{ "\"Launch on system start\" only works in XDG-compliant desktop environments. To enable the Mailspring icon in the system tray, you may need to install libappindicator.": "\"Begin met die stelsel begin\" werk slegs in XDG-compatible lessenaaromgewings. Om die Mailspring-ikoon in die stelselvenster te aktiveer, moet u dalk 'n libappindicator installeer.", "%1$@ of %2$@": "%1$@ van %2$@", "%@ cannot be attached because it is larger than 25MB.": "%@ kan nie aangeheg word nie, want dit is groter as 25MB.", "%@ has been installed and enabled. No need to restart! If you don't see the plugin loaded, check the console for errors.": "%@ is geïnstalleer en aangeskakel. Nie nodig om weer te begin nie! As jy nie die prop gelaai het nie, gaan die konsole na foute.", "%@ is a directory. Try compressing it and attaching it again.": "%@ is 'n gids. Probeer dit te komprimeer en weer aan te heg.", "%@ messages in this thread are hidden because they were moved to trash or spam.": "%@ boodskappe in hierdie draad is weggesteek omdat dit na asblik of gemorspos verskuif is.", "%@ others": "%@ ander", "%@ recently %@ %@": "%@ onlangs %@ %@", "(No Recipients)": "(Geen Ontvangers)", "(No Subject)": "(Geen onderwerp)", "(Requires supported window manager. Press `Alt` to show menu.)": "(Vereis ondersteunde vensterbestuurder. Druk `Alt 'om die spyskaart te wys.)", "... and much more!": "... en baie meer!", "1 other": "1 ander", "A Gmail application-specific password is required.": "'N Gmail-aansoekspesifieke wagwoord is nodig.", "A new version is available!": "'N Nuwe weergawe is beskikbaar!", "About Mailspring": "Oor Mailspring", "Accept": "aanvaar", "Account": "Rekening", "Account Details": "Rekeningbesonderhede", "Account Label": "Rekeningetiket", "Account Settings": "Rekeningopstelling", "Accounts": "Rekeninge", "Actions": "aksies", "Activity": "aktiwiteit", "Activity View": "Aktiwiteitskyk", "Add Account": "Voeg rekening", "Add your %@ account": "Voeg jou %@ rekening", "Added %@": "Bygevoeg %@", "Added %@ to %@ threads": "Bygevoeg %@ na %@ drade", "Adding account": "Voeg rekening by", "Adding your account to Mailspring…": "Voeg jou rekening by Mailspring ...", "Address": "adres", "After %@ Seconds": "Na %@ Sekondes", "After sending, enable undo for": "Nadat jy gestuur het, aktiveer ongedaan vir", "Aliases": "aliasse", "All": "Almal", "All Accounts": "Alle rekeninge", "All Contact Previews Used": "Alle Kontak Voorskoue Gebruik", "All Mail": "Alle pos", "All Reminders Used": "Alle herinnerings gebruik", "All Scheduled Sends Used": "Alle geskeduleerde versendings gebruik", "All Sharing Links Used": "Alle deelskakels gebruik", "All Snoozes Used": "Alle snoozes gebruik", "All used up!": "Alles opgebruik!", "Allow insecure SSL": "Laat onveilige SSL toe", "Always show images from %@": "Wys altyd beelde van %@", "An error has occurred": "N fout het voorgekom", "An unknown error has occurred": "'N Onbekende fout het voorgekom", "An update to Mailspring is available %@": "'N Opdatering vir Mailspring is beskikbaar %@", "Any": "Enige", "App Password": "Programwagwoord", "Appearance": "voorkoms", "Application": "aansoek", "Apply Label": "Pas etiket toe", "Apply Layout": "Pas uitleg aan", "Applying changes...": "Pas tans veranderinge toe ...", "Applying labels": "Etikette toepas", "Archive": "Argief", "Archived %@": "Argief %@", "Are you sure?": "Is jy seker?", "Attach File": "Heg leër aan", "Attach Mailsync to Xcode": "Heg Mailsync aan Xcode", "Attachment name": "Aanhegsel naam", "Attachments": "Aanhegsels", "Authentication Error - Check your username and password.": "Verifikasie Fout - Gaan jou gebruikersnaam en wagwoord.", "Authentication required.": "Verifikasie vereis.", "Automatic CC / BCC": "Outomatiese CC / BCC", "Automatically load images in viewed messages": "Laai prente outomaties in aangevraagde boodskappe", "Back": "Terug", "Bcc": "BCC", "Best Templates and Subject Lines": "Beste Sjablone en Vaklyne", "Body": "Lyf", "Bring All to Front": "Bring alles na vore", "By default, mail rules are only applied to new mail as it arrives. Applying rules to your entire inbox may take a long time and degrade performance.": "By verstek word e-posreëls slegs toegepas op nuwe pos soos dit aankom. Om reëls in jou hele posbus toe te pas, kan 'n lang tyd duur en prestasie degradeer.", "Caching mail": "Caching pos", "Caching recent mail": "Cached onlangse pos", "Can't find the selected thread in your mailbox": "Kan die gekose draad nie in jou posbus vind nie", "Cancel": "Kanselleer", "Cancel Send Later": "Kanselleer Stuur Later", "Cannot scan templates directory": "Kan nie sjablone gids skandeer nie", "Cannot send message": "Kan nie boodskap stuur nie", "Cc": "CC", "Certificate Error": "Sertifikaat fout", "Change Folder": "Verander gids", "Change Labels": "Verander etikette", "Change Theme": "Verander tema", "Change Theme...": "Verander tema ...", "Changed labels": "Gewysigde etikette", "Changed labels on %@ threads": "Veranderde etikette op %@ drade", "Changes are saved automatically. View the %@ for tips and tricks.": "Wysigings word outomaties gestoor. Bekyk die %@ vir wenke en truuks.", "Changing folder mapping...": "Verander tans kaartmap ...", "Check Again": "Kyk weer", "Check for Updates": "Kyk vir opdaterings", "Check messages for spelling": "Kontroleer boodskappe vir spelling", "Checking": "Nagaan", "Checking for mail": "Kontroleer vir pos", "Choose": "kies", "Choose Directory": "Kies Gids", "Choose an image": "Kies 'n prent", "Choose folder": "Kies gids", "Choose folder or label": "Kies gids of etiket", "Cleanup Complete": "Opruiming Voltooi", "Cleanup Error": "Opruimingsfout", "Cleanup Started": "Opruiming begin", "Clear Selection": "Vee keuse uit", "Clear reminder": "Duidelike herinnering", "Click 'Learn More' to view instructions in our knowledge base.": "Kliek op 'Meer inligting' om instruksies in ons kennisbasis te sien.", "Click any theme to apply:": "Klik enige tema om aansoek te doen:", "Click shortcuts above to edit them. For even more control, you can edit the shortcuts file directly below.": "Klik op kortpaaie hierbo om hulle te wysig. Vir nog meer beheer, kan u die kortpaaie lêer direk hieronder wysig.", "Click to replace": "Klik om te vervang", "Click to upload": "Klik om te laai", "Clicked": "gekliek", "Clicked by:": "Klik deur:", "Close Window": "Maak toe die venster", "Collapse": "Inval", "Collapse All": "Ineenstort alles", "Combine your search queries with Gmail-style terms like %@ and %@ to find anything in your mailbox.": "Kombineer jou soektogte met Gmail-style terme soos %@ and %@ om iets in jou posbus te vind.", "Comma-separated email addresses": "Komma-geskeide e-pos adresse", "Company / Domain Logo": "Maatskappy / Domein Logo", "Company overviews": "Maatskappy oorsig", "Complete the IMAP and SMTP settings below to connect your account.": "Voltooi die IMAP- en SMTP-instellings hieronder om jou rekening te koppel.", "Compose New Message": "Stel nuwe boodskap op", "Compose new message": "Stel nuwe boodskap saam", "Compose with context": "Stel saam met konteks", "Composer": "komponis", "Composing": "komponeer", "Connect Account": "Koppel rekening", "Connect an email account": "Koppel 'n e-pos rekening", "Connecting to %@…": "Koppel aan %@ ...", "Connection Error - Unable to connect to the server / port you provided.": "Konneksie Fout - Kan nie koppel aan die bediener / poort wat u verskaf het nie.", "Continue": "Gaan voort", "Copied": "kopieer", "Copy": "Kopieer", "Copy Debug Info to Clipboard": "Kopieer Ontfoutingsinligting na Klembord", "Copy Email Address": "Kopieer e-posadres", "Copy Image": "Kopieer prent", "Copy Link Address": "Kopieer skakeladres", "Copy link": "Kopieer skakel", "Could not create folder.": "Kon nie gids skep nie.", "Could not create plugin": "Kon nie inprop maak nie", "Could not find a file at path '%@'": "Kon nie 'n lêer op pad '%@' vind nie", "Could not install plugin": "Kon nie plugin installeer nie", "Could not reach %@. %@": "Kon nie bereik %@. %@", "Could not reach Mailspring. Please try again or contact support@getmailspring.com if the issue persists. (%@: %@)": "Kon nie Mailspring bereik nie. Probeer asseblief weer of kontak support@getmailspring.com as die probleem voortduur. (%@: %@)", "Could not reset accounts and settings. Please delete the folder %@ manually.