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These \r\nsame essays and news items appear in the \"Schneier on Security\" blog at \r\n, along with a lively and intelligent \r\ncomment section. An RSS feed is available.\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\nIn this issue:\r\n Election Security\r\n News\r\n Lessons From the Dyn DDoS Attack\r\n Regulation of the Internet of Things\r\n Schneier News\r\n Virtual Kidnapping\r\n Intelligence Oversight and How It Can Fail\r\n Whistleblower Investigative Report on NSA Suite B Cryptography\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n Election Security\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nIt's over. The voting went smoothly. As of the time of writing, there \r\nare no serious fraud allegations, nor credible evidence that anyone \r\ntampered with voting rolls or voting machines. And most important, the \r\nresults are not in doubt.\r\n\r\nWhile we may breathe a collective sigh of relief about that, we can't \r\nignore the issue until the next election. The risks remain.\r\n\r\nAs computer security experts have been saying for years, our newly \r\ncomputerized voting systems are vulnerable to attack by both individual \r\nhackers and government-sponsored cyberwarriors. It is only a matter of \r\ntime before such an attack happens.\r\n\r\nElectronic voting machines can be hacked, and those machines that do not \r\ninclude a paper ballot that can verify each voter's choice can be hacked \r\nundetectably. Voting rolls are also vulnerable; they are all \r\ncomputerized databases whose entries can be deleted or changed to sow \r\nchaos on Election Day.\r\n\r\nThe largely ad hoc system in states for collecting and tabulating \r\nindividual voting results is vulnerable as well. While the difference \r\nbetween theoretical if demonstrable vulnerabilities and an actual attack \r\non Election Day is considerable, we got lucky this year. Not just \r\npresidential elections are at risk, but state and local elections, too.\r\n\r\nTo be very clear, this is not about voter fraud. The risks of ineligible \r\npeople voting, or people voting twice, have been repeatedly shown to be \r\nvirtually nonexistent, and \"solutions\" to this problem are largely \r\nvoter-suppression measures. Election fraud, however, is both far more \r\nfeasible and much more worrisome.\r\n\r\nHere's my worry. On the day after an election, someone claims that a \r\nresult was hacked. Maybe one of the candidates points to a wide \r\ndiscrepancy between the most recent polls and the actual results. Maybe \r\nan anonymous person announces that he hacked a particular brand of \r\nvoting machine, describing in detail how. Or maybe it's a system failure \r\nduring Election Day: voting machines recording significantly fewer votes \r\nthan there were voters, or zero votes for one candidate or another. \r\n(These are not theoretical occurrences; they have both happened in the \r\nUnited States before, though because of error, not malice.)\r\n\r\nWe have no procedures for how to proceed if any of these things happen. \r\nThere's no manual, no national panel of experts, no regulatory body to \r\nsteer us through this crisis. How do we figure out if someone hacked the \r\nvote? Can we recover the true votes, or are they lost? What do we do \r\nthen?\r\n\r\nFirst, we need to do more to secure our elections system. We should \r\ndeclare our voting systems to be critical national infrastructure. This \r\nis largely symbolic, but it demonstrates a commitment to secure \r\nelections and makes funding and other resources available to states.\r\n\r\nWe need national security standards for voting machines, and funding for \r\nstates to procure machines that comply with those standards. \r\nVoting-security experts can deal with the technical details, but such \r\nmachines must include a paper ballot that provides a record verifiable \r\nby voters. The simplest and most reliable way to do that is already \r\npracticed in 37 states: optical-scan paper ballots, marked by the \r\nvoters, counted by computer but recountable by hand. And we need a \r\nsystem of pre-election and postelection security audits to increase \r\nconfidence in the system.\r\n\r\nSecond, election tampering, either by a foreign power or by a domestic \r\nactor, is inevitable, so we need detailed procedures to follow -- both \r\ntechnical procedures to figure out what happened, and legal procedures \r\nto figure out what to do -- that will efficiently get us to a fair and \r\nequitable election resolution. There should be a board of independent \r\ncomputer-security experts to unravel what happened, and a board of \r\nindependent election officials, either at the Federal Election \r\nCommission or elsewhere, empowered to determine and put in place an \r\nappropriate response.\r\n\r\nIn the absence of such impartial measures, people rush to defend their \r\ncandidate and their party. Florida in 2000 was a perfect example. What \r\ncould have been a purely technical issue of determining the intent of \r\nevery voter became a battle for who would win the presidency. The \r\ndebates about hanging chads and spoiled ballots and how broad the \r\nrecount should be were contested by people angling for a particular \r\noutcome. In the same way, after a hacked election, partisan politics \r\nwill place tremendous pressure on officials to make decisions that \r\noverride fairness and accuracy.\r\n\r\nThat is why we need to agree on policies to deal with future election \r\nfraud. We need procedures to evaluate claims of voting-machine hacking. \r\nWe need a fair and robust vote-auditing process. And we need all of this \r\nin place before an election is hacked and battle lines are drawn.\r\n\r\nIn response to Florida, the Help America Vote Act of 2002 required each \r\nstate to publish its own guidelines on what constitutes a vote. Some \r\nstates -- Indiana, in particular -- set up a \"war room\" of public and \r\nprivate cybersecurity experts ready to help if anything did occur. While \r\nthe Department of Homeland Security is assisting some states with \r\nelection security, and the F.B.I. and the Justice Department made some \r\npreparations this year, the approach is too piecemeal.\r\n\r\nElections serve two purposes. First, and most obvious, they are how we \r\nchoose a winner. But second, and equally important, they convince the \r\nloser -- and all the supporters -- that he or she lost. To achieve the \r\nfirst purpose, the voting system must be fair and accurate. To achieve \r\nthe second one, it must be *shown* to be fair and accurate.\r\n\r\nWe need to have these conversations before something happens, when \r\neveryone can be calm and rational about the issues. The integrity of our \r\nelections is at stake, which means our democracy is at stake.\r\n\r\nThis essay previously appeared in the New York Times.\r\nhttp://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/09/opinion/american-elections-will-be-hacked.html\r\n\r\nElection-machine vulnerabilities:\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/07/27/by-november-russian-hackers-could-target-voting-machines/\r\n\r\nElections are hard to rig:\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/08/03/one-reason-to-doubt-the-presidential-election-will-be-rigged-its-a-lot-harder-than-it-seems/\r\n\r\nVoting systems as critical infrastructure:\r\nhttps://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2852461\r\n\r\nVoting machine security:\r\nhttps://www.verifiedvoting.org/\r\nhttp://votingmachines.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=000291\r\nhttp://votingmachines.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=000291\r\n\r\nElection-defense preparations for 2016:\r\nhttp://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2016/11/05/election-2016-cyber-hack-issues-homeland-security-indiana-pennsylvania-election-protection-verified-voter/93262960/\r\nhttp://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/2016-election-day/all-hands-deck-protect-election-hack-say-officials-n679271\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n News\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLance Spitzner looks at the safety features of a power saw and tries to \r\napply them to Internet security.\r\nhttps://securingthehuman.sans.org/blog/2016/10/18/what-iot-and-security-needs-to-learn-from-the-dewalt-mitre-saw\r\n\r\nResearchers discover a clever attack that bypasses the address space \r\nlayout randomization (ALSR) on Intel's CPUs.\r\nhttp://arstechnica.com/security/2016/10/flaw-in-intel-chips-could-make-malware-attacks-more-potent/\r\nhttp://www.cs.ucr.edu/~nael/pubs/micro16.pdf\r\n\r\nIn an interviw in Wired, President Obama talks about AI risk, \r\ncybersecurity, and more.\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/10/president-obama-mit-joi-ito-interview/\r\n\r\nPrivacy makes workers more productive. Interesting research.\r\nhttps://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-outsourced-mind/201604/want-people-behave-better-give-them-more-privacy\r\n\r\nNews about the DDOS attacks against Dyn.\r\nhttps://motherboard.vice.com/read/twitter-reddit-spotify-were-collateral-damage-in-major-internet-attack\r\nhttps://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/10/ddos-on-dyn-impacts-twitter-spotify-reddit/\r\nhttps://motherboard.vice.com/read/blame-the-internet-of-things-for-destroying-the-internet-today\r\n\r\nJosephine Wolff examines different Internet governance stakeholders and \r\nhow they frame security debates.\r\nhttps://policyreview.info/articles/analysis/what-we-talk-about-when-we-talk-about-cybersecurity-security-internet-governance\r\n\r\nThe UK is admitting \"offensive cyber\" operations against ISIS/Daesh. I \r\nthink this might be the first time it has been openly acknowledged.\r\nhttps://www.theguardian.com/politics/blog/live/2016/oct/20/philip-green-knighthood-commons-set-to-debate-stripping-philip-green-of-his-knighthood-politics-live\r\n\r\nIt's not hard to imagine the criminal possibilities of automation, \r\nautonomy, and artificial intelligence. But the imaginings are becoming \r\nmainstream -- and the future isn't too far off.\r\nhttp://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/24/technology/artificial-intelligence-evolves-with-its-criminal-potential.html\r\n\r\nAlong similar lines, computers are able to predict court verdicts. My \r\nguess is that the real use here isn't to predict actual court verdicts, \r\nbut for well-paid defense teams to test various defensive tactics.\r\nhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/10/23/artifically-intelligent-judge-developed-which-can-predict-court/\r\n\r\nGood long article on the 2015 attack against the US Office of Personnel \r\nManagement.\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/10/inside-cyberattack-shocked-us-government/\r\n\r\nHow Powell's and Podesta's e-mail accounts were hacked. It was phishing.\r\nhttps://motherboard.vice.com/read/how-hackers-broke-into-john-podesta-and-colin-powells-gmail-accounts\r\n\r\nA year and a half ago, I wrote about hardware bit-flipping attacks, \r\nwhich were then largely theoretical. Now, they can be used to root \r\nAndroid phones.\r\nhttp://arstechnica.com/security/2016/10/using-rowhammer-bitflips-to-root-android-phones-is-now-a-thing/\r\nhttps://vvdveen.com/publications/drammer.pdf\r\nhttps://www.vusec.net/projects/drammer/\r\n\r\nEavesdropping on typing while connected over VoIP.\r\nhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.09359.pdf\r\nhttps://news.uci.edu/research/typing-while-skyping-could-compromise-privacy/\r\n\r\nAn impressive Chinese device that automatically reads marked cards in \r\norder to cheat at poker and other card games.\r\nhttps://www.elie.net/blog/security/fuller-house-exposing-high-end-poker-cheating-devices\r\n\r\nA useful guide on how to avoid kidnapping children on Halloween.\r\nhttp://reductress.com/post/how-to-not-kidnap-any-kids-on-halloween-not-even-one/\r\n\r\nA card game based on the iterated prisoner's dilemma.\r\nhttps://opinionatedgamers.com/2016/10/26/h-m-s-dolores-game-review-by-chris-wray/\r\n\r\nThere's another leak of NSA hacking tools and data from the Shadow \r\nBrokers. This one includes a list of hacked sites. The data is old, but \r\nyou can see if you've been hacked.\r\nhttp://arstechnica.co.uk/security/2016/10/new-leak-may-show-if-you-were-hacked-by-the-nsa/\r\nHonestly, I am surprised by this release. I thought that the original \r\nShadow Brokers dump was everything. Now that we know they held things \r\nback, there could easily be more releases.\r\nhttp://www.networkworld.com/article/3137065/security/shadow-brokers-leak-list-of-nsa-targets-and-compromised-servers.html\r\nNote that the Hague-based Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical \r\nWeapons is on the list, hacked in 2000.\r\nhttps://boingboing.net/2016/11/06/in-2000-the-nsa-hacked-the-ha.html\r\n\r\nFree cybersecurity MOOC from F-Secure and the University of Finland.\r\nhttp://mooc.fi/courses/2016/cybersecurity/\r\n\r\nResearchers have trained a neural network to encrypt its communications. \r\nThis story is more about AI and neural networks than it is about \r\ncryptography. The algorithm isn't any good, but is a perfect example of \r\nwhat I've heard called \"Schneier's Law\": Anyone can design a cipher that \r\nthey themselves cannot break.\r\nhttps://www.newscientist.com/article/2110522-googles-neural-networks-invent-their-own-encryption/\r\nhttp://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/10/google-ai-neural-network-cryptography/\r\nhttps://www.engadget.com/2016/10/28/google-ai-created-its-own-form-of-encryption/\r\nhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.06918v1.pdf\r\nSchneier's Law:\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2011/04/schneiers_law.html\r\n\r\nGoogle now links anonymous browser tracking with identifiable tracking. \r\nThe article also explains how to opt out.\r\nhttps://www.propublica.org/article/google-has-quietly-dropped-ban-on-personally-identifiable-web-tracking\r\n\r\nNew Atlas has a great three-part feature on the history of hacking as \r\nportrayed in films, including video clips. The 1980s. The 1990s. The \r\n2000s.\r\nhttp://newatlas.com/history-hollywood-hacking-1980s/45482/\r\nhttp://newatlas.com/hollywood-hacking-movies-1990s/45623/\r\nhttp://newatlas.com/hollywood-hacking-2000s/45965\r\n\r\nFor years, the DMCA has been used to stifle legitimate research into the \r\nsecurity of embedded systems. Finally, the research exemption to the \r\nDMCA is in effect (for two years, but we can hope it'll be extended \r\nforever).\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/10/hacking-car-pacemaker-toaster-just-became-legal/\r\nhttps://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/10/why-did-we-have-wait-year-fix-our-cars\r\n\r\nFirefox is removing the battery status API, citing privacy concerns.\r\nhttps://www.fxsitecompat.com/en-CA/docs/2016/battery-status-api-has-been-removed/\r\nhttps://eprint.iacr.org/2015/616.pdf\r\nW3C is updating the spec.\r\nhttps://www.w3.org/TR/battery-status/#acknowledgements\r\nHere's a battery tracker found in the wild.\r\nhttp://randomwalker.info/publications/OpenWPM_1_million_site_tracking_measurement.pdf\r\n\r\nElection-day humor from 2004, but still relevent.\r\nhttp://www.ganssle.com/tem/tem316.html#article2\r\n\r\nA self-propagating smart light bulb worm.\r\nhttp://iotworm.eyalro.net/\r\nhttps://boingboing.net/2016/11/09/a-lightbulb-worm-could-take-ov.html\r\nhttps://tech.slashdot.org/story/16/11/09/0041201/researchers-hack-philips-hue-smart-bulbs-using-a-drone\r\nThis is exactly the sort of Internet-of-Things attack that has me \r\nworried.\r\n\r\nAd networks are surreptitiously using ultrasonic communications to jump \r\nfrom device to device. It should come as no surprise that this \r\ncommunications channel can be used to hack devices as well.\r\nhttps://www.newscientist.com/article/2110762-your-homes-online-gadgets-could-be-hacked-by-ultrasound/\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2015/11/ads_surreptitio.html\r\n\r\nThis is some interesting research. You can fool facial recognition \r\nsystems by wearing glasses printed with elements of other peoples' \r\nfaces.\r\nhttps://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sbhagava/papers/face-rec-ccs16.pdf\r\nhttp://qz.com/823820/carnegie-mellon-made-a-special-pair-of-glasses-that-lets-you-steal-a-digital-identity/\r\nhttps://boingboing.net/2016/11/02/researchers-trick-facial-recog.html\r\n\r\nInteresting research: \"Using Artificial Intelligence to Identify State \r\nSecrets,\" https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.00356\r\n\r\nThere's a Kickstarter for a sticker that you can stick on a glove and \r\nthen register with a biometric access system like an iPhone. It's an \r\ninteresting security trade-off: swapping something you are (the \r\nbiometric) with something you have (the glove).\r\nhttps://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nanotips/taps-touchscreen-sticker-w-touch-id-ships-before-x?token=5b586aa6\r\nhttps://gizmodo.com/these-fake-fingerprint-stickers-let-you-access-a-protec-1788710313\r\n\r\nJulian Oliver has designed and built a cellular eavesdropping device \r\nthat's disguised as an old HP printer. It's more of a conceptual art \r\npiece than an actual piece of eavesdropping equipment, but it still \r\nmakes the point.\r\nhttps://julianoliver.com/output/stealth-cell-tower\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/11/evil-office-printer-hijacks-cellphone-connection/\r\nhttps://boingboing.net/2016/11/03/a-fake-hp-printer-thats-actu.html\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n Lessons From the Dyn DDoS Attack\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nA week ago Friday, someone took down numerous popular websites in a \r\nmassive distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack against the domain \r\nname provider Dyn. DDoS attacks are neither new nor sophisticated. The \r\nattacker sends a massive amount of traffic, causing the victim's system \r\nto slow to a crawl and eventually crash. There are more or less clever \r\nvariants, but basically, it's a datapipe-size battle between attacker \r\nand victim. If the defender has a larger capacity to receive and process \r\ndata, he or she will win. If the attacker can throw more data than the \r\nvictim can process, he or she will win.\r\n\r\nThe attacker can build a giant data cannon, but that's expensive. It is \r\nmuch smarter to recruit millions of innocent computers on the internet. \r\nThis is the \"distributed\" part of the DDoS attack, and pretty much how \r\nit's worked for decades. Cybercriminals infect innocent computers around \r\nthe internet and recruit them into a botnet. They then target that \r\nbotnet against a single victim.\r\n\r\nYou can imagine how it might work in the real world. If I can trick tens \r\nof thousands of others to order pizzas to be delivered to your house at \r\nthe same time, I can clog up your street and prevent any legitimate \r\ntraffic from getting through. If I can trick many millions, I might be \r\nable to crush your house from the weight. That's a DDoS attack -- it's \r\nsimple brute force.\r\n\r\nAs you'd expect, DDoSers have various motives. The attacks started out \r\nas a way to show off, then quickly transitioned to a method of \r\nintimidation -- or a way of just getting back at someone you didn't \r\nlike. More recently, they've become vehicles of protest. In 2013, the \r\nhacker group Anonymous petitioned the White House to recognize DDoS \r\nattacks as a legitimate form of protest. Criminals have used these \r\nattacks as a means of extortion, although one group found that just the \r\nfear of attack was enough. Military agencies are also thinking about \r\nDDoS as a tool in their cyberwar arsenals. A 2007 DDoS attack against \r\nEstonia was blamed on Russia and widely called an act of cyberwar.\r\n\r\nThe DDoS attack against Dyn two weeks ago was nothing new, but it \r\nillustrated several important trends in computer security.\r\n\r\nThese attack techniques are broadly available. Fully capable DDoS attack \r\ntools are available for free download. Criminal groups offer DDoS \r\nservices for hire. The particular attack technique used against Dyn was \r\nfirst used a month earlier. It's called Mirai, and since the source code \r\nwas released four weeks ago, over a dozen botnets have incorporated the \r\ncode.\r\n\r\nThe Dyn attacks were probably not originated by a government. The \r\nperpetrators were most likely hackers mad at Dyn for helping Brian Krebs \r\nidentify -- and the FBI arrest -- two Israeli hackers who were running a \r\nDDoS-for-hire ring. Recently I have written about probing DDoS attacks \r\nagainst internet infrastructure companies that appear to be perpetrated \r\nby a nation-state. But, honestly, we don't know for sure.\r\n\r\nThis is important. Software spreads capabilities. The smartest attacker \r\nneeds to figure out the attack and write the software. After that, \r\nanyone can use it. There's not even much of a difference between \r\ngovernment and criminal attacks. In December 2014, there was a \r\nlegitimate debate in the security community as to whether the massive \r\nattack against Sony had been perpetrated by a nation-state with a $20 \r\nbillion military budget or a couple of guys in a basement somewhere. The \r\ninternet is the only place where we can't tell the difference. Everyone \r\nuses the same tools, the same techniques and the same tactics.\r\n\r\nThese attacks are getting larger. The Dyn DDoS attack set a record at \r\n1.2 Tbps. The previous record holder was the attack against \r\ncybersecurity journalist Brian Krebs a month prior at 620 Gbps. This is \r\nmuch larger than required to knock the typical website offline. A year \r\nago, it was unheard of. Now it occurs regularly.\r\n\r\nThe botnets attacking Dyn and Brian Krebs consisted largely of unsecure \r\nInternet of Things (IoT) devices -- webcams, digital video recorders, \r\nrouters and so on. This isn't new, either. We've already seen \r\ninternet-enabled refrigerators and TVs used in DDoS botnets. But again, \r\nthe scale is bigger now. In 2014, the news was hundreds of thousands of \r\nIoT devices -- the Dyn attack used millions. Analysts expect the IoT to \r\nincrease the number of things on the internet by a factor of 10 or more. \r\nExpect these attacks to similarly increase.\r\n\r\nThe problem is that these IoT devices are unsecure and likely to remain \r\nthat way. The economics of internet security don't trickle down to the \r\nIoT. Commenting on the Krebs attack last month, I wrote:\r\n\r\n The market can't fix this because neither the buyer nor the\r\n seller cares. Think of all the CCTV cameras and DVRs used in\r\n the attack against Brian Krebs. The owners of those devices\r\n don't care. Their devices were cheap to buy, they still work,\r\n and they don't even know Brian. The sellers of those devices\r\n don't care: They're now selling newer and better models, and\r\n the original buyers only cared about price and features. There\r\n is no market solution because the insecurity is what economists\r\n call an externality: It's an effect of the purchasing decision\r\n that affects other people. Think of it kind of like invisible\r\n pollution.\r\n\r\nTo be fair, one company that made some of the unsecure things used in \r\nthese attacks recalled its unsecure webcams. But this is more of a \r\npublicity stunt than anything else. I would be surprised if the company \r\ngot many devices back. We already know that the reputational damage from \r\nhaving your unsecure software made public isn't large and doesn't last. \r\nAt this point, the market still largely rewards sacrificing security in \r\nfavor of price and time-to-market.\r\n\r\nDDoS prevention works best deep in the network, where the pipes are the \r\nlargest and the capability to identify and block the attacks is the most \r\nevident. But the backbone providers have no incentive to do this. They \r\ndon't feel the pain when the attacks occur and they have no way of \r\nbilling for the service when they provide it. So they let the attacks \r\nthrough and force the victims to defend themselves. In many ways, this \r\nis similar to the spam problem. It, too, is best dealt with in the \r\nbackbone, but similar economics dump the problem onto the endpoints.\r\n\r\nWe're unlikely to get any regulation forcing backbone companies to clean \r\nup either DDoS attacks or spam, just as we are unlikely to get any \r\nregulations forcing IoT manufacturers to make their systems secure. This \r\nis me again:\r\n\r\n What this all means is that the IoT will remain insecure unless\r\n government steps in and fixes the problem. When we have market\r\n failures, government is the only solution. The government could\r\n impose security regulations on IoT manufacturers, forcing them\r\n to make their devices secure even though their customers don't\r\n care. They could impose liabilities on manufacturers, allowing\r\n people like Brian Krebs to sue them. Any of these would raise\r\n the cost of insecurity and give companies incentives to spend\r\n money making their devices secure.\r\n\r\nThat leaves the victims to pay. This is where we are in much of computer \r\nsecurity. Because the hardware, software and networks we use are so \r\nunsecure, we have to pay an entire industry to provide after-the-fact \r\nsecurity.\r\n\r\nThere are solutions you can buy. Many companies offer DDoS protection, \r\nalthough they're generally calibrated to the older, smaller attacks. We \r\ncan safely assume that they'll up their offerings, although the cost \r\nmight be prohibitive for many users. Understand your risks. Buy \r\nmitigation if you need it, but understand its limitations. Know the \r\nattacks are possible and will succeed if large enough. And the attacks \r\nare getting larger all the time. Prepare for that.\r\n\r\nThis essay previously appeared on the SecurityIntelligence website.\r\nhttps://securityintelligence.com/lessons-from-the-dyn-ddos-attack/\r\n\r\nhttps://securityintelligence.com/news/multi-phased-ddos-attack-causes-hours-long-outages/\r\nhttp://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/10/inside-the-machine-uprising-how-cameras-dvrs-took-down-parts-of-the-internet/\r\nhttps://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/oct/26/ddos-attack-dyn-mirai-botnet\r\nhttp://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/news/450401962/Details-emerging-on-Dyn-DNS-DDoS-attack-Mirai-IoT-botnet\r\nhttp://hub.dyn.com/static/hub.dyn.com/dyn-blog/dyn-statement-on-10-21-2016-ddos-attack.html\r\n\r\nDDoS petition:\r\nhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/12/anonymous-ddos-petition-white-house_n_2463009.html\r\n\r\nDDoS extortion:\r\nhttps://securityintelligence.com/ddos-extortion-easy-and-lucrative/\r\nhttp://www.computerworld.com/article/3061813/security/empty-ddos-threats-deliver-100k-to-extortion-group.html\r\n\r\nDDoS against Estonia:\r\nhttp://www.iar-gwu.org/node/65\r\n\r\nDDoS for hire:\r\nhttp://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2016/10/23/massive-ddos-iot-botnet-for-hire-twitter-dyn-amazon/#11f82518c915\r\n\r\nMirai:\r\nhttps://www.arbornetworks.com/blog/asert/mirai-iot-botnet-description-ddos-attack-mitigation/\r\nhttps://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/10/source-code-for-iot-botnet-mirai-released/\r\nhttps://threatpost.com/mirai-bots-more-than-double-since-source-code-release/121368/\r\n\r\nKrebs:\r\nhttp://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/09/israeli-online-attack-service-vdos-earned-600000-in-two-years/\r\nhttp://www.theverge.com/2016/9/11/12878692/vdos-israeli-teens-ddos-cyberattack-service-arrested\r\nhttps://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/09/krebsonsecurity-hit-with-record-ddos/\r\nhttp://www.businessinsider.com/akamai-brian-krebs-ddos-attack-2016-9\r\n\r\nNation-state DDoS Attacks:\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2016/09/someone_is_lear.html\r\n\r\nNorth Korea and Sony:\r\nhttps://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/12/did-north-korea-really-attack-sony/383973/\r\n\r\nInternet of Things (IoT) security:\r\nhttps://securityintelligence.com/will-internet-things-leveraged-ruin-companys-day-understanding-iot-security/\r\nhttps://thehackernews.com/2014/01/100000-refrigerators-and-other-home.html\r\n\r\nEver larger DDoS Attacks:\r\nhttp://www.ibtimes.co.uk/biggest-ever-terabit-scale-ddos-attack-yet-could-be-horizon-experts-warn-1588364\r\n\r\nMy previous essay on this:\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/essays/archives/2016/10/we_need_to_save_the_.html\r\n\r\nrecalled:\r\nhttp://www.zdnet.com/article/chinese-tech-giant-recalls-webcams-used-in-dyn-cyberattack/\r\n\r\nidentify and block the attacks:\r\nhttp://www.ibm.com/security/threat-protection/\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n Regulation of the Internet of Things\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLate last month, popular websites like Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit and \r\nPayPal went down for most of a day. The distributed denial-of-service \r\nattack that caused the outages, and the vulnerabilities that made the \r\nattack possible, was as much a failure of market and policy as it was of \r\ntechnology. If we want to secure our increasingly computerized and \r\nconnected world, we need more government involvement in the security of \r\nthe \"Internet of Things\" and increased regulation of what are now \r\ncritical and life-threatening technologies. It's no longer a question of \r\nif, it's a question of when.\r\n\r\nFirst, the facts. Those websites went down because their domain name \r\nprovider -- a company named Dyn -- was forced offline. We don't know who \r\nperpetrated that attack, but it could have easily been a lone hacker. \r\nWhoever it was launched a distributed denial-of-service attack against \r\nDyn by exploiting a vulnerability in large numbers -- possibly millions \r\n-- of Internet-of-Things devices like webcams and digital video \r\nrecorders, then recruiting them all into a single botnet. The botnet \r\nbombarded Dyn with traffic, so much that it went down. And when it went \r\ndown, so did dozens of websites.\r\n\r\nYour security on the Internet depends on the security of millions of \r\nInternet-enabled devices, designed and sold by companies you've never \r\nheard of to consumers who don't care about your security.\r\n\r\nThe technical reason these devices are insecure is complicated, but \r\nthere is a market failure at work. The Internet of Things is bringing \r\ncomputerization and connectivity to many tens of millions of devices \r\nworldwide. These devices will affect every aspect of our lives, because \r\nthey're things like cars, home appliances, thermostats, lightbulbs, \r\nfitness trackers, medical devices, smart streetlights and sidewalk \r\nsquares. Many of these devices are low-cost, designed and built \r\noffshore, then rebranded and resold. The teams building these devices \r\ndon't have the security expertise we've come to expect from the major \r\ncomputer and smartphone manufacturers, simply because the market won't \r\nstand for the additional costs that would require. These devices don't \r\nget security updates like our more expensive computers, and many don't \r\neven have a way to be patched. And, unlike our computers and phones, \r\nthey stay around for years and decades.\r\n\r\nAn additional market failure illustrated by the Dyn attack is that \r\nneither the seller nor the buyer of those devices cares about fixing the \r\nvulnerability. The owners of those devices don't care. They wanted a \r\nwebcam -- or thermostat, or refrigerator -- with nice features at a good \r\nprice. Even after they were recruited into this botnet, they still work \r\nfine -- you can't even tell they were used in the attack. The sellers of \r\nthose devices don't care: They've already moved on to selling newer and \r\nbetter models. There is no market solution because the insecurity \r\nprimarily affects other people. It's a form of invisible pollution.\r\n\r\nAnd, like pollution, the only solution is to regulate. The government \r\ncould impose minimum security standards on IoT manufacturers, forcing \r\nthem to make their devices secure even though their customers don't \r\ncare. They could impose liabilities on manufacturers, allowing companies \r\nlike Dyn to sue them if their devices are used in DDoS attacks. The \r\ndetails would need to be carefully scoped, but either of these options \r\nwould raise the cost of insecurity and give companies incentives to \r\nspend money making their devices secure.\r\n\r\nIt's true that this is a domestic solution to an international problem \r\nand that there's no U.S. regulation that will affect, say, an Asian-made \r\nproduct sold in South America, even though that product could still be \r\nused to take down U.S. websites. But the main costs in making software \r\ncome from development. If the United States and perhaps a few other \r\nmajor markets implement strong Internet-security regulations on IoT \r\ndevices, manufacturers will be forced to upgrade their security if they \r\nwant to sell to those markets. And any improvements they make in their \r\nsoftware will be available in their products wherever they are sold, \r\nsimply because it makes no sense to maintain two different versions of \r\nthe software. This is truly an area where the actions of a few countries \r\ncan drive worldwide change.\r\n\r\nRegardless of what you think about regulation vs. market solutions, I \r\nbelieve there is no choice. Governments will get involved in the IoT, \r\nbecause the risks are too great and the stakes are too high. Computers \r\nare now able to affect our world in a direct and physical manner.\r\n\r\nSecurity researchers have demonstrated the ability to remotely take \r\ncontrol of Internet-enabled cars. They've demonstrated ransomware \r\nagainst home thermostats and exposed vulnerabilities in implanted \r\nmedical devices. They've hacked voting machines and power plants. In one \r\nrecent paper, researchers showed how a vulnerability in smart lightbulbs \r\ncould be used to start a chain reaction, resulting in them *all* being \r\ncontrolled by the attackers -- that's every one in a city. Security \r\nflaws in these things could mean people dying and property being \r\ndestroyed.\r\n\r\nNothing motivates the U.S. government like fear. Remember 2001? A \r\nsmall-government Republican president created the Department of Homeland \r\nSecurity in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks: a rushed and \r\nill-thought-out decision that we've been trying to fix for more than a \r\ndecade. A fatal IoT disaster will similarly spur our government into \r\naction, and it's unlikely to be well-considered and thoughtful action. \r\nOur choice isn't between government involvement and no government \r\ninvolvement. Our choice is between smarter government involvement and \r\nstupider government involvement. We have to start thinking about this \r\nnow. Regulations are necessary, important and complex -- and they're \r\ncoming. We can't afford to ignore these issues until it's too late.\r\n\r\nIn general, the software market demands that products be fast and cheap \r\nand that security be a secondary consideration. That was okay when \r\nsoftware didn't matter -- it was okay that your spreadsheet crashed once \r\nin a while. But a software bug that literally crashes your car is \r\nanother thing altogether. The security vulnerabilities in the Internet \r\nof Things are deep and pervasive, and they won't get fixed if the market \r\nis left to sort it out for itself. We need to proactively discuss good \r\nregulatory solutions; otherwise, a disaster will impose bad ones on us.\r\n\r\nThis essay previously appeared in the Washington Post.\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/11/03/your-wifi-connected-thermostat-can-take-down-the-whole-internet-we-need-new-regulations/\r\n\r\n\r\nDDoS:\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2016/10/21/someone-attacked-a-major-part-of-the-internets-infrastructure/\r\n\r\nIoT and DDoS:\r\nhttps://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/10/hacked-cameras-dvrs-powered-todays-massive-internet-outage/\r\n\r\nThe IoT market failure and regulation:\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/essays/archives/2016/10/we_need_to_save_the_.html\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2014/01/theres-no-good-way-to-patch-the-internet-of-things-and-thats-a-huge-problem/\r\nhttp://www.computerworld.com/article/3136650/security/after-ddos-attack-senator-seeks-industry-led-security-standards-for-iot-devices.html\r\n\r\nIoT ransomware:\r\nhttps://motherboard.vice.com/read/internet-of-things-ransomware-smart-thermostat\r\nmedical:\r\n\r\nHacking medical devices:\r\nhttp://motherboard.vice.com/read/hackers-killed-a-simulated-human-by-turning-off-its-pacemaker\r\nhttp://abcnews.go.com/US/vice-president-dick-cheney-feared-pacemaker-hacking/story?id=20621434\r\n\r\nHacking voting machines:\r\nhttp://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/08/2016-elections-russia-hack-how-to-hack-an-election-in-seven-minutes-214144\r\n\r\nHacking power plants:\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/01/everything-we-know-about-ukraines-power-plant-hack/\r\n\r\nHacking light bulbs:\r\nhttp://iotworm.eyalro.net\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n Schneier News\r\n\r\n\r\nI am speaking in Cambridge, MA on November 15 at the Harvard Big-Data \r\nClub.\r\nhttp://harvardbigdata.com/event/keynote-lecture-bruce-schneier\r\n\r\nI am speaking in Palm Springs, CA on November 30 at the TEDMED \r\nConference.\r\nhttp://www.tedmed.com/speakers/show?id=627300\r\n\r\nI am participating in the Resilient end-of-year webinar on December 8.\r\nhttp://info.resilientsystems.com/webinar-eoy-cybersecurity-2016-review-2017-predictions\r\n\r\nI am speaking on December 14 in Accra at the University of Ghana.\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n Virtual Kidnapping\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThis is a harrowing story of a scam artist that convinced a mother that \r\nher daughter had been kidnapped. It's unclear if these virtual \r\nkidnappers use data about their victims, or just call people at random \r\nand hope to get lucky. Still, it's a new criminal use of smartphones and \r\nubiquitous information. Reminds me of the scammers who call low-wage \r\nworkers at retail establishments late at night and convince them to do \r\noutlandish and occasionally dangerous things.\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/local/we-have-your-daughter-a-virtual-kidnapping-and-a-mothers-five-hours-of-hell/2016/10/03/8f082690-8963-11e6-875e-2c1bfe943b66_story.html\r\nMore stories are here.\r\nhttp://www.nbcwashington.com/investigations/Several-Virtual-Kidnapping-Attempts-in-Maryland-Recently-375792991.html\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n Intelligence Oversight and How It Can Fail\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nFormer NSA attorneys John DeLong and Susan Hennessay have written a \r\nfascinating article describing a particular incident of oversight \r\nfailure inside the NSA. Technically, the story hinges on a definitional \r\ndifference between the NSA and the FISA court meaning of the word \r\n\"archived.\" (For the record, I would have defaulted to the NSA's \r\ninterpretation, which feels more accurate technically.) But while the \r\nstory is worth reading, what's especially interesting are the broader \r\nissues about how a nontechnical judiciary can provide oversight over a \r\nvery technical data collection-and-analysis organization -- especially \r\nif the oversight must largely be conducted in secret.\r\n\r\nIn many places I have separated different kinds of oversight: are we \r\ndoing things right versus are we doing the right things? This is very \r\nmuch about the first: is the NSA complying with the rules the courts \r\nimpose on them? I believe that the NSA tries very hard to follow the \r\nrules it's given, while at the same time being very aggressive about how \r\nit interprets any kind of ambiguities and using its nonadversarial \r\nrelationship with its overseers to its advantage.\r\n\r\nThe only possible solution I can see to all of this is more public \r\nscrutiny. Secrecy is toxic here.\r\n\r\nhttps://www.lawfareblog.com/understanding-footnote-14-nsa-lawyering-oversight-and-compliance\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n Whistleblower Investigative Report on NSA Suite B Cryptography\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe NSA has been abandoning secret and proprietary cryptographic \r\nalgorithms in favor of commercial public algorithms, generally known as \r\n\"Suite B.\" In 2010, an NSA employee filed some sort of whistleblower \r\ncomplaint, alleging that this move is both insecure and wasteful. The \r\nUS DoD Inspector General investigated and wrote a report in 2011.\r\n\r\nThe report -- slightly redacted and declassified -- found that there was \r\nno wrongdoing. But the report is an interesting window into the NSA's \r\nsystem of algorithm selection and testing (pages 5 and 6), as well as \r\nhow they investigate whistleblower complaints.\r\n\r\nhttp://www.dodig.mil/FOIA/err/11-INTEL-06%20(Redacted).pdf\r\n\r\nSuite B Cryptography:\r\nhttp://csrc.nist.gov/groups/SMA/ispab/documents/minutes/2006-03/E_Barker-March2006-ISPAB.pdf\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\nSince 1998, CRYPTO-GRAM has been a free monthly newsletter providing \r\nsummaries, analyses, insights, and commentaries on security: computer \r\nand otherwise. You can subscribe, unsubscribe, or change your address on \r\nthe Web at . Back issues are \r\nalso available at that URL.\r\n\r\nPlease feel free to forward CRYPTO-GRAM, in whole or in part, to \r\ncolleagues and friends who will find it valuable. Permission is also \r\ngranted to reprint CRYPTO-GRAM, as long as it is reprinted in its \r\nentirety.\r\n\r\nCRYPTO-GRAM is written by Bruce Schneier. Bruce Schneier is an \r\ninternationally renowned security technologist, called a \"security guru\" \r\nby The Economist. He is the author of 13 books -- including his latest, \r\n\"Data and Goliath\" -- as well as hundreds of articles, essays, and \r\nacademic papers. His influential newsletter \"Crypto-Gram\" and his blog \r\n\"Schneier on Security\" are read by over 250,000 people. He has testified \r\nbefore Congress, is a frequent guest on television and radio, has served \r\non several government committees, and is regularly quoted in the press. \r\nSchneier is a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at \r\nHarvard Law School, a program fellow at the New America Foundation's \r\nOpen Technology Institute, a board member of the Electronic Frontier \r\nFoundation, an Advisory Board Member of the Electronic Privacy \r\nInformation Center, and the Chief Technology Officer at Resilient, an \r\nIBM Company. See .\r\n\r\nCrypto-Gram is a personal newsletter. Opinions expressed are not \r\nnecessarily those of Resilient, an IBM Company.\r\n\r\nCopyright (c) 2016 by Bruce Schneier.\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nTo unsubscribe from Crypto-Gram, click this link:\r\n\r\nhttps://lists.schneier.com/cgi-bin/mailman/options/crypto-gram/christine%40spang.cc?login-unsub=Unsubscribe\r\n\r\nYou will be e-mailed a confirmation message. Follow the instructions in that message to confirm your removal from the list.\r\n"}},"desiredParts":[{"id":"1","encoding":"7BIT","mimetype":"text/plain"}],"result":{"id":"06cee3acb8fb7682fb622fcbac850cf25579be8a9b0afea9eed9f7454b53eb42","to":[{"name":"","email":"christine@spang.cc"}],"cc":[{"name":"Crypto-Gram Mailing List","email":"crypto-gram@lists.schneier.com"}],"bcc":[],"from":[{"name":"Bruce Schneier","email":"schneier@schneier.com"}],"replyTo":[],"accountId":"test-account-id","body":"
\r\n             CRYPTO-GRAM\r\n\r\n          November 15, 2016\r\n\r\n          by Bruce Schneier\r\n    CTO, Resilient, an IBM Company\r\n        schneier@schneier.com\r\n       https://www.schneier.com\r\n\r\n\r\nA free monthly newsletter providing summaries, analyses, insights, and \r\ncommentaries on security: computer and otherwise.\r\n\r\nFor back issues, or to subscribe, visit \r\n.\r\n\r\nYou can read this issue on the web at \r\n. These \r\nsame essays and news items appear in the \"Schneier on Security\" blog at \r\n, along with a lively and intelligent \r\ncomment section. An RSS feed is available.\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\nIn this issue:\r\n      Election Security\r\n      News\r\n      Lessons From the Dyn DDoS Attack\r\n      Regulation of the Internet of Things\r\n      Schneier News\r\n      Virtual Kidnapping\r\n      Intelligence Oversight and How It Can Fail\r\n      Whistleblower Investigative Report on NSA Suite B Cryptography\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n      Election Security\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nIt's over. The voting went smoothly. As of the time of writing, there \r\nare no serious fraud allegations, nor credible evidence that anyone \r\ntampered with voting rolls or voting machines. And most important, the \r\nresults are not in doubt.\r\n\r\nWhile we may breathe a collective sigh of relief about that, we can't \r\nignore the issue until the next election. The risks remain.\r\n\r\nAs computer security experts have been saying for years, our newly \r\ncomputerized voting systems are vulnerable to attack by both individual \r\nhackers and government-sponsored cyberwarriors. It is only a matter of \r\ntime before such an attack happens.\r\n\r\nElectronic voting machines can be hacked, and those machines that do not \r\ninclude a paper ballot that can verify each voter's choice can be hacked \r\nundetectably. Voting rolls are also vulnerable; they are all \r\ncomputerized databases whose entries can be deleted or changed to sow \r\nchaos on Election Day.\r\n\r\nThe largely ad hoc system in states for collecting and tabulating \r\nindividual voting results is vulnerable as well. While the difference \r\nbetween theoretical if demonstrable vulnerabilities and an actual attack \r\non Election Day is considerable, we got lucky this year. Not just \r\npresidential elections are at risk, but state and local elections, too.\r\n\r\nTo be very clear, this is not about voter fraud. The risks of ineligible \r\npeople voting, or people voting twice, have been repeatedly shown to be \r\nvirtually nonexistent, and \"solutions\" to this problem are largely \r\nvoter-suppression measures. Election fraud, however, is both far more \r\nfeasible and much more worrisome.\r\n\r\nHere's my worry. On the day after an election, someone claims that a \r\nresult was hacked. Maybe one of the candidates points to a wide \r\ndiscrepancy between the most recent polls and the actual results. Maybe \r\nan anonymous person announces that he hacked a particular brand of \r\nvoting machine, describing in detail how. Or maybe it's a system failure \r\nduring Election Day: voting machines recording significantly fewer votes \r\nthan there were voters, or zero votes for one candidate or another. \r\n(These are not theoretical occurrences; they have both happened in the \r\nUnited States before, though because of error, not malice.)\r\n\r\nWe have no procedures for how to proceed if any of these things happen. \r\nThere's no manual, no national panel of experts, no regulatory body to \r\nsteer us through this crisis. How do we figure out if someone hacked the \r\nvote? Can we recover the true votes, or are they lost? What do we do \r\nthen?\r\n\r\nFirst, we need to do more to secure our elections system. We should \r\ndeclare our voting systems to be critical national infrastructure. This \r\nis largely symbolic, but it demonstrates a commitment to secure \r\nelections and makes funding and other resources available to states.\r\n\r\nWe need national security standards for voting machines, and funding for \r\nstates to procure machines that comply with those standards. \r\nVoting-security experts can deal with the technical details, but such \r\nmachines must include a paper ballot that provides a record verifiable \r\nby voters. The simplest and most reliable way to do that is already \r\npracticed in 37 states: optical-scan paper ballots, marked by the \r\nvoters, counted by computer but recountable by hand. And we need a \r\nsystem of pre-election and postelection security audits to increase \r\nconfidence in the system.\r\n\r\nSecond, election tampering, either by a foreign power or by a domestic \r\nactor, is inevitable, so we need detailed procedures to follow -- both \r\ntechnical procedures to figure out what happened, and legal procedures \r\nto figure out what to do -- that will efficiently get us to a fair and \r\nequitable election resolution. There should be a board of independent \r\ncomputer-security experts to unravel what happened, and a board of \r\nindependent election officials, either at the Federal Election \r\nCommission or elsewhere, empowered to determine and put in place an \r\nappropriate response.\r\n\r\nIn the absence of such impartial measures, people rush to defend their \r\ncandidate and their party. Florida in 2000 was a perfect example. What \r\ncould have been a purely technical issue of determining the intent of \r\nevery voter became a battle for who would win the presidency. The \r\ndebates about hanging chads and spoiled ballots and how broad the \r\nrecount should be were contested by people angling for a particular \r\noutcome. In the same way, after a hacked election, partisan politics \r\nwill place tremendous pressure on officials to make decisions that \r\noverride fairness and accuracy.\r\n\r\nThat is why we need to agree on policies to deal with future election \r\nfraud. We need procedures to evaluate claims of voting-machine hacking. \r\nWe need a fair and robust vote-auditing process. And we need all of this \r\nin place before an election is hacked and battle lines are drawn.\r\n\r\nIn response to Florida, the Help America Vote Act of 2002 required each \r\nstate to publish its own guidelines on what constitutes a vote. Some \r\nstates -- Indiana, in particular -- set up a \"war room\" of public and \r\nprivate cybersecurity experts ready to help if anything did occur. While \r\nthe Department of Homeland Security is assisting some states with \r\nelection security, and the F.B.I. and the Justice Department made some \r\npreparations this year, the approach is too piecemeal.\r\n\r\nElections serve two purposes. First, and most obvious, they are how we \r\nchoose a winner. But second, and equally important, they convince the \r\nloser -- and all the supporters -- that he or she lost. To achieve the \r\nfirst purpose, the voting system must be fair and accurate. To achieve \r\nthe second one, it must be *shown* to be fair and accurate.\r\n\r\nWe need to have these conversations before something happens, when \r\neveryone can be calm and rational about the issues. The integrity of our \r\nelections is at stake, which means our democracy is at stake.\r\n\r\nThis essay previously appeared in the New York Times.\r\nhttp://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/09/opinion/american-elections-will-be-hacked.html\r\n\r\nElection-machine vulnerabilities:\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/07/27/by-november-russian-hackers-could-target-voting-machines/\r\n\r\nElections are hard to rig:\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/08/03/one-reason-to-doubt-the-presidential-election-will-be-rigged-its-a-lot-harder-than-it-seems/\r\n\r\nVoting systems as critical infrastructure:\r\nhttps://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2852461\r\n\r\nVoting machine security:\r\nhttps://www.verifiedvoting.org/\r\nhttp://votingmachines.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=000291\r\nhttp://votingmachines.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=000291\r\n\r\nElection-defense preparations for 2016:\r\nhttp://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2016/11/05/election-2016-cyber-hack-issues-homeland-security-indiana-pennsylvania-election-protection-verified-voter/93262960/\r\nhttp://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/2016-election-day/all-hands-deck-protect-election-hack-say-officials-n679271\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n      News\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLance Spitzner looks at the safety features of a power saw and tries to \r\napply them to Internet security.