fix(mail-rules): Catch and disable mail rules building bad actions

This commit is contained in:
Ben Gotow 2015-12-28 18:10:17 -08:00
parent 28c5c621a1
commit a573b70895
13 changed files with 169 additions and 50 deletions

View file

@ -47,8 +47,9 @@ NotificationStore = Reflux.createStore
@_removeNotification(notification)() if action.dismisses
@listenTo Actions.postNotification, (data) =>
@_postNotification(new Notification(data))
@listenTo Actions.multiWindowNotification, (data={}, context={}) =>
@_postNotification(new Notification(data)) if @_inWindowContext(context)
@listenTo Actions.dismissNotificationsMatching, (criteria) =>
@_notifications = _.reject @_notifications, (n) -> _.isMatch(n, criteria)
######### PUBLIC #######################################################

View file

@ -84,7 +84,12 @@ class PreferencesMailRules extends React.Component
itemContent={ (rule) -> }
itemContent={ (rule) ->
if rule.disabled
return <div className="item-rule-disabled">{}</div>
@ -96,6 +101,7 @@ class PreferencesMailRules extends React.Component
if rule
<ScrollRegion className="rule-detail">
<div className="inner">
<span>If </span>
<select value={rule.conditionMode} onChange={@_onRuleConditionModeEdited}>
@ -122,6 +128,15 @@ class PreferencesMailRules extends React.Component
<div className="no-selection">Create a rule or select one to get started</div>
_renderDetailDisabledNotice: =>
return false unless @state.selectedRule.disabled
<div className="disabled-reason">
<button className="btn" onClick={@_onRuleEnabled}>Enable</button>
This rule has been disabled. Make sure the actions below are valid
and re-enable the rule.
_renderTasks: =>
return false if @state.tasks.length is 0
@ -170,6 +185,9 @@ class PreferencesMailRules extends React.Component
_onRuleConditionModeEdited: (event) =>
Actions.updateMailRule(, {conditionMode:})
_onRuleEnabled: =>
Actions.updateMailRule(, {disabled: false, disabledReason: null})
_onRulesChanged: =>
next = @stateForAccount(@props.accountId)
nextRules = next.rules

View file

@ -10,6 +10,14 @@
height: 350px;
.item-rule-disabled {
color: @error-color;
padding: 4px 10px;
border-bottom: 1px solid @border-color-divider;
.selected .item-rule-disabled {
color: @component-active-bg;
.rule-detail {
flex: 1;
@ -18,6 +26,16 @@
border: 1px solid @border-color-divider;
border-left: 0;
.disabled-reason {
padding: @padding-base-vertical * 2 @padding-base-vertical * 2;
background-color: fade(@background-color-error, 30%);
border-bottom: 1px solid @background-color-error;
margin-bottom: @padding-base-vertical;
.btn {
margin-left:@padding-base-horizontal * 2;
.inner {
padding: @padding-base-vertical @padding-base-horizontal;

View file

@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ class DeveloperBarLongPollItem extends React.Component
classname = "item"
right = @props.item.cursor
if @props.item.ignoredBecause
if @props.ignoredBecause
classname += " ignored"
right = @props.item.ignoredBecause + " - " + right
right = @props.ignoredBecause + " - " + right
<div className={classname} onClick={ => @setState expanded: not @state?.expanded}>
<div className="cursor">{right}</div>

View file

@ -40,15 +40,12 @@ class DeveloperBarStore extends NylasStore
longPollState: -> @_longPollState
longPollHistory: ->
# We can't use Utils.deepClone because the deltas contain circular references
# See delta.attributes._delta = delta
longPollHistory: -> @_longPollHistory
########### PRIVATE ####################################################
triggerThrottled: ->
@_triggerThrottled ?= _.throttle(@trigger, 100)
@_triggerThrottled ?= _.throttle(@trigger, 150)
_setStoreDefaults: ->