\n\n%@": "Kon nie rekeninge en instellings herstel nie. Skrap asseblief die gids %@ manually.\n\n %@", "Create": "Skep", "Create a Plugin": "Skep 'n inprop", "Create a Theme": "Skep 'n tema", "Create a new Rule": "Skep 'n nuwe reël", "Create a rule or select one to get started": "Skep 'n reël of kies een om te begin", "Create new item": "Skep nuwe item", "Create templated messages and fill them quickly to reply to messages and automate your common workflows.": "Skep vertraagde boodskappe en vul hulle vinnig om boodskappe te beantwoord en outomatiseer jou algemene werkstrome.", "Creating %@": "Skep %@", "Custom": "Custom", "Custom Image…": "Gepasmaakte prent ...", "Custom Window Frame and Right-hand Menu": "Aangepaste venster raam en regterhandse kieslys", "Customization": "Aanpassing", "Cut": "Knip", "Date": "Datum", "Decline": "afname", "Default": "verstek", "Default Window Controls and Auto-hiding Menubar": "Verstek Window Controls en Auto-versteek Menubar", "Default Window Controls and Menubar": "Verstek venster kontroles en menubalk", "Default for new messages:": "Verstek vir nuwe boodskappe:", "Default for:": "Verstek vir:", "Default reply behavior": "Verstek antwoordgedrag", "Delete": "Skrap", "Delete Draft": "Vee konsep uit", "Delete Template?": "Sjabloon verwyder?", "Delete your custom key bindings and reset to the template defaults?": "Verwyder jou persoonlike sleutelbindinge en stel terug na die standaardinstellings van die sjabloon?", "Deleted": "geskrap", "Deleting %@": "Skrap %@", "Deleting all messages in %@": "Verwyder alle boodskappe in %@", "Deleting draft": "Verwydering van konsep", "Deselect all conversations": "Ontkies alle gesprekke", "Developer": "Ontwikkelaar", "Disable": "afskakel", "Dismiss": "ontslaan", "Display conversations in descending chronological order": "Vertoon gesprekke in dalende chronologiese volgorde", "Display thumbnail previews for attachments when available.": "Wys voorskoue vir voorskoue vir bylae wanneer dit beskikbaar is.", "Do you prefer a single panel layout (like Gmail) or a two panel layout?": "Het jy 'n enkele paneeluitleg (soos Gmail) of 'n twee paneeluitleg verkies?", "Don’t show this again": "Moenie dit weer wys nie", "Download All": "Laai alles af", "Download Failed": "Aflaai het misluk", "Download Now": "Laai nou af", "Downloading Update": "Laai opdatering af", "Dozens of other features!": "Dekades van ander funksies!", "Draft": "Onvoltooid", "Drafts": "Drafts", "Drafts folder not found": "Ontwerppapier nie gevind nie", "Drop to Attach": "Druppel aan Heg", "Edit": "Redigeer", "Edit Item": "Wysig item", "Edit Message": "Boodskap wysig", "Edit Reminder": "Wysig herinnering", "Edit Signatures...": "Handtekeninge wysig ...", "Edit custom shortcuts": "Wysig kortpaaie", "Email": "E-pos", "Email Address": "E-pos adres", "Empty": "leë", "Empty %@ now": "Leeg %@ nou", "Enable": "in staat te stel", "Enable read receipts %@ or link tracking %@ to see notifications here.": "Aktiveer lees ontvangste %@ of skakel dop %@ om kennisgewings hier te sien.", "Enable verbose IMAP / SMTP logging": "Aktiveer verbale IMAP / SMTP-aanmelding", "Encountered an error while syncing %@": "'N Fout tydens die sinkronisering van %@", "Enter Full Screen": "Gee volle skerm in", "Enter your email account credentials to get started.": "Voer jou e-pos rekeninge in om te begin.", "Enter your email account credentials to get started. Mailspring\nstores your email password securely and it is never sent to our servers.": "Voer jou e-pos rekeninge in om te begin. Mailspring \n stoor jou e-pos wagwoord veilig en word nooit na ons bedieners gestuur nie.", "Error": "fout", "Event": "gebeurtenis", "Existing": "bestaande", "Exit": "Afsluit", "Exit Full Screen": "Voltooi Volskerm", "Expand / collapse conversation": "Uitbreiding / ineenstorting van gesprek", "Expand All": "Brei alles uit", "Explore Mailspring Pro": "Verken Mailspring Pro", "Export Failed": "Uitvoer misluk", "Export Raw Data": "Uitvoer Rou data", "Facebook URL": "Facebook-URL", "Failed to load \"%@\"": "Kon nie laai nie \"%@\"", "Failed to load config.json: %@": "Kon nie config.json laai nie: %@", "Failed to save \"%@\"": "Kon nie red nie \"%@\"", "Failed to save config.json: %@": "Kon nie config.json stoor nie: %@", "False": "onwaar", "Fax": "Faks", "Feedback": "terugvoer", "File": "Lêer", "Find": "Vind", "Find Next": "Vind Volgende", "Find Previous": "Vind vorige", "Find in Mailbox": "Vind in Mailbox", "Find in Thread": "Vind in die onderwerp", "Find in thread": "Vind in draad", "Flags": "vlae", "Focus the %@ field": "Fokus die %@ veld", "Folder": "gids", "Folders": "Vouers", "Follow-up reminders": "Opvolg herinnerings", "Food and Drink": "Kos en drank", "Forward": "Aanstuur", "Forwarded Message": "Stuur boodskap", "Frequently Used": "Gereeld gebruik", "From": "Van", "GMX requires that you %@ before using email clients like Mailspring.": "GMX vereis dat u %@ voordat u e-poskliënte soos Mailspring gebruik.", "General": "Algemeen", "Get Mailspring Pro": "Kry Mailspring Pro", "Get Started": "Begin", "Get notified when each recipient opens your email to send timely follow-ups and reminders.": "Kry kennisgewings wanneer elke ontvanger jou e-pos oopmaak om betyds opvolg en onthounotas te stuur.", "Get reminded if you don't receive a reply for this message within a specified time.": "Onthou word as jy nie binne 'n vasgestelde tyd 'n antwoord vir hierdie boodskap ontvang nie.", "Get reminded!": "Onthou!", "Give your draft a subject to name your template.": "Gee jou konsep 'n onderwerp om jou sjabloon te noem.", "Gmail IMAP is not enabled. Visit Gmail settings to turn it on.": "Gmail IMAP is nie geaktiveer nie. Gaan na Gmail-instellings om dit aan te skakel.", "Gmail Remove from view": "Gmail verwyder uit vertoning", "Gmail bandwidth exceeded. Please try again later.": "Gmail-bandwydte is oorskry. Probeer asseblief weer later.", "Go Back": "Gaan terug", "Go further with Mailspring Pro": "Gaan verder met Mailspring Pro", "Go to %@": "Gaan na %@", "Got it!": "Het dit!", "Gravatar Profile Photo": "Gravatar Profiel Foto", "Handle it later!": "Hanteer dit later!", "Have a GitHub account? Want to contibute many translations? Contribute directly via a Pull Request!": "Het u 'n GitHub rekening? Wil jy baie vertalings vertaal? Dra direk by 'n Pull Request!", "Have you enabled access through Yahoo?": "Het jy toegang deur Yahoo geaktiveer?", "Help": "Hulp", "Help Center": "Hulp Sentrum", "Hide": "Steek", "Hide Badge": "Versteek badge", "Hide Mailspring": "Versteek Mailspring", "Hide Others": "Verskuil ander", "Hide Sidebar": "Versteek Zijbalk", "Hooray! You’re done.": "Hoera! Jy's klaar.", "Huge": "Groot", "If %@ of the following conditions are met:": "Indien %@ aan die volgende voorwaardes voldoen word:", "If you enjoy Mailspring, upgrade to Mailspring Pro from %@ to enable all these great features permanently:": "As jy Mailspring geniet, moet jy opgradeer na Mailspring Pro vanaf %@ om al hierdie groot funksies permanent te aktiveer:", "If you write a draft in another language, Mailspring will auto-detect it and use the correct spelling dictionary after a few sentences.": "As jy 'n konsep in 'n ander taal skryf, sal Mailspring dit outomaties opspoor en die korrekte spelwoordeboek na 'n paar sinne gebruik.", "If you've enabled link tracking or read receipts, those events will appear here!": "As jy skakelopsporing geaktiveer of ontvangste ontvang het, sal die gebeure hier verskyn!", "Important": "Belangrik", "In 1 Week": "In 1 week", "In 1 hour": "In 1 uur", "In 2 Weeks": "In 2 weke", "In 2 hours": "In 2 uur", "In 3 Days": "In 3 Dae", "In 3 Hours": "In 3 ure", "In a Month": "In 'n maand", "In order to perform actions on this mailbox, you need to resolve the sync issue. Visit Preferences > Accounts for more information.": "Om aksies op hierdie posbus te kan uitvoer, moet jy die sinkroniseringprobleem oplos. Besoek Voorkeure> Rekeninge vir meer inligting.", "In order to send mail through Mailspring, your email account must have a Sent Mail folder. You can specify a Sent folder manually