mirror of
synced 2025-01-12 02:58:20 +08:00
☕(account-store): Convert to ES6
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 453 additions and 382 deletions
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ export default class Category extends Model {
displayType = () => {
displayType = () => {
AccountStore = AccountStore || require('../stores/account-store');
AccountStore = AccountStore || require('../stores/account-store').default;
if (AccountStore.accountForId(this.accountId).usesLabels()) {
if (AccountStore.accountForId(this.accountId).usesLabels()) {
return 'label';
return 'label';
@ -127,9 +127,11 @@ class NylasAPI {
handleAuthenticationFailure = (modelUrl, apiToken, apiName) => {
handleAuthenticationFailure = (modelUrl, apiToken, apiName) => {
// Prevent /auth errors from presenting auth failure notices
// Prevent /auth errors from presenting auth failure notices
if (!apiToken) return Promise.resolve()
if (!apiToken) {
return Promise.resolve()
AccountStore = AccountStore || require('./stores/account-store')
AccountStore = AccountStore || require('./stores/account-store').default
const account = AccountStore.accounts().find((acc) => {
const account = AccountStore.accounts().find((acc) => {
const localMatch = AccountStore.tokensForAccountId(acc.id).localSync === apiToken;
const localMatch = AccountStore.tokensForAccountId(acc.id).localSync === apiToken;
const cloudMatch = AccountStore.tokensForAccountId(acc.id).n1Cloud === apiToken;
const cloudMatch = AccountStore.tokensForAccountId(acc.id).n1Cloud === apiToken;
@ -319,7 +321,7 @@ class NylasAPI {
accessTokenForAccountId = (aid) => {
accessTokenForAccountId = (aid) => {
AccountStore = AccountStore || require('./stores/account-store')
AccountStore = AccountStore || require('./stores/account-store').default
return AccountStore.tokensForAccountId(aid).localSync
return AccountStore.tokensForAccountId(aid).localSync
@ -369,7 +371,7 @@ class NylasAPI {
let account = accountOrId
let account = accountOrId
if (!(accountOrId instanceof Account)) {
if (!(accountOrId instanceof Account)) {
AccountStore = AccountStore || require('./stores/account-store')
AccountStore = AccountStore || require('./stores/account-store').default
account = AccountStore.accountForId(accountOrId)
account = AccountStore.accountForId(accountOrId)
@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
_ = require 'underscore'
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
Actions = require('../actions').default
Account = require('../models/account').default
Utils = require '../models/utils'
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
keytar = require 'keytar'
NylasAPI = null
NylasAPIRequest = null
configAccountsKey = "nylas.accounts"
configVersionKey = "nylas.accountsVersion"
configTokensKey = "nylas.accountTokens"
keytarServiceName = 'Nylas'
Public: The AccountStore listens to changes to the available accounts in
the database and exposes the currently active Account via {::current}
Section: Stores
class AccountStore extends NylasStore
constructor: ->
@listenTo Actions.removeAccount, @_onRemoveAccount
@listenTo Actions.updateAccount, @_onUpdateAccount
@listenTo Actions.reorderAccount, @_onReorderAccount
NylasEnv.config.onDidChange configVersionKey, (change) =>
# If we already have this version of the accounts config, it means we
# are the ones who saved the change, and we don't need to reload.
return if @_version / 1 is change.newValue / 1
oldAccountIds = _.pluck(@_accounts, 'id')
accountIds = _.pluck(@_accounts, 'id')
newAccountIds = _.difference(accountIds, oldAccountIds)
if newAccountIds.length > 0
newId = newAccountIds[0]
CategoryStore = require './category-store'
CategoryStore.whenCategoriesReady(newId).then =>
Actions.focusDefaultMailboxPerspectiveForAccounts([newId], sidebarAccountIds: accountIds)
# TODO this Action is a hack, get rid of it in sidebar refactor
# Wait until the FocusedPerspectiveStore triggers and the sidebar is
# updated to uncollapse the inbox for the new account
_.defer =>
Actions.setCollapsedSidebarItem('Inbox', false)
_loadAccounts: =>
@_caches = {}
@_tokens = {}
@_version = NylasEnv.config.get(configVersionKey) || 0
@_accounts = []
for json in NylasEnv.config.get(configAccountsKey) || []
@_accounts.push((new Account).fromJSON(json))