\r\nhttps://securingthehuman.sans.org/blog/2016/10/18/what-iot-and-security-needs-to-learn-from-the-dewalt-mitre-saw\r\n\r\nResearchers discover a clever attack that bypasses the address space \r\nlayout randomization (ALSR) on Intel's CPUs.\r\nhttp://arstechnica.com/security/2016/10/flaw-in-intel-chips-could-make-malware-attacks-more-potent/\r\nhttp://www.cs.ucr.edu/~nael/pubs/micro16.pdf\r\n\r\nIn an interviw in Wired, President Obama talks about AI risk, \r\ncybersecurity, and more.\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/10/president-obama-mit-joi-ito-interview/\r\n\r\nPrivacy makes workers more productive. Interesting research.\r\nhttps://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-outsourced-mind/201604/want-people-behave-better-give-them-more-privacy\r\n\r\nNews about the DDOS attacks against Dyn.\r\nhttps://motherboard.vice.com/read/twitter-reddit-spotify-were-collateral-damage-in-major-internet-attack\r\nhttps://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/10/ddos-on-dyn-impacts-twitter-spotify-reddit/\r\nhttps://motherboard.vice.com/read/blame-the-internet-of-things-for-destroying-the-internet-today\r\n\r\nJosephine Wolff examines different Internet governance stakeholders and \r\nhow they frame security debates.\r\nhttps://policyreview.info/articles/analysis/what-we-talk-about-when-we-talk-about-cybersecurity-security-internet-governance\r\n\r\nThe UK is admitting \"offensive cyber\" operations against ISIS/Daesh. I \r\nthink this might be the first time it has been openly acknowledged.\r\nhttps://www.theguardian.com/politics/blog/live/2016/oct/20/philip-green-knighthood-commons-set-to-debate-stripping-philip-green-of-his-knighthood-politics-live\r\n\r\nIt's not hard to imagine the criminal possibilities of automation, \r\nautonomy, and artificial intelligence. But the imaginings are becoming \r\nmainstream -- and the future isn't too far off.\r\nhttp://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/24/technology/artificial-intelligence-evolves-with-its-criminal-potential.html\r\n\r\nAlong similar lines, computers are able to predict court verdicts. My \r\nguess is that the real use here isn't to predict actual court verdicts, \r\nbut for well-paid defense teams to test various defensive tactics.\r\nhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/10/23/artifically-intelligent-judge-developed-which-can-predict-court/\r\n\r\nGood long article on the 2015 attack against the US Office of Personnel \r\nManagement.\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/10/inside-cyberattack-shocked-us-government/\r\n\r\nHow Powell's and Podesta's e-mail accounts were hacked. It was phishing.\r\nhttps://motherboard.vice.com/read/how-hackers-broke-into-john-podesta-and-colin-powells-gmail-accounts\r\n\r\nA year and a half ago, I wrote about hardware bit-flipping attacks, \r\nwhich were then largely theoretical. Now, they can be used to root \r\nAndroid phones.\r\nhttp://arstechnica.com/security/2016/10/using-rowhammer-bitflips-to-root-android-phones-is-now-a-thing/\r\nhttps://vvdveen.com/publications/drammer.pdf\r\nhttps://www.vusec.net/projects/drammer/\r\n\r\nEavesdropping on typing while connected over VoIP.\r\nhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.09359.pdf\r\nhttps://news.uci.edu/research/typing-while-skyping-could-compromise-privacy/\r\n\r\nAn impressive Chinese device that automatically reads marked cards in \r\norder to cheat at poker and other card games.\r\nhttps://www.elie.net/blog/security/fuller-house-exposing-high-end-poker-cheating-devices\r\n\r\nA useful guide on how to avoid kidnapping children on Halloween.\r\nhttp://reductress.com/post/how-to-not-kidnap-any-kids-on-halloween-not-even-one/\r\n\r\nA card game based on the iterated prisoner's dilemma.\r\nhttps://opinionatedgamers.com/2016/10/26/h-m-s-dolores-game-review-by-chris-wray/\r\n\r\nThere's another leak of NSA hacking tools and data from the Shadow \r\nBrokers. This one includes a list of hacked sites. The data is old, but \r\nyou can see if you've been hacked.\r\nhttp://arstechnica.co.uk/security/2016/10/new-leak-may-show-if-you-were-hacked-by-the-nsa/\r\nHonestly, I am surprised by this release. I thought that the original \r\nShadow Brokers dump was everything. Now that we know they held things \r\nback, there could easily be more releases.\r\nhttp://www.networkworld.com/article/3137065/security/shadow-brokers-leak-list-of-nsa-targets-and-compromised-servers.html\r\nNote that the Hague-based Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical \r\nWeapons is on the list, hacked in 2000.\r\nhttps://boingboing.net/2016/11/06/in-2000-the-nsa-hacked-the-ha.html\r\n\r\nFree cybersecurity MOOC from F-Secure and the University of Finland.\r\nhttp://mooc.fi/courses/2016/cybersecurity/\r\n\r\nResearchers have trained a neural network to encrypt its communications. \r\nThis story is more about AI and neural networks than it is about \r\ncryptography. The algorithm isn't any good, but is a perfect example of \r\nwhat I've heard called \"Schneier's Law\": Anyone can design a cipher that \r\nthey themselves cannot break.\r\nhttps://www.newscientist.com/article/2110522-googles-neural-networks-invent-their-own-encryption/\r\nhttp://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/10/google-ai-neural-network-cryptography/\r\nhttps://www.engadget.com/2016/10/28/google-ai-created-its-own-form-of-encryption/\r\nhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.06918v1.pdf\r\nSchneier's Law:\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2011/04/schneiers_law.html\r\n\r\nGoogle now links anonymous browser tracking with identifiable tracking. \r\nThe article also explains how to opt out.\r\nhttps://www.propublica.org/article/google-has-quietly-dropped-ban-on-personally-identifiable-web-tracking\r\n\r\nNew Atlas has a great three-part feature on the history of hacking as \r\nportrayed in films, including video clips. The 1980s. The 1990s. The \r\n2000s.\r\nhttp://newatlas.com/history-hollywood-hacking-1980s/45482/\r\nhttp://newatlas.com/hollywood-hacking-movies-1990s/45623/\r\nhttp://newatlas.com/hollywood-hacking-2000s/45965\r\n\r\nFor years, the DMCA has been used to stifle legitimate research into the \r\nsecurity of embedded systems. Finally, the research exemption to the \r\nDMCA is in effect (for two years, but we can hope it'll be extended \r\nforever).\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/10/hacking-car-pacemaker-toaster-just-became-legal/\r\nhttps://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/10/why-did-we-have-wait-year-fix-our-cars\r\n\r\nFirefox is removing the battery status API, citing privacy concerns.\r\nhttps://www.fxsitecompat.com/en-CA/docs/2016/battery-status-api-has-been-removed/\r\nhttps://eprint.iacr.org/2015/616.pdf\r\nW3C is updating the spec.\r\nhttps://www.w3.org/TR/battery-status/#acknowledgements\r\nHere's a battery tracker found in the wild.\r\nhttp://randomwalker.info/publications/OpenWPM_1_million_site_tracking_measurement.pdf\r\n\r\nElection-day humor from 2004, but still relevent.\r\nhttp://www.ganssle.com/tem/tem316.html#article2\r\n\r\nA self-propagating smart light bulb worm.\r\nhttp://iotworm.eyalro.net/\r\nhttps://boingboing.net/2016/11/09/a-lightbulb-worm-could-take-ov.html\r\nhttps://tech.slashdot.org/story/16/11/09/0041201/researchers-hack-philips-hue-smart-bulbs-using-a-drone\r\nThis is exactly the sort of Internet-of-Things attack that has me \r\nworried.\r\n\r\nAd networks are surreptitiously using ultrasonic communications to jump \r\nfrom device to device. It should come as no surprise that this \r\ncommunications channel can be used to hack devices as well.\r\nhttps://www.newscientist.com/article/2110762-your-homes-online-gadgets-could-be-hacked-by-ultrasound/\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2015/11/ads_surreptitio.html\r\n\r\nThis is some interesting research. You can fool facial recognition \r\nsystems by wearing glasses printed with elements of other peoples' \r\nfaces.\r\nhttps://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sbhagava/papers/face-rec-ccs16.pdf\r\nhttp://qz.com/823820/carnegie-mellon-made-a-special-pair-of-glasses-that-lets-you-steal-a-digital-identity/\r\nhttps://boingboing.net/2016/11/02/researchers-trick-facial-recog.html\r\n\r\nInteresting research: \"Using Artificial Intelligence to Identify State \r\nSecrets,\" https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.00356\r\n\r\nThere's a Kickstarter for a sticker that you can stick on a glove and \r\nthen register with a biometric access system like an iPhone. It's an \r\ninteresting security trade-off: swapping something you are (the \r\nbiometric) with something you have (the glove).\r\nhttps://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nanotips/taps-touchscreen-sticker-w-touch-id-ships-before-x?token=5b586aa6\r\nhttps://gizmodo.com/these-fake-fingerprint-stickers-let-you-access-a-protec-1788710313\r\n\r\nJulian Oliver has designed and built a cellular eavesdropping device \r\nthat's disguised as an old HP printer. It's more of a conceptual art \r\npiece than an actual piece of eavesdropping equipment, but it still \r\nmakes the point.\r\nhttps://julianoliver.com/output/stealth-cell-tower\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/11/evil-office-printer-hijacks-cellphone-connection/\r\nhttps://boingboing.net/2016/11/03/a-fake-hp-printer-thats-actu.html\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n      Lessons From the Dyn DDoS Attack\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nA week ago Friday, someone took down numerous popular websites in a \r\nmassive distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack against the domain \r\nname provider Dyn. DDoS attacks are neither new nor sophisticated. The \r\nattacker sends a massive amount of traffic, causing the victim's system \r\nto slow to a crawl and eventually crash. There are more or less clever \r\nvariants, but basically, it's a datapipe-size battle between attacker \r\nand victim. If the defender has a larger capacity to receive and process \r\ndata, he or she will win. If the attacker can throw more data than the \r\nvictim can process, he or she will win.\r\n\r\nThe attacker can build a giant data cannon, but that's expensive. It is \r\nmuch smarter to recruit millions of innocent computers on the internet. \r\nThis is the \"distributed\" part of the DDoS attack, and pretty much how \r\nit's worked for decades. Cybercriminals infect innocent computers around \r\nthe internet and recruit them into a botnet. They then target that \r\nbotnet against a single victim.\r\n\r\nYou can imagine how it might work in the real world. If I can trick tens \r\nof thousands of others to order pizzas to be delivered to your house at \r\nthe same time, I can clog up your street and prevent any legitimate \r\ntraffic from getting through. If I can trick many millions, I might be \r\nable to crush your house from the weight. That's a DDoS attack -- it's \r\nsimple brute force.\r\n\r\nAs you'd expect, DDoSers have various motives. The attacks started out \r\nas a way to show off, then quickly transitioned to a method of \r\nintimidation -- or a way of just getting back at someone you didn't \r\nlike. More recently, they've become vehicles of protest. In 2013, the \r\nhacker group Anonymous petitioned the White House to recognize DDoS \r\nattacks as a legitimate form of protest. Criminals have used these \r\nattacks as a means of extortion, although one group found that just the \r\nfear of attack was enough. Military agencies are also thinking about \r\nDDoS as a tool in their cyberwar arsenals. A 2007 DDoS attack against \r\nEstonia was blamed on Russia and widely called an act of cyberwar.\r\n\r\nThe DDoS attack against Dyn two weeks ago was nothing new, but it \r\nillustrated several important trends in computer security.\r\n\r\nThese attack techniques are broadly available. Fully capable DDoS attack \r\ntools are available for free download. Criminal groups offer DDoS \r\nservices for hire. The particular attack technique used against Dyn was \r\nfirst used a month earlier. It's called Mirai, and since the source code \r\nwas released four weeks ago, over a dozen botnets have incorporated the \r\ncode.\r\n\r\nThe Dyn attacks were probably not originated by a government. The \r\nperpetrators were most likely hackers mad at Dyn for helping Brian Krebs \r\nidentify -- and the FBI arrest -- two Israeli hackers who were running a \r\nDDoS-for-hire ring. Recently I have written about probing DDoS attacks \r\nagainst internet infrastructure companies that appear to be perpetrated \r\nby a nation-state. But, honestly, we don't know for sure.\r\n\r\nThis is important. Software spreads capabilities. The smartest attacker \r\nneeds to figure out the attack and write the software. After that, \r\nanyone can use it. There's not even much of a difference between \r\ngovernment and criminal attacks. In December 2014, there was a \r\nlegitimate debate in the security community as to whether the massive \r\nattack against Sony had been perpetrated by a nation-state with a $20 \r\nbillion military budget or a couple of guys in a basement somewhere. The \r\ninternet is the only place where we can't tell the difference. Everyone \r\nuses the same tools, the same techniques and the same tactics.\r\n\r\nThese attacks are getting larger. The Dyn DDoS attack set a record at \r\n1.2 Tbps. The previous record holder was the attack against \r\ncybersecurity journalist Brian Krebs a month prior at 620 Gbps. This is \r\nmuch larger than required to knock the typical website offline. A year \r\nago, it was unheard of. Now it occurs regularly.\r\n\r\nThe botnets attacking Dyn and Brian Krebs consisted largely of unsecure \r\nInternet of Things (IoT) devices -- webcams, digital video recorders, \r\nrouters and so on. This isn't new, either. We've already seen \r\ninternet-enabled refrigerators and TVs used in DDoS botnets. But again, \r\nthe scale is bigger now. In 2014, the news was hundreds of thousands of \r\nIoT devices -- the Dyn attack used millions. Analysts expect the IoT to \r\nincrease the number of things on the internet by a factor of 10 or more. \r\nExpect these attacks to similarly increase.\r\n\r\nThe problem is that these IoT devices are unsecure and likely to remain \r\nthat way. The economics of internet security don't trickle down to the \r\nIoT. Commenting on the Krebs attack last month, I wrote:\r\n\r\n     The market can't fix this because neither the buyer nor the\r\n     seller cares. Think of all the CCTV cameras and DVRs used in\r\n     the attack against Brian Krebs. The owners of those devices\r\n     don't care. Their devices were cheap to buy, they still work,\r\n     and they don't even know Brian. The sellers of those devices\r\n     don't care: They're now selling newer and better models, and\r\n     the original buyers only cared about price and features. There\r\n     is no market solution because the insecurity is what economists\r\n     call an externality: It's an effect of the purchasing decision\r\n     that affects other people. Think of it kind of like invisible\r\n     pollution.\r\n\r\nTo be fair, one company that made some of the unsecure things used in \r\nthese attacks recalled its unsecure webcams. But this is more of a \r\npublicity stunt than anything else. I would be surprised if the company \r\ngot many devices back. We already know that the reputational damage from \r\nhaving your unsecure software made public isn't large and doesn't last. \r\nAt this point, the market still largely rewards sacrificing security in \r\nfavor of price and time-to-market.\r\n\r\nDDoS prevention works best deep in the network, where the pipes are the \r\nlargest and the capability to identify and block the attacks is the most \r\nevident. But the backbone providers have no incentive to do this. They \r\ndon't feel the pain when the attacks occur and they have no way of \r\nbilling for the service when they provide it. So they let the attacks \r\nthrough and force the victims to defend themselves. In many ways, this \r\nis similar to the spam problem. It, too, is best dealt with in the \r\nbackbone, but similar economics dump the problem onto the endpoints.\r\n\r\nWe're unlikely to get any regulation forcing backbone companies to clean \r\nup either DDoS attacks or spam, just as we are unlikely to get any \r\nregulations forcing IoT manufacturers to make their systems secure. This \r\nis me again:\r\n\r\n     What this all means is that the IoT will remain insecure unless\r\n     government steps in and fixes the problem. When we have market\r\n     failures, government is the only solution. The government could\r\n     impose security regulations on IoT manufacturers, forcing them\r\n     to make their devices secure even though their customers don't\r\n     care. They could impose liabilities on manufacturers, allowing\r\n     people like Brian Krebs to sue them. Any of these would raise\r\n     the cost of insecurity and give companies incentives to spend\r\n     money making their devices secure.\r\n\r\nThat leaves the victims to pay. This is where we are in much of computer \r\nsecurity. Because the hardware, software and networks we use are so \r\nunsecure, we have to pay an entire industry to provide after-the-fact \r\nsecurity.\r\n\r\nThere are solutions you can buy. Many companies offer DDoS protection, \r\nalthough they're generally calibrated to the older, smaller attacks. We \r\ncan safely assume that they'll up their offerings, although the cost \r\nmight be prohibitive for many users. Understand your risks. Buy \r\nmitigation if you need it, but understand its limitations. Know the \r\nattacks are possible and will succeed if large enough. And the attacks \r\nare getting larger all the time. Prepare for that.\r\n\r\nThis essay previously appeared on the SecurityIntelligence website.\r\nhttps://securityintelligence.com/lessons-from-the-dyn-ddos-attack/\r\n\r\nhttps://securityintelligence.com/news/multi-phased-ddos-attack-causes-hours-long-outages/\r\nhttp://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/10/inside-the-machine-uprising-how-cameras-dvrs-took-down-parts-of-the-internet/\r\nhttps://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/oct/26/ddos-attack-dyn-mirai-botnet\r\nhttp://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/news/450401962/Details-emerging-on-Dyn-DNS-DDoS-attack-Mirai-IoT-botnet\r\nhttp://hub.dyn.com/static/hub.dyn.com/dyn-blog/dyn-statement-on-10-21-2016-ddos-attack.html\r\n\r\nDDoS petition:\r\nhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/12/anonymous-ddos-petition-white-house_n_2463009.html\r\n\r\nDDoS extortion:\r\nhttps://securityintelligence.com/ddos-extortion-easy-and-lucrative/\r\nhttp://www.computerworld.com/article/3061813/security/empty-ddos-threats-deliver-100k-to-extortion-group.html\r\n\r\nDDoS against Estonia:\r\nhttp://www.iar-gwu.org/node/65\r\n\r\nDDoS for hire:\r\nhttp://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2016/10/23/massive-ddos-iot-botnet-for-hire-twitter-dyn-amazon/#11f82518c915\r\n\r\nMirai:\r\nhttps://www.arbornetworks.com/blog/asert/mirai-iot-botnet-description-ddos-attack-mitigation/\r\nhttps://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/10/source-code-for-iot-botnet-mirai-released/\r\nhttps://threatpost.com/mirai-bots-more-than-double-since-source-code-release/121368/\r\n\r\nKrebs:\r\nhttp://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/09/israeli-online-attack-service-vdos-earned-600000-in-two-years/\r\nhttp://www.theverge.com/2016/9/11/12878692/vdos-israeli-teens-ddos-cyberattack-service-arrested\r\nhttps://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/09/krebsonsecurity-hit-with-record-ddos/\r\nhttp://www.businessinsider.com/akamai-brian-krebs-ddos-attack-2016-9\r\n\r\nNation-state DDoS Attacks:\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2016/09/someone_is_lear.html\r\n\r\nNorth Korea and Sony:\r\nhttps://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/12/did-north-korea-really-attack-sony/383973/\r\n\r\nInternet of Things (IoT) security:\r\nhttps://securityintelligence.com/will-internet-things-leveraged-ruin-companys-day-understanding-iot-security/\r\nhttps://thehackernews.com/2014/01/100000-refrigerators-and-other-home.html\r\n\r\nEver larger DDoS Attacks:\r\nhttp://www.ibtimes.co.uk/biggest-ever-terabit-scale-ddos-attack-yet-could-be-horizon-experts-warn-1588364\r\n\r\nMy previous essay on this:\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/essays/archives/2016/10/we_need_to_save_the_.html\r\n\r\nrecalled:\r\nhttp://www.zdnet.com/article/chinese-tech-giant-recalls-webcams-used-in-dyn-cyberattack/\r\n\r\nidentify and block the attacks:\r\nhttp://www.ibm.com/security/threat-protection/\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n      Regulation of the Internet of Things\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLate last month, popular websites like Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit and \r\nPayPal went down for most of a day. The distributed denial-of-service \r\nattack that caused the outages, and the vulnerabilities that made the \r\nattack possible, was as much a failure of market and policy as it was of \r\ntechnology. If we want to secure our increasingly computerized and \r\nconnected world, we need more government involvement in the security of \r\nthe \"Internet of Things\" and increased regulation of what are now \r\ncritical and life-threatening technologies. It's no longer a question of \r\nif, it's a question of when.\r\n\r\nFirst, the facts. Those websites went down because their domain name \r\nprovider -- a company named Dyn -- was forced offline. We don't know who \r\nperpetrated that attack, but it could have easily been a lone hacker. \r\nWhoever it was launched a distributed denial-of-service attack against \r\nDyn by exploiting a vulnerability in large numbers -- possibly millions \r\n-- of Internet-of-Things devices like webcams and digital video \r\nrecorders, then recruiting them all into a single botnet. The botnet \r\nbombarded Dyn with traffic, so much that it went down. And when it went \r\ndown, so did dozens of websites.\r\n\r\nYour security on the Internet depends on the security of millions of \r\nInternet-enabled devices, designed and sold by companies you've never \r\nheard of to consumers who don't care about your security.\r\n\r\nThe technical reason these devices are insecure is complicated, but \r\nthere is a market failure at work. The Internet of Things is bringing \r\ncomputerization and connectivity to many tens of millions of devices \r\nworldwide. These devices will affect every aspect of our lives, because \r\nthey're things like cars, home appliances, thermostats, lightbulbs, \r\nfitness trackers, medical devices, smart streetlights and sidewalk \r\nsquares. Many of these devices are low-cost, designed and built \r\noffshore, then rebranded and resold. The teams building these devices \r\ndon't have the security expertise we've come to expect from the major \r\ncomputer and smartphone manufacturers, simply because the market won't \r\nstand for the additional costs that would require. These devices don't \r\nget security updates like our more expensive computers, and many don't \r\neven have a way to be patched. And, unlike our computers and phones, \r\nthey stay around for years and decades.\r\n\r\nAn additional market failure illustrated by the Dyn attack is that \r\nneither the seller nor the buyer of those devices cares about fixing the \r\nvulnerability. The owners of those devices don't care. They wanted a \r\nwebcam -- or thermostat, or refrigerator -- with nice features at a good \r\nprice. Even after they were recruited into this botnet, they still work \r\nfine -- you can't even tell they were used in the attack. The sellers of \r\nthose devices don't care: They've already moved on to selling newer and \r\nbetter models. There is no market solution because the insecurity \r\nprimarily affects other people. It's a form of invisible pollution.\r\n\r\nAnd, like pollution, the only solution is to regulate. The government \r\ncould impose minimum security standards on IoT manufacturers, forcing \r\nthem to make their devices secure even though their customers don't \r\ncare. They could impose liabilities on manufacturers, allowing companies \r\nlike Dyn to sue them if their devices are used in DDoS attacks. The \r\ndetails would need to be carefully scoped, but either of these options \r\nwould raise the cost of insecurity and give companies incentives to \r\nspend money making their devices secure.\r\n\r\nIt's true that this is a domestic solution to an international problem \r\nand that there's no U.S. regulation that will affect, say, an Asian-made \r\nproduct sold in South America, even though that product could still be \r\nused to take down U.S. websites. But the main costs in making software \r\ncome from development. If the United States and perhaps a few other \r\nmajor markets implement strong Internet-security regulations on IoT \r\ndevices, manufacturers will be forced to upgrade their security if they \r\nwant to sell to those markets. And any improvements they make in their \r\nsoftware will be available in their products wherever they are sold, \r\nsimply because it makes no sense to maintain two different versions of \r\nthe software. This is truly an area where the actions of a few countries \r\ncan drive worldwide change.\r\n\r\nRegardless of what you think about regulation vs. market solutions, I \r\nbelieve there is no choice. Governments will get involved in the IoT, \r\nbecause the risks are too great and the stakes are too high. Computers \r\nare now able to affect our world in a direct and physical manner.\r\n\r\nSecurity researchers have demonstrated the ability to remotely take \r\ncontrol of Internet-enabled cars. They've demonstrated ransomware \r\nagainst home thermostats and exposed vulnerabilities in implanted \r\nmedical devices. They've hacked voting machines and power plants. In one \r\nrecent paper, researchers showed how a vulnerability in smart lightbulbs \r\ncould be used to start a chain reaction, resulting in them *all* being \r\ncontrolled by the attackers -- that's every one in a city. Security \r\nflaws in these things could mean people dying and property being \r\ndestroyed.\r\n\r\nNothing motivates the U.S. government like fear. Remember 2001? A \r\nsmall-government Republican president created the Department of Homeland \r\nSecurity in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks: a rushed and \r\nill-thought-out decision that we've been trying to fix for more than a \r\ndecade. A fatal IoT disaster will similarly spur our government into \r\naction, and it's unlikely to be well-considered and thoughtful action. \r\nOur choice isn't between government involvement and no government \r\ninvolvement. Our choice is between smarter government involvement and \r\nstupider government involvement. We have to start thinking about this \r\nnow. Regulations are necessary, important and complex -- and they're \r\ncoming. We can't afford to ignore these issues until it's too late.\r\n\r\nIn general, the software market demands that products be fast and cheap \r\nand that security be a secondary consideration. That was okay when \r\nsoftware didn't matter -- it was okay that your spreadsheet crashed once \r\nin a while. But a software bug that literally crashes your car is \r\nanother thing altogether. The security vulnerabilities in the Internet \r\nof Things are deep and pervasive, and they won't get fixed if the market \r\nis left to sort it out for itself. We need to proactively discuss good \r\nregulatory solutions; otherwise, a disaster will impose bad ones on us.\r\n\r\nThis essay previously appeared in the Washington Post.\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/11/03/your-wifi-connected-thermostat-can-take-down-the-whole-internet-we-need-new-regulations/\r\n\r\n\r\nDDoS:\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2016/10/21/someone-attacked-a-major-part-of-the-internets-infrastructure/\r\n\r\nIoT and DDoS:\r\nhttps://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/10/hacked-cameras-dvrs-powered-todays-massive-internet-outage/\r\n\r\nThe IoT market failure and regulation:\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/essays/archives/2016/10/we_need_to_save_the_.html\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2014/01/theres-no-good-way-to-patch-the-internet-of-things-and-thats-a-huge-problem/\r\nhttp://www.computerworld.com/article/3136650/security/after-ddos-attack-senator-seeks-industry-led-security-standards-for-iot-devices.html\r\n\r\nIoT ransomware:\r\nhttps://motherboard.vice.com/read/internet-of-things-ransomware-smart-thermostat\r\nmedical:\r\n\r\nHacking medical devices:\r\nhttp://motherboard.vice.com/read/hackers-killed-a-simulated-human-by-turning-off-its-pacemaker\r\nhttp://abcnews.go.com/US/vice-president-dick-cheney-feared-pacemaker-hacking/story?id=20621434\r\n\r\nHacking voting machines:\r\nhttp://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/08/2016-elections-russia-hack-how-to-hack-an-election-in-seven-minutes-214144\r\n\r\nHacking power plants:\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/01/everything-we-know-about-ukraines-power-plant-hack/\r\n\r\nHacking light bulbs:\r\nhttp://iotworm.eyalro.net\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n      Schneier News\r\n\r\n\r\nI am speaking in Cambridge, MA on November 15 at the Harvard Big-Data \r\nClub.\r\nhttp://harvardbigdata.com/event/keynote-lecture-bruce-schneier\r\n\r\nI am speaking in Palm Springs, CA on November 30 at the TEDMED \r\nConference.\r\nhttp://www.tedmed.com/speakers/show?id=627300\r\n\r\nI am participating in the Resilient end-of-year webinar on December 8.\r\nhttp://info.resilientsystems.com/webinar-eoy-cybersecurity-2016-review-2017-predictions\r\n\r\nI am speaking on December 14 in Accra at the University of Ghana.\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n      Virtual Kidnapping\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThis is a harrowing story of a scam artist that convinced a mother that \r\nher daughter had been kidnapped. It's unclear if these virtual \r\nkidnappers use data about their victims, or just call people at random \r\nand hope to get lucky. Still, it's a new criminal use of smartphones and \r\nubiquitous information. Reminds me of the scammers who call low-wage \r\nworkers at retail establishments late at night and convince them to do \r\noutlandish and occasionally dangerous things.\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/local/we-have-your-daughter-a-virtual-kidnapping-and-a-mothers-five-hours-of-hell/2016/10/03/8f082690-8963-11e6-875e-2c1bfe943b66_story.html\r\nMore stories are here.\r\nhttp://www.nbcwashington.com/investigations/Several-Virtual-Kidnapping-Attempts-in-Maryland-Recently-375792991.html\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n      Intelligence Oversight and How It Can Fail\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nFormer NSA attorneys John DeLong and Susan Hennessay have written a \r\nfascinating article describing a particular incident of oversight \r\nfailure inside the NSA. Technically, the story hinges on a definitional \r\ndifference between the NSA and the FISA court meaning of the word \r\n\"archived.\" (For the record, I would have defaulted to the NSA's \r\ninterpretation, which feels more accurate technically.) But while the \r\nstory is worth reading, what's especially interesting are the broader \r\nissues about how a nontechnical judiciary can provide oversight over a \r\nvery technical data collection-and-analysis organization -- especially \r\nif the oversight must largely be conducted in secret.\r\n\r\nIn many places I have separated different kinds of oversight: are we \r\ndoing things right versus are we doing the right things? This is very \r\nmuch about the first: is the NSA complying with the rules the courts \r\nimpose on them? I believe that the NSA tries very hard to follow the \r\nrules it's given, while at the same time being very aggressive about how \r\nit interprets any kind of ambiguities and using its nonadversarial \r\nrelationship with its overseers to its advantage.\r\n\r\nThe only possible solution I can see to all of this is more public \r\nscrutiny. Secrecy is toxic here.\r\n\r\nhttps://www.lawfareblog.com/understanding-footnote-14-nsa-lawyering-oversight-and-compliance\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n      Whistleblower Investigative Report on NSA Suite B Cryptography\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe NSA has been abandoning secret and proprietary cryptographic \r\nalgorithms in favor of commercial public algorithms, generally known as \r\n\"Suite B.\" In 2010, an NSA employee filed some sort of whistleblower \r\ncomplaint, alleging that this move is both insecure and wasteful.  The \r\nUS DoD Inspector General investigated and wrote a report in 2011.\r\n\r\nThe report -- slightly redacted and declassified -- found that there was \r\nno wrongdoing. But the report is an interesting window into the NSA's \r\nsystem of algorithm selection and testing (pages 5 and 6), as well as \r\nhow they investigate whistleblower complaints.\r\n\r\nhttp://www.dodig.mil/FOIA/err/11-INTEL-06%20(Redacted).pdf\r\n\r\nSuite B Cryptography:\r\nhttp://csrc.nist.gov/groups/SMA/ispab/documents/minutes/2006-03/E_Barker-March2006-ISPAB.pdf\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\nSince 1998, CRYPTO-GRAM has been a free monthly newsletter providing \r\nsummaries, analyses, insights, and commentaries on security: computer \r\nand otherwise. You can subscribe, unsubscribe, or change your address on \r\nthe Web at . Back issues are \r\nalso available at that URL.\r\n\r\nPlease feel free to forward CRYPTO-GRAM, in whole or in part, to \r\ncolleagues and friends who will find it valuable. Permission is also \r\ngranted to reprint CRYPTO-GRAM, as long as it is reprinted in its \r\nentirety.\r\n\r\nCRYPTO-GRAM is written by Bruce Schneier. Bruce Schneier is an \r\ninternationally renowned security technologist, called a \"security guru\" \r\nby The Economist. He is the author of 13 books -- including his latest, \r\n\"Data and Goliath\" -- as well as hundreds of articles, essays, and \r\nacademic papers. His influential newsletter \"Crypto-Gram\" and his blog \r\n\"Schneier on Security\" are read by over 250,000 people. He has testified \r\nbefore Congress, is a frequent guest on television and radio, has served \r\non several government committees, and is regularly quoted in the press. \r\nSchneier is a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at \r\nHarvard Law School, a program fellow at the New America Foundation's \r\nOpen Technology Institute, a board member of the Electronic Frontier \r\nFoundation, an Advisory Board Member of the Electronic Privacy \r\nInformation Center, and the Chief Technology Officer at Resilient, an \r\nIBM Company.  See .\r\n\r\nCrypto-Gram is a personal newsletter. Opinions expressed are not \r\nnecessarily those of Resilient, an IBM Company.\r\n\r\nCopyright (c) 2016 by Bruce Schneier.\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nTo unsubscribe from Crypto-Gram, click this link:\r\n\r\nhttps://lists.schneier.com/cgi-bin/mailman/options/crypto-gram/christine%40spang.cc?login-unsub=Unsubscribe\r\n\r\nYou will be e-mailed a confirmation message.  Follow the instructions in that message to confirm your removal from the list.\r\n
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These \r\nsame essays and news items appear in the \"Schneier on Security\" blog at \r\n, along with a lively and intelligent \r\ncomment section. An RSS feed is available.\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\nIn this issue:\r\n Election Security\r\n News\r\n Lessons From the Dyn DDoS Attack\r\n Regulation of the Internet of Things\r\n Schneier News\r\n Virtual Kidnapping\r\n Intelligence Oversight and How It Can Fail\r\n Whistleblower Investigative Report on NSA Suite B Cryptography\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n Election Security\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nIt's over. The voting went smoothly. As of the time of writing, there \r\nare no serious fraud allegations, nor credible evidence that anyone \r\ntampered with voting rolls or voting machines. And most important, the \r\nresults are not in doubt.\r\n\r\nWhile we may breathe a collective sigh of relief about that, we can't \r\nignore the issue until the next election. The risks remain.\r\n\r\nAs computer security experts have been saying for years, our newly \r\ncomputerized voting systems are vulnerable to attack by both individual \r\nhackers and government-sponsored cyberwarriors. It is only a matter of \r\ntime before such an attack happens.\r\n\r\nElectronic voting machines can be hacked, and those machines that do not \r\ninclude a paper ballot that can verify each voter's choice can be hacked \r\nundetectably. Voting rolls are also vulnerable; they are all \r\ncomputerized databases whose entries can be deleted or changed to sow \r\nchaos on Election Day.\r\n\r\nThe largely ad hoc system in states for collecting and tabulating \r\nindividual voting results is vulnerable as well. While the difference \r\nbetween theoretical if demonstrable vulnerabilities and an actual attack \r\non Election Day is considerable, we got lucky this year. Not just \r\npresidential elections are at risk, but state and local elections, too.\r\n\r\nTo be very clear, this is not about voter fraud. The risks of ineligible \r\npeople voting, or people voting twice, have been repeatedly shown to be \r\nvirtually nonexistent, and \"solutions\" to this problem are largely \r\nvoter-suppression measures. Election fraud, however, is both far more \r\nfeasible and much more worrisome.\r\n\r\nHere's my worry. On the day after an election, someone claims that a \r\nresult was hacked. Maybe one of the candidates points to a wide \r\ndiscrepancy between the most recent polls and the actual results. Maybe \r\nan anonymous person announces that he hacked a particular brand of \r\nvoting machine, describing in detail how. Or maybe it's a system failure \r\nduring Election Day: voting machines recording significantly fewer votes \r\nthan there were voters, or zero votes for one candidate or another. \r\n(These are not theoretical occurrences; they have both happened in the \r\nUnited States before, though because of error, not malice.)\r\n\r\nWe have no procedures for how to proceed if any of these things happen. \r\nThere's no manual, no national panel of experts, no regulatory body to \r\nsteer us through this crisis. How do we figure out if someone hacked the \r\nvote? Can we recover the true votes, or are they lost? What do we do \r\nthen?\r\n\r\nFirst, we need to do more to secure our elections system. We should \r\ndeclare our voting systems to be critical national infrastructure. This \r\nis largely symbolic, but it demonstrates a commitment to secure \r\nelections and makes funding and other resources available to states.\r\n\r\nWe need national security standards for voting machines, and funding for \r\nstates to procure machines that comply with those standards. \r\nVoting-security experts can deal with the technical details, but such \r\nmachines must include a paper ballot that provides a record verifiable \r\nby voters. The simplest and most reliable way to do that is already \r\npracticed in 37 states: optical-scan paper ballots, marked by the \r\nvoters, counted by computer but recountable by hand. And we need a \r\nsystem of pre-election and postelection security audits to increase \r\nconfidence in the system.\r\n\r\nSecond, election tampering, either by a foreign power or by a domestic \r\nactor, is inevitable, so we need detailed procedures to follow -- both \r\ntechnical procedures to figure out what happened, and legal procedures \r\nto figure out what to do -- that will efficiently get us to a fair and \r\nequitable election resolution. There should be a board of independent \r\ncomputer-security experts to unravel what happened, and a board of \r\nindependent election officials, either at the Federal Election \r\nCommission or elsewhere, empowered to determine and put in place an \r\nappropriate response.\r\n\r\nIn the absence of such impartial measures, people rush to defend their \r\ncandidate and their party. Florida in 2000 was a perfect example. What \r\ncould have been a purely technical issue of determining the intent of \r\nevery voter became a battle for who would win the presidency. The \r\ndebates about hanging chads and spoiled ballots and how broad the \r\nrecount should be were contested by people angling for a particular \r\noutcome. In the same way, after a hacked election, partisan politics \r\nwill place tremendous pressure on officials to make decisions that \r\noverride fairness and accuracy.\r\n\r\nThat is why we need to agree on policies to deal with future election \r\nfraud. We need procedures to evaluate claims of voting-machine hacking. \r\nWe need a fair and robust vote-auditing process. And we need all of this \r\nin place before an election is hacked and battle lines are drawn.\r\n\r\nIn response to Florida, the Help America Vote Act of 2002 required each \r\nstate to publish its own guidelines on what constitutes a vote. Some \r\nstates -- Indiana, in particular -- set up a \"war room\" of public and \r\nprivate cybersecurity experts ready to help if anything did occur. While \r\nthe Department of Homeland Security is assisting some states with \r\nelection security, and the F.B.I. and the Justice Department made some \r\npreparations this year, the approach is too piecemeal.\r\n\r\nElections serve two purposes. First, and most obvious, they are how we \r\nchoose a winner. But second, and equally important, they convince the \r\nloser -- and all the supporters -- that he or she lost. To achieve the \r\nfirst purpose, the voting system must be fair and accurate. To achieve \r\nthe second one, it must be *shown* to be fair and accurate.\r\n\r\nWe need to have these conversations before something happens, when \r\neveryone can be calm and rational about the issues. The integrity of our \r\nelections is at stake, which means our democracy is at stake.\r\n\r\nThis essay previously appeared in the New York Times.\r\nhttp://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/09/opinion/american-elections-will-be-hacked.html\r\n\r\nElection-machine vulnerabilities:\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/07/27/by-november-russian-hackers-could-target-voting-machines/\r\n\r\nElections are hard to rig:\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/08/03/one-reason-to-doubt-the-presidential-election-will-be-rigged-its-a-lot-harder-than-it-seems/\r\n\r\nVoting systems as critical infrastructure:\r\nhttps://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2852461\r\n\r\nVoting machine security:\r\nhttps://www.verifiedvoting.org/\r\nhttp://votingmachines.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=000291\r\nhttp://votingmachines.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=000291\r\n\r\nElection-defense preparations for 2016:\r\nhttp://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2016/11/05/election-2016-cyber-hack-issues-homeland-security-indiana-pennsylvania-election-protection-verified-voter/93262960/\r\nhttp://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/2016-election-day/all-hands-deck-protect-election-hack-say-officials-n679271\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n News\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLance Spitzner looks at the safety features of a power saw and tries to \r\napply them to Internet security.\r\nhttps://securingthehuman.sans.org/blog/2016/10/18/what-iot-and-security-needs-to-learn-from-the-dewalt-mitre-saw\r\n\r\nResearchers discover a clever attack that bypasses the address space \r\nlayout randomization (ALSR) on Intel's CPUs.\r\nhttp://arstechnica.com/security/2016/10/flaw-in-intel-chips-could-make-malware-attacks-more-potent/\r\nhttp://www.cs.ucr.edu/~nael/pubs/micro16.pdf\r\n\r\nIn an interviw in Wired, President Obama talks about AI risk, \r\ncybersecurity, and more.\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/10/president-obama-mit-joi-ito-interview/\r\n\r\nPrivacy makes workers more productive. Interesting research.\r\nhttps://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-outsourced-mind/201604/want-people-behave-better-give-them-more-privacy\r\n\r\nNews about the DDOS attacks against Dyn.\r\nhttps://motherboard.vice.com/read/twitter-reddit-spotify-were-collateral-damage-in-major-internet-attack\r\nhttps://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/10/ddos-on-dyn-impacts-twitter-spotify-reddit/\r\nhttps://motherboard.vice.com/read/blame-the-internet-of-things-for-destroying-the-internet-today\r\n\r\nJosephine Wolff examines different Internet governance stakeholders and \r\nhow they frame security debates.\r\nhttps://policyreview.info/articles/analysis/what-we-talk-about-when-we-talk-about-cybersecurity-security-internet-governance\r\n\r\nThe UK is admitting \"offensive cyber\" operations against ISIS/Daesh. I \r\nthink this might be the first time it has been openly acknowledged.\r\nhttps://www.theguardian.com/politics/blog/live/2016/oct/20/philip-green-knighthood-commons-set-to-debate-stripping-philip-green-of-his-knighthood-politics-live\r\n\r\nIt's not hard to imagine the criminal possibilities of automation, \r\nautonomy, and artificial intelligence. But the imaginings are becoming \r\nmainstream -- and the future isn't too far off.\r\nhttp://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/24/technology/artificial-intelligence-evolves-with-its-criminal-potential.html\r\n\r\nAlong similar lines, computers are able to predict court verdicts. My \r\nguess is that the real use here isn't to predict actual court verdicts, \r\nbut for well-paid defense teams to test various defensive tactics.\r\nhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/10/23/artifically-intelligent-judge-developed-which-can-predict-court/\r\n\r\nGood long article on the 2015 attack against the US Office of Personnel \r\nManagement.\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/10/inside-cyberattack-shocked-us-government/\r\n\r\nHow Powell's and Podesta's e-mail accounts were hacked. It was phishing.\r\nhttps://motherboard.vice.com/read/how-hackers-broke-into-john-podesta-and-colin-powells-gmail-accounts\r\n\r\nA year and a half ago, I wrote about hardware bit-flipping attacks, \r\nwhich were then largely theoretical. Now, they can be used to root \r\nAndroid phones.\r\nhttp://arstechnica.com/security/2016/10/using-rowhammer-bitflips-to-root-android-phones-is-now-a-thing/\r\nhttps://vvdveen.com/publications/drammer.pdf\r\nhttps://www.vusec.net/projects/drammer/\r\n\r\nEavesdropping on typing while connected over VoIP.\r\nhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.09359.pdf\r\nhttps://news.uci.edu/research/typing-while-skyping-could-compromise-privacy/\r\n\r\nAn impressive Chinese device that automatically reads marked cards in \r\norder to cheat at poker and other card games.\r\nhttps://www.elie.net/blog/security/fuller-house-exposing-high-end-poker-cheating-devices\r\n\r\nA useful guide on how to avoid kidnapping children on Halloween.\r\nhttp://reductress.com/post/how-to-not-kidnap-any-kids-on-halloween-not-even-one/\r\n\r\nA card game based on the iterated prisoner's dilemma.\r\nhttps://opinionatedgamers.com/2016/10/26/h-m-s-dolores-game-review-by-chris-wray/\r\n\r\nThere's another leak of NSA hacking tools and data from the Shadow \r\nBrokers. This one includes a list of hacked sites. The data is old, but \r\nyou can see if you've been hacked.\r\nhttp://arstechnica.co.uk/security/2016/10/new-leak-may-show-if-you-were-hacked-by-the-nsa/\r\nHonestly, I am surprised by this release. I thought that the original \r\nShadow Brokers dump was everything. Now that we know they held things \r\nback, there could easily be more releases.\r\nhttp://www.networkworld.com/article/3137065/security/shadow-brokers-leak-list-of-nsa-targets-and-compromised-servers.html\r\nNote that the Hague-based Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical \r\nWeapons is on the list, hacked in 2000.\r\nhttps://boingboing.net/2016/11/06/in-2000-the-nsa-hacked-the-ha.html\r\n\r\nFree cybersecurity MOOC from F-Secure and the University of Finland.\r\nhttp://mooc.fi/courses/2016/cybersecurity/\r\n\r\nResearchers have trained a neural network to encrypt its communications. \r\nThis story is more about AI and neural networks than it is about \r\ncryptography. The algorithm isn't any good, but is a perfect example of \r\nwhat I've heard called \"Schneier's Law\": Anyone can design a cipher that \r\nthey themselves cannot break.\r\nhttps://www.newscientist.com/article/2110522-googles-neural-networks-invent-their-own-encryption/\r\nhttp://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/10/google-ai-neural-network-cryptography/\r\nhttps://www.engadget.com/2016/10/28/google-ai-created-its-own-form-of-encryption/\r\nhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.06918v1.pdf\r\nSchneier's Law:\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2011/04/schneiers_law.html\r\n\r\nGoogle now links anonymous browser tracking with identifiable tracking. \r\nThe article also explains how to opt out.\r\nhttps://www.propublica.org/article/google-has-quietly-dropped-ban-on-personally-identifiable-web-tracking\r\n\r\nNew Atlas has a great three-part feature on the history of hacking as \r\nportrayed in films, including video clips. The 1980s. The 1990s. The \r\n2000s.\r\nhttp://newatlas.com/history-hollywood-hacking-1980s/45482/\r\nhttp://newatlas.com/hollywood-hacking-movies-1990s/45623/\r\nhttp://newatlas.com/hollywood-hacking-2000s/45965\r\n\r\nFor years, the DMCA has been used to stifle legitimate research into the \r\nsecurity of embedded systems. Finally, the research exemption to the \r\nDMCA is in effect (for two years, but we can hope it'll be extended \r\nforever).\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/10/hacking-car-pacemaker-toaster-just-became-legal/\r\nhttps://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/10/why-did-we-have-wait-year-fix-our-cars\r\n\r\nFirefox is removing the battery status API, citing privacy concerns.\r\nhttps://www.fxsitecompat.com/en-CA/docs/2016/battery-status-api-has-been-removed/\r\nhttps://eprint.iacr.org/2015/616.pdf\r\nW3C is updating the spec.\r\nhttps://www.w3.org/TR/battery-status/#acknowledgements\r\nHere's a battery tracker found in the wild.\r\nhttp://randomwalker.info/publications/OpenWPM_1_million_site_tracking_measurement.pdf\r\n\r\nElection-day humor from 2004, but still relevent.\r\nhttp://www.ganssle.com/tem/tem316.html#article2\r\n\r\nA self-propagating smart light bulb worm.\r\nhttp://iotworm.eyalro.net/\r\nhttps://boingboing.net/2016/11/09/a-lightbulb-worm-could-take-ov.html\r\nhttps://tech.slashdot.org/story/16/11/09/0041201/researchers-hack-philips-hue-smart-bulbs-using-a-drone\r\nThis is exactly the sort of Internet-of-Things attack that has me \r\nworried.\r\n\r\nAd networks are surreptitiously using ultrasonic communications to jump \r\nfrom device to device. It should come as no surprise that this \r\ncommunications channel can be used to hack devices as well.\r\nhttps://www.newscientist.com/article/2110762-your-homes-online-gadgets-could-be-hacked-by-ultrasound/\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2015/11/ads_surreptitio.html\r\n\r\nThis is some interesting research. You can fool facial recognition \r\nsystems by wearing glasses printed with elements of other peoples' \r\nfaces.\r\nhttps://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sbhagava/papers/face-rec-ccs16.pdf\r\nhttp://qz.com/823820/carnegie-mellon-made-a-special-pair-of-glasses-that-lets-you-steal-a-digital-identity/\r\nhttps://boingboing.net/2016/11/02/researchers-trick-facial-recog.html\r\n\r\nInteresting research: \"Using Artificial Intelligence to Identify State \r\nSecrets,\" https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.00356\r\n\r\nThere's a Kickstarter for a sticker that you can stick on a glove and \r\nthen register with a biometric access system like an iPhone. It's an \r\ninteresting security trade-off: swapping something you are (the \r\nbiometric) with something you have (the glove).\r\nhttps://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nanotips/taps-touchscreen-sticker-w-touch-id-ships-before-x?token=5b586aa6\r\nhttps://gizmodo.com/these-fake-fingerprint-stickers-let-you-access-a-protec-1788710313\r\n\r\nJulian Oliver has designed and built a cellular eavesdropping device \r\nthat's disguised as an old HP printer. It's more of a conceptual art \r\npiece than an actual piece of eavesdropping equipment, but it still \r\nmakes the point.