by visiting Preferences > Folders and choosing a folder name from the dropdown menu.": "Om e-pos te stuur via Mailspring, moet u e-pos rekening 'n gestuurde posmap hê. U kan 'n Gestuurde gids handmatig spesifiseer deur Voorkeure> Vouers te besoek en 'n gidsnaam in die aftreklys te kies.", "In order to send mail through Mailspring, your email account must have a Trash folder. You can specify a Trash folder manually by visiting Preferences > Folders and choosing a folder name from the dropdown menu.": "Om e-pos te stuur via Mailspring, moet u e-posrekening 'n prullenbak hê. U kan 'n prullenbak gids handmatig spesifiseer deur voorkeure> dopgehou te besoek en 'n gidsnaam in die aftreklys te kies.", "Inbox": "Inkassie", "Incoming Mail": "Inkomende pos", "Indent": "streepje", "Information": "inligting", "Insert Numbered List": "Voeg getalle lys in", "Insert a Quote Block": "Voeg 'n kwotasieblok in", "Insert a bulleted list": "Voeg 'n kolpuntlys in", "Insert a link": "Voeg 'n skakel in", "Insert content here!": "Voeg inhoud hierin in!", "Install": "installeer", "Install Theme": "Installeer Tema", "Install a Plugin": "Installeer 'n inprop", "Instantly": "onmiddellik", "Invalid plugin location": "Ongeldige plugin-ligging", "Invalid plugin name": "Ongeldige plugin naam", "Invalid template name! Names can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, and underscores.": "Ongeldige sjabloon naam! Name kan slegs letters, nommers, spasies, streepies en onderstrepe bevat.", "It looks like your draft already has some content. Loading this template will overwrite all draft contents.": "Dit lyk of jou konsep reeds 'n mate van inhoud bevat. As u hierdie sjabloon laai, sal alle konsepinhoud oorskry word.", "It originates from %@ but replies will go to %@.": "Dit kom van %@ maar antwoorde sal na %@ gaan.", "Job Title": "Werkstitel", "Jumping": "spring", "Label as...": "Etiket as ...", "Labels": "etikette", "Language Conversion Failed": "Taal Omskakeling misluk", "Large": "groot", "Last 2 Weeks": "Laaste 2 weke", "Last 4 Weeks": "Laaste 4 weke", "Last 7 Days": "Laaste 7 dae", "Later Today": "Later vandag", "Launch on system start": "Begin met die begin van die stelsel", "Layout": "Uitleg", "Learn More": "Leer meer", "Learn Spelling": "Leer spelling", "Learn more": "Leer meer", "Let's set things up to your liking.": "Kom ons stel dinge tot u wense.", "Link Click Rate": "Skakel Kliek Rate", "Link tracking": "Link dop", "Link tracking does not work offline. Please re-enable when you come back online.": "Skakelopsporing werk nie vanlyn nie. Maak asseblief weer aan wanneer jy aanlyn terugkom.", "Loading Messages": "Laai boodskappe", "Loading...": "Laai ...", "Local Data": "Plaaslike data", "Localized": "gelokaliseerde", "Log Data": "Log data", "Look Up “%@”": "Kyk op \"%@\"", "Looking for accounts...": "Op soek na rekeninge ...", "Looking for more messages": "Op soek na meer boodskappe", "Looks Good!": "Lyk goed!", "Mail Rules": "Posreëls", "Mail Templates": "Mail Templates", "Mailbox Summary": "Posbusopsomming", "Mailbox insights": "Mailbox insigte", "Mailspring Basic": "Mailspring Basic", "Mailspring Help": "Mailspring Help", "Mailspring Pro": "Mailspring Pro", "Mailspring Reminder": "Mailspring Reminder", "Mailspring can no longer authenticate with %@. The password or authentication may have changed.": "Mailspring kan nie meer met %@ verifieer nie. Die wagwoord of verifikasie kan verander het.", "Mailspring can't find your Drafts folder. To create and send mail, visit Preferences > Folders and choose a Drafts folder.": "Mailspring kan nie jou konsepmap vind nie. Om voorwerpe te skep en te stuur, besoek Voorkeure> Vouers en kies 'n vouer.", "Mailspring could not find the mailsync process. If you're building Mailspring from source, make sure mailsync.tar.gz has been downloaded and unpacked in your working copy.": "Mailspring kan die mailsync-proses vind. As jy Mailspring van die bron bou, maak seker dat mailsync.tar.gz afgelaai en uitgepak is in jou werk kopie.", "Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring kon nie 'n aanhangsel stoor nie omdat jy nie meer spasie op die skyf het nie.", "Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring kon nie 'n aanhangsel stoor nie. Maak seker dat toestemmings korrek ingestel is en probeer Mailspring herbegin as die probleem voortduur.", "Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring kon nie die mailsync-proses kweek nie. %@", "Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring kon jou wagwoord nie stoor nie. %@ Vir meer inligting, besoek %@", "Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring lessenaar kennisgewings op Linux vereis Zenity. U moet dit dalk met u pakketbestuurder installeer.", "Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring ondersteun nie styleheets met die uitbreiding nie: %@", "Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring het foute ondervind met die sinkronisering van hierdie rekening. Crash verslae is gestuur na die Mailspring span en ons sal werk om hierdie foute op te los in die volgende uitgawe.", "Mailspring is clearing its cache %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring is die skoonmaak van die kas vir %@. Afhangende van die grootte van die posbus, kan dit 'n paar sekondes of 'n paar minute duur. 'N Waarskuwing sal verskyn wanneer opruiming voltooi is.", "Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring is onafhanklike %@ sagteware, en inskrywingsinkomste laat ons toe om die tyd te handhaaf en te verbeter.", "One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "One or more accounts are having connection issues.", "Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring loop in dev-modus en kan stadiger wees!", "Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring sinkroniseer hierdie draad en dit is aanhangsels aan die wolk. Vir lang drade kan dit 'n rukkie neem.", "Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring kan nie sinkroniseer nie %@", "Mailspring reset the local cache for %@ in %@ seconds. Your mailbox will now begin to sync again.": "Mailspring herstel die plaaslike kas vir %@ in %@ sekondes. Jou posbus sal nou weer begin sinkroniseer.", "Mailspring shows you everything about your contacts right inside your inbox. See LinkedIn profiles, Twitter bios, message history, and more.": "Mailspring wys jou alles oor jou kontakte reg in jou inkassie. Sien LinkedIn profiele, Twitter bios, boodskap geskiedenis, en nog baie meer.", "Mailspring was unable to modify your keymaps at %@.": "Mailspring kon nie jou sleutelkaarte by %@ verander nie.", "Mailspring was unable to read the contents of your templates directory (%@). You may want to delete this folder or ensure filesystem permissions are set correctly.": "Mailspring kon nie die inhoud van jou templates-gids lees nie (%@). U kan hierdie gids verwyder of seker maak dat lêerstelsel toestemmings korrek ingestel is.", "Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring kon nie die plaaslike kas herstel nie. %@", "Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).": "Mailspring kon nie skryf na die lêerlêer wat jy gespesifiseer het nie (%@).", "Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Maak seker jy het `libsecret` geïnstalleer en 'n sleutelring is teenwoordig.", "Manage": "bestuur", "Manage Accounts": "Bestuur rekeninge", "Manage Billing": "Bestuur faktuur", "Manage Templates...": "Bestuur sjablone ...", "Manually": "met die hand", "Mark as %@": "Merk as %@", "Mark as Important": "Merk as belangrik", "Mark as Not Important": "Merk as nie belangrik nie", "Mark as Read": "Merk as gelees", "Mark as Spam": "Merk as gemorspos", "Marked %@ as Spam": "Gemerk %@ as Spam", "Marked %@ threads as %@": "Gemerk %@ drade as %@", "Marked as %@": "Gemerk as %@", "Market Cap": "Markkapitalisasie", "Marking as read": "Merk as gelees", "Marking as unread": "Merk as ongelees", "Maybe": "Kan wees", "Message": "Boodskap", "Message Sent Sound": "Boodskap gestuur klank", "Message Viewer": "Boodskap Viewer", "Messages Received": "Boodskappe ontvang", "Messages Sent": "Boodskappe gestuur", "Messages Time of Day": "Boodskappe Tyd van die