View file

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class DeveloperBar extends React.Component
else if @state.section == 'long-polling'
itemDivs = @state.longPollHistory.filter(matchingFilter).map (item) ->
<DeveloperBarLongPollItem item={item} key={"#{item.cursor}-#{item.timestamp}"}/>
<DeveloperBarLongPollItem item={item} ignoredBecause={item.ignoredBecause} key={"#{item.cursor}-#{item.timestamp}"}/>
expandedDiv = <div className="expanded-section long-polling">{itemDivs}</div>
else if @state.section == 'queue'

View file

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
_ = require 'underscore'
Actions} = require 'nylas-exports'
@ -142,14 +144,14 @@ describe "MailRulesProcessor", ->
it "should queue tasks for messages", ->
spyOn(TaskQueueStatusStore, 'waitForPerformLocal')
spyOn(Actions, 'queueTask')
spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'findBy').andReturn(Promise.resolve({}))
Tests.forEach ({rule}) =>
messageSpy = jasmine.createSpy('message')
threadSpy = jasmine.createSpy('thread')
response = MailRulesProcessor._applyRuleToMessage(rule, messageSpy, threadSpy)
message = new Message({accountId: rule.accountId})
thread = new Thread({accountId: rule.accountId})
response = MailRulesProcessor._applyRuleToMessage(rule, message, thread)
expect(response instanceof Promise).toBe(true)
waitsForPromise =>

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Rx = require 'rx-lite'
{Comparator, Template} = require './scenario-editor-models'
class SourceSelect extends React.Component
@displayName: 'SourceSelect'
@ -40,12 +41,22 @@ class SourceSelect extends React.Component
render: =>
options = @state.options
<select value={@props.value} onChange={@props.onChange}>
# The React <select> component won't select the correct option if the value
# is null or undefined - it just leaves the selection whatever it was in the
# previous render. To work around this, we coerce null/undefined to SOURCE_SELECT_NULL.
<select value={@props.value || SOURCE_SELECT_NULL} onChange={@_onChange}>
<option key={SOURCE_SELECT_NULL} value={SOURCE_SELECT_NULL}></option>
{ ({value, name}) =>
<option key={value} value={value}>{name}</option>
_onChange: (event) =>
value =
value = null if value is SOURCE_SELECT_NULL
@props.onChange(target: {value})
class ScenarioEditorRow extends React.Component
@displayName: 'ScenarioEditorRow'

View file

@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ class Actions
@downloadStateChanged: ActionScopeGlobal
@linkFileToUpload: ActionScopeGlobal
@fileUploaded: ActionScopeGlobal
@multiWindowNotification: ActionScopeGlobal
@sendDraftSuccess: ActionScopeGlobal
@sendToAllWindows: ActionScopeGlobal
@draftSendingFailed: ActionScopeGlobal
@ -424,6 +423,8 @@ class Actions
@postNotification: ActionScopeGlobal
@dismissNotificationsMatching: ActionScopeGlobal
Public: Listen to this action to handle user interaction with notifications you
published via `postNotification`.
@ -511,6 +512,7 @@ class Actions
@addMailRule: ActionScopeWindow
@updateMailRule: ActionScopeWindow
@deleteMailRule: ActionScopeWindow
@disableMailRule: ActionScopeWindow
# Read the actions we declared on the dummy Actions object above
# and translate them into Reflux Actions