\r\nhttps://julianoliver.com/output/stealth-cell-tower\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/11/evil-office-printer-hijacks-cellphone-connection/\r\nhttps://boingboing.net/2016/11/03/a-fake-hp-printer-thats-actu.html\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n Lessons From the Dyn DDoS Attack\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nA week ago Friday, someone took down numerous popular websites in a \r\nmassive distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack against the domain \r\nname provider Dyn. DDoS attacks are neither new nor sophisticated. The \r\nattacker sends a massive amount of traffic, causing the victim's system \r\nto slow to a crawl and eventually crash. There are more or less clever \r\nvariants, but basically, it's a datapipe-size battle between attacker \r\nand victim. If the defender has a larger capacity to receive and process \r\ndata, he or she will win. If the attacker can throw more data than the \r\nvictim can process, he or she will win.\r\n\r\nThe attacker can build a giant data cannon, but that's expensive. It is \r\nmuch smarter to recruit millions of innocent computers on the internet. \r\nThis is the \"distributed\" part of the DDoS attack, and pretty much how \r\nit's worked for decades. Cybercriminals infect innocent computers around \r\nthe internet and recruit them into a botnet. They then target that \r\nbotnet against a single victim.\r\n\r\nYou can imagine how it might work in the real world. If I can trick tens \r\nof thousands of others to order pizzas to be delivered to your house at \r\nthe same time, I can clog up your street and prevent any legitimate \r\ntraffic from getting through. If I can trick many millions, I might be \r\nable to crush your house from the weight. That's a DDoS attack -- it's \r\nsimple brute force.\r\n\r\nAs you'd expect, DDoSers have various motives. The attacks started out \r\nas a way to show off, then quickly transitioned to a method of \r\nintimidation -- or a way of just getting back at someone you didn't \r\nlike. More recently, they've become vehicles of protest. In 2013, the \r\nhacker group Anonymous petitioned the White House to recognize DDoS \r\nattacks as a legitimate form of protest. Criminals have used these \r\nattacks as a means of extortion, although one group found that just the \r\nfear of attack was enough. Military agencies are also thinking about \r\nDDoS as a tool in their cyberwar arsenals. A 2007 DDoS attack against \r\nEstonia was blamed on Russia and widely called an act of cyberwar.\r\n\r\nThe DDoS attack against Dyn two weeks ago was nothing new, but it \r\nillustrated several important trends in computer security.\r\n\r\nThese attack techniques are broadly available. Fully capable DDoS attack \r\ntools are available for free download. Criminal groups offer DDoS \r\nservices for hire. The particular attack technique used against Dyn was \r\nfirst used a month earlier. It's called Mirai, and since the source code \r\nwas released four weeks ago, over a dozen botnets have incorporated the \r\ncode.\r\n\r\nThe Dyn attacks were probably not originated by a government. The \r\nperpetrators were most likely hackers mad at Dyn for helping Brian Krebs \r\nidentify -- and the FBI arrest -- two Israeli hackers who were running a \r\nDDoS-for-hire ring. Recently I have written about probing DDoS attacks \r\nagainst internet infrastructure companies that appear to be perpetrated \r\nby a nation-state. But, honestly, we don't know for sure.\r\n\r\nThis is important. Software spreads capabilities. The smartest attacker \r\nneeds to figure out the attack and write the software. After that, \r\nanyone can use it. There's not even much of a difference between \r\ngovernment and criminal attacks. In December 2014, there was a \r\nlegitimate debate in the security community as to whether the massive \r\nattack against Sony had been perpetrated by a nation-state with a $20 \r\nbillion military budget or a couple of guys in a basement somewhere. The \r\ninternet is the only place where we can't tell the difference. Everyone \r\nuses the same tools, the same techniques and the same tactics.\r\n\r\nThese attacks are getting larger. The Dyn DDoS attack set a record at \r\n1.2 Tbps. The previous record holder was the attack against \r\ncybersecurity journalist Brian Krebs a month prior at 620 Gbps. This is \r\nmuch larger than required to knock the typical website offline. A year \r\nago, it was unheard of. Now it occurs regularly.\r\n\r\nThe botnets attacking Dyn and Brian Krebs consisted largely of unsecure \r\nInternet of Things (IoT) devices -- webcams, digital video recorders, \r\nrouters and so on. This isn't new, either. We've already seen \r\ninternet-enabled refrigerators and TVs used in DDoS botnets. But again, \r\nthe scale is bigger now. In 2014, the news was hundreds of thousands of \r\nIoT devices -- the Dyn attack used millions. Analysts expect the IoT to \r\nincrease the number of things on the internet by a factor of 10 or more. \r\nExpect these attacks to similarly increase.\r\n\r\nThe problem is that these IoT devices are unsecure and likely to remain \r\nthat way. The economics of internet security don't trickle down to the \r\nIoT. Commenting on the Krebs attack last month, I wrote:\r\n\r\n The market can't fix this because neither the buyer nor the\r\n seller cares. Think of all the CCTV cameras and DVRs used in\r\n the attack against Brian Krebs. The owners of those devices\r\n don't care. Their devices were cheap to buy, they still work,\r\n and they don't even know Brian. The sellers of those devices\r\n don't care: They're now selling newer and better models, and\r\n the original buyers only cared about price and features. There\r\n is no market solution because the insecurity is what economists\r\n call an externality: It's an effect of the purchasing decision\r\n that affects other people. Think of it kind of like invisible\r\n pollution.\r\n\r\nTo be fair, one company that made some of the unsecure things used in \r\nthese attacks recalled its unsecure webcams. But this is more of a \r\npublicity stunt than anything else. I would be surprised if the company \r\ngot many devices back. We already know that the reputational damage from \r\nhaving your unsecure software made public isn't large and doesn't last. \r\nAt this point, the market still largely rewards sacrificing security in \r\nfavor of price and time-to-market.\r\n\r\nDDoS prevention works best deep in the network, where the pipes are the \r\nlargest and the capability to identify and block the attacks is the most \r\nevident. But the backbone providers have no incentive to do this. They \r\ndon't feel the pain when the attacks occur and they have no way of \r\nbilling for the service when they provide it. So they let the attacks \r\nthrough and force the victims to defend themselves. In many ways, this \r\nis similar to the spam problem. It, too, is best dealt with in the \r\nbackbone, but similar economics dump the problem onto the endpoints.\r\n\r\nWe're unlikely to get any regulation forcing backbone companies to clean \r\nup either DDoS attacks or spam, just as we are unlikely to get any \r\nregulations forcing IoT manufacturers to make their systems secure. This \r\nis me again:\r\n\r\n What this all means is that the IoT will remain insecure unless\r\n government steps in and fixes the problem. When we have market\r\n failures, government is the only solution. The government could\r\n impose security regulations on IoT manufacturers, forcing them\r\n to make their devices secure even though their customers don't\r\n care. They could impose liabilities on manufacturers, allowing\r\n people like Brian Krebs to sue them. Any of these would raise\r\n the cost of insecurity and give companies incentives to spend\r\n money making their devices secure.\r\n\r\nThat leaves the victims to pay. This is where we are in much of computer \r\nsecurity. Because the hardware, software and networks we use are so \r\nunsecure, we have to pay an entire industry to provide after-the-fact \r\nsecurity.\r\n\r\nThere are solutions you can buy. Many companies offer DDoS protection, \r\nalthough they're generally calibrated to the older, smaller attacks. We \r\ncan safely assume that they'll up their offerings, although the cost \r\nmight be prohibitive for many users. Understand your risks. Buy \r\nmitigation if you need it, but understand its limitations. Know the \r\nattacks are possible and will succeed if large enough. And the attacks \r\nare getting larger all the time. Prepare for that.\r\n\r\nThis essay previously appeared on the SecurityIntelligence website.\r\nhttps://securityintelligence.com/lessons-from-the-dyn-ddos-attack/\r\n\r\nhttps://securityintelligence.com/news/multi-phased-ddos-attack-causes-hours-long-outages/\r\nhttp://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/10/inside-the-machine-uprising-how-cameras-dvrs-took-down-parts-of-the-internet/\r\nhttps://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/oct/26/ddos-attack-dyn-mirai-botnet\r\nhttp://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/news/450401962/Details-emerging-on-Dyn-DNS-DDoS-attack-Mirai-IoT-botnet\r\nhttp://hub.dyn.com/static/hub.dyn.com/dyn-blog/dyn-statement-on-10-21-2016-ddos-attack.html\r\n\r\nDDoS petition:\r\nhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/12/anonymous-ddos-petition-white-house_n_2463009.html\r\n\r\nDDoS extortion:\r\nhttps://securityintelligence.com/ddos-extortion-easy-and-lucrative/\r\nhttp://www.computerworld.com/article/3061813/security/empty-ddos-threats-deliver-100k-to-extortion-group.html\r\n\r\nDDoS against Estonia:\r\nhttp://www.iar-gwu.org/node/65\r\n\r\nDDoS for hire:\r\nhttp://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2016/10/23/massive-ddos-iot-botnet-for-hire-twitter-dyn-amazon/#11f82518c915\r\n\r\nMirai:\r\nhttps://www.arbornetworks.com/blog/asert/mirai-iot-botnet-description-ddos-attack-mitigation/\r\nhttps://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/10/source-code-for-iot-botnet-mirai-released/\r\nhttps://threatpost.com/mirai-bots-more-than-double-since-source-code-release/121368/\r\n\r\nKrebs:\r\nhttp://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/09/israeli-online-attack-service-vdos-earned-600000-in-two-years/\r\nhttp://www.theverge.com/2016/9/11/12878692/vdos-israeli-teens-ddos-cyberattack-service-arrested\r\nhttps://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/09/krebsonsecurity-hit-with-record-ddos/\r\nhttp://www.businessinsider.com/akamai-brian-krebs-ddos-attack-2016-9\r\n\r\nNation-state DDoS Attacks:\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2016/09/someone_is_lear.html\r\n\r\nNorth Korea and Sony:\r\nhttps://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/12/did-north-korea-really-attack-sony/383973/\r\n\r\nInternet of Things (IoT) security:\r\nhttps://securityintelligence.com/will-internet-things-leveraged-ruin-companys-day-understanding-iot-security/\r\nhttps://thehackernews.com/2014/01/100000-refrigerators-and-other-home.html\r\n\r\nEver larger DDoS Attacks:\r\nhttp://www.ibtimes.co.uk/biggest-ever-terabit-scale-ddos-attack-yet-could-be-horizon-experts-warn-1588364\r\n\r\nMy previous essay on this:\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/essays/archives/2016/10/we_need_to_save_the_.html\r\n\r\nrecalled:\r\nhttp://www.zdnet.com/article/chinese-tech-giant-recalls-webcams-used-in-dyn-cyberattack/\r\n\r\nidentify and block the attacks:\r\nhttp://www.ibm.com/security/threat-protection/\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n Regulation of the Internet of Things\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLate last month, popular websites like Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit and \r\nPayPal went down for most of a day. The distributed denial-of-service \r\nattack that caused the outages, and the vulnerabilities that made the \r\nattack possible, was as much a failure of market and policy as it was of \r\ntechnology. If we want to secure our increasingly computerized and \r\nconnected world, we need more government involvement in the security of \r\nthe \"Internet of Things\" and increased regulation of what are now \r\ncritical and life-threatening technologies. It's no longer a question of \r\nif, it's a question of when.\r\n\r\nFirst, the facts. Those websites went down because their domain name \r\nprovider -- a company named Dyn -- was forced offline. We don't know who \r\nperpetrated that attack, but it could have easily been a lone hacker. \r\nWhoever it was launched a distributed denial-of-service attack against \r\nDyn by exploiting a vulnerability in large numbers -- possibly millions \r\n-- of Internet-of-Things devices like webcams and digital video \r\nrecorders, then recruiting them all into a single botnet. The botnet \r\nbombarded Dyn with traffic, so much that it went down. And when it went \r\ndown, so did dozens of websites.\r\n\r\nYour security on the Internet depends on the security of millions of \r\nInternet-enabled devices, designed and sold by companies you've never \r\nheard of to consumers who don't care about your security.\r\n\r\nThe technical reason these devices are insecure is complicated, but \r\nthere is a market failure at work. The Internet of Things is bringing \r\ncomputerization and connectivity to many tens of millions of devices \r\nworldwide. These devices will affect every aspect of our lives, because \r\nthey're things like cars, home appliances, thermostats, lightbulbs, \r\nfitness trackers, medical devices, smart streetlights and sidewalk \r\nsquares. Many of these devices are low-cost, designed and built \r\noffshore, then rebranded and resold. The teams building these devices \r\ndon't have the security expertise we've come to expect from the major \r\ncomputer and smartphone manufacturers, simply because the market won't \r\nstand for the additional costs that would require. These devices don't \r\nget security updates like our more expensive computers, and many don't \r\neven have a way to be patched. And, unlike our computers and phones, \r\nthey stay around for years and decades.\r\n\r\nAn additional market failure illustrated by the Dyn attack is that \r\nneither the seller nor the buyer of those devices cares about fixing the \r\nvulnerability. The owners of those devices don't care. They wanted a \r\nwebcam -- or thermostat, or refrigerator -- with nice features at a good \r\nprice. Even after they were recruited into this botnet, they still work \r\nfine -- you can't even tell they were used in the attack. The sellers of \r\nthose devices don't care: They've already moved on to selling newer and \r\nbetter models. There is no market solution because the insecurity \r\nprimarily affects other people. It's a form of invisible pollution.\r\n\r\nAnd, like pollution, the only solution is to regulate. The government \r\ncould impose minimum security standards on IoT manufacturers, forcing \r\nthem to make their devices secure even though their customers don't \r\ncare. They could impose liabilities on manufacturers, allowing companies \r\nlike Dyn to sue them if their devices are used in DDoS attacks. The \r\ndetails would need to be carefully scoped, but either of these options \r\nwould raise the cost of insecurity and give companies incentives to \r\nspend money making their devices secure.\r\n\r\nIt's true that this is a domestic solution to an international problem \r\nand that there's no U.S. regulation that will affect, say, an Asian-made \r\nproduct sold in South America, even though that product could still be \r\nused to take down U.S. websites. But the main costs in making software \r\ncome from development. If the United States and perhaps a few other \r\nmajor markets implement strong Internet-security regulations on IoT \r\ndevices, manufacturers will be forced to upgrade their security if they \r\nwant to sell to those markets. And any improvements they make in their \r\nsoftware will be available in their products wherever they are sold, \r\nsimply because it makes no sense to maintain two different versions of \r\nthe software. This is truly an area where the actions of a few countries \r\ncan drive worldwide change.\r\n\r\nRegardless of what you think about regulation vs. market solutions, I \r\nbelieve there is no choice. Governments will get involved in the IoT, \r\nbecause the risks are too great and the stakes are too high. Computers \r\nare now able to affect our world in a direct and physical manner.\r\n\r\nSecurity researchers have demonstrated the ability to remotely take \r\ncontrol of Internet-enabled cars. They've demonstrated ransomware \r\nagainst home thermostats and exposed vulnerabilities in implanted \r\nmedical devices. They've hacked voting machines and power plants. In one \r\nrecent paper, researchers showed how a vulnerability in smart lightbulbs \r\ncould be used to start a chain reaction, resulting in them *all* being \r\ncontrolled by the attackers -- that's every one in a city. Security \r\nflaws in these things could mean people dying and property being \r\ndestroyed.\r\n\r\nNothing motivates the U.S. government like fear. Remember 2001? A \r\nsmall-government Republican president created the Department of Homeland \r\nSecurity in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks: a rushed and \r\nill-thought-out decision that we've been trying to fix for more than a \r\ndecade. A fatal IoT disaster will similarly spur our government into \r\naction, and it's unlikely to be well-considered and thoughtful action. \r\nOur choice isn't between government involvement and no government \r\ninvolvement. Our choice is between smarter government involvement and \r\nstupider government involvement. We have to start thinking about this \r\nnow. Regulations are necessary, important and complex -- and they're \r\ncoming. We can't afford to ignore these issues until it's too late.\r\n\r\nIn general, the software market demands that products be fast and cheap \r\nand that security be a secondary consideration. That was okay when \r\nsoftware didn't matter -- it was okay that your spreadsheet crashed once \r\nin a while. But a software bug that literally crashes your car is \r\nanother thing altogether. The security vulnerabilities in the Internet \r\nof Things are deep and pervasive, and they won't get fixed if the market \r\nis left to sort it out for itself. We need to proactively discuss good \r\nregulatory solutions; otherwise, a disaster will impose bad ones on us.\r\n\r\nThis essay previously appeared in the Washington Post.\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/11/03/your-wifi-connected-thermostat-can-take-down-the-whole-internet-we-need-new-regulations/\r\n\r\n\r\nDDoS:\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2016/10/21/someone-attacked-a-major-part-of-the-internets-infrastructure/\r\n\r\nIoT and DDoS:\r\nhttps://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/10/hacked-cameras-dvrs-powered-todays-massive-internet-outage/\r\n\r\nThe IoT market failure and regulation:\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/essays/archives/2016/10/we_need_to_save_the_.html\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2014/01/theres-no-good-way-to-patch-the-internet-of-things-and-thats-a-huge-problem/\r\nhttp://www.computerworld.com/article/3136650/security/after-ddos-attack-senator-seeks-industry-led-security-standards-for-iot-devices.html\r\n\r\nIoT ransomware:\r\nhttps://motherboard.vice.com/read/internet-of-things-ransomware-smart-thermostat\r\nmedical:\r\n\r\nHacking medical devices:\r\nhttp://motherboard.vice.com/read/hackers-killed-a-simulated-human-by-turning-off-its-pacemaker\r\nhttp://abcnews.go.com/US/vice-president-dick-cheney-feared-pacemaker-hacking/story?id=20621434\r\n\r\nHacking voting machines:\r\nhttp://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/08/2016-elections-russia-hack-how-to-hack-an-election-in-seven-minutes-214144\r\n\r\nHacking power plants:\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/01/everything-we-know-about-ukraines-power-plant-hack/\r\n\r\nHacking light bulbs:\r\nhttp://iotworm.eyalro.net\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n Schneier News\r\n\r\n\r\nI am speaking in Cambridge, MA on November 15 at the Harvard Big-Data \r\nClub.\r\nhttp://harvardbigdata.com/event/keynote-lecture-bruce-schneier\r\n\r\nI am speaking in Palm Springs, CA on November 30 at the TEDMED \r\nConference.\r\nhttp://www.tedmed.com/speakers/show?id=627300\r\n\r\nI am participating in the Resilient end-of-year webinar on December 8.\r\nhttp://info.resilientsystems.com/webinar-eoy-cybersecurity-2016-review-2017-predictions\r\n\r\nI am speaking on December 14 in Accra at the University of Ghana.\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n Virtual Kidnapping\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThis is a harrowing story of a scam artist that convinced a mother that \r\nher daughter had been kidnapped. It's unclear if these virtual \r\nkidnappers use data about their victims, or just call people at random \r\nand hope to get lucky. Still, it's a new criminal use of smartphones and \r\nubiquitous information. Reminds me of the scammers who call low-wage \r\nworkers at retail establishments late at night and convince them to do \r\noutlandish and occasionally dangerous things.\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/local/we-have-your-daughter-a-virtual-kidnapping-and-a-mothers-five-hours-of-hell/2016/10/03/8f082690-8963-11e6-875e-2c1bfe943b66_story.html\r\nMore stories are here.\r\nhttp://www.nbcwashington.com/investigations/Several-Virtual-Kidnapping-Attempts-in-Maryland-Recently-375792991.html\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n Intelligence Oversight and How It Can Fail\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nFormer NSA attorneys John DeLong and Susan Hennessay have written a \r\nfascinating article describing a particular incident of oversight \r\nfailure inside the NSA. Technically, the story hinges on a definitional \r\ndifference between the NSA and the FISA court meaning of the word \r\n\"archived.\" (For the record, I would have defaulted to the NSA's \r\ninterpretation, which feels more accurate technically.) But while the \r\nstory is worth reading, what's especially interesting are the broader \r\nissues about how a nontechnical judiciary can provide oversight over a \r\nvery technical data collection-and-analysis organization -- especially \r\nif the oversight must largely be conducted in secret.\r\n\r\nIn many places I have separated different kinds of oversight: are we \r\ndoing things right versus are we doing the right things? This is very \r\nmuch about the first: is the NSA complying with the rules the courts \r\nimpose on them? I believe that the NSA tries very hard to follow the \r\nrules it's given, while at the same time being very aggressive about how \r\nit interprets any kind of ambiguities and using its nonadversarial \r\nrelationship with its overseers to its advantage.\r\n\r\nThe only possible solution I can see to all of this is more public \r\nscrutiny. Secrecy is toxic here.\r\n\r\nhttps://www.lawfareblog.com/understanding-footnote-14-nsa-lawyering-oversight-and-compliance\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n Whistleblower Investigative Report on NSA Suite B Cryptography\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe NSA has been abandoning secret and proprietary cryptographic \r\nalgorithms in favor of commercial public algorithms, generally known as \r\n\"Suite B.\" In 2010, an NSA employee filed some sort of whistleblower \r\ncomplaint, alleging that this move is both insecure and wasteful. The \r\nUS DoD Inspector General investigated and wrote a report in 2011.\r\n\r\nThe report -- slightly redacted and declassified -- found that there was \r\nno wrongdoing. But the report is an interesting window into the NSA's \r\nsystem of algorithm selection and testing (pages 5 and 6), as well as \r\nhow they investigate whistleblower complaints.\r\n\r\nhttp://www.dodig.mil/FOIA/err/11-INTEL-06%20(Redacted).pdf\r\n\r\nSuite B Cryptography:\r\nhttp://csrc.nist.gov/groups/SMA/ispab/documents/minutes/2006-03/E_Barker-March2006-ISPAB.pdf\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\nSince 1998, CRYPTO-GRAM has been a free monthly newsletter providing \r\nsummaries, analyses, insights, and commentaries on security: computer \r\nand otherwise. You can subscribe, unsubscribe, or change your address on \r\nthe Web at . Back issues are \r\nalso available at that URL.\r\n\r\nPlease feel free to forward CRYPTO-GRAM, in whole or in part, to \r\ncolleagues and friends who will find it valuable. Permission is also \r\ngranted to reprint CRYPTO-GRAM, as long as it is reprinted in its \r\nentirety.\r\n\r\nCRYPTO-GRAM is written by Bruce Schneier. Bruce Schneier is an \r\ninternationally renowned security technologist, called a \"security guru\" \r\nby The Economist. He is the author of 13 books -- including his latest, \r\n\"Data and Goliath\" -- as well as hundreds of articles, essays, and \r\nacademic papers. His influential newsletter \"Crypto-Gram\" and his blog \r\n\"Schneier on Security\" are read by over 250,000 people. He has testified \r\nbefore Congress, is a frequent guest on television and radio, has served \r\non several government committees, and is regularly quoted in the press. \r\nSchneier is a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at \r\nHarvard Law School, a program fellow at the New America Foundation's \r\nOpen Technology Institute, a board member of the Electronic Frontier \r\nFoundation, an Advisory Board Member of the Electronic Privacy \r\nInformation Center, and the Chief Technology Officer at Resilient, an \r\nIBM Company. See .\r\n\r\nCrypto-Gram is a personal newsletter. Opinions expressed are not \r\nnecessarily those of Resilient, an IBM Company.\r\n\r\nCopyright (c) 2016 by Bruce Schneier.\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nTo unsubscribe from Crypto-Gram, click this link:\r\n\r\nhttps://lists.schneier.com/cgi-bin/mailman/options/crypto-gram/christine%40spang.cc?login-unsub=Unsubscribe\r\n\r\nYou will be e-mailed a confirmation message. Follow the instructions in that message to confirm your removal from the list.\r\n"}},"desiredParts":[{"id":"1","encoding":"7BIT","mimetype":"text/plain"}],"result":{"to":[{"name":"","email":"christine@spang.cc"}],"cc":[{"name":"Crypto-Gram Mailing List","email":"crypto-gram@lists.schneier.com"}],"bcc":[],"from":[{"name":"Bruce Schneier","email":"schneier@schneier.com"}],"replyTo":[],"accountId":"test-account-id","body":"
\r\n             CRYPTO-GRAM\r\n\r\n          November 15, 2016\r\n\r\n          by Bruce Schneier\r\n    CTO, Resilient, an IBM Company\r\n        schneier@schneier.com\r\n       https://www.schneier.com\r\n\r\n\r\nA free monthly newsletter providing summaries, analyses, insights, and \r\ncommentaries on security: computer and otherwise.\r\n\r\nFor back issues, or to subscribe, visit \r\n<https://www.schneier.com/crypto-gram.html>.\r\n\r\nYou can read this issue on the web at \r\n<https://www.schneier.com/crypto-gram/archives/2016/1115.html>. These \r\nsame essays and news items appear in the "Schneier on Security" blog at \r\n<http://www.schneier.com/blog>, along with a lively and intelligent \r\ncomment section. An RSS feed is available.\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\nIn this issue:\r\n      Election Security\r\n      News\r\n      Lessons From the Dyn DDoS Attack\r\n      Regulation of the Internet of Things\r\n      Schneier News\r\n      Virtual Kidnapping\r\n      Intelligence Oversight and How It Can Fail\r\n      Whistleblower Investigative Report on NSA Suite B Cryptography\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n      Election Security\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nIt's over. The voting went smoothly. As of the time of writing, there \r\nare no serious fraud allegations, nor credible evidence that anyone \r\ntampered with voting rolls or voting machines. And most important, the \r\nresults are not in doubt.\r\n\r\nWhile we may breathe a collective sigh of relief about that, we can't \r\nignore the issue until the next election. The risks remain.\r\n\r\nAs computer security experts have been saying for years, our newly \r\ncomputerized voting systems are vulnerable to attack by both individual \r\nhackers and government-sponsored cyberwarriors. It is only a matter of \r\ntime before such an attack happens.\r\n\r\nElectronic voting machines can be hacked, and those machines that do not \r\ninclude a paper ballot that can verify each voter's choice can be hacked \r\nundetectably. Voting rolls are also vulnerable; they are all \r\ncomputerized databases whose entries can be deleted or changed to sow \r\nchaos on Election Day.\r\n\r\nThe largely ad hoc system in states for collecting and tabulating \r\nindividual voting results is vulnerable as well. While the difference \r\nbetween theoretical if demonstrable vulnerabilities and an actual attack \r\non Election Day is considerable, we got lucky this year. Not just \r\npresidential elections are at risk, but state and local elections, too.\r\n\r\nTo be very clear, this is not about voter fraud. The risks of ineligible \r\npeople voting, or people voting twice, have been repeatedly shown to be \r\nvirtually nonexistent, and "solutions" to this problem are largely \r\nvoter-suppression measures. Election fraud, however, is both far more \r\nfeasible and much more worrisome.\r\n\r\nHere's my worry. On the day after an election, someone claims that a \r\nresult was hacked. Maybe one of the candidates points to a wide \r\ndiscrepancy between the most recent polls and the actual results. Maybe \r\nan anonymous person announces that he hacked a particular brand of \r\nvoting machine, describing in detail how. Or maybe it's a system failure \r\nduring Election Day: voting machines recording significantly fewer votes \r\nthan there were voters, or zero votes for one candidate or another. \r\n(These are not theoretical occurrences; they have both happened in the \r\nUnited States before, though because of error, not malice.)\r\n\r\nWe have no procedures for how to proceed if any of these things happen. \r\nThere's no manual, no national panel of experts, no regulatory body to \r\nsteer us through this crisis. How do we figure out if someone hacked the \r\nvote? Can we recover the true votes, or are they lost? What do we do \r\nthen?\r\n\r\nFirst, we need to do more to secure our elections system. We should \r\ndeclare our voting systems to be critical national infrastructure. This \r\nis largely symbolic, but it demonstrates a commitment to secure \r\nelections and makes funding and other resources available to states.\r\n\r\nWe need national security standards for voting machines, and funding for \r\nstates to procure machines that comply with those standards. \r\nVoting-security experts can deal with the technical details, but such \r\nmachines must include a paper ballot that provides a record verifiable \r\nby voters. The simplest and most reliable way to do that is already \r\npracticed in 37 states: optical-scan paper ballots, marked by the \r\nvoters, counted by computer but recountable by hand. And we need a \r\nsystem of pre-election and postelection security audits to increase \r\nconfidence in the system.\r\n\r\nSecond, election tampering, either by a foreign power or by a domestic \r\nactor, is inevitable, so we need detailed procedures to follow -- both \r\ntechnical procedures to figure out what happened, and legal procedures \r\nto figure out what to do -- that will efficiently get us to a fair and \r\nequitable election resolution. There should be a board of independent \r\ncomputer-security experts to unravel what happened, and a board of \r\nindependent election officials, either at the Federal Election \r\nCommission or elsewhere, empowered to determine and put in place an \r\nappropriate response.\r\n\r\nIn the absence of such impartial measures, people rush to defend their \r\ncandidate and their party. Florida in 2000 was a perfect example. What \r\ncould have been a purely technical issue of determining the intent of \r\nevery voter became a battle for who would win the presidency. The \r\ndebates about hanging chads and spoiled ballots and how broad the \r\nrecount should be were contested by people angling for a particular \r\noutcome. In the same way, after a hacked election, partisan politics \r\nwill place tremendous pressure on officials to make decisions that \r\noverride fairness and accuracy.\r\n\r\nThat is why we need to agree on policies to deal with future election \r\nfraud. We need procedures to evaluate claims of voting-machine hacking. \r\nWe need a fair and robust vote-auditing process. And we need all of this \r\nin place before an election is hacked and battle lines are drawn.\r\n\r\nIn response to Florida, the Help America Vote Act of 2002 required each \r\nstate to publish its own guidelines on what constitutes a vote. Some \r\nstates -- Indiana, in particular -- set up a "war room" of public and \r\nprivate cybersecurity experts ready to help if anything did occur. While \r\nthe Department of Homeland Security is assisting some states with \r\nelection security, and the F.B.I. and the Justice Department made some \r\npreparations this year, the approach is too piecemeal.\r\n\r\nElections serve two purposes. First, and most obvious, they are how we \r\nchoose a winner. But second, and equally important, they convince the \r\nloser -- and all the supporters -- that he or she lost. To achieve the \r\nfirst purpose, the voting system must be fair and accurate. To achieve \r\nthe second one, it must be *shown* to be fair and accurate.\r\n\r\nWe need to have these conversations before something happens, when \r\neveryone can be calm and rational about the issues. The integrity of our \r\nelections is at stake, which means our democracy is at stake.\r\n\r\nThis essay previously appeared in the New York Times.\r\nhttp://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/09/opinion/american-elections-will-be-hacked.html\r\n\r\nElection-machine vulnerabilities:\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/07/27/by-november-russian-hackers-could-target-voting-machines/\r\n\r\nElections are hard to rig:\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/08/03/one-reason-to-doubt-the-presidential-election-will-be-rigged-its-a-lot-harder-than-it-seems/\r\n\r\nVoting systems as critical infrastructure:\r\nhttps://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2852461\r\n\r\nVoting machine security:\r\nhttps://www.verifiedvoting.org/\r\nhttp://votingmachines.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=000291\r\nhttp://votingmachines.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=000291\r\n\r\nElection-defense preparations for 2016:\r\nhttp://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2016/11/05/election-2016-cyber-hack-issues-homeland-security-indiana-pennsylvania-election-protection-verified-voter/93262960/\r\nhttp://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/2016-election-day/all-hands-deck-protect-election-hack-say-officials-n679271\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n      News\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLance Spitzner looks at the safety features of a power saw and tries to \r\napply them to Internet security.\r\nhttps://securingthehuman.sans.org/blog/2016/10/18/what-iot-and-security-needs-to-learn-from-the-dewalt-mitre-saw\r\n\r\nResearchers discover a clever attack that bypasses the address space \r\nlayout randomization (ALSR) on Intel's CPUs.\r\nhttp://arstechnica.com/security/2016/10/flaw-in-intel-chips-could-make-malware-attacks-more-potent/\r\nhttp://www.cs.ucr.edu/~nael/pubs/micro16.pdf\r\n\r\nIn an interviw in Wired, President Obama talks about AI risk, \r\ncybersecurity, and more.\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/10/president-obama-mit-joi-ito-interview/\r\n\r\nPrivacy makes workers more productive. Interesting research.\r\nhttps://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-outsourced-mind/201604/want-people-behave-better-give-them-more-privacy\r\n\r\nNews about the DDOS attacks against Dyn.\r\nhttps://motherboard.vice.com/read/twitter-reddit-spotify-were-collateral-damage-in-major-internet-attack\r\nhttps://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/10/ddos-on-dyn-impacts-twitter-spotify-reddit/\r\nhttps://motherboard.vice.com/read/blame-the-internet-of-things-for-destroying-the-internet-today\r\n\r\nJosephine Wolff examines different Internet governance stakeholders and \r\nhow they frame security debates.\r\nhttps://policyreview.info/articles/analysis/what-we-talk-about-when-we-talk-about-cybersecurity-security-internet-governance\r\n\r\nThe UK is admitting "offensive cyber" operations against ISIS/Daesh. I \r\nthink this might be the first time it has been openly acknowledged.\r\nhttps://www.theguardian.com/politics/blog/live/2016/oct/20/philip-green-knighthood-commons-set-to-debate-stripping-philip-green-of-his-knighthood-politics-live\r\n\r\nIt's not hard to imagine the criminal possibilities of automation, \r\nautonomy, and artificial intelligence. But the imaginings are becoming \r\nmainstream -- and the future isn't too far off.\r\nhttp://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/24/technology/artificial-intelligence-evolves-with-its-criminal-potential.html\r\n\r\nAlong similar lines, computers are able to predict court verdicts. My \r\nguess is that the real use here isn't to predict actual court verdicts, \r\nbut for well-paid defense teams to test various defensive tactics.\r\nhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/10/23/artifically-intelligent-judge-developed-which-can-predict-court/\r\n\r\nGood long article on the 2015 attack against the US Office of Personnel \r\nManagement.\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/10/inside-cyberattack-shocked-us-government/\r\n\r\nHow Powell's and Podesta's e-mail accounts were hacked. It was phishing.\r\nhttps://motherboard.vice.com/read/how-hackers-broke-into-john-podesta-and-colin-powells-gmail-accounts\r\n\r\nA year and a half ago, I wrote about hardware bit-flipping attacks, \r\nwhich were then largely theoretical. Now, they can be used to root \r\nAndroid phones.\r\nhttp://arstechnica.com/security/2016/10/using-rowhammer-bitflips-to-root-android-phones-is-now-a-thing/\r\nhttps://vvdveen.com/publications/drammer.pdf\r\nhttps://www.vusec.net/projects/drammer/\r\n\r\nEavesdropping on typing while connected over VoIP.\r\nhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.09359.pdf\r\nhttps://news.uci.edu/research/typing-while-skyping-could-compromise-privacy/\r\n\r\nAn impressive Chinese device that automatically reads marked cards in \r\norder to cheat at poker and other card games.\r\nhttps://www.elie.net/blog/security/fuller-house-exposing-high-end-poker-cheating-devices\r\n\r\nA useful guide on how to avoid kidnapping children on Halloween.\r\nhttp://reductress.com/post/how-to-not-kidnap-any-kids-on-halloween-not-even-one/\r\n\r\nA card game based on the iterated prisoner's dilemma.\r\nhttps://opinionatedgamers.com/2016/10/26/h-m-s-dolores-game-review-by-chris-wray/\r\n\r\nThere's another leak of NSA hacking tools and data from the Shadow \r\nBrokers. This one includes a list of hacked sites. The data is old, but \r\nyou can see if you've been hacked.\r\nhttp://arstechnica.co.uk/security/2016/10/new-leak-may-show-if-you-were-hacked-by-the-nsa/\r\nHonestly, I am surprised by this release. I thought that the original \r\nShadow Brokers dump was everything. Now that we know they held things \r\nback, there could easily be more releases.\r\nhttp://www.networkworld.com/article/3137065/security/shadow-brokers-leak-list-of-nsa-targets-and-compromised-servers.html\r\nNote that the Hague-based Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical \r\nWeapons is on the list, hacked in 2000.\r\nhttps://boingboing.net/2016/11/06/in-2000-the-nsa-hacked-the-ha.html\r\n\r\nFree cybersecurity MOOC from F-Secure and the University of Finland.\r\nhttp://mooc.fi/courses/2016/cybersecurity/\r\n\r\nResearchers have trained a neural network to encrypt its communications. \r\nThis story is more about AI and neural networks than it is about \r\ncryptography. The algorithm isn't any good, but is a perfect example of \r\nwhat I've heard called "Schneier's Law": Anyone can design a cipher that \r\nthey themselves cannot break.\r\nhttps://www.newscientist.com/article/2110522-googles-neural-networks-invent-their-own-encryption/\r\nhttp://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/10/google-ai-neural-network-cryptography/\r\nhttps://www.engadget.com/2016/10/28/google-ai-created-its-own-form-of-encryption/\r\nhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.06918v1.pdf\r\nSchneier's Law:\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2011/04/schneiers_law.html\r\n\r\nGoogle now links anonymous browser tracking with identifiable tracking. \r\nThe article also explains how to opt out.\r\nhttps://www.propublica.org/article/google-has-quietly-dropped-ban-on-personally-identifiable-web-tracking\r\n\r\nNew Atlas has a great three-part feature on the history of hacking as \r\nportrayed in films, including video clips. The 1980s. The 1990s. The \r\n2000s.\r\nhttp://newatlas.com/history-hollywood-hacking-1980s/45482/\r\nhttp://newatlas.com/hollywood-hacking-movies-1990s/45623/\r\nhttp://newatlas.com/hollywood-hacking-2000s/45965\r\n\r\nFor years, the DMCA has been used to stifle legitimate research into the \r\nsecurity of embedded systems. Finally, the research exemption to the \r\nDMCA is in effect (for two years, but we can hope it'll be extended \r\nforever).\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/10/hacking-car-pacemaker-toaster-just-became-legal/\r\nhttps://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/10/why-did-we-have-wait-year-fix-our-cars\r\n\r\nFirefox is removing the battery status API, citing privacy concerns.\r\nhttps://www.fxsitecompat.com/en-CA/docs/2016/battery-status-api-has-been-removed/\r\nhttps://eprint.iacr.org/2015/616.pdf\r\nW3C is updating the spec.\r\nhttps://www.w3.org/TR/battery-status/#acknowledgements\r\nHere's a battery tracker found in the wild.\r\nhttp://randomwalker.info/publications/OpenWPM_1_million_site_tracking_measurement.pdf\r\n\r\nElection-day humor from 2004, but still relevent.\r\nhttp://www.ganssle.com/tem/tem316.html#article2\r\n\r\nA self-propagating smart light bulb worm.\r\nhttp://iotworm.eyalro.net/\r\nhttps://boingboing.net/2016/11/09/a-lightbulb-worm-could-take-ov.html\r\nhttps://tech.slashdot.org/story/16/11/09/0041201/researchers-hack-philips-hue-smart-bulbs-using-a-drone\r\nThis is exactly the sort of Internet-of-Things attack that has me \r\nworried.\r\n\r\nAd networks are surreptitiously using ultrasonic communications to jump \r\nfrom device to device. It should come as no surprise that this \r\ncommunications channel can be used to hack devices as well.\r\nhttps://www.newscientist.com/article/2110762-your-homes-online-gadgets-could-be-hacked-by-ultrasound/\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2015/11/ads_surreptitio.html\r\n\r\nThis is some interesting research. You can fool facial recognition \r\nsystems by wearing glasses printed with elements of other peoples' \r\nfaces.\r\nhttps://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sbhagava/papers/face-rec-ccs16.pdf\r\nhttp://qz.com/823820/carnegie-mellon-made-a-special-pair-of-glasses-that-lets-you-steal-a-digital-identity/\r\nhttps://boingboing.net/2016/11/02/researchers-trick-facial-recog.html\r\n\r\nInteresting research: "Using Artificial Intelligence to Identify State \r\nSecrets," https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.00356\r\n\r\nThere's a Kickstarter for a sticker that you can stick on a glove and \r\nthen register with a biometric access system like an iPhone. It's an \r\ninteresting security trade-off: swapping something you are (the \r\nbiometric) with something you have (the glove).\r\nhttps://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nanotips/taps-touchscreen-sticker-w-touch-id-ships-before-x?token=5b586aa6\r\nhttps://gizmodo.com/these-fake-fingerprint-stickers-let-you-access-a-protec-1788710313\r\n\r\nJulian Oliver has designed and built a cellular eavesdropping device \r\nthat's disguised as an old HP printer. It's more of a conceptual art \r\npiece than an actual piece of eavesdropping equipment, but it still \r\nmakes the point.\r\nhttps://julianoliver.com/output/stealth-cell-tower\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/11/evil-office-printer-hijacks-cellphone-connection/\r\nhttps://boingboing.net/2016/11/03/a-fake-hp-printer-thats-actu.html\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n      Lessons From the Dyn DDoS Attack\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nA week ago Friday, someone took down numerous popular websites in a \r\nmassive distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack against the domain \r\nname provider Dyn. DDoS attacks are neither new nor sophisticated. The \r\nattacker sends a massive amount of traffic, causing the victim's system \r\nto slow to a crawl and eventually crash. There are more or less clever \r\nvariants, but basically, it's a datapipe-size battle between attacker \r\nand victim. If the defender has a larger capacity to receive and process \r\ndata, he or she will win. If the attacker can throw more data than the \r\nvictim can process, he or she will win.\r\n\r\nThe attacker can build a giant data cannon, but that's expensive. It is \r\nmuch smarter to recruit millions of innocent computers on the internet. \r\nThis is the "distributed" part of the DDoS attack, and pretty much how \r\nit's worked for decades. Cybercriminals infect innocent computers around \r\nthe internet and recruit them into a botnet. They then target that \r\nbotnet against a single victim.\r\n\r\nYou can imagine how it might work in the real world. If I can trick tens \r\nof thousands of others to order pizzas to be delivered to your house at \r\nthe same time, I can clog up your street and prevent any legitimate \r\ntraffic from getting through. If I can trick many millions, I might be \r\nable to crush your house from the weight. That's a DDoS attack -- it's \r\nsimple brute force.\r\n\r\nAs you'd expect, DDoSers have various motives. The attacks started out \r\nas a way to show off, then quickly transitioned to a method of \r\nintimidation -- or a way of just getting back at someone you didn't \r\nlike. More recently, they've become vehicles of protest. In 2013, the \r\nhacker group Anonymous petitioned the White House to recognize DDoS \r\nattacks as a legitimate form of protest. Criminals have used these \r\nattacks as a means of extortion, although one group found that just the \r\nfear of attack was enough. Military agencies are also thinking about \r\nDDoS as a tool in their cyberwar arsenals. A 2007 DDoS attack against \r\nEstonia was blamed on Russia and widely called an act of cyberwar.\r\n\r\nThe DDoS attack against Dyn two weeks ago was nothing new, but it \r\nillustrated several important trends in computer security.\r\n\r\nThese attack techniques are broadly available. Fully capable DDoS attack \r\ntools are available for free download. Criminal groups offer DDoS \r\nservices for hire. The particular attack technique used against Dyn was \r\nfirst used a month earlier. It's called Mirai, and since the source code \r\nwas released four weeks ago, over a dozen botnets have incorporated the \r\ncode.\r\n\r\nThe Dyn attacks were probably not originated by a government. The \r\nperpetrators were most likely hackers mad at Dyn for helping Brian Krebs \r\nidentify -- and the FBI arrest -- two Israeli hackers who were running a \r\nDDoS-for-hire ring. Recently I have written about probing DDoS attacks \r\nagainst internet infrastructure companies that appear to be perpetrated \r\nby a nation-state. But, honestly, we don't know for sure.\r\n\r\nThis is important. Software spreads capabilities. The smartest attacker \r\nneeds to figure out the attack and write the software. After that, \r\nanyone can use it. There's not even much of a difference between \r\ngovernment and criminal attacks. In December 2014, there was a \r\nlegitimate debate in the security community as to whether the massive \r\nattack against Sony had been perpetrated by a nation-state with a $20 \r\nbillion military budget or a couple of guys in a basement somewhere. The \r\ninternet is the only place where we can't tell the difference. Everyone \r\nuses the same tools, the same techniques and the same tactics.\r\n\r\nThese attacks are getting larger. The Dyn DDoS attack set a record at \r\n1.2 Tbps. The previous record holder was the attack against \r\ncybersecurity journalist Brian Krebs a month prior at 620 Gbps. This is \r\nmuch larger than required to knock the typical website offline. A year \r\nago, it was unheard of. Now it occurs regularly.\r\n\r\nThe botnets attacking Dyn and Brian Krebs consisted largely of unsecure \r\nInternet of Things (IoT) devices -- webcams, digital video recorders, \r\nrouters and so on. This isn't new, either. We've already seen \r\ninternet-enabled refrigerators and TVs used in DDoS botnets. But again, \r\nthe scale is bigger now. In 2014, the news was hundreds of thousands of \r\nIoT devices -- the Dyn attack used millions. Analysts expect the IoT to \r\nincrease the number of things on the internet by a factor of 10 or more. \r\nExpect these attacks to similarly increase.\r\n\r\nThe problem is that these IoT devices are unsecure and likely to remain \r\nthat way. The economics of internet security don't trickle down to the \r\nIoT. Commenting on the Krebs attack last month, I wrote:\r\n\r\n     The market can't fix this because neither the buyer nor the\r\n     seller cares. Think of all the CCTV cameras and DVRs used in\r\n     the attack against Brian Krebs. The owners of those devices\r\n     don't care. Their devices were cheap to buy, they still work,\r\n     and they don't even know Brian. The sellers of those devices\r\n     don't care: They're now selling newer and better models, and\r\n     the original buyers only cared about price and features. There\r\n     is no market solution because the insecurity is what economists\r\n     call an externality: It's an effect of the purchasing decision\r\n     that affects other people. Think of it kind of like invisible\r\n     pollution.\r\n\r\nTo be fair, one company that made some of the unsecure things used in \r\nthese attacks recalled its unsecure webcams. But this is more of a \r\npublicity stunt than anything else. I would be surprised if the company \r\ngot many devices back. We already know that the reputational damage from \r\nhaving your unsecure software made public isn't large and doesn't last. \r\nAt this point, the market still largely rewards sacrificing security in \r\nfavor of price and time-to-market.\r\n\r\nDDoS prevention works best deep in the network, where the pipes are the \r\nlargest and the capability to identify and block the attacks is the most \r\nevident. But the backbone providers have no incentive to do this. They \r\ndon't feel the pain when the attacks occur and they have no way of \r\nbilling for the service when they provide it. So they let the attacks \r\nthrough and force the victims to defend themselves. In many ways, this \r\nis similar to the spam problem. It, too, is best dealt with in the \r\nbackbone, but similar economics dump the problem onto the endpoints.\r\n\r\nWe're unlikely to get any regulation forcing backbone companies to clean \r\nup either DDoS attacks or spam, just as we are unlikely to get any \r\nregulations forcing IoT manufacturers to make their systems secure. This \r\nis me again:\r\n\r\n     What this all means is that the IoT will remain insecure unless\r\n     government steps in and fixes the problem. When we have market\r\n     failures, government is the only solution. The government could\r\n     impose security regulations on IoT manufacturers, forcing them\r\n     to make their devices secure even though their customers don't\r\n     care. They could impose liabilities on manufacturers, allowing\r\n     people like Brian Krebs to sue them. Any of these would raise\r\n     the cost of insecurity and give companies incentives to spend\r\n     money making their devices secure.