dag", "Minimize": "minimaliseer", "MobileMe has moved.": "MobileMe het verskuif.", "Monthly": "maandelikse", "Move Message": "Skuif Boodskap", "Move to Applications": "Skuif na Aansoeke", "Move to Applications?": "Skuif na Aansoeke?", "Move to Archive": "Skuif na Argief", "Move to Folder": "Skuif na gids", "Move to Label": "Skuif na Etiket", "Move to Trash": "Beweeg na rommel", "Move to newer conversation": "Skuif na 'n nuwe gesprek", "Move to older conversation": "Skuif na ouer gesprek", "Move to...": "Skuif na...", "Moved %@ messages to %@": "Het %@ boodskappe na %@", "Moved %@ threads to %@": "Geskuif %@ drade na %@", "Moved to %@": "Verskuif na %@", "Moving to folder": "Skuif na die gids", "Name": "Naam", "Nature": "Aard", "Navigation": "navigasie", "Never forget to follow up! Mailspring reminds you if your messages haven't received replies.": "Moet nooit vergeet om op te volg nie! Mailspring herinner jou aan of jou boodskappe nie antwoorde ontvang het nie.", "New %@": "Nuwe %@", "New Message": "Nuwe boodskap", "Next": "Volgende", "Next Month": "Volgende maand", "Next Week": "Volgende week", "Next thread": "Volgende draad", "No": "Nee", "No Date": "Geen Datum", "No Guesses Found": "Geen raai gevind nie", "No Matching Profile": "Geen aanpasbare profiel nie", "No Messages": "Geen boodskappe", "No important folder / label": "Geen belangrike gids / etiket nie", "No name provided": "Geen naam verskaf nie", "No opens": "Nee maak oop", "No reminders set": "Geen herinneringe gestel nie", "No rules": "Geen reels", "No search results": "Geen soekresultate", "No signature": "Geen handtekening nie", "No update available.": "Geen opdatering beskikbaar nie.", "No valid server found.": "Bediener nie gevind nie.", "None": "Geen", "Normal": "Gewoon", "Not Important": "Nie belangrik nie", "Not Now": "Nie nou nie", "Not Spam": "Nie Spam", "Note: Due to issues with your most recent payment, you've been temporarily downgraded to Mailspring %@. Click 'Billing' below to correct the issue.": "Let wel: As gevolg van probleme met u mees onlangse betaling, is u tydelik afgegradeer na Mailspring %@. Kliek op 'Rekening' hieronder om die probleem reg te stel.", "Notifications": "Kennisgewings", "Notify me about new features and plugins via this email address.": "Stel my in kennis van nuwe funksies en plugins via hierdie e-pos adres.", "Now": "nou", "OK": "OK", "Objects": "voorwerpe", "Of recipients click a link": "Van ontvangers klik op 'n skakel", "Of threads you start get a reply": "Van die drade begin jy 'n antwoord kry", "Of your emails are opened": "Van jou e-posse word geopen", "Offline": "Aflyn", "Okay": "Goed", "One message in this thread is hidden because it was moved to trash or spam.": "Een boodskap in hierdie draad is weggesteek omdat dit na asblik of gemorspos geskuif is.", "One or more of your mail rules have been disabled.": "Een of meer van jou posreëls is gedeaktiveer.", "One or more of your mail rules requires the bodies of messages being processed. These rules can't be run on your entire mailbox.": "Een of meer van jou posreëls vereis dat die liggame van boodskappe verwerk word. Hierdie reëls kan nie op u hele posbus uitgevoer word nie.", "Open": "oop", "Open In Browser": "Open in blaaier", "Open Link": "Open Link", "Open Mailsync Logs": "Open Mailsync Logs", "Open Rate": "Oop tarief", "Open and link tracking": "Oop en skakel dop", "Open containing folder after downloading attachment": "Maak die gids oop nadat u die aanhangsel afgelaai het", "Open selected conversation": "Maak geselekteerde gesprek oop", "Open tracking does not work offline. Please re-enable when you come back online.": "Oop dop werk nie vanlyn nie. Maak asseblief weer aan wanneer jy aanlyn terugkom.", "Opened": "geopen", "Opened by": "Geopen deur", "Opens": "open", "Or, 'next Monday at 2PM'": "Of, 'volgende Maandag om 02:00'", "Outdent": "Keep", "Outgoing Mail": "Uitgaande pos", "Override standard interface scaling": "Oorskakel standaardkoppelvlakskaling", "Page didn't open? Paste this URL into your browser:": "Bladsy het nie oopgemaak nie? Plak hierdie URL in jou blaaier:", "Parsing Error": "Parseerfout", "Password": "Wagwoord", "Paste": "Plak", "Paste and Match Style": "Plak en pas styl", "People": "mense", "Perform these actions:": "Doen hierdie aksies:", "Phone": "Telefoon", "Play sound when receiving new mail": "Speel geluid wanneer nuwe pos ontvang word", "Please provide a password for your account.": "Voorsien asseblief 'n wagwoord vir u rekening.", "Please provide a valid email address.": "Verskaf asseblief 'n geldige e-posadres.", "Please provide a valid port number.": "Verskaf asseblief 'n geldige poortnommer.", "Please provide your name.": "Gee asseblief u naam.", "Plugin installed! 🎉": "Plugin geïnstalleer! 🎉", "Pop thread in": "Pop draad in", "Popout composer…": "Popout-komponis ...", "Popout thread": "Popout-draad", "Port": "Port", "Powerful template support": "Kragtige template ondersteuning", "Preferences": "Voorkeure", "Preferences > Subscription": "Voorkeure> Subskripsie", "Press \"tab\" to quickly move between the blanks - highlighting will not be visible to recipients.": "Druk \"tab\" om vinnig tussen die spasies te beweeg - dit sal nie sigbaar wees vir ontvangers nie.", "Preview": "voorskou", "Previous thread": "Vorige draad", "Print": "Druk", "Print Current Thread": "Druk huidige onderwerp", "Print Thread": "Druk onderwerp", "Privately Held": "Privaat gehou", "Pro tip: Combine search terms with AND and OR to create complex queries.": "Pro tip: Kombineer soekterme met AND en OF om komplekse navrae te skep.", "Process entire inbox": "Proses hele inkassie", "Quick Reply": "Vinnige antwoord", "Quit": "Afsluit", "Quit Mailspring": "Stop Mailspring", "Raised": "opgewek", "Raw HTML": "Raw HTML", "Raw Source": "Rou Bron", "Re-authenticate...": "Re-Verifieer ...", "Read": "Lees", "Read Receipts": "Lees Kwitansies", "Read Receipts and Link Tracking": "Lees kwitansies en skakel dop", "Reading": "Lees", "Reading Pane Off": "Leespaneel af", "Reading Pane On": "Leespaneel aan", "Rebuild": "herbou", "Rebuild Cache...": "Herstel kas ...", "Recipient": "Ontvanger", "Reconnect": "die bande", "Redo": "Herdoen", "Relaunch": "hervatting", "Relaunch to apply window changes.": "Herbegin venster veranderinge toe te pas.", "Release channel": "Stel kanaal vry", "Reload": "Herlaai", "Remind me if no one replies": "Herinner my as niemand antwoord nie", "Reminder": "herinnering", "Reminder set for %@ from now": "Herinnering stel van %@ van nou af", "Reminders": "aanmanings", "Remove": "Verwyder", "Remove HTML": "Verwyder HTML", "Remove Star": "Verwyder ster", "Remove Stars": "Verwyder sterre", "Remove and show next": "Verwyder en wys volgende", "Remove and show previous": "Verwyder en wys vorige", "Remove from view": "Verwyder uit vertoning", "Remove quoted text": "Verwyder gekwoteerde teks", "Removed %@": "Verwyder %@", "Removed %@ from %@ threads": "Verwyder %@ van %@ drade", "Removed %@ from Trash": "Verwyder %@ van asblik", "Rename": "Hernoem", "Renaming %@": "Hernoeming van %@", "Replace contents": "Vervang inhoud", "Replace draft contents?": "Vervang konsep inhoud?", "Reply": "Antwoord", "Reply All": "Almalantwoord", "Reply Rate": "Antwoord Rate", "Reply to": "Antwoord op", "Reset": "Teruglaai", "Reset Accounts and Settings": "Stel rekeninge en instellings terug", "Reset Cache": "Herstel kas", "Reset Configuration": "Stel konfigurasie terug", "Reset Theme": "Stel tema terug", "Restart and Install Update": "Herbegin en installeer opdatering", "Restore Defaults": "Laai verstek terug", "Resurface messages to the top of the inbox when unsnoozing": "Herbegin boodskappe na die bokant van die inkassie wanneer dit nie geskrap word nie", "Retrying in %@ seconds": "Herprobeer in %@ sekondes", "Retrying in 1 second": "Herprobeer in 1 sekonde", "Retrying now...": "Probeer tans weer ...", "Retrying...": "Weer probeer ...", "Return to %@": "Keer terug na %@", "Return to conversation list": "Keer terug na gesprekslys", "Revert custom HTML?": "Herstel persoonlike HTML?", "Rich contact profiles": "Ryk kontakprofiele", "Rules only apply to the selected account.": "Reëls geld slegs vir die geselekteerde rekening.", "Run with Debug