mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 22:54:11 +08:00
fix(deps): Remove nodobjc until we re-enable native notifications
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 95 additions and 99 deletions
@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
"moment": "^2.8",
"moment-timezone": "^0.3",
"nslog": "^2.0.0",
"NodObjC": "git+https://github.com/TooTallNate/NodObjC",
"node-uuid": "^1.4",
"optimist": "0.4.0",
"pathwatcher": "^4.4.0",
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ BrowserWindow = require 'browser-window'
WindowManager = require './window-manager'
ApplicationMenu = require './application-menu'
AutoUpdateManager = require './auto-update-manager'
NativeNotificationManager = require './native-notification-manager'
NylasProtocolHandler = require './nylas-protocol-handler'
SharedFileManager = require './shared-file-manager'
@ -58,7 +57,6 @@ class Application
client.on 'error', createApplication
windowManager: null
notificationManager: null
applicationMenu: null
nylasProtocolHandler: null
resourcePath: null
@ -89,7 +87,6 @@ class Application
@devMode = true
@windowManager = new WindowManager({@resourcePath, @config, @devMode, @safeMode})
@notificationManager = new NativeNotificationManager()
@autoUpdateManager = new AutoUpdateManager(@version, @config, @specMode)
@applicationMenu = new ApplicationMenu(@version)
@_databasePhase = 'setup'
@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
ipc = require 'ipc'
BrowserWindow = require 'browser-window'
class NativeNotificationManagerUnavailable
class NativeNotificationManagerWindows
constructor: ->
class NativeNotificationManagerMacOSX
constructor: ->
@$ = require('nodobjc')
@_lastNotifId = 1
@_center = @$.NSUserNotificationCenter('defaultUserNotificationCenter')
Delegate = @$.NSObject.extend('NylasNotificationDelegate')
Delegate.addMethod('userNotificationCenter:didActivateNotification:', [@$.void, [Delegate, @$.selector, @$.id, @$.id]], @didActivateNotification)
Delegate.addMethod('userNotificationCenter:shouldPresentNotification:', ['c', [Delegate, @$.selector, @$.id, @$.id]], @shouldPresentNotification)
@_delegate = Delegate('alloc')('init')
@_center('setDelegate', @_delegate)
# Ensure that these objects are never, ever garbage collected
global.__nativeNotificationManagerMacOSXDelegate = Delegate
global.__nativeNotificationManagerMacOSX = @
ipc.on('fire-native-notification', @onFireNotification)
shouldPresentNotification: (self, _cmd, center, notif) =>
return true
didActivateNotification: (self, _cmd, center, notif) =>
center("removeDeliveredNotification", notif)
[header, id, tag] = (""+notif('identifier')).split(':::')
# Avoid potential conflicts with other libraries that may have pushed
# notifications on our behalf.
return unless header is 'N1'
NSUserNotificationActivationType = [
payload =
tag: tag
activationType: NSUserNotificationActivationType[(""+notif('activationType'))/1]
if payload.activationType is "replied"
payload.response = (""+notif('response')).replace("{\n}", '')
if payload.response is "null"
payload.response = null
console.log("Received notification: " + JSON.stringify(payload))
BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().forEach (win) ->
win.webContents.send('activate-native-notification', payload)
onFireNotification: (event, {title, subtitle, body, tag, canReply}) =>
# By default on Mac OS X, delivering another notification with the same identifier
# triggers an update, which does not re-display the notification. To make subsequent
# calls with the same `tag` redisplay the notification, we:
# 1. Assign each notification a unique identifier, so it's not considered an update
identifier = "N1:::#{@_lastNotifId}:::#{tag}"
@_lastNotifId += 1
# 2. Manually remove any previous notification with the same tag
delivered = @_center("deliveredNotifications")
for existing in delivered
[x, x, existingTag] = (""+existing('identifier')).split(':::')
if existingTag is tag
@_center('removeDeliveredNotification', existing)
# 3. Fire a new notification
notification = @$.NSUserNotification('alloc')('init')
notification('setTitle', @$.NSString('stringWithUTF8String', title))