\r\n\r\nThat leaves the victims to pay. This is where we are in much of computer \r\nsecurity. Because the hardware, software and networks we use are so \r\nunsecure, we have to pay an entire industry to provide after-the-fact \r\nsecurity.\r\n\r\nThere are solutions you can buy. Many companies offer DDoS protection, \r\nalthough they're generally calibrated to the older, smaller attacks. We \r\ncan safely assume that they'll up their offerings, although the cost \r\nmight be prohibitive for many users. Understand your risks. Buy \r\nmitigation if you need it, but understand its limitations. Know the \r\nattacks are possible and will succeed if large enough. And the attacks \r\nare getting larger all the time. Prepare for that.\r\n\r\nThis essay previously appeared on the SecurityIntelligence website.\r\nhttps://securityintelligence.com/lessons-from-the-dyn-ddos-attack/\r\n\r\nhttps://securityintelligence.com/news/multi-phased-ddos-attack-causes-hours-long-outages/\r\nhttp://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/10/inside-the-machine-uprising-how-cameras-dvrs-took-down-parts-of-the-internet/\r\nhttps://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/oct/26/ddos-attack-dyn-mirai-botnet\r\nhttp://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/news/450401962/Details-emerging-on-Dyn-DNS-DDoS-attack-Mirai-IoT-botnet\r\nhttp://hub.dyn.com/static/hub.dyn.com/dyn-blog/dyn-statement-on-10-21-2016-ddos-attack.html\r\n\r\nDDoS petition:\r\nhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/12/anonymous-ddos-petition-white-house_n_2463009.html\r\n\r\nDDoS extortion:\r\nhttps://securityintelligence.com/ddos-extortion-easy-and-lucrative/\r\nhttp://www.computerworld.com/article/3061813/security/empty-ddos-threats-deliver-100k-to-extortion-group.html\r\n\r\nDDoS against Estonia:\r\nhttp://www.iar-gwu.org/node/65\r\n\r\nDDoS for hire:\r\nhttp://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2016/10/23/massive-ddos-iot-botnet-for-hire-twitter-dyn-amazon/#11f82518c915\r\n\r\nMirai:\r\nhttps://www.arbornetworks.com/blog/asert/mirai-iot-botnet-description-ddos-attack-mitigation/\r\nhttps://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/10/source-code-for-iot-botnet-mirai-released/\r\nhttps://threatpost.com/mirai-bots-more-than-double-since-source-code-release/121368/\r\n\r\nKrebs:\r\nhttp://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/09/israeli-online-attack-service-vdos-earned-600000-in-two-years/\r\nhttp://www.theverge.com/2016/9/11/12878692/vdos-israeli-teens-ddos-cyberattack-service-arrested\r\nhttps://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/09/krebsonsecurity-hit-with-record-ddos/\r\nhttp://www.businessinsider.com/akamai-brian-krebs-ddos-attack-2016-9\r\n\r\nNation-state DDoS Attacks:\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2016/09/someone_is_lear.html\r\n\r\nNorth Korea and Sony:\r\nhttps://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/12/did-north-korea-really-attack-sony/383973/\r\n\r\nInternet of Things (IoT) security:\r\nhttps://securityintelligence.com/will-internet-things-leveraged-ruin-companys-day-understanding-iot-security/\r\nhttps://thehackernews.com/2014/01/100000-refrigerators-and-other-home.html\r\n\r\nEver larger DDoS Attacks:\r\nhttp://www.ibtimes.co.uk/biggest-ever-terabit-scale-ddos-attack-yet-could-be-horizon-experts-warn-1588364\r\n\r\nMy previous essay on this:\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/essays/archives/2016/10/we_need_to_save_the_.html\r\n\r\nrecalled:\r\nhttp://www.zdnet.com/article/chinese-tech-giant-recalls-webcams-used-in-dyn-cyberattack/\r\n\r\nidentify and block the attacks:\r\nhttp://www.ibm.com/security/threat-protection/\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n      Regulation of the Internet of Things\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLate last month, popular websites like Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit and \r\nPayPal went down for most of a day. The distributed denial-of-service \r\nattack that caused the outages, and the vulnerabilities that made the \r\nattack possible, was as much a failure of market and policy as it was of \r\ntechnology. If we want to secure our increasingly computerized and \r\nconnected world, we need more government involvement in the security of \r\nthe "Internet of Things" and increased regulation of what are now \r\ncritical and life-threatening technologies. It's no longer a question of \r\nif, it's a question of when.\r\n\r\nFirst, the facts. Those websites went down because their domain name \r\nprovider -- a company named Dyn -- was forced offline. We don't know who \r\nperpetrated that attack, but it could have easily been a lone hacker. \r\nWhoever it was launched a distributed denial-of-service attack against \r\nDyn by exploiting a vulnerability in large numbers -- possibly millions \r\n-- of Internet-of-Things devices like webcams and digital video \r\nrecorders, then recruiting them all into a single botnet. The botnet \r\nbombarded Dyn with traffic, so much that it went down. And when it went \r\ndown, so did dozens of websites.\r\n\r\nYour security on the Internet depends on the security of millions of \r\nInternet-enabled devices, designed and sold by companies you've never \r\nheard of to consumers who don't care about your security.\r\n\r\nThe technical reason these devices are insecure is complicated, but \r\nthere is a market failure at work. The Internet of Things is bringing \r\ncomputerization and connectivity to many tens of millions of devices \r\nworldwide. These devices will affect every aspect of our lives, because \r\nthey're things like cars, home appliances, thermostats, lightbulbs, \r\nfitness trackers, medical devices, smart streetlights and sidewalk \r\nsquares. Many of these devices are low-cost, designed and built \r\noffshore, then rebranded and resold. The teams building these devices \r\ndon't have the security expertise we've come to expect from the major \r\ncomputer and smartphone manufacturers, simply because the market won't \r\nstand for the additional costs that would require. These devices don't \r\nget security updates like our more expensive computers, and many don't \r\neven have a way to be patched. And, unlike our computers and phones, \r\nthey stay around for years and decades.\r\n\r\nAn additional market failure illustrated by the Dyn attack is that \r\nneither the seller nor the buyer of those devices cares about fixing the \r\nvulnerability. The owners of those devices don't care. They wanted a \r\nwebcam -- or thermostat, or refrigerator -- with nice features at a good \r\nprice. Even after they were recruited into this botnet, they still work \r\nfine -- you can't even tell they were used in the attack. The sellers of \r\nthose devices don't care: They've already moved on to selling newer and \r\nbetter models. There is no market solution because the insecurity \r\nprimarily affects other people. It's a form of invisible pollution.\r\n\r\nAnd, like pollution, the only solution is to regulate. The government \r\ncould impose minimum security standards on IoT manufacturers, forcing \r\nthem to make their devices secure even though their customers don't \r\ncare. They could impose liabilities on manufacturers, allowing companies \r\nlike Dyn to sue them if their devices are used in DDoS attacks. The \r\ndetails would need to be carefully scoped, but either of these options \r\nwould raise the cost of insecurity and give companies incentives to \r\nspend money making their devices secure.\r\n\r\nIt's true that this is a domestic solution to an international problem \r\nand that there's no U.S. regulation that will affect, say, an Asian-made \r\nproduct sold in South America, even though that product could still be \r\nused to take down U.S. websites. But the main costs in making software \r\ncome from development. If the United States and perhaps a few other \r\nmajor markets implement strong Internet-security regulations on IoT \r\ndevices, manufacturers will be forced to upgrade their security if they \r\nwant to sell to those markets. And any improvements they make in their \r\nsoftware will be available in their products wherever they are sold, \r\nsimply because it makes no sense to maintain two different versions of \r\nthe software. This is truly an area where the actions of a few countries \r\ncan drive worldwide change.\r\n\r\nRegardless of what you think about regulation vs. market solutions, I \r\nbelieve there is no choice. Governments will get involved in the IoT, \r\nbecause the risks are too great and the stakes are too high. Computers \r\nare now able to affect our world in a direct and physical manner.\r\n\r\nSecurity researchers have demonstrated the ability to remotely take \r\ncontrol of Internet-enabled cars. They've demonstrated ransomware \r\nagainst home thermostats and exposed vulnerabilities in implanted \r\nmedical devices. They've hacked voting machines and power plants. In one \r\nrecent paper, researchers showed how a vulnerability in smart lightbulbs \r\ncould be used to start a chain reaction, resulting in them *all* being \r\ncontrolled by the attackers -- that's every one in a city. Security \r\nflaws in these things could mean people dying and property being \r\ndestroyed.\r\n\r\nNothing motivates the U.S. government like fear. Remember 2001? A \r\nsmall-government Republican president created the Department of Homeland \r\nSecurity in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks: a rushed and \r\nill-thought-out decision that we've been trying to fix for more than a \r\ndecade. A fatal IoT disaster will similarly spur our government into \r\naction, and it's unlikely to be well-considered and thoughtful action. \r\nOur choice isn't between government involvement and no government \r\ninvolvement. Our choice is between smarter government involvement and \r\nstupider government involvement. We have to start thinking about this \r\nnow. Regulations are necessary, important and complex -- and they're \r\ncoming. We can't afford to ignore these issues until it's too late.\r\n\r\nIn general, the software market demands that products be fast and cheap \r\nand that security be a secondary consideration. That was okay when \r\nsoftware didn't matter -- it was okay that your spreadsheet crashed once \r\nin a while. But a software bug that literally crashes your car is \r\nanother thing altogether. The security vulnerabilities in the Internet \r\nof Things are deep and pervasive, and they won't get fixed if the market \r\nis left to sort it out for itself. We need to proactively discuss good \r\nregulatory solutions; otherwise, a disaster will impose bad ones on us.\r\n\r\nThis essay previously appeared in the Washington Post.\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/11/03/your-wifi-connected-thermostat-can-take-down-the-whole-internet-we-need-new-regulations/\r\n\r\n\r\nDDoS:\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2016/10/21/someone-attacked-a-major-part-of-the-internets-infrastructure/\r\n\r\nIoT and DDoS:\r\nhttps://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/10/hacked-cameras-dvrs-powered-todays-massive-internet-outage/\r\n\r\nThe IoT market failure and regulation:\r\nhttps://www.schneier.com/essays/archives/2016/10/we_need_to_save_the_.html\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2014/01/theres-no-good-way-to-patch-the-internet-of-things-and-thats-a-huge-problem/\r\nhttp://www.computerworld.com/article/3136650/security/after-ddos-attack-senator-seeks-industry-led-security-standards-for-iot-devices.html\r\n\r\nIoT ransomware:\r\nhttps://motherboard.vice.com/read/internet-of-things-ransomware-smart-thermostat\r\nmedical:\r\n\r\nHacking medical devices:\r\nhttp://motherboard.vice.com/read/hackers-killed-a-simulated-human-by-turning-off-its-pacemaker\r\nhttp://abcnews.go.com/US/vice-president-dick-cheney-feared-pacemaker-hacking/story?id=20621434\r\n\r\nHacking voting machines:\r\nhttp://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/08/2016-elections-russia-hack-how-to-hack-an-election-in-seven-minutes-214144\r\n\r\nHacking power plants:\r\nhttps://www.wired.com/2016/01/everything-we-know-about-ukraines-power-plant-hack/\r\n\r\nHacking light bulbs:\r\nhttp://iotworm.eyalro.net\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n      Schneier News\r\n\r\n\r\nI am speaking in Cambridge, MA on November 15 at the Harvard Big-Data \r\nClub.\r\nhttp://harvardbigdata.com/event/keynote-lecture-bruce-schneier\r\n\r\nI am speaking in Palm Springs, CA on November 30 at the TEDMED \r\nConference.\r\nhttp://www.tedmed.com/speakers/show?id=627300\r\n\r\nI am participating in the Resilient end-of-year webinar on December 8.\r\nhttp://info.resilientsystems.com/webinar-eoy-cybersecurity-2016-review-2017-predictions\r\n\r\nI am speaking on December 14 in Accra at the University of Ghana.\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n      Virtual Kidnapping\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThis is a harrowing story of a scam artist that convinced a mother that \r\nher daughter had been kidnapped. It's unclear if these virtual \r\nkidnappers use data about their victims, or just call people at random \r\nand hope to get lucky. Still, it's a new criminal use of smartphones and \r\nubiquitous information. Reminds me of the scammers who call low-wage \r\nworkers at retail establishments late at night and convince them to do \r\noutlandish and occasionally dangerous things.\r\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/local/we-have-your-daughter-a-virtual-kidnapping-and-a-mothers-five-hours-of-hell/2016/10/03/8f082690-8963-11e6-875e-2c1bfe943b66_story.html\r\nMore stories are here.\r\nhttp://www.nbcwashington.com/investigations/Several-Virtual-Kidnapping-Attempts-in-Maryland-Recently-375792991.html\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n      Intelligence Oversight and How It Can Fail\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nFormer NSA attorneys John DeLong and Susan Hennessay have written a \r\nfascinating article describing a particular incident of oversight \r\nfailure inside the NSA. Technically, the story hinges on a definitional \r\ndifference between the NSA and the FISA court meaning of the word \r\n"archived." (For the record, I would have defaulted to the NSA's \r\ninterpretation, which feels more accurate technically.) But while the \r\nstory is worth reading, what's especially interesting are the broader \r\nissues about how a nontechnical judiciary can provide oversight over a \r\nvery technical data collection-and-analysis organization -- especially \r\nif the oversight must largely be conducted in secret.\r\n\r\nIn many places I have separated different kinds of oversight: are we \r\ndoing things right versus are we doing the right things? This is very \r\nmuch about the first: is the NSA complying with the rules the courts \r\nimpose on them? I believe that the NSA tries very hard to follow the \r\nrules it's given, while at the same time being very aggressive about how \r\nit interprets any kind of ambiguities and using its nonadversarial \r\nrelationship with its overseers to its advantage.\r\n\r\nThe only possible solution I can see to all of this is more public \r\nscrutiny. Secrecy is toxic here.\r\n\r\nhttps://www.lawfareblog.com/understanding-footnote-14-nsa-lawyering-oversight-and-compliance\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n      Whistleblower Investigative Report on NSA Suite B Cryptography\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe NSA has been abandoning secret and proprietary cryptographic \r\nalgorithms in favor of commercial public algorithms, generally known as \r\n"Suite B." In 2010, an NSA employee filed some sort of whistleblower \r\ncomplaint, alleging that this move is both insecure and wasteful.  The \r\nUS DoD Inspector General investigated and wrote a report in 2011.\r\n\r\nThe report -- slightly redacted and declassified -- found that there was \r\nno wrongdoing. But the report is an interesting window into the NSA's \r\nsystem of algorithm selection and testing (pages 5 and 6), as well as \r\nhow they investigate whistleblower complaints.\r\n\r\nhttp://www.dodig.mil/FOIA/err/11-INTEL-06%20(Redacted).pdf\r\n\r\nSuite B Cryptography:\r\nhttp://csrc.nist.gov/groups/SMA/ispab/documents/minutes/2006-03/E_Barker-March2006-ISPAB.pdf\r\n\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\nSince 1998, CRYPTO-GRAM has been a free monthly newsletter providing \r\nsummaries, analyses, insights, and commentaries on security: computer \r\nand otherwise. You can subscribe, unsubscribe, or change your address on \r\nthe Web at <https://www.schneier.com/crypto-gram.html>. Back issues are \r\nalso available at that URL.\r\n\r\nPlease feel free to forward CRYPTO-GRAM, in whole or in part, to \r\ncolleagues and friends who will find it valuable. Permission is also \r\ngranted to reprint CRYPTO-GRAM, as long as it is reprinted in its \r\nentirety.\r\n\r\nCRYPTO-GRAM is written by Bruce Schneier. Bruce Schneier is an \r\ninternationally renowned security technologist, called a "security guru" \r\nby The Economist. He is the author of 13 books -- including his latest, \r\n"Data and Goliath" -- as well as hundreds of articles, essays, and \r\nacademic papers. His influential newsletter "Crypto-Gram" and his blog \r\n"Schneier on Security" are read by over 250,000 people. He has testified \r\nbefore Congress, is a frequent guest on television and radio, has served \r\non several government committees, and is regularly quoted in the press. \r\nSchneier is a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at \r\nHarvard Law School, a program fellow at the New America Foundation's \r\nOpen Technology Institute, a board member of the Electronic Frontier \r\nFoundation, an Advisory Board Member of the Electronic Privacy \r\nInformation Center, and the Chief Technology Officer at Resilient, an \r\nIBM Company.  See <https://www.schneier.com>.\r\n\r\nCrypto-Gram is a personal newsletter. Opinions expressed are not \r\nnecessarily those of Resilient, an IBM Company.\r\n\r\nCopyright (c) 2016 by Bruce Schneier.\r\n\r\n** *** ***** ******* *********** *************\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nTo unsubscribe from Crypto-Gram, click this link:\r\n\r\nhttps://lists.schneier.com/cgi-bin/mailman/options/crypto-gram/christine%40spang.cc?login-unsub=Unsubscribe\r\n\r\nYou will be e-mailed a confirmation message.  Follow the instructions in that message to confirm your removal from the list.\r\n
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Your\r\nEFF membership lasts for 12 months and you have the opportunity to\r\nselect a free gift every time you renew! If you are a monthly donor,\r\nyour membership lasts as long as you like, and you are eligible for a\r\nmember gift every 12 months. Contributions are tax deductible as allowed\r\nby law. EFF is a U.S. 501(c)(3) organization, and our federal tax ID\r\nnumber is 04-3091431.\r\n\r\nYour contribution makes a significant difference in our ability to\r\ndefend your rights in the digital world whether that means standing up\r\nfor users in the courts, educating the public about dangerous laws, or\r\ncreating privacy-enhancing technologies. We are pleased to offer you a\r\nfew modest perks as a token of our thanks. This is a one-time email\r\nnotice and EFF will never share your information with partnering or\r\nsupporting organizations. Contact us at membership@eff.org if you have\r\nany questions!\r\n\r\nEFF MEMBER BENEFITS:\r\n\r\n-EFF Online Rights bumper sticker (via print mail).\r\n\r\n-EFF Member Card (via print mail).\r\n\r\n-Digital Badges: Show your support on your blog, website, or in an HTML\r\nemail signature.\r\nhttps://www.eff.org/files/2016/11/01/2017mb.png\r\n\r\n-Discounts on Events: Receive discounts on General Admission to EFF\r\nevents! Choose the member price when purchasing tickets or show your EFF\r\nMember card at the door. Watch for specific details in event invitations.\r\n\r\n-Speakeasy Invitations: Get notified about informal members-only meetups\r\nand drink ups with EFF lawyers, activists, and technologists in your area!\r\n\r\n-EFF Online Shop Discount: Get 10% off purchases (Gift Memberships\r\nexcluded) at EFF's online store by using the discount code ALIQUID16 at\r\nhttps://www.eff.org/shop.\r\n\r\nPARTNER DISCOUNTS FOR EFF MEMBERS:\r\n\r\n-LeanPub: Get a copy of Uncensored, an ever expanding collection of\r\nessays on Internet freedom from many of its original innovators. Follow\r\nthis promo url: http://leanpub.com/uncensored/c/effdonor.\r\n\r\n-Borderlands Books and Cafe: Borderlands is San Francisco's home for\r\nscience fiction, fantasy, and horror books. Present your EFF Member Card\r\nand get a 10% discount on in-store purchases. Borderlands Cafe also\r\noffers occasional EFF Member specials so be sure to stop by for some\r\nreading time and a treat! http://www.borderlands-books.com\r\n\r\n-Magnatune: Get an $8 gift card from Magnatune, the music download\r\nservice that isn't evil. All the music is DRM free and licensed under\r\nCreative Commons. Musicians get 50%, you get to choose the price you\r\npay, and you're encouraged to share your purchased music with 3 friends.\r\nGo to http://magnatune.com and use the gift code: 111801248707\r\n\r\n-No Starch Press: Get a 30% discount on geektastic books that entertain\r\nand/or instruct by using the code EFFMEMBER at http://www.nostarch.com.\r\n\r\n-Take Control Ebooks: Get a 30% off by following this EFF member portal.\r\nhttp://www.takecontrolbooks.com/?pt=EFF&cp=CPN80131EFF\r\n\r\n-- \r\nAaron Jue\r\nEFF Senior Membership Advocate\r\nmembership@eff.org\r\n\r\n"}},"desiredParts":[{"id":"1","encoding":"7BIT","mimetype":"text/plain"}],"result":{"id":"addb4e92bde89a7898ea31b9bbc866b35eb1b5e150bc69a47ed239b1679a7c1a","to":[{"name":"","email":"christine@spang.cc"}],"cc":[],"bcc":[],"from":[{"name":"Member Services","email":"membership@eff.org"}],"replyTo":[{"name":"","email":"membership@eff.org"}],"accountId":"test-account-id","body":"
Thank you for being a member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation! Your\r\nEFF membership lasts for 12 months and you have the opportunity to\r\nselect a free gift every time you renew! If you are a monthly donor,\r\nyour membership lasts as long as you like, and you are eligible for a\r\nmember gift every 12 months. Contributions are tax deductible as allowed\r\nby law. EFF is a U.S. 501(c)(3) organization, and our federal tax ID\r\nnumber is 04-3091431.\r\n\r\nYour contribution makes a significant difference in our ability to\r\ndefend your rights in the digital world whether that means standing up\r\nfor users in the courts, educating the public about dangerous laws, or\r\ncreating privacy-enhancing technologies. We are pleased to offer you a\r\nfew modest perks as a token of our thanks. This is a one-time email\r\nnotice and EFF will never share your information with partnering or\r\nsupporting organizations. Contact us at membership@eff.org if you have\r\nany questions!\r\n\r\nEFF MEMBER BENEFITS:\r\n\r\n-EFF Online Rights bumper sticker (via print mail).\r\n\r\n-EFF Member Card (via print mail).\r\n\r\n-Digital Badges: Show your support on your blog, website, or in an HTML\r\nemail signature.\r\nhttps://www.eff.org/files/2016/11/01/2017mb.png\r\n\r\n-Discounts on Events: Receive discounts on General Admission to EFF\r\nevents! Choose the member price when purchasing tickets or show your EFF\r\nMember card at the door. Watch for specific details in event invitations.\r\n\r\n-Speakeasy Invitations: Get notified about informal members-only meetups\r\nand drink ups with EFF lawyers, activists, and technologists in your area!\r\n\r\n-EFF Online Shop Discount: Get 10% off purchases (Gift Memberships\r\nexcluded) at EFF's online store by using the discount code ALIQUID16 at\r\nhttps://www.eff.org/shop.\r\n\r\nPARTNER DISCOUNTS FOR EFF MEMBERS:\r\n\r\n-LeanPub: Get a copy of Uncensored, an ever expanding collection of\r\nessays on Internet freedom from many of its original innovators. Follow\r\nthis promo url: http://leanpub.com/uncensored/c/effdonor.\r\n\r\n-Borderlands Books and Cafe: Borderlands is San Francisco's home for\r\nscience fiction, fantasy, and horror books. Present your EFF Member Card\r\nand get a 10% discount on in-store purchases. Borderlands Cafe also\r\noffers occasional EFF Member specials so be sure to stop by for some\r\nreading time and a treat! http://www.borderlands-books.com\r\n\r\n-Magnatune: Get an $8 gift card from Magnatune, the music download\r\nservice that isn't evil. All the music is DRM free and licensed under\r\nCreative Commons. Musicians get 50%, you get to choose the price you\r\npay, and you're encouraged to share your purchased music with 3 friends.\r\nGo to http://magnatune.com and use the gift code: 111801248707\r\n\r\n-No Starch Press: Get a 30% discount on geektastic books that entertain\r\nand/or instruct by using the code EFFMEMBER at http://www.nostarch.com.\r\n\r\n-Take Control Ebooks: Get a 30% off by following this EFF member portal.\r\nhttp://www.takecontrolbooks.com/?pt=EFF爀- \r\nAaron Jue\r\nEFF Senior Membership Advocate\r\nmembership@eff.org\r\n\r\n
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[]) by\r\n mx.google.com with ESMTPS id c198si18454640ywb.136.2016. for\r\n (version=TLS1_2 cipher=AES128-SHA bits=128/128); Wed, 30\r\n Nov 2016 17:34:44 -0800 (PST)\r\nReceived-SPF: pass (google.com: best guess record for domain of\r\n www-data@web5.eff.org designates as permitted sender)\r\n client-ip=;\r\nAuthentication-Results: mx.google.com; dkim=pass header.i=@eff.org; spf=pass\r\n (google.com: best guess record for domain of www-data@web5.eff.org designates\r\n as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom=www-data@web5.eff.org;\r\n dmarc=pass (p=NONE dis=NONE) header.from=eff.org\r\nDKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; q=dns/txt; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=eff.org;\r\n s=mail2; h=Date:Message-Id:Sender:Reply-To:From:Subject:To;\r\n bh=85sXKrmP+EL3X9i986SKLxXpb0v60xG0c09b/uRaP10=;\r\n b=IByfHFGQGSbxCZfsWU5gd3ek92bd4yhEReZ8qDGPo/CWDCeUO3QnB6yY3aMpuJdD9TUUUKM6rcmfpz4zTmCtwkakMW/uIay2CBXUWuAsowRwUtofpIDmn4aDOhkMUHvyMZe9cZhpgWr7EC1JqEI+3J/kvhR/HTgi7r0dVnz7FBk=;\r\nReceived: from static- ([]:57896\r\n helo=web5.eff.org) by mail2.eff.org with esmtp (Exim 4.80) (envelope-from\r\n ) id 1cCGGo-000366-QC for christine@spang.cc; Wed, 30\r\n Nov 2016 17:34:42 -0800\r\nReceived: by web5.eff.org (Postfix, from userid 33) id BFBE132AD8C; Wed, 30\r\n Nov 2016 17:34:42 -0800 (PST)\r\nTo: christine@spang.cc\r\nSubject: EFF Membership Benefits\r\nFrom: Member Services \r\nReply-To: membership@eff.org\r\nSender: membership@eff.org\r\nMessage-Id: <20161201013442.BFBE132AD8C@web5.eff.org>\r\nDate: Wed, 30 Nov 2016 17:34:42 -0800 (PST)\r\nReceived-SPF: skipped for local relay\r\n\r\n","parts":{"1":"Thank you for being a member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation! Your\r\nEFF membership lasts for 12 months and you have the opportunity to\r\nselect a free gift every time you renew! If you are a monthly donor,\r\nyour membership lasts as long as you like, and you are eligible for a\r\nmember gift every 12 months. Contributions are tax deductible as allowed\r\nby law. EFF is a U.S. 501(c)(3) organization, and our federal tax ID\r\nnumber is 04-3091431.\r\n\r\nYour contribution makes a significant difference in our ability to\r\ndefend your rights in the digital world whether that means standing up\r\nfor users in the courts, educating the public about dangerous laws, or\r\ncreating privacy-enhancing technologies. We are pleased to offer you a\r\nfew modest perks as a token of our thanks. This is a one-time email\r\nnotice and EFF will never share your information with partnering or\r\nsupporting organizations. Contact us at membership@eff.org if you have\r\nany questions!\r\n\r\nEFF MEMBER BENEFITS:\r\n\r\n-EFF Online Rights bumper sticker (via print mail).\r\n\r\n-EFF Member Card (via print mail).\r\n\r\n-Digital Badges: Show your support on your blog, website, or in an HTML\r\nemail signature.\r\nhttps://www.eff.org/files/2016/11/01/2017mb.png\r\n\r\n-Discounts on Events: Receive discounts on General Admission to EFF\r\nevents! Choose the member price when purchasing tickets or show your EFF\r\nMember card at the door. Watch for specific details in event invitations.\r\n\r\n-Speakeasy Invitations: Get notified about informal members-only meetups\r\nand drink ups with EFF lawyers, activists, and technologists in your area!\r\n\r\n-EFF Online Shop Discount: Get 10% off purchases (Gift Memberships\r\nexcluded) at EFF's online store by using the discount code ALIQUID16 at\r\nhttps://www.eff.org/shop.\r\n\r\nPARTNER DISCOUNTS FOR EFF MEMBERS:\r\n\r\n-LeanPub: Get a copy of Uncensored, an ever expanding collection of\r\nessays on Internet freedom from many of its original innovators. Follow\r\nthis promo url: http://leanpub.com/uncensored/c/effdonor.\r\n\r\n-Borderlands Books and Cafe: Borderlands is San Francisco's home for\r\nscience fiction, fantasy, and horror books. Present your EFF Member Card\r\nand get a 10% discount on in-store purchases. Borderlands Cafe also\r\noffers occasional EFF Member specials so be sure to stop by for some\r\nreading time and a treat! http://www.borderlands-books.com\r\n\r\n-Magnatune: Get an $8 gift card from Magnatune, the music download\r\nservice that isn't evil. All the music is DRM free and licensed under\r\nCreative Commons. Musicians get 50%, you get to choose the price you\r\npay, and you're encouraged to share your purchased music with 3 friends.\r\nGo to http://magnatune.com and use the gift code: 111801248707\r\n\r\n-No Starch Press: Get a 30% discount on geektastic books that entertain\r\nand/or instruct by using the code EFFMEMBER at http://www.nostarch.com.\r\n\r\n-Take Control Ebooks: Get a 30% off by following this EFF member portal.\r\nhttp://www.takecontrolbooks.com/?pt=EFF&cp=CPN80131EFF\r\n\r\n-- \r\nAaron Jue\r\nEFF Senior Membership Advocate\r\nmembership@eff.org\r\n\r\n"}},"desiredParts":[{"id":"1","encoding":"7BIT","mimetype":"text/plain"}],"result":{"to":[{"name":"","email":"christine@spang.cc"}],"cc":[],"bcc":[],"from":[{"name":"Member Services","email":"membership@eff.org"}],"replyTo":[{"name":"","email":"membership@eff.org"}],"accountId":"test-account-id","body":"
Thank you for being a member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation! Your\r\nEFF membership lasts for 12 months and you have the opportunity to\r\nselect a free gift every time you renew! If you are a monthly donor,\r\nyour membership lasts as long as you like, and you are eligible for a\r\nmember gift every 12 months. Contributions are tax deductible as allowed\r\nby law. EFF is a U.S. 501(c)(3) organization, and our federal tax ID\r\nnumber is 04-3091431.\r\n\r\nYour contribution makes a significant difference in our ability to\r\ndefend your rights in the digital world whether that means standing up\r\nfor users in the courts, educating the public about dangerous laws, or\r\ncreating privacy-enhancing technologies. We are pleased to offer you a\r\nfew modest perks as a token of our thanks. This is a one-time email\r\nnotice and EFF will never share your information with partnering or\r\nsupporting organizations. Contact us at membership@eff.org if you have\r\nany questions!\r\n\r\nEFF MEMBER BENEFITS:\r\n\r\n-EFF Online Rights bumper sticker (via print mail).\r\n\r\n-EFF Member Card (via print mail).\r\n\r\n-Digital Badges: Show your support on your blog, website, or in an HTML\r\nemail signature.\r\nhttps://www.eff.org/files/2016/11/01/2017mb.png\r\n\r\n-Discounts on Events: Receive discounts on General Admission to EFF\r\nevents! Choose the member price when purchasing tickets or show your EFF\r\nMember card at the door. Watch for specific details in event invitations.\r\n\r\n-Speakeasy Invitations: Get notified about informal members-only meetups\r\nand drink ups with EFF lawyers, activists, and technologists in your area!\r\n\r\n-EFF Online Shop Discount: Get 10% off purchases (Gift Memberships\r\nexcluded) at EFF's online store by using the discount code ALIQUID16 at\r\nhttps://www.eff.org/shop.\r\n\r\nPARTNER DISCOUNTS FOR EFF MEMBERS:\r\n\r\n-LeanPub: Get a copy of Uncensored, an ever expanding collection of\r\nessays on Internet freedom from many of its original innovators. Follow\r\nthis promo url: http://leanpub.com/uncensored/c/effdonor.\r\n\r\n-Borderlands Books and Cafe: Borderlands is San Francisco's home for\r\nscience fiction, fantasy, and horror books. Present your EFF Member Card\r\nand get a 10% discount on in-store purchases. Borderlands Cafe also\r\noffers occasional EFF Member specials so be sure to stop by for some\r\nreading time and a treat! http://www.borderlands-books.com\r\n\r\n-Magnatune: Get an $8 gift card from Magnatune, the music download\r\nservice that isn't evil. All the music is DRM free and licensed under\r\nCreative Commons. Musicians get 50%, you get to choose the price you\r\npay, and you're encouraged to share your purchased music with 3 friends.\r\nGo to http://magnatune.com and use the gift code: 111801248707\r\n\r\n-No Starch Press: Get a 30% discount on geektastic books that entertain\r\nand/or instruct by using the code EFFMEMBER at http://www.nostarch.com.\r\n\r\n-Take Control Ebooks: Get a 30% off by following this EFF member portal.\r\nhttp://www.takecontrolbooks.com/?pt=EFF&cp=CPN80131EFF\r\n\r\n-- \r\nAaron Jue\r\nEFF Senior Membership Advocate\r\nmembership@eff.org\r\n\r\n
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Get multiple job offers and upfr=\r\nont compensation information=2C with just one application. Get Hired (http=\r\n://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef9=\r\n2c4f3d4&id=3Dec31429e96&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Favorites\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nEve: Programming designed for humans (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-man=\r\nage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3De08dd4413c&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n//witheve comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/t=\r\nrack/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dd9b62e9185&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nTotal Nightmare: USB-C and Thunderbolt 3 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list=\r\n-manage2.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D0e51dee03d&e=\r\n=3D765272fcdd)\r\n//fosketts comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/=\r\ntrack/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D64456f4c47&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nSigns that a startup is focused on stuff that doesn=E2=80=99t matter (http=\r\n://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef9=\r\n2c4f3d4&id=3Daae701c750&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n//groovehq comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/=\r\ntrack/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D98188f8267&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nNew MacBook Pro Is Not a Laptop for Developers Anymore (http://hackernewsl=\r\netter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D9=\r\n79a461b49&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n//blog comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage2.com/tra=\r\nck/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dd0e2535fa5&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nWeb fonts=2C boy=2C I don't know (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.=\r\ncom/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D4c37a6c08d&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n//meowni comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/tr=\r\nack/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D86f87b9395&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nNo One Saw Tesla=E2=80=99s Solar Roof Coming (http://hackernewsletter.us1.=\r\nlist-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dd506272321=\r\n&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n//bloomberg comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com=\r\n/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D46898a2195&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nWays Data Projects Fail (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track=\r\n/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D155328bf94&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n//martingoodson comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage=\r\n=2Ecom/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dcf6b7316d0&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nA very valuable vulnerability (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com=\r\n/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D741d7004e5&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n//daemonology comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.=\r\ncom/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D87d1dd6ee7&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nMaking what people want isn=E2=80=99t enough=2C you have to share it (http=\r\n://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef=\r\n92c4f3d4&id=3D1b614a6e79&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n//oldgeekjobs comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.c=\r\nom/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D38d624ea5f&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nHow ReadMe Went from SaaS to On-Premises in Less Than One Week (http://hac=\r\nkernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d=\r\n4&id=3Df4c054b8a4&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n//stackshare comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.c=\r\nom/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Da04633cd33&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Ask HN\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nAny other blind devs interested in working on dev tools for the blind? (ht=\r\ntp://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111c=\r\nef92c4f3d4&id=3Da4a9a08427&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nHow to make a career working remotely? (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-m=\r\nanage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D517f7a0c8b&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Show HN\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nMusic for Programming (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/c=\r\nlick?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Df72d025a71&e=3D765272fcdd) /=\r\n/musicforprogramming comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-m=\r\nanage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D793628fd74&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nPowerwall 2 and Integrated Solar (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.=\r\ncom/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dba1ef6be0e&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //tesla comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-mana=\r\nge1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D242de3029e&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nSonder E-Ink Keyboard (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage2.com/track/=\r\nclick?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dca8a503ec9&e=3D765272fcdd)=\r\n //sonderdesign comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage=\r\n2.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D88ec65b546&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nMicrosoft Teams=2C the new chat-based workspace in Office 365 (http://hack=\r\nernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4=\r\n&id=3D2a1be32eea&e=3D765272fcdd) //office comments=E2=86=92 (http://=\r\nhackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4=\r\nf3d4&id=3D0414a41b94&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nFlow =E2=80=93 Create automated workflows between your favorite apps (http=\r\n://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef9=\r\n2c4f3d4&id=3D93b5aafe0d&e=3D765272fcdd) //microsoft comments=E2=86=\r\n=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4e=\r\nf3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D9a0e4a6a60&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nPortier =E2=80=93 An email-based=2C passwordless authentication service (h=\r\nttp://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111=\r\ncef92c4f3d4&id=3D1359a45752&e=3D765272fcdd) //github comments=E2=86=\r\n=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4e=\r\nf3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D29564a0bdd&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nNewly Redesigned Boston.gov Just Went Open Source (http://hackernewsletter=\r\n=2Eus1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dd8f82=\r\n851ff&e=3D765272fcdd) //routefifty comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackern=\r\newsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&i=\r\nd=3D815b94b7ed&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nSodaphonic =E2=80=93 record and edit audio in the browser (http://hackerne=\r\nwsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=\r\n=3Dbab7541aac&e=3D765272fcdd) //sodaphonic comments=E2=86=92 (http:/=\r\n/hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c=\r\n4f3d4&id=3Ded91ce0da4&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Featured\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nDear Matt Mullenweg: An Open Letter from Wix.com=E2=80=99s CEO Avishai Abr=\r\nahami (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb=\r\n4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D6585f01a53&e=3D765272fcdd) //wix comments=\r\n=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa=\r\n8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D604030a8b7&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nOpen Letter to Tim Cook (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage2.com/trac=\r\nk/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D34d547c50d&e=3D765272fcdd=\r\n) //petersphilo comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage=\r\n1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D08b7caf574&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nDear Microsoft (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=\r\n=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dec227e8c1f&e=3D765272fcdd) //slack=\r\nhq comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/cl=\r\nick?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D9b0a2aaca5&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n=E2=9D=97=EF=B8=8FSlack may regret its letter to Microsoft (http://hackern=\r\newsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=\r\n=3D9ddcd67f11&e=3D765272fcdd) //theverge comments=E2=86=92 (http://h=\r\nackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f=\r\n3d4&id=3D338bd7f466&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Code\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nDarling =E2=80=93 MacOS translation layer for Linux (http://hackernewslett=\r\ner.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D094c=\r\n969b13&e=3D765272fcdd) //darlinghq comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackern=\r\newsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&i=\r\nd=3D56990dcc67&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nI don't understand Python's Asyncio (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-mana=\r\nge.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D4a3a08a849&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //pocoo comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-m=\r\nanage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D3419a482f1&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nStep-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack from scratch (htt=\r\np://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef=\r\n92c4f3d4&id=3Dea6c97f36d&e=3D765272fcdd) //github comments=E2=86=92=\r\n (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a1=\r\n11cef92c4f3d4&id=3D45059d8ac3&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nA fork of sudo with Touch ID support (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-man=\r\nage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dc52784337f&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //github comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.lis=\r\nt-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D00e5c49e67&e=\r\n=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nWriting more legible SQL (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/tra=\r\nck/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Def47d7c8d3&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //craigkerstiens comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-ma=\r\nnage2.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D505c66dcf1&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nLighthouse =E2=80=93 Auditing and Performance Metrics for Progressive Web=\r\n Apps (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb=\r\n4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D3705b0e290&e=3D765272fcdd) //github comment=\r\ns=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfa=\r\na8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D563534ac47&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nBashcached =E2=80=93 memcached built on bash and ncat (http://hackernewsle=\r\ntter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dd3=\r\n8c37782d&e=3D765272fcdd) //github comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackerne=\r\nwsletter.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=\r\n=3D759a4124b3&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Design\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nDon=E2=80=99t go to art school (2013) (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-ma=\r\nnage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D19aaf7ce5b&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //medium comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.lis=\r\nt-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dd211d367da&e=\r\n=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nUX Myths (2014) (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?=\r\nu=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D6ffa88b963&e=3D765272fcdd) //uxmy=\r\nths comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/=\r\nclick?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D00e93d7214&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Watching\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nThomas Piketty=E2=80=99s Capital in the 21st Century=2C in 20 minutes (htt=\r\np://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef=\r\n92c4f3d4&id=3Dab43dfa0d6&e=3D765272fcdd) //boingboing comments=E2=86=\r\n=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef=\r\n3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D28fd789f6f&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nKeep Ruby Weird Again (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/c=\r\nlick?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D98946ca1d4&e=3D765272fcdd) /=\r\n/testdouble comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com=\r\n/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D86d3c6925c&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nJapan=E2=80=99s Disposable Workers: Dumping Ground (http://hackernewslette=\r\nr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D97347=\r\n9829c&e=3D765272fcdd) //vimeo comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsle=\r\ntter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D3d=\r\nc2036d48&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Working\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n=E2=9D=97=EF=B8=8FAsk HN: Who is firing? (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list=\r\n-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dd2c73aae27&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //ycombinator\r\n\r\nGuide to Remote Work (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/c=\r\nlick?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D18afc5989a&e=3D765272fcdd) /=\r\n/zapier comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/tr=\r\nack/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D0167b4f792&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nAsk HN: Who is hiring? (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track=\r\n/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dc604af7c93&e=3D765272fcdd)=\r\n //ycombinator\r\n\r\nAsk HN: Who wants to be hired? (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.co=\r\nm/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3De46ca7ced5&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //ycombinator\r\n\r\nAsk HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-=\r\nmanage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Ddbcca91439&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //ycombinator\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Fun\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nStealth Cell Tower Disguised as Printer (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-=\r\nmanage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dae17e93e7f&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //julianoliver comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter=\r\n=2Eus1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Ddd0291=\r\n23dd&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nMuseu de la T=C3=A8cnica (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage2.com/tra=\r\nck/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D093d9205aa&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //twitter comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.co=\r\nm/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D39549aa682&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nBenjamin Button Reviews the New MacBook Pro (http://hackernewsletter.us1.l=\r\nist-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dce263de0f0&=\r\ne=3D765272fcdd) //pinboard comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewslette=\r\nr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Ddb15b=\r\n6b38b&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nA Gamer Spent 200 Hours Building an Incredibly Detailed Digital San Franci=\r\nsco (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4e=\r\nf3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Df6289432f1&e=3D765272fcdd) //citylab comments=\r\n=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfa=\r\na8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D5deab9201e&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nWhy html thinks 'chucknorris' is a color (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list=\r\n-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dba55670176&e=\r\n=3D765272fcdd) //stackoverflow comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsl=\r\netter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D=\r\ne27a284d73&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n__END__\r\n\r\nYou're among 38=2C633 others who received this email because you wanted a=\r\n weekly recap of the best articles from Hacker News. Published by Curpress=\r\n (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a1=\r\n11cef92c4f3d4&id=3D2620a45995&e=3D765272fcdd) from a smallish metal=\r\n box at PO BOX 2621 Decatur=2C Georgia 30031. Hacker Newsletter is not aff=\r\niliated with Y Combinator in any way.\r\n\r\nYou can update your email (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/pro=\r\nfile?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3De505c88a2e&e=3D765272fcdd) or unsubs=\r\ncribe (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/unsubscribe?u=3Dfaa8eb4=\r\nef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3De505c88a2e&e=3D765272fcdd&c=3Da018682c80) .\r\n\r\nNot a subscriber? Subscribe at http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com=\r\n/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Daba6892cb9&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd.\r\n\r\nEmail Marketing Powered by MailChimp\r\nhttp://www.mailchimp.com/monkey-rewards/?utm_source=3Dfreemium_newsletter&=\r\nutm_medium=3Demail&utm_campaign=3Dmonkey_rewards&aid=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92=\r\nc4f3d4&afl=3D1","2":"\r\n\r\n=\r\n\r\n Hacker Newsletter #325\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