Flags": "Begin met Debug Flags", "Run with debug flags?": "Begin met debug vlae?", "Save Draft as Template...": "Stoor konsep as sjabloon ...", "Save Image": "Stoor prent", "Save Into...": "Stoor in ...", "Save New Package": "Stoor nuwe pakket", "Saving reminder...": "Stoor herinnering ...", "Saving send date...": "Stoor stuurdatum ...", "Scaling": "skalering", "Scaling adjusts the entire UI, including icons, dividers, and text. Messages you send will still have the same font size. Decreasing scale significantly may make dividers and icons too small to click.": "Skaling pas die hele gebruikersinterface aan, insluitend ikone, verdelers en teks. Boodskappe wat jy stuur, sal steeds dieselfde lettergrootte hê. Afnemende skaal kan aansienlik verdelers en ikone te klein maak om te klik.", "Scanning": "skandering", "Scanning messages": "Skandering boodskappe", "Schedule messages to re-appear later to keep your inbox clean and focus on immediate todos.": "Skedule boodskappe om later weer verskyn om jou inkassie skoon te hou en fokus op onmiddellike todos.", "Schedule messages to send at the ideal time to maximize your email reply rate or automate drip emails.": "Skedule boodskappe om te stuur op die ideale tyd om jou e-pos antwoord koers te maksimeer of druppel e-posse te outomatiseer.", "Schedule this message to send at the ideal time. Mailspring makes it easy to control the fabric of spacetime!": "Skeduleer hierdie boodskap om te stuur op die ideale tyd. Mailspring maak dit maklik om die materiaal van spasie tyd te beheer!", "Scheduled for %@": "Geskeduleer vir %@", "Search": "Soek", "Search Google for '%@'": "Soek Google vir '%@'", "Search Results": "Soek Resultate", "Search all mailboxes": "Soek alle posbusse", "Search for": "Soek vir", "Search with ease": "Soek met gemak", "Security": "Sekuriteit", "See detailed information about companies you email, including their size, funding and timezone.": "Sien gedetailleerde inligting oor maatskappye wat jy e-pos, insluitend hul grootte, befondsing en tydsone.", "See when recipients click links in your emails so you can follow up with precision": "Sien wanneer ontvangers klik skakels in jou e-pos sodat jy kan opvolg met presisie", "See when recipients open this email": "Sien wanneer ontvangers hierdie e-pos oopmaak", "Select All": "Merk alles", "Select All Read": "Merk alles Lees", "Select All Starred": "Merk alles Gevlag", "Select All Unread": "Merk alles Ongelees", "Select All Unstarred": "Kies Alle Ongestoor", "Select all conversations": "Kies alle gesprekke", "Select all read conversations": "Kies alle leesgesprekke", "Select all starred conversations": "Kies alle sterre gesprekke", "Select all unread conversations": "Kies alle ongelees gesprekke", "Select all unstarred conversations": "Kies alle ongedeelde gesprekke", "Select conversation": "Kies gesprek", "Select file attachment": "Kies lêer aanhangsel", "Selected Account": "Geselekteerde rekening", "Selected Messages": "Gemerkte boodskappe", "Selection": "Seleksie", "Send": "Stuur", "Send Anyway": "Stuur in elk geval", "Send Later": "Versend later", "Send message": "Stuur boodskap", "Send more than one message using the same %@ or subject line to compare open rates and reply rates.": "Stuur meer as een boodskap met dieselfde %@ of vakreël om oop tariewe en antwoorde te vergelyk.", "Send new messages from:": "Stuur nuwe boodskappe van:", "Send on your own schedule": "Stuur op u eie skedule", "Sending": "Stuur", "Sending in %@": "Stuur in %@", "Sending in a few seconds": "Stuur oor 'n paar sekondes", "Sending is not enabled for this account.": "Stuur is nie geaktiveer vir hierdie rekening nie.", "Sending message": "Stuur boodskap", "Sending now": "Stuur nou", "Sending soon...": "Stuur binnekort ...", "Sent Mail": "Gestuurde pos", "Sent from Mailspring, the best free email app for work": "Gestuur vanaf Mailspring, die beste gratis e-posprogram vir werk", "Services": "Dienste", "Set Reminder": "Stel herinnering", "Set up Account": "Stel rekening op", "Several of your accounts are having issues": "Verskeie van jou rekeninge het probleme", "Share": "Deel", "Share Link": "Deel skakel", "Share this Report": "Deel hierdie verslag", "Share this thread": "Deel hierdie draad", "Shortcuts": "kortpaaie", "Show": "Wys", "Show All": "Wys almal", "Show Detail": "Wys detail", "Show Gmail-style important markers (Gmail Only)": "Wys belangrike merkers van Gmail-styl (net Gmail)", "Show Images": "Wys prente", "Show Original": "Wys oorspronklike", "Show Progress": "Wys vordering", "Show Sidebar": "Wys Zijbalk", "Show Templates Folder...": "Wys sjablonenmap ...", "Show Total Count": "Toon totale telling", "Show Unread Count": "Wys ongeleerde telling", "Show all messages": "Wys alle boodskappe", "Show badge on the app icon": "Wys badge op die programikoon", "Show icon in menu bar / system tray": "Wys ikoon in kieslysbalk / system tray", "Show more": "Wys meer", "Show notifications for new unread messages": "Wys kennisgewings vir nuwe ongeleesde boodskappe", "Show notifications for repeated opens / clicks": "Wys kennisgewings vir herhaalde oopmaak / klik", "Show unread counts for all folders / labels": "Wys ongeleerde tellings vir alle dopgehou / etikette", "Showing %@ threads with %@ messages": "Wys %@ drade met %@ boodskappe", "Showing 1 thread with %@ messages": "Wys 1 draad met %@ boodskappe", "Sign Out": "Teken uit", "Sign in with %@ in %@ your browser.": "Teken in met %@ in %@ jou blaaier.", "Signatures": "handtekeninge", "Single Panel": "Enkel Paneel", "Small": "klein", "Snooze": "Sluimer", "Snooze emails to return at any time that suits you. Schedule messages to send at the ideal time. Mailspring makes it easy to control the fabric of spacetime!": "Snooze e-posse om terug te keer op enige tyd wat by jou pas. Skedule boodskappe om te stuur op die ideale tyd. Mailspring maak dit maklik om die materiaal van spasie tyd te beheer!", "Snooze messages": "Snooze boodskappe", "Snooze this email and it'll return to your inbox later. Click here or swipe across the thread in your inbox to snooze.": "Snooze hierdie e-pos en dit sal later na jou inkassie terugkeer. Klik hier of sleep oor die draad in jou inkassie om te snoei.", "Snoozed": "gesluimer", "Some providers require an app password.": "Sommige verskaffers benodig 'n programwagwoord.", "Someone": "iemand", "Sorry, Mailspring was unable to deliver this message: %@": "Jammer, Mailspring kon nie hierdie boodskap lewer nie: %@", "Sorry, plugin names cannot contain spaces.": "Jammer, plugin name kan nie spasies bevat nie.", "Sorry, something went wrong when this account was added to Mailspring. If you do not see the account, try linking it again. %@": "Jammer, iets het verkeerd gegaan toe hierdie rekening by Mailspring gevoeg is. As jy nie die rekening sien nie, probeer om dit weer te koppel. %@", "Sorry, the file you selected does not look like an image. Please choose a file with one of the following extensions: %@": "Jammer, die lêer wat u gekies het, lyk nie soos 'n prentjie nie. Kies asseblief 'n lêer met een van die volgende uitbreidings: %@", "Sorry, this account does not appear to have an inbox folder so this feature is disabled.": "Jammer, hierdie rekening blyk nie 'n inboksmap te hê nie, so hierdie kenmerk is gedeaktiveer.", "Sorry, this folder does not exist.": "Jammer, hierdie vouer bestaan ​​nie.", "Sorry, we can't interpret %@ as a valid date.": "Jammer, ons kan nie %@ as 'n geldige datum interpreteer nie.", "Sorry, we can't parse %@ as a valid date.": "Jammer, ons kan nie %@ as 'n geldige datum ontleed nie.", "Sorry, we couldn't save your signature image to Mailspring's servers. Please try again.\n\n(%@)": "Jammer, ons kon nie u handtekeningbeeld op Mailspring se bedieners stoor nie. Probeer asseblief weer. \n \n (%@)", "Sorry, we had trouble logging you in": "Jammer, ons het probleme ondervind om u aan te meld", "Sorry, we were unable to complete the translation request.": "Jammer, ons kon nie die vertaalversoek voltooi nie.", "Sorry, we were unable to contact the Mailspring servers to share this thread.