fix(downloads): Improve inline attachment handling

- Show downloading state for inline attachments
- Ensure that the UI updates /after/ the download has completed
- Don't delete finished downloads (previously we were forgetting that a file was downloaded and checking again and again)

Fixes #462
This commit is contained in:
Ben Gotow 2015-12-07 15:00:20 -08:00
parent 31796e396d
commit fc2118aade
8 changed files with 81 additions and 74 deletions

View file

@ -58,12 +58,21 @@ class MessageItemBody extends React.Component
showQuotedText: !@state.showQuotedText
_onBodyChanged: (body) =>
downloadingSpinnerPath = Utils.imageNamed('inline-loading-spinner.gif')
# Replace cid:// references with the paths to downloaded files
for file in @props.message.files
continue if @props.downloads[]
cidLink = "cid:#{file.contentId}"
fileLink = "#{FileDownloadStore.pathForFile(file)}"
body = body.replace(cidLink, fileLink)
download = @props.downloads[]
cidRegexp = new RegExp("cid:#{file.contentId}(['\"]+)", 'gi')
if download and download.state isnt 'finished'
# Render a spinner and inject a `style` tag that injects object-position / object-fit
body = body.replace cidRegexp, (text, quoteCharacter) ->
"#{downloadingSpinnerPath}#{quoteCharacter} style=#{quoteCharacter} object-position: 50% 50%; object-fit: none; "
# Render the completed download
body = body.replace cidRegexp, (text, quoteCharacter) ->
# Replace remaining cid:// references - we will not display them since they'll
# throw "unknown ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME". Show a transparent pixel so that there's

View file

@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ describe "MessageItem", ->
@component = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<MessageItemBody message={@message} downloads={@downloads} />
describe "when the message contains attachments", ->
beforeEach ->
@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ describe "MessageItem", ->
it "should give images a fixed height when height and width are set as html attributes", ->
@message.body = """
<img src=\"cid:#{file_inline.contentId}\"/>
<img src='cid:#{file_inline.contentId}'/>
<img src=\"cid:#{file_inline.contentId}\" width="50"/>
<img src=\"cid:#{file_inline.contentId}\" width="50" height="40"/>
<img src=\"cid:#{file_inline.contentId}\" width="1000" height="800"/>
@ -163,9 +165,10 @@ describe "MessageItem", ->
body = @component.state.processedBody
expect(body).toEqual """<img src="/fake/path-inline.png"/>
<img src="" width="50" height="40" style="height:40px;" />
<img src="" width="1000" height="800" style="height:592px;" />
<img src='/fake/path-inline.png'/>
<img src="/fake/path-inline.png" width="50"/>
<img src="/fake/path-inline.png" width="50" height="40" style="height:40px;" />
<img src="/fake/path-inline.png" width="1000" height="800" style="height:592px;" />
describe "showQuotedText", ->

View file

@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ describe "FileDownloadStore", ->
describe "_abortFetchFile", ->
beforeEach ->
@download =
abort: jasmine.createSpy('abort')
ensureClosed: jasmine.createSpy('abort')
FileDownloadStore._downloads[] = @download
@ -260,11 +260,11 @@ describe "FileDownloadStore", ->
spyOn(fs, 'unlink')
it "should not try to delete the file if doesn't exist", ->
spyOn(fs, 'exists').andCallFake (path, callback) -> callback(false)
spyOn(fs, 'unlink')

View file

@ -17,12 +17,6 @@ StylesImpactedByZoom = [
# We don't want to call `getLoadSettings` for each and every RetinaImg
# instance because it's a fairly expensive operation. Since the
# resourcePath can't change once the app has booted, it's safe to set the
# constant at require-time
DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PATH = NylasEnv.getLoadSettings().resourcePath
Mode =
ContentPreserve: 'original'
ContentLight: 'light'
@ -138,8 +132,7 @@ class RetinaImg extends React.Component
name = "#{basename}-active.#{ext}"
if @props.selected is true
name = "#{basename}-selected.#{ext}"
resourcePath = @props.resourcePath ? DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PATH
Utils.imageNamed(resourcePath, name)
Utils.imageNamed(name, @props.resourcePath)
module.exports = RetinaImg

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ tz = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone
TaskRegistry = null
DatabaseObjectRegistry = null
DefaultResourcePath = null
module.exports =
Utils =
@ -140,9 +141,12 @@ Utils =
tableNameForJoin: (primaryKlass, secondaryKlass) ->
imageNamed: (resourcePath, fullname) ->
imageNamed: (fullname, resourcePath) ->
[name, ext] = fullname.split('.')
DefaultResourcePath ?= NylasEnv.getLoadSettings().resourcePath
resourcePath ?= DefaultResourcePath
Utils.images ?= {}
if not Utils.images[resourcePath]?
imagesPath = path.join(resourcePath, 'static', 'images')

