Remove ancient Atom Task, BufferedProcess, Color support in config

This commit is contained in:
Ben Gotow 2017-07-30 16:54:07 -07:00
parent d2238d2a4a
commit 5809d9bf47
10 changed files with 2 additions and 686 deletions

View file

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
ChildProcess = require 'child_process'
path = require 'path'
BufferedProcess = require '../src/buffered-process'
describe "BufferedProcess", ->
describe "when a bad command is specified", ->
[oldOnError] = []
beforeEach ->
oldOnError = window.onerror
window.onerror = jasmine.createSpy()
afterEach ->
window.onerror = oldOnError
describe "when there is an error handler specified", ->
it "calls the error handler and does not throw an exception", ->
p = new BufferedProcess
command: 'bad-command-nope'
args: ['nothing']
options: {}
errorSpy = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake (error) -> error.handle()
waitsFor -> errorSpy.callCount > 0
runs ->
expect(errorSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0].error.message).toContain 'spawn bad-command-nope ENOENT'
# describe "when there is not an error handler specified", ->
# it "calls the error handler and does not throw an exception", ->
# spyOn(process, "nextTick").andCallFake (fn) -> fn()
# try
# p = new BufferedProcess
# command: 'bad-command-nope'
# args: ['nothing']
# options: {stdout: 'ignore'}
# catch error
# expect(error.message).toContain 'Failed to spawn command `bad-command-nope`'
# expect( 'BufferedProcessError'
describe "on Windows", ->
originalPlatform = null
beforeEach ->
# Prevent any commands from actually running and affecting the host
originalSpawn = ChildProcess.spawn
spyOn(ChildProcess, 'spawn').andCallFake ->
# Just spawn something that won't actually modify the host
if originalPlatform is 'win32'
originalPlatform = process.platform
Object.defineProperty process, 'platform', value: 'win32'
afterEach ->
Object.defineProperty process, 'platform', value: originalPlatform
describe "when the explorer command is spawned on Windows", ->
it "doesn't quote arguments of the form /root,C...", ->
new BufferedProcess({command: 'explorer.exe', args: ['/root,C:\\foo']})
expect(ChildProcess.spawn.argsForCall[0][1][2]).toBe '"explorer.exe /root,C:\\foo"'
it "spawns the command using a cmd.exe wrapper", ->
new BufferedProcess({command: 'dir'})
expect(path.basename(ChildProcess.spawn.argsForCall[0][0])).toBe 'cmd.exe'
expect(ChildProcess.spawn.argsForCall[0][1][0]).toBe '/s'
expect(ChildProcess.spawn.argsForCall[0][1][1]).toBe '/c'
expect(ChildProcess.spawn.argsForCall[0][1][2]).toBe '"dir"'

View file

@ -120,9 +120,6 @@ class N1SpecRunner {
return NylasEnv.saveSync();
// On load this will extend the window object
_addReporters() {

