fix(composer-focus): Fix focus behavior + update InjectedComponent props

- Fixes bug with Composer focus caused by injected component. The composer body
  was being focused, but the cursor remained at the beginning of the content
  instead of at the end. This was caused because the focus method was being
  called before the content had actually been rendered to the dom.
  - Adds a callback to check when injected comp was actually rendered, and uses
    that to focus the body at the correct time.
  - Updates specs
- Updates behavior of focusing composer body when selecting threads in split
  mode --  resolves #T3444
  - It will focus the body when a thread is selcted via a click
  - It wont focus the body when a thread is selected via arrow keys
  - It will focus the body when a new inline reply is created
  - Updates specs

Test Plan: - Unit tests

Reviewers: evan, bengotow

Reviewed By: bengotow

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Juan Tejada 2015-12-29 12:15:18 -05:00
parent 0f58618e2a
commit 73f76de7fc
9 changed files with 180 additions and 38 deletions

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ React = require 'react'
ExtensionRegistry} = require 'nylas-exports'
@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ class ComposerView extends React.Component
usub() for usub in @_usubs
componentDidUpdate: =>
componentDidUpdate: (prevProps, prevState) =>
# We want to use a temporary variable instead of putting this into the
# state. This is because the selection is a transient property that
# only needs to be applied once. It's not a long-living property of
@ -97,6 +98,14 @@ class ComposerView extends React.Component
# re-rendering.
@_recoveredSelection = null if @_recoveredSelection?
# If the body changed, let's wait for the editor body to actually get rendered
# into the dom before applying focus.
# Since the editor is an InjectedComponent, when this function gets called
# the editor hasn't actually finished rendering, so we need to wait for that
# to happen by using the InjectedComponent's `onComponentDidRender` callback.
# See `_renderEditor`
bodyChanged = @state.body isnt prevState.body
return if bodyChanged
_keymapHandlers: ->
@ -112,7 +121,7 @@ class ComposerView extends React.Component
"composer:undo": @undo
"composer:redo": @redo
_applyFieldFocus: ->
_applyFieldFocus: =>
if @state.focusedField and @_lastFocusedField isnt @state.focusedField
@_lastFocusedField = @state.focusedField
return unless @refs[@state.focusedField]
@ -121,8 +130,8 @@ class ComposerView extends React.Component
if @state.focusedField is Fields.Body and not @_proxy.draftPristineBody()
if @state.focusedField is Fields.Body
componentWillReceiveProps: (newProps) =>
@_ignoreNextTrigger = false
@ -324,6 +333,7 @@ class ComposerView extends React.Component
matching={role: "Composer:Editor"}
@ -332,6 +342,12 @@ class ComposerView extends React.Component
exposedProps={exposedProps} />
_focusEditor: =>
_onEditorBodyDidRender: =>
_onEditorFocus: =>
@setState(focusedField: Fields.Body)
@ -487,7 +503,7 @@ class ComposerView extends React.Component
_onMouseUpComposerBody: (event) =>
if is @_mouseDownTarget
@_mouseDownTarget = null
# When a user focuses the composer, it's possible that no input is
@ -496,7 +512,7 @@ class ComposerView extends React.Component
# erroneously trigger keyboard shortcuts.
_onFocusIn: (event) =>
return if DOMUtils.closest(, DOMUtils.inputTypes())
_onMouseMoveComposeBody: (event) =>
if @_mouseComposeBody is "down" then @_mouseComposeBody = "move"
@ -534,7 +550,10 @@ class ComposerView extends React.Component
_initiallyFocusedField: (draft) ->
return Fields.To if is 0
return Fields.Subject if (draft.subject ? "").trim().length is 0
return Fields.Body
shouldFocusBody = @props.mode isnt 'inline' or
(FocusedContentStore.didFocusUsingClick('thread') is true)
return Fields.Body if shouldFocusBody
_verifyEnabledFields: (draft, state) ->
enabledFields = @state.enabledFields.concat(state.enabledFields)

