisticChangeTracker.increment(klass, id)
+ decrementOptimisticChangeCount: (klass, id) ->
+ @_optimisticChangeTracker.decrement(klass, id)
module.exports = new NylasAPI()
diff --git a/src/flux/stores/file-download-store.coffee b/src/flux/stores/file-download-store.coffee
index b33eaa419..e58ed30b1 100644
--- a/src/flux/stores/file-download-store.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/stores/file-download-store.coffee
@@ -80,27 +80,28 @@ class Download
finishedAction = action
- @request = NylasAPI.makeRequest
+ NylasAPI.makeRequest
json: false
path: "/n/#{namespace}/files/#{@fileId}/download"
+ started: (req) =>
+ @request = req
+ progress(@request, {throtte: 250})
+ .on "progress", (progress) =>
+ @percent = progress.percent
+ @progressCallback()
+ .on "end", =>
+ # Wait for the file stream to finish writing before we resolve or reject
+ stream.end(streamEnded)
+ .pipe(stream)
success: =>
# At this point, the file stream has not finished writing to disk.
# Don't resolve yet, or the browser will load only part of the image.
error: =>
- progress(@request, {throtte: 250})
- .on("progress", (progress) =>
- @percent = progress.percent
- @progressCallback()
- )
- .on("end", =>
- # Wait for the file stream to finish writing before we resolve or reject
- stream.end(streamEnded)
- )
- .pipe(stream)
abort: ->
diff --git a/src/flux/stores/metadata-store.coffee b/src/flux/stores/metadata-store.coffee
index 507b449ee..c4b4e5f29 100644
--- a/src/flux/stores/metadata-store.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/stores/metadata-store.coffee
@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ MetadataStore = Reflux.createStore
error: (apiError) ->
- apiError.notifyConsole()
_onDBChanged: (change) ->
diff --git a/src/flux/stores/task-queue.coffee b/src/flux/stores/task-queue.coffee
index 8498fc4b3..204cedcc3 100644
--- a/src/flux/stores/task-queue.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/stores/task-queue.coffee
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ Reflux = require 'reflux'
Actions = require '../actions'
- OfflineError,
TimeoutError} = require '../errors'
if not atom.isMainWindow() and not atom.inSpecMode() then return
@@ -79,27 +78,8 @@ class TaskQueue
@listenTo(Actions.clearDeveloperConsole, @clearCompleted)
- # TODO
- # @listenTo(OnlineStatusStore, @_onOnlineChange)
- @_onlineStatus = true
@listenTo Actions.longPollConnected, =>
- @_onlineStatus = true
- @_update()
- @listenTo Actions.longPollOffline, =>
- @_onlineStatus = false
- @_update()
- _initializeTask: (task) =>
- task.id ?= generateTempId()
- task.queueState ?= {}
- task.queueState =
- localError: null
- remoteError: null
- isProcessing: false
- remoteAttempts: 0
- performedLocal: false
- performedRemote: false
- notifiedOffline: false
+ @_processQueue()
queue: =>
@@ -122,125 +102,97 @@ class TaskQueue
match = _.find @_queue, (task) -> task.constructor.name is type and _.isMatch(task, matching)
match ? null
- enqueue: (task, {silent}={}) =>
+ enqueue: (task) =>
if not (task instanceof Task)
- throw new Error("You must queue a `Task` object")
+ throw new Error("You must queue a `Task` instance")
+ if not task.id
+ throw new Error("Tasks must have an ID prior to being queued. Check that your Task constructor is calling `super`")
+ if not task.queueState
+ throw new Error("Tasks must have a queueState prior to being queued. Check that your Task constructor is calling `super`")
- @_initializeTask(task)
- @_queue.push(task)
- @_update() if not silent
+ task.runLocal().then =>
+ @_queue.push(task)
+ @_updateSoon()
- dequeue: (taskOrId={}, {silent}={}) =>
- task = @_parseArgs(taskOrId)
+ dequeue: (taskOrId) =>
+ task = @_resolveTaskArgument(taskOrId)
if not task
throw new Error("Couldn't find task in queue to dequeue")
- task.queueState.isProcessing = false
- task.cleanup()
- @_queue.splice(@_queue.indexOf(task), 1)
- @_moveToCompleted(task)
- @_update() if not silent
+ if task.queueState.isProcessing
+ # We cannot remove a task from the queue while it's running and pretend
+ # things have stopped. Ask the task to cancel. It's promise will resolve
+ # or reject, and then we'll end up back here.
+ task.cancel()
+ else
+ @_queue.splice(@_queue.indexOf(task), 1)
+ @_completed.push(task)
+ @_completed.shift() if @_completed.length > 1000
+ @_updateSoon()
dequeueAll: =>
for task in @_queue by -1
- @dequeue(task, silent: true) if task?
- @_update()
+ @dequeue(task)
dequeueMatching: ({type, matching}) =>
- toDequeue = @findTask(type, matching)
+ task = @findTask(type, matching)
- if not toDequeue
- console.warn("Could not find task: #{type}", matching)
+ if not task
+ console.warn("Could not find matching task: #{type}", matching)
- @dequeue(toDequeue, silent: true)
- @_update()
+ @dequeue(task)
clearCompleted: =>
@_completed = []
+ # Helper Methods
_processQueue: =>
for task in @_queue by -1
- @_processTask(task) if task?
+ continue if @_taskIsBlocked(task)
+ @_processTask(task)
_processTask: (task) =>
return if task.queueState.isProcessing
- return if @_taskIsBlocked(task)
task.queueState.isProcessing = true
- if task.queueState.performedLocal
- @_performRemote(task)
- else
- task.performLocal().then =>
- task.queueState.performedLocal = Date.now()
- @_performRemote(task)
- .catch @_onLocalError(task)
- _performRemote: (task) =>
- if @_isOnline()
- task.queueState.remoteAttempts += 1
- task.performRemote().then =>
- task.queueState.performedRemote = Date.now()
- @dequeue(task)
- .catch @_onRemoteError(task)
- else
- @_notifyOffline(task)
- _update: =>
- @trigger()
- @_saveQueueToDiskDebounced()
- @_processQueue()
+ task.runRemote()
+ .finally =>
+ task.queueState.isProcessing = false
+ @trigger()
+ .then (status) =>
+ @dequeue(task) unless status is Task.Status.Retry
+ .catch (err) =>
+ console.warn("Task #{task.constructor.name} threw an error: #{err}.")