# Run a few checks on account consistency. We want to display useful error
# messages and these can result in very strange exceptions downstream otherwise.
# Load tokens using the new keytar method
@_tokens = {}
for account in @_accounts
@_tokens[account.id] = {
n1Cloud: keytar.getPassword(keytarServiceName, "#{account.emailAddress}.n1Cloud"),
localSync: keytar.getPassword(keytarServiceName, "#{account.emailAddress}.localSync"),
catch error
_enforceAccountsValidity: =>
seenIds = {}
seenEmails = {}
message = null
@_accounts = @_accounts.filter (account) =>
if not account.emailAddress
message = "Assertion failure: One of the accounts in config.json did not have an emailAddress, and was removed. You should re-link the account."
return false
if seenIds[account.id]
message = "Assertion failure: Two of the accounts in config.json had the same ID and one was removed. Please give each account a separate ID."
return false
if seenEmails[account.emailAddress]
message = "Assertion failure: Two of the accounts in config.json had the same email address and one was removed."
return false
seenIds[account.id] = true
seenEmails[account.emailAddress] = true
return true
if message and NylasEnv.isMainWindow()
NylasEnv.showErrorDialog("N1 was unable to load your account preferences.\n\n#{message}");
_trigger: ->
for account in @_accounts
if not account?.id
err = new Error("An invalid account was added to `this._accounts`")
@_accounts = _.compact(@_accounts)
_save: =>
@_version += 1
NylasEnv.config.set(configTokensKey, null)
NylasEnv.config.set(configAccountsKey, @_accounts)
NylasEnv.config.set(configVersionKey, @_version)
# Inbound Events
_onUpdateAccount: (id, updated) =>
idx = _.findIndex @_accounts, (a) -> a.id is id
account = @_accounts[idx]
return unless account
account = _.extend(account, updated)
@_caches = {}
@_accounts[idx] = account
_onRemoveAccount: (id) =>
account = _.findWhere(@_accounts, {id})
return unless account
keytar.deletePassword(keytarServiceName, account.emailAddress)
@_caches = {}
remainingAccounts = _.without(@_accounts, account)
# This action is called before saving because we need to unfocus the
# perspective of the account that is being removed before removing the
# account, otherwise when we trigger with the new set of accounts, the
# current perspective will still reference a stale accountId which will
# cause things to break
_.defer =>
Actions.setCollapsedSidebarItem('Inbox', true)
@_accounts = remainingAccounts
if remainingAccounts.length is 0
ipc = require('electron').ipcRenderer
ipc.send('command', 'application:relaunch-to-initial-windows', {
resetDatabase: true,
_onReorderAccount: (id, newIdx) =>
existingIdx = _.findIndex @_accounts, (a) -> a.id is id
return if existingIdx is -1
account = @_accounts[existingIdx]
@_caches = {}
@_accounts.splice(existingIdx, 1)
@_accounts.splice(newIdx, 0, account)
addAccountFromJSON: (json, localToken, cloudToken) =>
if not json.email_address or not json.provider
console.error("Returned account data is invalid", json)
console.log JSON.stringify(json)
throw new Error("Returned account data is invalid")
@_tokens[json.id] =
n1Cloud: cloudToken
localSync: localToken
keytar.replacePassword(keytarServiceName, "#{json.email_address}.n1Cloud", cloudToken)
keytar.replacePassword(keytarServiceName, "#{json.email_address}.localSync", localToken)
existingIdx = _.findIndex @_accounts, (a) ->
a.id is json.id or a.emailAddress is json.email_address
if existingIdx is -1
account = (new Account).fromJSON(json)
account = @_accounts[existingIdx]
refreshHealthOfAccounts: (accountIds) =>
NylasAPI ?= require('../nylas-api').default
NylasAPIRequest ?= require('../nylas-api-request').default
Promise.all(accountIds.map (accountId) =>
return new NylasAPIRequest({
api: NylasAPI,
options: {
path: '/account',
accountId: accountId,
}).run().then (json) =>
return unless json
existing = @accountForId(accountId)