\n\n%@": "Jammer, ons kon nie die Mailspring-bedieners kontak om hierdie draad te deel nie. \n \n %@", "Sorry, you can't attach more than 25MB of attachments": "Jammer, jy kan nie meer as 25MB aanhangsels heg nie", "Sorry, you must create plugins in the dev/packages folder.": "Jammer, jy moet plugins maak in die dev / pakketmap.", "Sorry, you must give your plugin a unique name.": "Jammer, jy moet jou prop 'n unieke naam gee.", "Sorry, your SMTP server does not support basic username / password authentication.": "Jammer, u SMTP-bediener ondersteun nie basiese gebruikersnaam / wagwoord-verifikasie nie.", "Spam": "Gemorspos", "Spellcheck language": "Speltoets taal", "Star": "Vlag", "Starred": "Gevlag", "Starred %@ threads": "Sterre %@ drade", "Starring": "hoofrol", "StartTLS is not available.": "StartTLS is nie beskikbaar nie.", "Still trying to reach %@…": "Nog steeds probeer om %@ te bereik ...", "Stock Symbol %@": "Voorraad simbool %@", "Stop": "stop", "Subject": "Onderwerp", "Subject Line": "Onderwerpreël", "Submit": "Indien", "Submit Improved Localizations": "Dien verbeterde lokalisasies in", "Subscribe to different update channels to receive previews of new features. Note that some update channels may be less stable!": "Teken in op verskillende opdateringskanale om voorskoue van nuwe funksies te ontvang. Let daarop dat sommige opdateringskanale minder stabiel kan wees!", "Subscription": "inskrywing", "Successfully connected to %@!": "Suksesvol gekoppel aan %@!", "Move to trash (not archive) on swipe / backspace": "Swiep gebaar en terugruim / verwyder skuif boodskappe na asblik", "Switching back to a signature template will overwrite the custom HTML you've entered.": "As u na 'n handtekeningsjabloon terugskakel, sal die persoonlike HTML wat u ingevoer het, oorskry word.", "Symbols": "simbole", "Sync New Mail Now": "Sink nou nuwe pos", "Sync this conversation to the cloud and anyone with the secret link can read it and download attachments.": "Sink hierdie gesprek na die wolk en enigiemand met die geheime skakel kan dit lees en bylaes laai.", "Syncing": "sinchroniseer", "Syncing your mailbox": "Sinkroniseer jou posbus", "TLS Not Available": "TLS nie beskikbaar nie", "Template": "Sjabloon", "Template Creation Error": "Sjabloon skeppingsfout", "Templates": "templates", "Templates Guide": "Sjabloongids", "Thank you for helping debug Mailspring. Mailspring will now restart.": "Dankie dat u Mailspring gehelp het. Mailspring sal nou weer begin.", "Thank you for using %@ and supporting independent software. Get the most out of your subscription: explore pro features below or visit the %@ to learn more about reminders, templates, activity insights, and more.": "Dankie dat u %@ gebruik het en onafhanklike sagteware ondersteun. Haal die meeste uit jou intekening: Verken pro-funksies hieronder of besoek die %@ om meer te leer oor herinnerings, templates, aktiwiteitsinligting en meer.", "Thank you!": "Dankie!", "Thanks for downloading Mailspring! Would you like to move it to your Applications folder?": "Dankie dat jy Mailspring aflaai! Wil jy dit na jou Toepassings-lêergids skuif?", "The Mailspring Team": "Die Mailspring-span", "The Outlook server said you must sign in via a web browser.": "Die Outlook-bediener het gesê dat jy moet aanmeld via 'n webblaaier.", "The SMTP server would not relay a message. You may need to authenticate.": "Die SMTP-bediener sal nie 'n boodskap herlaai nie. Jy moet dalk geverifieer word.", "The contact sidebar in Mailspring Pro shows information about the people and companies you're emailing with.": "Die kontak sidebar in Mailspring Pro bevat inligting oor die mense en maatskappye waarmee u e-pos stuur.", "The from address has changed since you started sending this draft. Double-check the draft and click 'Send' again.": "Die adres is verander sedert u hierdie konsep begin stuur het. Dubbelkies die konsep en klik weer op 'Stuur'.", "The message contains an empty template area.": "Die boodskap bevat 'n leë sjabloon area.", "The message contains an illegal attachment that is not allowed by the server.": "Die boodskap bevat 'n onwettige aanhangsel wat nie deur die bediener toegelaat word nie.", "The message has been blocked because no sender is configured.": "Die boodskap is geblokkeer omdat geen sender opgestel is nie.", "The message has been blocked by Yahoo - you have exceeded your daily sending limit.": "Die boodskap is geblokkeer deur Yahoo - jy het jou daaglikse versendlimiet oorskry.", "The message has been blocked by Yahoo's outbound spam filter.": "Die boodskap is geblokkeer deur Yahoo se uitgaande spamfilter.", "The message is addressed to a name that doesn't appear to be a recipient (\"%@\")": "Die boodskap is gerig op 'n naam wat nie 'n ontvanger voorkom nie (\"%@\")", "The message mentions an attachment but none are attached.": "Die boodskap noem 'n aanhangsel maar niemand is aangeheg nie.", "The plugin or theme folder you selected doesn't contain a package.json file, or it was invalid JSON. %@": "Die plugin of tema-gids wat u gekies het, bevat nie 'n package.json-lêer nie, of dit was ongeldig JSON. %@", "The plugin or theme you selected has not been upgraded to support Mailspring. If you're the developer, update the package.json's engines field to include \"mailspring\".\n\nFor more information, see this migration guide: %@": "Die inprop of tema wat u gekies het, is nie opgegradeer om Mailspring te ondersteun nie. As u die ontwikkelaar is, moet u die veldtog van die pakket.json se enjins insluit om \"mailspring\" in te sluit. \n \n Vir meer inligting, sien hierdie migrasieriglyne: %@", "The server said you must sign in via your webmail.": "Die bediener het gesê jy moet via jou webmail inteken.", "The subject field is blank.": "Die vakveld is leeg.", "The template and its file will be permanently deleted.": "Die sjabloon en die lêer sal permanent uitgevee word.", "The thread %@ does not exist in your mailbox!": "Die draad %@ bestaan ​​nie in jou posbus nie!", "Theme Color": "Tema Kleur", "Theme and Style": "Tema en styl", "Themes": "Temas", "There are %@ more messages in this thread that are not in spam or trash.": "Daar is %@ meer boodskappe in hierdie draad wat nie in strooipos of asblik is nie.", "There are too many active connections to your Gmail account. Please try again later.": "Daar is te veel aktiewe verbindings met jou Gmail-rekening. Probeer asseblief weer later.", "There is one more message in this thread that is not in spam or trash.": "Daar is nog een boodskap in hierdie draad wat nie in strooipos of asblik is nie.", "There was an error checking for updates.": "Kon nie opdaterings nagaan nie.", "These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer.": "Hierdie kenmerke was %@ van die boodskappe wat jy gestuur het in hierdie tydperk, dus hierdie nommers weerspieël nie al jou aktiwiteite nie. Om kwitansies en skakelopsporing op e-posse te stuur wat jy stuur, klik die %@ of skakelopsporing %@ -ikse in die komponis.", "This Weekend": "Die naweek", "This account is invalid or Mailspring could not find the Inbox or All Mail folder. %@": "Hierdie rekening is ongeldig, of Mailspring kon nie die Inboks of Alle posmap vind nie. %@", "This looks like a Gmail account! While it's possible to setup an App Password and connect to Gmail via IMAP, Mailspring also supports Google OAuth. Go back and select \"Gmail & Google Apps\" from the provider screen.": "Dit lyk soos 'n Gmail-rekening! Hoewel dit moontlik is om 'n programwagwoord op te stel en met Gmail via IMAP te koppel, ondersteun Mailspring ook Google OAuth. Gaan terug en kies \"Gmail en Google Apps\" vanaf die verskafferskerm.", "This message has not been opened": "Hierdie boodskap is nie oopgemaak nie", "This message looks suspicious!": "Hierdie boodskap lyk agterdogtig!", "This plugin or theme %@ does not list \"mailspring\" in it's package.json's \"engines\" field. Ask the developer to test the plugin with Mailspring and add it, or follow the instructions here: %@": "Hierdie inprop of tema %@ lys nie 'mailspring' in die pakket se pakket 'package.json' nie. Vra die ontwikkelaar om die prop te toets met Mailspring en voeg dit by, of volg die instruksies hier: %@", "This rule has been disabled. Make sure the actions below are valid and re-enable the rule.": "Hierdie reël is gedeaktiveer. Maak