+ @dequeue(task)
_dequeueObsoleteTasks: (task) =>
- for otherTask in @_queue by -1
+ obsolete = _.filter @_queue, (otherTask) =>
# Do not interrupt tasks which are currently processing
- continue if otherTask.queueState.isProcessing
+ return false if otherTask.queueState.isProcessing
# Do not remove ourselves from the queue
- continue if otherTask is task
+ return false if otherTask is task
# Dequeue tasks which our new task indicates it makes obsolete
- if task.shouldDequeueOtherTask(otherTask)
- @dequeue(otherTask, silent: true)
+ return task.shouldDequeueOtherTask(otherTask)
+ for otherTask in obsolete
+ @dequeue(otherTask)
_taskIsBlocked: (task) =>
_.any @_queue, (otherTask) ->
task.shouldWaitForTask(otherTask) and task isnt otherTask
- _notifyOffline: (task) =>
- task.queueState.isProcessing = false
- if not task.queueState.notifiedOffline
- task.queueState.notifiedOffline = true
- task.onError(new OfflineError)
- _onLocalError: (task) => (error) =>
- task.queueState.isProcessing = false
- task.queueState.localError = error
- task.onError(error)
- @dequeue(task)
- _onRemoteError: (task) => (apiError) =>
- task.queueState.isProcessing = false
- task.queueState.notifiedOffline = false
- task.queueState.remoteError = apiError
- task.onError(apiError)
- @dequeue(task)
- _isOnline: => @_onlineStatus # TODO # OnlineStatusStore.isOnline()
- _onOnlineChange: => @_processQueue()
- _parseArgs: (taskOrId) =>
- if taskOrId instanceof Task
- task = _.find @_queue, (task) -> task is taskOrId
+ _resolveTaskArgument: (taskOrId) =>
+ if not taskOrId
+ return null
+ else if taskOrId instanceof Task
+ return _.find @_queue, (task) -> task is taskOrId
- task = _.findWhere(@_queue, id: taskOrId)
- return task
- _moveToCompleted: (task) =>
- @_completed.push(task)
- @_completed.shift() if @_completed.length > 1000
+ return _.findWhere(@_queue, id: taskOrId)
_restoreQueueFromDisk: =>
{modelReviver} = require '../models/utils'
@@ -250,25 +202,30 @@ class TaskQueue
# We need to set the processing bit back to false so it gets
# re-retried upon inflation
for task in queue
- if task.queueState?.isProcessing
- task.queueState ?= {}
- task.queueState.isProcessing = false
+ task.queueState ?= {}
+ task.queueState.isProcessing = false
@_queue = queue
catch e
if not atom.inSpecMode()
console.log("Queue deserialization failed with error: #{e.toString()}")
- # It's very important that we debounce saving here. When the user bulk-archives
- # items, they can easily process 1000 tasks at the same moment. We can't try to
- # save 1000 times! (Do not remove debounce without a plan!)
_saveQueueToDisk: =>
- queueFile = path.join(atom.getConfigDirPath(), 'task-queue.json')
- queueJSON = JSON.stringify((@_queue ? []))
- fs.writeFile(queueFile, queueJSON)
+ # It's very important that we debounce saving here. When the user bulk-archives
+ # items, they can easily process 1000 tasks at the same moment. We can't try to
+ # save 1000 times! (Do not remove debounce without a plan!)
+ @_saveDebounced ?= _.debounce =>
+ queueFile = path.join(atom.getConfigDirPath(), 'task-queue.json')
+ queueJSON = JSON.stringify((@_queue ? []))
+ fs.writeFile(queueFile, queueJSON)
+ , 150
+ @_saveDebounced()
- _saveQueueToDiskDebounced: =>
- @__saveQueueToDiskDebounced ?= _.debounce(@_saveQueueToDisk, 150)
- @__saveQueueToDiskDebounced()
+ _updateSoon: =>
+ @_updateSoonThrottled ?= _.throttle =>
+ @_processQueue()
+ @_saveQueueToDisk()
+ @trigger()
+ , 10, {leading: false}
+ @_updateSoonThrottled()
module.exports = new TaskQueue()
diff --git a/src/flux/stores/undo-redo-store.coffee b/src/flux/stores/undo-redo-store.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..018ca8519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/flux/stores/undo-redo-store.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+_ = require 'underscore'
+{Listener, Publisher} = require '../modules/reflux-coffee'
+CoffeeHelpers = require '../coffee-helpers'
+Task = require "../tasks/task"
+Actions = require '../actions'
+class UndoRedoStore
+ @include: CoffeeHelpers.includeModule
+ @include Publisher
+ @include Listener
+ constructor: ->
+ @_undo = []
+ @_redo = []
+ @listenTo(Actions.queueTask, @_onTaskQueued)
+ atom.commands.add('body', {'core:undo': => @undo() })
+ atom.commands.add('body', {'core:redo': => @redo() })
+ _onTaskQueued: (task) =>
+ if task.canBeUndone() and not task.isUndo()
+ @_redo = []
+ @_undo.push(task)
+ undo: =>
+ topTask = @_undo.pop()
+ return unless topTask
+ Actions.queueTask(topTask.createUndoTask())
+ @_redo.push(topTask.createIdenticalTask())
+ redo: =>
+ redoTask = @_redo.pop()
+ return unless redoTask
+ Actions.queueTask(redoTask)
+ print: ->
+ console.log("Undo Stack")
+ console.log(@_undo)
+ console.log("Redo Stack")
+ console.log(@_redo)
+module.exports = new UndoRedoStore()
diff --git a/src/flux/tasks/add-remove-tags.coffee b/src/flux/tasks/add-remove-tags.coffee
index fa263f9ca..37e2ef5fa 100644
--- a/src/flux/tasks/add-remove-tags.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/tasks/add-remove-tags.coffee
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
Task = require './task'
+{APIError} = require '../errors'
NylasAPI = require '../nylas-api'
DatabaseStore = require '../stores/database-store'
+NamespaceStore = require '../stores/namespace-store'
Actions = require '../actions'
Tag = require '../models/tag'
Thread = require '../models/thread'
@@ -10,71 +12,114 @@ async = require 'async'
module.exports =
class AddRemoveTagsTask extends Task
- constructor: (@thread, @tagIdsToAdd = [], @tagIdsToRemove = []) ->
+ constructor: (@threadsOrIds, @tagIdsToAdd = [], @tagIdsToRemove = []) ->
+ # For backwards compatibility, allow someone to make the task with a single thread
+ # object or it's ID
+ if @threadsOrIds instanceof Thread or _.isString(@threadsOrIds)
+ @threadsOrIds = [@threadsOrIds]
label: ->
"Applying tags..."