View file

@ -18,7 +18,15 @@ mkdirpAsync = (folder) ->
mkdirp folder, (err) ->
if err then reject(err) else resolve(folder)
State =
Unstarted: 'unstarted'
Downloading: 'downloading'
Finished: 'finished'
Failed: 'failed'
class Download
@State: State
constructor: ({@fileId, @targetPath, @filename, @filesize, @progressCallback}) ->
if not @filename or @filename.length is 0
throw new Error("Download.constructor: You must provide a non-empty filename.")
@ -29,23 +37,14 @@ class Download
@percent = 0
@promise = null
@state = State.Unstarted
state: ->
if not @promise
else if @promise.isFulfilled()
else if @promise.isRejected()
# We need to pass a plain object so we can have fresh references for the
# React views while maintaining the single object with the running
# request.
data: -> Object.freeze _.clone
state: @state()
state: @state
fileId: @fileId
percent: @percent
filename: @filename
@ -60,23 +59,20 @@ class Download
@promise = new Promise (resolve, reject) =>
accountId = AccountStore.current()?.id
stream = fs.createWriteStream(@targetPath)
finished = false
finishedAction = null
# We need to watch the request for `success` or `error`, but not fire
# a callback until the stream has ended. These helper functions ensure
# that resolve or reject is only fired once regardless of the order
# these two events (stream end and `success`) happen in.
streamEnded = =>
finished = true
if finishedAction
# a callback until the stream has ended. This helper functions ensure
# that resolve or reject is only fired once the stream has been closed.
checkIfFinished = (action) =>
# Wait for the stream to finish writing to disk and clear the request
return if @request
onStreamEnded = (action) =>
if finished
finishedAction = action
if @state is State.Finished
else if @state is State.Failed
@state = State.Downloading
json: false
@ -90,19 +86,22 @@ class Download
@percent = progress.percent
.on "end", =>
# Wait for the file stream to finish writing before we resolve or reject
@request = null
success: =>
# At this point, the file stream has not finished writing to disk.
# Don't resolve yet, or the browser will load only part of the image.
@state = State.Finished
@percent = 100
error: =>
@state = State.Failed
abort: ->
ensureClosed: ->
@ -129,16 +128,15 @@ FileDownloadStore = Reflux.createStore
return undefined unless file
path.join(@_downloadDirectory,, file.displayName())
downloadDataForFile: (fileId) -> @_downloads[fileId]?.data()
downloadDataForFile: (fileId) ->
# Returns a hash of download objects keyed by fileId
downloadDataForFiles: (fileIds=[]) ->
downloadData = {}
fileIds.forEach (fileId) =>
data = @downloadDataForFile(fileId)
return unless data
downloadData[fileId] = data
downloadData[fileId] = @downloadDataForFile(fileId)
return downloadData
########### PRIVATE ####################################################
@ -152,29 +150,30 @@ FileDownloadStore = Reflux.createStore
# Returns a promise with a Download object, allowing other actions to be
# daisy-chained to the end of the download operation.
_runDownload: (file) ->
targetPath = @pathForFile(file)
# is there an existing download for this file? If so,
# return that promise so users can chain to the end of it.
download = @_downloads[]
return if download
# create a new download for this file
download = new Download
filesize: file.size
filename: file.displayName()
targetPath: targetPath
progressCallback: => @trigger()
# Do we actually need to queue and run the download? Queuing a download
# for an already-downloaded file has side-effects, like making the UI
# flicker briefly.
@_prepareFolder(file).then =>
targetPath = @pathForFile(file)
# is there an existing download for this file? If so,
# return that promise so users can chain to the end of it.
download = @_downloads[]
return if download
# create a new download for this file
download = new Download
filesize: file.size
filename: file.displayName()
targetPath: targetPath
progressCallback: => @trigger()
# Do we actually need to queue and run the download? Queuing a download
# for an already-downloaded file has side-effects, like making the UI
# flicker briefly.
@_checkForDownloadedFile(file).then (alreadyHaveFile) =>
if alreadyHaveFile
# If we have the file, just resolve with a resolved download representing the file.
download.promise = Promise.resolve()
download.state = State.Finished
return Promise.resolve(download)
@_downloads[] = download
@ -230,9 +229,8 @@ FileDownloadStore = Reflux.createStore
fs.unlink(downloadPath) if exists
_cleanupDownload: (download) ->
delete @_downloads[download.fileId]
_defaultSavePath: (file) ->
if process.platform is 'win32'

View file

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class MessageBodyProcessor
processAndSubscribe: (message, callback) =>
_.defer => callback(@process(message))
sub = {message, callback}
return =>

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.5 KiB