\r\n The only thing more expensive than writing software is writing=\r\n bad software. //Alan Cooper\r\n

\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

\r\n hackernewsletter\r\n

\r\n Issue #325 // Nove=\r\nmber 04=2C 2016 // View in your browser\r\n



\r\n \r\n Hired=\r\n - The End of Job Hunting As You Know It
Hired brings job offers to=\r\n you=2C so you can cut to the chase and focus on finding the right fit=2C=\r\n (not applying). Get multiple job offers and upfront compensation informat=\r\nion=2C with just one application. Get Hired\r\n





Eve: Programming designed for hum=\r\nans
//witheve comments


Total Nightmare: USB-C and Thun=\r\nderbolt 3
//fosketts comments


Signs that a startup is focused=\r\n on stuff that doesn=E2=80=99t matter
//groovehq comments


New MacBook Pro Is Not a Lapto=\r\np for Developers Anymore
//blog comments


Web fonts=2C boy=2C I don't kno=\r\nw
//meowni comments


No One Saw Tesla=E2=80=99s Solar R=\r\noof Coming
//bloomberg comments


Ways Data Projects Fail
//martingoodson co=\r\nmments


A very valuable vulnerability//daemonology comments


Making what people want isn=E2=80=\r\n=99t enough=2C you have to share it
//o=\r\nldgeekjobs comments


How ReadMe Went from SaaS to On=\r\n-Premises in Less Than One Week
//stack=\r\nshare comments


#As=\r\nk HN


Any other blind devs interested=\r\n in working on dev tools for the blind?


How to make a career working remot=\r\nely?


#Sh=\r\now HN


Music for Programming //musicforprogramming comments


Powerwall 2 and Integrated Solar //tesla comments


Sonder E-Ink Keyboard //sonderdesign comments


Microsoft Teams=2C the new chat-based workspace in Of=\r\nfice 365 //office comments


Flow =E2=80=93 Create automated workflows between yo=\r\nur favorite apps //microsoft comments


Portier =E2=80=93 An email-based=2C passwordless aut=\r\nhentication service //github comments


Newly Redesigned Boston.gov Just Went Open Source=\r\n //routefifty c=\r\nomments


Sodaphonic =E2=80=93 record and edit audio in the brow=\r\nser //sodaphonic comments




Dear Matt Mullenweg: An Open Letter from Wix.com=E2=\r\n=80=99s CEO Avishai Abrahami //wix comments


Open Letter to Tim Cook //<=\r\n/span>petersphilo comments


Dear Microsoft //sla=\r\nckhq comments


=E2=9D=97=EF=B8=8FSlack may regret its letter to M=\r\nicrosoft //theverge comments<=\r\n/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n



Darling =E2=80=93 MacOS translation layer for Linux //darlinghq =\r\ncomments


I don't understand Python's Asyncio //pocoo comments


Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript st=\r\nack from scratch //github comments


A fork of sudo with Touch ID support //github comments


Writing more legible SQL //<=\r\n/span>craigkerstiens comments


Lighthouse =E2=80=93 Auditing and Performance Metrics=\r\n for Progressive Web Apps //github comments


Bashcached =E2=80=93 memcached built on bash and ncat //github co=\r\nmments




Don=E2=80=99t go to art school (2013) //medium comments


UX Myths (2014) //uxm=\r\nyths comments




Thomas Piketty=E2=80=99s Capital in the 21st Century=\r\n=2C in 20 minutes //boingboing comments<=\r\n/a>


Keep Ruby Weird Again //testdouble comments


Japan=E2=80=99s Disposable Workers: Dumping Ground=\r\n //vimeo commen=\r\nts




=E2=9D=97=EF=B8=8FAsk HN: Who is firing? //ycombinator


Guide to Remote Work //zapier comments


Ask HN: Who is hiring? //ycombinator


Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? //ycombinator


Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? //ycombinator




Stealth Cell Tower Disguised as Printer //julianoliver comments=\r\n


Museu de la T=C3=A8cnica //<=\r\n/span>twitter comments


Benjamin Button Reviews the New MacBook Pro //pinboard comments<=\r\nspan style=3D\"color:#ff3300;\">→


A Gamer Spent 200 Hours Building an Incredibly Detail=\r\ned Digital San Francisco =\r\n//citylab comments


Why html thinks 'chucknorris' is a color //stackoverflow comments<=\r\nspan style=3D\"color:#ff3300;\">→

\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

\r\n You're among 38=2C633 others who received this email because y=\r\nou wanted a weekly recap of the best articles from Hacker News. Published=\r\n by Curpress from a smallish meta=\r\nl box at PO BOX 2621 Decatur=2C Georgia 30031. Hacker Newsletter is not af=\r\nfiliated with Y Combinator in any way.\r\n

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\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

\r\n The only thing more expensive than writing software is writing bad software. //Alan Cooper\r\n

\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

\r\n hackernewsletter\r\n

\r\n Issue #325 // November 04, 2016 // View in your browser\r\n



\r\n \r\n Hired - The End of Job Hunting As You Know It
Hired brings job offers to you, so you can cut to the chase and focus on finding the right fit, (not applying). Get multiple job offers and upfront compensation information, with just one application. Get Hired\r\n





Eve: Programming designed for humans
//witheve comments


Total Nightmare: USB-C and Thunderbolt 3
//fosketts comments


Signs that a startup is focused on stuff that doesn’t matter
//groovehq comments


New MacBook Pro Is Not a Laptop for Developers Anymore
//blog comments


Web fonts, boy, I don't know
//meowni comments


No One Saw Tesla’s Solar Roof Coming
//bloomberg comments


Ways Data Projects Fail
//martingoodson comments


A very valuable vulnerability
//daemonology comments


Making what people want isn’t enough, you have to share it
//oldgeekjobs comments


How ReadMe Went from SaaS to On-Premises in Less Than One Week
//stackshare comments


#Ask HN


Any other blind devs interested in working on dev tools for the blind?


How to make a career working remotely?


#Show HN


Music for Programming //musicforprogramming comments


Powerwall 2 and Integrated Solar //tesla comments


Sonder E-Ink Keyboard //sonderdesign comments


Microsoft Teams, the new chat-based workspace in Office 365 //office comments


Flow – Create automated workflows between your favorite apps //microsoft comments


Portier – An email-based, passwordless authentication service //github comments


Newly Redesigned Boston.gov Just Went Open Source //routefifty comments


Sodaphonic – record and edit audio in the browser //sodaphonic comments




Dear Matt Mullenweg: An Open Letter from Wix.com’s CEO Avishai Abrahami //wix comments


Open Letter to Tim Cook //petersphilo comments


Dear Microsoft //slackhq comments


❗️Slack may regret its letter to Microsoft //theverge comments




Darling – MacOS translation layer for Linux //darlinghq comments


I don't understand Python's Asyncio //pocoo comments


Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack from scratch //github comments


A fork of sudo with Touch ID support //github comments


Writing more legible SQL //craigkerstiens comments


Lighthouse – Auditing and Performance Metrics for Progressive Web Apps //github comments


Bashcached – memcached built on bash and ncat //github comments




Don’t go to art school (2013) //medium comments


UX Myths (2014) //uxmyths comments




Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century, in 20 minutes //boingboing comments


Keep Ruby Weird Again //testdouble comments


Japan’s Disposable Workers: Dumping Ground //vimeo comments




❗️Ask HN: Who is firing? //ycombinator


Guide to Remote Work //zapier comments


Ask HN: Who is hiring? //ycombinator


Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? //ycombinator


Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? //ycombinator




Stealth Cell Tower Disguised as Printer //julianoliver comments


Museu de la Tècnica //twitter comments


Benjamin Button Reviews the New MacBook Pro //pinboard comments


A Gamer Spent 200 Hours Building an Incredibly Detailed Digital San Francisco //citylab comments


Why html thinks 'chucknorris' is a color //stackoverflow comments

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Get multiple job offers and upfr=\r\nont compensation information=2C with just one application. Get Hired (http=\r\n://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef9=\r\n2c4f3d4&id=3Dec31429e96&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Favorites\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nEve: Programming designed for humans (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-man=\r\nage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3De08dd4413c&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n//witheve comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/t=\r\nrack/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dd9b62e9185&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nTotal Nightmare: USB-C and Thunderbolt 3 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list=\r\n-manage2.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D0e51dee03d&e=\r\n=3D765272fcdd)\r\n//fosketts comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/=\r\ntrack/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D64456f4c47&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nSigns that a startup is focused on stuff that doesn=E2=80=99t matter (http=\r\n://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef9=\r\n2c4f3d4&id=3Daae701c750&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n//groovehq comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/=\r\ntrack/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D98188f8267&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nNew MacBook Pro Is Not a Laptop for Developers Anymore (http://hackernewsl=\r\netter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D9=\r\n79a461b49&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n//blog comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage2.com/tra=\r\nck/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dd0e2535fa5&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nWeb fonts=2C boy=2C I don't know (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.=\r\ncom/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D4c37a6c08d&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n//meowni comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/tr=\r\nack/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D86f87b9395&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nNo One Saw Tesla=E2=80=99s Solar Roof Coming (http://hackernewsletter.us1.=\r\nlist-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dd506272321=\r\n&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n//bloomberg comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com=\r\n/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D46898a2195&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nWays Data Projects Fail (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track=\r\n/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D155328bf94&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n//martingoodson comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage=\r\n=2Ecom/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dcf6b7316d0&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nA very valuable vulnerability (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com=\r\n/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D741d7004e5&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n//daemonology comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.=\r\ncom/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D87d1dd6ee7&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nMaking what people want isn=E2=80=99t enough=2C you have to share it (http=\r\n://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef=\r\n92c4f3d4&id=3D1b614a6e79&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n//oldgeekjobs comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.c=\r\nom/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D38d624ea5f&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nHow ReadMe Went from SaaS to On-Premises in Less Than One Week (http://hac=\r\nkernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d=\r\n4&id=3Df4c054b8a4&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n//stackshare comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.c=\r\nom/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Da04633cd33&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Ask HN\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nAny other blind devs interested in working on dev tools for the blind? (ht=\r\ntp://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111c=\r\nef92c4f3d4&id=3Da4a9a08427&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nHow to make a career working remotely? (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-m=\r\nanage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D517f7a0c8b&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Show HN\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nMusic for Programming (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/c=\r\nlick?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Df72d025a71&e=3D765272fcdd) /=\r\n/musicforprogramming comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-m=\r\nanage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D793628fd74&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nPowerwall 2 and Integrated Solar (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.=\r\ncom/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dba1ef6be0e&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //tesla comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-mana=\r\nge1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D242de3029e&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nSonder E-Ink Keyboard (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage2.com/track/=\r\nclick?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dca8a503ec9&e=3D765272fcdd)=\r\n //sonderdesign comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage=\r\n2.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D88ec65b546&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nMicrosoft Teams=2C the new chat-based workspace in Office 365 (http://hack=\r\nernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4=\r\n&id=3D2a1be32eea&e=3D765272fcdd) //office comments=E2=86=92 (http://=\r\nhackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4=\r\nf3d4&id=3D0414a41b94&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nFlow =E2=80=93 Create automated workflows between your favorite apps (http=\r\n://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef9=\r\n2c4f3d4&id=3D93b5aafe0d&e=3D765272fcdd) //microsoft comments=E2=86=\r\n=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4e=\r\nf3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D9a0e4a6a60&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nPortier =E2=80=93 An email-based=2C passwordless authentication service (h=\r\nttp://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111=\r\ncef92c4f3d4&id=3D1359a45752&e=3D765272fcdd) //github comments=E2=86=\r\n=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4e=\r\nf3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D29564a0bdd&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nNewly Redesigned Boston.gov Just Went Open Source (http://hackernewsletter=\r\n=2Eus1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dd8f82=\r\n851ff&e=3D765272fcdd) //routefifty comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackern=\r\newsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&i=\r\nd=3D815b94b7ed&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nSodaphonic =E2=80=93 record and edit audio in the browser (http://hackerne=\r\nwsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=\r\n=3Dbab7541aac&e=3D765272fcdd) //sodaphonic comments=E2=86=92 (http:/=\r\n/hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c=\r\n4f3d4&id=3Ded91ce0da4&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Featured\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nDear Matt Mullenweg: An Open Letter from Wix.com=E2=80=99s CEO Avishai Abr=\r\nahami (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb=\r\n4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D6585f01a53&e=3D765272fcdd) //wix comments=\r\n=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa=\r\n8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D604030a8b7&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nOpen Letter to Tim Cook (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage2.com/trac=\r\nk/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D34d547c50d&e=3D765272fcdd=\r\n) //petersphilo comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage=\r\n1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D08b7caf574&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nDear Microsoft (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=\r\n=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dec227e8c1f&e=3D765272fcdd) //slack=\r\nhq comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/cl=\r\nick?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D9b0a2aaca5&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n=E2=9D=97=EF=B8=8FSlack may regret its letter to Microsoft (http://hackern=\r\newsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=\r\n=3D9ddcd67f11&e=3D765272fcdd) //theverge comments=E2=86=92 (http://h=\r\nackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f=\r\n3d4&id=3D338bd7f466&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Code\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nDarling =E2=80=93 MacOS translation layer for Linux (http://hackernewslett=\r\ner.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D094c=\r\n969b13&e=3D765272fcdd) //darlinghq comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackern=\r\newsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&i=\r\nd=3D56990dcc67&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nI don't understand Python's Asyncio (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-mana=\r\nge.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D4a3a08a849&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //pocoo comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-m=\r\nanage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D3419a482f1&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nStep-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack from scratch (htt=\r\np://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef=\r\n92c4f3d4&id=3Dea6c97f36d&e=3D765272fcdd) //github comments=E2=86=92=\r\n (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a1=\r\n11cef92c4f3d4&id=3D45059d8ac3&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nA fork of sudo with Touch ID support (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-man=\r\nage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dc52784337f&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //github comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.lis=\r\nt-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D00e5c49e67&e=\r\n=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nWriting more legible SQL (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/tra=\r\nck/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Def47d7c8d3&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //craigkerstiens comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-ma=\r\nnage2.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D505c66dcf1&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nLighthouse =E2=80=93 Auditing and Performance Metrics for Progressive Web=\r\n Apps (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb=\r\n4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D3705b0e290&e=3D765272fcdd) //github comment=\r\ns=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfa=\r\na8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D563534ac47&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nBashcached =E2=80=93 memcached built on bash and ncat (http://hackernewsle=\r\ntter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dd3=\r\n8c37782d&e=3D765272fcdd) //github comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackerne=\r\nwsletter.us1.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=\r\n=3D759a4124b3&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Design\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nDon=E2=80=99t go to art school (2013) (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-ma=\r\nnage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D19aaf7ce5b&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //medium comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.lis=\r\nt-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dd211d367da&e=\r\n=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nUX Myths (2014) (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?=\r\nu=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D6ffa88b963&e=3D765272fcdd) //uxmy=\r\nths comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/=\r\nclick?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D00e93d7214&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Watching\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nThomas Piketty=E2=80=99s Capital in the 21st Century=2C in 20 minutes (htt=\r\np://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef=\r\n92c4f3d4&id=3Dab43dfa0d6&e=3D765272fcdd) //boingboing comments=E2=86=\r\n=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef=\r\n3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D28fd789f6f&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nKeep Ruby Weird Again (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/c=\r\nlick?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D98946ca1d4&e=3D765272fcdd) /=\r\n/testdouble comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com=\r\n/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D86d3c6925c&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nJapan=E2=80=99s Disposable Workers: Dumping Ground (http://hackernewslette=\r\nr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D97347=\r\n9829c&e=3D765272fcdd) //vimeo comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsle=\r\ntter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D3d=\r\nc2036d48&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Working\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n=E2=9D=97=EF=B8=8FAsk HN: Who is firing? (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list=\r\n-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dd2c73aae27&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //ycombinator\r\n\r\nGuide to Remote Work (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/c=\r\nlick?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D18afc5989a&e=3D765272fcdd) /=\r\n/zapier comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/tr=\r\nack/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D0167b4f792&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nAsk HN: Who is hiring? (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track=\r\n/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dc604af7c93&e=3D765272fcdd)=\r\n //ycombinator\r\n\r\nAsk HN: Who wants to be hired? (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.co=\r\nm/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3De46ca7ced5&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //ycombinator\r\n\r\nAsk HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-=\r\nmanage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Ddbcca91439&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //ycombinator\r\n\r\n\r\n** #Fun\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nStealth Cell Tower Disguised as Printer (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-=\r\nmanage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dae17e93e7f&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //julianoliver comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter=\r\n=2Eus1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Ddd0291=\r\n23dd&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nMuseu de la T=C3=A8cnica (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage2.com/tra=\r\nck/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D093d9205aa&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd) //twitter comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.co=\r\nm/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D39549aa682&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nBenjamin Button Reviews the New MacBook Pro (http://hackernewsletter.us1.l=\r\nist-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dce263de0f0&=\r\ne=3D765272fcdd) //pinboard comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewslette=\r\nr.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Ddb15b=\r\n6b38b&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nA Gamer Spent 200 Hours Building an Incredibly Detailed Digital San Franci=\r\nsco (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4e=\r\nf3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Df6289432f1&e=3D765272fcdd) //citylab comments=\r\n=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfa=\r\na8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D5deab9201e&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n\r\nWhy html thinks 'chucknorris' is a color (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list=\r\n-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Dba55670176&e=\r\n=3D765272fcdd) //stackoverflow comments=E2=86=92 (http://hackernewsl=\r\netter.us1.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3D=\r\ne27a284d73&e=3D765272fcdd)\r\n__END__\r\n\r\nYou're among 38=2C633 others who received this email because you wanted a=\r\n weekly recap of the best articles from Hacker News. Published by Curpress=\r\n (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a1=\r\n11cef92c4f3d4&id=3D2620a45995&e=3D765272fcdd) from a smallish metal=\r\n box at PO BOX 2621 Decatur=2C Georgia 30031. Hacker Newsletter is not aff=\r\niliated with Y Combinator in any way.\r\n\r\nYou can update your email (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/pro=\r\nfile?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3De505c88a2e&e=3D765272fcdd) or unsubs=\r\ncribe (http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com/unsubscribe?u=3Dfaa8eb4=\r\nef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3De505c88a2e&e=3D765272fcdd&c=3Da018682c80) .\r\n\r\nNot a subscriber? Subscribe at http://hackernewsletter.us1.list-manage.com=\r\n/track/click?u=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92c4f3d4&id=3Daba6892cb9&e=3D=\r\n765272fcdd.\r\n\r\nEmail Marketing Powered by MailChimp\r\nhttp://www.mailchimp.com/monkey-rewards/?utm_source=3Dfreemium_newsletter&=\r\nutm_medium=3Demail&utm_campaign=3Dmonkey_rewards&aid=3Dfaa8eb4ef3a111cef92=\r\nc4f3d4&afl=3D1","2":"\r\n\r\n=\r\n\r\n Hacker Newsletter #325\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

\r\n The only thing more expensive than writing software is writing=\r\n bad software. //Alan Cooper\r\n

\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

\r\n hackernewsletter\r\n

\r\n Issue #325 // Nove=\r\nmber 04=2C 2016 // View in your browser\r\n



\r\n \r\n Hired=\r\n - The End of Job Hunting As You Know It
Hired brings job offers to=\r\n you=2C so you can cut to the chase and focus on finding the right fit=2C=\r\n (not applying). Get multiple job offers and upfront compensation informat=\r\nion=2C with just one application. Get Hired\r\n





Eve: Programming designed for hum=\r\nans
//witheve comments


Total Nightmare: USB-C and Thun=\r\nderbolt 3
//fosketts comments


Signs that a startup is focused=\r\n on stuff that doesn=E2=80=99t matter
//groovehq comments


New MacBook Pro Is Not a Lapto=\r\np for Developers Anymore
//blog comments


Web fonts=2C boy=2C I don't kno=\r\nw
//meowni comments


No One Saw Tesla=E2=80=99s Solar R=\r\noof Coming
//bloomberg comments


Ways Data Projects Fail
//martingoodson co=\r\nmments


A very valuable vulnerability//daemonology comments


Making what people want isn=E2=80=\r\n=99t enough=2C you have to share it
//o=\r\nldgeekjobs comments


How ReadMe Went from SaaS to On=\r\n-Premises in Less Than One Week
//stack=\r\nshare comments


#As=\r\nk HN


Any other blind devs interested=\r\n in working on dev tools for the blind?