seker dat die onderstaande aksies geldig is en die reël weer aktiveer.", "This thread has been moved to the top of your inbox by Mailspring.": "Hierdie draad is deur Mailspring na die bokant van jou inkassie verskuif.", "This thread was brought back to the top of your inbox as a reminder": "Hierdie draad is as 'n herinnering aan die bokant van jou inkassie gebring", "This thread will come back to the top of your inbox if nobody replies by:": "Hierdie draad sal terug kom na die bokant van jou inkassie as niemand antwoord deur:", "Thread": "Draad", "Threads": "Drade", "Title": "Titel", "To": "Aan", "To create a template you need to fill the body of the current draft.": "Om 'n sjabloon te skep, moet jy die inhoud van die huidige konsep invul.", "To develop plugins, you should run Mailspring with debug flags. This gives you better error messages, the debug version of React, and more. You can disable it at any time from the Developer menu.": "Om plugins te ontwikkel, moet jy Mailspring met debug-vlae uitvoer. Dit gee jou beter foutboodskappe, die debug-weergawe van React, en meer. U kan dit enige tyd van die ontwikkelaar-spyskaart afskakel.", "To listen for the Gmail Oauth response, Mailspring needs to start a webserver on port ${LOCAL_SERVER_PORT}. Please go back and try linking your account again. If this error persists, use the IMAP/SMTP option with a Gmail App Password.\n\n%@": "Om na die Gmail Oauth-reaksie te luister, moet Mailspring 'n webbediener op port $ {LOCAL_SERVER_PORT} begin. Gaan asseblief terug en probeer weer om jou rekening te koppel. As hierdie fout voortduur, gebruik die IMAP / SMTP opsie met 'n Gmail-wagwoord. \n \n %@", "Today": "Vandag", "Toggle Bold": "Wissel vet", "Toggle Component Regions": "Wissel komponente streke", "Toggle Dev Tools": "Verander Dev Tools", "Toggle Developer Tools": "Skakel ontwikkelaarhulpmiddels", "Toggle Italic": "Wissel kursief", "Toggle Localizer Tools": "Skakel Localizer Tools", "Toggle Screenshot Mode": "Skakel skermkop af", "Tomorrow": "môre", "Tomorrow Evening": "Môre aand", "Tomorrow Morning": "More-oggend", "Tonight": "vanaand", "Track links in this email": "Volg skakels in hierdie e-pos", "Track opens and clicks": "Volg oop en klik", "Translate": "vertaal", "Translate email body…": "Vertaal e-pos liggaam ...", "Trash": "asblik", "Trashed %@": "Asblik %@", "Travel and Places": "Reis en plekke", "True": "True", "Try Again": "Probeer weer", "Try Reconnecting": "Probeer weer koppel", "Try it Now": "Probeer dit nou", "Try now": "Probeer nou", "Twitter Handle": "Twitter Hanteer", "Twitter Profile Image": "Twitter Profiel Image", "Two Panel": "Twee Paneel", "Uhoh - that's a pro feature!": "Uhoh - dis 'n pro-funksie!", "Unable to Add Account": "Kon nie rekening byvoeg nie", "Unable to Start Local Server": "Kan nie plaaslike bediener begin nie", "Unable to download %@. Check your network connection and try again. %@": "Kon nie %@ aflaai nie. Gaan jou netwerkverbinding na en probeer weer. %@", "Unable to read package.json for %@: %@": "Kan nie package.json lees vir %@: %@", "Unarchived %@": "Ongebergte %@", "Underline": "onderstreep", "Undo": "Ontdoen", "Undoing changes": "Ontdoen van veranderinge", "Unfortunately, link tracking servers are currently not available. Please try again later. Error: %@": "Ongelukkig is skakelopsporingbedieners tans nie beskikbaar nie. Probeer asseblief weer later. Fout: %@", "Unfortunately, open tracking is currently not available. Please try again later. Error: %@": "Ongelukkig is oop opsporing tans nie beskikbaar nie. Probeer asseblief weer later. Fout: %@", "Unlimited Connected Accounts": "Onbeperkte gekoppelde rekeninge", "Unlimited Contact Profiles": "Onbeperkte kontakprofiele", "Unlimited Link Tracking": "Onbeperkte skakel dop", "Unlimited Read Receipts": "Onbeperk Lees Ontvangste", "Unlimited Reminders": "Onbeperkte onthounotas", "Unlimited Snoozing": "Onbeperkte Snoozing", "Unmarked %@ as Spam": "Ongeveermerk %@ as Spam", "Unnamed Attachment": "Naamlike Aanhegsel", "Unread": "Ongelees", "Unread Messages": "Ongeleesde boodskappe", "Unschedule Send": "Unschedule Stuur", "Unsnoozed message": "Unsnoozed boodskap", "Unstar": "Verwyder ster", "Unstarred": "ongester", "Unstarred %@ threads": "Onsterflike %@ drade", "Unstarring": "Ontster", "Untitled": "Untitled", "Untitled Rule": "Untitled Rule", "Update Connection Settings...": "Dateer aansluitingsinstellings op", "Update Error": "Opdateringsfout", "Updates": "updates", "Upgrade": "opgradering", "Upgrade to %@ to use all these great features permanently:": "Opgradeer na %@ om al hierdie groot eienskappe permanent te gebruik:", "Upgrade to Mailspring Pro": "Opgradeer na Mailspring Pro", "Upgrade to Pro today!": "Opgradeer na Pro vandag!", "Use 24-hour clock": "Gebruik 24-uur klok", "Use Mailspring as default mail client": "Gebruik Mailspring as standaard pos kliënt", "Use the Activity tab to get a birds-eye view of your mailbox: open and click rates, subject line effectiveness, and more.": "Gebruik die tab Aktiwiteit om 'n voëlkyk te sien van jou posbus: oop en klik tariewe, vaklyn doeltreffendheid en meer.", "Verbose logging is now %@": "Verbose aanmelding is nou %@", "View": "Bekyk", "View Mail Rules": "Sien posreëls", "View changelog": "Bekyk changelog", "Visit Thread on GitHub": "Besoek onderwerp op GitHub", "Visit Windows Settings to change your default mail client": "Besoek Windows-instellings om jou standaard e-poskliënt te verander", "Visit Windows Settings to finish making Mailspring your mail client": "Besoek Windows-instellings om Mailspring jou e-poskliënt te voltooi", "We encountered a problem moving to the Applications folder. Try quitting the application and moving it manually.": "Ons het 'n probleem ondervind om na die Toepassings-lêergids te gaan. Probeer die aansoek stop en beweeg dit handmatig.", "We encountered a problem with your local email database. %@\n\nCheck that no other copies of Mailspring are running and click Rebuild to reset your local cache.": "Ons het 'n probleem ondervind met u plaaslike e-pos databasis. %@ \n \n Kontroleer dat geen ander kopieë van Mailspring uitgevoer word nie en klik op Rebuild om jou plaaslike kas te herstel.", "We encountered a problem with your local email database. We will now attempt to rebuild it.": "Ons het 'n probleem ondervind met u plaaslike e-pos databasis. Ons sal nou probeer om dit te herbou.", "We encountered an SMTP Gateway error that prevented this message from being delivered to all recipients. The message was only sent successfully to these recipients:\n%@\n\nError: %@": "Ons het 'n SMTP Gateway-fout ondervind wat voorkom dat hierdie boodskap aan alle ontvangers gelewer word. Die boodskap is slegs suksesvol na hierdie ontvangers gestuur: \n %@ \n \n Fout: %@", "We were unable to deliver this message to some recipients. Click 'See Details' for more information.": "Ons kon hierdie boodskap nie aan sommige ontvangers lewer nie. Kliek op 'Besonderhede sien' vir meer inligting.", "We were unable to deliver this message.": "Ons kon nie hierdie boodskap lewer nie.", "We're having trouble billing your Mailspring subscription.": "Ons het probleme met die faktuur van u Mailspring-intekening.", "We've picked a set of keyboard shortcuts based on your email account and platform. You can also pick another set:": "Ons het 'n stel sleutelbordkortpaaie gekies, gebaseer op jou e-posrekening en -platform. Jy kan ook 'n ander stel kies:", "Website": "webwerf", "Welcome to Mailspring": "Welkom by Mailspring", "When composing, automatically": "By die saamstel, outomaties", "When enabled, Mailspring will notify you as soon as someone reads this message. Sending to a group? Mailspring shows you which recipients opened your email so you can follow up with precision.": "As dit geaktiveer is, sal Mailspring jou in kennis stel sodra iemand hierdie boodskap lees. Stuur na 'n groep? Mailspring wys jou watter ontvangers jou e-pos oopgemaak het sodat jy akkuraat kan opvolg.", "When link tracking is turned on, Mailspring will notify you when recipients click links in this email.": "Wanneer skakelopsporing aangeskakel is, sal Mailspring jou in kennis stel wanneer ontvangers klik skakels in hierdie