- performLocal: (versionIncrement = 1) ->
- new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
- if not @thread or not @thread instanceof Thread
- return reject(new Error("Attempt to call AddRemoveTagsTask.performLocal without Thread"))
+ threadIds: ->
+ @threadsOrIds.map (t) -> if t instanceof Thread then t.id else t
- # collect all of the models we need.
- needed = {}
- for id in @tagIdsToAdd
- if id in ['archive', 'unread', 'inbox', 'unseen']
- needed["tag-#{id}"] = new Tag(id: id, name: id)
- else
- needed["tag-#{id}"] = DatabaseStore.find(Tag, id)
+ # Undo & Redo support
- Promise.props(needed).then (objs) =>
- # Always apply our changes to a new copy of the thread.
- # In some scenarios it may actually be frozen
- thread = new Thread(@thread)
+ canBeUndone: ->
+ true
- @namespaceId = thread.namespaceId
+ isUndo: ->
+ @_isUndoTask is true
- # increment the thread version number
- thread.version += versionIncrement
+ createUndoTask: ->
+ task = new AddRemoveTagsTask(@threadIds(), @tagIdsToRemove, @tagIdsToAdd)
+ task._isUndoTask = true
+ task
- # filter the tags array to exclude tags we're removing and tags we're adding.
- # Removing before adding is a quick way to make sure they're only in the set
- # once. (super important)
- thread.tags = _.filter thread.tags, (tag) =>
- @tagIdsToRemove.indexOf(tag.id) is -1 and @tagIdsToAdd.indexOf(tag.id) is -1
+ # Core Behavior
- # add tags in the add list
- for id in @tagIdsToAdd
- tag = objs["tag-#{id}"]
- thread.tags.push(tag) if tag
+ # To ensure that complex offline actions are synced correctly, tag additions
+ # and removals need to be applied in order. (For example, star many threads,
+ # and then unstar one.)
+ shouldWaitForTask: (other) ->
+ # Only wait on other tasks that are older and also involve the same threads
+ return unless other instanceof AddRemoveTagsTask
+ otherOlder = other.creationDate < @creationDate
+ otherSameThreads = _.intersection(other.threadIds(), @threadIds()).length > 0
+ return otherOlder and otherSameThreads
- DatabaseStore.persistModel(thread).then(resolve)
+ performLocal: ({reverting} = {}) ->
+ if not @threadsOrIds or not @threadsOrIds instanceof Array
+ return Promise.reject(new Error("Attempt to call AddRemoveTagsTask.performLocal without threads"))
+ # collect all of the tag models we need.
+ needed = {}
+ for id in @tagIdsToAdd
+ if id in ['archive', 'unread', 'inbox', 'unseen']
+ needed["tag-#{id}"] = new Tag(id: id, name: id)
+ else
+ needed["tag-#{id}"] = DatabaseStore.find(Tag, id)
+ Promise.props(needed).then (objs) =>
+ promises = @threadsOrIds.map (item) =>
+ getThread = Promise.resolve(item)
+ if _.isString(item)
+ getThread = DatabaseStore.find(Thread, item)
+ getThread.then (thread) =>
+ # Always apply our changes to a new copy of the thread.
+ # In some scenarios it may actually be frozen
+ thread = new Thread(thread)
+ # Mark that we are optimistically changing this model. This will prevent
+ # inbound delta syncs from changing it back to it's old state. Only the
+ # operation that changes `optimisticChangeCount` back to zero will
+ # apply the server's version of the model to our cache.
+ if reverting is true
+ NylasAPI.decrementOptimisticChangeCount(Thread, thread.id)
+ else
+ NylasAPI.incrementOptimisticChangeCount(Thread, thread.id)
+ # filter the tags array to exclude tags we're removing and tags we're adding.
+ # Removing before adding is a quick way to make sure they're only in the set
+ # once. (super important)
+ thread.tags = _.filter thread.tags, (tag) =>
+ @tagIdsToRemove.indexOf(tag.id) is -1 and @tagIdsToAdd.indexOf(tag.id) is -1
+ # add tags in the add list
+ for id in @tagIdsToAdd
+ tag = objs["tag-#{id}"]
+ thread.tags.push(tag) if tag
+ return DatabaseStore.persistModel(thread)
+ Promise.all(promises)
performRemote: ->
- new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
- # queue the operation to the server
+ nsid = NamespaceStore.current()?.id
+ promises = @threadIds().map (id) =>
- path: "/n/#{@namespaceId}/threads/#{@thread.id}"
+ path: "/n/#{nsid}/threads/#{id}"
method: 'PUT'
add_tags: @tagIdsToAdd,
remove_tags: @tagIdsToRemove
returnsModel: true
- success: resolve
- error: reject
+ beforeProcessing: (body) ->
+ NylasAPI.decrementOptimisticChangeCount(Thread, id)
+ body
- onAPIError: (apiError) ->
- if apiError.response.statusCode is 404
- # Do nothing - NylasAPI will destroy the object.
- else
- @_rollbackLocal()
- Promise.resolve()
+ Promise.all(promises)
+ .then =>
+ return Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Finished)
- _rollbackLocal: ->
- # Run performLocal backwards to undo the tag changes
- a = @tagIdsToAdd
- @tagIdsToAdd = @tagIdsToRemove
- @tagIdsToRemove = a
- @performLocal(-1)
+ .catch APIError, (err) =>
+ if err.statusCode in NylasAPI.PermanentErrorCodes
+ # Run performLocal backwards to undo the tag changes
+ [@tagIdsToAdd, @tagIdsToRemove] = [@tagIdsToRemove, @tagIdsToAdd]
+ @performLocal({reverting: true}).then =>
+ return Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Finished)
+ else
+ return Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Retry)
diff --git a/src/flux/tasks/create-metadata-task.coffee b/src/flux/tasks/create-metadata-task.coffee
index 081624cde..320cf533e 100644
--- a/src/flux/tasks/create-metadata-task.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/tasks/create-metadata-task.coffee
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
_ = require 'underscore'
Task = require './task'
+{APIError} = require '../errors'
Actions = require '../actions'
Metadata = require '../models/metadata'
EdgehillAPI = require '../edgehill-api'
@@ -29,37 +30,22 @@ class CreateMetadataTask extends Task
@metadatum = new Metadata({@type, @publicId, @key, @value})
return DatabaseStore.persistModel(@metadatum)
- performRemote: -> new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
- EdgehillAPI.request
- method: "POST"
- path: "/metadata/#{NamespaceStore.current().id}/#{@type}/#{@publicId}"
- body:
- key: @key
- value: @value
- success: (args...) =>
- Actions.metadataCreated @type, @metadatum
- resolve(args...)