How to make a career working remot=\r\nely?


#Sh=\r\now HN


Music for Programming //musicforprogramming comments


Powerwall 2 and Integrated Solar //tesla comments


Sonder E-Ink Keyboard //sonderdesign comments


Microsoft Teams=2C the new chat-based workspace in Of=\r\nfice 365 //office comments


Flow =E2=80=93 Create automated workflows between yo=\r\nur favorite apps //microsoft comments


Portier =E2=80=93 An email-based=2C passwordless aut=\r\nhentication service //github comments


Newly Redesigned Boston.gov Just Went Open Source=\r\n //routefifty c=\r\nomments


Sodaphonic =E2=80=93 record and edit audio in the brow=\r\nser //sodaphonic comments




Dear Matt Mullenweg: An Open Letter from Wix.com=E2=\r\n=80=99s CEO Avishai Abrahami //wix comments


Open Letter to Tim Cook //<=\r\n/span>petersphilo comments


Dear Microsoft //sla=\r\nckhq comments


=E2=9D=97=EF=B8=8FSlack may regret its letter to M=\r\nicrosoft //theverge comments<=\r\n/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n



Darling =E2=80=93 MacOS translation layer for Linux //darlinghq =\r\ncomments


I don't understand Python's Asyncio //pocoo comments


Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript st=\r\nack from scratch //github comments


A fork of sudo with Touch ID support //github comments


Writing more legible SQL //<=\r\n/span>craigkerstiens comments


Lighthouse =E2=80=93 Auditing and Performance Metrics=\r\n for Progressive Web Apps //github comments


Bashcached =E2=80=93 memcached built on bash and ncat //github co=\r\nmments




Don=E2=80=99t go to art school (2013) //medium comments


UX Myths (2014) //uxm=\r\nyths comments




Thomas Piketty=E2=80=99s Capital in the 21st Century=\r\n=2C in 20 minutes //boingboing comments<=\r\n/a>


Keep Ruby Weird Again //testdouble comments


Japan=E2=80=99s Disposable Workers: Dumping Ground=\r\n //vimeo commen=\r\nts




=E2=9D=97=EF=B8=8FAsk HN: Who is firing? //ycombinator


Guide to Remote Work //zapier comments


Ask HN: Who is hiring? //ycombinator


Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? //ycombinator


Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? //ycombinator




Stealth Cell Tower Disguised as Printer //julianoliver comments=\r\n


Museu de la T=C3=A8cnica //<=\r\n/span>twitter comments


Benjamin Button Reviews the New MacBook Pro //pinboard comments<=\r\nspan style=3D\"color:#ff3300;\">→


A Gamer Spent 200 Hours Building an Incredibly Detail=\r\ned Digital San Francisco =\r\n//citylab comments


Why html thinks 'chucknorris' is a color //stackoverflow comments<=\r\nspan style=3D\"color:#ff3300;\">→

\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

\r\n You're among 38=2C633 others who received this email because y=\r\nou wanted a weekly recap of the best articles from Hacker News. Published=\r\n by Curpress from a smallish meta=\r\nl box at PO BOX 2621 Decatur=2C Georgia 30031. Hacker Newsletter is not af=\r\nfiliated with Y Combinator in any way.\r\n

\r\n You can update your email or unsubscribe.\r\n

\r\n Not a subscriber? Subscribe at http://hackernewsletter.com.\r\n

\r\n 3D\"Email=\r\n\r\n

\r\n\r\n"}},"desiredParts":[{"id":"1","encoding":"QUOTED-PRINTABLE","mimetype":"text/plain"},{"id":"2","encoding":"QUOTED-PRINTABLE","mimetype":"text/html"}],"result":{"to":[{"name":"","email":"Christine@spang.cc"}],"cc":[],"bcc":[],"from":[{"name":"Hacker Newsletter","email":"kale@hackernewsletter.com"}],"replyTo":[{"name":"Hacker Newsletter","email":"kale@hackernewsletter.com"}],"accountId":"test-account-id","body":"\r\n\r\n=\r\n\r\n Hacker Newsletter #325\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n
\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

\r\n The only thing more expensive than writing software is writing=\r\n bad software. //Alan Cooper\r\n

\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

\r\n hackernewsletter\r\n

\r\n Issue #325 // Nove=\r\nmber 04=2C 2016 // View in your browser\r\n



\r\n \r\n Hired=\r\n - The End of Job Hunting As You Know It
Hired brings job offers to=\r\n you=2C so you can cut to the chase and focus on finding the right fit=2C=\r\n (not applying). Get multiple job offers and upfront compensation informat=\r\nion=2C with just one application. Get Hired\r\n





Eve: Programming designed for hum=\r\nans
//witheve comments


Total Nightmare: USB-C and Thun=\r\nderbolt 3
//fosketts comments


Signs that a startup is focused=\r\n on stuff that doesn=E2=80=99t matter
//groovehq comments


New MacBook Pro Is Not a Lapto=\r\np for Developers Anymore
//blog comments


Web fonts=2C boy=2C I don't kno=\r\nw
//meowni comments


No One Saw Tesla=E2=80=99s Solar R=\r\noof Coming
//bloomberg comments


Ways Data Projects Fail
//martingoodson co=\r\nmments


A very valuable vulnerability//daemonology comments


Making what people want isn=E2=80=\r\n=99t enough=2C you have to share it
//o=\r\nldgeekjobs comments


How ReadMe Went from SaaS to On=\r\n-Premises in Less Than One Week
//stack=\r\nshare comments


#As=\r\nk HN


Any other blind devs interested=\r\n in working on dev tools for the blind?


How to make a career working remot=\r\nely?


#Sh=\r\now HN


Music for Programming //musicforprogramming comments


Powerwall 2 and Integrated Solar //tesla comments


Sonder E-Ink Keyboard //sonderdesign comments


Microsoft Teams=2C the new chat-based workspace in Of=\r\nfice 365 //office comments


Flow =E2=80=93 Create automated workflows between yo=\r\nur favorite apps //microsoft comments


Portier =E2=80=93 An email-based=2C passwordless aut=\r\nhentication service //github comments


Newly Redesigned Boston.gov Just Went Open Source=\r\n //routefifty c=\r\nomments


Sodaphonic =E2=80=93 record and edit audio in the brow=\r\nser //sodaphonic comments




Dear Matt Mullenweg: An Open Letter from Wix.com=E2=\r\n=80=99s CEO Avishai Abrahami //wix comments


Open Letter to Tim Cook //<=\r\n/span>petersphilo comments


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=E2=9D=97=EF=B8=8FSlack may regret its letter to M=\r\nicrosoft //theverge comments<=\r\n/p>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n



Darling =E2=80=93 MacOS translation layer for Linux //darlinghq =\r\ncomments


I don't understand Python's Asyncio //pocoo comments


Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript st=\r\nack from scratch //github comments


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Writing more legible SQL //<=\r\n/span>craigkerstiens comments


Lighthouse =E2=80=93 Auditing and Performance Metrics=\r\n for Progressive Web Apps //github comments


Bashcached =E2=80=93 memcached built on bash and ncat //github co=\r\nmments




Don=E2=80=99t go to art school (2013) //medium comments


UX Myths (2014) //uxm=\r\nyths comments




Thomas Piketty=E2=80=99s Capital in the 21st Century=\r\n=2C in 20 minutes //boingboing comments<=\r\n/a>


Keep Ruby Weird Again //testdouble comments


Japan=E2=80=99s Disposable Workers: Dumping Ground=\r\n //vimeo commen=\r\nts




=E2=9D=97=EF=B8=8FAsk HN: Who is firing? //ycombinator


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Stealth Cell Tower Disguised as Printer //julianoliver comments=\r\n


Museu de la T=C3=A8cnica //<=\r\n/span>twitter comments


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A Gamer Spent 200 Hours Building an Incredibly Detail=\r\ned Digital San Francisco =\r\n//citylab comments


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<=21-- Main Container -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
=\r\n3D=22=223D=22=22<=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
<=21-- PREHEADER -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
<=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->\r\n =20\r\n
You and one com=\r\npanion get a free checked bag when you purchase United tickets with your Mi=\r\nleagePlus Explorer Card=2E
\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->\r\n =20\r\n
To ensure delivery to your inbox, please add=\r\n MileagePlus_Partner=40news=2Eunited=2Ecom to your address book=\r\n=2E
View in Web browser <=\r\n/div>\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->
\r\n =20\r\n <=21--/PREHEADER -->
\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- UNITED MILEAGEPLUS HEADER -->=20\r\n =20\r\n <=21--/UNITED MILEAGEPLUS HEADER -->=20\r\n <=21-- MODULES GO HERE -->=20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n =20\r\n <=21--/margin -->=20\r\n <=21-- Hero Module -->=20\r\n =20\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
<=21-- Begin modules -->\r\n
\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
 \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
 <=\r\n/div>\r\n Free checked bag for you and one companion\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
 \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
 \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- Body Copy=2E -->Your United MileagePlu=\r\ns® Explorer Card provides a free first standard checked bag* for you (t=\r\nhe primary Cardmember) and one companion on United®-operated flights &m=\r\ndash; a savings of up to =24100 per roundtrip=2E\r\n
\r\n As a reminder, to receive this benefit you ne=\r\ned to:\r\n
\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- Begin Bulleted List -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
Include your MileagePlus number in your reservation\r\n
Purchase your ticket(s) with your Explorer Card
\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- Ended Bulleted List -->\r\n =20\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n
See more details\r\n
<=21-- End modules -->
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n 3D=22Like=22
\r\n MileagePlus Cards by Chase
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n 3D=22MileagePlus\r\n
\r\n <=21-- Begin Social Media -->\r\n =20\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
Stay connected to United\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
3D=22Mobile=22 =\r\n 3D=22Hub=22 \r\n 3D=22Facebook=22 3D=22Twitter=22 =\r\n 3D=22Instagram=22 3D=22YouTube=22 =\r\n 3D=22=22
\r\n\r\n <=21-- End Social Media -->\r\n
=20\r\n <=21-- /Hero Module -->=20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n =20\r\n <=21--/margin -->=20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n =20\r\n <=21--/margin -->=20\r\n <=21--/MODULES GO HERE -->=20\r\n <=21-- FOOTER -->=20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->=20\r\n <=21-- global links -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
<=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->
<=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->
\r\n =20\r\n <=21--/global links -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
3D=22=22\r\n <=21-- legal -->=20\r\n =20\r\n
Terms and=\r\n conditions:
\r\n*FREE CHECKED BAG: The primary Cardmember and one traveling companion on th=\r\ne same reservation are each eligible to receive their first standard checke=\r\nd bag free; authorized users are only eligible if they are on the same rese=\r\nrvation as the primary Cardmember=2E To receive first standard checked bag =\r\nfree, the primary Cardmember must include their MileagePlus® number in =\r\ntheir reservation and use their MileagePlus Explorer Card to purchase their=\r\n ticket(s)=2E First standard checked bag free is only available on United&r=\r\neg;- and United Express®-operated flights; codeshare partner-operated f=\r\nlights are not eligible=2E Service charges for oversized, overweight and ex=\r\ntra baggage may apply=2E Cardmembers who are already exempt from other chec=\r\nked baggage service charges will not receive an additional free standard ch=\r\necked bag=2E Chase is not responsible for the provision of, or failure to p=\r\nrovide, the stated benefits=2E Please visit united=2Ecom/chasebag for details=2E
\r\nMileagePlus terms and conditions:
\r\nMiles accrued, awards, and benefits issued are subject to change and are su=\r\nbject to the rules of the United MileagePlus program, including without lim=\r\nitation the Premier® program (the =22MileagePlus Program=22), which are=\r\n expressly incorporated herein=2E Please allow 6–8 weeks after comple=\r\nted qualifying activity for miles to post to your account=2E United may cha=\r\nnge the MileagePlus Program including, but not limited to, rules, regulatio=\r\nns, travel awards and special offers or terminate the MileagePlus Program a=\r\nt any time and without notice=2E United and its subsidiaries, affiliates an=\r\nd agents are not responsible for any products or services of other particip=\r\nating companies and partners=2E Taxes and fees related to award travel are =\r\nthe responsibility of the member=2E Bonus award miles, award miles and any =\r\nother miles earned through non-flight activity do not count toward qualific=\r\nation for Premier status unless expressly stated otherwise=2E The accumulat=\r\nion of mileage or Premier status or any other status does not entitle membe=\r\nrs to any vested rights with respect to the MileagePlus Program=2E All calc=\r\nulations made in connection with the MileagePlus Program, including without=\r\n limitation with respect to the accumulation of mileage and the satisfactio=\r\nn of the qualification requirements for Premier status, will be made by Uni=\r\nted Airlines and MileagePlus in their discretion and such calculations will=\r\n be considered final=2E Information in this communication that relates to t=\r\nhe MileagePlus Program does not purport to be complete or comprehensive and=\r\n may not include all of the information that a member may believe is import=\r\nant, and is qualified in its entirety by reference to all of the informatio=\r\nn on the united=2Ecom we=\r\nbsite and the MileagePlus Program rules=2E United and MileagePlus are regis=\r\ntered service marks=2E For complete details about the MileagePlus Program, =\r\ngo to united=2Ecom=2E\r\n
\r\nSee=\r\n additional MileagePlus terms and conditions
\r\nC000013567 14342 ET06
=20\r\n <=21--/legal -->=20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->=20\r\n <=21-- footer -->=20\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- footer -->\r\n
\r\nDon't miss the latest emails; add =40news=2Eunited=2Ecom
\r\nYou have received this email because it includes important information rega=\r\nrding your MileagePlus Credit Card benefits=2E Your privacy and email prefe=\r\nrences are very important to us=2E If you previously opted not to receive p=\r\nromotional emails from MileagePlus, we will continue to respect your prefer=\r\nences=2E However, we will continue to send you non-promotional, service ema=\r\nils concerning your account, the MileagePlus program or United=2E\r\n
\r\nThis email was sent to christine=40spang=2Ecc\r\n
\r\nPlease do not reply to this email=2E We cannot accept electronic replies to=\r\n this email address=2E
\r\nEmail mileageplus=40united=2Ecom with any =\r\nquestions about your MileagePlus account or the MileagePlus program=2E
\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
To contact the sender, write t=\r\no:
\r\n United MileagePlus
\r\n 900 Grand Plaza Dr=2E
\r\nHouston, TX 77067
\r\n © 2016 United Airlines, Inc=2E All rights re=\r\nserved=2E
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/footer -->=20\r\n <=21--/footer -->=20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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\r\n <=21--/margin -->=20\r\n <=21--/FOOTER -->
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\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\"\"\"\"\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n
You and one companion get a free checked bag when you purchase United tickets with your MileagePlus Explorer Card.
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n
To ensure delivery to your inbox, please add MileagePlus_Partner@news.united.com to your address book.
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
 \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n Free checked bag for you and one companion\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
 \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
 \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n Your United MileagePlus® Explorer Card provides a free first standard checked bag* for you (the primary Cardmember) and one companion on United®-operated flights — a savings of up to $100 per roundtrip.\r\n
\r\n As a reminder, to receive this benefit you need to:\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\"\"Include your MileagePlus number in your reservation\r\n
Purchase your ticket(s) with your Explorer Card
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
See more details
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \"Like\"
\r\n MileagePlus Cards by Chase
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \"MileagePlus
\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
Stay connected to United\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\"Mobile\" \"Hub\" \"Facebook\" \"Twitter\" \"Instagram\" \"YouTube\" \"LinkedIn\"\"\"
\r\n\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\"\" \r\n \r\n
Terms and conditions:
\r\n*FREE CHECKED BAG: The primary Cardmember and one traveling companion on the same reservation are each eligible to receive their first standard checked bag free; authorized users are only eligible if they are on the same reservation as the primary Cardmember. To receive first standard checked bag free, the primary Cardmember must include their MileagePlus® number in their reservation and use their MileagePlus Explorer Card to purchase their ticket(s). First standard checked bag free is only available on United®- and United Express®-operated flights; codeshare partner-operated flights are not eligible. Service charges for oversized, overweight and extra baggage may apply. Cardmembers who are already exempt from other checked baggage service charges will not receive an additional free standard checked bag. Chase is not responsible for the provision of, or failure to provide, the stated benefits. Please visit united.com/chasebag for details.
\r\nMileagePlus terms and conditions:
\r\nMiles accrued, awards, and benefits issued are subject to change and are subject to the rules of the United MileagePlus program, including without limitation the Premier® program (the \"MileagePlus Program\"), which are expressly incorporated herein. Please allow 6–8 weeks after completed qualifying activity for miles to post to your account. United may change the MileagePlus Program including, but not limited to, rules, regulations, travel awards and special offers or terminate the MileagePlus Program at any time and without notice. United and its subsidiaries, affiliates and agents are not responsible for any products or services of other participating companies and partners. Taxes and fees related to award travel are the responsibility of the member. Bonus award miles, award miles and any other miles earned through non-flight activity do not count toward qualification for Premier status unless expressly stated otherwise. The accumulation of mileage or Premier status or any other status does not entitle members to any vested rights with respect to the MileagePlus Program. All calculations made in connection with the MileagePlus Program, including without limitation with respect to the accumulation of mileage and the satisfaction of the qualification requirements for Premier status, will be made by United Airlines and MileagePlus in their discretion and such calculations will be considered final. Information in this communication that relates to the MileagePlus Program does not purport to be complete or comprehensive and may not include all of the information that a member may believe is important, and is qualified in its entirety by reference to all of the information on the united.com website and the MileagePlus Program rules. United and MileagePlus are registered service marks. For complete details about the MileagePlus Program, go to united.com.
\r\nSee additional MileagePlus terms and conditions
\r\nC000013567 14342 ET06
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\nDon't miss the latest emails; add @news.united.com
\r\nYou have received this email because it includes important information regarding your MileagePlus Credit Card benefits. Your privacy and email preferences are very important to us. If you previously opted not to receive promotional emails from MileagePlus, we will continue to respect your preferences. However, we will continue to send you non-promotional, service emails concerning your account, the MileagePlus program or United.\r\n
\r\nThis email was sent to christine@spang.cc\r\n
\r\nPlease do not reply to this email. We cannot accept electronic replies to this email address.
\r\nEmail mileageplus@united.com with any questions about your MileagePlus account or the MileagePlus program.
\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
To contact the sender, write to:
\r\n United MileagePlus
\r\n 900 Grand Plaza Dr.
\r\nHouston, TX 77067
\r\n © 2016 United Airlines, Inc. All rights reserved.
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

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<=21-- Main Container -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
=\r\n3D=22=223D=22=22<=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
<=21-- PREHEADER -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
<=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->\r\n =20\r\n
You and one com=\r\npanion get a free checked bag when you purchase United tickets with your Mi=\r\nleagePlus Explorer Card=2E
\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->\r\n =20\r\n
To ensure delivery to your inbox, please add=\r\n MileagePlus_Partner=40news=2Eunited=2Ecom to your address book=\r\n=2E
View in Web browser <=\r\n/div>\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->
\r\n =20\r\n <=21--/PREHEADER -->
\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- UNITED MILEAGEPLUS HEADER -->=20\r\n =20\r\n <=21--/UNITED MILEAGEPLUS HEADER -->=20\r\n <=21-- MODULES GO HERE -->=20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n =20\r\n <=21--/margin -->=20\r\n <=21-- Hero Module -->=20\r\n =20\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
<=21-- Begin modules -->\r\n
\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
 \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
 <=\r\n/div>\r\n Free checked bag for you and one companion\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
 \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
 \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- Body Copy=2E -->Your United MileagePlu=\r\ns® Explorer Card provides a free first standard checked bag* for you (t=\r\nhe primary Cardmember) and one companion on United®-operated flights &m=\r\ndash; a savings of up to =24100 per roundtrip=2E\r\n
\r\n As a reminder, to receive this benefit you ne=\r\ned to:\r\n
\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- Begin Bulleted List -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
Include your MileagePlus number in your reservation\r\n
Purchase your ticket(s) with your Explorer Card
\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- Ended Bulleted List -->\r\n =20\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n
See more details\r\n
<=21-- End modules -->
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n 3D=22Like=22
\r\n MileagePlus Cards by Chase
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n 3D=22MileagePlus\r\n
\r\n <=21-- Begin Social Media -->\r\n =20\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
Stay connected to United\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
3D=22Mobile=22 =\r\n 3D=22Hub=22 \r\n 3D=22Facebook=22 3D=22Twitter=22 =\r\n 3D=22Instagram=22 3D=22YouTube=22 =\r\n 3D=22=22
\r\n\r\n <=21-- End Social Media -->\r\n
=20\r\n <=21-- /Hero Module -->=20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n =20\r\n <=21--/margin -->=20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
3D=22=22\r\n <=21-- legal -->=20\r\n =20\r\n
Terms and=\r\n conditions:
\r\n*FREE CHECKED BAG: The primary Cardmember and one traveling companion on th=\r\ne same reservation are each eligible to receive their first standard checke=\r\nd bag free; authorized users are only eligible if they are on the same rese=\r\nrvation as the primary Cardmember=2E To receive first standard checked bag =\r\nfree, the primary Cardmember must include their MileagePlus® number in =\r\ntheir reservation and use their MileagePlus Explorer Card to purchase their=\r\n ticket(s)=2E First standard checked bag free is only available on United&r=\r\neg;- and United Express®-operated flights; codeshare partner-operated f=\r\nlights are not eligible=2E Service charges for oversized, overweight and ex=\r\ntra baggage may apply=2E Cardmembers who are already exempt from other chec=\r\nked baggage service charges will not receive an additional free standard ch=\r\necked bag=2E Chase is not responsible for the provision of, or failure to p=\r\nrovide, the stated benefits=2E Please visit united=2Ecom/chasebag for details=2E
\r\nMileagePlus terms and conditions:
\r\nMiles accrued, awards, and benefits issued are subject to change and are su=\r\nbject to the rules of the United MileagePlus program, including without lim=\r\nitation the Premier® program (the =22MileagePlus Program=22), which are=\r\n expressly incorporated herein=2E Please allow 6–8 weeks after comple=\r\nted qualifying activity for miles to post to your account=2E United may cha=\r\nnge the MileagePlus Program including, but not limited to, rules, regulatio=\r\nns, travel awards and special offers or terminate the MileagePlus Program a=\r\nt any time and without notice=2E United and its subsidiaries, affiliates an=\r\nd agents are not responsible for any products or services of other particip=\r\nating companies and partners=2E Taxes and fees related to award travel are =\r\nthe responsibility of the member=2E Bonus award miles, award miles and any =\r\nother miles earned through non-flight activity do not count toward qualific=\r\nation for Premier status unless expressly stated otherwise=2E The accumulat=\r\nion of mileage or Premier status or any other status does not entitle membe=\r\nrs to any vested rights with respect to the MileagePlus Program=2E All calc=\r\nulations made in connection with the MileagePlus Program, including without=\r\n limitation with respect to the accumulation of mileage and the satisfactio=\r\nn of the qualification requirements for Premier status, will be made by Uni=\r\nted Airlines and MileagePlus in their discretion and such calculations will=\r\n be considered final=2E Information in this communication that relates to t=\r\nhe MileagePlus Program does not purport to be complete or comprehensive and=\r\n may not include all of the information that a member may believe is import=\r\nant, and is qualified in its entirety by reference to all of the informatio=\r\nn on the united=2Ecom we=\r\nbsite and the MileagePlus Program rules=2E United and MileagePlus are regis=\r\ntered service marks=2E For complete details about the MileagePlus Program, =\r\ngo to united=2Ecom=2E\r\n
\r\nSee=\r\n additional MileagePlus terms and conditions
\r\nC000013567 14342 ET06
=20\r\n <=21--/legal -->=20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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\r\nDon't miss the latest emails; add =40news=2Eunited=2Ecom
\r\nYou have received this email because it includes important information rega=\r\nrding your MileagePlus Credit Card benefits=2E Your privacy and email prefe=\r\nrences are very important to us=2E If you previously opted not to receive p=\r\nromotional emails from MileagePlus, we will continue to respect your prefer=\r\nences=2E However, we will continue to send you non-promotional, service ema=\r\nils concerning your account, the MileagePlus program or United=2E\r\n
\r\nThis email was sent to christine=40spang=2Ecc\r\n
\r\nPlease do not reply to this email=2E We cannot accept electronic replies to=\r\n this email address=2E
\r\nEmail mileageplus=40united=2Ecom with any =\r\nquestions about your MileagePlus account or the MileagePlus program=2E
\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
To contact the sender, write t=\r\no:
\r\n United MileagePlus
\r\n 900 Grand Plaza Dr=2E
\r\nHouston, TX 77067
\r\n © 2016 United Airlines, Inc=2E All rights re=\r\nserved=2E
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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<=21-- Main Container -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
=\r\n3D=22=223D=22=22<=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
<=21-- PREHEADER -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
<=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->\r\n =20\r\n
You and one com=\r\npanion get a free checked bag when you purchase United tickets with your Mi=\r\nleagePlus Explorer Card=2E
\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->\r\n =20\r\n
To ensure delivery to your inbox, please add=\r\n MileagePlus_Partner=40news=2Eunited=2Ecom to your address book=\r\n=2E
View in Web browser <=\r\n/div>\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->
\r\n =20\r\n <=21--/PREHEADER -->
\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- UNITED MILEAGEPLUS HEADER -->=20\r\n =20\r\n <=21--/UNITED MILEAGEPLUS HEADER -->=20\r\n <=21-- MODULES GO HERE -->=20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n =20\r\n <=21--/margin -->=20\r\n <=21-- Hero Module -->=20\r\n =20\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
<=21-- Begin modules -->\r\n
\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
 \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
 <=\r\n/div>\r\n Free checked bag for you and one companion\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
 \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
 \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- Body Copy=2E -->Your United MileagePlu=\r\ns® Explorer Card provides a free first standard checked bag* for you (t=\r\nhe primary Cardmember) and one companion on United®-operated flights &m=\r\ndash; a savings of up to =24100 per roundtrip=2E\r\n
\r\n As a reminder, to receive this benefit you ne=\r\ned to:\r\n
\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- Begin Bulleted List -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
Include your MileagePlus number in your reservation\r\n
Purchase your ticket(s) with your Explorer Card
\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- Ended Bulleted List -->\r\n =20\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n
See more details\r\n
<=21-- End modules -->
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n 3D=22Like=22
\r\n MileagePlus Cards by Chase
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n 3D=22MileagePlus\r\n
\r\n <=21-- Begin Social Media -->\r\n =20\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
Stay connected to United\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
3D=22Mobile=22 =\r\n 3D=22Hub=22 \r\n 3D=22Facebook=22 3D=22Twitter=22 =\r\n 3D=22Instagram=22 3D=22YouTube=22 =\r\n 3D=22=22
\r\n\r\n <=21-- End Social Media -->\r\n
=20\r\n <=21-- /Hero Module -->=20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n =20\r\n <=21--/margin -->=20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n =20\r\n <=21--/margin -->=20\r\n <=21--/MODULES GO HERE -->=20\r\n <=21-- FOOTER -->=20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->=20\r\n <=21-- global links -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
<=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->
<=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->
\r\n =20\r\n <=21--/global links -->\r\n =20\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
3D=22=22\r\n <=21-- legal -->=20\r\n =20\r\n
Terms and=\r\n conditions:
\r\n*FREE CHECKED BAG: The primary Cardmember and one traveling companion on th=\r\ne same reservation are each eligible to receive their first standard checke=\r\nd bag free; authorized users are only eligible if they are on the same rese=\r\nrvation as the primary Cardmember=2E To receive first standard checked bag =\r\nfree, the primary Cardmember must include their MileagePlus® number in =\r\ntheir reservation and use their MileagePlus Explorer Card to purchase their=\r\n ticket(s)=2E First standard checked bag free is only available on United&r=\r\neg;- and United Express®-operated flights; codeshare partner-operated f=\r\nlights are not eligible=2E Service charges for oversized, overweight and ex=\r\ntra baggage may apply=2E Cardmembers who are already exempt from other chec=\r\nked baggage service charges will not receive an additional free standard ch=\r\necked bag=2E Chase is not responsible for the provision of, or failure to p=\r\nrovide, the stated benefits=2E Please visit united=2Ecom/chasebag for details=2E
\r\nMileagePlus terms and conditions:
\r\nMiles accrued, awards, and benefits issued are subject to change and are su=\r\nbject to the rules of the United MileagePlus program, including without lim=\r\nitation the Premier® program (the =22MileagePlus Program=22), which are=\r\n expressly incorporated herein=2E Please allow 6–8 weeks after comple=\r\nted qualifying activity for miles to post to your account=2E United may cha=\r\nnge the MileagePlus Program including, but not limited to, rules, regulatio=\r\nns, travel awards and special offers or terminate the MileagePlus Program a=\r\nt any time and without notice=2E United and its subsidiaries, affiliates an=\r\nd agents are not responsible for any products or services of other particip=\r\nating companies and partners=2E Taxes and fees related to award travel are =\r\nthe responsibility of the member=2E Bonus award miles, award miles and any =\r\nother miles earned through non-flight activity do not count toward qualific=\r\nation for Premier status unless expressly stated otherwise=2E The accumulat=\r\nion of mileage or Premier status or any other status does not entitle membe=\r\nrs to any vested rights with respect to the MileagePlus Program=2E All calc=\r\nulations made in connection with the MileagePlus Program, including without=\r\n limitation with respect to the accumulation of mileage and the satisfactio=\r\nn of the qualification requirements for Premier status, will be made by Uni=\r\nted Airlines and MileagePlus in their discretion and such calculations will=\r\n be considered final=2E Information in this communication that relates to t=\r\nhe MileagePlus Program does not purport to be complete or comprehensive and=\r\n may not include all of the information that a member may believe is import=\r\nant, and is qualified in its entirety by reference to all of the informatio=\r\nn on the united=2Ecom we=\r\nbsite and the MileagePlus Program rules=2E United and MileagePlus are regis=\r\ntered service marks=2E For complete details about the MileagePlus Program, =\r\ngo to united=2Ecom=2E\r\n
\r\nSee=\r\n additional MileagePlus terms and conditions
\r\nC000013567 14342 ET06
=20\r\n <=21--/legal -->=20\r\n <=21-- margin -->\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n <=21--/margin -->=20\r\n <=21-- footer -->=20\r\n =20\r\n <=21-- footer -->\r\n
\r\nDon't miss the latest emails; add =40news=2Eunited=2Ecom
\r\nYou have received this email because it includes important information rega=\r\nrding your MileagePlus Credit Card benefits=2E Your privacy and email prefe=\r\nrences are very important to us=2E If you previously opted not to receive p=\r\nromotional emails from MileagePlus, we will continue to respect your prefer=\r\nences=2E However, we will continue to send you non-promotional, service ema=\r\nils concerning your account, the MileagePlus program or United=2E\r\n
\r\nThis email was sent to christine=40spang=2Ecc\r\n
\r\nPlease do not reply to this email=2E We cannot accept electronic replies to=\r\n this email address=2E
\r\nEmail mileageplus=40united=2Ecom with any =\r\nquestions about your MileagePlus account or the MileagePlus program=2E
\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
To contact the sender, write t=\r\no:
\r\n United MileagePlus
\r\n 900 Grand Plaza Dr=2E
\r\nHouston, TX 77067
\r\n © 2016 United Airlines, Inc=2E All rights re=\r\nserved=2E
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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Mon, 5 Dec\r\n 2016 13:18:33 -0500 (EST)\r\nReceived: from dmz-mailsec-scanner-5.mit.edu (dmz-mailsec-scanner-5.mit.edu\r\n []) by mailhub-dmz-2.mit.edu (8.13.8/8.9.2) with ESMTP id\r\n uB5IHhdj021246 for ; Mon, 5 Dec 2016 13:18:33 -0500\r\nX-AuditID: 12074424-9b7ff70000006661-5a-5845af79d415\r\nReceived: from bendel.debian.org (bendel.debian.org []) (using\r\n TLS with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not\r\n present a certificate) by (Symantec Messaging Gateway) with SMTP id\r\n D2.B7.11606.87FA5485; Mon, 5 Dec 2016 13:18:32 -0500 (EST)\r\nReceived: from localhost (localhost []) by bendel.debian.org\r\n (Postfix) with QMQP id 75C2B17F; Mon, 5 Dec 2016 18:18:21 +0000 (UTC)\r\nX-Mailbox-Line: From debian-devel-request@lists.debian.org Mon Dec 5\r\n 18:18:21 2016\r\nOld-Return-Path: \r\nX-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on bendel.debian.org\r\nX-Spam-Level: \r\nX-Spam-Status: No, score=-8.0 required=4.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,\r\n HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS,LDO_WHITELIST,RP_MATCHES_RCVD,T_DKIM_INVALID\r\n autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0\r\nX-Original-To: lists-debian-devel@bendel.debian.org\r\nDelivered-To: lists-debian-devel@bendel.debian.org\r\nReceived: from localhost (localhost []) by bendel.debian.org\r\n (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9C7A7151 for ;\r\n Mon, 5 Dec 2016 18:18:12 +0000 (UTC)\r\nX-Virus-Scanned: at lists.debian.org with policy bank en-ht\r\nX-Amavis-Spam-Status: No, score=-7.2 tagged_above=-10000 required=5.3\r\n tests=[BAYES_00=-2, DKIM_SIGNED=0.1, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS=0.001,\r\n LDO_WHITELIST=-5, RP_MATCHES_RCVD=-0.311, T_DKIM_INVALID=0.01] autolearn=ham\r\n autolearn_force=no\r\nReceived: from bendel.debian.org ([]) by localhost (lists.debian.org\r\n []) (amavisd-new, port 2525) with ESMTP id XjRiqZkpBpLJ for\r\n ; 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5 Dec 2016 18:14:40 +0000\r\nReceived: from bs-one.disroot.org ([] helo=disroot.org) by\r\n buxtehude.debian.org with esmtps (TLS1.2:ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:256)\r\n (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from ) id 1cDxmi-00040c-Gx for\r\n submit@bugs.debian.org; Mon, 05 Dec 2016 18:14:40 +0000\r\nReceived: from localhost (localhost []) by disroot.org (Postfix) with\r\n ESMTP id 53193239F6 for ; Mon, 5 Dec 2016 19:14:37\r\n +0100 (CET)\r\nDKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple; d=disroot.org; s=mail;\r\n t=1480961677; bh=D83w+mcR33/VQkITQI3T+hYFSLlGEhXR0gNcNOKma1M=;\r\n h=From:Subject:To:Date:From;\r\n b=RGfjrzldXfrn98cwJECU13CLtE6NurUcFar/ymwcIOWcI/iurS1yB77ufr6lvSnIv\r\n l7GcLyXyiXlFHJI0gacV3jsigJG3NWGyxOT670K+8/00FSUPPI0oT7GgSQQKrZ0RnX\r\n 1ydoD4ZCpm148HmxuCk972HdCYIRlA1YO4ggm35U=\r\nReceived: from disroot.org ([]) by localhost (mail01.disroot.lan\r\n []) (amavisd-new, port 10024) with ESMTP id z-Tz-PcP0cLK for\r\n ; Mon, 5 Dec 2016 19:14:37 +0100 (CET)\r\nFrom: Sruthi Chandran \r\nDKIM-Signature: v=1; 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Package: wnpp\r\nSeverity: wishlist\r\nOwner: Sruthi Chandran \r\nX-Debbugs-CC: debian-devel@lists.debian.org\r\n\r\n* Package name    : node-streamtest\r\n  Version         : 1.2.2\r\n  Upstream Author : Nicolas Froidure\r\n* URL             : https://github.com/nfroidure/streamtest\r\n* License         : Expat\r\n  Programming Lang: JavaScript\r\n  Description     : set of utils to test your stream based modules\r\naccross various stream implementations of NodeJS\r\n\r\n
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Mon, 5 Dec 2016\r\n 10:18:35 -0800 (PST)\r\nX-Received: by with SMTP id qp15mr33288574wjb.3.1480961915687;\r\n Mon, 05 Dec 2016 10:18:35 -0800 (PST)\r\nReturn-Path: \r\nReceived: from dmz-mailsec-scanner-7.mit.edu (dmz-mailsec-scanner-7.mit.edu.\r\n []) by mx.google.com with ESMTPS id\r\n d81si1055491wmc.164.2016. for \r\n (version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128); Mon, 05 Dec\r\n 2016 10:18:35 -0800 (PST)\r\nReceived-SPF: neutral (google.com: is neither permitted nor denied\r\n by manual fallback record for domain of\r\n bounce-debian-devel=spang=mit.edu@lists.debian.org) client-ip=;\r\nAuthentication-Results: mx.google.com; dkim=fail header.i=@disroot.org;\r\n dkim=fail header.i=@disroot.org; spf=neutral (google.com: is\r\n neither permitted nor denied by manual fallback record for domain of\r\n bounce-debian-devel=spang=mit.edu@lists.debian.org)\r\n smtp.mailfrom=bounce-debian-devel=spang=mit.edu@lists.debian.org\r\nReceived: from mailhub-dmz-2.mit.edu ( []) (using TLS with cipher\r\n DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)) (Client did not present a certificate) by \r\n (Symantec Messaging Gateway) with SMTP id 4D.F7.26209.97FA5485; Mon, 5 Dec\r\n 2016 13:18:33 -0500 (EST)\r\nReceived: from dmz-mailsec-scanner-5.mit.edu (dmz-mailsec-scanner-5.mit.edu\r\n []) by mailhub-dmz-2.mit.edu (8.13.8/8.9.2) with ESMTP id\r\n uB5IHhdj021246 for ; Mon, 5 Dec 2016 13:18:33 -0500\r\nX-AuditID: 12074424-9b7ff70000006661-5a-5845af79d415\r\nReceived: from bendel.debian.org (bendel.debian.org []) (using\r\n TLS with cipher DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (Client did not\r\n present a certificate) by (Symantec Messaging Gateway) with SMTP id\r\n D2.B7.11606.87FA5485; Mon, 5 Dec 2016 13:18:32 -0500 (EST)\r\nReceived: from localhost (localhost []) by bendel.debian.org\r\n (Postfix) with QMQP id 75C2B17F; Mon, 5 Dec 2016 18:18:21 +0000 (UTC)\r\nX-Mailbox-Line: From debian-devel-request@lists.debian.org Mon Dec 5\r\n 18:18:21 2016\r\nOld-Return-Path: \r\nX-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on bendel.debian.org\r\nX-Spam-Level: \r\nX-Spam-Status: No, score=-8.0 required=4.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,\r\n HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS,LDO_WHITELIST,RP_MATCHES_RCVD,T_DKIM_INVALID\r\n autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0\r\nX-Original-To: lists-debian-devel@bendel.debian.org\r\nDelivered-To: lists-debian-devel@bendel.debian.org\r\nReceived: from localhost (localhost []) by bendel.debian.org\r\n (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9C7A7151 for ;\r\n Mon, 5 Dec 2016 18:18:12 +0000 (UTC)\r\nX-Virus-Scanned: at lists.debian.org with policy bank en-ht\r\nX-Amavis-Spam-Status: No, score=-7.2 tagged_above=-10000 required=5.3\r\n tests=[BAYES_00=-2, DKIM_SIGNED=0.1, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS=0.001,\r\n LDO_WHITELIST=-5, RP_MATCHES_RCVD=-0.311, T_DKIM_INVALID=0.01] autolearn=ham\r\n autolearn_force=no\r\nReceived: from bendel.debian.org ([]) by localhost (lists.debian.org\r\n []) (amavisd-new, port 2525) with ESMTP id XjRiqZkpBpLJ for\r\n ; Mon, 5 Dec 2016 18:18:07 +0000 (UTC)\r\nReceived: from buxtehude.debian.org (buxtehude.debian.org\r\n [IPv6:2607:f8f0:614:1::1274:39]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher\r\n ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (Client CN\r\n \"buxtehude.debian.org\", Issuer \"Debian SMTP CA\" (not verified)) by\r\n bendel.debian.org (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 82D7D170; Mon, 5 Dec 2016\r\n 18:18:07 +0000 (UTC)\r\nReceived: from debbugs by buxtehude.debian.org with local (Exim 4.84_2)\r\n (envelope-from ) id 1cDxq0-0004I6-E6; Mon, 05\r\n Dec 2016 18:18:04 +0000\r\nX-Loop: owner@bugs.debian.org\r\nSubject: Bug#847116: ITP: node-streamtest -- set of utils to test your stream\r\n based modules accross various, stream implementations of NodeJS\r\nReply-To: Sruthi Chandran , 847116@bugs.debian.org\r\nResent-From: Sruthi Chandran \r\nResent-To: debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org\r\nResent-CC: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, wnpp@debian.org\r\nX-Loop: owner@bugs.debian.org\r\nResent-Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2016 18:18:02 +0000\r\nResent-Message-ID: \r\nX-Debian-PR-Message: report 847116\r\nX-Debian-PR-Package: wnpp\r\nX-Debian-PR-Keywords: \r\nReceived: via spool by submit@bugs.debian.org id=B.148096168015430 (code B);\r\n Mon, 05 Dec 2016 18:18:02 +0000\r\nReceived: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 5 Dec 2016 18:14:40 +0000\r\nReceived: from bs-one.disroot.org ([] helo=disroot.org) by\r\n buxtehude.debian.org with esmtps (TLS1.2:ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:256)\r\n (Exim 4.84_2) (envelope-from ) id 1cDxmi-00040c-Gx for\r\n submit@bugs.debian.org; Mon, 05 Dec 2016 18:14:40 +0000\r\nReceived: from localhost (localhost []) by disroot.org (Postfix) with\r\n ESMTP id 53193239F6 for ; Mon, 5 Dec 2016 19:14:37\r\n +0100 (CET)\r\nDKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple; d=disroot.org; s=mail;\r\n t=1480961677; bh=D83w+mcR33/VQkITQI3T+hYFSLlGEhXR0gNcNOKma1M=;\r\n h=From:Subject:To:Date:From;\r\n b=RGfjrzldXfrn98cwJECU13CLtE6NurUcFar/ymwcIOWcI/iurS1yB77ufr6lvSnIv\r\n l7GcLyXyiXlFHJI0gacV3jsigJG3NWGyxOT670K+8/00FSUPPI0oT7GgSQQKrZ0RnX\r\n 1ydoD4ZCpm148HmxuCk972HdCYIRlA1YO4ggm35U=\r\nReceived: from disroot.org ([]) by localhost (mail01.disroot.lan\r\n []) (amavisd-new, port 10024) with ESMTP id z-Tz-PcP0cLK for\r\n ; Mon, 5 Dec 2016 19:14:37 +0100 (CET)\r\nFrom: Sruthi Chandran \r\nDKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple; d=disroot.org; s=mail;\r\n t=1480961677; bh=D83w+mcR33/VQkITQI3T+hYFSLlGEhXR0gNcNOKma1M=;\r\n h=From:Subject:To:Date:From;\r\n b=RGfjrzldXfrn98cwJECU13CLtE6NurUcFar/ymwcIOWcI/iurS1yB77ufr6lvSnIv\r\n l7GcLyXyiXlFHJI0gacV3jsigJG3NWGyxOT670K+8/00FSUPPI0oT7GgSQQKrZ0RnX\r\n 1ydoD4ZCpm148HmxuCk972HdCYIRlA1YO4ggm35U=\r\nTo: submit@bugs.debian.org\r\nMessage-ID: <2bee7571-9098-d8d5-b4a4-59fc369c579b@disroot.org>\r\nDate: Mon, 5 Dec 2016 23:44:30 +0530\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101\r\n Icedove/45.5.0\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\nDelivered-To: submit@bugs.debian.org\r\nX-Rc-Virus: 2007-09-13_01\r\nX-Rc-Spam: 2008-11-04_01\r\nX-Mailing-List: archive/latest/323341\r\nX-Loop: debian-devel@lists.debian.org\r\nList-Id: \r\nList-URL: \r\nList-Post: \r\nList-Help: \r\nList-Subscribe: \r\nList-Unsubscribe: \r\nPrecedence: list\r\nResent-Sender: debian-devel-request@lists.debian.org\r\nList-Archive: https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/2bee7571-9098-d8d5-b4a4-59fc369c579b@disroot.org\r\nAuthentication-Results: symauth.service.identifier\r\nX-Brightmail-Tracker: H4sIAAAAAAAAA1VTa0gUYRT1mxl1fEyNY7VXyx5DEURqpVBmSJD2wH5kBUkEObmTu7S72sz6\r\n WElaf2zFqmBhWWqskYWKqAmmUUm6lI8eUJm9LItURFFXsswMacZvTfp37jnnnnvv8A1Nck1e\r\n wbTeZBYlk2DgvXwpzjtmXailLi5x043La7aNl/zx3on2zkzcIQ6go747tKJBnyFK4TFJvrp7\r\n 43eptNdk1k9nEbKiAcKOfGhgI6G85jFSMcfaCLBdSrAjXwX3IDjf30vZET1nsk2RmC8jYMTR\r\n TeGiEMG7bocXTjoMb10vSBUvZsOhuc2JML8f7jfOeGO8CF4O/SLUZmCdCIodTyksRECl4/tc\r\n A8Vugca+fveEBwhanffcE6KhobcS4e4pBC03O91LDSKwP5xEuHhFQI/tk1upQzDYOeuJzwiB\r\n Z++zVT6QLUCQ13OfwHfHwpPuSVL1cMrmfVc5TG8Ex/QYwnQU9BTk/JeCHTWfbpEYx8Hg6xH3\r\n ojxUFz5wf+AgeDVR4z5/GTRZq7ywPxNy2y9ShSimRCkZNgA6r/VTKibZMGh++9sT41XQNFpG\r\n liOyGoVojdmhRkFvkMXkUDlZMJlEKXRrmFFvDhO16Q1o7jXErm1GefnxbYilEe/PuKxxiZyn\r\n kCFbjG0oiCb4pUxRkkItOpGqtegEWXdcSjeIchsCmuSXMEuVh8QxWsGSLUqp89JymuI1jMee\r\n H0c4NkUwi6dEMU2U5tUVNM0D86FWaQyQxBQx66TeYF6QCdpHDfdXwqtUDyOnCUZZn4L1LhRB\r\n f2ivGCDoR+OVAwRHmVJNYrCGKVWtrGrVpZv+pc2/92GkUY4LZGJUl7/yN/zLG1ZGEcqojvZd\r\n 6iizsCAFWxEzuy/rVKV5JnB17MkE576RrMHTZ2s/5yTH11svFOVmTDVm+rWPUd8Otvh/PRNn\r\n 01QMdD+iXYbtLYeKg/3q9Xm9rvXr5I/OjQ3TUXe4/D6f/mTNqpWJqWu3PB86FvLmXPSViTF+\r\n d+vN8N4jAV9Hb0sdI9c7n33pivSwR0SW0pZalx9PyTph8wZSkoW/az3I+MoDAAA=\r\nX-Brightmail-Tracker: H4sIAAAAAAAAA1VSa0wUVxTeMzMsw3YHh0HhuHWjmRATbRcfaNJXWhLEmrZGQzTapo2O7shO\r\n 3AeZWZ4NLaWxJRjCWm2sBLIkikF8JSiyVMS6GwWU1ogEfCGJAkGxaKMitYF0hrvY+ufmO+f7\r\n zvm+e3NZWrhntrFygV9WvZJbNFuYrMinTkfByczNS89Xr3ynu6vJnA5rSrsu0uvhC8sHTtmt\r\n 5Mnqkg+3Wlwtj88wOdfpgvHIPiiBIaocWBb5FbjrBV0OFlbgqykcDfYwpAgA3ugJmsshThdt\r\n wL4nf9AGnsUvwVA4AqT/GZ5t+ieW4Hi8NjJBGcPIRwD3B68whEjD+uDT6QGGX45NA4NRh1bA\r\n C5GWqMP72HinHsj0C8C2g53RUMOA5eeeASm6Kezd1R9lTgIOd07FkGvYsetmkdFP5CsAd/ee\r\n pYy9Ar8KL/U8ow2NoCcf+EUg7bcx+PcYkPa72FtR/NoWojjWX0cTnInD10ejQUVsCLRSBM/F\r\n 7r+ORa+fhM0lR8xEn4/fte9hCM7Aq1XPzSRxDYWVdUMxpGgAfNBcCQF4r0oXcnwCdh4YZAxM\r\n 86kY6nsZQ/B8bP6zmq4FugHsTk+RwyMpbk3e7tC2S16vrDpWpnoUf6rszG0E/TsIsavEEOyZ\r\n +iQMPAuilVvzfeZmIUbK0wo9YZjLUuIcbt9WvRW/zecsdEmaa4ua65a1MCBLi7O5shM6xzml\r\n wiJZ9c1Qb7KMmMyZPn6+SeCzJb+8U5ZzZHWGpdjYMMxjWRG5HcZ0gipnywU7FLf//5o447AY\r\n Nlbd5si0jZYjeTQlm4guQxp7q/3QEMX+9rh+iBIYr88r25I54bgu5Q2pK9f7auXM1+8Guy2R\r\n A5PJJFj1TPpTvM4/hGT9GRK5OsPQqnj9r/we6lEoPUpHe4YRxS/9R9lKIAhfd5R+ef8W90a7\r\n qXEi0Ky0Tkobf1ydNjWeFb/QvjsUt25ydR73luP3jq9+yN07ssCXMj/UdGq8yvIrn3Hupu1l\r\n 2e3P28y+/fTdbw4v7zmaZLX1/bTWUdOyyC4qabXpvR+F8vd+m5AVmJfy5HRxyoD56Ymstk0d\r\n ig/VnyfPLB57NCYymktatphWNelf2asph/UDAAA=\r\n\r\n","parts":{"1":"Package: wnpp\r\nSeverity: wishlist\r\nOwner: Sruthi Chandran \r\nX-Debbugs-CC: debian-devel@lists.debian.org\r\n\r\n* Package name : node-streamtest\r\n Version : 1.2.2\r\n Upstream Author : Nicolas Froidure\r\n* URL : https://github.com/nfroidure/streamtest\r\n* License : Expat\r\n Programming Lang: JavaScript\r\n Description : set of utils to test your stream based modules\r\naccross various stream implementations of NodeJS\r\n\r\n"}},"desiredParts":[{"id":"1","encoding":"7BIT","mimetype":"text/plain"}],"result":{"to":[{"name":"","email":"submit@bugs.debian.org"}],"cc":[],"bcc":[],"from":[{"name":"Sruthi Chandran","email":"srud@disroot.org"}],"replyTo":[{"name":"Sruthi Chandran","email":"srud@disroot.org"},{"name":"","email":"847116@bugs.debian.org"}],"accountId":"test-account-id","body":"
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Dear friend,