View file

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ ReactTestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils
ComponentRegistry} = require "nylas-exports"
{InjectedComponent} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
@ -136,9 +137,9 @@ describe "ComposerView", ->
body: "Hello <b>World</b><br/> This is a test"
replyToMessageId: null
makeComposer = ->
makeComposer = (props={}) ->
@composer = NylasTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<ComposerView draftClientId={DRAFT_CLIENT_ID} />
<ComposerView draftClientId={DRAFT_CLIENT_ID} {...props} />
describe "populated composer", ->
@ -257,11 +258,23 @@ describe "ComposerView", -> @
expect(@composer.state.focusedField).toBe Fields.Subject
it "focuses the body otherwise", ->
it "focuses the body if the composer is not inline", -> @, to: [u1], subject: "Yo" @ @, {mode: 'fullWindow'}
expect(@composer.state.focusedField).toBe Fields.Body
it "focuses the body if the composer is inline and the thread was focused via a click", ->
spyOn(FocusedContentStore, 'didFocusUsingClick').andReturn true @, to: [u1], subject: "Yo" @, {mode: 'inline'}
expect(@composer.state.focusedField).toBe Fields.Body
it "does not focus any field if the composer is inline and the thread was not focused via a click", ->
spyOn(FocusedContentStore, 'didFocusUsingClick').andReturn false @, to: [u1], subject: "Yo" @, {mode: 'inline'}
describe "when deciding whether or not to enable the subject", ->
it "enables the subject when the subject is empty", -> @, subject: ""
@ -355,27 +368,35 @@ describe "ComposerView", ->
@composer.setState focusedField: Fields.Cc
@body = @composer.refs[Fields.Body]
spyOn(@body, "focus")
spyOn(React, "findDOMNode").andCallThrough()
spyOn(@composer, "_focusEditor")
spyOn(@composer, "_applyFieldFocus").andCallThrough()
spyOn(@composer, "_onEditorBodyDidRender").andCallThrough()
it "does not apply focus if the focused field hasn't changed", ->
@composer._lastFocusedField = Fields.Body
@composer.setState focusedField: Fields.Body
@composer._lastFocusedField = null
it "can focus on the subject", ->
@composer.setState focusedField: Fields.Subject
expect(@composer._applyFieldFocus.calls.length).toBe 1
expect(@composer._applyFieldFocus.calls.length).toBe 2
calls = _.filter React.findDOMNode.calls, (call) ->
call.args[0] == "subject"
expect(calls.length).toBe 1
it "can focus on the body", ->
@composer.setState focusedField: Fields.Body
expect(@body.focus.calls.length).toBe 1
it "focuses the body when the body changes only after it has been rendered", ->
@composer.setState focusedField: Fields.Body, body: 'new body'
expect(@composer._applyFieldFocus.calls.length).toEqual 1
expect(@composer._focusEditor.calls.length).toBe 1
it "ignores focuses to participant fields", ->
@composer.setState focusedField: Fields.To
expect(@composer._applyFieldFocus.calls.length).toBe 1
expect(@composer._applyFieldFocus.calls.length).toBe 2
describe "when participants are added during a draft update", ->
it "shows the cc fields and bcc fields to ensure participants are never hidden", ->

View file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
import {React, ComponentRegistry, NylasTestUtils} from 'nylas-exports';
import {InjectedComponentSet} from 'nylas-component-kit';
const {renderIntoDocument} = NylasTestUtils;
const reactStub = (displayName)=> {
return React.createClass({
render() { return <div className={displayName}></div>; },
describe('InjectedComponentSet', ()=> {
describe('render', ()=> {
beforeEach(()=> {
const components = [reactStub('comp1'), reactStub('comp2')];
spyOn(ComponentRegistry, 'findComponentsMatching').andReturn(components);
it('calls `onComponentsDidRender` when all child comps have actually been rendered to the dom', ()=> {
let rendered;
const onComponentsDidRender = ()=> {
rendered = true;
runs(()=> {
onComponentsDidRender={onComponentsDidRender} />
()=> { return rendered; },
'`onComponentsDidMount` should be called',
runs(()=> {

