feature(attachments): Inline attachments, download store does not use tasks

This diff updates the FileDownloadStore to use it's own internal Download class instead of leveraging the TaskStore (since downloads shouldn't be resumable / serialized to disk anyway). This means things can be tighter and less dependent on Actions. Downloads are now promise-based, so actions like "open file after downloading" can be chained to the end of the Download promise.

The MessageStore now queues downloads for inline attachments when you view the thread, and the MessageItem.cjsx substitutes in local file paths for cid:<CID>.

Test Plan: I made some pretty big changes and did not break any tests. This is a bad sign... Tests forthcoming, but will probably ship this to users tomorrow first.

Reviewers: evan

Reviewed By: evan

Differential Revision: https://review.inboxapp.com/D1149
This commit is contained in:
Ben Gotow 2015-02-06 13:13:31 -08:00
parent 4f8366a772
commit db669fd9a9
11 changed files with 186 additions and 141 deletions

View file

@ -3,30 +3,24 @@ React = require 'react'
{Actions} = require 'inbox-exports'
# Passed in as props from MessageItem and FileDownloadStore
# Generated in tasks/download-file.coffee
# This is empty if the attachment isn't downloading.
# @props.downloadData:
# state - One of "pending "started" "progress" "completed" "aborted" "failed"
# fileId - The id of the file
# shellAction - Action used to open the file after downloading
# downloadPath - The full path of the download location
# total - From request-progress: total number of bytes
# percent - From request-progress
# received - From request-progress: currently received bytes
# @props.download is a FileDownloadStore.Download object
# @props.file is a File object
module.exports =
MessageAttachment = React.createClass
displayName: 'MessageAttachment'
file: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
download: React.PropTypes.object
getInitialState: ->
progressPercent: 0
render: ->
<div className={"attachment-file-wrap " + (@props.downloadData?.state ? "")}>
<span className="attachment-download-bar-wrap" style={@_showDownload()}>
<div className={"attachment-file-wrap " + (@props.download?.state() ? "")}>
<span className="attachment-download-bar-wrap">
<span className="attachment-bar-bg"></span>
<span className="attachment-download-progress" style={@_downloadProgressStyle()}></span>
@ -57,23 +51,19 @@ MessageAttachment = React.createClass
_downloadProgressStyle: ->
width: @props.downloadData?.percent ? 0
width: @props.download?.percent ? 0
_onClickRemove: ->
file: @props.file
messageLocalId: @props.messageLocalId
_onClickView: -> Actions.viewFile(@props.file) if @_canClickToView()
_onClickView: -> Actions.fetchAndOpenFile(@props.file) if @_canClickToView()
_onClickDownload: -> Actions.saveFile @props.file
_onClickDownload: -> Actions.fetchAndSaveFile(@props.file)
_onClickAbort: -> Actions.abortDownload(@props.file, @props.downloadData)
_onClickAbort: -> Actions.abortDownload(@props.file, @props.download)
_canClickToView: -> not @props.removable and not @_isDownloading()
_showDownload: ->
if @_isDownloading() then {display: "block"} else {display: "none"}
_isDownloading: ->
@props.downloadData?.state in ["pending", "started", "progress"]
_isDownloading: -> @props.download?.state() is "downloading"

