{ "\"Launch on system start\" only works in XDG-compliant desktop environments. To enable the Mailspring icon in the system tray, you may need to install libappindicator.": "\"Pib tua pib\" tsuas yog ua haujlwm hauv XDG-raws li cov duab ua haujlwm. Yuav kom cov Mailspring cov cim nyob rau hauv qhov system tais, koj yuav tsum tau mus nruab libappindicator.", "%1$@ of %2$@": "%1$@ ntawm %2$@", "%@ cannot be attached because it is larger than 25MB.": "%@ tsis tuaj yeem raug txuas vim nws loj dua 25MB.", "%@ has been installed and enabled. No need to restart! If you don't see the plugin loaded, check the console for errors.": "%@ tau raug ntsia thiab muaj peev xwm. Tsis tas yuav pib dua! Yog tias koj tsis pom cov plugin loaded, xyuas cov console kom raug.", "%@ is a directory. Try compressing it and attaching it again.": "%@ yog ib lub npe. Sim nrawm nws thiab txuas nws dua.", "%@ messages in this thread are hidden because they were moved to trash or spam.": "%@ cov lus nyob rau hauv cov xov no raug muab zais vim nws tau tsiv mus rau khib nyiab los yog spam.", "%@ others": "%@ lwm tus", "%@ recently %@ %@": "%@ tsis ntev los no %@ %@", "(No Recipients)": "(Tsis muaj neeg tuaj yeem)", "(No Subject)": "(Tsis muaj lub ntsiab lus)", "(Requires supported window manager. Press `Alt` to show menu.)": "(Yuav tsum tau txhawb qhov kev ua haujlwm saib xyuas cov qhov rai. Tshum `Alt` los qhia zaub mov.)", "... and much more!": "... thiab ntau ntxiv!", "1 other": "1 lwm", "A Gmail application-specific password is required.": "Ib daim ntawv thov Gmail thov tshwj xeeb yog yuav tsum tau ua.", "A new version is available!": "Ib tug tshiab version yog muaj!", "About Mailspring": "Hais txog Mailspring", "Accept": "Txais", "Account": "Account", "Account Details": "Account Cov Ntaub Ntawv", "Account Label": "Account Label", "Account Settings": "Account Settings", "Accounts": "Cov Nyiaj Tau Los", "Actions": "Kev ua", "Activity": "Yam Kev Ua", "Activity View": "Tshawb Nrhiav", "Add Account": "Ntxiv Account", "Add your %@ account": "Ntxiv koj %@ tus account", "Added %@": "Ntxiv %@", "Added %@ to %@ threads": "Ntxiv %@ rau %@ threads", "Adding account": "Ntxiv tus account", "Adding your account to Mailspring…": "Ntxiv koj tus account rau Mailspring ...", "Address": "Chaw nyob", "After %@ Seconds": "Tom qab %@ vib nas this", "After sending, enable undo for": "Tom qab xa, pab kom tsis txhob poob siab", "Aliases": "Aliases", "All": "Tag nrho", "All Accounts": "Tag Nrho Cov Nyiaj", "All Contact Previews Used": "Tag Nrho Cov Lus Sib Tham Siv", "All Mail": "Tag Nrho Xa Ntawv", "All Reminders Used": "Txhua qhov kev nco", "All Scheduled Sends Used": "Tag nrho cov sijhawm teem siv", "All Sharing Links Used": "Tag Nrho Sib Txuas Siv", "All Snoozes Used": "Txhua tus Snoozes Siv", "All used up!": "Txhua yam siv!", "Allow insecure SSL": "Tso cai SSL", "Always show images from %@": "Nco ntsoov pom cov duab ntawm %@", "An error has occurred": "Ib qho yuam kev lawm", "An unknown error has occurred": "Ib qho tsis paub hais tias muaj tseeb", "An update to Mailspring is available %@": "Kev hloov tshiab rau Mailspring yog muaj %@", "Any": "Yam", "App Password": "App Password", "Appearance": "Tsos", "Application": "Daim ntawv thov", "Apply Label": "Thov daim ntawv lo", "Apply Layout": "Thov Layout", "Applying changes...": "Thov kev pauv ...", "Applying labels": "Ua ntawv thov cov ntawv", "Archive": "Archive", "Archived %@": "Kuaj %@", "Are you sure?": "Koj puas paub tseeb?", "Attach File": "Muab Daim Ntawv Thov", "Attach Mailsync to Xcode": "Xa Mailsync mus rau Xcode", "Attachment name": "Rhais npe lub npe", "Attachments": "Attachments", "Authentication Error - Check your username and password.": "Kev Tso Cai Yuam Kev - Kos koj tus username thiab password.", "Authentication required.": "Yuav tsum tau authentication.", "Automatic CC / BCC": "Tsis siv neeg CC / BCC", "Automatically load images in viewed messages": "Yeej thauj cov dluab hauv kev sib tham", "Back": "Rov qab", "Bcc": "Bcc", "Best Templates and Subject Lines": "Qhov Zoo Tshaj thiab Cov Kab Tsi Zoo", "Body": "Lub cev", "Bring All to Front": "Nqa tag nrho rau pem hauv ntej", "By default, mail rules are only applied to new mail as it arrives. Applying rules to your entire inbox may take a long time and degrade performance.": "Yog vim li ntawd, cov kev cai xa tawm tsuas yog siv rau kev xa ntawv tshiab tuaj thaum nws tuaj txog. Ua ntawv thov cov cai rau koj tus kheej tag nrho yuav siv sij hawm ntev thiab kev ua haujlwm zoo.", "Caching mail": "Caching xa ntawv", "Caching recent mail": "Caching tsis ntev los no xa ntawv", "Can't find the selected thread in your mailbox": "Tsis tuaj yeem nrhiav cov lus xaiv hauv koj lub mailbox", "Cancel": "Tshem tawm", "Cancel Send Later": "Ncua tseg Xa Tom Qab", "Cannot scan templates directory": "Tsis tuaj yeem luam theej duab templates directory", "Cannot send message": "Tsis xa lus", "Cc": "Cc", "Certificate Error": "Daim ntawv pov thawj yuam kev", "Change Folder": "Hloov Hloov", "Change Labels": "Hloov Cov Ntawv Sau", "Change Theme": "Hloov Cov Ntsiab", "Change Theme...": "Hloov Tiag ...", "Changed labels": "Hloov cov ntawv", "Changed labels on %@ threads": "Hloov cov ntawv sau rau %@ threads", "Changes are saved automatically. View the %@ for tips and tricks.": "Kev hloov pauv yuav raug cawm. Saib %@ rau cov lus qhia thiab cov tswv yim.", "Changing folder mapping...": "Hloov daim nplaub tshev daim ...", "Check Again": "Rov Xyuas dua", "Check for Updates": "Tshawb xyuas Cov Tshiab", "Check messages for spelling": "Tshawb cov lus rau kev sau", "Checking": "Kev kuaj xyuas", "Checking for mail": "Kev kuaj xyuas kev xa ntawv", "Choose": "Xaiv", "Choose Directory": "Xaiv cov npe", "Choose an image": "Xaiv tus duab", "Choose folder": "Xaiv npe", "Choose folder or label": "Xaiv cov nplaub tshev lossis daim ntawv lo", "Cleanup Complete": "Kev ntxuav tiav", "Cleanup Error": "Kev Tu Kom Huv", "Cleanup Started": "Kev Thawb Tuaj Pib", "Clear Selection": "Ntshiab Xaiv", "Clear reminder": "Cov lus qhia meej", "Click 'Learn More' to view instructions in our knowledge base.": "Nyem 'Learn More' los saib cov lus qhia hauv peb qhov kev paub hauv paus.", "Click any theme to apply:": "Nyem txhua lub ntsiab rau kev thov:", "Click shortcuts above to edit them. For even more control, you can edit the shortcuts file directly below.": "Nyem shortcuts saum toj los hloov lawv. Kev tswj xyuas ntau dua, koj tuaj yeem hloov kho cov ntaub ntawv hauv qab no.", "Click to replace": "Nyem qhov hloov", "Click to upload": "Nyem rau upload", "Clicked": "Clicked", "Clicked by:": "Nias los ntawm:", "Close Window": "Kaw Qhov Rooj", "Collapse": "Collapse", "Collapse All": "Collapse tag nrho", "Combine your search queries with Gmail-style terms like %@ and %@ to find anything in your mailbox.": "Muab koj cov lus nug nrog Gmail-style cov ntsiab lus zoo li %@ thiab %@ mus nrhiav txhua yam hauv koj lub mailbox.", "Comma-separated email addresses": "Comma-cais email chaw nyob", "Company / Domain Logo": "Tuam txhab / Tuam Logo", "Company overviews": "Lub tuam txhab xyuas", "Complete the IMAP and SMTP settings below to connect your account.": "Sau cov IMAP thiab SMTP nqis hauv qab los txuas rau koj tus account.", "Compose New Message": "Ua Tshaj Xov Xwm Tshiab", "Compose new message": "Txhim kho lus tshiab", "Compose with context": "Txhim kho nrog lub ntsiab lus", "Composer": "Composer", "Composing": "Kev Sau", "Connect Account": "Txuas Account", "Connect an email account": "Txuas tus email account", "Connecting to %@…": "Txuas mus rau %@ ...", "Connection Error - Unable to connect to the server / port you provided.": "Kev Txuas Hluav Taws Xob - Tsis tau txuas rau cov neeg rau zaub mov / chaw nres nkoj koj muab.", "Continue": "Mus txuas ntxiv", "Copied": "Copied", "Copy": "Luam", "Copy Debug Info to Clipboard": "Luam Debug Info rau ntawv los teev npe", "Copy Email Address": "Luam Email Chaw Nyob", "Copy Image": "Luam Duab", "Copy Link Address": "Copy Link Chaw Nyob", "Copy link": "Luam txuas", "Could not create folder.": "Yuav tsis tsim daim nplaub tshev.", "Could not create plugin": "Yuav tsis tsim plugin", "Could not find a file at path '%@'": "Couldn 't nrhiav ib cov ntaub ntawv ntawm kev' %@ '", "Could not install plugin": "Yuav tsis nruab plugin", "Could not reach %@. %@": "Yuav tsis ncav %@. %@", "Could not reach Mailspring. Please try again or contact support@getmailspring.com if the issue persists. (%@: %@)": "Yuav tsis cuag Mailspring. Thov koj sim dua los yog hu rau support@getmailspring.com yog tias qhov teeb meem tsawv. (%@: %@)", "Could not reset accounts and settings. Please delete the folder %@ manually.