with an onClick handler.
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class Popover extends React.Component
wrappedButtonComponent = []
if @props.buttonComponent
wrappedButtonComponent =
popoverComponent = []
if @state.showing
popoverComponent =
@@ -95,13 +95,13 @@ class Popover extends React.Component
if showing
setTimeout =>
# Automatically focus the element inside us with the lowest tab index
- node = @refs.popover.findDOMNode()
+ node = React.findDOMNode(@refs.popover)
matches = _.sortBy node.querySelectorAll("[tabIndex]"), (a,b) -> a.tabIndex < b.tabIndex
matches[0].focus() if matches[0]
_onBlur: (event) =>
target = event.nativeEvent.relatedTarget
- if target? and @refs.container.findDOMNode().contains(target)
+ if target? and React.findDOMNode(@refs.container).contains(target)
diff --git a/src/flux/stores/draft-store-extension.coffee b/src/flux/stores/draft-store-extension.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c8edc10a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/flux/stores/draft-store-extension.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+Public: DraftStoreExtension is an abstract base class. To create DraftStoreExtensions
+that enhance the composer experience, you should subclass {DraftStoreExtension} and
+implement the class methods your plugin needs.
+To register your extension with the DraftStore, call {DraftStore::registerExtension}.
+When your package is being unloaded, you *must* call the corresponding
+{DraftStore::unregisterExtension} to unhook your extension.
+activate: ->
+ DraftStore.registerExtension(MyExtension)
+deactivate: ->
+ DraftStore.unregisterExtension(MyExtension)
+Your DraftStoreExtension subclass should be stateless. The user may have multiple drafts
+open at any time, and the methods of your DraftStoreExtension may be called for different
+drafts at any time. You should not expect that the session you receive in
+ {::finalizeSessionBeforeSending} is for the same draft you previously received in
+ {::warningsForSending}, etc.
+The DraftStoreExtension API does not currently expose any asynchronous or {Promise}-based APIs.
+This will likely change in the future. If you have a use-case for a Draft Store extension that
+is not possible with the current API, please let us know.
+class DraftStoreExtension
+ ###
+ Public: Inspect the draft, and return any warnings that need to be displayed before
+ the draft is sent. Warnings should be string phrases, such as "without an attachment"
+ that fit into a message of the form: "Send #{phase1} and #{phase2}?"
+ - `draft`: A fully populated {Message} object that is about to be sent.
+ Returns a list of warning strings, or an empty array if no warnings need to be displayed.
+ ###
+ @warningsForSending: (draft) ->
+ []
+ ###
+ Public: Override onMouseUp in your DraftStoreExtension subclass to transform
+ the {DraftStoreProxy} editing session just before the draft is sent. This method
+ gives you an opportunity to make any final substitutions or changes after any
+ {::warningsForSending} have been displayed.
+ - `session`: A {DraftStoreProxy} for the draft.
+ Example:
+ ```
+ # Remove any tags found in the draft body
+ finalizeSessionBeforeSending: (session) ->
+ body = session.draft().body
+ clean = body.replace(/<\/?code[^>]*>/g, '')
+ if body != clean
+ session.changes.add(body: clean)
+ ```
+ ###
+ @finalizeSessionBeforeSending: (session) ->
+ return
+ ###
+ Public: Override onMouseUp in your DraftStoreExtension subclass to
+ listen for mouse up events sent to the composer's body text area. This
+ hook provides the contenteditable DOM Node itself, allowing you to
+ adjust selection ranges and change content as necessary.
+ - `editableNode` The composer's contenteditable {Node}
+ that received the event.
+ - `range`: The currently selected {Range} in the `editableNode`
+ - `event`: The mouse up event.
+ ###
+ @onMouseUp: (editableNode, range, event) ->
+ return
+ ###
+ Public: Called when the user presses `Shift-Tab` while focused on the composer's body field.
+ Override onFocusPrevious in your DraftStoreExtension to adjust the selection or perform
+ other actions. If your package implements Shift-Tab behavior in a particular scenario, you
+ should prevent the default behavior of Shift-Tab via `event.preventDefault()`.
+ - `editableNode` The composer's contenteditable {Node} that received the event.
+ - `range`: The currently selected {Range} in the `editableNode`
+ - `event`: The mouse up event.
+ ###
+ @onFocusPrevious: (editableNode, range, event) ->
+ return
+ ###
+ Public: Called when the user presses `Tab` while focused on the composer's body field.
+ Override onFocusPrevious in your DraftStoreExtension to adjust the selection or perform
+ other actions. If your package implements Tab behavior in a particular scenario, you
+ should prevent the default behavior of Tab via `event.preventDefault()`.
+ - `editableNode` The composer's contenteditable {Node} that received the event.
+ - `range`: The currently selected {Range} in the `editableNode`
+ - `event`: The mouse up event.
+ ###
+ @onFocusNext: (editableNode, range, event) ->
+ return
+ ###
+ Public: Override onInput in your DraftStoreExtension subclass to implement
+ custom behavior as the user types in the composer's contenteditable body field.
+ Example:
+ The Nylas `templates` package uses this method to see if the user has populated a
+ `` tag placed in the body and change it's CSS class to reflect that it is no
+ longer empty.
+ ```
+ onInput: (editableNode, event) ->
+ selection = document.getSelection()
+ isWithinNode = (node) ->
+ test = selection.baseNode
+ while test isnt editableNode
+ return true if test is node
+ test = test.parentNode
+ return false
+ codeTags = editableNode.querySelectorAll('code.var.empty')
+ for codeTag in codeTags
+ if selection.containsNode(codeTag) or isWithinNode(codeTag)
+ codeTag.classList.remove('empty')
+ ```
+ ###
+ @onInput: (editableNode, event) ->
+ return
+module.exports = DraftStoreExtension
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/buttons.less b/static/buttons.less
index 6054a8094..5aae9bf58 100644
--- a/static/buttons.less
+++ b/static/buttons.less
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ button, html input[type="button"] {
.btn-toolbar {
- min-height:34px;
+ min-height:36px;
.btn-gradient {