View file

@ -1,24 +1,29 @@
moment = require 'moment'
React = require 'react'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
EmailFrame = require './email-frame'
MessageAttachment = require "./message-attachment.cjsx"
MessageParticipants = require "./message-participants.cjsx"
{FileDownloadStore, ComponentRegistry} = require 'inbox-exports'
{ComponentRegistry, FileDownloadStore} = require 'inbox-exports'
Autolinker = require 'autolinker'
module.exports =
MessageItem = React.createClass
displayName: 'MessageItem'
message: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
collapsed: React.PropTypes.bool
thread_participants: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.object),
getInitialState: ->
# Holds the downloadData (if any) for all of our files. It's a hash
# keyed by a fileId. The value is the downloadData.
downloads: FileDownloadStore.downloadsForFiles(@_fileIds())
downloads: FileDownloadStore.downloadsForFileIds(@props.message.fileIds())
showQuotedText: false
collapsed: @props.collapsed
componentDidMount: ->
@_storeUnlisten = FileDownloadStore.listen(@_onFileDownloadStoreChange)
@_storeUnlisten = FileDownloadStore.listen(@_onDownloadStoreChange)
componentWillUnmount: ->
@_storeUnlisten() if @_storeUnlisten
@ -29,6 +34,9 @@ MessageItem = React.createClass
quotedTextClass += " state-" + @state.showQuotedText
messageIndicators = ComponentRegistry.findAllViewsByRole('MessageIndicator')
attachments = @_attachmentComponents()
if attachments.length > 0
attachments = <div className="attachments-area">{attachments}</div>
header =
<header className="message-header" onClick={@_onToggleCollapsed}>
@ -48,11 +56,9 @@ MessageItem = React.createClass
<div className="message-item-wrap">
<div className="attachments-area" style={display: @_hasAttachments()}>
<EmailFrame showQuotedText={@state.showQuotedText}>
<a className={quotedTextClass} onClick={@_toggleQuotedText}></a>
@ -60,13 +66,22 @@ MessageItem = React.createClass
# Eventually, _formatBody will run a series of registered body transformers.
# For now, it just runs a few we've hardcoded here, which are all synchronous.
_formatBody: (body) ->
return "" unless body
formattedBody = Autolinker.link(body, {twitter: false})
_formatBody: ->
return "" unless @props.message
_fileIds: ->
(@props.message?.files ? []).map (file) -> file.id
body = @props.message.body
# Apply the autolinker pass to make emails and links clickable
body = Autolinker.link(body, {twitter: false})
# Find cid:// references and replace them with the paths to downloaded files
for file in @props.message.files
continue if _.find @state.downloads, (d) -> d.fileId is file.id
cidLink = "cid:#{file.contentId}"
fileLink = "#{FileDownloadStore.pathForFile(file)}"
body = body.replace(cidLink, fileLink)
_containsQuotedText: ->
# I know this is gross - one day we'll replace it with a nice system.
@ -84,12 +99,10 @@ MessageItem = React.createClass
_formatContacts: (contacts=[]) ->
_attachmentCompontents: ->
(@props.message.files ? []).map (file) =>
<MessageAttachment file={file} downloadData={@state.downloads?[file.id] ? {}}/>
_hasAttachments: ->
if @props.message.files?.length > 0 then "block" else "none"
_attachmentComponents: ->
attachments = _.filter @props.message.files, (f) -> not f.contentId?
attachments.map (file) =>
<MessageAttachment file={file} download={@state.downloads[file.id]}/>
_messageTime: ->
@ -112,9 +125,9 @@ MessageItem = React.createClass
# Stubbable for testing. Returns a `moment`
_today: -> moment()
_onFileDownloadStoreChange: ->
# downloads is a hash keyed by the file id
@setState downloads: FileDownloadStore.downloadsForFiles(@_fileIds())
_onDownloadStoreChange: ->
downloads: FileDownloadStore.downloadsForFileIds(@props.message.fileIds())
_onToggleCollapsed: ->

View file

@ -143,10 +143,6 @@ test_thread = (new Thread).fromJSON({
describe "MessageList", ->
keymap_path = "internal_packages/message-list/keymaps/message-list.cson"
base_path = "keymaps/base.cson"
keymap_mappings = CSON.readFileSync(keymap_path)
_resetMessageStore = ->
MessageStore._items = []
MessageStore._threadId = null
@ -156,10 +152,6 @@ describe "MessageList", ->
@message_list = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<MessageList />)
@message_list_node = @message_list.getDOMNode()
# IMPORTANT: You need to manually register the keymaps with the
# KeymapManager (aliased onto atom.keymaps).
atom.keymaps.add(keymap_path, keymap_mappings)
it "renders into the document", ->
MessageList)).toBe true

View file

@ -163,10 +163,16 @@
&.pending, &.started, &.progress {
// When downloading is in progress.
.attachment-download-bar-wrap {
&.downloading {
color: @text-color-subtle;
.attachment-download-bar-wrap {
.attachment-file-and-name:hover {
cursor: default;
color: @text-color-subtle;

