convert(es6): quoted-html-transformer to es6

This commit is contained in:
Evan Morikawa 2016-11-04 18:25:52 -07:00
parent 5a20dfce76
commit 4a40074cd1
3 changed files with 262 additions and 218 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
_ = require('underscore')
fs = require('fs')
path = require 'path'
QuotedHTMLTransformer = require('../../src/services/quoted-html-transformer')
QuotedHTMLTransformer = require('../../src/services/quoted-html-transformer').default
describe "QuotedHTMLTransformer", ->
@ -407,5 +407,5 @@ describe "QuotedHTMLTransformer", ->
xit "Run this simple function to generate output files", ->
[18].forEach (n) ->
newHTML = QuotedHTMLTransformer.removeQuotedHTML(readFile("email_#{n}.html"))
outPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'emails', "email_#{n}_raw_stripped.html")
outPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'fixtures', 'emails', "email_#{n}_raw_stripped.html")
fs.writeFileSync(outPath, newHTML)

View file

@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
_ = require 'underscore'
crypto = require 'crypto'
DOMUtils = require '../dom-utils'
quoteStringDetector = require('./quote-string-detector').default
class QuotedHTMLTransformer
annotationClass: "nylas-quoted-text-segment"
# Given an html string, it will add the `annotationClass` to the DOM
# element
hideQuotedHTML: (html, {keepIfWholeBodyIsQuote}={}) ->
doc = @_parseHTML(html)
quoteElements = @_findQuoteLikeElements(doc)
unless keepIfWholeBodyIsQuote and @_wholeBodyIsQuote(doc, quoteElements)
return @_outputHTMLFor(doc, {initialHTML: html})
hasQuotedHTML: (html) ->
doc = @_parseHTML(html)
quoteElements = @_findQuoteLikeElements(doc)
return quoteElements.length > 0
# Public: Removes quoted text from an HTML string
# If we find a quoted text region that is "inline" with the root level
# message, meaning it has non quoted text before and after it, then we
# leave it in the message. If you set the `includeInline` option to true,
# then all inline blocks will also be removed.
# - `html` The string full of quoted text areas
# - `options`
# - `includeInline` Defaults false. If true, inline quotes are removed
# too
# - `keepIfWholeBodyIsQuote` Defaults false. If true, then it will
# check to see if the whole html body is a giant quote. If so, it will
# preserve it.
# Returns HTML without quoted text
removeQuotedHTML: (html, options={}) ->
doc = @_parseHTML(html)
quoteElements = @_findQuoteLikeElements(doc, options)
unless options.keepIfWholeBodyIsQuote and @_wholeBodyIsQuote(doc, quoteElements)
DOMUtils.Mutating.removeElements(quoteElements, options)
# It's possible that the entire body was quoted text and we've removed everything.
if not doc.body
return @_outputHTMLFor(@_parseHTML(""), {initialHTML: html})
if not doc.children[0]
return @_outputHTMLFor(@_parseHTML(""), {initialHTML: html})
if options.returnAsDOM
return doc
return @_outputHTMLFor(doc, {initialHTML: html})
# Finds any trailing BR tags and removes them in place
removeTrailingBr: (doc) ->
childNodes = doc.body.childNodes
extraTailBrTags = []
for i in [(childNodes.length - 1)..0] by -1
curr = childNodes[i]
next = childNodes[i - 1]
if curr and curr.nodeName == 'BR' and next and next.nodeName == 'BR'
appendQuotedHTML: (htmlWithoutQuotes, originalHTML) ->
doc = @_parseHTML(originalHTML)
quoteElements = @_findQuoteLikeElements(doc)
doc = @_parseHTML(htmlWithoutQuotes)
doc.body.appendChild(node) for node in quoteElements
return @_outputHTMLFor(doc, {initialHTML: originalHTML})
restoreAnnotatedHTML: (html) ->
doc = @_parseHTML(html)
quoteElements = @_findAnnotatedElements(doc)
return @_outputHTMLFor(doc, {initialHTML: html})
_parseHTML: (text) ->
domParser = new DOMParser()