View file

@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
_ = require 'underscore'
ChildProcess = require 'child_process'
{Emitter} = require 'event-kit'
path = require 'path'
# Extended: A wrapper which provides standard error/output line buffering for
# Node's ChildProcess.
# ## Examples
# ```coffee
# {BufferedProcess} = require 'nylas-exports'
# command = 'ps'
# args = ['-ef']
# stdout = (output) -> console.log(output)
# exit = (code) -> console.log("ps -ef exited with #{code}")
# process = new BufferedProcess({command, args, stdout, exit})
# ```
module.exports =
class BufferedProcess
Section: Construction
# Public: Runs the given command by spawning a new child process.
# * `options` An {Object} with the following keys:
# * `command` The {String} command to execute.
# * `args` The {Array} of arguments to pass to the command (optional).
# * `options` {Object} (optional) The options {Object} to pass to Node's
# `ChildProcess.spawn` method.
# * `stdout` {Function} (optional) The callback that receives a single
# argument which contains the standard output from the command. The
# callback is called as data is received but it's buffered to ensure only
# complete lines are passed until the source stream closes. After the
# source stream has closed all remaining data is sent in a final call.
# * `data` {String}
# * `stderr` {Function} (optional) The callback that receives a single
# argument which contains the standard error output from the command. The
# callback is called as data is received but it's buffered to ensure only
# complete lines are passed until the source stream closes. After the
# source stream has closed all remaining data is sent in a final call.
# * `data` {String}
# * `exit` {Function} (optional) The callback which receives a single
# argument containing the exit status.
# * `code` {Number}
constructor: ({command, args, options, stdout, stderr, exit}={}) ->
@emitter = new Emitter
options ?= {}
@command = command
# Related to joyent/node#2318
if process.platform is 'win32'
# Quote all arguments and escapes inner quotes
if args?
cmdArgs = args.filter (arg) -> arg?
cmdArgs = (arg) =>
if @isExplorerCommand(command) and /^\/[a-zA-Z]+,.*$/.test(arg)
# Don't wrap /root,C:\folder style arguments to explorer calls in
# quotes since they will not be interpreted correctly if they are
"\"#{arg.toString().replace(/"/g, '\\"')}\""
cmdArgs = []
if /\s/.test(command)
cmdArgs = ['/s', '/c', "\"#{cmdArgs.join(' ')}\""]
cmdOptions = _.clone(options)
cmdOptions.windowsVerbatimArguments = true
@spawn(@getCmdPath(), cmdArgs, cmdOptions)
@spawn(command, args, options)
@killed = false
@handleEvents(stdout, stderr, exit)
Section: Event Subscription
# Public: Will call your callback when an error will be raised by the process.
# Usually this is due to the command not being available or not on the PATH.
# You can call `handle()` on the object passed to your callback to indicate
# that you have handled this error.
# * `callback` {Function} callback
# * `errorObject` {Object}
# * `error` {Object} the error object
# * `handle` {Function} call this to indicate you have handled the error.
# The error will not be thrown if this function is called.
# Returns a {Disposable}
onWillThrowError: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'will-throw-error', callback
Section: Helper Methods
# Helper method to pass data line by line.
# * `stream` The Stream to read from.
# * `onLines` The callback to call with each line of data.
# * `onDone` The callback to call when the stream has closed.
bufferStream: (stream, onLines, onDone) ->
buffered = ''
stream.on 'data', (data) =>
return if @killed
buffered += data
lastNewlineIndex = buffered.lastIndexOf('\n')
if lastNewlineIndex isnt -1
onLines(buffered.substring(0, lastNewlineIndex + 1))
buffered = buffered.substring(lastNewlineIndex + 1)
stream.on 'close', =>
return if @killed
onLines(buffered) if buffered.length > 0
# Kill all child processes of the spawned cmd.exe process on Windows.
# This is required since killing the cmd.exe does not terminate child
# processes.
killOnWindows: ->
return unless @process?
parentPid =
cmd = 'wmic'
args = [
wmicProcess = ChildProcess.spawn(cmd, args)
catch spawnError
wmicProcess.on 'error', -> # ignore errors
output = ''
wmicProcess.stdout.on 'data', (data) -> output += data
wmicProcess.stdout.on 'close', =>
pidsToKill = output.split(/\s+/)
.filter (pid) -> /^\d+$/.test(pid)
.map (pid) -> parseInt(pid)
.filter (pid) -> pid isnt parentPid and 0 < pid < Infinity
for pid in pidsToKill
killProcess: ->
@process = null
isExplorerCommand: (command) ->
if command is 'explorer.exe' or command is 'explorer'
else if process.env.SystemRoot
command is path.join(process.env.SystemRoot, 'explorer.exe') or command is path.join(process.env.SystemRoot, 'explorer')
getCmdPath: ->
if process.env.comspec
else if process.env.SystemRoot
path.join(process.env.SystemRoot, 'System32', 'cmd.exe')
# Public: Terminate the process.
kill: ->
return if @killed
@killed = true
if process.platform is 'win32'
spawn: (command, args, options) ->
@process = ChildProcess.spawn(command, args, options)
catch spawnError
setTimeout((=> @handleError(spawnError)), 0)
handleEvents: (stdout, stderr, exit) ->
return unless @process?
stdoutClosed = true
stderrClosed = true
processExited = true
exitCode = 0
triggerExitCallback = ->
return if @killed
if stdoutClosed and stderrClosed and processExited
if stdout
stdoutClosed = false
@bufferStream @process.stdout, stdout, ->
stdoutClosed = true
if stderr
stderrClosed = false
@bufferStream @process.stderr, stderr, ->
stderrClosed = true
if exit
processExited = false
@process.on 'exit', (code) ->
exitCode = code
processExited = true
@process.on 'error', (error) => @handleError(error)
handleError: (error) ->
handled = false
handle = -> handled = true
@emitter.emit 'will-throw-error', {error, handle}
if error.code is 'ENOENT' and error.syscall.indexOf('spawn') is 0
error = new Error("Failed to spawn command `#{@command}`. Make sure `#{@command}` is installed and on your PATH", error.path) = 'BufferedProcessError'
throw error unless handled

