mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 18:12:13 +08:00
fix(migration-path): Very basic database versioning with re-fetch
Summary: The diff adds very basic versioning to the database via sqlite's built-in `user_version`. If the version is bumped in DatabaseStore, it means that all existing data should be blown away and the user should have to refetch the entire cache. Critically, this does not log the user out. Test Plan: Run no new tests :-( Reviewers: evan Reviewed By: evan Differential Revision: https://phab.nylas.com/D1760
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 145 additions and 107 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
_ = require 'underscore'
NylasLongConnection = require '../src/flux/nylas-long-connection'
NylasSyncWorker = require '../src/flux/nylas-sync-worker'
Namespace = require '../src/flux/models/namespace'
Thread = require '../src/flux/models/thread'
describe "NylasSyncWorker", ->
@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ describe "NylasSyncWorker", ->
@apiRequests.push({namespace, model:'threads', params, requestOptions})
spyOn(atom.config, 'get').andCallFake (key) =>
expected = "nylas.namespace-id.worker-state"
expected = "nylas.sync-state.namespace-id"
return throw new Error("Not stubbed! #{key}") unless key is expected
return _.extend {}, {
@ -29,7 +30,8 @@ describe "NylasSyncWorker", ->
spyOn(atom.config, 'set').andCallFake (key, val) =>
@worker = new NylasSyncWorker(@api, 'namespace-id')
@namespace = new Namespace(id: 'namespace-id', organizationUnit: 'label')
@worker = new NylasSyncWorker(@api, @namespace)
@connection = @worker.connection()
it "should reset `busy` to false when reading state from disk", ->
@ -44,29 +46,29 @@ describe "NylasSyncWorker", ->
it "should start querying for model collections and counts that haven't been fully cached", ->
modelsRequested = _.compact _.map @apiRequests, ({model}) -> model
expect(modelsRequested).toEqual(['threads', 'contacts', 'files'])
expect(modelsRequested).toEqual(['threads', 'contacts', 'files', 'labels'])
countsRequested = _.compact _.map @apiRequests, ({requestOptions}) ->
if requestOptions.qs?.view is 'count'
return requestOptions.path
expect(modelsRequested).toEqual(['threads', 'contacts', 'files'])
expect(countsRequested).toEqual(['/n/namespace-id/threads', '/n/namespace-id/contacts', '/n/namespace-id/files'])
expect(modelsRequested).toEqual(['threads', 'contacts', 'files', 'labels'])
expect(countsRequested).toEqual(['/n/namespace-id/threads', '/n/namespace-id/contacts', '/n/namespace-id/files', '/n/namespace-id/labels'])
it "should mark incomplete collections as `busy`", ->
nextState = @worker.state()
for collection in ['contacts','threads','files']
for collection in ['contacts','threads','files', 'labels']
it "should initialize count and fetched to 0", ->
nextState = @worker.state()
for collection in ['contacts','threads','files']
for collection in ['contacts','threads','files', 'labels']
@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ describe "NylasSyncWorker", ->
it "should fetch collections", ->
spyOn(@worker, 'fetchCollection')
expect(@worker.fetchCollection.calls.map (call) -> call.args[0]).toEqual(['threads', 'calendars', 'contacts', 'files'])
expect(@worker.fetchCollection.calls.map (call) -> call.args[0]).toEqual(['threads', 'calendars', 'contacts', 'files', 'labels'])
describe "fetchCollection", ->
beforeEach ->
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class Application
@nylasProtocolHandler = new NylasProtocolHandler(@resourcePath, @safeMode)
@databaseManager = new DatabaseManager({@resourcePath})
@databaseManager.on "setup-error", @_logout
@databaseManager.on "setup-error", @_rebuildDatabase
@ -131,9 +131,20 @@ class Application
app.commandLine.appendSwitch 'js-flags', '--harmony'
_logout: =>
@config.set('nylas', null)
@config.set('edgehill', null)
@databaseManager.deleteAllDatabases().then =>
@config.set('nylas', null)
@config.set('edgehill', null)
_rebuildDatabase: =>
type: 'info'
message: 'Uprading Nylas'
detail: 'Welcome back to Nylas! We need to rebuild your mailbox to support new features. Please wait a few moments while we re-sync your mail.'