- error: (apiError) ->
- apiError.notifyConsole()
- reject(apiError)
- onAPIError: (apiError) ->
- Actions.metadataError _.extend @_baseErrorData(),
- errorType: "APIError"
- error: apiError
- Promise.resolve()
- onOtherError: (otherError) ->
- Actions.metadataError _.extend @_baseErrorData(),
- errorType: "OtherError"
- error: otherError
- Promise.resolve()
- onTimeoutError: (timeoutError) ->
- Actions.metadataError _.extend @_baseErrorData(),
- errorType: "TimeoutError"
- error: timeoutError
- Promise.resolve()
+ performRemote: ->
+ new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
+ EdgehillAPI.request
+ method: "POST"
+ path: "/metadata/#{NamespaceStore.current().id}/#{@type}/#{@publicId}"
+ body:
+ key: @key
+ value: @value
+ success: =>
+ Actions.metadataCreated @type, @metadatum
+ resolve(Task.Status.Finished)
+ error: (apiError) =>
+ Actions.metadataError _.extend @_baseErrorData(),
+ errorType: "APIError"
+ error: apiError
+ reject(apiError)
_baseErrorData: ->
action: "create"
@@ -68,6 +54,3 @@ class CreateMetadataTask extends Task
publicId: @publicId
key: @key
value: @value
- onOfflineError: (offlineError) ->
- Promise.resolve()
diff --git a/src/flux/tasks/destroy-draft.coffee b/src/flux/tasks/destroy-draft.coffee
index 2f3cead56..5824a813e 100644
--- a/src/flux/tasks/destroy-draft.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/tasks/destroy-draft.coffee
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
Task = require './task'
+{APIError} = require '../errors'
Message = require '../models/message'
DatabaseStore = require '../stores/database-store'
Actions = require '../actions'
@@ -14,55 +15,47 @@ class DestroyDraftTask extends Task
shouldDequeueOtherTask: (other) ->
(other instanceof SyncbackDraftTask and other.draftLocalId is @draftLocalId) or
(other instanceof SendDraftTask and other.draftLocalId is @draftLocalId) or
- (other instanceof FileUploadTask and other.draftLocalId is @draftLocalId)
+ (other instanceof FileUploadTask and other.messageLocalId is @draftLocalId)
shouldWaitForTask: (other) ->
(other instanceof SyncbackDraftTask and other.draftLocalId is @draftLocalId)
performLocal: ->
- new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
- unless @draftLocalId?
- return reject(new Error("Attempt to call DestroyDraftTask.performLocal without @draftLocalId"))
+ unless @draftLocalId?
+ return Promise.reject(new Error("Attempt to call DestroyDraftTask.performLocal without @draftLocalId"))
- DatabaseStore.findByLocalId(Message, @draftLocalId).then (draft) =>
- return resolve() unless draft
- @draft = draft
- DatabaseStore.unpersistModel(draft).then(resolve)
+ DatabaseStore.findByLocalId(Message, @draftLocalId).then (draft) =>
+ return resolve() unless draft
+ @draft = draft
+ DatabaseStore.unpersistModel(draft)
performRemote: ->
- new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
- # We don't need to do anything if we weren't able to find the draft
- # when we performed locally, or if the draft has never been synced to
- # the server (id is still self-assigned)
- return resolve() unless @draft
- return resolve() unless @draft.isSaved()
+ # We don't need to do anything if we weren't able to find the draft
+ # when we performed locally, or if the draft has never been synced to
+ # the server (id is still self-assigned)
+ return Promise.resolve() unless @draft
+ return Promise.resolve() unless @draft.isSaved()
- atom.inbox.makeRequest
- path: "/n/#{@draft.namespaceId}/drafts/#{@draft.id}"
- method: "DELETE"
- body:
- version: @draft.version
- returnsModel: false
- success: resolve
- error: reject
+ atom.inbox.makeRequest
+ path: "/n/#{@draft.namespaceId}/drafts/#{@draft.id}"
+ method: "DELETE"
+ body:
+ version: @draft.version
+ returnsModel: false
- onAPIError: (apiError) ->
- inboxMsg = apiError.body?.message ? ""
- if apiError.statusCode is 404
- # Draft has already been deleted, this is not really an error
- return true
- else if inboxMsg.indexOf("is not a draft") >= 0
- # Draft has been sent, and can't be deleted. Not much we can
- # do but finish
- return true
- else
- @_rollbackLocal()
+ recoverFromRemoteAPIError: (err) ->
+ inboxMsg = err.body?.message ? ""
- onOtherError: -> Promise.resolve()
- onTimeoutError: -> Promise.resolve()
- onOfflineError: -> Promise.resolve()
+ # Draft has already been deleted, this is not really an error
+ if err.statusCode is 404
+ return Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Finished)
- _rollbackLocal: (msg) ->
- msg ?= "Unable to delete this draft. Restoring..."
- Actions.postNotification({message: msg, type: "error"})
- DatabaseStore.persistModel(@draft) if @draft?
+ if err.statusCode in NylasAPI.PermanentErrorCodes
+ Actions.postNotification({message: "Unable to delete this draft. Restoring...", type: "error"})
+ return DatabaseStore.persistModel(@draft)
+ # Draft has been sent, and can't be deleted. Not much we can do but finish
+ if inboxMsg.indexOf("is not a draft") >= 0
+ return Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Finished)
+ Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Retry)
diff --git a/src/flux/tasks/destroy-metadata-task.coffee b/src/flux/tasks/destroy-metadata-task.coffee
index e7b563c57..92136714f 100644
--- a/src/flux/tasks/destroy-metadata-task.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/tasks/destroy-metadata-task.coffee
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
_ = require 'underscore'
Task = require './task'
+{APIError} = require '../errors'
Actions = require '../actions'
Metadata = require '../models/metadata'
EdgehillAPI = require '../edgehill-api'
@@ -54,37 +55,18 @@ class DestroyMetadataTask extends Task
method: "DELETE"
path: "/metadata/#{NamespaceStore.current().id}/#{@type}/#{@publicId}"
body: body
- success: (args...) =>
+ success: =>
- resolve(args...)