\n\n%@": "Yuav tsis pib dua cov account thiab chaw. Thov rho tawm cov ntaub ntawv %@ manually. \n \n %@", "Create": "Tsim", "Create a Plugin": "Tsim Plugin", "Create a Theme": "Tsim Tsim", "Create a new Rule": "Tsim Tsab Cai Tshiab", "Create a rule or select one to get started": "Tsim ib txoj cai los yog xaiv ib qho kom pib", "Create new item": "Tsim cov khoom tshiab", "Create templated messages and fill them quickly to reply to messages and automate your common workflows.": "Tsim cov lus sib txuas lus thiab sau kom sai li sai tau los teb rau cov lus thiab ua kom koj cov haujlwm ua haujlwm zoo.", "Creating %@": "Tsim %@", "Custom": "Kev cai", "Custom Image…": "Kev Cai Duab ...", "Custom Window Frame and Right-hand Menu": "Kev Cai Qhov Rai Ncej thiab Txoj Cai Siv Menyuam", "Customization": "Customization", "Cut": "Txiav", "Date": "Hnub tim", "Decline": "Txiav txim", "Default": "Qhov tseeb", "Default Window Controls and Auto-hiding Menubar": "Qhov rais qhov rai tswj thiab pib nkaum Menubar", "Default Window Controls and Menubar": "Qhov rais qhov rai qhov tswj thiab Menubar", "Default for new messages:": "Default rau cov lus tshiab:", "Default for:": "Default rau:", "Default reply behavior": "Vim tus cwj pwm teb", "Delete": "Rho tawm", "Delete Draft": "Rho tawm Draft", "Delete Template?": "Delete Template?", "Delete your custom key bindings and reset to the template defaults?": "Rho tawm koj txoj cai tseem ceeb nias thiab pib dua rau qhov kev hloov ua ntej?", "Deleted": "Tshem tawm", "Deleting %@": "Nres %@", "Deleting all messages in %@": "Muab tag nrho cov lus nyob rau hauv %@", "Deleting draft": "Tshem tawm cov cua ntsawj ntshab", "Deselect all conversations": "Deselect txhua qhov sib tham", "Developer": "Tsim tawm", "Disable": "Lov tes taw", "Dismiss": "Tso tawm", "Display conversations in descending chronological order": "Muab cov kev sib tham hauv cov nqi sib lawv liag", "Display thumbnail previews for attachments when available.": "Xaiv cov dluab thumbnail rau attachments thaum muaj. (macOS xwb)", "Do you prefer a single panel layout (like Gmail) or a two panel layout?": "Koj puas xav tau ib qho kev vaj huam sib luag rau txheej txheem (xws li Gmail) lossis ob qhov kev npaj tawm ntawm vaj huam sib luag?", "Don’t show this again": "Tsis txhob qhia qhov no dua", "Download All": "Download tau Tag nrho", "Download Failed": "Download tsis tau", "Download Now": "Download tau tam sim no", "Downloading Update": "Daus Hloov Tshiab", "Dozens of other features!": "Kaum ob ntawm cov nta!", "Draft": "Tsab ntawv", "Drafts": "Drafts", "Drafts folder not found": "Tsab ntawv sau tsis tau", "Drop to Attach": "Tso Tawm Tseg", "Edit": "Kho kom raug", "Edit Item": "Kho Yam Khoom", "Edit Message": "Kho kom raug lus", "Edit Reminder": "Kho kom raug", "Edit Signatures...": "Kho kom raug cov npe ...", "Edit custom shortcuts": "Kho kom raug kev cai luv", "Email": "Email", "Email Address": "Email chaw nyob", "Empty": "Npliag", "Empty %@ now": "Txaus %@ tam sim no", "Enable": "Pab kom", "Enable read receipts %@ or link tracking %@ to see notifications here.": "Pab kom cov ntawv txais nyiaj %@ lossis txuas mus rau %@ mus saib cov ntawv qhia ntawm no.", "Enable verbose IMAP / SMTP logging": "Pab kom verbose IMAP / SMTP txiav", "Encountered an error while syncing %@": "Sib ntsib ib qho yuam kev lawm thaum simcing %@", "Enter Full Screen": "Sau Tag Nrho Cov Ntxhuav", "Enter your email account credentials to get started.": "Sau koj tus email account credentials kom pib.", "Enter your email account credentials to get started. Mailspring\nstores your email password securely and it is never sent to our servers.": "Sau koj tus email account credentials kom pib. Mailspring \n khaws koj tus email password securely thiab nws yeej tsis xa mus rau peb cov servers.", "Error": "Yuam kev", "Event": "Kev tshwm sim", "Existing": "Muaj", "Exit": "Tawm", "Exit Full Screen": "Tawm Tawm Hauv Siab", "Expand / collapse conversation": "Nthuav / sib sab laj sib tham", "Expand All": "Nthuav Tag Nrho", "Explore Mailspring Pro": "Tshawb Mailspring Pro", "Export Failed": "Export Failed", "Export Raw Data": "Export cov ntaub ntawv raw", "Facebook URL": "Facebook URL", "Failed to load \"%@\"": "Failed thauj \"%@\"", "Failed to load config.json: %@": "Failed mus ntsaws rau config.json: %@", "Failed to save \"%@\"": "Tseg tsis txuag \"%@\"", "Failed to save config.json: %@": "Tsis tau txuag config.json: %@", "False": "Cuav", "Fax": "Fax", "Feedback": "Tswv yim", "File": "Cov ntaub ntawv", "Find": "Tshawb xyuas", "Find Next": "Nrhiav Tom Ntej", "Find Previous": "Nrhiav Yav tas los", "Find in Mailbox": "Nrhiav hauv Cov Ntawv Cim", "Find in Thread": "Nrhiav hauv Xov Xwm", "Find in thread": "Nrhiav hauv xov", "Flags": "Chij", "Focus the %@ field": "Ua kom pom cov lus %@", "Folder": "Sis", "Folders": "Folders", "Follow-up reminders": "Cov lus qhia rov qab", "Food and Drink": "Khoom Noj thiab Dej Haus", "Forward": "Mus rau pem hauv ntej", "Forwarded Message": "Lus Xa Mus", "Frequently Used": "Nquag Siv", "From": "Los ntawm", "GMX requires that you %@ before using email clients like Mailspring.": "GMX samfwm tias koj %@ ua ntej siv email cov neeg nyiam Mailspring.", "General": "General", "Get Mailspring Pro": "Tau Mailspring Pro", "Get Started": "Pib Tau", "Get notified when each recipient opens your email to send timely follow-ups and reminders.": "Tau txais ntawv ceeb toom thaum txhua tus neeg tau txais kev pab qhib koj lub npe xa xov kom rov qab raws li cov hnub nyoog thiab cov kev nco.", "Get reminded if you don't receive a reply for this message within a specified time.": "Nco ntsoov tias yog koj tsis tau txais daim ntawv teb rau cov ntawv no hauv lub sijhawm teev tseg.", "Get reminded!": "Tau nco txog!", "Give your draft a subject to name your template.": "Muab koj qhov cua ntsawj ntshab ib daim ntawv rau koj lub npe.", "Gmail IMAP is not enabled. Visit Gmail settings to turn it on.": "Tsis siv Gmail IMAP. Txuas mus xyuas Gmail qhov chaw tig nws.", "Gmail Remove from view": "Gmail Tshem tawm ntawm kev pom", "Gmail bandwidth exceeded. Please try again later.": "Gmail bandwidth tshaj. Thov sim dua tom qab.", "Go Back": "Rov Qab Mus", "Go further with Mailspring Pro": "Mus ntxiv nrog Mailspring Pro", "Go to %@": "Mus rau %@", "Got it!": "Tau txais nws!", "Gravatar Profile Photo": "Gravatar Profile Photo", "Handle it later!": "Kov nws tom qab!", "Have a GitHub account? Want to contibute many translations? Contribute directly via a Pull Request!": "Muaj tus account GitHub? Xav kom xav ua ntau yam translations? Pab ncaj qha ntawm Kev Thov Tshem Tawm!", "Have you enabled access through Yahoo?": "Muaj koj tau siv los ntawm Yahoo?", "Help": "Pab", "Help Center": "Help Center", "Hide": "Hide", "Hide Badge": "Hide Badge", "Hide Mailspring": "Zais Mailspring", "Hide Others": "Hide Lwm tus", "Hide Sidebar": "Hide Sidebar", "Hooray! You’re done.": "Hooray! Koj ua tiav.", "Huge": "Lossis loj", "If %@ of the following conditions are met:": "Yog tias %@ ntawm cov mob hauv qab no:", "If you enjoy Mailspring, upgrade to Mailspring Pro from %@ to enable all these great features permanently:": "Yog hais tias koj nyiam Mailspring, hloov mus rau Mailspring Pro los ntawm %@ kom tag nrho cov nta zoo no mus tas li:", "If you write a draft in another language, Mailspring will auto-detect it and use the correct spelling dictionary after a few sentences.": "Yog tias koj sau ib daim ntawv sau ua lwm hom lus, Mailspring yuav pib kuaj xyuas thiab siv cov lus txhais cov lus kom yog tom qab ob peb kab lus.", "If you've enabled link tracking or read receipts, those events will appear here!": "Yog tias koj tau koom qhov tshawb nrhiav los yog nyeem cov ntawv txais nyiaj, cov xwm txheej yuav tshwm sim ntawm no!", "Important": "Tseem ceeb", "In 1 Week": "Hauv 1 lub lim tiam", "In 1 hour": "Hauv 1 xuab moos", "In 2 Weeks": "Hauv 2 lub lis piam", "In 2 hours": "Hauv 2 xuab moos", "In 3 Days": "Nyob rau hauv 3 Hnub", "In 3 Hours": "Hauv 3 Teev Tseg", "In a Month": "Hauv Ib Hlis", "In order to perform actions on this mailbox, you need to resolve the sync issue. Visit Preferences > Accounts for more information.": "Yuav kom ua yeeb yam rau hauv lub thawv no, koj yuav tsum daws qhov teeb meem ntawm qhov sib xyaw. Mus saib cov Preferences> Accounts rau cov lus qhia ntxiv.", "In order to send mail through Mailspring, your email account must have a Sent Mail folder. You can specify a Sent folder manually by visiting Preferences > Folders and choosing a folder name from the