View file

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
_ = require 'underscore'
ParsedColor = null
# Essential: A simple color class returned from {Config::get} when the value
# at the key path is of type 'color'.
module.exports =
class Color
# Essential: Parse a {String} or {Object} into a {Color}.
# * `value` A {String} such as `'white'`, `#ff00ff`, or
# `'rgba(255, 15, 60, .75)'` or an {Object} with `red`, `green`, `blue`,
# and `alpha` properties.
# Returns a {Color} or `null` if it cannot be parsed.
@parse: (value) ->
return null if _.isArray(value) or _.isFunction(value)
return null unless _.isObject(value) or _.isString(value)
ParsedColor ?= require 'color'
parsedColor = new ParsedColor(value)
catch error
return null
new Color(,,, parsedColor.alpha())
constructor: (red, green, blue, alpha) ->
Object.defineProperties this,
set: (newRed) -> red = parseColor(newRed)
get: -> red
enumerable: true
configurable: false
set: (newGreen) -> green = parseColor(newGreen)
get: -> green
enumerable: true
configurable: false
set: (newBlue) -> blue = parseColor(newBlue)
get: -> blue
enumerable: true
configurable: false
set: (newAlpha) -> alpha = parseAlpha(newAlpha)
get: -> alpha
enumerable: true
configurable: false
@red = red
@green = green
@blue = blue
@alpha = alpha
# Essential: Returns a {String} in the form `'#abcdef'`.
toHexString: ->
# Essential: Returns a {String} in the form `'rgba(25, 50, 75, .9)'`.
toRGBAString: ->
"rgba(#{@red}, #{@green}, #{@blue}, #{@alpha})"
isEqual: (color) ->
return true if this is color
color = Color.parse(color) unless color instanceof Color
return false unless color? is @red and is @blue and is @green and color.alpha is @alpha
clone: -> new Color(@red, @green, @blue, @alpha)
parseColor = (color) ->
color = parseInt(color)
color = 0 if isNaN(color)
color = Math.max(color, 0)
color = Math.min(color, 255)
parseAlpha = (alpha) ->
alpha = parseFloat(alpha)
alpha = 1 if isNaN(alpha)
alpha = Math.max(alpha, 0)
alpha = Math.min(alpha, 1)
numberToHexString = (number) ->
hex = number.toString(16)
hex = "0#{hex}" if number < 10

