diff --git a/internal_packages/composer/lib/composer-view.cjsx b/internal_packages/composer/lib/composer-view.cjsx
index 3248d92db..26ceded46 100644
--- a/internal_packages/composer/lib/composer-view.cjsx
+++ b/internal_packages/composer/lib/composer-view.cjsx
@@ -493,7 +493,11 @@ class ComposerView extends React.Component
_sendDraft: (options = {}) =>
return unless @_proxy
- return if @state.isSending
+ # We need to check the `DraftStore` instead of `@state.isSending`
+ # because the `DraftStore` is immediately and synchronously updated as
+ # soon as this function fires. Since `setState` is asynchronous, if we
+ # used that as our only check, then we might get a false reading.
+ return if DraftStore.isSendingDraft(@props.localId)
draft = @_proxy.draft()
remote = require('remote')
@@ -570,7 +574,6 @@ class ComposerView extends React.Component
@setState {showcc: true}
_onSendingStateChanged: =>
@setState isSending: DraftStore.isSendingDraft(@props.localId)
diff --git a/internal_packages/composer/spec/composer-view-spec.cjsx b/internal_packages/composer/spec/composer-view-spec.cjsx
index 62af958f3..2542f1467 100644
--- a/internal_packages/composer/spec/composer-view-spec.cjsx
+++ b/internal_packages/composer/spec/composer-view-spec.cjsx
@@ -48,9 +48,10 @@ draftStoreProxyStub = (localId, returnedDraft) ->
listen: -> ->
draft: -> (returnedDraft ? new Message(draft: true))
draftLocalId: localId
+ cleanup: ->
add: ->
- commit: ->
+ commit: -> Promise.resolve()
applyToModel: ->
searchContactStub = (email) ->
@@ -100,33 +101,37 @@ describe "A blank composer view", ->
it "shows and focuses on bcc field when already open", ->
+# This will setup the mocks necessary to make the composer element (once
+# mounted) think it's attached to the given draft. This mocks out the
+# proxy system used by the composer.
+DRAFT_LOCAL_ID = "local-123"
+useDraft = (draftAttributes={}) ->
+ @draft = new Message _.extend({draft: true, body: ""}, draftAttributes)
+ draft = @draft
+ proxy = draftStoreProxyStub(DRAFT_LOCAL_ID, @draft)
+ spyOn(DraftStore, "sessionForLocalId").andCallFake -> new Promise (resolve, reject) -> resolve(proxy)
+ spyOn(ComposerView.prototype, "componentWillMount").andCallFake ->
+ @_prepareForDraft(DRAFT_LOCAL_ID)
+ @_setupSession(proxy)
+useFullDraft = ->
+ useDraft.call @,
+ from: [u1]
+ to: [u2]
+ cc: [u3, u4]
+ bcc: [u5]
+ subject: "Test Message 1"
+ body: "Hello World
This is a test"
+makeComposer = ->
+ @composer = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
+ )
describe "populated composer", ->
- # This will setup the mocks necessary to make the composer element (once
- # mounted) think it's attached to the given draft. This mocks out the
- # proxy system used by the composer.