buttons: ['OK']
@databaseManager.deleteAllDatabases().then =>
@config.set("nylas.sync-state", {})
# Registers basic application commands, non-idempotent.
# Note: If these events are triggered while an application window is open, the window
@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ class DatabaseManager
# return a promise because they don't work across the IPC bridge.
# Returns nothing
prepare: (databasePath, callback) =>
prepare: (databasePath, databaseVersion, callback) =>
if @_databases[databasePath]
@_prepPromises[databasePath] ?= @_createNewDatabase(databasePath)
@_prepPromises[databasePath] ?= @_createNewDatabase(databasePath, databaseVersion)
@_prepPromises[databasePath].then(callback).catch (err) ->
console.error "Error preparing the database"
console.error "DatabaseManager: Error in prepare:"
console.error err
@ -54,13 +54,19 @@ class DatabaseManager
for path, val of @_databases
deleteAllDatabases: ->
Object.keys(@_databases).forEach (path) =>
db = @_databases[path]
db.on 'close', -> fs.unlinkSync(path)
deleteDatabase: (db, path) =>
new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
delete @_databases[path]
delete @_prepPromises[path]
db.on 'close', ->
if fs.existsSync(path)
deleteAllDatabases: ->
Promise.all(_.map(@_databases, @deleteDatabase)).catch (err) ->
onIPCDatabaseQuery: (event, {databasePath, queryKey, query, values}) =>
db = @_databases[databasePath]
@ -77,8 +83,12 @@ class DatabaseManager
# Resolves when a new database has been created and the initial setup
# migration has run successfuly.
_createNewDatabase: (databasePath) ->
# Rejects with an Error if setup fails or if the database is too old.
_createNewDatabase: (databasePath, databaseVersion) ->
@_getDBAdapter().then (dbAdapter) =>
creating = not fs.existsSync(databasePath)
# Create a new database for the requested path
db = dbAdapter(databasePath)
@ -87,15 +97,36 @@ class DatabaseManager
# still allow queries to be made.
db.ignoreErrors = true
# Resolves when the DB has been initalized
@_runSetupQueries(db, @_setupQueries[databasePath])
cleanupAfterError = (err) =>
@deleteDatabase(db, databasePath).then =>
@emit("setup-error", err)
return Promise.reject(err)
if creating
versionCheck = @_setDatabaseVersion(db, databaseVersion)
versionCheck = @_checkDatabaseVersion(db, databaseVersion)
.then =>
@_databases[databasePath] = db
return Promise.resolve()
.catch (err) =>
console.error("DatabaseManager: Error running setup queries: #{err?.message}")
@emit("setup-error", err)
return Promise.reject(err)
@_runSetupQueries(db, @_setupQueries[databasePath])
.then =>
@_databases[databasePath] = db
return Promise.resolve()
_setDatabaseVersion: (db, databaseVersion) ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
db.query("PRAGMA user_version=#{databaseVersion}", [], null, resolve)
_checkDatabaseVersion: (db, databaseVersion) ->
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
db.query "PRAGMA user_version", [], null, (currentVersion) ->
if currentVersion/1 isnt databaseVersion/1
reject(new Error("Incorrect database schema version: #{currentVersion} not #{databaseVersion}"))
# Takes a set of queries to initialize the database with
@ -45,12 +45,6 @@ class NylasAPIRequest
run: ->
if atom.getLoadSettings().isSpec
return Promise.resolve()
if not @api.APIToken
return Promise.reject(new Error('Cannot make Nylas request without auth token.'))
new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
req = request @options, (error, response, body) =>
PriorityUICoordinator.settle.then =>
@ -134,10 +128,10 @@ class NylasAPI
workerForNamespace: (namespace) =>
worker = _.find @_workers, (c) -> c.namespaceId() is namespace.id
worker = _.find @_workers, (c) -> c.namespace().id is namespace.id
return worker if worker
worker = new NylasSyncWorker(@, namespace.id)
worker = new NylasSyncWorker(@, namespace)
connection = worker.connection()
connection.onStateChange (state) ->
@ -184,8 +178,8 @@ class NylasAPI
return Promise.resolve()
if not @APIToken
console.log('Cannot make Nylas request without auth token.')
return Promise.reject()
err = new APIError(statusCode: 400, body: 'Cannot make Nylas request without auth token.')