e-pos.", "When reading messages, mark as read": "As jy boodskappe lees, merk as gelees", "Window": "Venster", "Window Controls and Menus": "Vensterkontroles en spyskaarte", "With activity tracking, you’ll know as soon as someone reads your message. Sending to a group? Mailspring shows you which recipients opened your email so you can follow up with precision.": "Met aktiwiteitsopsporing sal jy weet sodra iemand jou boodskap lees. Stuur na 'n groep? Mailspring wys jou watter ontvangers jou e-pos oopgemaak het sodat jy akkuraat kan opvolg.", "Would you like to make Mailspring your default mail client?": "Wil u Mailspring u standaard e-pos kliënt maak?", "Write a reply…": "Skryf 'n antwoord ...", "Write better emails with LinkedIn profiles, Twitter bios, message history, and more in the right sidebar.": "Skryf beter e-posse met LinkedIn-profiele, Twitter-bios, boodskapgeskiedenis, en meer in die regte sybalk.", "Yahoo is unavailable.": "Yahoo is nie beskikbaar nie.", "Yes": "Ja", "You": "jy", "You are using %@, which is free! You can try pro features like snooze, send later, read receipts and reminders a few times a week.": "U gebruik %@, wat gratis is! U kan pro-funksies soos snooze probeer, later stuur, ontvangstes en herinnerings 'n paar keer per week lees.", "You can add reminders to %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "U kan herinnerings aan %1$@ e-posse by elke %2$@ by Mailspring Basic voeg.", "You can choose a shortcut set to use keyboard shortcuts of familiar email clients. To edit a shortcut, click it in the list below and enter a replacement on the keyboard.": "U kan 'n snelkoppeling kies om sleutelbordkortpaaie van bekende e-poskliënte te gebruik. Om 'n kortpad te wysig, klik dit in die onderstaande lys en tik 'n vervanging op die sleutelbord.", "You can get open and click notifications for %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "U kan oop wees en klik kennisgewings vir %1$@ e-posse elk %2$@ met Mailspring Basic.", "You can schedule sending of %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "U kan skedule stuur van %1$@ e-posse elke %2$@ met Mailspring Basic.", "You can share %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "U kan %1$@ e-posse elke %2$@ met Mailspring Basic deel.", "You can snooze %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Jy kan %1$@ e-posse elke %2$@ met Mailspring Basic snooze.", "You can switch back to stable from the preferences.": "U kan van die voorkeure terug na stal verander.", "You can view contact profiles for %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "U kan kontakprofiele vir %1$@ e-posse sien %2$@ met Mailspring Basic.", "You haven't created any mail rules. To get started, define a new rule above and tell Mailspring how to process your inbox.": "Jy het geen posreëls geskep nie. Om te begin, definieer 'n nuwe reël hierbo en vertel Mailspring hoe om jou inkassie te verwerk.", "You may need to %@ to your Yandex account before connecting email apps. If you use two-factor auth, you need to create an %@ for Mailspring.": "Miskien moet jy %@ op jou Yandex-rekening wees voordat jy e-posprogramme koppel. As jy twee-faktor outh gebruik, moet jy 'n %@ vir Mailspring skep.", "You may need to configure aliases with your mail provider (Outlook, Gmail) before using them.": "U moet dalk aliasse met u posverskaffer (Outlook, Gmail) konfigureer voordat u dit gebruik.", "You must provide a name for your template.": "Jy moet 'n naam vir jou sjabloon verskaf.", "You must provide a template name.": "Jy moet 'n sjabloon naam verskaf.", "You must provide contents for your template.": "U moet inhoud vir u sjabloon verskaf.", "You need to provide one or more recipients before sending the message.": "U moet een of meer ontvangers voorsien voordat u die boodskap stuur.", "You'll find Mailspring, along with other options, listed in Default Apps > Mail.": "Jy sal Mailspring vind, saam met ander opsies, wat in Standaard Apps> Mail verskyn.", "You're on a pre-release channel. We'd love your feedback.": "Jy is op 'n pre-release-kanaal. Ons wil graag jou terugvoer hê.", "You're running the latest version of Mailspring (%@).": "Jy gebruik die nuutste weergawe van Mailspring (%@).", "Please consider paying for Mailspring Pro!": "Oorweeg om te betaal vir Mailspring Pro!", "You've reached your quota": "Jy het jou kwota bereik", "Your Mailspring ID is missing required fields - you may need to reset Mailspring. %@": "Jou Mailspring-ID ontbreek vereiste velde. Miskien moet jy Mailspring herstel. %@", "Your `Sent Mail` folder could not be automatically detected. Visit Preferences > Folders to choose a Sent folder and then try again.": "Jou `Sent Mail`-vouer kon nie outomaties opgespoor word nie. Besoek Voorkeure> Vouers om 'n Gestoorde vouer te kies en probeer dan weer.", "Your `Trash` folder could not be automatically detected. Visit Preferences > Folders to choose a Trash folder and then try again.": "Jou 'Asblik`-vouer kon nie outomaties opgespoor word nie. Besoek Voorkeure> Vouers om 'n prullenmap te kies en probeer dan weer.", "Your name": "Jou naam", "Your updated localization will be reviewed and included in a future version of Mailspring.": "Jou opgedateerde lokalisering sal hersien word en ingesluit word in 'n toekomstige weergawe van Mailspring.", "Zoom": "Zoem", "an email address": "'n e-pos adres", "an email subject": "'n e-pos onderwerp", "and": "en", "annual": "jaarlikse", "attachments": "aanhegsels", "begins with": "begin met", "click": "klik", "contains": "bevat", "date received or range": "datum ontvang of bereik", "does not contain": "bevat nie", "employees": "werknemers", "enable IMAP": "aktiveer IMAP", "ends with": "eindig met", "equals": "gelyk", "folder or label": "gids of etiket", "iCloud requires that you create a unique app password for email apps like Mailspring. Follow %@ to create one and then paste it below.": "iCloud vereis dat jy 'n unieke programwagwoord skep vir e-posprogramme soos Mailspring. Volg %@ om een ​​te skep en plak dit hieronder.", "in %@": "in %@", "link a phone number": "skakel 'n foonnommer", "matches expression": "pas uitdrukking", "month": "maand", "older messages": "ouer boodskappe", "one or more files": "een of meer lêers", "open": "oop", "open source": "oop bron", "processed": "verwerk", "seconds": "sekondes", "selected": "gekies", "then": "en", "these instructions": "hierdie instruksies", "threads": "drade", "week": "week", "All Translations Used": "Alle vertalings gebruik", "Always translate %@": "Vertaal altyd %@", "Automatic Translation": "Outomatiese vertaling", "Copy mailbox permalink": "Kopieer die posbus permalink", "Frequently Asked Questions": "Algemene vrae", "Getting Started Guide": "Begin handleiding", "Instantly translate messages you receive into your preferred reading language.": "Vertaal boodskappe wat u ontvang onmiddellik in u voorkeurleestaal.", "Mailspring has translated this message into %@.": "Mailspring het hierdie boodskap in %@ vertaal.", "Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring bied nie meer boodskappe wat in %@ geskryf is, te vertaal nie.", "Never translate %@": "Vertaal nooit %@", "Privacy note: text below will be sent to an online translation service.": "Opmerking oor privaatheid: die teks hieronder sal na 'n aanlyn vertaaldiens gestuur word.", "Reset translation settings": "Stel vertaalinstellings terug", "Restrict width of messages to maximize readability": "Beperk die breedte van die boodskappe om die leesbaarheid te maksimeer", "Sender Name": "Afsender se naam", "Stop translating %@": "Hou op om te vertaal %@", "Translate automatically with Mailspring Pro": "Vertaal outomaties met Mailspring Pro", "Translate from %1$@ to %2$@?": "Vertaal van %1$@ na %2$@?", "Translating from %1$@ to %2$@.": "Vertaal van %1$@ na %2$@.", "Unfortunately, translation services bill per character and we can't offer this feature for free.": "Ongelukkig betaal vertaaldienste per karakter en kan ons nie hierdie funksie gratis aanbied nie.", "View activity": "Kyk na aktiwiteit", "You can translate up to %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "U kan tot %1$@ e-posse elk %2$@ vertaal met Mailspring Basic." }