@@ -88,15 +96,12 @@ class EventComponent extends React.Component
classes = "btn-rsvp"
if @_myStatus() == "maybe"
classes += " maybe"
- _onClickAccept: => Actions.RSVPEvent(@state, "yes")
- _onClickDecline: => Actions.RSVPEvent(@state, "no")
- _onClickMaybe: => Actions.RSVPEvent(@state, "maybe")
+ _rsvp: (status) ->
+ Acitions.queueTask(new EventRSVPTask(@state, status))
module.exports = EventComponent
diff --git a/spec/stores/event-store-spec.coffee b/spec/stores/event-store-spec.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
index dc877994b..000000000
--- a/spec/stores/event-store-spec.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-_ = require 'underscore'
-proxyquire = require 'proxyquire'
-Event = require '../../src/flux/models/event'
-EventStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/event-store'
-DatabaseStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/database-store'
-AccountStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/account-store'
-describe "EventStore", ->
- beforeEach ->
- atom.testOrganizationUnit = "folder"
- EventStore._eventCache = {}
- EventStore._accountId = null
- afterEach ->
- atom.testOrganizationUnit = null
- it "initializes the cache from the DB", ->
- spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findAll").andCallFake -> Promise.resolve([])
- advanceClock(30)
- EventStore.constructor()
- advanceClock(30)
- expect(Object.keys(EventStore._eventCache).length).toBe 0
- expect(DatabaseStore.findAll).toHaveBeenCalled()
- describe "when the Account updates from null to valid", ->
- beforeEach ->
- spyOn(EventStore, "_refreshCache")
- AccountStore.trigger()
- it "triggers a database fetch", ->
- expect(EventStore._refreshCache.calls.length).toBe 1
- describe "when the Account updates but the ID doesn't change", ->
- it "does nothing", ->
- spyOn(EventStore, "_refreshCache")
- EventStore._eventCache = {1: '', 2: '', 3: ''}
- EventStore._accountId = TEST_ACCOUNT_ID
- AccountStore.trigger()
- expect(EventStore._eventCache).toEqual {1: '', 2: '', 3: ''}
- expect(EventStore._refreshCache).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
- describe "getEvent", ->
- beforeEach ->
- @e1 = new Event(id: 'a', title:'Test1', start: '', end: '', location: '', participants: [{"name":"Guy", "email":"tester@nylas.com", "status":"noreply"}])
- @e2 = new Event(id: 'b', title:'Test2', start: '', end: '', location: '', participants: [{"name":"Guy", "email":"tester@nylas.com", "status":"noreply"}])
- @e3 = new Event(id: 'c', title:'Test3', start: '', end: '', location: '', participants: [{"name":"Guy", "email":"tester@nylas.com", "status":"noreply"}])
- @e4 = new Event(id: 'd', title:'Test4', start: '', end: '', location: '', participants: [{"name":"Guy", "email":"tester@nylas.com", "status":"noreply"}])
- EventStore._eventCache = {}
- for e in [@e1, @e2, @e3, @e4]
- EventStore._eventCache[e.id] = e
- it "returns event object based on id", ->
- first = EventStore.getEvent('a')
- expect(first.title).toBe 'Test1'
- second = EventStore.getEvent('b')
- expect(second.title).toBe 'Test2'
- third = EventStore.getEvent('c')
- expect(third.title).toBe 'Test3'
- fourth = EventStore.getEvent('d')
- expect(fourth.title).toBe 'Test4'
diff --git a/src/flux/stores/event-store.coffee b/src/flux/stores/event-store.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
index c1186a317..000000000
--- a/src/flux/stores/event-store.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-Reflux = require 'reflux'
-Actions = require '../actions'
-Event = require '../models/event'
-Utils = require '../models/utils'
-NylasStore = require 'nylas-store'
-DatabaseStore = require './database-store'
-AccountStore = require './account-store'
-_ = require 'underscore'
-EventRSVPTask = require '../tasks/event-rsvp'
-{Listener, Publisher} = require '../modules/reflux-coffee'
-CoffeeHelpers = require '../coffee-helpers'
-Public: EventStore maintains
-## Listening for Changes
-The EventStore monitors the {DatabaseStore} for changes to {Event} models
-and triggers when events have changed, allowing your stores and components
-to refresh data based on the EventStore.
-@unsubscribe = EventStore.listen(@_onEventsChanged, @)
-_onEventsChanged: ->
- # refresh your event results
-Section: Stores
-class EventStore extends NylasStore
- constructor: ->
- @_eventCache = {}
- @_accountId = AccountStore.current()?.id
- @listenTo DatabaseStore, @_onDatabaseChanged
- @listenTo AccountStore, @_onAccountChanged
- # From Views
- @listenTo Actions.RSVPEvent, @_onRSVPEvent
- @__refreshCache()
- _onRSVPEvent: (calendar_event, RSVPStatus) ->
- task = new EventRSVPTask(calendar_event, RSVPStatus)
- Actions.queueTask(task)
- __refreshCache: =>
- return unless @_accountId
- new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
- DatabaseStore.findAll(Event, {accountId: @_accountId}).then (events=[]) =>
- @_eventCache[e.id] = e for e in events
- @trigger()
- resolve()
- .catch (err) ->
- console.warn("Request for Events failed. #{err}")
- _refreshCache: _.debounce(EventStore::__refreshCache, 20)
- _onDatabaseChanged: (change) =>
- return unless change?.objectClass is Event.name
- for e in change.objects
- @_eventCache[e.id] = e
- _resetCache: =>
- @_eventCache = {}
- @trigger(@)
- getEvent: (id) =>
- @_eventCache[id]
- _onAccountChanged: =>
- return if @_accountId is AccountStore.current()?.id
- @_accountId = AccountStore.current()?.id
- if @_accountId
- @_refreshCache()
- else
- @_resetCache()
-module.exports = new EventStore()
diff --git a/src/global/nylas-exports.coffee b/src/global/nylas-exports.coffee
index 2b89cfe45..8f837635f 100644
--- a/src/global/nylas-exports.coffee
+++ b/src/global/nylas-exports.coffee
@@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ class NylasExports
# These need to be required immediately since some Stores are
# listen-only and not explicitly required from anywhere. Stores
# currently set themselves up on require.
- @require "EventStore", 'flux/stores/event-store'
@require "DraftStore", 'flux/stores/draft-store'
@require "AccountStore", 'flux/stores/account-store'
@require "MessageStore", 'flux/stores/message-store'