View file

@ -329,6 +329,7 @@ class Atom extends Model
@emitter.emit('will-throw-error', eventObject)
@emit('uncaught-error', error.message, null, null, null, error)
@ -825,14 +826,11 @@ class Atom extends Model
setRepresentedFilename: (filename) ->
ipc.send('call-window-method', 'setRepresentedFilename', filename)
showSaveDialog: (callback) ->
showSaveDialogSync: (defaultPath) ->
showSaveDialog: (defaultPath, callback) ->
defaultPath ?= @project?.getPath()
currentWindow = @getCurrentWindow()
parentWindow = if process.platform is 'darwin' then null else @getCurrentWindow()
dialog = remote.require('dialog')
dialog.showSaveDialog currentWindow, {title: 'Save File', defaultPath}
dialog.showSaveDialog(parentWindow, {title: 'Save File', defaultPath}, callback)
saveSync: ->
stateString = JSON.stringify(@state)

View file

@ -243,9 +243,6 @@ class AtomApplication
ipc.on 'command', (event, command) =>
ipc.on 'save-file', (event, path) =>
ipc.on 'window-command', (event, command, args...) ->
win = BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(event.sender)
win.emit(command, args...)
@ -521,18 +518,3 @@ class AtomApplication
dialog = require 'dialog'
dialog.showOpenDialog parentWindow, openOptions, (pathsToOpen) =>
@lastFocusedWindow?.browserWindow.webContents.send("paths-to-open", pathsToOpen)
saveFile: (path) ->
dialog = require 'dialog'
# Show the open dialog as child window on Windows and Linux, and as
# independent dialog on OS X. This matches most native apps.
parentWindow =
if process.platform is 'darwin' then null else BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow()
options =
title: "Save"
defaultPath: path
dialog.showSaveDialog parentWindow, options, (savePath) =>
@lastFocusedWindow?.browserWindow.webContents.send("save-file-selected", savePath)

View file

@ -66,11 +66,10 @@ windowActions = [
# Notification actions

View file

@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ class File extends Model
'contentType': Attributes.String
modelKey: 'contentType'
jsonKey: 'content-type'
jsonKey: 'content_type'
'messageIds': Attributes.Collection
modelKey: 'messageIds'
jsonKey: 'message_ids'
itemClass: String
'isEmbedded': Attributes.Boolean
modelKey: 'isEmbedded'
jsonKey: 'is_embedded'
'contentId': Attributes.String
modelKey: 'contentId'
jsonKey: 'content_id'

View file

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class Message extends Model
toJSON: ->
json = super
json.file_ids = _.map @files, (file) -> file.id
json.file_ids = @fileIds()
json.object = 'draft' if @draft
@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ class Message extends Model
participants["#{(contact?.email ? "").toLowerCase().trim()} #{(contact?.name ? "").toLowerCase().trim()}"] = contact if contact?
return _.values(participants)
fileIds: ->
_.map @files, (file) -> file.id
uploadFiles: (paths = []) ->
FileUploadTask = require '../tasks/file-upload-task'