View file

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ fs = require 'fs-plus'
EmitterMixin = require('emissary').Emitter
{CompositeDisposable, Disposable, Emitter} = require 'event-kit'
Color = require './color'
if process.type is 'renderer'
app = remote.getGlobal('application')
webContentsId = remote.getCurrentWebContents().getId()
@ -218,21 +216,6 @@ else
# maximum: 11.5
# ```
# #### color
# Values will be coerced into a {Color} with `red`, `green`, `blue`, and `alpha`
# properties that all have numeric values. `red`, `green`, `blue` will be in
# the range 0 to 255 and `value` will be in the range 0 to 1. Values can be any
# valid CSS color format such as `#abc`, `#abcdef`, `white`,
# `rgb(50, 100, 150)`, and `rgba(25, 75, 125, .75)`.
# ```coffee
# config:
# someSetting:
# type: 'color'
# default: 'white'
# ```
# ### Other Supported Keys
# #### enum
@ -593,9 +576,7 @@ class Config
@_logError("Failed to set keypath to default: #{keyPath} = #{JSON.stringify(defaults)}", e)
deepClone: (object) ->
if object instanceof Color
else if _.isArray(object)
if _.isArray(object) (value) => @deepClone(value)
else if isPlainObject(object)
_.mapObject object, (value) => @deepClone(value)
@ -725,13 +706,6 @@ Config.addSchemaEnforcers
coerce: (keyPath, value, schema) ->
color = Color.parse(value)
unless color?
throw new Error("Validation failed at #{keyPath}, #{JSON.stringify(value)} cannot be coerced into a color")
coerceMinimumAndMaximum: (keyPath, value, schema) ->
return value unless typeof value is 'number'
@ -752,7 +726,7 @@ Config.addSchemaEnforcers
throw new Error("Validation failed at #{keyPath}, #{JSON.stringify(value)} is not one of #{JSON.stringify(possibleValues)}")
isPlainObject = (value) ->
_.isObject(value) and not _.isArray(value) and not _.isFunction(value) and not _.isString(value) and not (value instanceof Color)
_.isObject(value) and not _.isArray(value) and not _.isFunction(value) and not _.isString(value)
splitKeyPath = (keyPath) ->
return [] unless keyPath?

View file

@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
// Extend the standard promise class a bit
import './promise-extensions';
import './window';
import NylasEnvConstructor from './nylas-env';
window.NylasEnv = window.atom = NylasEnvConstructor.loadOrCreate();

View file

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
{userAgent, taskPath} = process.env
handler = null
setupGlobals = ->
global.attachEvent = ->
console =
warn: -> emit 'task:warn', arguments...
log: -> emit 'task:log', arguments...
error: -> emit 'task:error', arguments...
trace: ->
global.__defineGetter__ 'console', -> console
global.document =
createElement: ->
setAttribute: ->
getElementsByTagName: -> []
appendChild: ->
insertBefore: ->
removeChild: ->
getElementById: -> {}
createComment: -> {}
createDocumentFragment: -> {}
global.emit = (event, args...) ->
process.send({event, args})
global.navigator = {userAgent}
global.window = global
handleEvents = ->
process.on 'unhandledRejection', (reason, promise) ->
console.error(reason.stack, promise)
process.on 'uncaughtException', (error) ->
console.error(error.message, error.stack)
process.on 'message', ({event, args}={}) ->
return unless event is 'start'
isAsync = false
async = ->
isAsync = true
(result) ->
emit('task:completed', result)
result = handler.bind({async})(args...)
emit('task:completed', result) unless isAsync
handler = require(taskPath)