return unless existing # user may have deleted
).finally =>
@_caches = {}
# Exposed Data
# Private: Helper which caches the results of getter functions often needed
# in the middle of React render cycles. (Performance critical!)
_cachedGetter: (key, fn) ->
@_caches[key] ?= fn()
# Public: Returns an {Array} of {Account} objects
accounts: =>
accountIds: =>
_.pluck(@_accounts, 'id')
accountsForItems: (items) =>
accounts = {}
items.forEach ({accountId}) =>
accounts[accountId] ?= @accountForId(accountId)
accountForItems: (items) =>
accounts = @accountsForItems(items)
return null if accounts.length > 1
return accounts[0]
# Public: Returns the {Account} for the given email address, or null.
accountForEmail: (email) =>
for account in @accounts()
if Utils.emailIsEquivalent(email, account.emailAddress)
return account
for alias in @aliases()
if Utils.emailIsEquivalent(email, alias.email)
return @accountForId(alias.accountId)
return null
# Public: Returns the {Account} for the given account id, or null.
accountForId: (id) =>
@_cachedGetter "accountForId:#{id}", => _.findWhere(@_accounts, {id})
emailAddresses: ->
addresses = _.pluck((@accounts() ? []), "emailAddress")
addresses = addresses.concat(_.pluck((@aliases() ? []), "email"))
return _.unique(addresses)
aliases: =>
@_cachedGetter "aliases", =>
aliases = []
for acc in @_accounts
for alias in acc.aliases
aliasContact = acc.meUsingAlias(alias)
aliasContact.isAlias = true
return aliases
aliasesFor: (accountsOrIds) =>
ids = accountsOrIds.map (accOrId) ->
if accOrId instanceof Account then accOrId.id else accOrId
@aliases().filter((contact) -> contact.accountId in ids)
# Public: Returns the currently active {Account}.
current: =>
throw new Error("AccountStore.current() has been deprecated.")
# Private: This method is going away soon, do not rely on it.
tokensForAccountId: (id) =>
# Private: Load fake data from a directory for taking nice screenshots
_importFakeData: (dir) =>
fs = require 'fs-plus'
path = require 'path'
Message = require('../models/message').default
Account = require('../models/account').default
Thread = require('../models/thread').default
Label = require('../models/label').default
@_caches = {}
labels = []
threads = []
messages = []
account = @accountForEmail('nora@nylas.com')
unless account
account = new Account()
account.serverId = account.clientId
account.emailAddress = "nora@nylas.com"
account.organizationUnit = 'label'
account.label = "Nora's Email"
account.aliases = []
account.name = "Nora"
account.provider = "gmail"
json = account.toJSON()
json.token = 'nope'
filenames = fs.readdirSync(path.join(dir, 'threads'))
for filename in filenames
threadJSON = fs.readFileSync(path.join(dir, 'threads', filename))
threadMessages = JSON.parse(threadJSON).map (j) -> (new Message).fromJSON(j)
threadLabels = []
threadParticipants = []
threadAttachment = false
threadUnread = false
for m in threadMessages
m.accountId = account.id
for l in m.categories
l.accountId = account.id
for l in m.files
l.accountId = account.id
threadParticipants = threadParticipants.concat(m.participants())
threadLabels = threadLabels.concat(m.categories)
threadAttachment ||= m.files.length > 0
threadUnread ||= m.unread
threadParticipants = _.uniq threadParticipants, (p) -> p.email
threadLabels = _.uniq threadLabels, (l) -> l.id
labels = _.uniq labels.concat(threadLabels), (l) -> l.id
lastMsg = _.last(threadMessages)
thread = new Thread(
accountId: account.id
serverId: lastMsg.threadId
clientId: lastMsg.threadId
subject: lastMsg.subject
lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: lastMsg.date
hasAttachment: threadAttachment
categories: threadLabels
participants: threadParticipants
unread: threadUnread
snippet: lastMsg.snippet
starred: lastMsg.starred