notification('setIdentifier', @$.NSString('stringWithUTF8String', identifier))
notification('setSubtitle', @$.NSString('stringWithUTF8String', subtitle)) if subtitle
notification('setInformativeText', @$.NSString('stringWithUTF8String', body)) if body
notification('setHasReplyButton', canReply)
@_center('deliverNotification', notification)
if process.platform is 'darwin'
module.exports = NativeNotificationManagerMacOSX
else if process.platform is 'win32'
module.exports = NativeNotificationManagerWindows
module.exports = NativeNotificationManagerUnavailable
# ipc = require 'ipc'
# BrowserWindow = require 'browser-window'
# class NativeNotificationManagerUnavailable
# class NativeNotificationManagerWindows
# constructor: ->
# class NativeNotificationManagerMacOSX
# constructor: ->
# @$ = require('nodobjc')
# @$.framework('Foundation')
# @_lastNotifId = 1
# @_center = @$.NSUserNotificationCenter('defaultUserNotificationCenter')
# @_center('removeAllDeliveredNotifications')
# Delegate = @$.NSObject.extend('NylasNotificationDelegate')
# Delegate.addMethod('userNotificationCenter:didActivateNotification:', [@$.void, [Delegate, @$.selector, @$.id, @$.id]], @didActivateNotification)
# Delegate.addMethod('userNotificationCenter:shouldPresentNotification:', ['c', [Delegate, @$.selector, @$.id, @$.id]], @shouldPresentNotification)
# Delegate.register()
# @_delegate = Delegate('alloc')('init')
# @_center('setDelegate', @_delegate)
# # Ensure that these objects are never, ever garbage collected
# global.__nativeNotificationManagerMacOSXDelegate = Delegate
# global.__nativeNotificationManagerMacOSX = @
# ipc.on('fire-native-notification', @onFireNotification)
# shouldPresentNotification: (self, _cmd, center, notif) =>
# return true
# didActivateNotification: (self, _cmd, center, notif) =>
# center("removeDeliveredNotification", notif)
# [header, id, tag] = (""+notif('identifier')).split(':::')
# # Avoid potential conflicts with other libraries that may have pushed
# # notifications on our behalf.
# return unless header is 'N1'
# NSUserNotificationActivationType = [
# "none",
# "contents-clicked",
# "action-clicked",
# "replied",
# "additional-action-clicked"
# ]
# payload =
# tag: tag
# activationType: NSUserNotificationActivationType[(""+notif('activationType'))/1]
# if payload.activationType is "replied"
# payload.response = (""+notif('response')).replace("{\n}", '')
# if payload.response is "null"
# payload.response = null
# console.log("Received notification: " + JSON.stringify(payload))
# BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().forEach (win) ->
# win.webContents.send('activate-native-notification', payload)
# onFireNotification: (event, {title, subtitle, body, tag, canReply}) =>
# # By default on Mac OS X, delivering another notification with the same identifier
# # triggers an update, which does not re-display the notification. To make subsequent
# # calls with the same `tag` redisplay the notification, we:
# # 1. Assign each notification a unique identifier, so it's not considered an update
# identifier = "N1:::#{@_lastNotifId}:::#{tag}"
# @_lastNotifId += 1
# # 2. Manually remove any previous notification with the same tag
# delivered = @_center("deliveredNotifications")
# for existing in delivered
# [x, x, existingTag] = (""+existing('identifier')).split(':::')
# if existingTag is tag
# @_center('removeDeliveredNotification', existing)
# # 3. Fire a new notification
# notification = @$.NSUserNotification('alloc')('init')
# notification('setTitle', @$.NSString('stringWithUTF8String', title))
# notification('setIdentifier', @$.NSString('stringWithUTF8String', identifier))
# notification('setSubtitle', @$.NSString('stringWithUTF8String', subtitle)) if subtitle
# notification('setInformativeText', @$.NSString('stringWithUTF8String', body)) if body
# notification('setHasReplyButton', canReply)
# @_center('deliverNotification', notification)
# if process.platform is 'darwin'
# module.exports = NativeNotificationManagerMacOSX
# else if process.platform is 'win32'
# module.exports = NativeNotificationManagerWindows
# else
# module.exports = NativeNotificationManagerUnavailable
Reference in a new issue