View file

@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
_ = require 'underscore'
ChildProcess = require 'child_process'
{Emitter} = require 'event-kit'
# Extended: Run a node script in a separate process.
# Used by the fuzzy-finder and [find in project](
# For a real-world example, see the [scan-handler](
# and the [instantiation of the task](
# ## Examples
# In your package code:
# ```coffee
# {Task} = require './task'
# task = Task.once '/path/to/', parameter1, parameter2, ->
# console.log 'task has finished'
# task.on 'some-event-from-the-task', (data) =>
# console.log data.someString # prints 'yep this is it'
# ```
# In `'/path/to/'`:
# ```coffee
# module.exports = (parameter1, parameter2) ->
# # Indicates that this task will be async.
# # Call the `callback` to finish the task
# callback = @async()
# emit('some-event-from-the-task', {someString: 'yep this is it'})
# callback()
# ```
module.exports =
class Task
# Public: A helper method to easily launch and run a task once.
# * `taskPath` The {String} path to the CoffeeScript/JavaScript file which
# exports a single {Function} to execute.
# * `args` The arguments to pass to the exported function.
# Returns the created {Task}.
@once: (taskPath, args...) ->
task = new Task(taskPath)
task.once 'task:completed', -> task.terminate()
# Called upon task completion.
# It receives the same arguments that were passed to the task.
# If subclassed, this is intended to be overridden. However if {::start}
# receives a completion callback, this is overridden.
callback: null
# Public: Creates a task. You should probably use {.once}
# * `taskPath` The {String} path to the CoffeeScript/JavaScript file that
# exports a single {Function} to execute.
constructor: (taskPath) ->
@emitter = new Emitter
compileCacheRequire = "require('#{require.resolve('./compile-cache')}')"
compileCachePath = require('./compile-cache').getCacheDirectory()
taskBootstrapRequire = "require('#{require.resolve('./task-bootstrap')}');"
bootstrap = """
bootstrap = bootstrap.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")
taskPath = require.resolve(taskPath)
taskPath = taskPath.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")
env = Object.assign({}, process.env, {taskPath, userAgent: 'NylasMail'})
@childProcess = ChildProcess.fork '--eval', [bootstrap], {env, silent: true}
@on "task:log", -> console.log(arguments...)
@on "task:warn", -> console.warn(arguments...)
@on "task:error", -> console.error(arguments...)
@on "task:completed", (args...) => @callback?(args...)
# Routes messages from the child to the appropriate event.
handleEvents: ->
@childProcess.on 'message', ({event, args}) =>
@emitter.emit(event, args) if @childProcess?
# Catch the errors that happened before task-bootstrap.
if @childProcess.stdout?
@childProcess.stdout.on 'data', (data) -> console.log data.toString()
if @childProcess.stderr?
@childProcess.stderr.on 'data', (data) -> console.error data.toString()
# Public: Starts the task.
# Throws an error if this task has already been terminated or if sending a
# message to the child process fails.
# * `args` The arguments to pass to the function exported by this task's script.
# * `callback` (optional) A {Function} to call when the task completes.
start: (args..., callback) ->
throw new Error('Cannot start terminated process') unless @childProcess?
if _.isFunction(callback)
@callback = callback
@send({event: 'start', args})
# Public: Send message to the task.
# Throws an error if this task has already been terminated or if sending a
# message to the child process fails.
# * `message` The message to send to the task.
send: (message) ->
if @childProcess?
throw new Error('Cannot send message to terminated process')
# Public: Call a function when an event is emitted by the child process
# * `eventName` The {String} name of the event to handle.
# * `callback` The {Function} to call when the event is emitted.
# Returns a {Disposable} that can be used to stop listening for the event.
on: (eventName, callback) -> @emitter.on eventName, (args) -> callback(args...)
once: (eventName, callback) ->
disposable = @on eventName, (args...) ->
# Public: Forcefully stop the running task.
# No more events are emitted once this method is called.
terminate: ->
return false unless @childProcess?
@childProcess = null
cancel: ->
didForcefullyTerminate = @terminate()
if didForcefullyTerminate

View file

@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
// Extend the standard promise class a bit
import './promise-extensions';
// Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
import './window';
import NylasEnvConstructor from './nylas-env';
window.NylasEnv = NylasEnvConstructor.loadOrCreate();

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# Public: Measure how long a function takes to run.
# description - A {String} description that will be logged to the console when
# the function completes.
# fn - A {Function} to measure the duration of.
# Returns the value returned by the given function.
window.measure = (description, fn) ->
start =
value = fn()
result = - start
console.log description, result
# Public: Create a dev tools profile for a function.
# description - A {String} description that will be available in the Profiles
# tab of the dev tools.
# fn - A {Function} to profile.
# Returns the value returned by the given function.
window.profile = (description, fn) ->
measure description, ->
value = fn()