- error: (apiError) ->
- apiError.notifyConsole()
+ resolve(Task.Status.Finished)
+ error: (apiError) =>
+ Actions.metadataError _.extend @_baseErrorData(),
+ errorType: "APIError"
+ error: apiError
- onAPIError: (apiError) ->
- Actions.metadataError _.extend @_baseErrorData(),
- errorType: "APIError"
- error: apiError
- Promise.resolve()
- onOtherError: (otherError) ->
- Actions.metadataError _.extend @_baseErrorData(),
- errorType: "OtherError"
- error: otherError
- Promise.resolve()
- onTimeoutError: (timeoutError) ->
- Actions.metadataError _.extend @_baseErrorData(),
- errorType: "TimeoutError"
- error: timeoutError
- Promise.resolve()
_baseErrorData: ->
action: "destroy"
className: @constructor.name
type: @type
publicId: @publicId
key: @key
- onOfflineError: (offlineError) ->
- Promise.resolve()
diff --git a/src/flux/tasks/file-upload-task.coffee b/src/flux/tasks/file-upload-task.coffee
index 95195f08b..50dff4449 100644
--- a/src/flux/tasks/file-upload-task.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/tasks/file-upload-task.coffee
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ fs = require 'fs'
_ = require 'underscore'
pathUtils = require 'path'
Task = require './task'
+{APIError} = require '../errors'
File = require '../models/file'
Message = require '../models/message'
Actions = require '../actions'
@@ -15,14 +16,16 @@ idGen = 2
class FileUploadTask extends Task
+ # Necessary so that tasks always get the same ID during specs
@idGen: -> idGen
constructor: (@filePath, @messageLocalId) ->
@_startedUploadingAt = Date.now()
+ @progress = null # The progress checking timer.
@_uploadId = FileUploadTask.idGen()
idGen += 1
- @progress = null # The progress checking timer.
performLocal: ->
return Promise.reject(new Error("Must pass an absolute path to upload")) unless @filePath?.length
@@ -31,75 +34,55 @@ class FileUploadTask extends Task
performRemote: ->
- new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
- Actions.uploadStateChanged @_uploadData("started")
- @req = NylasAPI.makeRequest
- path: "/n/#{@_namespaceId()}/files"
- method: "POST"
- json: false
- formData: @_formData()
- error: reject
- success: (rawResponseString) =>
- # The Nylas API returns the file json wrapped in an array.
- #
- # Since we requested `json:false` the response will come back as
- # a raw string.
- try
- json = JSON.parse(rawResponseString)
- file = (new File).fromJSON(json[0])
- catch error
- reject(error)
- @_onRemoteSuccess(file, resolve, reject)
+ Actions.uploadStateChanged @_uploadData("started")
+ started = (req) =>
+ @req = req
@progress = setInterval =>
, 250
- cleanup: ->
- super
- # If the request is still in progress, notify observers that
- # we've failed.
- if @req
- @req.abort()
+ cleanup = =>
- Actions.uploadStateChanged(@_uploadData("aborted"))
- setTimeout =>
- # To see the aborted state for a little bit
- Actions.fileAborted(@_uploadData("aborted"))
- , 1000
+ @req = null
- onAPIError: (apiError) ->
- @_rollbackLocal()
+ NylasAPI.makeRequest
+ path: "/n/#{@_namespaceId()}/files"
+ method: "POST"
+ json: false
+ formData: @_formData()
+ started: started
- onOtherError: (otherError) ->
- @_rollbackLocal()
+ .finally(cleanup)
+ .then(@performRemoteParseFile)
+ .then(@performRemoteAttachFile)
+ .then (file) =>
+ Actions.uploadStateChanged @_uploadData("completed")
+ Actions.fileUploaded(file: file, uploadData: @_uploadData("completed"))
+ return Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Finished)
- onTimeoutError: ->
- # Do nothing. It could take a while.
- Promise.resolve()
+ .catch APIError, (err) =>
+ Actions.uploadStateChanged(@_uploadData("failed"))
+ if err.statusCode in NylasAPI.PermanentErrorCodes
+ msg = "There was a problem uploading this file. Please try again later."
+ Actions.postNotification({message: msg, type: "error"})
+ return Promise.reject(err)
+ else
+ return Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Retry)
- onOfflineError: (offlineError) ->
- msg = "You can't upload a file while you're offline."
- @_rollbackLocal(msg)
- _rollbackLocal: (msg) ->
- clearInterval(@progress)
- @req = null
- msg ?= "There was a problem uploading this file. Please try again later."
- Actions.postNotification({message: msg, type: "error"})
- Actions.uploadStateChanged @_uploadData("failed")
- _onRemoteSuccess: (file, resolve, reject) =>
- clearInterval(@progress)
- @req = null
+ performRemoteParseFile: (rawResponseString) =>
+ # The Nylas API returns the file json wrapped in an array.
+ # Since we requested `json:false` the response will come back as
+ # a raw string.
+ json = JSON.parse(rawResponseString)
+ file = (new File).fromJSON(json[0])
+ Promise.resolve(file)
+ performRemoteAttachFile: (file) =>
# The minute we know what file is associated with the upload, we need
# to fire an Action to notify a popout window's FileUploadStore that
# these two objects are linked. We unfortunately can't wait until
- # `_attacheFileToDraft` resolves, because that will resolve after the
+ # `_attachFileToDraft` resolves, because that will resolve after the
# DB transaction is completed AND all of the callbacks have fired.
# Unfortunately in the callback chain is a render method which means
# that the upload will be left on the page for a split second before
@@ -110,19 +93,28 @@ class FileUploadTask extends Task
# listing.
Actions.linkFileToUpload(file: file, uploadData: @_uploadData("completed"))
- @_attachFileToDraft(file).then =>
- Actions.uploadStateChanged @_uploadData("completed")
- Actions.fileUploaded(file: file, uploadData: @_uploadData("completed"))
- resolve()
- .catch(reject)
- _attachFileToDraft: (file) ->
DraftStore = require '../stores/draft-store'
DraftStore.sessionForLocalId(@messageLocalId).then (session) =>
files = _.clone(session.draft().files) ? []
- return session.changes.commit()
+ session.changes.commit().then ->
+ Promise.resolve(file)
+ cancel: ->
+ super
+ # Note: When you call cancel, we stop the request, which causes
+ # NylasAPI.makeRequest to reject with an error.
