fix(prefs): ? shortcut for "Show Keybindings" #1144

This commit is contained in:
Ben Gotow 2016-05-09 16:46:50 -07:00
parent f77fc700d1
commit 7b7073e356
4 changed files with 102 additions and 76 deletions

View file

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
import {ipcRenderer} from 'electron';
import {PreferencesUIStore,
ComponentRegistry} from 'nylas-exports';
@ -52,16 +50,6 @@ export function activate() {
ComponentRegistry.register(PreferencesRoot, {
location: WorkspaceStore.Location.Preferences,
ipcRenderer.on('open-preferences', () => this._openPreferences());
export function _openPreferences() {
ipcRenderer.send('command', 'application:show-main-window');
if (WorkspaceStore.topSheet() !== WorkspaceStore.Sheet.Preferences) {
export function deactivate() {

View file

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
"core:focus-item": "enter",
"core:remove-from-view": ["backspace", "del"],
"core:pop-sheet": "escape",
"core:show-keybindings": "?",
"core:messages-page-up": "pageup",
"core:messages-page-down": "pagedown",

View file

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
_ = require 'underscore'
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
FocusedPerspectiveStore = require './focused-perspective-store'
Actions = require '../actions'
Immutable = require 'immutable'
MAIN_TAB_ITEM_ID = 'General'
class TabItem
constructor: (opts={}) ->
opts.order ?= Infinity
_.extend(@, opts)
class PreferencesUIStore extends NylasStore
constructor: ->
perspective = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current()
@_tabs = Immutable.List()
@_selection = Immutable.Map({
tabId: null
accountId: perspective?.account?.id
@_triggerDebounced ?= _.debounce(( => @trigger()), 20)
@listenTo Actions.switchPreferencesTab, (tabId, options = {}) =>
@_selection = @_selection.set('tabId', tabId)
if options.accountId
@_selection = @_selection.set('accountId', options.accountId)
tabs: =>
selection: =>
Public: Register a new top-level section to preferences
- `tabItem` a `PreferencesUIStore.TabItem` object
schema definitions on the PreferencesUIStore.Section.MySectionId
- `tabId` A unique name to access the Section by
- `displayName` The display name. This may go through i18n.
- `component` The Preference section's React Component.
Most Preference sections include an area where a {PreferencesForm} is
rendered. This is a type of {GeneratedForm} that uses the schema passed
into {PreferencesUIStore::registerPreferences}
registerPreferencesTab: (tabItem) ->
@_tabs = @_tabs.push(tabItem).sort (a, b) =>
a.order > b.order
if tabItem.tabId is MAIN_TAB_ITEM_ID
@_selection = @_selection.set('tabId', tabItem.tabId)
unregisterPreferencesTab: (tabItemOrId) ->
@_tabs = @_tabs.filter (s) -> s.tabId isnt tabItemOrId and s isnt tabItemOrId
module.exports = new PreferencesUIStore()
module.exports.TabItem = TabItem

View file

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
import {ipcRenderer} from 'electron';
import _ from 'underscore'
import NylasStore from 'nylas-store'
import WorkspaceStore from './workspace-store'
import FocusedPerspectiveStore from './focused-perspective-store'
import Actions from '../actions'
import Immutable from 'immutable'
const MAIN_TAB_ITEM_ID = 'General'
class TabItem {
constructor(opts = {}) {
opts.order = opts.order || Infinity;
_.extend(this, opts);
class PreferencesUIStore extends NylasStore {
constructor() {
const perspective = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current()
this._tabs = Immutable.List();
this._selection = Immutable.Map({
tabId: null,
accountId: perspective.account ? : null,
this._triggerDebounced = _.debounce(() => this.trigger(), 20)
setupListeners() {
this.listenTo(Actions.openPreferences, this.openPreferences);
ipcRenderer.on('open-preferences', this.openPreferences);
this.listenTo(Actions.switchPreferencesTab, this.switchPreferencesTab);
NylasEnv.commands.add(document.body, 'core:show-keybindings', () => {
tabs = () => {
return this._tabs;
selection = () => {
return this._selection;
openPreferences = () => {
ipcRenderer.send('command', 'application:show-main-window');
if (WorkspaceStore.topSheet() !== WorkspaceStore.Sheet.Preferences) {
switchPreferencesTab = (tabId, options = {}) => {
this._selection = this._selection.set('tabId', tabId);
if (options.accountId) {
this._selection = this._selection.set('accountId', options.accountId);
Public: Register a new top-level section to preferences
- `tabItem` a `PreferencesUIStore.TabItem` object
schema definitions on the PreferencesUIStore.Section.MySectionId
- `tabId` A unique name to access the Section by
- `displayName` The display name. This may go through i18n.
- `component` The Preference section's React Component.
Most Preference sections include an area where a {PreferencesForm} is
rendered. This is a type of {GeneratedForm} that uses the schema passed
into {PreferencesUIStore::registerPreferences}
registerPreferencesTab = (tabItem) => {
this._tabs = this._tabs.push(tabItem).sort((a, b) =>
a.order > b.order
if (tabItem.tabId === MAIN_TAB_ITEM_ID) {
this._selection = this._selection.set('tabId', tabItem.tabId);
unregisterPreferencesTab = (tabItemOrId) => {
this._tabs = this._tabs.filter(s => (s.tabId !== tabItemOrId) && (s !== tabItemOrId));
const Store = new PreferencesUIStore();
Store.TabItem = TabItem;
export default Store;