dropdown menu.": "Yuav kom xa ntawv xa tuaj rau hauv Mailspring, koj tus email yuav tsum muaj Xa Ntawv Xa mus. Koj tuaj yeem hais meej txog kev xa hauv kev xa mus rau Manually los ntawm Kev Xaiv> Folders thiab xaiv ib lub npe nplaub tshev los ntawm dropdown menu.", "In order to send mail through Mailspring, your email account must have a Trash folder. You can specify a Trash folder manually by visiting Preferences > Folders and choosing a folder name from the dropdown menu.": "Yuav kom xa ntawv xa tuaj rau hauv Mailspring, koj tus email yuav tsum muaj daim ntawv pov thawj khib nyiab. Koj tuaj yeem hais kom meej hauv phau ntawv pov thawj ntawm khab-nias los ntawm Kev Xaiv> Cov Folders thiab xaiv ib lub npe nplaub tshev los ntawm dropdown menu.", "Inbox": "Inbox", "Incoming Mail": "Xa Ntawv Xa Mus", "Indent": "Indent", "Information": "Cov ntaub ntawv", "Insert Numbered List": "Insert Numbered List", "Insert a Quote Block": "Ntxig rau nqe lus txwv", "Insert a bulleted list": "Ntxig ib daim ntawv teev npe", "Insert a link": "Ntxig ib qhov txuas", "Insert content here!": "Ntxig cov ntsiab lus ntawm no!", "Install": "Nruab", "Install Theme": "Nruab lub ntsiab", "Install a Plugin": "Nruab ib Plugin", "Instantly": "Tshaj plaws", "Invalid plugin location": "Invalid plugin qhov chaw", "Invalid plugin name": "Plugin lub npe tsis tau", "Invalid template name! Names can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, and underscores.": "Invalid template npe! Cov npe muaj peev xwm tsuas muaj cov tsiaj ntawv, zauv, chaw, kev sib tw, thiab cov cim hauv qab.", "It looks like your draft already has some content. Loading this template will overwrite all draft contents.": "Nws zoo li koj qhov kev xav tau twb muaj qee cov ntsiab lus. Chaw thau cov qauv no yuav overwrite tag nrho cov txheej txheem.", "It originates from %@ but replies will go to %@.": "Nws pib los ntawm %@, tiam sis cov lus teb yuav mus rau %@.", "Job Title": "Txoj Haujlwm Txoj Haujlwm", "Jumping": "Dhia", "Label as...": "Daim ntawv lo rau li ...", "Labels": "Cov ntawv", "Language Conversion Failed": "Lus Sib Pauv Tsis Tau", "Large": "Loj", "Last 2 Weeks": "Lub Xeem 2 Lub Hli", "Last 4 Weeks": "Xeem 4 Lub Lis Piam", "Last 7 Days": "Xeem 7 Hnub", "Later Today": "Tom qab hnub no", "Launch on system start": "Tua tawm ntawm lub cev pib", "Layout": "Layout", "Learn More": "Kawm Ntxiv", "Learn Spelling": "Kawm Lus", "Learn more": "Kawm ntxiv", "Let's set things up to your liking.": "Cia peb npaj tej yam li koj nyiam.", "Link Click Rate": "Txuas Nyem Ntaus", "Link tracking": "Txuas mus saib", "Link tracking does not work offline. Please re-enable when you come back online.": "Txuas nrhiav tsis ua haujlwm offline. Thov rov pab thaum koj rov qab tuaj online.", "Loading Messages": "Chaw Thauj Khoom", "Loading...": "Chaw thau khoom ....", "Local Data": "Cov Ntaub Ntawv Zos", "Localized": "Laus", "Log Data": "Teev Cov Ntaub Ntawv", "Look Up “%@”": "Ntsia Kom Zoo \"%@\"", "Looking for accounts...": "Nrhiav kev txheeb xyuas ...", "Looking for more messages": "Nrhiav ntau cov lus", "Looks Good!": "Zoo zoo!", "Mail Rules": "Txoj Cai Xa Mus", "Mail Templates": "Xa Templates", "Mailbox Summary": "Xaus thaij tawm", "Mailbox insights": "Kev xa ntawv thawv ntawv", "Mailspring Basic": "Mailspring Basic", "Mailspring Help": "Mailspring pab", "Mailspring Pro": "Mailspring Pro", "Mailspring Reminder": "Mailspring Nco Qab Ntsoov", "Mailspring can no longer authenticate with %@. The password or authentication may have changed.": "Mailspring tuaj yeem kuaj ua ntej nrog %@. Lo lus zais lossis cov ntawv pov thawj yuav hloov.", "Mailspring can't find your Drafts folder. To create and send mail, visit Preferences > Folders and choose a Drafts folder.": "Mailspring tuaj yeem tsis pom koj cov ntawv nplais. Los tsim thiab xa cov ntawv xa tuaj, saib Preferences> Folders thiab xaiv ib phau ntawv sau.", "Mailspring could not find the mailsync process. If you're building Mailspring from source, make sure mailsync.tar.gz has been downloaded and unpacked in your working copy.": "Mailspring yuav pom cov txheej txheem mailsync. Yog tias koj nyob nraum tsev Mailspring los ntawm qhov chaw, xyuas kom tseeb tias mailsync.tar.gz tau raug downloaded thiab unpacked nyob rau hauv koj daim ntawv ua hauj lwm.", "Mailspring could not save an attachment because you have run out of disk space.": "Mailspring yuav tsis txuag tau ib qho txuas vim koj tau khiav ntawm qhov chaw disk.", "Mailspring could not save an attachment. Check that permissions are set correctly and try restarting Mailspring if the issue persists.": "Mailspring yuav cawm tsis tau ib qho txuas. Kuaj xyuas tias cov kev tso cai raug teeb tsa thiab hloov dua siab tshiab dua yog tias qhov teeb meem no tseem ua tsis tiav.", "Mailspring could not spawn the mailsync process. %@": "Mailspring yuav tsis ntses txoj kev mailsync. %@", "Mailspring could not store your password securely. %@ For more information, visit %@": "Mailspring yuav tsis khaws koj tus password kom ruaj khov. %@ Yog xav paub ntxiv, mus xyuas %@", "Mailspring desktop notifications on Linux require Zenity. You may need to install it with your package manager.": "Mailspring desktop cov ntawv qhia txog Linux yuav tsum tau Zenity. Koj yuav tsum nruab nrog nws nrog koj tus neeg saib xyuas lub pob.", "Mailspring does not support stylesheets with the extension: %@": "Mailspring tsis txhawb stylesheets nrog tus extension: %@", "Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ntsib yuam kev syncing cov nyiaj no. Cov ntaub ntawv sib tsoo tau raug xa mus rau Mailspring pab neeg thiab peb yuav ua haujlwm los txhim kho cov teeb meem no tom ntej tso.", "Mailspring is clearing its cache %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring yog clearing nws tus cache rau %@. Nyob ntawm qhov loj ntawm lub thawv ntawv, qhov no yuav siv li ob peb feeb lossis ob peb feeb. Kev ceeb toom yuav tshwm sim thaum qhov kev ntxuav tu tiav.", "Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring yog ywj siab %@ software, thiab cov nyiaj tau txais txiaj ntsig pub rau peb siv sij hawm tswj thiab txhim kho cov khoom.", "One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring yog offline", "Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring khiav hauv hom dev thiab tej zaum yuav qeeb qeeb!", "Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring syncing cov xov no thiab nws cov attachments rau huab. Rau ntev threads, qhov no yuav siv sij hawm ib pliag.", "Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring yog tsis tau sync %@", "Mailspring reset the local cache for %@ in %@ seconds. Your mailbox will now begin to sync again.": "Mailspring pib dua qhov chaw cache rau %@ hauv %@ seconds. Koj lub mailbox tam sim no yuav pib dua tuaj.", "Mailspring shows you everything about your contacts right inside your inbox. See LinkedIn profiles, Twitter bios, message history, and more.": "Mailspring qhia koj txhua yam hais txog koj cov cai hauv koj lub inbox. Saib LinkedIn profiles, Twitter bios, cov lus kaw lus, thiab ntau dua.", "Mailspring was unable to modify your keymaps at %@.": "Mailspring tsis tau hloov koj cov keymaps ntawm %@.", "Mailspring was unable to read the contents of your templates directory (%@). You may want to delete this folder or ensure filesystem permissions are set correctly.": "Mailspring tsis tuaj yeem nyeem cov ntsiab lus ntawm koj daim ntawv teev npe (%@). Tej zaum koj yuav xav rho tawm cov ntawv no los sis xyuas cov ntaub ntawv filesystem kom raug.", "Mailspring was unable to reset the local cache. %@": "Mailspring tsis muaj peev xwm pib dua lub zos cache. %@", "Mailspring was unable to write to the file location you specified (%@).": "Mailspring tsis tuaj yeem sau ntawv rau qhov chaw koj tau teev (%@).", "Make sure you have `libsecret` installed and a keyring is present. ": "Xyuas kom koj muaj 'libsecret' ntsia thiab muaj qhov keyring.", "Manage": "Tswj", "Manage Accounts": "Tswj Accounts", "Manage Billing": "Tswj nqi", "Manage Templates...": "Tswj cov Templates ...", "Manually": "Manually", "Mark as %@": "Kos raws li %@", "Mark as Important": "Kos raws li Tseem Ceeb", "Mark as Not Important": "Khij rau qhov tsis tseem ceeb", "Mark as Read": "Kos raws li Nyeem", "Mark as Spam": "Kos raws li Spam", "Marked %@ as Spam": "Marked %@ li Spam", "Marked %@ threads as %@": "Marked %@ threads li %@", "Marked as %@": "Marked li %@", "Market Cap": "Khw Tshaj Tawm", "Marking as read": "Npav raws li nyeem", "Marking as unread": "Npav ua unread", "Maybe": "Tej zaum", "Message": "Lus sam", "Message Sent Sound": "Xov Tooj