+ return unless @req
+ @req.abort()
+ clearInterval(@progress)
+ # To see the aborted state for a little bit
+ Actions.uploadStateChanged(@_uploadData("aborted"))
+ setTimeout(( => Actions.fileAborted(@_uploadData("aborted"))), 1000)
+ # Helper Methods
_formData: ->
file: # Must be named `file` as per the Nylas API spec
@@ -157,6 +149,7 @@ class FileUploadTask extends Task
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12098713/upload-progress-request
@req?.req?.connection?._bytesDispatched ? 0
- _namespaceId: -> NamespaceStore.current()?.id
+ _namespaceId: ->
+ NamespaceStore.current()?.id
module.exports = FileUploadTask
diff --git a/src/flux/tasks/mark-message-read.coffee b/src/flux/tasks/mark-message-read.coffee
index 973f15788..68ba91e7f 100644
--- a/src/flux/tasks/mark-message-read.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/tasks/mark-message-read.coffee
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
Task = require './task'
+{APIError} = require '../errors'
DatabaseStore = require '../stores/database-store'
Actions = require '../actions'
NylasAPI = require '../nylas-api'
@@ -11,37 +12,28 @@ class MarkMessageReadTask extends Task
performLocal: ->
- new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
- # update the flag on the message
- @_previousUnreadState = @message.unread
- @message.unread = false
+ # update the flag on the message
+ @_previousUnreadState = @message.unread
+ @message.unread = false
- # dispatch an action to persist it
- DatabaseStore.persistModel(@message).then(resolve).catch(reject)
+ # dispatch an action to persist it
+ DatabaseStore.persistModel(@message)
performRemote: ->
- new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
- # queue the operation to the server
- NylasAPI.makeRequest {
- path: "/n/#{@message.namespaceId}/messages/#{@message.id}"
- method: 'PUT'
- body: {
- unread: false
- }
- returnsModel: true
- success: resolve
- error: reject
- }
- # We don't really care if this fails.
- onAPIError: -> Promise.resolve()
- onOtherError: -> Promise.resolve()
- onTimeoutError: -> Promise.resolve()
- onOfflineError: -> Promise.resolve()
- _rollbackLocal: ->
- new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
- unless @_previousUnreadState?
- reject(new Error("Cannot call rollbackLocal without previous call to performLocal"))
- @message.unread = @_previousUnreadState
- DatabaseStore.persistModel(@message).then(resolve).catch(reject)
+ # queue the operation to the server
+ NylasAPI.makeRequest
+ path: "/n/#{@message.namespaceId}/messages/#{@message.id}"
+ method: 'PUT'
+ body:
+ unread: false
+ returnsModel: true
+ .then =>
+ return Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Finished)
+ .catch APIError, (err) =>
+ if err.statusCode in NylasAPI.PermanentErrorCodes
+ # Run performLocal backwards to undo the tag changes
+ @message.unread = @_previousUnreadState
+ DatabaseStore.persistModel(@message).then =>
+ return Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Finished)
+ else
+ return Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Retry)
diff --git a/src/flux/tasks/mark-thread-read.coffee b/src/flux/tasks/mark-thread-read.coffee
index 3fe8551e5..05188920e 100644
--- a/src/flux/tasks/mark-thread-read.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/tasks/mark-thread-read.coffee
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
Task = require './task'
+{APIError} = require '../errors'
DatabaseStore = require '../stores/database-store'
AddRemoveTagsTask = require './add-remove-tags'
Message = require '../models/message'
diff --git a/src/flux/tasks/send-draft.coffee b/src/flux/tasks/send-draft.coffee
index 169212f02..255c279e4 100644
--- a/src/flux/tasks/send-draft.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/tasks/send-draft.coffee
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
Actions = require '../actions'
DatabaseStore = require '../stores/database-store'
Message = require '../models/message'
+{APIError} = require '../errors'
Task = require './task'
TaskQueue = require '../stores/task-queue'
SyncbackDraftTask = require './syncback-draft'
@@ -50,61 +51,38 @@ class SendDraftTask extends Task
# Pass joined:true so the draft body is included
body = draft.toJSON(joined: true)
- return @_performRemoteSend(body)
+ return @_send(body)
# Returns a promise which resolves when the draft is sent. There are several
# failure cases where this method may call itself, stripping bad fields out of
# the body. This promise only rejects when these changes have been tried.
- _performRemoteSend: (body) ->
- @_performRemoteAPIRequest(body)
+ _send: (body) ->
+ NylasAPI.makeRequest
+ path: "/n/#{@draft.namespaceId}/send"
+ method: 'POST'
+ body: body
+ returnsModel: true
.then (json) =>
message = (new Message).fromJSON(json)
draftLocalId: @draftLocalId
newMessage: message
- return DatabaseStore.unpersistModel(@draft)
+ DatabaseStore.unpersistModel(@draft).then =>
+ return Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Finished)
- .catch (err) =>
+ .catch APIError, (err) =>
if err.message?.indexOf('Invalid message public id') is 0
body.reply_to_message_id = null
- return @_performRemoteSend(body)
+ return @_send(body)
else if err.message?.indexOf('Invalid thread') is 0
body.thread_id = null
body.reply_to_message_id = null
- return @_performRemoteSend(body)
+ return @_send(body)
+ else if err.statusCode in NylasAPI.PermanentErrorCodes
+ msg = err.message ? "Your draft could not be sent."
+ Actions.composePopoutDraft(@draftLocalId, {errorMessage: msg})
+ return Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Finished)
- return Promise.reject(err)
- _performRemoteAPIRequest: (body) ->
- new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
- NylasAPI.makeRequest
- path: "/n/#{@draft.namespaceId}/send"
- method: 'POST'
- body: body
- returnsModel: true
- success: resolve
- error: reject
- onAPIError: (apiError) ->
- msg = apiError.message ? "Our server is having problems. Your message has not been sent."
- @_notifyError(msg)
- onOtherError: ->
- msg = "We had a serious issue while sending. Your message has not been sent."
- @_notifyError(msg)
- onTimeoutError: ->
- msg = "The server is taking an abnormally long time to respond. Your message has not been sent."
- @_notifyError(msg)
- onOfflineError: ->
- msg = "You are offline. Your message has NOT been sent. Please send your message when you come back online."
- @_notifyError(msg)
- # For sending draft, we don't send when we come back online.
- Actions.dequeueTask(@)
- _notifyError: (msg) ->
- @notifyErrorMessage(msg)
- if @fromPopout
- Actions.composePopoutDraft(@draftLocalId, {errorMessage: msg})
+ return Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Retry)
diff --git a/src/flux/tasks/syncback-draft.coffee b/src/flux/tasks/syncback-draft.coffee
index 5a5c26fd1..523460c70 100644
--- a/src/flux/tasks/syncback-draft.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/tasks/syncback-draft.coffee
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ DatabaseStore = require '../stores/database-store'
NylasAPI = require '../nylas-api'
Task = require './task'
+{APIError} = require '../errors'
Message = require '../models/message'
FileUploadTask = require './file-upload-task'
@@ -17,7 +18,6 @@ class SyncbackDraftTask extends Task
constructor: (@draftLocalId) ->
- @_saveAttempts = 0
shouldDequeueOtherTask: (other) ->
other instanceof SyncbackDraftTask and other.draftLocalId is @draftLocalId and other.creationDate < @creationDate
@@ -29,99 +29,55 @@ class SyncbackDraftTask extends Task
# SyncbackDraftTask does not do anything locally. You should persist your changes
# to the local database directly or using a DraftStoreProxy, and then queue a
# SyncbackDraftTask to send those changes to the server.
- console.log('in performLocal')
- if not @draftLocalId?