messages = messages.concat(threadMessages)
downloadsDir = path.join(dir, 'downloads')
if fs.existsSync(downloadsDir)
for filename in fs.readdirSync(downloadsDir)
destPath = path.join(NylasEnv.getConfigDirPath(), 'downloads', filename)
fs.removeSync(destPath) if fs.existsSync(destPath)
fs.copySync(path.join(downloadsDir, filename), destPath)
DatabaseStore.inTransaction (t) =>
.then =>
.then -> new Promise (resolve, reject) -> setTimeout(resolve, 1000)
module.exports = new AccountStore()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
/* eslint global-require: 0 */
import _ from 'underscore'
import keytar from 'keytar'
import NylasStore from 'nylas-store'
import Actions from '../actions'
import Account from '../models/account'
import Utils from '../models/utils'
import DatabaseStore from './database-store'
let NylasAPI = null
let NylasAPIRequest = null
const configAccountsKey = "nylas.accounts"
const configVersionKey = "nylas.accountsVersion"
const configTokensKey = "nylas.accountTokens"
const keytarServiceName = 'Nylas'
Public: The AccountStore listens to changes to the available accounts in
the database and exposes the currently active Account via {::current}
Section: Stores
class AccountStore extends NylasStore {
constructor(props) {
this.listenTo(Actions.removeAccount, this._onRemoveAccount)
this.listenTo(Actions.updateAccount, this._onUpdateAccount)
this.listenTo(Actions.reorderAccount, this._onReorderAccount)
NylasEnv.config.onDidChange(configVersionKey, (change) => {
// If we already have this version of the accounts config, it means we
// are the ones who saved the change, and we don't need to reload.
if (this._version / 1 === change.newValue / 1) return
const oldAccountIds = _.pluck(this._accounts, 'id')
const accountIds = _.pluck(this._accounts, 'id')
const newAccountIds = _.difference(accountIds, oldAccountIds)
if (newAccountIds.length > 0) {
const newId = newAccountIds[0]
const CategoryStore = require('./category-store')
CategoryStore.whenCategoriesReady(newId).then(() => {
Actions.focusDefaultMailboxPerspectiveForAccounts([newId], {sidebarAccountIds: accountIds})
// TODO: This Action is a hack, get rid of it in sidebar refactor
// Wait until the FocusedPerspectiveStore triggers and the sidebar is
// updated to uncollapse the inbox for the new account
_.defer(() => {
Actions.setCollapsedSidebarItem('Inbox', false)
_loadAccounts = () => {
try {
this._caches = {}
this._tokens = {}
this._version = NylasEnv.config.get(configVersionKey) || 0
this._accounts = []
for (const json of NylasEnv.config.get(configAccountsKey) || []) {
this._accounts.push((new Account()).fromJSON(json))
// Run a few checks on account consistency. We want to display useful error
// messages and these can result in very strange exceptions downstream otherwise.
// Load tokens using the new keytar method
this._tokens = {}
for (const account of this._accounts) {
this._tokens[account.id] = {
n1Cloud: keytar.getPassword(keytarServiceName, `${account.emailAddress}.n1Cloud`),
localSync: keytar.getPassword(keytarServiceName, `${account.emailAddress}.localSync`),
} catch (error) {
_enforceAccountsValidity = () => {
const seenIds = {}
const seenEmails = {}
let message = null
this._accounts = this._accounts.filter((account) => {
if (!account.emailAddress) {
message = "Assertion failure: One of the accounts in config.json did not have an emailAddress, and was removed. You should re-link the account."
return false
if (seenIds[account.id]) {
message = "Assertion failure: Two of the accounts in config.json had the same ID and one was removed. Please give each account a separate ID."
return false
if (seenEmails[account.emailAddress]) {
message = "Assertion failure: Two of the accounts in config.json had the same email address and one was removed."