Suab", "Message Viewer": "Xov Tooj Lus", "Messages Received": "Lus Tau Txais", "Messages Sent": "Cov lus xa", "Messages Time of Day": "Cov Sij Hawm Hnub", "Minimize": "Tsawg kawg", "MobileMe has moved.": "MobileMe tau tsiv lawm.", "Monthly": "Hli", "Move Message": "Tshem Tawm Lus", "Move to Applications": "Tsiv mus rau Daim Ntawv Thov", "Move to Applications?": "Tsiv mus rau cov ntawv thov?", "Move to Archive": "Tsiv mus rau Archive", "Move to Folder": "Tsiv mus rau nplaub tshev", "Move to Label": "Tsiv mus rau daim ntawv lo", "Move to Trash": "Tsiv mus rau Pov Tseg", "Move to newer conversation": "Txav mus rau kev sib tham tshiab", "Move to older conversation": "Txav mus rau kev sib tham dua", "Move to...": "Txav mus rau ...", "Moved %@ messages to %@": "Moved %@ lus rau %@", "Moved %@ threads to %@": "Moved %@ threads rau %@", "Moved to %@": "Moved rau %@", "Moving to folder": "Tsiv mus rau nplaub tshev", "Name": "Lub npe", "Nature": "Xwm", "Navigation": "Kev taw qhia", "Never forget to follow up! Mailspring reminds you if your messages haven't received replies.": "Tsis txhob hnov ​​qab taug qab! Mailspring qhia koj tias koj cov lus tsis tau txais cov lus teb.", "New %@": "Tshiab %@", "New Message": "Xov Xwm Tshiab", "Next": "Tom ntej", "Next Month": "Lub Nub Tom Ntej", "Next Week": "Lub Lis Piam Tom Ntej", "Next thread": "Cov lus txuas ntxiv", "No": "Tsis yog", "No Date": "Tsis muaj hnub", "No Guesses Found": "Tsis muaj Guesses Found", "No Matching Profile": "Tsis muaj Profile Profile", "No Messages": "Tsis muaj lus", "No important folder / label": "Tsis muaj cov ntawv tseem ceeb / daim ntawv lo", "No name provided": "Tsis muaj npe", "No opens": "Tsis qhib", "No reminders set": "Tsis nco nco", "No rules": "Tsis muaj cai", "No search results": "Tsis muaj kev tshawb nrhiav", "No signature": "Tsis kos npe", "No update available.": "Tsis muaj hloov tshiab.", "No valid server found.": "Tsis muaj cov neeg ua hauj lwm siv tau.", "None": "Tsis muaj", "Normal": "Qhov qub", "Not Important": "Tsis tseem ceeb", "Not Now": "Tsis Tam Sim No", "Not Spam": "Tsis Spam", "Note: Due to issues with your most recent payment, you've been temporarily downgraded to Mailspring %@. Click 'Billing' below to correct the issue.": "Lus Cim: Vim muaj teeb meem nrog koj cov nyiaj them poob haujlwm tsis ntev los no, koj tau raug ncua mus rau Mailspring %@. Nyem 'Sau nqi' hauv qab no los kho qhov teeb meem.", "Notifications": "Cov ntawv qhia", "Notify me about new features and plugins via this email address.": "Qhia kuv txog tshiab nta thiab plugins ntawm no email chaw nyob.", "Now": "Tam sim no", "OK": "OK", "Objects": "Cov khoom", "Of recipients click a link": "Ntawm cov neeg tau txais nyem ib qhov txuas", "Of threads you start get a reply": "Ntawm threads koj pib tau txais lub teb", "Of your emails are opened": "Ntawm koj cov emails raug qhib", "Offline": "Offline", "Okay": "Zoo", "One message in this thread is hidden because it was moved to trash or spam.": "Ib cov lus nyob rau hauv cov xov no yog muab zais vim nws tau tsiv mus rau cov thoob khib nyiab los yog cov spam.", "One or more of your mail rules have been disabled.": "Ib los yog ntau tshaj ntawm koj cov cai hauv kev xa ntawv tuaj yeem tsis taus.", "One or more of your mail rules requires the bodies of messages being processed. These rules can't be run on your entire mailbox.": "Ib los yog ntau tshaj ntawm koj cov kev cai xa email yuav tsum tau hais txog lub cev cov txheej txheem. Cov cai no tsis tuaj yeem khiav ntawm koj tus xa ntawv tag nrho.", "Open": "Qhib", "Open In Browser": "Qhib hauv Browser", "Open Link": "Qhib Txuas", "Open Mailsync Logs": "Qhib Mailsync Logs", "Open Rate": "Qhib Tus Nqi", "Open and link tracking": "Qhib thiab txuas qhov txuas", "Open containing folder after downloading attachment": "Qhib nrog nplaub tshev tom qab daus txuas", "Open selected conversation": "Qhib xaiv sib tham", "Open tracking does not work offline. Please re-enable when you come back online.": "Qhib kev taug qab tsis ua haujlwm offline. Thov rov pab thaum koj rov qab tuaj online.", "Opened": "Qhib", "Opened by": "Qhib ntawm", "Opens": "Qhib", "Or, 'next Monday at 2PM'": "Los yog, 'tom ntej no hnub Monday tom 2PM'", "Outdent": "Tshaj tawm", "Outgoing Mail": "Kev Xa Ntawv", "Override standard interface scaling": "Tshem tawm tus txheej txheem kev sib tsoo", "Page didn't open? Paste this URL into your browser:": "Nplooj ntawv puas tau qhib? Muab qhov URL rau hauv koj tus browser:", "Parsing Error": "Parsing yuam kev", "Password": "Lo lus zais", "Paste": "Muab tshuaj txhuam", "Paste and Match Style": "Muab tshuaj thiab Match Style", "People": "Cov neeg", "Perform these actions:": "Ua cov yeeb yam no:", "Phone": "Xov tooj", "Play sound when receiving new mail": "Ua si lub suab thaum tau txais cov ntawv tshiab", "Please provide a password for your account.": "Thov muab ib lo lus zais rau koj tus account.", "Please provide a valid email address.": "Thov muab ib qhov email chaw nyob.", "Please provide a valid port number.": "Thov muab tus nab npawb chaw nres nkoj siv.", "Please provide your name.": "Thov muab koj lub npe.", "Plugin installed! 🎉": "Plugin ntsia! 🎉", "Pop thread in": "Pop xov nyob rau hauv", "Popout composer…": "Popout composer ...", "Popout thread": "Popout xov", "Port": "Chaw nres nkoj", "Powerful template support": "Kev them nyiaj yug zog template", "Preferences": "Nyiam nyiam", "Preferences > Subscription": "Preferences> Subscription", "Press \"tab\" to quickly move between the blanks - highlighting will not be visible to recipients.": "Xovxwm \"tab\" kom ceev nrooj ntawm qhov tsis muaj peev xwm - qhov tseem ceeb yuav tsis pom rau cov neeg tau txais kev pab.", "Preview": "Saib ua ntej", "Previous thread": "Previous thread", "Print": "Sau", "Print Current Thread": "Sau cov lus tam sim no", "Print Thread": "Sau Xov", "Privately Held": "Tsis muaj kev pab", "Pro tip: Combine search terms with AND and OR to create complex queries.": "Pro taub: Muab cov ntsiab lus nrhiav nrog THIAB THIAB LOSSIS los tsim kev queries.", "Process entire inbox": "Txheej txheem txhua tus tuaj", "Quick Reply": "Nreeb teb", "Quit": "Tso tawm", "Quit Mailspring": "Txo Mailspring", "Raised": "Tsa ceg", "Raw HTML": "Raw HTML", "Raw Source": "Raw Source", "Re-authenticate...": "Re-authenticate ...", "Read": "Nyeem", "Read Receipts": "Nyeem Ntawv Tshaj Tawm", "Read Receipts and Link Tracking": "Nyeem Tshaj Tawm thiab Txuas Txuas Mus Los", "Reading": "Nyeem Ntawv", "Reading Pane Off": "Nyeem Pane Off", "Reading Pane On": "Nyeem Pane Rau", "Rebuild": "Rebuild", "Rebuild Cache...": "Rebuild Cache ...", "Recipient": "Tus Neeg Tau Txais", "Reconnect": "Reconnect", "Redo": "npaj txhij", "Relaunch": "Relaunch", "Relaunch to apply window changes.": "Tsav mus thov cov kev hloov qhov rai.", "Release channel": "Tso channel", "Reload": "Reload", "Remind me if no one replies": "Nco kuv tias tsis muaj leej twg teb", "Reminder": "Nco ntsoov", "Reminder set for %@ from now": "Nco tseg rau %@ txij tam sim no", "Reminders": "Nco ntsoov", "Remove": "Tshem tawm", "Remove HTML": "Tshem tawm HTML", "Remove Star": "Tshem lub hnub qub", "Remove Stars": "Tshem cov hnub qub", "Remove and show next": "Tshem tawm thiab qhia ntxiv", "Remove and show previous": "Tshem tawm thiab qhia yav tas los", "Remove from view": "Tshem tawm saib", "Remove quoted text": "Tshem cov ntawv nyeem", "Removed %@": "Tshem tawm %@", "Removed %@ from %@ threads": "Tshem tawm %@ ntawm %@ threads", "Removed %@ from Trash": "Tshem tawm %@ ntawm Pov Tseg", "Rename": "Rename", "Renaming %@": "Renaming %@", "Replace contents": "Hloov cov ntsiab lus", "Replace draft contents?": "Hloov cov txheej txheem?", "Reply": "Teb", "Reply All": "Teb Tag nrho", "Reply Rate": "Teb Tus nqi", "Reply to": "Teb rau", "Reset": "Pib dua", "Reset Accounts and Settings": "Pib cov Nyiaj Sau Tseg thiab Chaw", "Reset Cache": "Rov pib dua Cache", "Reset Configuration": "Tshem Kho Ntxiv", "Reset Theme": "Pib lub ntsiab", "Restart and Install Update": "Pib dua thiab Nruab Hloov", "Restore Defaults": "Restore tseeb", "Resurface messages to the top of the inbox when unsnoozing": "Resurface lus mus rau sab saum toj ntawm lub inbox thaum unsnoozing", "Retrying in %@ seconds": "Rov ua dua nyob rau hauv %@ seconds", "Retrying in 1 second": "Rov ua dua 1 thib ob", "Retrying now...": "Rov tig dua tam sim no ...", "Retrying...": "Rov qab ...", "Return to %@": "Rov qab mus rau %@", "Return to conversation list": "Rov qab mus rau kev sib tham sau", "Revert custom HTML?": "Revert kev cai HTML?", "Rich contact profiles": "Muaj kev sib txuas