fix(composer): Wait frames not msec on focus out #2033

This commit is contained in:
Ben Gotow 2016-04-25 21:46:08 -05:00
parent 6b12f833d7
commit d7832576b5
2 changed files with 54 additions and 36 deletions

View file

@ -133,7 +133,6 @@ body.platform-win32 {
z-index: 2;
cursor: default;
padding-right: @spacing-standard + @spacing-half;
padding-left: @spacing-standard;
padding-top: 12px;
.action {
@ -141,6 +140,9 @@ body.platform-win32 {
img.content-mask { background-color: @text-color-very-subtle; }
font-size: @font-size-small;
padding: 10px 6px;
&:first-child {
padding-left: @spacing-standard;
&:last-child {
padding-right: 0;

View file

@ -104,37 +104,6 @@ class KeyCommandsRegion extends React.Component
@state =
focused: false
@_in = (event) =>
@_lastFocusElement =
@_losingFocusToElement = null
@props.onFocusIn(event) if @state.focused is false
@setState(focused: true)
@_processOutDebounced = _.debounce =>
return unless @_losingFocusToElement
return unless @state.focused
# This happens when component that used to have the focus is
# unmounted. An example is the url input field of the
# FloatingToolbar in the Composer's Contenteditable
return if ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@).contains(document.activeElement)
# This prevents the strange effect of an input appearing to have focus
# when the element receiving focus does not support selection (like a
# div with tabIndex=-1)
if @_losingFocusToElement.tagName isnt 'INPUT'
@setState({focused: false})
@_losingFocusToElement = null
, 150
@_out = (event) =>
@_lastFocusElement =
@_losingFocusToElement = event.relatedTarget
componentWillReceiveProps: (newProps) ->
@ -166,8 +135,8 @@ class KeyCommandsRegion extends React.Component
# here for all commands coming in.
_setupListeners: (props) ->
$el = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@)
$el.addEventListener('focusin', @_in)
$el.addEventListener('focusout', @_out)
$el.addEventListener('focusin', @_onFocusIn)
$el.addEventListener('focusout', @_onFocusOut)
if props.globalHandlers
@_globalDisposable = NylasEnv.commands.add(document.body, props.globalHandlers)
@ -182,14 +151,61 @@ class KeyCommandsRegion extends React.Component
@_localDisposable = null
$el = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@)
$el.removeEventListener('focusin', @_in)
$el.removeEventListener('focusout', @_out)
$el.removeEventListener('focusin', @_onFocusIn)
$el.removeEventListener('focusout', @_onDidFocusOut)
window.removeEventListener('browser-window-blur', @_onWindowBlur)
@_goingout = false
_onWindowBlur: =>
@setState(focused: false)
_onFocusIn: (event) =>
@_lastFocusElement =
@_losingFocusToElement = null
@props.onFocusIn(event) if @state.focused is false
@setState(focused: true)
_onFocusOut: (event) =>
@_lastFocusElement =
@_losingFocusToElement = event.relatedTarget
# Focus could be lost for a moment and programatically restored. To support
# old machines with slow CPUs, it's important we wait N frames rather than X
# msec to see if focus is restored before declaring it "out" for good.
attempt = =>
if not @_losingFocusToElement
@_losingFocusFrames = 0
@_losingFocusFrames -= 1
if @_losingFocusFrames is 0
if !@_losingFocusFrames
@_losingFocusFrames = 10 # at 60fps, roughly 150ms
_onDefinitelyFocusedOut: =>
return unless @_losingFocusToElement
return unless @state.focused
# This happens when component that used to have the focus is
# unmounted. An example is the url input field of the
# FloatingToolbar in the Composer's Contenteditable
return if ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@).contains(document.activeElement)
# This prevents the strange effect of an input appearing to have focus
# when the element receiving focus does not support selection (like a
# div with tabIndex=-1)
if @_losingFocusToElement.tagName isnt 'INPUT'
@setState({focused: false})
@_losingFocusToElement = null
render: ->
classname = classNames
'key-commands-region': true