+ if not @draftLocalId
errMsg = "Attempt to call FileUploadTask.performLocal without @draftLocalId"
- Promise.reject(new Error(errMsg))
- else
- Promise.resolve()
+ return Promise.reject(new Error(errMsg))
+ Promise.resolve()
performRemote: ->
- new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
- DatabaseStore.findByLocalId(Message, @draftLocalId).then (draft) =>
- # The draft may have been deleted by another task. Nothing we can do.
- return resolve() unless draft
- if draft.isSaved()
- path = "/n/#{draft.namespaceId}/drafts/#{draft.id}"
- method = 'PUT'
- else
- path = "/n/#{draft.namespaceId}/drafts"
- method = 'POST'
- body = draft.toJSON()
- delete body['from']
- initialId = draft.id
- @_saveAttempts += 1
- NylasAPI.makeRequest
- path: path
- method: method
- body: body
- returnsModel: false
- success: (json) =>
- if json.id != initialId
- newDraft = (new Message).fromJSON(json)
- DatabaseStore.swapModel(oldModel: draft, newModel: newDraft, localId: @draftLocalId).then(resolve)
- else
- DatabaseStore.persistModel(draft).then(resolve)
- error: reject
- onAPIError: (apiError) ->
- # If we get a 404 from the server this might mean that the
- # draft has been deleted from underneath us. We should retry
- # again. Before we can retry we need to set the ID to a
- # localID so that the next time this fires the model will
- # trigger a POST instead of a PUT
- if apiError.statusCode is 404
- msg = "It looks like the draft you're working on got deleted from underneath you. We're creating a new draft and saving your work."
- @_retrySaveAsNewDraft(msg)
- else
- if @_saveAttempts <= 1
- msg = "We had a problem with the server. We're going to try and save your draft again."
- @_retrySaveToExistingDraft(msg)
- else
- msg = "We're continuing to have issues saving your draft. It will be saved locally, but is failing to save on the server."
- @notifyErrorMessage(msg)
- onOtherError: ->
- msg = "We had a serious issue trying to save your draft. Please copy the text out of the composer and try again later."
- @notifyErrorMessage(msg)
- onTimeoutError: ->
- if @_saveAttempts <= 1
- msg = "The server is taking an abnormally long time to respond. We're going to try and save your changes again."
- @_retrySaveToExistingDraft(msg)
- else
- msg = "We're continuing to have issues saving your draft. It will be saved locally, but is failing to save on the server."
- @notifyErrorMessage(msg)
- onOfflineError: ->
- msg = "WARNING: You are offline. Your edits are being saved locally. They will save to the server when you come back online"
- @notifyErrorMessage(msg)
- _retrySaveAsNewDraft: (msg) ->
- TaskQueue = require '../stores/task-queue'
DatabaseStore.findByLocalId(Message, @draftLocalId).then (draft) =>
- if not draft?
- console.log "Couldn't find draft!", @draftLocalId
- @_onOtherError()
+ # The draft may have been deleted by another task. Nothing we can do.
+ return Promise.resolve() unless draft
+ if draft.isSaved()
+ path = "/n/#{draft.namespaceId}/drafts/#{draft.id}"
+ method = 'PUT'
+ else
+ path = "/n/#{draft.namespaceId}/drafts"
+ method = 'POST'
+ body = draft.toJSON()
+ delete body['from']
+ initialId = draft.id
+ NylasAPI.makeRequest
+ path: path
+ method: method
+ body: body
+ returnsModel: false
+ .then (json) =>
+ if json.id != initialId
+ newDraft = (new Message).fromJSON(json)
+ DatabaseStore.swapModel(oldModel: draft, newModel: newDraft, localId: @draftLocalId)
+ else
+ DatabaseStore.persistModel(draft)
+ .catch APIError, (err) =>
+ if err.statusCode in NylasAPI.PermanentErrorCodes
+ if err.requestOptions.method is 'PUT'
+ return @disassociateFromRemoteID().then =>
+ Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Retry)
+ else
+ return Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Finished)
+ else
+ return Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Retry)
+ disassociateFromRemoteID: ->
+ DatabaseStore.findByLocalId(Message, @draftLocalId).then (draft) =>
+ return Promise.resolve() unless draft
newJSON = _.clone(draft.toJSON())
newJSON.id = generateTempId() unless isTempId(draft.id)
newDraft = (new Message).fromJSON(newJSON)
- DatabaseStore.swapModel(oldModel: draft, newModel: newDraft, localId: @draftLocalId).then =>
- TaskQueue.enqueue @
- @notifyErrorMessage(msg)
- _retrySaveToExistingDraft: (msg) ->
- TaskQueue = require '../stores/task-queue'
- DatabaseStore.findByLocalId(Message, @draftLocalId).then (draft) =>
- if not draft?
- console.log "Couldn't find draft!", @draftLocalId
- @_onOtherError()
- TaskQueue.enqueue @
- @notifyErrorMessage(msg)
+ DatabaseStore.swapModel(oldModel: draft, newModel: newDraft, localId: @draftLocalId)
diff --git a/src/flux/tasks/task.coffee b/src/flux/tasks/task.coffee
index 75b443b70..1117dbf70 100644
--- a/src/flux/tasks/task.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/tasks/task.coffee
@@ -5,93 +5,137 @@ Actions = require '../actions'
TimeoutError} = require '../errors'
-# Tasks represent individual changes to the datastore that
+TaskStatus =
+ Finished: 'finished'
+ Retry: 'retry'
+# Public: Tasks represent individual changes to the datastore that
# alter the local cache and need to be synced back to the server.
-# Tasks should optimistically modify local models and trigger
-# model update actions, and also make API calls which trigger
-# further model updates once they're complete.
-# Subclasses implement `performLocal` and `performRemote`.
-# `performLocal` can be called directly by whoever has access to the
-# class. It can only be called once. If it is not called directly,
-# `performLocal` will be invoked as soon as the task is queued. Since
-# performLocal is frequently asynchronous, it is sometimes necessary to
-# wait for it to finish.
+# To create a new task, subclass Task and implement the following methods:
+# - performLocal:
+# Return a {Promise} that does work immediately. Must resolve or the task
+# will be thrown out. Generally, you should optimistically update
+# the local cache here.
+# - performRemote:
+# Do work that requires dependencies to have resolved and may need to be
+# tried multiple times to succeed in case of network issues.
+# performRemote must return a {Promise}, and it should always resolve with
+# Task.Status.Finished or Task.Status.Retry. Rejections are considered
+# exception cases and are logged to our server.