nplua nuj profiles", "Rules only apply to the selected account.": "Cov kev cai tsuas siv rau tus account xaiv.", "Run with Debug Flags": "Khiav nrog Debug Chij", "Run with debug flags?": "Khiav nrog debug chij?", "Save Draft as Template...": "Txuag daim ntawv raws li Template ...", "Save Image": "Tseg Duab", "Save Into...": "Txuag Rau Hauv ...", "Save New Package": "Txuag Tshiab Pob", "Saving reminder...": "Txuag kev ceeb toom ...", "Saving send date...": "Txuag xa hnub tim ...", "Scaling": "Scaling", "Scaling adjusts the entire UI, including icons, dividers, and text. Messages you send will still have the same font size. Decreasing scale significantly may make dividers and icons too small to click.": "Scaling adjusts tus tag nrho UI, xws li icons, dividers, thiab cov ntawv nyeem. Cov lus koj xa tuaj tseem yuav muaj tib lub hom ntawv loj. Kev txo qis qis kuj tseem yuav ua kom faib cov cim thiab cov icons tsawg dhau los.", "Scanning": "Kev xaav", "Scanning messages": "Ntawv xa khoom", "Schedule messages to re-appear later to keep your inbox clean and focus on immediate todos.": "Teem caij cov lus kom rov tshwm sim tom ntej kom koj cov neeg nyob hauv tsev kom huv thiab tsom ntsoov rau ntawm lwm tus neeg.", "Schedule messages to send at the ideal time to maximize your email reply rate or automate drip emails.": "Teem caij cov lus xa ntawm qhov zoo tagnrho lub sijhawm los ua kom koj tus email teb losyog cov neeg tuaj yeem tuaj yeem xa email.", "Schedule this message to send at the ideal time. Mailspring makes it easy to control the fabric of spacetime!": "Teem caij cov lus no xa mus rau ntawm lub sijhawm zoo tagnrho. Mailspring ua kom yooj yim tswj cov ntaub ntawm spacetime!", "Scheduled for %@": "Teem tseg rau %@", "Search": "Tshawb nrhiav", "Search Google for '%@'": "Nrhiav Google rau '%@'", "Search Results": "Nrhiav tau", "Search all mailboxes": "Nrhiav tag nrho cov ntawv xa tawm", "Search for": "Tshawb nrhiav", "Search with ease": "Tshaj nrhiav yooj yim", "Security": "Kev ruaj ntseg", "See detailed information about companies you email, including their size, funding and timezone.": "Saib cov ncauj lus kom ntxaws txog cov tuam txhab koj email, xws li lawv qhov loj me, nyiaj txiag thiab timezone.", "See when recipients click links in your emails so you can follow up with precision": "Saib thaum cov neeg tau txais kev txuas nyem hauv koj cov email kom koj tuaj yeem ua raws li nrog kev txiav txim siab", "See when recipients open this email": "Saib thaum cov neeg tuaj qhib no email", "Select All": "Xaiv Tag Nrho", "Select All Read": "Xaiv Txhua Tus Nyeem", "Select All Starred": "Xaiv Tag Nrho Cov Hnub Nres", "Select All Unread": "Xaiv Tag Nrho Cov Lus Tsis Tau", "Select All Unstarred": "Xaiv Tag Nrho Tsis Txaus Siab", "Select all conversations": "Xaiv txhua qhov sib tham", "Select all read conversations": "Xaiv txhua tus nyeem ntawv", "Select all starred conversations": "Xaiv tag nrho cov lus sib tham", "Select all unread conversations": "Xaiv tag nrho cov lus sib tham", "Select all unstarred conversations": "Xaiv tag nrho cov lus tsis sib tham", "Select conversation": "Xaiv qhov sib tham", "Select file attachment": "Xaiv cov ntaub ntawv txuas", "Selected Account": "Xaiv Nyiaj", "Selected Messages": "Cov lus xaiv", "Selection": "Xaiv", "Send": "Xa", "Send Anyway": "Xa Xijpeem", "Send Later": "Xa Tom Qab", "Send message": "Xa lus", "Send more than one message using the same %@ or subject line to compare open rates and reply rates.": "Xa dua ntau tshaj ib qho lus siv tib yam %@ los sis kab ntawv sib piv los sib piv cov nqi qhib thiab teb nqi.", "Send new messages from:": "Xa cov ntawv tshiab los ntawm:", "Send on your own schedule": "Xa ntawm koj lub sijhawm", "Sending": "Xa mus", "Sending in %@": "Xa hauv %@", "Sending in a few seconds": "Xa hauv ob peb feeb", "Sending is not enabled for this account.": "Xa mus tsis tau rau qhov nyiaj no.", "Sending message": "Xa xov", "Sending now": "Xa tam sim no", "Sending soon...": "Xa sai sai ...", "Sent Mail": "Xa Xa Mus", "Sent from Mailspring, the best free email app for work": "Xa los ntawm Mailspring, qhov zoo tshaj plaws dawb email app rau kev ua haujlwm", "Services": "Kev Pabcuam", "Set Reminder": "Teeb Tswb Qhia", "Set up Account": "Teeb Account", "Several of your accounts are having issues": "Muaj ntau ntawm koj cov nyiaj tau muaj teeb meem", "Share": "Qhia tawm", "Share Link": "Sib Txuas Lus", "Share this Report": "Qhia cov lus qhia no", "Share this thread": "Qhia tawm cov xov no", "Shortcuts": "Shortcuts", "Show": "Qhia", "Show All": "Qhia Tag Nrho", "Show Detail": "Qhia Qhia", "Show Gmail-style important markers (Gmail Only)": "Qhia Gmail-style cov cim tseem ceeb (Gmail xwb)", "Show Images": "Qhia Duab", "Show Original": "Qhia Thawj", "Show Progress": "Qhia Kev Txhim Kho", "Show Sidebar": "Qhia Sidebar", "Show Templates Folder...": "Qhia cov nplaub tshev Templates ...", "Show Total Count": "Qhia tag nrho suav", "Show Unread Count": "Qhia cov suav tsis txheeb", "Show all messages": "Qhia tag nrho cov lus", "Show badge on the app icon": "Qhia cov paib rau ntawm app icon", "Show icon in menu bar / system tray": "Qhia cov yeeb yam hauv zaub mov bar / system tais", "Show more": "Qhia ntau ntxiv", "Show notifications for new unread messages": "Qhia cov ntawv qhia rau cov xov xwm tsis tau hnov ​​dua", "Show notifications for repeated opens / clicks": "Qhia cov ntawv qhia kom rov ua dua / clicks", "Show unread counts for all folders / labels": "Qhia cov kev suav tsis txheeb txog txhua tus folders / cov ntawv", "Showing %@ threads with %@ messages": "Qhia %@ threads nrog %@ lus", "Showing 1 thread with %@ messages": "Taw qhia 1 xov nrog %@ cov lus", "Sign Out": "Sau npe tawm", "Sign in with %@ in %@ your browser.": "Kos npe rau hauv nrog %@ hauv %@ koj tus browser.", "Signatures": "Kos npe", "Single Panel": "Tib Vaj Huam Sib Luag", "Small": "Me me", "Snooze": "Zes", "Snooze emails to return at any time that suits you. Schedule messages to send at the ideal time. Mailspring makes it easy to control the fabric of spacetime!": "Rov xa cov emails xa rov qab tuaj txhua lub sijhawm uas suits koj. Teem caij cov lus xa mus rau ntawm lub sijhawm zoo. Mailspring ua kom yooj yim tswj cov ntaub ntawm spacetime!", "Snooze messages": "Yawg cov lus", "Snooze this email and it'll return to your inbox later. Click here or swipe across the thread in your inbox to snooze.": "Tsum no email thiab nws mam li rov qab tuaj rau koj tom qab. Nyem ntawm no los yog swb hla lub xov hauv koj tus inbox los ntxoov ntxoo.", "Snoozed": "Snoozed", "Some providers require an app password.": "Qee cov chaw kho mob xav tau ib qho password los ntawm app.", "Someone": "Ib tug neeg", "Sorry, Mailspring was unable to deliver this message: %@": "Thov txim, Mailspring tsis tuaj yeem xa cov lus qhia no: %@", "Sorry, plugin names cannot contain spaces.": "Thov txim, plugin cov npe tsis muaj chaw.", "Sorry, something went wrong when this account was added to Mailspring. If you do not see the account, try linking it again. %@": "Thov txim, ib yam dab tsi mus tsis ncaj ncees lawm thaum no tus account tau ntxiv rau Mailspring. Yog tias koj tsis pom tus as khauj, sim txuas nws dua. %@", "Sorry, the file you selected does not look like an image. Please choose a file with one of the following extensions: %@": "Thov txim, cov ntaub ntawv koj xaiv tsis zoo li duab. Thov xaiv cov ntaub ntawv nrog ib qho ntawm cov kev txuas ntxiv hauv qab no: %@", "Sorry, this account does not appear to have an inbox folder so this feature is disabled.": "Thov txim, cov nyiaj no tsis tuaj kom muaj ib qho khij hauv cov ntawv khomob kom cov neeg xiam oob qhab no.", "Sorry, this folder does not exist.": "Thov txim, cov ntawv no tsis muaj nyob.", "Sorry, we can't interpret %@ as a valid date.": "Thov txim, peb tsis tuaj yeem txhais tau %@ ua ib hnub siv tau.", "Sorry, we can't parse %@ as a valid date.": "Thov txim, peb yuav tsis parse %@ ua ib hnub siv tau.", "Sorry, we couldn't save your signature image to Mailspring's servers. Please try again.\n\n(%@)": "Thov txim, peb yuav tsis txuag koj lub npe kos rau Mailspring's servers. Thov rov sim dua. \n \n (%@)", "Sorry, we had trouble logging you in": "Thov txim, peb muaj teeb meem logging koj", "Sorry, we were unable to complete the translation request.": "Thov txim, peb tsis tuaj yeem teb cov lus thov.", "Sorry, we were unable to contact the Mailspring servers to share this thread.