View file

@ -4,77 +4,133 @@ ipc = require 'ipc'
path = require 'path'
shell = require 'shell'
Reflux = require 'reflux'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
Actions = require '../actions'
DownloadFileTask = require '../tasks/download-file'
progress = require 'request-progress'
NamespaceStore = require '../stores/namespace-store'
class Download
constructor: ({@fileId, @targetPath, @progressCallback}) ->
@percent = 0
@promise = null
state: ->
if not @promise
if @promise.isFulfilled()
if @promise.isRejected()
run: ->
# If run has already been called, return the existing promise. Never
# initiate multiple downloads for the same file
return @promise if @promise
namespace = NamespaceStore.current()?.id
@promise = new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
return reject(new Error("Must pass a fileID to download")) unless @fileId?
return reject(new Error("Must have a target path to download")) unless @targetPath?
# Does the file already exist on disk? If so, just resolve immediately.
fs.exists @targetPath, (exists) =>
return resolve(@) if exists
@request = atom.inbox.makeRequest
path: "/n/#{namespace}/files/#{@fileId}/download"
success: => resolve(@)
error: => reject(@)
progress(@request, {throtte: 250})
.on("progress", (progress) =>
@percent = progress.percent
abort: ->
module.exports =
FileDownloadStore = Reflux.createStore
init: ->
# From Views
@listenTo Actions.viewFile, @_onViewFile
@listenTo Actions.saveFile, @_onSaveFile
@listenTo Actions.abortDownload, @_onAbortDownload
# From Tasks
@listenTo Actions.downloadStateChanged, @_onDownloadStateChanged
@listenTo Actions.fileDownloaded, @_onFileDownloaded
# Keyed by fileId
@_fileDownloads = {}
@listenTo Actions.fetchFile, @_fetch
@listenTo Actions.fetchAndOpenFile, @_fetchAndOpen
@listenTo Actions.fetchAndSaveFile, @_fetchAndSave
@listenTo Actions.abortDownload, @_cleanupDownload
@_downloads = []
@_downloadDirectory = "#{atom.getConfigDirPath()}/downloads"
fs.exists @_downloadDirectory, (exists) =>
fs.mkdir(@_downloadDirectory) unless exists
######### PUBLIC #######################################################
# Returns a hash of fileDownloads keyed by fileId
downloadsForFiles: (fileIds=[]) ->
downloads = {}
# Returns a hash of download objects keyed by fileId
pathForFile: (file) ->
return undefined unless file
path.join(@_downloadDirectory, "#{file.id}-#{file.filename}")
downloadForFileId: (fileId) ->
_.find @_downloads, (d) -> d.fileId is fileId
downloadsForFileIds: (fileIds=[]) ->
map = {}
for fileId in fileIds
downloads[fileId] = @_fileDownloads[fileId] if @_fileDownloads[fileId]?
return downloads
download = @downloadForFileId(fileId)
map[fileId] = download if download
########### PRIVATE ####################################################
_onViewFile: (file) ->
Actions.queueTask new DownloadFileTask
# Returns a promise allowing other actions to be daisy-chained
# to the end of the download operation
_startDownload: (file, options = {}) ->
targetPath = @pathForFile(file)
# is there an existing download for this file? If so,
# return that promise so users can chain to the end of it.
download = _.find @_downloads, (d) -> d.fileId is file.id
return download.run() if download
# create a new download for this file and add it to our queue
download = new Download
fileId: file.id
shellAction: "openItem" # Safe to serialize
downloadPath: path.join(os.tmpDir(), file.filename)
targetPath: targetPath
progressCallback: => @trigger()
cleanup = =>
_onSaveFile: (file) ->
# We setup the listener here because we don't want to catch someone
# else's open dialog
unlistenSave = Actions.savePathSelected.listen (pathToSave) =>
if pathToSave?
@_actionAfterDownload = "showItemInFolder"
Actions.queueTask new DownloadFileTask
fileId: file.id
shellAction: "showItemInFolder"
downloadPath: pathToSave
# When the dialog closes, it triggers `Actions.pathToSave`
ipc.send('save-file', @_defaultSavePath(file))
_onAbortDownload: (file) ->
Actions.abortTask({object: 'DownloadFileTask', fileId: file.id})
# Generated in tasks/download-file.coffee
# downloadData:
# state - One of "pending "started" "progress" "completed" "aborted" "failed"
# fileId - The id of the file
# shellAction - Action used to open the file after downloading
# downloadPath - The full path of the download location
# total - From request-progress: total number of bytes
# percent - From request-progress
# received - From request-progress: currently received bytes
_onDownloadStateChanged: (downloadData={}) ->
@_fileDownloads[downloadData.fileId] = downloadData
promise = download.run().catch(cleanup).then(cleanup)
_onFileDownloaded: ({fileId, shellAction, downloadPath}) ->
delete @_fileDownloads[fileId]
_fetch: (file) ->
_fetchAndOpen: (file) ->
@_startDownload(file).then (download) ->
_fetchAndSave: (file) ->
atom.showSaveDialog @_defaultSavePath(file), (savePath) =>
return unless savePath
@_startDownload(file).then (download) ->
stream = fs.createReadStream(download.targetPath)
stream.on 'end', ->
_cleanupDownload: (download) ->
@_downloads = _.without(@_downloads, download)
_defaultSavePath: (file) ->
if process.platform is 'win32'
@ -84,6 +140,5 @@ FileDownloadStore = Reflux.createStore
downloadDir = path.join(home, 'Downloads')
if not fs.existsSync(downloadDir)
downloadDir = os.tmpdir()
path.join(downloadDir, file.filename)

View file

@ -70,6 +70,13 @@ MessageStore = Reflux.createStore
return unless loadedThreadId == @_threadId
@_items = items
@_itemsLocalIds = localIds
# Start fetching inline image attachments. Note that the download store
# is smart enough that calling this multiple times is not bad!
for msg in items
for file in msg.files
Actions.fetchFile(file) if file.contentId
_fetchFromCacheDebounced: _.debounce ->