doc = domParser.parseFromString(text, "text/html")
catch error
text = "HTML Parser Error: #{error.toString()}"
doc = domParser.parseFromString(text, "text/html")
# As far as we can tell, when this succeeds, doc /always/ has at least
# one child: an <html> node.
return doc
_outputHTMLFor: (doc, {initialHTML}) ->
if /<\s?head\s?>/i.test(initialHTML) || /<\s?body[\s>]/i.test(initialHTML)
return doc.children[0].innerHTML
return doc.body.innerHTML
_wholeBodyIsQuote: (doc, quoteElements) ->
nonBlankChildElements = []
for child in doc.body.childNodes
if child.textContent.trim() is ""
else nonBlankChildElements.push(child)
if nonBlankChildElements.length is 1
return nonBlankChildElements[0] in quoteElements
else return false
# We used to have a scheme where we cached the `doc` object, keyed by
# the md5 of the text. Unfortunately we can't do this because the
# `doc` is mutated in place. Returning clones of the DOM is just as
# bad as re-parsing from string, which is very fast anyway.
_findQuoteLikeElements: (doc, {includeInline}={}) ->
parsers = [
quoteElements = []
for parser in parsers
quoteElements = quoteElements.concat(parser(doc) ? [])
if not includeInline and quoteElements.length > 0
# This means we only want to remove quoted text that shows up at the
# end of a message. If there were non quoted content after, it'd be
# inline.
trailingQuotes = @_findTrailingQuotes(doc, quoteElements)
# Only keep the trailing quotes so we can delete them.
quoteElements = _.intersection(quoteElements, trailingQuotes)
return _.compact(_.uniq(quoteElements))
# This will recursievly move through the DOM, bottom to top, and pick
# out quoted text blocks. It will stop when it reaches a visible
# non-quote text region.
_findTrailingQuotes: (scopeElement, quoteElements=[]) ->
trailingQuotes = []
# We need to find only the child nodes that have content in them. We
# determine if it's an inline quote based on if there's VISIBLE
# content after a piece of quoted text
nodesWithContent = DOMUtils.nodesWithContent(scopeElement)
# There may be multiple quote blocks that are sibilings of each
# other at the end of the message. We want to include all of these
# trailing quote elements.
for nodeWithContent in nodesWithContent by -1
if nodeWithContent in quoteElements
# This is a valid quote. Let's keep it!
# This quote block may have many more quote blocks inside of it.
# Luckily we don't need to explicitly find all of those because
# one this block gets removed from the DOM, we'll delete all
# sub-quotes as well.
moreTrailing = @_findTrailingQuotes(nodeWithContent, quoteElements)
trailingQuotes = trailingQuotes.concat(moreTrailing)
return trailingQuotes
_contains: (node, quoteElement) ->
node is quoteElement or node.contains(quoteElement)
_findAnnotatedElements: (doc) ->
_annotateElements: (elements=[]) ->
for el in elements
originalDisplay = = "none"
el.setAttribute("data-nylas-quoted-text-original-display", originalDisplay)
_removeAnnotation: (elements=[]) ->
for el in elements
originalDisplay = el.getAttribute("data-nylas-quoted-text-original-display") = originalDisplay
_findGmailQuotes: (doc) ->
# Gmail creates both div.gmail_quote and blockquote.gmail_quote. The div
# version marks text but does not cause indentation, but both should be
# considered quoted text.
_findOffice365Quotes: (doc) ->
elements = doc.querySelectorAll('#divRplyFwdMsg, #OLK_SRC_BODY_SECTION')
elements =
weirdEl = doc.getElementById('3D"divRplyFwdMsg"')
if weirdEl then elements.push(weirdEl)
elements = elements, (el) ->
if el.previousElementSibling and el.previousElementSibling.nodeName is "HR"
return el.parentElement
else return el
return elements
_findBlockquoteQuotes: (doc) ->
module.exports = new QuotedHTMLTransformer