\n\n%@": "Thov txim, peb tsis tuaj yeem hu rau Mailspring cov chaw pabcuam los qhia cov xov no. \n \n %@", "Sorry, you can't attach more than 25MB of attachments": "Thov txim, koj tuaj yeem xa ntau tshaj 25MB ntawm cov ntawv txuas", "Sorry, you must create plugins in the dev/packages folder.": "Thov txim, koj yuav tsum tsim plugins nyob rau hauv cov dev / pob ntawv ceev.", "Sorry, you must give your plugin a unique name.": "Thov txim, koj yuav tsum muab koj lub plugin lub cim npe.", "Sorry, your SMTP server does not support basic username / password authentication.": "Thov txim, koj SMTP neeg rau zaub mov tsis txhawb nqa username / password authentication.", "Spam": "Spam", "Spellcheck language": "Spellcheck lus", "Star": "Hnub qub", "Starred": "Starred", "Starred %@ threads": "Starred %@ threads", "Starring": "Tshaj", "StartTLS is not available.": "StartTLS tsis muaj.", "Still trying to reach %@…": "Tseem sim kom ncav cuag %@ ...", "Stock Symbol %@": "Tshuag Cim %@", "Stop": "Nres", "Subject": "Kawm", "Subject Line": "Cov Kab Zauv", "Submit": "Xa", "Submit Improved Localizations": "Xa Tshaj Tawm Ntawm Qhov Chaw Zej Zog", "Subscribe to different update channels to receive previews of new features. Note that some update channels may be less stable!": "Sau npe mus rau txawv hloov tshiab raws tau txais kev soj ntsuam ntawm cov tshiab nta. Nco ntsoov tias qee qhov hloov tshiab yuav tsis ruaj khov dua!", "Subscription": "Subscription", "Successfully connected to %@!": "Ua tiav nrog %@!", "Move to trash (not archive) on swipe / backspace": "Swipe taw thiab backspace / rho tawm cov lus tawm rau cov thoob khib nyiab", "Switching back to a signature template will overwrite the custom HTML you've entered.": "Hloov rov qab mus rau ib lub npe template yuav overwrite tus HTML koj tau nkag mus.", "Symbols": "Cim", "Sync New Mail Now": "Sync tshiab xa ntawv tam sim no", "Sync this conversation to the cloud and anyone with the secret link can read it and download attachments.": "Sync no sib tham rau huab thiab leej twg nrog qhov zais cia txuas tau nyeem nws thiab download attachments.", "Syncing": "Syncing", "Syncing your mailbox": "Syncing koj lub thawv", "TLS Not Available": "TLS Tsis Muaj", "Template": "Template", "Template Creation Error": "Template Creation Error", "Templates": "Templates", "Templates Guide": "Templates Guide", "Thank you for helping debug Mailspring. Mailspring will now restart.": "Ua tsaug rau kev pab debug Mailspring. Mailspring yuav pib dua.", "Thank you for using %@ and supporting independent software. Get the most out of your subscription: explore pro features below or visit the %@ to learn more about reminders, templates, activity insights, and more.": "Ua tsaug rau koj siv %@ thiab txhawb kev ywj pheej software. Tau tshaj tawm hauv koj qhov subscription: tshawb cov pro nta hauv qab lossis mus saib %@ kom paub ntau ntxiv txog kev nco, cov ntsiab lus, kev ua ub no, thiab ntau dua.", "Thank you!": "Ua tsaug!", "Thanks for downloading Mailspring! Would you like to move it to your Applications folder?": "Tsaug rau daus Mailspring! Koj puas xav tsiv mus rau koj daim ntawv teev npe?", "The Mailspring Team": "Pab Neeg Mails", "The Outlook server said you must sign in via a web browser.": "Outlook neeg rau zaub mov hais tias koj yuav tsum kos npe rau ntawm qhov web browser.", "The SMTP server would not relay a message. You may need to authenticate.": "SMTP neeg rau zaub mov yuav tsis txuas lus. Koj yuav tsum tau kuaj xyuas.", "The contact sidebar in Mailspring Pro shows information about the people and companies you're emailing with.": "Kev sib tiv toj nyob rau hauv Mailspring Pro qhia txog cov neeg thiab cov tuam txhab uas muag koj tau xa email nrog.", "The from address has changed since you started sending this draft. Double-check the draft and click 'Send' again.": "Qhov chaw nyob tau pauv txij li thaum koj pib xa daim ntawv no. Muab ob daig-xyuas cov cua ntsawj ntshab thiab nias 'Xa' dua.", "The message contains an empty template area.": "Cov lus hais muaj thaj tsam npliag deg.", "The message contains an illegal attachment that is not allowed by the server.": "Cov lus hais muaj ib qho kev cai tsis raug cai uas tsis tau tso cai los ntawm tus neeg rau zaub mov.", "The message has been blocked because no sender is configured.": "Cov lus tau raug txwv vim hais tias tsis muaj leej twg teeb tsa.", "The message has been blocked by Yahoo - you have exceeded your daily sending limit.": "Cov lus tau raug blocked los ntawm Yahoo - koj tau ua dhau qhov koj xa txhua hnub.", "The message has been blocked by Yahoo's outbound spam filter.": "Cov lus tau raug txwv los ntawm Yahoo lub outbound spam lim.", "The message is addressed to a name that doesn't appear to be a recipient (\"%@\")": "Cov lus tau hais rau ib lub npe uas tsis tshwm los ua tus neeg tau txais kev pab (\"%@\")", "The message mentions an attachment but none are attached.": "Cov lus hais txog kev txuas tab sis tsis muaj leej twg koom nrog.", "The plugin or theme folder you selected doesn't contain a package.json file, or it was invalid JSON. %@": "Lub plugin lossis ntsiab nplaub tshev uas koj xaiv tsis muaj ntaub ntawv package.json, los yog nws yog tsis tseeb JSON. %@", "The plugin or theme you selected has not been upgraded to support Mailspring. If you're the developer, update the package.json's engines field to include \"mailspring\".\n\nFor more information, see this migration guide: %@": "Lub plugin lossis ntsiab lus uas koj xaiv tau tsis tau kho dua tshiab los txhawb Mailspring. Yog tias koj yog tus tsim, hloov lub pob.json lub cav xyaw nrog rau \"mailspring\". \n \n Yog xav paub ntxiv, mus saib phau ntawv qhia txog kev tsiv teb tsaws chaw: %@", "The server said you must sign in via your webmail.": "Tus neeg ua num hais tias koj yuav tsum kos npe rau ntawm koj qhov webmail.", "The subject field is blank.": "Lub tshooj lus tsis txaus.", "The template and its file will be permanently deleted.": "Tus qauv thiab nws cov ntaub ntawv yuav raug muab tshem tawm tas li.", "The thread %@ does not exist in your mailbox!": "Cov xov %@ tsis muaj nyob rau hauv koj cov ntawv xov tooj!", "Theme Color": "Ntsiab xim", "Theme and Style": "Ntsiab thiab Cov Qauv", "Themes": "Themes", "There are %@ more messages in this thread that are not in spam or trash.": "Muaj %@ ntau cov lus nyob rau hauv cov xov no uas tsis nyob rau hauv spam lossis khib nyiab.", "There are too many active connections to your Gmail account. Please try again later.": "Muaj ntau yam sib txuas rau koj tus account Gmail. Thov sim dua tom qab.", "There is one more message in this thread that is not in spam or trash.": "Muaj ib qho lus ntxiv hauv cov xov no uas tsis yog nyob rau hauv spam lossis khib nyiab.", "There was an error checking for updates.": "Muaj ib qho kev txheeb xyuas qhov tshiab.", "These features were %@ of the messages you sentin this time period, so these numbers do not reflect all of your activity. To enableread receipts and link tracking on emails you send, click the %@ or link tracking %@ icons in the composer.": "Cov nta no yog %@ cov lus koj xa tuaj rau lub sijhawm no, yog li cov naj npawb no tsis cuam tshuam tag nrho koj cov dej num. Txhawm rau cov ntawv txais nyiaj enableread thiab txuas ntawm email xa koj tuaj, nyem qhov %@ lossis txuas mus rau %@ icons hauv tus kws sau ntawv.", "This Weekend": "No lis xaus", "This account is invalid or Mailspring could not find the Inbox or All Mail folder. %@": "Cov nyiaj no yog invalid los yog Mailspring yuav tsis pom cov Inbox los yog Tag Nrho Cov Ntawv xaib. %@", "This looks like a Gmail account! While it's possible to setup an App Password and connect to Gmail via IMAP, Mailspring also supports Google OAuth. Go back and select \"Gmail & Google Apps\" from the provider screen.": "Qhov no zoo li ib tus account Gmail! Thaum nws tseem tau teeb ib qho App Password thiab txuas mus rau Gmail ntawm IMAP, Mailspring kuj txhawb Google OAuth. Rov qab mus thiab xaiv \"Gmail & Google Apps\" los ntawm tus kws khomob saib.", "This message has not been opened": "Cov lus no tsis tau qhib", "This message looks suspicious!": "Cov lus no zoo nkaus li tej yam txawv!", "This plugin or theme %@ does not list \"mailspring\" in it's package.json's \"engines\" field. Ask the developer to test the plugin with Mailspring and add it, or follow the instructions here: %@": "No cov plugin lossis ntsiab %@ tsis sau cov \"mailspring\" hauv nws lub pob \"xyaw\" ntawm pob.json. Nug tus tsim kom ntsuam xyuas lub plugin nrog Mailspring thiab ntxiv nws, los yog ua raws li cov lus qhia ntawm no: %@", "This rule has been disabled. Make sure the actions below are valid and re-enable the rule.": "Txoj cai no tau ua tsis taus lawm. Ua kom paub tseeb tias cov kev