View file

@ -54,9 +54,13 @@ describe "MultiselectSplitInteractionHandler", ->
describe "onClick", ->
it "should focus list items", ->
it "should focus the list item and indicate it was focused via click", ->
expect(Actions.setFocus).toHaveBeenCalledWith({collection: @collection, item: @item})
collection: @collection
item: @item
usingClick: true
describe "onMetaClick", ->
describe "when there is currently a focused item", ->

View file

@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ class InjectedComponentSet extends React.Component
- `className` (optional) A {String} class name for the containing element.
- `children` (optional) Any React elements rendered inside the InjectedComponentSet
will always be displayed.
- `onComponentsDidRender` Callback that will be called when the injected component set
is successfully rendered onto the DOM.
- `exposedProps` (optional) An {Object} with props that will be passed to each
item rendered into the set.
- `containersRequired` (optional). Pass false to optionally remove the containers
@ -57,18 +59,21 @@ class InjectedComponentSet extends React.Component
className: React.PropTypes.string
exposedProps: React.PropTypes.object
containersRequired: React.PropTypes.bool
requiredMethods: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.string)
onComponentsDidRender: React.PropTypes.func
direction: 'row'
containersRequired: true
onComponentsDidRender: ->
constructor: (@props) ->
@state = @_getStateFromStores()
@_renderedComponents = new Set()
componentDidMount: =>
@_componentUnlistener = ComponentRegistry.listen =>
@props.onComponentsDidRender() if @props.containersRequired is false
componentWillUnmount: =>
@_componentUnlistener() if @_componentUnlistener
@ -77,16 +82,26 @@ class InjectedComponentSet extends React.Component
if newProps.location isnt @props?.location
componentDidUpdate: =>
@props.onComponentsDidRender() if @props.containersRequired is false
render: =>
@_renderedComponents = new Set()
flexboxProps = _.omit(@props, _.keys(@constructor.propTypes))
flexboxClassName = @props.className ? ""
exposedProps = @props.exposedProps ? {}
elements = (component) =>
if @props.containersRequired is false or component.containerRequired is false
<component key={component.displayName} {...exposedProps} />
return <component key={component.displayName} {...exposedProps} />
<UnsafeComponent component={component} key={component.displayName} {...exposedProps} />
return (
onComponentDidRender={@_onComponentDidRender.bind(@, component.displayName)}
{...exposedProps} />
if @state.visible
@ -95,10 +110,15 @@ class InjectedComponentSet extends React.Component
elements.push(<span key="_clear" style={clear:'both'}/>)
<Flexbox className={flexboxClassName} {...flexboxProps}>
{@props.children ? []}
{@props.children ? []}
_onComponentDidRender: (componentName) =>
if @_renderedComponents.size is @state.components.length
_getStateFromStores: (props) =>
props ?= @props