View file

@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
import _ from 'underscore';
import DOMUtils from '../dom-utils';
import quoteStringDetector from './quote-string-detector';
class QuotedHTMLTransformer {
annotationClass = "nylas-quoted-text-segment";
// Given an html string, it will add the `annotationClass` to the DOM
// element
hideQuotedHTML(html, {keepIfWholeBodyIsQuote} = {}) {
const doc = this._parseHTML(html);
const quoteElements = this._findQuoteLikeElements(doc);
if (!keepIfWholeBodyIsQuote || !this._wholeBodyIsQuote(doc, quoteElements)) {
return this._outputHTMLFor(doc, {initialHTML: html});
hasQuotedHTML(html) {
const doc = this._parseHTML(html);
const quoteElements = this._findQuoteLikeElements(doc);
return quoteElements.length > 0;
// Public: Removes quoted text from an HTML string
// If we find a quoted text region that is "inline" with the root level
// message, meaning it has non quoted text before and after it, then we
// leave it in the message. If you set the `includeInline` option to true,
// then all inline blocks will also be removed.
// - `html` The string full of quoted text areas
// - `options`
// - `includeInline` Defaults false. If true, inline quotes are removed
// too
// - `keepIfWholeBodyIsQuote` Defaults false. If true, then it will
// check to see if the whole html body is a giant quote. If so, it will
// preserve it.
// Returns HTML without quoted text
removeQuotedHTML(html, options = {}) {
const doc = this._parseHTML(html);
const quoteElements = this._findQuoteLikeElements(doc, options);
if (!options.keepIfWholeBodyIsQuote || !this._wholeBodyIsQuote(doc, quoteElements)) {
DOMUtils.Mutating.removeElements(quoteElements, options);
// It's possible that the entire body was quoted text and we've removed everything.
if (!doc.body) {
return this._outputHTMLFor(this._parseHTML(""), {initialHTML: html});
if (!doc.children[0]) {
return this._outputHTMLFor(this._parseHTML(""), {initialHTML: html});
if (options.returnAsDOM) {
return doc;
return this._outputHTMLFor(doc, {initialHTML: html});
// Finds any trailing BR tags and removes them in place
removeTrailingBr(doc) {
const { childNodes } = doc.body;
const extraTailBrTags = [];
for (let i = childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const curr = childNodes[i];
const next = childNodes[i - 1];
if (curr && curr.nodeName === 'BR' && next && next.nodeName === 'BR') {
} else {
return DOMUtils.Mutating.removeElements(extraTailBrTags);
appendQuotedHTML(htmlWithoutQuotes, originalHTML) {
let doc = this._parseHTML(originalHTML);
const quoteElements = this._findQuoteLikeElements(doc);
doc = this._parseHTML(htmlWithoutQuotes);
for (let i = 0; i < quoteElements.length; i++) {
const node = quoteElements[i];
return this._outputHTMLFor(doc, {initialHTML: originalHTML});
restoreAnnotatedHTML(html) {
const doc = this._parseHTML(html);
const quoteElements = this._findAnnotatedElements(doc);
return this._outputHTMLFor(doc, {initialHTML: html});
_parseHTML(text) {
const domParser = new DOMParser();
let doc;
try {
doc = domParser.parseFromString(text, "text/html");
} catch (error) {
const errText = `HTML Parser Error: ${error.toString()}`;
doc = domParser.parseFromString(errText, "text/html");
// As far as we can tell, when this succeeds, doc /always/ has at least
// one child: an <html> node.
return doc;
_outputHTMLFor(doc, {initialHTML}) {
if (/<\s?head\s?>/i.test(initialHTML) || /<\s?body[\s>]/i.test(initialHTML)) {
return doc.children[0].innerHTML;
return doc.body.innerHTML;
_wholeBodyIsQuote(doc, quoteElements) {
const nonBlankChildElements = [];
for (let i = 0; i < doc.body.childNodes.length; i++) {
const child = doc.body.childNodes[i];
if (child.textContent.trim() === "") {
} else { nonBlankChildElements.push(child); }
if (nonBlankChildElements.length === 1) {
return Array.from(quoteElements).includes(nonBlankChildElements[0])
return false;
// We used to have a scheme where we cached the `doc` object, keyed by
// the md5 of the text. Unfortunately we can't do this because the
// `doc` is mutated in place. Returning clones of the DOM is just as
// bad as re-parsing from string, which is very fast anyway.
_findQuoteLikeElements(doc, {includeInline} = {}) {
const parsers = [
let quoteElements = [];
for (const parser of parsers) {
quoteElements = quoteElements.concat(parser(doc) || []);
if (!includeInline && quoteElements.length > 0) {
// This means we only want to remove quoted text that shows up at the
// end of a message. If there were non quoted content after, it'd be
// inline.
const trailingQuotes = this._findTrailingQuotes(doc, quoteElements);
// Only keep the trailing quotes so we can delete them.
quoteElements = _.intersection(quoteElements, trailingQuotes);
return _.compact(_.uniq(quoteElements));
// This will recursievly move through the DOM, bottom to top, and pick
// out quoted text blocks. It will stop when it reaches a visible
// non-quote text region.
_findTrailingQuotes(scopeElement, quoteElements = []) {
let trailingQuotes = [];
// We need to find only the child nodes that have content in them. We
// determine if it's an inline quote based on if there's VISIBLE
// content after a piece of quoted text
const nodesWithContent = DOMUtils.nodesWithContent(scopeElement);
// There may be multiple quote blocks that are sibilings of each
// other at the end of the message. We want to include all of these
// trailing quote elements.
for (let i = nodesWithContent.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const nodeWithContent = nodesWithContent[i];
if (Array.from(quoteElements).includes(nodeWithContent)) {
// This is a valid quote. Let's keep it!
// This quote block may have many more quote blocks inside of it.
// Luckily we don't need to explicitly find all of those because
// one this block gets removed from the DOM, we'll delete all
// sub-quotes as well.
} else {
const moreTrailing = this._findTrailingQuotes(nodeWithContent, quoteElements);
trailingQuotes = trailingQuotes.concat(moreTrailing);
return trailingQuotes;
_contains(node, quoteElement) {
return node === quoteElement || node.contains(quoteElement);
_findAnnotatedElements(doc) {
_annotateElements(elements = []) {
let originalDisplay;
return elements.forEach((el) => {
originalDisplay = = "none"
el.setAttribute("data-nylas-quoted-text-original-display", originalDisplay);
_removeAnnotation(elements = []) {
let originalDisplay;
return elements.forEach((el) => {
originalDisplay = el.getAttribute("data-nylas-quoted-text-original-display") = originalDisplay
_findGmailQuotes(doc) {
// Gmail creates both div.gmail_quote and blockquote.gmail_quote. The div
// version marks text but does not cause indentation, but both should be
// considered quoted text.
_findOffice365Quotes(doc) {
let elements = doc.querySelectorAll('#divRplyFwdMsg, #OLK_SRC_BODY_SECTION');
elements =;
const weirdEl = doc.getElementById('3D"divRplyFwdMsg"');
if (weirdEl) { elements.push(weirdEl); }
elements = => {
if (el.previousElementSibling && el.previousElementSibling.nodeName === "HR") {
return el.parentElement;
return el
return elements;
_findBlockquoteQuotes(doc) {
export default new QuotedHTMLTransformer();