Thank you for your attention.


Our company is a one-stop lanyards factory , providing printing and distributing service to customers around the world.


Main products are silk print /heat transferred / satin lace on ribbon/ woven lanyards,  light up lanyards, bottle holders, USB wristbands, lanyard with waterproof rain hat, bottle openers,key chains, carabiners, shoeslaces, luggage belts, ID card holders,mobile phone straps, neckstraps.etc.


All products are customized. No price list. If you need quotation, please let me know the specifications.


We can make as per your design and your logo.


No MOQ service


Designer Service


PMS express service


It will be great if you could send me file or picture for reference.


Best Regards,


Mob:86-188 2554 5846
ADD:Chang An Town,Dongguan City Guandong Province, China

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s=200608;\r\n d=morning7.theskimm.com;\r\n h=From:To:Subject:Date:List-Unsubscribe:MIME-Version:Reply-To:List-ID:Message-ID:Content-Type;\r\n i=dailyskimm@morning7.theskimm.com; bh=TfZNUfri1El8i4AUulbXxJgLUCA=;\r\n b=H6ZRxb2e2tmobb63CIcQ1ecsfv+X+Ky/G0EW0Kct6kvNmLP/yASdttr9bcgRbUMO45Su7bytynrE\r\n U+kbevaHw5nbatKKWQFP7JxGMjzCtQGM6LzOjGV8qCSu7XwdQ0QgUCJo0V4eo7Iu6bafR9h2WJST\r\n ct12e4elnzHFZLnF7GM=\r\nReceived: by mta.morning7.theskimm.com id h36v3s163hst for\r\n ; Wed, 2 Nov 2016 10:21:47 +0000 (envelope-from\r\n )\r\nFrom: \"theSkimm\" \r\nTo: \r\nSubject: Daily Skimm: Hey batter batter\r\nDate: Wed, 02 Nov 2016 04:21:46 -0600\r\nList-Unsubscribe: \r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nReply-To: \"theSkimm\"\r\n \r\nList-ID: <7208679_5489.xt.local>\r\nX-CSA-Complaints: whitelistcomplaints@eco.de\r\nx-job: 7208679_5489\r\nMessage-ID: \r\nContent-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"Aw0OfBZoDhFa=_?:\"\r\n\r\n","parts":{"1":"\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nIs this email not displaying correctly?\r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda378a2f7dccb8e2=\r\n6b5b302c761b48c753ae37dd56d06342bd7761205726e794f19c \r\nView it in your browser=2E \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda37898ee592de28=\r\nce7d2b78cb72be88185744d89b55cde5d34a4ad6dba714d942a6 \r\nSHARE THIS\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda3721d18ab2f8a5=\r\na53c473e99b28bc622950017c4958d9d3d47623dfaa963b2fe2f \r\nSHARE THIS\r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda370f716da4e7a0=\r\nd2fc45cc1fb72979495e447d7a98e5f9d8e8385598d3a36bf093 \r\n\r\n\r\nSkimm for November 2nd\r\n\r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda3737d8d9ff2a65=\r\n6be9041e65e9ad55a4c1c75a705f32854b662fd04c5b65251cda \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSkimm'd while getting up on what's at stake in 2016=2E \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518e4ff0b477556=\r\nee2011e623a9141618b501e48d7ada8a3ed516d0b3c0f3f9fa1b \r\nReady to vote? \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nQUOTE OF THE DAY\r\n\r\n\r\n\";Moisture harvested from the clouds\"; - \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015187600c0dbcd6d=\r\n17ec7331f3cfc3b5f32608d5bedc4d80db9f776591ce730db6c1 \r\nA description of how Sky PA, a new Scottish beer, is made=2E Cloudy with a=\r\n chance of hipster=2E\r\n\r\nSkimm This\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015180b3ee957efc7=\r\n43770fa87d771b9e197126982da785ce1918153b77f693c3ce8b \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518f2d49f9d3484=\r\n562b6c859a38a9b756ddc039572f4aa0f9c5037e50c2d0bae33c \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518e7517a647921=\r\n45e64a9ed2022fa40ac9e1b913bf4cbf414945e77b598a60d31d \r\n\r\nGAS PAINS\r\n\r\nTHE STORY\r\nEarlier this week, a major oil pipeline that runs through Alabama \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015180ed06f7e37bd=\r\n36a28c9824956812295ae4df7646f389759b34dfd2fda72017a9 \r\nexploded =2E\r\nWAIT…BACK UP=2E\r\nThe Colonial Pipeline is a system of pipes thousands of miles long that car=\r\nries millions of barrels of gas, diesel, and jet fuel aday from Texas to Ne=\r\nw Jersey=2E It supplies about a third of the East Coast's gas=2E So it's a =\r\nBF gassy D=2E But the pipeline's run into some problems lately=2E Earlier t=\r\nhis fall, part of it was \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518813c5513accd=\r\n483e8db374227aa0e48b9f59b7e9d29b9b6525b209d347dd27b5 \r\nshut down for over a week after a leak in Alabama spilled hundreds of thou=\r\nsands of gallons of gas=2E Cue a \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015185f16c50280b9=\r\nde78bd24094b4015e8630991b8156c7bcd4cb37b39824eefd5b3 \r\ngas shortage and prices in southern states going up, up, up=2E\r\nSO WHAT'S THE LATEST?\r\nOn Monday, there was an explosion along the pipeline in Alabama that caused=\r\n a major fire=2E One person was killed and several others were injured=2E Y=\r\nesterday, Alabama's governor declared a state of emergencyto help make sure=\r\n gas is delivered throughout the state=2EPart of the pipeline's been shut d=\r\nown and now the company that operates it says it \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518f1a7a6aa74e5=\r\n4eaee3f22c427c587f46e59947aedc70e2ddbba3242f6bfb8b69 \r\ncould take days to get the whole thing up and running again=2E Sofornow it=\r\nlooks like gas prices could be back on the up and up=2E\r\ntheSKIMM\r\nA major pipeline that millions of people depend on for gas every day can't =\r\nseem to get off the struggle bus=2E And now this latest incident has fuel c=\r\nompanies scrambling to stock up on supply=2E Ifit starts costing more to fi=\r\nll up the tank, this is why=2E\r\n\r\nSkimm This\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518ea9e4fa2f243=\r\n3c44e74693af3cd9018f5ece13b52fa953ffffb71b777ffa0e25 \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015183b3cc0c3f30e=\r\n436433c367ff042d3890808122395e67f4344c779240b0fb96b2 \r\n\r\nREPEAT AFTER ME=2E=2E=2E\r\n\r\nWHAT TO SAYTO YOUR FRIEND WHO GREW UP ON DEEP DISH PIZZA…\r\n\r\nIn it to win it=2E Last night, the \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518eb92f32ee674=\r\nc5ae648f0c76b48d0f861ccc7e253e391b9fc24ffef3c6d321fb \r\nChicago Cubs tied up the World Series by beating the Cleveland Indians in =\r\nGame 6=2E They won 9-3=2E Now all eyes are on Game 7 tonight=2E The Cubs ha=\r\nven't won the series since 1908=2E The Indians haven't won since 1948=2E So=\r\n it's not like there's a lot on the line or anything=2E Break out the peanu=\r\nts=2E\r\n\r\nSkimm This\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f0151855235b31e076=\r\n45b8ad0f96b07b7084f725abc8922a18c65775c160f2b08e39a2 \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518bba5a4134f1a=\r\nd3263f4b6e4af51516c63ab1f22dacc4f432de7db7b200638eeb \r\n\r\nWHAT TO SAY WHEN YOU FIND OUT YOURTWO FRIENDS WHO YOU INTRODUCED ARE GETTIN=\r\nG TOGETHERWITHOUT YOU=2E=2E=2E\r\n\r\nWhat's going on here? Earlier this week, \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518335c687702c2=\r\na91cdae5c278dd891b638aef063583271a5bb0b6836c0953412f \r\na federal judge ordered the Republican party to explain any deals it mayha=\r\nve made with GOP nominee Donald Trump's campaign to monitor the polls durin=\r\ng this election season=2E Reminder: for months, Trump has been saying this =\r\nelection is\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015181282a946ce17=\r\nef3bccb16f5ee0ab70200fc13d574dfa402946fb8f75a3a9f0f7 \r\n\";rigged\"; against him, and encouraging his supporters to be on the lookout=\r\n for voter fraud=2E Early voting opened recently in a lot of states=2E And =\r\nthere have been reports of Trump supporters allegedly photographing and \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015187d61ecd759d7=\r\nb0730c22d96dc27b5bbdf7ca9040c492390b0af040f590c882b5 \r\nharassing people at the polls=2E That's according to a string of different=\r\n lawsuits inArizona, Ohio, and Nevada flaggingconcerns that some voters are=\r\n being intimidated=2E Last week, the Democratic party filed a separate comp=\r\nlaint with a federal court=2E Now, the Republican party has until the end o=\r\nf today to turn over any evidence that could be related to collaboratingwit=\r\nh the Trump campaign=2EStay tuned=2E\r\n\r\nSkimm This\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518dc0466271971=\r\n9d7c96a196b6493a840195c679622ee661714c17971d712ff8e3 \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518e34779768729=\r\n1180617bc85052596e23d29e50c671041e605e72fc704ed3d004 \r\n\r\nWHAT TO SAY TO WHEN YOUR AM TRAIN GETS DELAYED FOR THE FIFTH TIME…\r\n\r\nI give up=2E Yesterday, Russia put Syrian peace talks on hold=2E \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518f6d20f368728=\r\neb2eed5d4f06ed7405a177f0acf26b236762f262bfa4aa7f8044 \r\nIndefinitely=2E For years, Syria has been going through a violent civil wa=\r\nr between Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (backed by Russia) and rebel gro=\r\nups (some backed by the US) who want him out of power=2E Hundreds of thousa=\r\nnds of people have been killed=2E Millions have been forced to leave home, =\r\ncausing the EU's worst migrant and refugee crisis since World War II=2E The=\r\n two sides have been trying and failing to hash out a peace deal for a whil=\r\ne now=2E Earlier this month, Russia agreed to a \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f0151881e18b7235c5=\r\n73a07dea1d6f66d4e48cd2742d456c53c4803082f69bb0806362 \r\n\";humanitarian pause\"; to airstrikes in Aleppo - the key rebel stronghold =\r\nwhere a lot of thefighting has been focused=2E Meanwhile, rebel's have been=\r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015189ef9643b4194=\r\n48cc8bcbcc8372e8c961fd45cc9331da20df64ae665f2298570e \r\nfighting back in the city =2E And today, Russia announced it would give reb=\r\nels \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518afb1f76fc2f9=\r\ne26bd6f8888964170d459663fedc1855df664b5efa241f0c9f2b \r\neven more time to leave Aleppo=2EBut it's still walking away from the peac=\r\ne table for the foreseeable future=2E So, Syria's still a peace of work=2E\r\n=\r\n\r\n\r\nSkimm This\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f0151842b260af3e1b=\r\nc0d9404642d2e41e7037c150074a140f84985b3132dcecd8d9b8 \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f0151878e0dacd88d3=\r\nd84627a4a4c82c3debbbab214d0eab433d4640110ad6d8f2c6e4 \r\n\r\nWHAT TO SAY WHEN YOUR DATE SAYS HE NEEDS A NOISE MACHINE ON HIGH VOLUME TO =\r\nFALL ASLEEP=2E=2E=2E\r\n\r\nHaving second thoughts=2E That's what Gannett is telling Tronc (the artist =\r\nformerly known as Tribune Publishing)=2E For months, Gannett, which owns ab=\r\nout a hundred news outlets including USA Today, has been \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518bdef4b851c42=\r\n6335e6df0d77034c6d82d93d562a29526e8f2686412ced239f5f \r\ntrying to buy Tronc , which owns nameslike the LA Times and Chicago Tribune=\r\n=2E For years, print news companies have been struggling to keepad dollars =\r\nand readers on board=2E Gannett was hoping that the power of two media comp=\r\nanies combined would be more attractive than one, especially to advertisers=\r\n=2E The dealwould have created one of the largest media groups in the count=\r\nry=2E So earlier this year, Gannett saddled up to Tronc with a buyout offer=\r\n of around $400 million=2E Tronc said 'no, thanks, we're not that cheap=2E'=\r\n Yesterday, after a lot ofback and forth, Gannett \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518d2bffab0c234=\r\nf17b032b9701c23e88c1cd13f48f1fdc3ceff250bcb5f1df018d \r\nwalked away from the deal=2E This mightalso be because Gannett had 'meh' e=\r\narnings last quarter, meaning they couldn't get the cash together to write =\r\nthe check=2E Either way, both companies are still single AF=2E\r\n\r\nSkimm This\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015182da3184f75be=\r\n5fdc54fecb1ac3b84096d5f14c82b9c1885506577545687ffc20 \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f0151819c57a5144e9=\r\n444db885889da1a6f479ee69473d5dc1540bded14eb2254d7a61 \r\n\r\nWHAT TO SAY TO YOUR FRIEND WHO ONLY DOES SQUATS AT THE GYM =2E=2E=2E\r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f0151874e24bacd196=\r\n875a37d50bd496ccbfdb973ca05810b522ba89490afa4a8a9a45 \r\nSay goodbye to your fave emoji=2E \r\n\r\nSkimm This\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518989cbf077489=\r\n0fc15ee0775e5993d2e6f4301ecd0fb28b902dce8178e03e765a \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015186faa6a631bb0=\r\nb3f66a437bac5f5683830b4a05e4edd8e9289820f4606048f5a4 \r\n\r\nSKIMM THE VOTE\r\n\r\nIn case you somehow missed it, you have to vote on Tuesday=2E Catch up on w=\r\nho's on your ballot and what's at stake=2E Then plan your trip to the polls=\r\n=2E \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015188c8432bed622=\r\n7d27e00e716a22c0a3cb51beaa8ddacfe063b60ac233b6606f25 \r\nQuestions, answered=2E \r\n\r\nSkimm This\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518d25ca1d7e82b=\r\nf2beb04f9ea0fd4fac2a209c9e8fa3162db1c538ebe60b2cb8be \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518fa56ed304e70=\r\ndc7806f79721441d3f2dba8a0d21fe6daaa263e2640a05536a61 \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015181e724ef34cab=\r\nd7ed78134c92f94f694fbdb799777126a5594c4ea20eaa22ed06 \r\n\r\nSKIMM 50\r\n\r\nThanks to these Skimm'bassadors for sharing like it's hot=2E Want to see yo=\r\nur name on this list? \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518ceda3d8e1ed0=\r\nb62e87b8df3fe3ecb8a5f3ad2f674819afcdb1005e18c5f072d3 \r\nClick here to learn more=2E\r\n\r\nOlivia Simonson, Brittany Berger, Daniela Rivas, Ashley Lawson, Sarah David=\r\nson, L Denease Thompson-Mack, Noreen Deutsch, Jessee Fordham, Natasha Shah,=\r\n Shari Berga, Aloke Prabhu, Natalie Tenzer, Samantha Panchevre, Ania Arseno=\r\nwicz, Ali Wozniak, Reinalyn, Taunya Robinson, Cassie Christensen, Spencer P=\r\nhilips, Abby Bilinski, Aner Zhou, Julia Erdenebold, Mehreen Mazhar, Alexand=\r\nra Rizzo, Alisa Sutton, Maegan Detlefs, Janina Ancona, Chris Drake, Allan M=\r\noss, Jordan Murray, David Benjamin, Leslie Bartula, Hana Muslic, Kelly Wall=\r\nace, Leslie Buteyn, Bethany Fitzgerald, Stuart Ferguson, Emily Paulino, All=\r\nison Ryan, Niki DeMaio, Ria Conti, Nikki Boyd, Amanda Oliver, Lindsay Barth=\r\nel, Shelby Wynn, Brittany Daunno, Emily Rissmiller, Alex Johannes, Andrea B=\r\norod, Ashley Montufar, Karli Von Herbulis, Lexie Rindler, Natalie Weaver, A=\r\nllison Sotelo, Cynthia Lopez, Isabel Taylor, Jess Tolan, Kasie Heiden, Kels=\r\ney Will, Leslie McFayden, Morgan Balavage, Morgan Goracke, Madeline Trainor=\r\n, Alexa Parisi, Uma Sudarshan, Brooke Borkowski, Connie Lin, Jess Ridolfino=\r\n, Jessica Foster, Mallory Mickus, Sapreen Abbass, Kelli Holland\r\n\r\nSKIMM SHARE\r\n\r\nHalfway there=2E Share theSkimm with your work wife whoalways takes a coffe=\r\ne break when you need it=2E\r\n\r\nhttp://www=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/invite/v2/new?email=3Dchristine@spang=2Ecc&utm_=\r\nsource=3Demail&utm_medium=3Dinvite&utm_campaign=3Dbottom \r\n\r\nSKIMM BIRTHDAYS\r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015185aea2b21fa15=\r\n1bb8b11f09d4ab4aefdd45bee2439742b48454e60e800bcdb09f \r\n* indicates Skimm'bassador=2EHammer time=2E\r\n\r\nLouise Cronin (San Francisco, CA); Faith Greenberg(Longwood, FL);*Hatley Th=\r\nompson(Washington, DC);*Monique Ervine(Kindersley, Canada);*Leana Macrito(C=\r\nhicago, IL);*AnnMarie Murtaugh(Houston, TX);*Maria Perwerton(Rochester, MI)=\r\n;*Lauren Valainis(Washington, DC);*Jaycie Moller(San Francisco, CA);*Erin M=\r\nanfull(Iowa City, IA);*Jennifer Rheaume(Boston, MA);*Karishma Tank(New York=\r\n, NY);*Neelima Agrawal(Chicago, IL);*Eliza Webb(Seattle, WA );*Conoly Crave=\r\nns(Atlanta, GA);*Brent Randall(New York, NY);*Alicia Heiser(Spokane, WA);*N=\r\nicole Rodriguez(Sebastian, FL);Sarah Hofschire(Framingham, MA);Aakankhya Pa=\r\ntro(College Station, TX);Kalon Taylor(Memphis, TN);Joyce A(Milford, CT);Nor=\r\na Delay(Bali, Indonesia);Ashleigh Heaton(Astoria, NY);Angie Teates(Washingt=\r\non, DC);Michelle Aclander(Stony Brook, NY);Laura Dominick(Highland Park, NJ=\r\n);Polly Minifie Snyder(Washington, DC);Sarah Minifie Wolfgang(Boston, MA);K=\r\norrie Nickels(Chicago, IL);Kristyn Gelsomini(Houston, TX);Meaghan Horton(Ne=\r\nw York, NY);Dannetta Gibson Ballou(Columbia MD);Suzie Tice(Great Falls, MT)=\r\n;Annette Bani(Limerick, PA);Zoe Berman(Armonk, NY);Rebekah Harper(Raleigh, =\r\nNC);Alessandra Messineo Long(Greenwich, CT);Anne McArthur(Louisville, KY);J=\r\nennifer Wham;Karin Seymour(Fairfield, CT);Lauren DiNicola(New Haven, CT);Lu=\r\ncy Jackoboice(Grand Rapids, MI);Zoe Weiss(New York, NY)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSkimm'd something we missed?\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nEmail \r\nmailto:SkimmThis@theSkimm=2Ecom \r\nSkimmThis@theSkimm=2Ecom -\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda378a2f7dccb8e2=\r\n6b5b302c761b48c753ae37dd56d06342bd7761205726e794f19c \r\nRead in browser >> \r\n\r\n\r\nSHARE & FOLLOW US\r\n\r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda37226dc355defd=\r\n764c4a5bacce1c02696337681417286260dfec3f16ecc90018bc \r\nFacebook\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda37b28f80f69268=\r\n41e373f2063b283fd3960ec2f4f135612ad6b273d8e901e4e7c5 \r\nTwitter\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda3784ba9df91bdb=\r\n28220027be1a35943845c0ff17cf92fc7b3b89cbe9ce6eee6814 \r\nTumblr\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda37254b18b2d0b0=\r\n3609f0ba749107959301d96068b56b4cb840c3dafa14865c8eae \r\nInstagram\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda3708ba55eaca8d=\r\nf450cdc2a1ff1d14b5c3865e1d4fe0745f6c13ceab0948df5210 \r\nPinterest\r\n\r\n\r\nCopyright (c) 2016 theSkimm, All rights reserved=2E\r\n\r\n\r\nOur mailing address is: \r\n\r\ntheSkimm Inc=2E\r\n\r\n49 W 23rd Street, 10th Floor\r\n\r\nNew York, NY, 10010, United States\r\n\r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/profile_center=2Easpx?qs=3Deec37f3=\r\n2b3ca83aeebff6369cdb5b630c8bd88a7221b6c466ba89d97456c40da8f9fd278c3d66e231b=\r\n08d677113d878806c912d8c8d6295d \r\nUpdate Profile \r\nhttp://pages=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/page=2Easpx?QS=3D773ed3059447707d8=\r\n211c803e40aaa3b9e56b8b07b4622c1&e=3DY2hyaXN0aW5lQHNwYW5nLmNj \r\nUnsubscribe=20\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n","2":"\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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\r\n 3D\"\"\r\n
\r\n Skimm for November 2nd\r\n
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\r\n Skimm’d w=\r\nhile getting up on what’s at stake in 2016=2E Ready to vote?<=\r\n/a> \r\n
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“Moisture harveste=\r\nd from the clouds” - A description of how Sky PA, a new Scottish beer, is ma=\r\nde=2E Cloudy with a chance of hipster=2E

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Earlier this week, a major oil pipeline that runs thro=\r\nugh Alabama exploded=2E




The Colonial Pipeline is a system of pipes thousands o=\r\nf miles long that carries millions of barrels of gas, diesel, and jet fuel =\r\na day from Texas to New Jersey=2E It supplies about a third of the Eas=\r\nt Coast’s gas=2E So it’s a BF gassy D=2E But the pipeline’=\r\n;s run into some problems lately=2E Earlier this fall, part of it was shut down f=\r\nor over a week after a leak in Alabama spilled hundreds of thousands of gal=\r\nlons of gas=2E Cue a gas shortage and prices in southern states going up, up, up=\r\n=2E




On Monday, there was an explosion along the pipeline i=\r\nn Alabama that caused a major fire=2E One person was killed and several oth=\r\ners were injured=2E Yesterday, Alabama’s governor declared a state of=\r\n emergency to help make sure gas is de=\r\nlivered throughout the state=2E Part of the pipeline’s be=\r\nen shut down and now the company that operates it says it could take days to get=\r\n the whole thing up and running again=2E So for now it looks=\r\n like gas prices could be back on the up and up=2E




A major pipeline that millions of people depend on for=\r\n gas every day can’t seem to get off the struggle bus=2E And now this=\r\n latest incident has fuel companies scrambling to stock up on supply=2E If&=\r\n#160;it starts costing more to fill up the tank, this is why=2E

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In it to win it=2E Las=\r\nt night, the Chicago Cubs tied up the World Series by beating the Cleveland Indian=\r\ns in Game 6=2E They won 9-3=2E Now all eyes are on Game 7 tonight=2E The Cu=\r\nbs haven’t won the series since 1908=2E The Indians haven’t won=\r\n since 1948=2E So it’s not like there’s a lot on the line or an=\r\nything=2E Break out the peanuts=2E

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What’s going on =\r\nhere? Earlier this week, a federal judge ordered the Republican party to explain a=\r\nny deals it may have made with GOP nominee Donald Trump’s campai=\r\ngn to monitor the polls during this election season=2E Reminder: for months=\r\n, Trump has been saying this election is “rigged” against hi=\r\nm, and encouraging his supporters to be on the lookout for voter fraud=2E E=\r\narly voting opened recently in a lot of states=2E And there have been repor=\r\nts of Trump supporters allegedly photographing and harassing people at the polls=\r\n=2E That’s according to a string of different lawsuits in Arizon=\r\na, Ohio, and Nevada flagging concerns that some voters are being intim=\r\nidated=2E Last week, the Democratic party filed a separate complaint with a=\r\n federal court=2E Now, the Republican party has until the end of today to t=\r\nurn over any evidence that could be related to collaborating with the =\r\nTrump campaign=2E Stay tuned=2E

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I give up=2E Yesterday=\r\n, Russia put Syrian peace talks on hold=2E Indefinitely=2E For years, Syria has be=\r\nen going through a violent civil war between Syrian President Bashar al-Ass=\r\nad (backed by Russia) and rebel groups (some backed by the US) who want him=\r\n out of power=2E Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed=2E Millio=\r\nns have been forced to leave home, causing the EU’s worst migrant and=\r\n refugee crisis since World War II=2E The two sides have been trying and fa=\r\niling to hash out a peace deal for a while now=2E Earlier this month, Russi=\r\na agreed to a “humanitarian pause” to airstrikes in Aleppo - the key r=\r\nebel stronghold where a lot of the fighting has been focused=2E Meanwh=\r\nile, rebel’s have been fighting back in the city=2E And today, Russia a=\r\nnnounced it would give rebels even more time to leave Aleppo=2E But it’=\r\ns still walking away from the peace table for the foreseeable future=2E So,=\r\n Syria’s still a peace of work=2E

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Having second thoughts=\r\n=2E That’s what Gannett is telling Tronc (the artist formerly known a=\r\ns Tribune Publishing)=2E For months, Gannett, which owns about a hundred ne=\r\nws outlets including USA Today, has been trying to buy Tronc, which owns names=\r\n0;like the LA Times and Chicago Tribune=2E For years, print news companies =\r\nhave been struggling to keep ad dollars and readers on board=2E Gannet=\r\nt was hoping that the power of two media companies combined would be more a=\r\nttractive than one, especially to advertisers=2E The deal would have c=\r\nreated one of the largest media groups in the country=2E So earlier this ye=\r\nar, Gannett saddled up to Tronc with a buyout offer of around $400 million=\r\n=2E Tronc said ‘no, thanks, we’re not that cheap=2E’ Yest=\r\nerday, after a lot of back and forth, Gannett walked away from the deal=2E Th=\r\nis might also be because Gannett had ‘meh’ earnings last q=\r\nuarter, meaning they couldn’t get the cash together to write the chec=\r\nk=2E Either way, both companies are still single AF=2E

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Say goodbye to your fave emoji=2E=\r\n

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In case you somehow missed it, yo=\r\nu have to vote on Tuesday=2E Catch up on who̵=\r\n7;s on your ballot and what’s at stake=2E Then plan your trip to the =\r\npolls=2E Questions, answered=2E 

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Thanks to these Skimm’bassadors for sharing like itR=\r\n17;s hot=2E Want to see your name on this list? Click here to learn more=2E =\r\n


Olivia Simonson, Britt=\r\nany Berger, Daniela Rivas, Ashley Lawson, Sarah Davidson, L Denease Thompso=\r\nn-Mack, Noreen Deutsch, Jessee Fordham, Natasha Shah, Shari Berga, Aloke Pr=\r\nabhu, Natalie Tenzer, Samantha Panchevre, Ania Arsenowicz, Ali Wozniak, Rei=\r\nnalyn, Taunya Robinson, Cassie Christensen, Spencer Philips, Abby Bilinski,=\r\n Aner Zhou, Julia Erdenebold, Mehreen Mazhar, Alexandra Rizzo, Alisa Sutton=\r\n, Maegan Detlefs, Janina Ancona, Chris Drake, Allan Moss, Jordan Murray, Da=\r\nvid Benjamin, Leslie Bartula, Hana Muslic, Kelly Wallace, Leslie Buteyn, Be=\r\nthany Fitzgerald, Stuart Ferguson, Emily Paulino, Allison Ryan, Niki DeMaio=\r\n, Ria Conti, Nikki Boyd, Amanda Oliver, Lindsay Barthel, Shelby Wynn, Britt=\r\nany Daunno, Emily Rissmiller, Alex Johannes, Andrea Borod, Ashley Montufar,=\r\n Karli Von Herbulis, Lexie Rindler, Natalie Weaver, Allison Sotelo, Cynthia=\r\n Lopez, Isabel Taylor, Jess Tolan, Kasie Heiden, Kelsey Will, Leslie McFayd=\r\nen, Morgan Balavage, Morgan Goracke, Madeline Trainor, Alexa Parisi, Uma Su=\r\ndarshan, Brooke Borkowski, Connie Lin, Jess Ridolfino, Jessica Foster, Mall=\r\nory Mickus, Sapreen Abbass, Kelli Holland

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Halfway there=2E Share theSkimm w=\r\nith your work wife who always takes a coffee break when you need it=2E=\r\n



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\r\n Skimm for November 2nd\r\n
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\r\n Skimm’d while getting up on what’s at stake in 2016. Ready to vote? \r\n
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“Moisture harvested from the clouds” - A description of how Sky PA, a new Scottish beer, is made. Cloudy with a chance of hipster.

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Earlier this week, a major oil pipeline that runs through Alabama exploded.




The Colonial Pipeline is a system of pipes thousands of miles long that carries millions of barrels of gas, diesel, and jet fuel a day from Texas to New Jersey. It supplies about a third of the East Coast’s gas. So it’s a BF gassy D. But the pipeline’s run into some problems lately. Earlier this fall, part of it was shut down for over a week after a leak in Alabama spilled hundreds of thousands of gallons of gas. Cue a gas shortage and prices in southern states going up, up, up.




On Monday, there was an explosion along the pipeline in Alabama that caused a major fire. One person was killed and several others were injured. Yesterday, Alabama’s governor declared a state of emergency to help make sure gas is delivered throughout the state. Part of the pipeline’s been shut down and now the company that operates it says it could take days to get the whole thing up and running again. So for now it looks like gas prices could be back on the up and up.




A major pipeline that millions of people depend on for gas every day can’t seem to get off the struggle bus. And now this latest incident has fuel companies scrambling to stock up on supply. If it starts costing more to fill up the tank, this is why.

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In it to win it. Last night, the Chicago Cubs tied up the World Series by beating the Cleveland Indians in Game 6. They won 9-3. Now all eyes are on Game 7 tonight. The Cubs haven’t won the series since 1908. The Indians haven’t won since 1948. So it’s not like there’s a lot on the line or anything. Break out the peanuts.

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What’s going on here? Earlier this week, a federal judge ordered the Republican party to explain any deals it may have made with GOP nominee Donald Trump’s campaign to monitor the polls during this election season. Reminder: for months, Trump has been saying this election is “rigged” against him, and encouraging his supporters to be on the lookout for voter fraud. Early voting opened recently in a lot of states. And there have been reports of Trump supporters allegedly photographing and harassing people at the polls. That’s according to a string of different lawsuits in Arizona, Ohio, and Nevada flagging concerns that some voters are being intimidated. Last week, the Democratic party filed a separate complaint with a federal court. Now, the Republican party has until the end of today to turn over any evidence that could be related to collaborating with the Trump campaign. Stay tuned.

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I give up. Yesterday, Russia put Syrian peace talks on hold. Indefinitely. For years, Syria has been going through a violent civil war between Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (backed by Russia) and rebel groups (some backed by the US) who want him out of power. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed. Millions have been forced to leave home, causing the EU’s worst migrant and refugee crisis since World War II. The two sides have been trying and failing to hash out a peace deal for a while now. Earlier this month, Russia agreed to a “humanitarian pause” to airstrikes in Aleppo - the key rebel stronghold where a lot of the fighting has been focused. Meanwhile, rebel’s have been fighting back in the city. And today, Russia announced it would give rebels even more time to leave Aleppo. But it’s still walking away from the peace table for the foreseeable future. So, Syria’s still a peace of work.