ua hauv qab no yog siv tau thiab rov muab txoj cai tshiab.", "This thread has been moved to the top of your inbox by Mailspring.": "Cov xov no tau raug tsiv mus rau sab saum toj ntawm koj tus inbox los ntawm Mailspring.", "This thread was brought back to the top of your inbox as a reminder": "Cov xov no raug xa rov qab mus rau saum koj tus neeg tau txais los ua ib qho kev ceeb toom", "This thread will come back to the top of your inbox if nobody replies by:": "Cov xov no yuav rov qab mus rau sab saum toj ntawm koj inbox yog tias tsis muaj leej twg teb los ntawm:", "Thread": "Xov", "Threads": "Rooj sib tham", "Title": "Lub npe", "To": "Yuav", "To create a template you need to fill the body of the current draft.": "Txhawm rau tsim ib template koj yuav tsum tau ua kom tiav lub cev ntawm qhov xwm txheej tam sim no.", "To develop plugins, you should run Mailspring with debug flags. This gives you better error messages, the debug version of React, and more. You can disable it at any time from the Developer menu.": "Yuav tsim cov plugins, koj yuav tsum khiav Mailspring nrog debug chij. Qhov no yuav qhia koj cov lus yuam kev zoo dua, qhov kev hloov ntawm cov qhab nias, thiab ntau dua. Koj tuaj yeem lov tes taw nws lub sijhawm twg los ntawm tus tsim khoom noj khoom haus.", "To listen for the Gmail Oauth response, Mailspring needs to start a webserver on port ${LOCAL_SERVER_PORT}. Please go back and try linking your account again. If this error persists, use the IMAP/SMTP option with a Gmail App Password.\n\n%@": "Yog xav mloog Gmail Oauth cov lus, Mailspring yuav tsum pib ib qhov webserver ntawm chaw nres nkoj $ {LOCAL_SERVER_PORT}. Thov rov qab mus thiab sim sib txuas ntxiv rau koj tus account dua. Yog tias qhov yuam kev no tseem siv, siv IMAP / SMTP xaiv nrog Gmail App Password. \n \n %@", "Today": "Hnub no", "Toggle Bold": "Toggle Bold", "Toggle Component Regions": "Toggle Cheeb tsam Regions", "Toggle Dev Tools": "Toggle Dev cuab yeej", "Toggle Developer Tools": "Toggle tsim tawm cov cuab yeej", "Toggle Italic": "Toggle Italic", "Toggle Localizer Tools": "Toggle Localizer cov cuab yeej", "Toggle Screenshot Mode": "Toggle Screenshot Hom", "Tomorrow": "Tag kis", "Tomorrow Evening": "Tag kis tsaus ntuj", "Tomorrow Morning": "Tag kis sawv ntxov", "Tonight": "Hmo no", "Track links in this email": "Taug qab txuas hauv no email", "Track opens and clicks": "Taug kev qhib thiab clicks", "Translate": "Txhais", "Translate email body…": "Txhais email lub cev ...", "Trash": "Pov Tseg", "Trashed %@": "Trashed %@", "Travel and Places": "Mus ncig thiab chaw", "True": "Muaj tseeb", "Try Again": "Rov sim dua", "Try Reconnecting": "Sim rov qhib dua", "Try it Now": "Sim nws tam sim no", "Try now": "Sim tam sim no", "Twitter Handle": "Twitter kov", "Twitter Profile Image": "Twitter Profile Image", "Two Panel": "Ob Tus Vaj Huam Sib Luag", "Uhoh - that's a pro feature!": "Uhoh - qhov no yog qhov zoo!", "Unable to Add Account": "Tsis tau ntxiv Account", "Unable to Start Local Server": "Qib tsis tau Start Tus Neeg Siv Zis Lub Zos", "Unable to download %@. Check your network connection and try again. %@": "Tsis tau mus download tau %@. Xyuas koj qhov kev twb kev txuas network thiab sim dua. %@", "Unable to read package.json for %@: %@": "Tsis tau nyeem pob.json rau %@: %@", "Unarchived %@": "Unarchived %@", "Underline": "Nqes Sab Hauv", "Undo": "Undo", "Undoing changes": "Undoing hloov", "Unfortunately, link tracking servers are currently not available. Please try again later. Error: %@": "Hmoov tsis, txuas mus nrhiav kev pabcuam tam sim no tsis muaj. Thov sim dua tom qab. Yuam kev: %@", "Unfortunately, open tracking is currently not available. Please try again later. Error: %@": "Hmoov tsis, qhib nrhiav tam sim no tsis muaj. Thov sim dua tom qab. Yuam kev: %@", "Unlimited Connected Accounts": "Unlimited Txuas Nyiaj Txiag", "Unlimited Contact Profiles": "Unlimited Sib cuag Profiles", "Unlimited Link Tracking": "Unlimited Link mus txog qhovtwg", "Unlimited Read Receipts": "Unlimited Nyeem Nyeem Ntawv", "Unlimited Reminders": "Unlimited Nco", "Unlimited Snoozing": "Unlimited Snoozing", "Unmarked %@ as Spam": "Unmarked %@ ua Spam", "Unnamed Attachment": "Unnamed Symptoms", "Unread": "Unread", "Unread Messages": "Cov lus sib", "Unschedule Send": "Unschedule xa", "Unsnoozed message": "Unsnoozed lus", "Unstar": "Tsis tau", "Unstarred": "Tsis tuaj yeem", "Unstarred %@ threads": "Unstarred %@ threads", "Unstarring": "Unstarring", "Untitled": "Untitled", "Untitled Rule": "Untitled Rule", "Update Connection Settings...": "Hloov tshiab kev sib txuas ...", "Update Error": "Hloov cov yuam kev", "Updates": "Tshiab", "Upgrade": "Txawj tej yam ntxiv", "Upgrade to %@ to use all these great features permanently:": "Txawj tej yam ntxiv rau %@ los siv tag nrho cov nta zoo no mus tas li:", "Upgrade to Mailspring Pro": "Txawj tej yam ntxiv rau Mailspring Pro", "Upgrade to Pro today!": "Txawj tej yam ntxiv rau Pro hnub no!", "Use 24-hour clock": "Siv 24 xuab moos", "Use Mailspring as default mail client": "Siv Mailspring ua tus neeg xa email tuaj", "Use the Activity tab to get a birds-eye view of your mailbox: open and click rates, subject line effectiveness, and more.": "Siv cov ntawv tab kom tau txais cov noog-qhov muag ntawm koj lub mailbox: qhib thiab nias cov nqi, cov ntawv kawm tau zoo, thiab ntau dua.", "Verbose logging is now %@": "Qhov kev tshawb xyuas sau tseg yog tam sim no %@", "View": "Saib", "View Mail Rules": "Saib Xa Cov Cai", "View changelog": "Saib changelog", "Visit Thread on GitHub": "Mus saib ntawm GitHub", "Visit Windows Settings to change your default mail client": "Mus saib qhov chaw hauv Windows kom pauv koj tus neeg xa tuaj hauv koj lub npe", "Visit Windows Settings to finish making Mailspring your mail client": "Mus saib qhov chaw hauv Windows kom tiav Mailspring koj tus neeg xa ntawv", "We encountered a problem moving to the Applications folder. Try quitting the application and moving it manually.": "Peb yuav tsum muaj teeb meem tsiv mus rau Cov Ntawv Ceeb Toom. Sim txiav tawm daim ntawv thov thiab hloov nws li manually.", "We encountered a problem with your local email database. %@\n\nCheck that no other copies of Mailspring are running and click Rebuild to reset your local cache.": "Peb yuav tsum muaj teeb meem nrog koj cov ntaub ntawv database hauv zos. %@ \n Kuaj xyuas tias tsis muaj lwm cov ntawv luam ntawm Mailspring khiav thiab nias Rebuild los pib dua koj cov cache hauv zos.", "We encountered a problem with your local email database. We will now attempt to rebuild it.": "Peb yuav tsum muaj teeb meem nrog koj cov ntaub ntawv database hauv zos. Peb yuav tam sim no sim los tsim kho nws.", "We encountered an SMTP Gateway error that prevented this message from being delivered to all recipients. The message was only sent successfully to these recipients:\n%@\n\nError: %@": "Peb yuav tsum muaj ib qho yuam kev SMTP Gateway uas tiv thaiv cov lus no los ntawm kev xa mus rau tag nrho cov neeg tau txais. Cov lus tsuas yog xa mus rau cov neeg tau txais: \n %@ \n \n Yuam kev: %@", "We were unable to deliver this message to some recipients. Click 'See Details' for more information.": "Peb tsis muaj peev xwm xa qhov xov no rau qee tus neeg tau txais. Nyem 'See Details' rau cov lus qhia ntxiv.", "We were unable to deliver this message.": "Peb tsis muaj peev xwm xa cov lus no.", "We're having trouble billing your Mailspring subscription.": "Peb muaj teeb meem hais txog koj qhov Mailspring subscription.", "We've picked a set of keyboard shortcuts based on your email account and platform. You can also pick another set:": "Peb tau khaws ib co ntawm cov keyboard shortcuts raws li koj tus email account thiab platform. Koj tuaj yeem xaiv lwm txheej:", "Website": "Lub website", "Welcome to Mailspring": "Txais tos rau Mailspring", "When composing, automatically": "Thaum composing, txiav", "When enabled, Mailspring will notify you as soon as someone reads this message. Sending to a group? Mailspring shows you which recipients opened your email so you can follow up with precision.": "Thaum ua tau, Mailspring yuav ceeb toom koj sai li sai tau thaum ib tus neeg nyeem cov ntawv no. Xa mus rau ib pawg? Mailspring qhia rau koj tias cov neeg tau qhib koj lub email kom koj tuaj yeem ua raws li nrog kev txiav txim siab.", "When link tracking is turned on, Mailspring will notify you when recipients click links in this email.": "Thaum txuas mus saib, Mailspring yuav qhia koj thaum cov neeg tau txais kev txuas hauv cov ntawv no.", "When reading messages, mark as read": "Thaum nyeem cov ntawv, cim ua