return false
seenIds[account.id] = true
seenEmails[account.emailAddress] = true
return true
if (message && NylasEnv.isMainWindow()) {
NylasEnv.showErrorDialog(`N1 was unable to load your account preferences.\n\n${message}`)
_trigger() {
for (const account of this._accounts) {
if (!account || !account.id) {
const err = new Error("An invalid account was added to `this._accounts`")
this._accounts = _.compact(this._accounts)
_save = () => {
this._version += 1
NylasEnv.config.set(configTokensKey, null)
NylasEnv.config.set(configAccountsKey, this._accounts)
NylasEnv.config.set(configVersionKey, this._version)
// Inbound Events
_onUpdateAccount = (id, updated) => {
const idx = _.findIndex(this._accounts, (a) => a.id === id)
let account = this._accounts[idx]
if (!account) return
account = _.extend(account, updated)
this._caches = {}
this._accounts[idx] = account
_onRemoveAccount = (id) => {
const account = _.findWhere(this._accounts, {id})
if (!account) return
keytar.deletePassword(keytarServiceName, account.emailAddress)
this._caches = {}
const remainingAccounts = _.without(this._accounts, account)
// This action is called before saving because we need to unfocus the
// perspective of the account that is being removed before removing the
// account, otherwise when we trigger with the new set of accounts, the
// current perspective will still reference a stale accountId which will
// cause things to break
_.defer(() => {
Actions.setCollapsedSidebarItem('Inbox', true)
this._accounts = remainingAccounts
if (remainingAccounts.length === 0) {
const ipc = require('electron').ipcRenderer
ipc.send('command', 'application:relaunch-to-initial-windows', {
resetDatabase: true,
_onReorderAccount = (id, newIdx) => {
const existingIdx = _.findIndex(this._accounts, (a) => a.id === id)
if (existingIdx === -1) return
const account = this._accounts[existingIdx]
this._caches = {}
this._accounts.splice(existingIdx, 1)
this._accounts.splice(newIdx, 0, account)
addAccountFromJSON = (json, localToken, cloudToken) => {
if (!json.email_address || !json.provider) {
console.error("Returned account data is invalid", json)
throw new Error("Returned account data is invalid")
this._tokens[json.id] = {
n1Cloud: cloudToken,
localSync: localToken,
keytar.replacePassword(keytarServiceName, `${json.email_address}.n1Cloud`, cloudToken)
keytar.replacePassword(keytarServiceName, `${json.email_address}.localSync`, localToken)
const existingIdx = _.findIndex(this._accounts, (a) =>
a.id === json.id || a.emailAddress === json.email_address
if (existingIdx === -1) {
const account = (new Account()).fromJSON(json)
} else {
const account = this._accounts[existingIdx]
refreshHealthOfAccounts = (accountIds) => {
NylasAPI = require('../nylas-api').default
NylasAPIRequest = require('../nylas-api-request').default
Promise.all(accountIds.map((accountId) => {
return new NylasAPIRequest({
api: NylasAPI,
options: {
path: '/account',
accountId: accountId,
}).run().then((json) => {
if (!json) return
const existing = this.accountForId(accountId)
if (!existing) return // user may have deleted
})).finally(() => {
this._caches = {}
// Exposed Data
// Private: Helper which caches the results of getter functions often needed
// in the middle of React render cycles. (Performance critical!)
_cachedGetter(key, fn) {
this._caches[key] = this._caches[key] || fn()
return this._caches[key]
// Public: Returns an {Array} of {Account} objects
accounts = () => {
return this._accounts
accountIds = () => {
return _.pluck(this._accounts, 'id')
accountsForItems = (items) => {
const accounts = {}
items.forEach(({accountId}) => {
accounts[accountId] = accounts[accountId] || this.accountForId(accountId)
return _.values(accounts)
accountForItems = (items) => {
const accounts = this.accountsForItems(items)
if (accounts.length > 1) return null
return accounts[0]
// Public: Returns the {Account} for the given email address, or null.
accountForEmail = (email) => {
for (const account of this.accounts()) {
if (Utils.emailIsEquivalent(email, account.emailAddress)) {
return account
for (const alias of this.aliases()) {
if (Utils.emailIsEquivalent(email, alias.email)) {
return this.accountForId(alias.accountId)
return null
// Public: Returns the {Account} for the given account id, or null.
accountForId(id) {
return this._cachedGetter(`accountForId:${id}`, () => _.findWhere(this._accounts, {id}))
emailAddresses() {
let addresses = _.pluck((this.accounts() ? this.accounts() : []), "emailAddress")
addresses = addresses.concat(_.pluck((this.aliases() ? this.aliases() : []), "email"))
return _.unique(addresses)
aliases() {
return this._cachedGetter("aliases", () => {
const aliases = []
for (const acc of this._accounts) {
for (const alias of acc.aliases) {
const aliasContact = acc.meUsingAlias(alias)
aliasContact.isAlias = true
return aliases
aliasesFor(accountsOrIds) {
const ids = accountsOrIds.map((accOrId) => {
return accOrId instanceof Account ? accOrId.id : accOrId
return this.aliases().filter((contact) => ids.includes(contact.accountId))
// Public: Returns the currently active {Account}.
current() {
throw new Error("AccountStore.current() has been deprecated.")