- DRAFT_LOCAL_ID = "local-123"
- useDraft = (draftAttributes={}) ->
- @draft = new Message _.extend({draft: true, body: ""}, draftAttributes)
- draft = @draft
- proxy = draftStoreProxyStub(DRAFT_LOCAL_ID, @draft)
- spyOn(DraftStore, "sessionForLocalId").andCallFake -> new Promise (resolve, reject) -> resolve(proxy)
- spyOn(ComposerView.prototype, "componentWillMount").andCallFake ->
- @_prepareForDraft(DRAFT_LOCAL_ID)
- @_setupSession(proxy)
- useFullDraft = ->
- useDraft.call @,
- from: [u1]
- to: [u2]
- cc: [u3, u4]
- bcc: [u5]
- subject: "Test Message 1"
- body: "Hello World
This is a test"
- makeComposer = ->
- @composer = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
- )
+ beforeEach ->
+ @isSending = {state: false}
+ spyOn(DraftStore, "isSendingDraft").andCallFake => @isSending.state
describe "When displaying info from a draft", ->
beforeEach ->
@@ -299,13 +304,6 @@ describe "populated composer", ->
spyOn(@dialog, "showMessageBox")
spyOn(Actions, "sendDraft")
- it "doesn't send twice", ->
- useFullDraft.call(@)
- makeComposer.call(@)
- @composer._sendDraft()
- @composer._sendDraft()
- expect(Actions.sendDraft.calls.length).toBe 1
it "shows a warning if there are no recipients", ->
useDraft.call @, subject: "no recipients"
@@ -430,15 +428,12 @@ describe "populated composer", ->
expect(Actions.sendDraft.calls.length).toBe 1
- simulateDraftStore = ->
- spyOn(DraftStore, "isSendingDraft").andReturn true
- DraftStore.trigger()
it "doesn't send twice if you double click", ->
useFullDraft.apply(@); makeComposer.call(@)
sendBtn = React.findDOMNode(@composer.refs.sendButton)
ReactTestUtils.Simulate.click sendBtn
- simulateDraftStore()
+ @isSending.state = true
+ DraftStore.trigger()
ReactTestUtils.Simulate.click sendBtn
expect(Actions.sendDraft.calls.length).toBe 1
@@ -449,23 +444,23 @@ describe "populated composer", ->
cover = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@composer, "composer-cover")
expect(React.findDOMNode(cover).style.display).toBe "none"
ReactTestUtils.Simulate.click sendBtn
- simulateDraftStore()
+ @isSending.state = true
+ DraftStore.trigger()
expect(React.findDOMNode(cover).style.display).toBe "block"
expect(@composer.state.isSending).toBe true
it "re-enables the composer if sending threw an error", ->
- sending = null
- spyOn(DraftStore, "isSendingDraft").andCallFake => return sending
+ @isSending.state = null
useFullDraft.apply(@); makeComposer.call(@)
sendBtn = React.findDOMNode(@composer.refs.sendButton)
ReactTestUtils.Simulate.click sendBtn
- sending = true
+ @isSending.state = true
expect(@composer.state.isSending).toBe true
- sending = false
+ @isSending.state = false
expect(@composer.state.isSending).toBe false
@@ -577,3 +572,26 @@ describe "populated composer", ->
el = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(@composer, 'image-file-upload')
+describe "when the DraftStore `isSending` isn't stubbed out", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ DraftStore._pendingEnqueue = {}
+ it "doesn't send twice in a popout", ->
+ spyOn(Actions, "queueTask")
+ spyOn(Actions, "sendDraft").andCallThrough()
+ useFullDraft.call(@)
+ makeComposer.call(@)
+ @composer._sendDraft()
+ @composer._sendDraft()
+ expect(Actions.sendDraft.calls.length).toBe 1
+ it "doesn't send twice in the main window", ->
+ spyOn(Actions, "queueTask")
+ spyOn(Actions, "sendDraft").andCallThrough()
+ spyOn(atom, "isMainWindow").andReturn true
+ useFullDraft.call(@)
+ makeComposer.call(@)
+ @composer._sendDraft()
+ @composer._sendDraft()
+ expect(Actions.sendDraft.calls.length).toBe 1
diff --git a/spec-nylas/stores/task-queue-spec.coffee b/spec-nylas/stores/task-queue-spec.coffee
index ad84cf195..f4bf38e2d 100644
--- a/spec-nylas/stores/task-queue-spec.coffee
+++ b/spec-nylas/stores/task-queue-spec.coffee
@@ -72,6 +72,15 @@ describe "TaskQueue", ->
+ it "add it to the queue after `performLocalComplete` has run", ->
+ task = new Task()
+ spyOn(atom, "isMainWindow").andReturn true
+ waitsForPromise ->
+ TaskQueue.enqueue(task)
+ task.waitForPerformLocal().then ->
+ expect(TaskQueue._queue.length).toBe 1
+ expect(TaskQueue._queue[0]).toBe task
it "notifies the queue should be processed", ->
spyOn(TaskQueue, "_processQueue").andCallThrough()
spyOn(TaskQueue, "_processTask")
diff --git a/src/flux/stores/draft-store.coffee b/src/flux/stores/draft-store.coffee
index 6fd786beb..760079f6d 100644
--- a/src/flux/stores/draft-store.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/stores/draft-store.coffee
@@ -65,6 +65,22 @@ class DraftStore
@_draftSessions = {}
@_extensions = []
+ # We would ideally like to be able to calculate the sending state
+ # declaratively from the existence of the SendDraftTask on the
+ # TaskQueue.
