add(specs): Add specs for MailboxPerspective

- Renames canApplyToThreads -> canReceiveThreads and applyToThreads ->
- Add initial specs and better documentation for
This commit is contained in:
Juan Tejada 2016-01-28 14:11:50 -08:00
parent 8237e3742c
commit 89f431edec
3 changed files with 84 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class SidebarItem
jsonString = event.dataTransfer.getData(item.dataTransferType)
data = Utils.jsonParse(jsonString)
return unless data
shouldAcceptDrop: (item, event) ->
target = item.perspective
current = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current()
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class SidebarItem
return false unless data
return false unless target
return false if target.isEqual(current)
return false unless target.canApplyToThreads(data.accountIds)
return false unless target.canReceiveThreads(data.accountIds)
return item.dataTransferType in event.dataTransfer.types

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
{AccountStore, MailboxPerspective, Category} = require 'nylas-exports'
describe 'MailboxPerspective', ->
beforeEach ->
spyOn(AccountStore, 'accountForId').andReturn {categoryIcon: -> 'icon'}
@accountIds = ['a1', 'a2', 'a3']
@perspective = new MailboxPerspective(@accountIds)
describe 'isEqual', ->
describe 'canReceiveThreads', ->
it 'returns true if the thread account ids are included in the current account ids', ->
expect(@perspective.canReceiveThreads(['a1'])).toBe true
it 'returns false otherwise', ->
expect(@perspective.canReceiveThreads(['a4'])).toBe false
expect(@perspective.canReceiveThreads([])).toBe false
expect(@perspective.canReceiveThreads()).toBe false
describe 'CategoriesMailboxPerspective', ->
beforeEach ->
@accountIds = ['a1', 'a2']
@categories = [
new Category(displayName: 'c1', accountId: 'a1')
new Category(displayName: 'c2', accountId: 'a2')
new Category(displayName: 'c3', accountId: 'a2')
@perspective = MailboxPerspective.forCategories(@categories)
describe 'canReceiveThreads', ->
it 'returns true if the thread account ids are included in the current account ids', ->
expect(@perspective.canReceiveThreads(['a2'])).toBe true
it 'returns false otherwise', ->
expect(@perspective.canReceiveThreads(['a4'])).toBe false
expect(@perspective.canReceiveThreads([])).toBe false
expect(@perspective.canReceiveThreads()).toBe false
it 'returns false if it is not a locked category', ->
new Category(name: 'sent', displayName: 'c4', accountId: 'a1')
expect(@perspective.canReceiveThreads(['a2'])).toBe false
describe 'receiveThreads', ->

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@ -73,12 +73,28 @@ class MailboxPerspective
threadUnreadCount: =>
canApplyToThreads: (targetAccountIds) =>
targetIdsInCurrent = _.difference(targetAccountIds, @accountIds).length is 0
return targetIdsInCurrent
# Public:
# - accountIds {Array} Array of unique account ids associated with the threads
# that want to be included in this perspective
# Returns true if the accountIds are part of the current ids, or false
# otherwise. This means that it checks if I am moving trying to move threads
# betwee the same set of accounts:
# E.g.:
# perpective = Starred for accountIds: a1, a2
# thread1 has accountId a3
# thread2 has accountId a2
# perspective.canReceiveThreads([a2, a3]) -> false -> I cant move those threads to Starred
# perspective.canReceiveThreads([a2]) -> true -> I can move that thread to # Starred
canReceiveThreads: (accountIds) =>
return false unless accountIds and accountIds.length > 0
incomingIdsInCurrent = _.difference(accountIds, @accountIds).length is 0
return incomingIdsInCurrent
applyToThreads: (threadsOrIds) =>
throw new Error("applyToThreads: Not implemented in base class.")
receiveThreads: (threadsOrIds) =>
throw new Error("receiveThreads: Not implemented in base class.")
# Whether or not the current MailboxPerspective can "archive" or "trash"
# Subclasses should call `super` if they override these methods
@ -110,7 +126,7 @@ class SearchMailboxPerspective extends MailboxPerspective
threads: =>
new SearchSubscription(@searchQuery, @accountIds)
canApplyToThreads: =>
canReceiveThreads: =>
canArchiveThreads: =>
@ -131,7 +147,7 @@ class DraftsMailboxPerspective extends MailboxPerspective
threads: =>
canApplyToThreads: =>
canReceiveThreads: =>
class StarredMailboxPerspective extends MailboxPerspective
@ -149,10 +165,10 @@ class StarredMailboxPerspective extends MailboxPerspective
return new MutableQuerySubscription(query, {asResultSet: true})
canApplyToThreads: =>
canReceiveThreads: =>
applyToThreads: (threadsOrIds) =>
receiveThreads: (threadsOrIds) =>
ChangeStarredTask = require './flux/tasks/change-starred-task'
task = new ChangeStarredTask({threads:threadsOrIds, starred: true})
@ -166,7 +182,7 @@ class EmptyMailboxPerspective extends MailboxPerspective
query = DatabaseStore.findAll(Thread).where(accountId: -1).limit(0)
return new MutableQuerySubscription(query, {asResultSet: true})
canApplyToThreads: =>
canReceiveThreads: =>
canArchiveThreads: =>
@ -175,7 +191,7 @@ class EmptyMailboxPerspective extends MailboxPerspective
canTrashThreads: =>
applyToThreads: (threadsOrIds) =>
receiveThreads: (threadsOrIds) =>
class CategoryMailboxPerspective extends MailboxPerspective
@ -224,7 +240,7 @@ class CategoryMailboxPerspective extends MailboxPerspective
isInbox: =>
@_categories[0].name is 'inbox'
canApplyToThreads: =>
canReceiveThreads: =>
super and not _.any @_categories, (c) -> c.isLockedCategory()
canArchiveThreads: =>
@ -237,10 +253,13 @@ class CategoryMailboxPerspective extends MailboxPerspective
return false if in ["trash"]
applyToThreads: (threadsOrIds) =>
receiveThreads: (threadsOrIds) =>
FocusedPerspectiveStore = require './flux/stores/focused-perspective-store'
currentCategories = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current().categories()
# This assumes that the we don't have more than one category per accountId
# attached to this perspective
DatabaseStore.modelify(Thread, threadsOrIds).then (threads) =>
tasks = TaskFactory.tasksForApplyingCategories
threads: threads