View file

@ -36,28 +36,33 @@ class InjectedComponent extends React.Component
This set of descriptors is provided to {ComponentRegistry::findComponentsForDescriptor}
to retrieve the component that will be displayed.
- `onComponentDidRender` (optional) Callback that will be called when the injected component
is successfully rendered onto the DOM.
- `className` (optional) A {String} class name for the containing element.
- `exposedProps` (optional) An {Object} with props that will be passed to each
item rendered into the set.
- `fallback` (optional) A {Component} to default to in case there are no matching
components in the ComponentRegistry
- `requiredMethods` (options) An {Array} with a list of methods that should be
implemented by the registered component instance. If these are not implemented,
an error will be thrown.
- `fallback` (optional) A {Component} to default to in case there are no matching
components in the ComponentRegistry
matching: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
className: React.PropTypes.string
exposedProps: React.PropTypes.object
fallback: React.PropTypes.func
onComponentDidRender: React.PropTypes.func
requiredMethods: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.string)
requiredMethods: []
onComponentDidRender: ->
constructor: (@props) ->
@state = @_getStateFromStores()
@ -67,6 +72,7 @@ class InjectedComponent extends React.Component
componentDidMount: =>
@_componentUnlistener = ComponentRegistry.listen =>
@props.onComponentDidRender() if @state.component?.containerRequired is false
componentWillUnmount: =>
@_componentUnlistener() if @_componentUnlistener
@ -77,6 +83,7 @@ class InjectedComponent extends React.Component
componentDidUpdate: =>
@props.onComponentDidRender() if @state.component?.containerRequired is false
render: =>
return <div></div> unless @state.component
@ -89,7 +96,14 @@ class InjectedComponent extends React.Component
if component.containerRequired is false
element = <component ref="inner" key={component.displayName} {...exposedProps} />
element = <UnsafeComponent ref="inner" component={component} key={component.displayName} {...exposedProps} />
element = (
{...exposedProps} />
if @state.visible
<div className={className}>

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class MultiselectSplitInteractionHandler
@dataView.selection.count() > 1
onClick: (item) ->
Actions.setFocus({collection: @collection, item: item})
Actions.setFocus({collection: @collection, item: item, usingClick: true})

View file

@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ class UnsafeComponent extends React.Component
component: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
onComponentDidRender: React.PropTypes.func
onComponentDidRender: ->
componentDidMount: =>
@ -54,7 +58,7 @@ class UnsafeComponent extends React.Component
props = _.omit(@props, _.keys(@constructor.propTypes))
component = @props.component
element = <component key={name} {...props} />
@injected = React.render(element, node)
@injected = React.render(element, node, @props.onComponentDidRender)
catch err
if NylasEnv.inDevMode()
console.error err
@ -65,10 +69,12 @@ class UnsafeComponent extends React.Component
stackEnd = stack.lastIndexOf('\n', stackEnd)
stack = stack.substr(0,stackEnd)
element = <div className="unsafe-component-exception">
<div className="message">{@props.component.displayName} could not be displayed.</div>
<div className="trace">{stack}</div>
element = (
<div className="unsafe-component-exception">
<div className="message">{@props.component.displayName} could not be displayed.</div>
<div className="trace">{stack}</div>
# Add some sort of notification code here that lets us know when
@ -76,7 +82,7 @@ class UnsafeComponent extends React.Component
element = <div></div>
@injected = React.render(element, node)
@injected = React.render(element, node)
unmountInjected: =>

View file

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ class FocusedContentStore
_resetInstanceVars: =>
@_focused = {}
@_focusedUsingClick = {}
@_keyboardCursor = {}
@_keyboardCursorEnabled = WorkspaceStore.layoutMode() is 'list'
@ -87,11 +88,12 @@ class FocusedContentStore
@_keyboardCursor[collection] = item
@triggerAfterAnimationFrame({ impactsCollection: (c) -> c is collection })
_onFocus: ({collection, item}) =>
_onFocus: ({collection, item, usingClick}) =>
throw new Error("focus() requires a collection") unless collection
return if @_focused[collection]?.id is item?.id
@_focused[collection] = item
@_focusedUsingClick[collection] = usingClick
@_keyboardCursor[collection] = item if item
@triggerAfterAnimationFrame({ impactsCollection: (c) -> c is collection })
@ -155,6 +157,16 @@ class FocusedContentStore
focusedId: (collection) =>
Public: Returns true if the item for the collection was focused via a click or
false otherwise.
- `collection` The {String} name of a collection. Standard collections are
listed above.
didFocusUsingClick: (collection) =>
@_focusedUsingClick[collection] ? false
Public: Returns the {Model} the keyboard is currently focused on
in the collection specified. Keyboard focus is not always separate from