return Promise.reject(err)
success = (body) =>
if options.beforeProcessing
@ -12,20 +12,20 @@ class NylasSyncWorker
@include: CoffeeHelpers.includeModule
@include Publisher
constructor: (api, namespaceId) ->
constructor: (api, namespace) ->
@_api = api
@_namespaceId = namespaceId
@_namespace = namespace
@_terminated = false
@_connection = new NylasLongConnection(api, namespaceId)
@_state = atom.config.get("nylas.#{namespaceId}.worker-state") ? {}
@_connection = new NylasLongConnection(api, namespace.id)
@_state = atom.config.get("nylas.sync-state.#{namespace.id}") ? {}
for model, modelState of @_state
modelState.busy = false
namespaceId: ->
namespace: ->
connection: ->
@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ class NylasSyncWorker
if @_namespace.usesLabels()
if @_namespace.usesFolders()
fetchCollection: (model, options = {}) ->
return if @_state[model]?.complete and not options.force?
@ -73,7 +77,7 @@ class NylasSyncWorker
fetchCollectionCount: (model) ->
path: "/n/#{@_namespaceId}/#{model}"
path: "/n/#{@_namespace.id}/#{model}"
returnsModel: false
view: 'count'
@ -99,9 +103,9 @@ class NylasSyncWorker
@updateTransferState(model, {fetched: lastReceivedIndex, busy: false, complete: true})
if model is 'threads'
@_api.getThreads(@_namespaceId, params, requestOptions)
@_api.getThreads(@_namespace.id, params, requestOptions)
@_api.getCollection(@_namespaceId, model, params, requestOptions)
@_api.getCollection(@_namespace.id, model, params, requestOptions)
updateTransferState: (model, {busy, error, complete, fetched, count}) ->
@_state[model] = _.defaults({busy, error, complete, fetched, count}, @_state[model])
@ -109,7 +113,7 @@ class NylasSyncWorker
writeState: ->
@_writeState ?= _.debounce =>
atom.config.set("nylas.#{@_namespaceId}.worker-state", @_state)
atom.config.set("nylas.sync-state.#{@_namespace.id}", @_state)
@ -10,10 +10,8 @@ class CategoryStore extends NylasStore
constructor: ->
@_categoryCache = {}
@listenTo DatabaseStore, @_onDBChanged
@listenTo NamespaceStore, @_onNamespaceChanged
@listenTo NamespaceStore, @_refreshCacheFromDB
# and labels: an extended version of [RFC-6154]
# (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6154), returned as the name of the
@ -32,9 +30,28 @@ class CategoryStore extends NylasStore
AllMailName: "all"
byId: (id) -> @_categoryCache[id]
categories: -> _.values @_categoryCache
categoryLabel: -> @_categoryLabel
categoryLabel: ->
namespace = NamespaceStore.current()
return "Unknown" unless namespace
if namespace.usesFolders()
return "Folders"
else if namespace.usesLabels()
return "Labels"
return "Unknown"
categoryClass: ->
namespace = NamespaceStore.current()
return null unless namespace
if namespace.usesFolders()
return Folder
else if namespace.usesLabels()
return Label
return null
# It's possible for this to return `null`. For example, Gmail likely
# doesn't have an `archive` label.
@ -44,34 +61,19 @@ class CategoryStore extends NylasStore
return _.findWhere @_categoryCache, {name}
_onDBChanged: (change) ->
return unless @_klass and change?.objectClass == @_klass.name
categoryClass = @categoryClass()
return unless categoryClass
_refreshDBFromAPI: ->
NylasAPI.getCollection @_namespace.id, @_endpoint
if change and change.objectClass is categoryClass.name
_refreshCacheFromDB: ->
return unless @_klass
DatabaseStore.findAll(@_klass).then (categories=[]) =>
categoryClass = @categoryClass()
return unless categoryClass
DatabaseStore.findAll(categoryClass).then (categories=[]) =>
@_categoryCache = {}
@_categoryCache[category.id] = category for category in categories
_onNamespaceChanged: ->
@_namespace = NamespaceStore.current()
return unless @_namespace
if @_namespace.usesFolders()
@_klass = Folder
@_endpoint = "folders"
@_categoryLabel = "Folders"
else if @_namespace.usesLabels()
@_klass = Label
@_endpoint = "labels"
@_categoryLabel = "Labels"
throw new Error("Invalid organizationUnit")
module.exports = new CategoryStore()