View file

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
_ = require 'underscore'
Rx = require 'rx-lite'
AccountStore = require './account-store'
DatabaseStore = require './database-store'
TaskQueueStatusStore = require './task-queue-status-store'
Utils = require '../models/utils'
Actions = require '../actions'
@ -19,6 +21,8 @@ class MailRulesStore extends NylasStore
@listenTo Actions.addMailRule, @_onAddMailRule
@listenTo Actions.deleteMailRule, @_onDeleteMailRule
@listenTo Actions.updateMailRule, @_onUpdateMailRule
@listenTo Actions.disableMailRule, @_onDisableMailRule
@listenTo Actions.notificationActionTaken, @_onNotificationActionTaken
rules: =>
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@ class MailRulesStore extends NylasStore
conditionMode: ConditionMode.All
conditions: [ConditionTemplates[0].createDefaultInstance()]
actions: [ActionTemplates[0].createDefaultInstance()]
disabled: false
unless properties.accountId
throw new Error("AddMailRule: you must provide an account id.")
@ -52,10 +57,50 @@ class MailRulesStore extends NylasStore
_onDisableMailRule: (id, reason) =>
existing = _.find @_rules, (f) -> id is
return if not existing or existing.disabled is true
message: "We were unable to run your mail rules - one or more rules have been disabled."
type: "error"
tag: 'mail-rule-failure'
sticky: true
actions: [{
label: 'Hide'
dismisses: true
id: 'hide'
label: 'View Rules'
dismisses: true
default: true
id: 'mail-rule-failure:view-rules'
# Disable the task
existing.disabled = true
existing.disabledReason = reason
# Cancel all bulk processing jobs
for task in TaskQueueStatusStore.tasksMatching(ReprocessMailRulesTask, {})
_onNotificationActionTaken: ({notification, action}) =>
return unless NylasEnv.isMainWindow()
if is 'mail-rule-failure:view-rules'
Actions.switchPreferencesTab('Mail Rules', {accountId: AccountStore.current().id})
_saveMailRules: =>
@_saveMailRulesDebounced ?= _.debounce =>
DatabaseStore.inTransaction (t) =>
t.persistJSONBlob(RulesJSONBlobKey, @_rules)
if not _.findWhere(@_rules, {disabled: true})
Actions.dismissNotificationsMatching({tag: 'mail-rule-failure'})

View file

@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ class ChangeFolderTask extends ChangeMailTask
@threads = _.compact(threads)
@messages = _.compact(messages)
if not @folder
return Promise.reject(new Error("The specified folder could not be found."))
# The base class does the heavy lifting and calls changesToModel
return super

View file

@ -56,10 +56,13 @@ class ChangeLabelsTask extends ChangeMailTask
messages: DatabaseStore.modelify(Message, @messages)
).then ({labelsToAdd, labelsToRemove, threads, messages}) =>
if _.any([].concat(labelsToAdd, labelsToRemove), _.isUndefined)
return Promise.reject(new Error("One or more of the specified labels could not be found."))
# Remove any objects we weren't able to find. This can happen pretty easily
# if you undo an action and other things have happened.
@labelsToAdd = _.compact(labelsToAdd)
@labelsToRemove = _.compact(labelsToRemove)
@labelsToAdd = labelsToAdd
@labelsToRemove = labelsToRemove
@threads = _.compact(threads)
@messages = _.compact(messages)