// Private: This method is going away soon, do not rely on it.
tokensForAccountId(id) {
return this._tokens[id]
// Private: Load fake data from a directory for taking nice screenshots
_importFakeData = (dir) => {
const fs = require('fs-plus')
const path = require('path')
const Message = require('../models/message').default
const Thread = require('../models/thread').default
this._caches = {}
let labels = []
const threads = []
let messages = []
let account = this.accountForEmail('nora@nylas.com')
if (!account) {
account = new Account()
account.serverId = account.clientId
account.emailAddress = "nora@nylas.com"
account.organizationUnit = 'label'
account.label = "Nora's Email"
account.aliases = []
account.name = "Nora"
account.provider = "gmail"
const json = account.toJSON()
json.token = 'nope'
const filenames = fs.readdirSync(path.join(dir, 'threads'))
for (const filename of filenames) {
const threadJSON = fs.readFileSync(path.join(dir, 'threads', filename))
const threadMessages = JSON.parse(threadJSON).map((j) => (new Message()).fromJSON(j))
let threadLabels = []
let threadParticipants = []
let threadAttachment = false
let threadUnread = false
for (const m of threadMessages) {
m.accountId = account.id
for (const l of m.categories) {
l.accountId = account.id
for (const l of m.files) {
l.accountId = account.id
threadParticipants = threadParticipants.concat(m.participants())
threadLabels = threadLabels.concat(m.categories)
threadAttachment = threadAttachment || m.files.length > 0
threadUnread = threadUnread || m.unread
threadParticipants = _.uniq(threadParticipants, (p) => p.email)
threadLabels = _.uniq(threadLabels, (l) => l.id)
labels = _.uniq(labels.concat(threadLabels), (l) => l.id)
const lastMsg = _.last(threadMessages)
const thread = new Thread({
accountId: account.id,
serverId: lastMsg.threadId,
clientId: lastMsg.threadId,
subject: lastMsg.subject,
lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: lastMsg.date,
hasAttachment: threadAttachment,
categories: threadLabels,
participants: threadParticipants,
unread: threadUnread,
snippet: lastMsg.snippet,
starred: lastMsg.starred,
messages = messages.concat(threadMessages)
const downloadsDir = path.join(dir, 'downloads')
if (fs.existsSync(downloadsDir)) {
for (const filename of fs.readdirSync(downloadsDir)) {
const destPath = path.join(NylasEnv.getConfigDirPath(), 'downloads', filename)
if (fs.existsSync(destPath)) {
fs.copySync(path.join(downloadsDir, filename), destPath)
DatabaseStore.inTransaction((t) =>
).then(() => {
.then(() => {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
export default new AccountStore()
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
_ = require 'underscore'
_ = require 'underscore'
Rx = require 'rx-lite'
Rx = require 'rx-lite'
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
AccountStore = require './account-store'
AccountStore = require('./account-store').default
NylasSyncStatusStore = require './nylas-sync-status-store'
NylasSyncStatusStore = require './nylas-sync-status-store'
Account = require('../models/account').default
Account = require('../models/account').default
{StandardCategoryNames} = require('../models/category').default
{StandardCategoryNames} = require('../models/category').default
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Rx = require 'rx-lite'
Rx = require 'rx-lite'
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
AccountStore = require './account-store'
AccountStore = require('./account-store').default
class ContactRankingStore extends NylasStore
class ContactRankingStore extends NylasStore
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Utils = require '../models/utils'
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
RegExpUtils = require '../../regexp-utils'
RegExpUtils = require '../../regexp-utils'
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
AccountStore = require './account-store'
AccountStore = require('./account-store').default
ComponentRegistry = require('../../registries/component-registry')
ComponentRegistry = require('../../registries/component-registry')
ContactRankingStore = require './contact-ranking-store'
ContactRankingStore = require './contact-ranking-store'
_ = require 'underscore'
_ = require 'underscore'
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Message = require('../models/message').default
Message = require('../models/message').default
Actions = require('../actions').default
Actions = require('../actions').default
NylasAPI = require '../nylas-api'
NylasAPI = require '../nylas-api'
AccountStore = require './account-store'
AccountStore = require('./account-store').default
ContactStore = require './contact-store'