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ DEBUG_TO_LOG = false
# currently running and fires promise callbacks when complete.
class DatabaseConnection
constructor: (@_databasePath) ->
constructor: (@_databasePath, @_databaseVersion) ->
@_queryId = 0
@_windowId = remote.getCurrentWindow().id
@_isConnected = false
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class DatabaseConnection
# all have `IF NOT EXISTS` clauses in them.
databaseManager.addSetupQueries(@_databasePath, @_setupQueries())
databaseManager.prepare @_databasePath, =>
databaseManager.prepare @_databasePath, @_databaseVersion, =>
@_isConnected = true
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class DatabaseConnection
# handlers
query: (query, values=[], options={}) =>
if not query
throw new Error("no query")
throw new Error("DatabaseConnection: You need to provide a query string.")
return new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
@_queryId += 1
@ -125,15 +125,6 @@ class DatabaseConnection
console.error("DatabaseStore: Query #{query}, #{JSON.stringify(values)} failed #{message ? ""}")
## TODO: Make these a nicer migration-based system
_setupQueries: ->
queries = []
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ DatabaseConnection = require './database-connection'
isTempId} = require '../models/utils'
DatabaseVersion = 4
Public: Nylas Mail is built on top of a custom database layer modeled after
ActiveRecord. For many parts of the application, the database is the source
@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ class DatabaseStore extends NylasStore
@_databasePath = path.join(atom.getConfigDirPath(),'edgehill.db')
@_dbConnection = new DatabaseConnection(@_databasePath)
@_dbConnection = new DatabaseConnection(@_databasePath, DatabaseVersion)
# It's important that this defer is here because we can't let queries
# commence while the app is in its `require` phase. We'll queue all of
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class NamespaceStore
if saveState and _.isObject(saveState)
savedNamespace = (new Namespace).fromJSON(saveState)
if savedNamespace.usesLabels() or savedNamespace.usesFolders()
@_current = savedNamespace
@_namespaces = [@_current]
@listenTo Actions.selectNamespaceId, @onSelectNamespaceId
@ -42,18 +42,18 @@ class NamespaceStore
current = _.find namespaces, (n) -> n.id is @_current?.id
current = namespaces?[0] unless current
if current and (current.usesLabels() or current.usesFolders())
if not _.isEqual(current, @_current) or not _.isEqual(namespaces, @_namespaces)
atom.config.set(saveStateKey, current)
@_current = current
@_namespaces = namespaces
DatabaseStore.unpersistModel(current) if current
if not _.isEqual(current, @_current) or not _.isEqual(namespaces, @_namespaces)
@_namespaces = namespaces
.catch (err) =>
console.warn("Request for Namespaces failed. #{err}", err.stack)
_setCurrent: (current) =>
atom.config.set(saveStateKey, current)
@_current = current
# Inbound Events
onDataChanged: (change) =>
@ -2,13 +2,17 @@ fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
request = require 'request'
detailedLogging = false
detailedLog = (msg) ->
console.log(msg) if detailedLogging
module.exports = (dir, regexPattern) ->
callback = @async()
console.log("Running log ship: #{dir}, #{regexPattern}")
fs.readdir dir, (err, files) ->
console.log("readdir error: #{err}") if err
log("readdir error: #{err}") if err
logs = []
logFilter = new RegExp(regexPattern)
for file in files
@ -24,13 +28,10 @@ module.exports = (dir, regexPattern) ->
if logs.length is 0
console.log("No logs found to upload.")
detailedLog("No logs found to upload.")
console.log("Uploading #{logs} to S3")
# The AWS Module does some really interesting stuff - it loads it's configuration
# from JSON files. Unfortunately, when the app is built into an ASAR bundle, child
# processes forked from the main process can't seem to access files inside the archive,
@ -57,8 +58,8 @@ module.exports = (dir, regexPattern) ->
remaining += 1
bucket.upload params, (err, data) ->
if err
console.log("Error uploading #{key}: #{err.toString()}")
detailedLog("Error uploading #{key}: #{err.toString()}")
console.log("Successfully uploaded #{key}")
detailedLog("Successfully uploaded #{key}")
Reference in a new issue