View file

@ -29,44 +29,51 @@ MailRulesActions =
name: 'important',
accountId: thread.accountId
}).then (important) ->
new ChangeLabelsTask(labelsToAdd: [important], threads: [thread])
return Promise.reject(new Error("Could not find `important` label")) unless important
return new ChangeLabelsTask(labelsToAdd: [important], threads: [thread])
moveToTrash: (message, thread) ->
account = AccountStore.itemWithId(thread.accountId)
CategoryClass = account.categoryClass()
TaskClass = if CategoryClass is Label then ChangeLabelsTask else ChangeFolderTask
if AccountStore.itemWithId(thread.accountId).categoryClass() is Label
return MailRulesActions._applyStandardLabelRemovingInbox(message, thread, 'trash')
DatabaseStore.findBy(Folder, { name: 'trash', accountId: thread.accountId }).then (folder) ->
return Promise.reject(new Error("The folder could not be found.")) unless folder
return new ChangeFolderTask(folder: folder, threads: [thread])
inbox: DatabaseStore.findBy(CategoryClass, { name: 'inbox', accountId: thread.accountId })
trash: DatabaseStore.findBy(CategoryClass, { name: 'trash', accountId: thread.accountId })
).then ({inbox, trash}) ->
new TaskClass
labelsToRemove: [inbox]
labelsToAdd: [trash]
threads: [thread]
markAsRead: (message, thread, value) ->
markAsRead: (message, thread) ->
new ChangeUnreadTask(unread: false, threads: [thread])
star: (message, thread, value) ->
star: (message, thread) ->
new ChangeStarredTask(starred: true, threads: [thread])
applyLabel: (message, thread, value) ->
new ChangeLabelsTask(labelsToAdd: [value], threads: [thread])
changeFolder: (message, thread, value) ->
return Promise.reject(new Error("A folder is required.")) unless value
DatabaseStore.findBy(Folder, { id: value, accountId: thread.accountId }).then (folder) ->
return Promise.reject(new Error("The folder could not be found.")) unless folder
return new ChangeFolderTask(folder: folder, threads: [thread])
applyLabelArchive: (message, thread, value) ->
applyLabel: (message, thread, value) ->
return Promise.reject(new Error("A label is required.")) unless value
DatabaseStore.findBy(Label, { id: value, accountId: thread.accountId }).then (label) ->
return Promise.reject(new Error("The label could not be found.")) unless label
return new ChangeLabelsTask(labelsToAdd: [label], threads: [thread])
applyLabelArchive: (message, thread) ->
return MailRulesActions._applyStandardLabelRemovingInbox(message, thread, 'all')
# Helpers for other actions
_applyStandardLabelRemovingInbox: (message, thread, value) ->
inbox: DatabaseStore.findBy(Label, { name: 'inbox', accountId: thread.accountId })
all: DatabaseStore.findBy(Label, { name: 'all', accountId: thread.accountId })
).then ({inbox, all}) ->
new ChangeLabelsTask
newLabel: DatabaseStore.findBy(Label, { name: value, accountId: thread.accountId })
).then ({inbox, newLabel}) ->
return Promise.reject(new Error("Could not find `inbox` or `#{value}` label")) unless inbox and newLabel
return new ChangeLabelsTask
labelsToRemove: [inbox]
labelsToAdd: [all]
labelsToAdd: [newLabel]
threads: [thread]
changeFolder: (message, thread, value) ->
new ChangeFolderTask(folder: value, threads: [thread])
class MailRulesProcessor
constructor: ->
@ -74,10 +81,12 @@ class MailRulesProcessor
processMessages: (messages) =>
return Promise.resolve() unless messages.length > 0
enabledRules = MailRulesStore.rules().filter (r) -> not r.disabled
# When messages arrive, we process all the messages in parallel, but one
# rule at a time. This is important, because users can order rules which
# may do and undo a change. Ie: "Star if from Ben, Unstar if subject is "Bla"
Promise.each MailRulesStore.rules(), (rule) =>
Promise.each enabledRules, (rule) =>
matching = messages.filter (message) =>
@_checkRuleForMessage(rule, message)
@ -107,17 +116,27 @@ class MailRulesProcessor
template.evaluate(condition, value)
_applyRuleToMessage: (rule, message, thread) =>
results = (action) =>
MailRulesActions[action.templateKey](message, thread, action.value)
actionPromises = (action) =>
actionFunction = MailRulesActions[action.templateKey]
if not actionFunction
return Promise.reject(new Error("#{action.templateKey} is not a supported action."))
return actionFunction(message, thread, action.value)
Promise.all(results).then (results) ->
Promise.all(actionPromises).then (actionResults) ->
performLocalPromises = []
tasks = results.filter (r) -> r instanceof Task
tasks.forEach (task) ->
actionTasks = actionResults.filter (r) -> r instanceof Task
actionTasks.forEach (task) ->
performLocalPromises.push TaskQueueStatusStore.waitForPerformLocal(task)
.catch (err) ->
# Errors can occur if a mail rule specifies an invalid label or folder, etc.
# Disable the rule. Disable the mail rule so the failure is reflected in the
# interface.
Actions.disableMailRule(, err.toString())
return Promise.resolve()
module.exports = new MailRulesProcessor