diff --git a/internal_packages/message-list/lib/plugins/autolinker-extension.coffee b/internal_packages/message-list/lib/plugins/autolinker-extension.coffee
index 358dc0949..6c2f5060d 100644
--- a/internal_packages/message-list/lib/plugins/autolinker-extension.coffee
+++ b/internal_packages/message-list/lib/plugins/autolinker-extension.coffee
@@ -7,4 +7,10 @@ class AutolinkerExtension extends MessageStoreExtension
# Apply the autolinker pass to make emails and links clickable
message.body = Autolinker.link(message.body, {twitter: false})
+ # Ensure that the hrefs in the email always have alt text so you can't hide
+ # the target of links
+ # https://regex101.com/r/cH0qM7/1
+ message.body = message.body.replace /href[ ]*=[ ]*?['"]([^'"]*)(['"]+)/gi, (match, url, quoteCharacter) =>
+ return "#{match} title=#{quoteCharacter}#{url}#{quoteCharacter} "
module.exports = AutolinkerExtension
diff --git a/internal_packages/message-list/spec/autolinker-extension-spec.coffee b/internal_packages/message-list/spec/autolinker-extension-spec.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4202aa16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal_packages/message-list/spec/autolinker-extension-spec.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Autolinker = require 'autolinker'
+AutolinkerExtension = require '../lib/plugins/autolinker-extension'
+describe "AutolinkerExtension", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ spyOn(Autolinker, 'link').andCallFake (txt) => txt
+ it "should call through to Autolinker", ->
+ AutolinkerExtension.formatMessageBody({body:'body'})
+ expect(Autolinker.link).toHaveBeenCalledWith('body', {twitter: false})
+ it "should add a title to everything with an href", ->
+ message =
+ body: """
+ hello world!
+ hello world!
+ hello world!
+ hello world!
+ """
+ expected =
+ body: """
+ hello world!
+ hello world!
+ hello world!
+ hello world!
+ """
+ AutolinkerExtension.formatMessageBody(message)
+ expect(message.body).toEqual(expected.body)