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Having second thoughts. That’s what Gannett is telling Tronc (the artist formerly known as Tribune Publishing). For months, Gannett, which owns about a hundred news outlets including USA Today, has been trying to buy Tronc, which owns names like the LA Times and Chicago Tribune. For years, print news companies have been struggling to keep ad dollars and readers on board. Gannett was hoping that the power of two media companies combined would be more attractive than one, especially to advertisers. The deal would have created one of the largest media groups in the country. So earlier this year, Gannett saddled up to Tronc with a buyout offer of around $400 million. Tronc said ‘no, thanks, we’re not that cheap.’ Yesterday, after a lot of back and forth, Gannett walked away from the deal. This might also be because Gannett had ‘meh’ earnings last quarter, meaning they couldn’t get the cash together to write the check. Either way, both companies are still single AF.

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In case you somehow missed it, you have to vote on Tuesday. Catch up on who’s on your ballot and what’s at stake. Then plan your trip to the polls. Questions, answered. 

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Thanks to these Skimm’bassadors for sharing like it’s hot. Want to see your name on this list? Click here to learn more. 


Olivia Simonson, Brittany Berger, Daniela Rivas, Ashley Lawson, Sarah Davidson, L Denease Thompson-Mack, Noreen Deutsch, Jessee Fordham, Natasha Shah, Shari Berga, Aloke Prabhu, Natalie Tenzer, Samantha Panchevre, Ania Arsenowicz, Ali Wozniak, Reinalyn, Taunya Robinson, Cassie Christensen, Spencer Philips, Abby Bilinski, Aner Zhou, Julia Erdenebold, Mehreen Mazhar, Alexandra Rizzo, Alisa Sutton, Maegan Detlefs, Janina Ancona, Chris Drake, Allan Moss, Jordan Murray, David Benjamin, Leslie Bartula, Hana Muslic, Kelly Wallace, Leslie Buteyn, Bethany Fitzgerald, Stuart Ferguson, Emily Paulino, Allison Ryan, Niki DeMaio, Ria Conti, Nikki Boyd, Amanda Oliver, Lindsay Barthel, Shelby Wynn, Brittany Daunno, Emily Rissmiller, Alex Johannes, Andrea Borod, Ashley Montufar, Karli Von Herbulis, Lexie Rindler, Natalie Weaver, Allison Sotelo, Cynthia Lopez, Isabel Taylor, Jess Tolan, Kasie Heiden, Kelsey Will, Leslie McFayden, Morgan Balavage, Morgan Goracke, Madeline Trainor, Alexa Parisi, Uma Sudarshan, Brooke Borkowski, Connie Lin, Jess Ridolfino, Jessica Foster, Mallory Mickus, Sapreen Abbass, Kelli Holland

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Halfway there. Share theSkimm with your work wife who always takes a coffee break when you need it.



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* indicates Skimm’bassador. Hammer time.


Louise Cronin (San Francisco, CA); Faith Greenberg (Longwood, FL); *Hatley Thompson (Washington, DC); *Monique Ervine (Kindersley, Canada); *Leana Macrito (Chicago, IL); *AnnMarie Murtaugh (Houston, TX); *Maria Perwerton (Rochester, MI); *Lauren Valainis (Washington, DC); *Jaycie Moller (San Francisco, CA); *Erin Manfull (Iowa City, IA); *Jennifer Rheaume (Boston, MA); *Karishma Tank (New York, NY); *Neelima Agrawal (Chicago, IL); *Eliza Webb (Seattle, WA ); *Conoly Cravens (Atlanta, GA); *Brent Randall (New York, NY); *Alicia Heiser (Spokane, WA); *Nicole Rodriguez (Sebastian, FL); Sarah Hofschire (Framingham, MA); Aakankhya Patro (College Station, TX); Kalon Taylor (Memphis, TN); Joyce A (Milford, CT); Nora Delay (Bali, Indonesia); Ashleigh Heaton (Astoria, NY); Angie Teates (Washington, DC); Michelle Aclander (Stony Brook, NY); Laura Dominick (Highland Park, NJ); Polly Minifie Snyder (Washington, DC); Sarah Minifie Wolfgang (Boston, MA); Korrie Nickels (Chicago, IL); Kristyn Gelsomini (Houston, TX); Meaghan Horton (New York, NY); Dannetta Gibson Ballou (Columbia MD); Suzie Tice (Great Falls, MT); Annette Bani (Limerick, PA); Zoe Berman (Armonk, NY); Rebekah Harper (Raleigh, NC); Alessandra Messineo Long (Greenwich, CT); Anne McArthur (Louisville, KY); Jennifer WhamKarin Seymour (Fairfield, CT); Lauren DiNicola (New Haven, CT); Lucy Jackoboice (Grand Rapids, MI); Zoe Weiss (New York, NY)

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Wed, 2 Nov 2016 03:21:52\r\n -0700 (PDT)\r\nX-Received: by with SMTP id v184mr2167122qkh.259.1478082112295;\r\n Wed, 02 Nov 2016 03:21:52 -0700 (PDT)\r\nReturn-Path: \r\nReceived: from mta.morning7.theskimm.com (mta.morning7.theskimm.com.\r\n []) by mx.google.com with ESMTPS id\r\n j59si882394qtb.16.2016. for \r\n (version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128); Wed, 02 Nov\r\n 2016 03:21:52 -0700 (PDT)\r\nReceived-SPF: pass (google.com: domain of\r\n bounce-20_html-215009-5489-7208679-430@bounce.morning7.theskimm.com\r\n designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;\r\nAuthentication-Results: mx.google.com; dkim=pass\r\n header.i=@morning7.theskimm.com; spf=pass (google.com: domain of\r\n bounce-20_html-215009-5489-7208679-430@bounce.morning7.theskimm.com\r\n designates as permitted sender)\r\n smtp.mailfrom=bounce-20_HTML-215009-5489-7208679-430@bounce.morning7.theskimm.com;\r\n dmarc=pass (p=NONE dis=NONE) header.from=theskimm.com\r\nDKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed/relaxed; s=200608;\r\n d=morning7.theskimm.com;\r\n h=From:To:Subject:Date:List-Unsubscribe:MIME-Version:Reply-To:List-ID:Message-ID:Content-Type;\r\n i=dailyskimm@morning7.theskimm.com; bh=TfZNUfri1El8i4AUulbXxJgLUCA=;\r\n b=H6ZRxb2e2tmobb63CIcQ1ecsfv+X+Ky/G0EW0Kct6kvNmLP/yASdttr9bcgRbUMO45Su7bytynrE\r\n U+kbevaHw5nbatKKWQFP7JxGMjzCtQGM6LzOjGV8qCSu7XwdQ0QgUCJo0V4eo7Iu6bafR9h2WJST\r\n ct12e4elnzHFZLnF7GM=\r\nReceived: by mta.morning7.theskimm.com id h36v3s163hst for\r\n ; Wed, 2 Nov 2016 10:21:47 +0000 (envelope-from\r\n )\r\nFrom: \"theSkimm\" \r\nTo: \r\nSubject: Daily Skimm: Hey batter batter\r\nDate: Wed, 02 Nov 2016 04:21:46 -0600\r\nList-Unsubscribe: \r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\nReply-To: \"theSkimm\"\r\n \r\nList-ID: <7208679_5489.xt.local>\r\nX-CSA-Complaints: whitelistcomplaints@eco.de\r\nx-job: 7208679_5489\r\nMessage-ID: \r\nContent-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"Aw0OfBZoDhFa=_?:\"\r\n\r\n","parts":{"1":"\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nIs this email not displaying correctly?\r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda378a2f7dccb8e2=\r\n6b5b302c761b48c753ae37dd56d06342bd7761205726e794f19c \r\nView it in your browser=2E \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda37898ee592de28=\r\nce7d2b78cb72be88185744d89b55cde5d34a4ad6dba714d942a6 \r\nSHARE THIS\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda3721d18ab2f8a5=\r\na53c473e99b28bc622950017c4958d9d3d47623dfaa963b2fe2f \r\nSHARE THIS\r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda370f716da4e7a0=\r\nd2fc45cc1fb72979495e447d7a98e5f9d8e8385598d3a36bf093 \r\n\r\n\r\nSkimm for November 2nd\r\n\r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda3737d8d9ff2a65=\r\n6be9041e65e9ad55a4c1c75a705f32854b662fd04c5b65251cda \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSkimm'd while getting up on what's at stake in 2016=2E \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518e4ff0b477556=\r\nee2011e623a9141618b501e48d7ada8a3ed516d0b3c0f3f9fa1b \r\nReady to vote? \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nQUOTE OF THE DAY\r\n\r\n\r\n\";Moisture harvested from the clouds\"; - \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015187600c0dbcd6d=\r\n17ec7331f3cfc3b5f32608d5bedc4d80db9f776591ce730db6c1 \r\nA description of how Sky PA, a new Scottish beer, is made=2E Cloudy with a=\r\n chance of hipster=2E\r\n\r\nSkimm This\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015180b3ee957efc7=\r\n43770fa87d771b9e197126982da785ce1918153b77f693c3ce8b \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518f2d49f9d3484=\r\n562b6c859a38a9b756ddc039572f4aa0f9c5037e50c2d0bae33c \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518e7517a647921=\r\n45e64a9ed2022fa40ac9e1b913bf4cbf414945e77b598a60d31d \r\n\r\nGAS PAINS\r\n\r\nTHE STORY\r\nEarlier this week, a major oil pipeline that runs through Alabama \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015180ed06f7e37bd=\r\n36a28c9824956812295ae4df7646f389759b34dfd2fda72017a9 \r\nexploded =2E\r\nWAIT…BACK UP=2E\r\nThe Colonial Pipeline is a system of pipes thousands of miles long that car=\r\nries millions of barrels of gas, diesel, and jet fuel aday from Texas to Ne=\r\nw Jersey=2E It supplies about a third of the East Coast's gas=2E So it's a =\r\nBF gassy D=2E But the pipeline's run into some problems lately=2E Earlier t=\r\nhis fall, part of it was \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518813c5513accd=\r\n483e8db374227aa0e48b9f59b7e9d29b9b6525b209d347dd27b5 \r\nshut down for over a week after a leak in Alabama spilled hundreds of thou=\r\nsands of gallons of gas=2E Cue a \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015185f16c50280b9=\r\nde78bd24094b4015e8630991b8156c7bcd4cb37b39824eefd5b3 \r\ngas shortage and prices in southern states going up, up, up=2E\r\nSO WHAT'S THE LATEST?\r\nOn Monday, there was an explosion along the pipeline in Alabama that caused=\r\n a major fire=2E One person was killed and several others were injured=2E Y=\r\nesterday, Alabama's governor declared a state of emergencyto help make sure=\r\n gas is delivered throughout the state=2EPart of the pipeline's been shut d=\r\nown and now the company that operates it says it \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518f1a7a6aa74e5=\r\n4eaee3f22c427c587f46e59947aedc70e2ddbba3242f6bfb8b69 \r\ncould take days to get the whole thing up and running again=2E Sofornow it=\r\nlooks like gas prices could be back on the up and up=2E\r\ntheSKIMM\r\nA major pipeline that millions of people depend on for gas every day can't =\r\nseem to get off the struggle bus=2E And now this latest incident has fuel c=\r\nompanies scrambling to stock up on supply=2E Ifit starts costing more to fi=\r\nll up the tank, this is why=2E\r\n\r\nSkimm This\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518ea9e4fa2f243=\r\n3c44e74693af3cd9018f5ece13b52fa953ffffb71b777ffa0e25 \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015183b3cc0c3f30e=\r\n436433c367ff042d3890808122395e67f4344c779240b0fb96b2 \r\n\r\nREPEAT AFTER ME=2E=2E=2E\r\n\r\nWHAT TO SAYTO YOUR FRIEND WHO GREW UP ON DEEP DISH PIZZA…\r\n\r\nIn it to win it=2E Last night, the \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518eb92f32ee674=\r\nc5ae648f0c76b48d0f861ccc7e253e391b9fc24ffef3c6d321fb \r\nChicago Cubs tied up the World Series by beating the Cleveland Indians in =\r\nGame 6=2E They won 9-3=2E Now all eyes are on Game 7 tonight=2E The Cubs ha=\r\nven't won the series since 1908=2E The Indians haven't won since 1948=2E So=\r\n it's not like there's a lot on the line or anything=2E Break out the peanu=\r\nts=2E\r\n\r\nSkimm This\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f0151855235b31e076=\r\n45b8ad0f96b07b7084f725abc8922a18c65775c160f2b08e39a2 \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518bba5a4134f1a=\r\nd3263f4b6e4af51516c63ab1f22dacc4f432de7db7b200638eeb \r\n\r\nWHAT TO SAY WHEN YOU FIND OUT YOURTWO FRIENDS WHO YOU INTRODUCED ARE GETTIN=\r\nG TOGETHERWITHOUT YOU=2E=2E=2E\r\n\r\nWhat's going on here? Earlier this week, \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518335c687702c2=\r\na91cdae5c278dd891b638aef063583271a5bb0b6836c0953412f \r\na federal judge ordered the Republican party to explain any deals it mayha=\r\nve made with GOP nominee Donald Trump's campaign to monitor the polls durin=\r\ng this election season=2E Reminder: for months, Trump has been saying this =\r\nelection is\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015181282a946ce17=\r\nef3bccb16f5ee0ab70200fc13d574dfa402946fb8f75a3a9f0f7 \r\n\";rigged\"; against him, and encouraging his supporters to be on the lookout=\r\n for voter fraud=2E Early voting opened recently in a lot of states=2E And =\r\nthere have been reports of Trump supporters allegedly photographing and \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015187d61ecd759d7=\r\nb0730c22d96dc27b5bbdf7ca9040c492390b0af040f590c882b5 \r\nharassing people at the polls=2E That's according to a string of different=\r\n lawsuits inArizona, Ohio, and Nevada flaggingconcerns that some voters are=\r\n being intimidated=2E Last week, the Democratic party filed a separate comp=\r\nlaint with a federal court=2E Now, the Republican party has until the end o=\r\nf today to turn over any evidence that could be related to collaboratingwit=\r\nh the Trump campaign=2EStay tuned=2E\r\n\r\nSkimm This\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518dc0466271971=\r\n9d7c96a196b6493a840195c679622ee661714c17971d712ff8e3 \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518e34779768729=\r\n1180617bc85052596e23d29e50c671041e605e72fc704ed3d004 \r\n\r\nWHAT TO SAY TO WHEN YOUR AM TRAIN GETS DELAYED FOR THE FIFTH TIME…\r\n\r\nI give up=2E Yesterday, Russia put Syrian peace talks on hold=2E \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518f6d20f368728=\r\neb2eed5d4f06ed7405a177f0acf26b236762f262bfa4aa7f8044 \r\nIndefinitely=2E For years, Syria has been going through a violent civil wa=\r\nr between Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (backed by Russia) and rebel gro=\r\nups (some backed by the US) who want him out of power=2E Hundreds of thousa=\r\nnds of people have been killed=2E Millions have been forced to leave home, =\r\ncausing the EU's worst migrant and refugee crisis since World War II=2E The=\r\n two sides have been trying and failing to hash out a peace deal for a whil=\r\ne now=2E Earlier this month, Russia agreed to a \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f0151881e18b7235c5=\r\n73a07dea1d6f66d4e48cd2742d456c53c4803082f69bb0806362 \r\n\";humanitarian pause\"; to airstrikes in Aleppo - the key rebel stronghold =\r\nwhere a lot of thefighting has been focused=2E Meanwhile, rebel's have been=\r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015189ef9643b4194=\r\n48cc8bcbcc8372e8c961fd45cc9331da20df64ae665f2298570e \r\nfighting back in the city =2E And today, Russia announced it would give reb=\r\nels \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518afb1f76fc2f9=\r\ne26bd6f8888964170d459663fedc1855df664b5efa241f0c9f2b \r\neven more time to leave Aleppo=2EBut it's still walking away from the peac=\r\ne table for the foreseeable future=2E So, Syria's still a peace of work=2E\r\n=\r\n\r\n\r\nSkimm This\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f0151842b260af3e1b=\r\nc0d9404642d2e41e7037c150074a140f84985b3132dcecd8d9b8 \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f0151878e0dacd88d3=\r\nd84627a4a4c82c3debbbab214d0eab433d4640110ad6d8f2c6e4 \r\n\r\nWHAT TO SAY WHEN YOUR DATE SAYS HE NEEDS A NOISE MACHINE ON HIGH VOLUME TO =\r\nFALL ASLEEP=2E=2E=2E\r\n\r\nHaving second thoughts=2E That's what Gannett is telling Tronc (the artist =\r\nformerly known as Tribune Publishing)=2E For months, Gannett, which owns ab=\r\nout a hundred news outlets including USA Today, has been \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518bdef4b851c42=\r\n6335e6df0d77034c6d82d93d562a29526e8f2686412ced239f5f \r\ntrying to buy Tronc , which owns nameslike the LA Times and Chicago Tribune=\r\n=2E For years, print news companies have been struggling to keepad dollars =\r\nand readers on board=2E Gannett was hoping that the power of two media comp=\r\nanies combined would be more attractive than one, especially to advertisers=\r\n=2E The dealwould have created one of the largest media groups in the count=\r\nry=2E So earlier this year, Gannett saddled up to Tronc with a buyout offer=\r\n of around $400 million=2E Tronc said 'no, thanks, we're not that cheap=2E'=\r\n Yesterday, after a lot ofback and forth, Gannett \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518d2bffab0c234=\r\nf17b032b9701c23e88c1cd13f48f1fdc3ceff250bcb5f1df018d \r\nwalked away from the deal=2E This mightalso be because Gannett had 'meh' e=\r\narnings last quarter, meaning they couldn't get the cash together to write =\r\nthe check=2E Either way, both companies are still single AF=2E\r\n\r\nSkimm This\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015182da3184f75be=\r\n5fdc54fecb1ac3b84096d5f14c82b9c1885506577545687ffc20 \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f0151819c57a5144e9=\r\n444db885889da1a6f479ee69473d5dc1540bded14eb2254d7a61 \r\n\r\nWHAT TO SAY TO YOUR FRIEND WHO ONLY DOES SQUATS AT THE GYM =2E=2E=2E\r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f0151874e24bacd196=\r\n875a37d50bd496ccbfdb973ca05810b522ba89490afa4a8a9a45 \r\nSay goodbye to your fave emoji=2E \r\n\r\nSkimm This\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518989cbf077489=\r\n0fc15ee0775e5993d2e6f4301ecd0fb28b902dce8178e03e765a \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015186faa6a631bb0=\r\nb3f66a437bac5f5683830b4a05e4edd8e9289820f4606048f5a4 \r\n\r\nSKIMM THE VOTE\r\n\r\nIn case you somehow missed it, you have to vote on Tuesday=2E Catch up on w=\r\nho's on your ballot and what's at stake=2E Then plan your trip to the polls=\r\n=2E \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015188c8432bed622=\r\n7d27e00e716a22c0a3cb51beaa8ddacfe063b60ac233b6606f25 \r\nQuestions, answered=2E \r\n\r\nSkimm This\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518d25ca1d7e82b=\r\nf2beb04f9ea0fd4fac2a209c9e8fa3162db1c538ebe60b2cb8be \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518fa56ed304e70=\r\ndc7806f79721441d3f2dba8a0d21fe6daaa263e2640a05536a61 \r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015181e724ef34cab=\r\nd7ed78134c92f94f694fbdb799777126a5594c4ea20eaa22ed06 \r\n\r\nSKIMM 50\r\n\r\nThanks to these Skimm'bassadors for sharing like it's hot=2E Want to see yo=\r\nur name on this list? \r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f01518ceda3d8e1ed0=\r\nb62e87b8df3fe3ecb8a5f3ad2f674819afcdb1005e18c5f072d3 \r\nClick here to learn more=2E\r\n\r\nOlivia Simonson, Brittany Berger, Daniela Rivas, Ashley Lawson, Sarah David=\r\nson, L Denease Thompson-Mack, Noreen Deutsch, Jessee Fordham, Natasha Shah,=\r\n Shari Berga, Aloke Prabhu, Natalie Tenzer, Samantha Panchevre, Ania Arseno=\r\nwicz, Ali Wozniak, Reinalyn, Taunya Robinson, Cassie Christensen, Spencer P=\r\nhilips, Abby Bilinski, Aner Zhou, Julia Erdenebold, Mehreen Mazhar, Alexand=\r\nra Rizzo, Alisa Sutton, Maegan Detlefs, Janina Ancona, Chris Drake, Allan M=\r\noss, Jordan Murray, David Benjamin, Leslie Bartula, Hana Muslic, Kelly Wall=\r\nace, Leslie Buteyn, Bethany Fitzgerald, Stuart Ferguson, Emily Paulino, All=\r\nison Ryan, Niki DeMaio, Ria Conti, Nikki Boyd, Amanda Oliver, Lindsay Barth=\r\nel, Shelby Wynn, Brittany Daunno, Emily Rissmiller, Alex Johannes, Andrea B=\r\norod, Ashley Montufar, Karli Von Herbulis, Lexie Rindler, Natalie Weaver, A=\r\nllison Sotelo, Cynthia Lopez, Isabel Taylor, Jess Tolan, Kasie Heiden, Kels=\r\ney Will, Leslie McFayden, Morgan Balavage, Morgan Goracke, Madeline Trainor=\r\n, Alexa Parisi, Uma Sudarshan, Brooke Borkowski, Connie Lin, Jess Ridolfino=\r\n, Jessica Foster, Mallory Mickus, Sapreen Abbass, Kelli Holland\r\n\r\nSKIMM SHARE\r\n\r\nHalfway there=2E Share theSkimm with your work wife whoalways takes a coffe=\r\ne break when you need it=2E\r\n\r\nhttp://www=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/invite/v2/new?email=3Dchristine@spang=2Ecc&utm_=\r\nsource=3Demail&utm_medium=3Dinvite&utm_campaign=3Dbottom \r\n\r\nSKIMM BIRTHDAYS\r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D13e1958399f015185aea2b21fa15=\r\n1bb8b11f09d4ab4aefdd45bee2439742b48454e60e800bcdb09f \r\n* indicates Skimm'bassador=2EHammer time=2E\r\n\r\nLouise Cronin (San Francisco, CA); Faith Greenberg(Longwood, FL);*Hatley Th=\r\nompson(Washington, DC);*Monique Ervine(Kindersley, Canada);*Leana Macrito(C=\r\nhicago, IL);*AnnMarie Murtaugh(Houston, TX);*Maria Perwerton(Rochester, MI)=\r\n;*Lauren Valainis(Washington, DC);*Jaycie Moller(San Francisco, CA);*Erin M=\r\nanfull(Iowa City, IA);*Jennifer Rheaume(Boston, MA);*Karishma Tank(New York=\r\n, NY);*Neelima Agrawal(Chicago, IL);*Eliza Webb(Seattle, WA );*Conoly Crave=\r\nns(Atlanta, GA);*Brent Randall(New York, NY);*Alicia Heiser(Spokane, WA);*N=\r\nicole Rodriguez(Sebastian, FL);Sarah Hofschire(Framingham, MA);Aakankhya Pa=\r\ntro(College Station, TX);Kalon Taylor(Memphis, TN);Joyce A(Milford, CT);Nor=\r\na Delay(Bali, Indonesia);Ashleigh Heaton(Astoria, NY);Angie Teates(Washingt=\r\non, DC);Michelle Aclander(Stony Brook, NY);Laura Dominick(Highland Park, NJ=\r\n);Polly Minifie Snyder(Washington, DC);Sarah Minifie Wolfgang(Boston, MA);K=\r\norrie Nickels(Chicago, IL);Kristyn Gelsomini(Houston, TX);Meaghan Horton(Ne=\r\nw York, NY);Dannetta Gibson Ballou(Columbia MD);Suzie Tice(Great Falls, MT)=\r\n;Annette Bani(Limerick, PA);Zoe Berman(Armonk, NY);Rebekah Harper(Raleigh, =\r\nNC);Alessandra Messineo Long(Greenwich, CT);Anne McArthur(Louisville, KY);J=\r\nennifer Wham;Karin Seymour(Fairfield, CT);Lauren DiNicola(New Haven, CT);Lu=\r\ncy Jackoboice(Grand Rapids, MI);Zoe Weiss(New York, NY)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSkimm'd something we missed?\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nEmail \r\nmailto:SkimmThis@theSkimm=2Ecom \r\nSkimmThis@theSkimm=2Ecom -\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda378a2f7dccb8e2=\r\n6b5b302c761b48c753ae37dd56d06342bd7761205726e794f19c \r\nRead in browser >> \r\n\r\n\r\nSHARE & FOLLOW US\r\n\r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda37226dc355defd=\r\n764c4a5bacce1c02696337681417286260dfec3f16ecc90018bc \r\nFacebook\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda37b28f80f69268=\r\n41e373f2063b283fd3960ec2f4f135612ad6b273d8e901e4e7c5 \r\nTwitter\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda3784ba9df91bdb=\r\n28220027be1a35943845c0ff17cf92fc7b3b89cbe9ce6eee6814 \r\nTumblr\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda37254b18b2d0b0=\r\n3609f0ba749107959301d96068b56b4cb840c3dafa14865c8eae \r\nInstagram\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/?qs=3D580bedd5217eda3708ba55eaca8d=\r\nf450cdc2a1ff1d14b5c3865e1d4fe0745f6c13ceab0948df5210 \r\nPinterest\r\n\r\n\r\nCopyright (c) 2016 theSkimm, All rights reserved=2E\r\n\r\n\r\nOur mailing address is: \r\n\r\ntheSkimm Inc=2E\r\n\r\n49 W 23rd Street, 10th Floor\r\n\r\nNew York, NY, 10010, United States\r\n\r\n\r\nhttp://click=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/profile_center=2Easpx?qs=3Deec37f3=\r\n2b3ca83aeebff6369cdb5b630c8bd88a7221b6c466ba89d97456c40da8f9fd278c3d66e231b=\r\n08d677113d878806c912d8c8d6295d \r\nUpdate Profile \r\nhttp://pages=2Emorning7=2Etheskimm=2Ecom/page=2Easpx?QS=3D773ed3059447707d8=\r\n211c803e40aaa3b9e56b8b07b4622c1&e=3DY2hyaXN0aW5lQHNwYW5nLmNj \r\nUnsubscribe=20\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n","2":"\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
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\r\n 3D\"\"\r\n
\r\n Skimm for November 2nd\r\n
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\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n Skimm’d w=\r\nhile getting up on what’s at stake in 2016=2E Ready to vote?<=\r\n/a> \r\n
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“Moisture harveste=\r\nd from the clouds” - A description of how Sky PA, a new Scottish beer, is ma=\r\nde=2E Cloudy with a chance of hipster=2E

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Earlier this week, a major oil pipeline that runs thro=\r\nugh Alabama exploded=2E




The Colonial Pipeline is a system of pipes thousands o=\r\nf miles long that carries millions of barrels of gas, diesel, and jet fuel =\r\na day from Texas to New Jersey=2E It supplies about a third of the Eas=\r\nt Coast’s gas=2E So it’s a BF gassy D=2E But the pipeline’=\r\n;s run into some problems lately=2E Earlier this fall, part of it was shut down f=\r\nor over a week after a leak in Alabama spilled hundreds of thousands of gal=\r\nlons of gas=2E Cue a gas shortage and prices in southern states going up, up, up=\r\n=2E




On Monday, there was an explosion along the pipeline i=\r\nn Alabama that caused a major fire=2E One person was killed and several oth=\r\ners were injured=2E Yesterday, Alabama’s governor declared a state of=\r\n emergency to help make sure gas is de=\r\nlivered throughout the state=2E Part of the pipeline’s be=\r\nen shut down and now the company that operates it says it could take days to get=\r\n the whole thing up and running again=2E So for now it looks=\r\n like gas prices could be back on the up and up=2E




A major pipeline that millions of people depend on for=\r\n gas every day can’t seem to get off the struggle bus=2E And now this=\r\n latest incident has fuel companies scrambling to stock up on supply=2E If&=\r\n#160;it starts costing more to fill up the tank, this is why=2E

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In it to win it=2E Las=\r\nt night, the Chicago Cubs tied up the World Series by beating the Cleveland Indian=\r\ns in Game 6=2E They won 9-3=2E Now all eyes are on Game 7 tonight=2E The Cu=\r\nbs haven’t won the series since 1908=2E The Indians haven’t won=\r\n since 1948=2E So it’s not like there’s a lot on the line or an=\r\nything=2E Break out the peanuts=2E

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What’s going on =\r\nhere? Earlier this week, a federal judge ordered the Republican party to explain a=\r\nny deals it may have made with GOP nominee Donald Trump’s campai=\r\ngn to monitor the polls during this election season=2E Reminder: for months=\r\n, Trump has been saying this election is “rigged” against hi=\r\nm, and encouraging his supporters to be on the lookout for voter fraud=2E E=\r\narly voting opened recently in a lot of states=2E And there have been repor=\r\nts of Trump supporters allegedly photographing and harassing people at the polls=\r\n=2E That’s according to a string of different lawsuits in Arizon=\r\na, Ohio, and Nevada flagging concerns that some voters are being intim=\r\nidated=2E Last week, the Democratic party filed a separate complaint with a=\r\n federal court=2E Now, the Republican party has until the end of today to t=\r\nurn over any evidence that could be related to collaborating with the =\r\nTrump campaign=2E Stay tuned=2E

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I give up=2E Yesterday=\r\n, Russia put Syrian peace talks on hold=2E Indefinitely=2E For years, Syria has be=\r\nen going through a violent civil war between Syrian President Bashar al-Ass=\r\nad (backed by Russia) and rebel groups (some backed by the US) who want him=\r\n out of power=2E Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed=2E Millio=\r\nns have been forced to leave home, causing the EU’s worst migrant and=\r\n refugee crisis since World War II=2E The two sides have been trying and fa=\r\niling to hash out a peace deal for a while now=2E Earlier this month, Russi=\r\na agreed to a “humanitarian pause” to airstrikes in Aleppo - the key r=\r\nebel stronghold where a lot of the fighting has been focused=2E Meanwh=\r\nile, rebel’s have been fighting back in the city=2E And today, Russia a=\r\nnnounced it would give rebels even more time to leave Aleppo=2E But it’=\r\ns still walking away from the peace table for the foreseeable future=2E So,=\r\n Syria’s still a peace of work=2E

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Having second thoughts=\r\n=2E That’s what Gannett is telling Tronc (the artist formerly known a=\r\ns Tribune Publishing)=2E For months, Gannett, which owns about a hundred ne=\r\nws outlets including USA Today, has been trying to buy Tronc, which owns names=\r\n0;like the LA Times and Chicago Tribune=2E For years, print news companies =\r\nhave been struggling to keep ad dollars and readers on board=2E Gannet=\r\nt was hoping that the power of two media companies combined would be more a=\r\nttractive than one, especially to advertisers=2E The deal would have c=\r\nreated one of the largest media groups in the country=2E So earlier this ye=\r\nar, Gannett saddled up to Tronc with a buyout offer of around $400 million=\r\n=2E Tronc said ‘no, thanks, we’re not that cheap=2E’ Yest=\r\nerday, after a lot of back and forth, Gannett walked away from the deal=2E Th=\r\nis might also be because Gannett had ‘meh’ earnings last q=\r\nuarter, meaning they couldn’t get the cash together to write the chec=\r\nk=2E Either way, both companies are still single AF=2E

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Say goodbye to your fave emoji=2E=\r\n

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In case you somehow missed it, yo=\r\nu have to vote on Tuesday=2E Catch up on who̵=\r\n7;s on your ballot and what’s at stake=2E Then plan your trip to the =\r\npolls=2E Questions, answered=2E 

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\r\n =\r\n



Thanks to these Skimm’bassadors for sharing like itR=\r\n17;s hot=2E Want to see your name on this list? Click here to learn more=2E =\r\n


Olivia Simonson, Britt=\r\nany Berger, Daniela Rivas, Ashley Lawson, Sarah Davidson, L Denease Thompso=\r\nn-Mack, Noreen Deutsch, Jessee Fordham, Natasha Shah, Shari Berga, Aloke Pr=\r\nabhu, Natalie Tenzer, Samantha Panchevre, Ania Arsenowicz, Ali Wozniak, Rei=\r\nnalyn, Taunya Robinson, Cassie Christensen, Spencer Philips, Abby Bilinski,=\r\n Aner Zhou, Julia Erdenebold, Mehreen Mazhar, Alexandra Rizzo, Alisa Sutton=\r\n, Maegan Detlefs, Janina Ancona, Chris Drake, Allan Moss, Jordan Murray, Da=\r\nvid Benjamin, Leslie Bartula, Hana Muslic, Kelly Wallace, Leslie Buteyn, Be=\r\nthany Fitzgerald, Stuart Ferguson, Emily Paulino, Allison Ryan, Niki DeMaio=\r\n, Ria Conti, Nikki Boyd, Amanda Oliver, Lindsay Barthel, Shelby Wynn, Britt=\r\nany Daunno, Emily Rissmiller, Alex Johannes, Andrea Borod, Ashley Montufar,=\r\n Karli Von Herbulis, Lexie Rindler, Natalie Weaver, Allison Sotelo, Cynthia=\r\n Lopez, Isabel Taylor, Jess Tolan, Kasie Heiden, Kelsey Will, Leslie McFayd=\r\nen, Morgan Balavage, Morgan Goracke, Madeline Trainor, Alexa Parisi, Uma Su=\r\ndarshan, Brooke Borkowski, Connie Lin, Jess Ridolfino, Jessica Foster, Mall=\r\nory Mickus, Sapreen Abbass, Kelli Holland

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Halfway there=2E Share theSkimm w=\r\nith your work wife who always takes a coffee break when you need it=2E=\r\n



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\r\n 3D\"\"\r\n
\r\n Skimm for November 2nd\r\n
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\r\n Skimm’d w=\r\nhile getting up on what’s at stake in 2016=2E Ready to vote?<=\r\n/a> \r\n
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“Moisture harveste=\r\nd from the clouds” - A description of how Sky PA, a new Scottish beer, is ma=\r\nde=2E Cloudy with a chance of hipster=2E

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Earlier this week, a major oil pipeline that runs thro=\r\nugh Alabama exploded=2E




The Colonial Pipeline is a system of pipes thousands o=\r\nf miles long that carries millions of barrels of gas, diesel, and jet fuel =\r\na day from Texas to New Jersey=2E It supplies about a third of the Eas=\r\nt Coast’s gas=2E So it’s a BF gassy D=2E But the pipeline’=\r\n;s run into some problems lately=2E Earlier this fall, part of it was shut down f=\r\nor over a week after a leak in Alabama spilled hundreds of thousands of gal=\r\nlons of gas=2E Cue a gas shortage and prices in southern states going up, up, up=\r\n=2E




On Monday, there was an explosion along the pipeline i=\r\nn Alabama that caused a major fire=2E One person was killed and several oth=\r\ners were injured=2E Yesterday, Alabama’s governor declared a state of=\r\n emergency to help make sure gas is de=\r\nlivered throughout the state=2E Part of the pipeline’s be=\r\nen shut down and now the company that operates it says it could take days to get=\r\n the whole thing up and running again=2E So for now it looks=\r\n like gas prices could be back on the up and up=2E




A major pipeline that millions of people depend on for=\r\n gas every day can’t seem to get off the struggle bus=2E And now this=\r\n latest incident has fuel companies scrambling to stock up on supply=2E If&=\r\n#160;it starts costing more to fill up the tank, this is why=2E

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In it to win it=2E Las=\r\nt night, the Chicago Cubs tied up the World Series by beating the Cleveland Indian=\r\ns in Game 6=2E They won 9-3=2E Now all eyes are on Game 7 tonight=2E The Cu=\r\nbs haven’t won the series since 1908=2E The Indians haven’t won=\r\n since 1948=2E So it’s not like there’s a lot on the line or an=\r\nything=2E Break out the peanuts=2E

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What’s going on =\r\nhere? Earlier this week, a federal judge ordered the Republican party to explain a=\r\nny deals it may have made with GOP nominee Donald Trump’s campai=\r\ngn to monitor the polls during this election season=2E Reminder: for months=\r\n, Trump has been saying this election is “rigged” against hi=\r\nm, and encouraging his supporters to be on the lookout for voter fraud=2E E=\r\narly voting opened recently in a lot of states=2E And there have been repor=\r\nts of Trump supporters allegedly photographing and harassing people at the polls=\r\n=2E That’s according to a string of different lawsuits in Arizon=\r\na, Ohio, and Nevada flagging concerns that some voters are being intim=\r\nidated=2E Last week, the Democratic party filed a separate complaint with a=\r\n federal court=2E Now, the Republican party has until the end of today to t=\r\nurn over any evidence that could be related to collaborating with the =\r\nTrump campaign=2E Stay tuned=2E

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I give up=2E Yesterday=\r\n, Russia put Syrian peace talks on hold=2E Indefinitely=2E For years, Syria has be=\r\nen going through a violent civil war between Syrian President Bashar al-Ass=\r\nad (backed by Russia) and rebel groups (some backed by the US) who want him=\r\n out of power=2E Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed=2E Millio=\r\nns have been forced to leave home, causing the EU’s worst migrant and=\r\n refugee crisis since World War II=2E The two sides have been trying and fa=\r\niling to hash out a peace deal for a while now=2E Earlier this month, Russi=\r\na agreed to a “humanitarian pause” to airstrikes in Aleppo - the key r=\r\nebel stronghold where a lot of the fighting has been focused=2E Meanwh=\r\nile, rebel’s have been fighting back in the city=2E And today, Russia a=\r\nnnounced it would give rebels even more time to leave Aleppo=2E But it’=\r\ns still walking away from the peace table for the foreseeable future=2E So,=\r\n Syria’s still a peace of work=2E

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Having second thoughts=\r\n=2E That’s what Gannett is telling Tronc (the artist formerly known a=\r\ns Tribune Publishing)=2E For months, Gannett, which owns about a hundred ne=\r\nws outlets including USA Today, has been trying to buy Tronc, which owns names=\r\n0;like the LA Times and Chicago Tribune=2E For years, print news companies =\r\nhave been struggling to keep ad dollars and readers on board=2E Gannet=\r\nt was hoping that the power of two media companies combined would be more a=\r\nttractive than one, especially to advertisers=2E The deal would have c=\r\nreated one of the largest media groups in the country=2E So earlier this ye=\r\nar, Gannett saddled up to Tronc with a buyout offer of around $400 million=\r\n=2E Tronc said ‘no, thanks, we’re not that cheap=2E’ Yest=\r\nerday, after a lot of back and forth, Gannett walked away from the deal=2E Th=\r\nis might also be because Gannett had ‘meh’ earnings last q=\r\nuarter, meaning they couldn’t get the cash together to write the chec=\r\nk=2E Either way, both companies are still single AF=2E

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In case you somehow missed it, yo=\r\nu have to vote on Tuesday=2E Catch up on who̵=\r\n7;s on your ballot and what’s at stake=2E Then plan your trip to the =\r\npolls=2E Questions, answered=2E 

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Thanks to these Skimm’bassadors for sharing like itR=\r\n17;s hot=2E Want to see your name on this list? Click here to learn more=2E =\r\n


Olivia Simonson, Britt=\r\nany Berger, Daniela Rivas, Ashley Lawson, Sarah Davidson, L Denease Thompso=\r\nn-Mack, Noreen Deutsch, Jessee Fordham, Natasha Shah, Shari Berga, Aloke Pr=\r\nabhu, Natalie Tenzer, Samantha Panchevre, Ania Arsenowicz, Ali Wozniak, Rei=\r\nnalyn, Taunya Robinson, Cassie Christensen, Spencer Philips, Abby Bilinski,=\r\n Aner Zhou, Julia Erdenebold, Mehreen Mazhar, Alexandra Rizzo, Alisa Sutton=\r\n, Maegan Detlefs, Janina Ancona, Chris Drake, Allan Moss, Jordan Murray, Da=\r\nvid Benjamin, Leslie Bartula, Hana Muslic, Kelly Wallace, Leslie Buteyn, Be=\r\nthany Fitzgerald, Stuart Ferguson, Emily Paulino, Allison Ryan, Niki DeMaio=\r\n, Ria Conti, Nikki Boyd, Amanda Oliver, Lindsay Barthel, Shelby Wynn, Britt=\r\nany Daunno, Emily Rissmiller, Alex Johannes, Andrea Borod, Ashley Montufar,=\r\n Karli Von Herbulis, Lexie Rindler, Natalie Weaver, Allison Sotelo, Cynthia=\r\n Lopez, Isabel Taylor, Jess Tolan, Kasie Heiden, Kelsey Will, Leslie McFayd=\r\nen, Morgan Balavage, Morgan Goracke, Madeline Trainor, Alexa Parisi, Uma Su=\r\ndarshan, Brooke Borkowski, Connie Lin, Jess Ridolfino, Jessica Foster, Mall=\r\nory Mickus, Sapreen Abbass, Kelli Holland

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Halfway there=2E Share theSkimm w=\r\nith your work wife who always takes a coffee break when you need it=2E=\r\n



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