nyeem", "Window": "Qhov rai", "Window Controls and Menus": "Qhov rai qhov tswj thiab cov ntawv teev cia", "With activity tracking, you’ll know as soon as someone reads your message. Sending to a group? Mailspring shows you which recipients opened your email so you can follow up with precision.": "Nrog kev tshawb nrhiav, koj mam li paub sai li sai tau thaum ib tus neeg nyeem koj cov lus. Xa mus rau ib pawg? Mailspring qhia rau koj tias cov neeg tau qhib koj lub email kom koj tuaj yeem ua raws li nrog kev txiav txim siab.", "Would you like to make Mailspring your default mail client?": "Koj puas xav kom Mailspring koj tus neeg xa ntaub ntawv xa tuaj?", "Write a reply…": "Sau ntawv teb ...", "Write better emails with LinkedIn profiles, Twitter bios, message history, and more in the right sidebar.": "Sau cov ntawv emails zoo nrog LinkedIn profiles, Twitter bios, tsab xov xwm keeb kwm, thiab ntau dua nyob rau sab xis.", "Yahoo is unavailable.": "Yahoo tsis txaus.", "Yes": "Muaj", "You": "Koj", "You are using %@, which is free! You can try pro features like snooze, send later, read receipts and reminders a few times a week.": "Koj siv %@, uas yog dawb! Koj tuaj yeem sim cov yam ntxwv zoo li tsaug zog, xa tom qab, nyeem cov tw ntawv thiab cov ntawv ceeb toom ob peb zaug hauv ib lub lim tiam.", "You can add reminders to %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Koj tuaj yeem tau ntxiv cov lus qhia rau %1$@ emails txhua %2$@ nrog Mailspring Basic.", "You can choose a shortcut set to use keyboard shortcuts of familiar email clients. To edit a shortcut, click it in the list below and enter a replacement on the keyboard.": "Koj tuaj yeem xaiv qhov shortcut los siv cov keyboard shortcuts ntawm cov neeg siv email zoo. Txhim kho tus shortcut, nyem rau hauv cov npe hauv qab no thiab nkag rau ib daim tuaj hloov ntawm cov keyboard.", "You can get open and click notifications for %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Koj tuaj yeem tau txais qhib thiab nias cov ntawv ceeb toom rau %1$@ emails txhua %2$@ nrog Mailspring Basic.", "You can schedule sending of %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Koj tuaj yeem teem sijhawm xa cov %@ %@ nrog %2$@ nrog Mailspring Basic.", "You can share %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Koj tuaj yeem muab %1$@ emails txhua %2$@ nrog Mailspring Basic.", "You can snooze %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Koj tuaj yeem %1$@ emails txhua %2$@ nrog Mailspring Basic.", "You can switch back to stable from the preferences.": "Koj tuaj yeem hloov rov qab los ntawm qhov kev nyiam.", "You can view contact profiles for %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Koj tuaj yeem saib cov lus sib tham rau %1$@ emails txhua %2$@ nrog Mailspring Basic.", "You haven't created any mail rules. To get started, define a new rule above and tell Mailspring how to process your inbox.": "Koj tsis tau tsim cov kev cai xa tawm. Txhawm rau pib, txhais cov cai tshiab saum toj no thiab qhia Mailspring seb yuav ua li cas rau koj cov npav.", "You may need to %@ to your Yandex account before connecting email apps. If you use two-factor auth, you need to create an %@ for Mailspring.": "Koj yuav tsum tau %@ rau koj tus account Yandex ua ntej siv email apps. Yog tias koj siv ob tus kws sau ntawv, koj yuav tsum tsim kom tau %@ rau Mailspring.", "You may need to configure aliases with your mail provider (Outlook, Gmail) before using them.": "Tej zaum koj yuav tau kho cov neeg tuaj yeem nrog koj lub chaw xa ntawv (Outlook, Gmail) ua ntej siv lawv.", "You must provide a name for your template.": "Koj yuav tsum tau muab ib lub npe rau koj tus qauv.", "You must provide a template name.": "Koj yuav tsum tau muab lub npe template.", "You must provide contents for your template.": "Koj yuav tsum muab cov ntsiab lus rau koj tus qauv.", "You need to provide one or more recipients before sending the message.": "Koj yuav tsum muab ib lossis ntau tus neeg tau txais txiaj ntsig ua ntej xa cov lus.", "You'll find Mailspring, along with other options, listed in Default Apps > Mail.": "Koj yuav pom Mailspring, nrog rau lwm txoj kev xaiv, uas teev nyob rau hauv Apps Apps> Xa ntawv.", "You're on a pre-release channel. We'd love your feedback.": "Koj nyob nraum ua ntej tso tawm channel. Peb yuav nyiam koj cov lus teb.", "You're running the latest version of Mailspring (%@).": "Koj nyob nraum khiav qhov tseeb version ntawm Mailspring (%@).", "Please consider paying for Mailspring Pro!": "Thov saib them rau Mailspring Pro!", "You've reached your quota": "Koj tau mus txog koj qhov nyiaj hli", "Your Mailspring ID is missing required fields - you may need to reset Mailspring. %@": "Koj tus Mailspring ID yog qhov uas yuav tsum tau muaj rau cov hauj lwm - koj yuav tsum pib dua Mailspring. %@", "Your `Sent Mail` folder could not be automatically detected. Visit Preferences > Folders to choose a Sent folder and then try again.": "Koj lub Xa Ntawv Xa 'npluas tsis tuaj yeem kuaj tau. Mus saib Preferences> Folders xaiv ib qho xa mus thiab xa dua.", "Your `Trash` folder could not be automatically detected. Visit Preferences > Folders to choose a Trash folder and then try again.": "Koj tus 'Trash' nplaub tshev tsis tuaj yeem kuaj tau. Mus saib cov Preferences> Folders xaiv ib phau ntawv pov thawj thawb tawm thiab rov sim dua.", "Your name": "Koj lub npe", "Your updated localization will be reviewed and included in a future version of Mailspring.": "Koj qhov kev hloov tshiab hauv zos yuav muab coj los xyuas thiab tso rau hauv Mailspring yav tom ntej.", "Zoom": "Zoom", "an email address": "email chaw nyob", "an email subject": "tus xa ntawv email", "and": "thiab", "annual": "txhua xyoo", "attachments": "txuas ntxiv", "begins with": "pib nrog", "click": "nyem", "contains": "muaj", "date received or range": "hnub tau txais los yog ntau", "does not contain": "tsis muaj", "employees": "cov neeg ua haujlwm", "enable IMAP": "pab IMAP", "ends with": "xaus nrog", "equals": "sib npaug", "folder or label": "nplaub tshev lossis daim ntawv lo", "iCloud requires that you create a unique app password for email apps like Mailspring. Follow %@ to create one and then paste it below.": "iCloud samfwm tias koj yuav tsim ib tus password app rau email apps xws li Mailspring. Ua raws li %@ los tsim ib qho thiab ces muab tshuaj rau hauv qab no.", "in %@": "nyob rau hauv %@", "link a phone number": "txuas tus xov tooj", "matches expression": "ntais ntawv qhia", "month": "lub hli", "older messages": "laus dua cov lus", "one or more files": "ib los yog ntau cov ntaub ntawv", "open": "qhib", "open source": "qhib qhov chaw", "processed": "ua tiav", "seconds": "vib nas this", "selected": "xaiv", "then": "ces", "these instructions": "cov lus qhia no", "threads": "threads", "week": "lub lim tiam", "All Translations Used": "Txhua Txhais Lus Siv", "Always translate %@": "Nco ntsoov txhais %@", "Automatic Translation": "Tsis Siv Neeg Txhais Lus", "Copy mailbox permalink": "Luam ntawv mailbox permalink", "Frequently Asked Questions": "Cov Lus Nquag Nug", "Getting Started Guide": "Tau Pib Qhia", "Instantly translate messages you receive into your preferred reading language.": "Txhais cov lus koj tau txais ua koj hom lus nyeem.", "Mailspring has translated this message into %@.": "Mailspring tau txhais cov lus no rau hauv %@.", "Mailspring will no longer offer to translate messages written in %@.": "Mailspring yuav tsis muab cov ntaub ntawv los txhais ua lus %@ lawm.", "Never translate %@": "Tsis txhob txhais %@", "Privacy note: text below will be sent to an online translation service.": "Cov lus qhia ntiag tug: cov ntawv hauv qab no yuav muab xa mus rau online kev pab txhais lus.", "Reset translation settings": "Rov pib qhib kev txhais lus", "Restrict width of messages to maximize readability": "Txwv kev dav cov lus kom ua kom nyeem tau yooj yim", "Sender Name": "Tus xa npe", "Stop translating %@": "Txhob txhais lus %@", "Translate automatically with Mailspring Pro": "Txhais lus tau nrog Mailspring Pro", "Translate from %1$@ to %2$@?": "Txhais los ntawm %1$@ rau %2$@?", "Translating from %1$@ to %2$@.": "Txhais los ntawm %1$@ rau %2$@.", "Unfortunately, translation services bill per character and we can't offer this feature for free.": "Hmoov tsis zoo, kev txhais lus kev pab cuam nuj nqi rau ib tus cwj pwm thiab peb tsis tuaj yeem muab qhov tshwj xeeb no pub dawb.", "View activity": "Saib kev ua ub no", "You can translate up to %1$@ emails each %2$@ with Mailspring Basic.": "Koj tuaj yeem txhais txog li %1$@ email txhua %2$@ nrog Mailspring Basic." }