+# Returning Task.Status.Retry will cause the TaskQueue to leave your task
+# on the queue and run it again later. You should only return Task.Status.Retry
+# if your task encountered a transient error (for example, a `0` but not a `400`).
+# - shouldWaitForTask:
+# Tasks may be arbitrarily dependent on other tasks. To ensure that
+# performRemote is called at the right time, subclasses should implement
+# `shouldWaitForTask(other)`. For example, the `SendDraft` task is dependent
+# on the draft's files' `UploadFile` tasks completing.
-# `performRemote` may be called after a delay, depending on internet
-# connectivity and dependency resolution.
-# Tasks may be arbitrarily dependent on other tasks. To ensure that
-# performRemote is called at the right time, subclasses should implement
-# shouldWaitForTask(other). For example, the SendDraft task is dependent
-# on the draft's files' UploadFile tasks completing.
# Tasks may also implement shouldDequeueOtherTask(other). Returning true
# will cause the other event to be removed from the queue. This is useful in
# offline mode especially, when the user might Save,Save,Save,Save,Send.
# Each newly queued Save can cancel the (unstarted) save task in the queue.
-# Because tasks may be queued and performed when internet is available,
-# they may need to be persisted to disk. Subclasses should implement
-# serialize / deserialize to convert to / from raw JSON.
+# Tasks that need to support undo/redo should implement `canBeUndone`, `isUndo`,
+# `createUndoTask`, and `createIdenticalTask`.
class Task
- ## These are commonly overridden ##
+ @Status: TaskStatus
constructor: ->
+ @_performLocalCompletePromise = new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
+ @_performLocalComplete = resolve
@id = generateTempId()
@creationDate = new Date()
+ @queueState =
+ isProcessing: false
+ localError: null
+ localComplete: false
+ remoteError: null
+ remoteAttempts: 0
+ remoteComplete: false
+ @
- performLocal: -> Promise.resolve()
+ runLocal: ->
+ if @queueState.localComplete
+ return Promise.resolve()
+ else
+ @performLocal()
+ .then =>
+ @_performLocalComplete()
+ @queueState.localComplete = true
+ @queueState.localError = null
+ return Promise.resolve()
+ .catch (err) =>
+ @queueState.localError = err
+ return Promise.reject(err)
- performRemote: -> Promise.resolve()
+ runRemote: ->
+ if @queueState.localComplete is false
+ throw new Error("runRemote called before performLocal complete, this is an assertion failure.")
+ if @queueState.remoteComplete
+ return Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Finished)
+ @performRemote()
+ .catch (err) =>
+ @queueState.remoteAttempts += 1
+ @queueState.remoteError = err
+ .then (status) =>
+ if not (status in _.values(Task.Status))
+ throw new Error("performRemote returned #{status}, which is not a Task.Status")
+ @queueState.remoteAttempts += 1
+ @queueState.remoteComplete = status is Task.Status.Finished
+ @queueState.remoteError = null
+ return Promise.resolve(status)
+ ## Everything beneath here may be overridden in subclasses ##
+ # performLocal is called once when the task is queued. You must return
+ # a promise. If you resolve, the task is queued and performRemote will
+ # be called. If you reject, the task will not be queued.
+ #
+ performLocal: ->
+ Promise.resolve()
+ performRemote: ->
+ Promise.resolve(Task.Status.Finished)
+ waitForPerformLocal: ->
+ if not atom.isMainWindow()
+ throw new Error("waitForPerformLocal is only supported in the main window. In
+ secondary windows, tasks are serialized and sent to the main
+ window, and cannot be observed.")
+ @_performLocalCompletePromise
+ cancel: ->
+ # We ignore requests to cancel and carry on. Subclasses that want to support
+ # cancellation or dequeue requests while running should implement cancel.
+ canBeUndone: -> false
+ isUndo: -> false
+ createUndoTask: -> throw new Error("Unimplemented")
+ createIdenticalTask: ->
+ json = @toJSON()
+ delete json['queueState']
+ (new @.constructor).fromJSON(json)
shouldDequeueOtherTask: (other) -> false
shouldWaitForTask: (other) -> false
- cleanup: -> true
- abort: -> Promise.resolve()
- onAPIError: (apiError) ->
- msg = "We had a problem with the server. Your action was NOT completed."
- Actions.postNotification({message: msg, type: "error"})
- Promise.resolve()
- onOtherError: (otherError) ->
- msg = "Something went wrong. Please report this issue immediately."
- Actions.postNotification({message: msg, type: "error"})
- Promise.resolve()
- onTimeoutError: (timeoutError) ->
- msg = "This took too long. Check your internet connection. Your action was NOT completed."
- Actions.postNotification({message: msg, type: "error"})
- Promise.resolve()
- onOfflineError: (offlineError) ->
- msg = "WARNING: You are offline. This will complete when you come back online."
- Actions.postNotification({message: msg, type: "error"})
- Promise.resolve()
- ## Only override if you know what you're doing ##
- onError: (error) ->
- if error instanceof APIError
- @onAPIError(error)
- else if error instanceof TimeoutError
- @onTimeoutError(error)
- else if error instanceof OfflineError
- @onOfflineError(error)
- else
- if error instanceof Error
- console.error "Task #{@constructor.name} threw an unknown error: #{error.message}"
- console.error error.stack
- @onOtherError(error)
- notifyErrorMessage: (msg) ->
- Actions.postNotification({message: msg, type: "error"})
toJSON: ->
json = _.clone(@)
json['object'] = @constructor.name
diff --git a/src/tasks/ship-logs-task.coffee b/src/tasks/ship-logs-task.coffee
index 7c82a3fb3..da8cdc502 100644
--- a/src/tasks/ship-logs-task.coffee
+++ b/src/tasks/ship-logs-task.coffee
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ module.exports = (dir, regexPattern) ->
AWSModulePath = 'aws-sdk'
- console.log("Load AWS module from #{AWSModulePath}")
# Note: These credentials are only good for uploading to this
# specific bucket and can't be used for anything else.
AWS = require(AWSModulePath)
diff --git a/static/components/spinner.less b/static/components/spinner.less
index edc1fc2a7..4d1d0ad84 100644
--- a/static/components/spinner.less
+++ b/static/components/spinner.less
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
text-align: center;
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s linear; //transition
+ pointer-events: none;
.spinner.hidden {
@@ -57,10 +58,10 @@
@keyframes bouncedelay {
- 0%, 80%, 100% {
+ 0%, 80%, 100% {
transform: scale(0.0);
-webkit-transform: scale(0.0);
- } 40% {
+ } 40% {
transform: scale(1.0);
-webkit-transform: scale(1.0);