ContactStore = require './contact-store'
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
UndoStack = require('../../undo-stack').default
UndoStack = require('../../undo-stack').default
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ _ = require 'underscore'
Actions = require('../actions').default
Actions = require('../actions').default
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
AccountStore = require './account-store'
AccountStore = require('./account-store').default
ContactStore = require './contact-store'
ContactStore = require './contact-store'
MessageStore = require './message-store'
MessageStore = require './message-store'
FocusedPerspectiveStore = require('./focused-perspective-store').default
FocusedPerspectiveStore = require('./focused-perspective-store').default
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
Thread = require('../models/thread').default
Thread = require('../models/thread').default
Contact = require('../models/contact').default
Contact = require('../models/contact').default
MessageStore = require './message-store'
MessageStore = require './message-store'
AccountStore = require './account-store'
AccountStore = require('./account-store').default
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
FocusedContentStore = require './focused-content-store'
FocusedContentStore = require './focused-content-store'
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
_ = require 'underscore'
_ = require 'underscore'
Reflux = require 'reflux'
Reflux = require 'reflux'
AccountStore = require './account-store'
AccountStore = require('./account-store').default
WorkspaceStore = require './workspace-store'
WorkspaceStore = require './workspace-store'
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
FocusedPerspectiveStore = require('./focused-perspective-store').default
FocusedPerspectiveStore = require('./focused-perspective-store').default
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
_ = require 'underscore'
_ = require 'underscore'
Rx = require 'rx-lite'
Rx = require 'rx-lite'
AccountStore = require './account-store'
AccountStore = require('./account-store').default
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
TaskQueueStatusStore = require './task-queue-status-store'
TaskQueueStatusStore = require './task-queue-status-store'
ReprocessMailRulesTask = require('../tasks/reprocess-mail-rules-task').default
ReprocessMailRulesTask = require('../tasks/reprocess-mail-rules-task').default
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
_ = require 'underscore'
_ = require 'underscore'
Rx = require 'rx-lite'
Rx = require 'rx-lite'
AccountStore = require './account-store'
AccountStore = require('./account-store').default
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
NylasObservables = require 'nylas-observables'
NylasObservables = require 'nylas-observables'
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ _ = require 'underscore'
Rx = require 'rx-lite'
Rx = require 'rx-lite'
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
DatabaseStore = require('./database-store').default
AccountStore = require './account-store'
AccountStore = require('./account-store').default
TaskQueue = require './task-queue'
TaskQueue = require './task-queue'
# Public: The TaskQueueStatusStore allows you to inspect the task queue from
# Public: The TaskQueueStatusStore allows you to inspect the task queue from
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
_ = require 'underscore'
_ = require 'underscore'
Actions = require('../actions').default
Actions = require('../actions').default
AccountStore = require './account-store'
AccountStore = require('./account-store').default
CategoryStore = require './category-store'
CategoryStore = require './category-store'
MailboxPerspective = require '../../mailbox-perspective'
MailboxPerspective = require '../../mailbox-perspective'
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ _ = require 'underscore'
Utils = require './flux/models/utils'
Utils = require './flux/models/utils'
TaskFactory = require('./flux/tasks/task-factory').default
TaskFactory = require('./flux/tasks/task-factory').default
AccountStore = require './flux/stores/account-store'
AccountStore = require('./flux/stores/account-store').default
CategoryStore = require './flux/stores/category-store'
CategoryStore = require './flux/stores/category-store'
DatabaseStore = require('./flux/stores/database-store').default
DatabaseStore = require('./flux/stores/database-store').default
OutboxStore = require('./flux/stores/outbox-store').default
OutboxStore = require('./flux/stores/outbox-store').default
Reference in a new issue