+ #
+ # Unfortunately it takes a while for the Task to end up on the Queue.
+ # Before it's there, the Draft session is fetched, changes are
+ # applied, it's saved to the DB, and performLocal is run. In the
+ # meantime, several triggers from the DraftStore may fire (like when
+ # it's saved to the DB). At the time of those triggers, the task is
+ # not yet on the Queue and the DraftStore incorrectly says
+ # `isSendingDraft` is false.
+ #
+ # As a result, we keep track of the intermediate time between when we
+ # request to queue something, and when it appears on the queue.
+ @_pendingEnqueue = {}
ipc.on 'mailto', @_onHandleMailtoLink
# TODO: Doesn't work if we do window.addEventListener, but this is
@@ -99,8 +115,8 @@ class DraftStore
isSendingDraft: (draftLocalId) ->
if atom.isMainWindow()
task = TaskQueue.findTask(SendDraftTask, {draftLocalId})
- return task?
- else return false
+ return task? or @_pendingEnqueue[draftLocalId]
+ else return @_pendingEnqueue[draftLocalId]
Composer Extensions
@@ -394,6 +410,7 @@ class DraftStore
# The user request to send the draft
_onSendDraft: (draftLocalId) =>
+ @_pendingEnqueue[draftLocalId] = true
@sessionForLocalId(draftLocalId).then (session) =>
@@ -401,14 +418,22 @@ class DraftStore
session.changes.commit().then =>
task = new SendDraftTask draftLocalId, {fromPopout: @_isPopout()}
+ if atom.isMainWindow()
+ # We need to wait for performLocal to finish before `trigger`ing.
+ # Only when `performLocal` is done will the task be on the
+ # TaskQueue. When we `trigger` listeners should be able to call
+ # `isSendingDraft` and have it accurately return true.
+ task.waitForPerformLocal().then =>
+ # As far as this window is concerned, we're not making any more
+ # edits and are destroying the session. If there are errors down
+ # the line, we'll make a new session and handle them later
+ @_doneWithSession(session)
+ @_pendingEnqueue[draftLocalId] = false
+ @trigger()
- # As far as this window is concerned, we're not making any more
- # edits and are destroying the session. If there are errors down
- # the line, we'll make a new session and handle them later
- @trigger()
atom.close() if @_isPopout()
_isPopout: ->
diff --git a/src/flux/stores/task-queue.coffee b/src/flux/stores/task-queue.coffee
index 204cedcc3..2fc1fd69a 100644
--- a/src/flux/stores/task-queue.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/stores/task-queue.coffee
@@ -113,6 +113,13 @@ class TaskQueue
task.runLocal().then =>
+ # We want to make sure the task has made it onto the queue before
+ # `performLocalComplete` runs. Code in the `performLocalComplete`
+ # callback might depend on knowing that the Task is present in the
+ # queue. For example, when we're sending a message I want to know if
+ # there's already a task on the queue so I don't double-send.
+ task.performLocalComplete()
dequeue: (taskOrId) =>
diff --git a/src/flux/tasks/task.coffee b/src/flux/tasks/task.coffee
index 1117dbf70..e8fa9d88e 100644
--- a/src/flux/tasks/task.coffee
+++ b/src/flux/tasks/task.coffee
@@ -51,7 +51,9 @@ class Task
constructor: ->
@_performLocalCompletePromise = new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
- @_performLocalComplete = resolve
+ # This is called by the `TaskQueue` immeidately after `performLocal`
+ # has finished and the task has been added to the Queue.
+ @performLocalComplete = resolve
@id = generateTempId()
@creationDate = new Date()
@@ -70,7 +72,6 @@ class Task
.then =>
- @_performLocalComplete()
@queueState.localComplete = true
@queueState.localError = null
return Promise.resolve()