import React from 'react' import OnboardingActions from './onboarding-actions' class SelfHostingSetupPage extends React.Component { static displayName = 'SelfHostingSetupPage' _onContinue = () => { OnboardingActions.moveToPage("self-hosting-config"); } render() { return (

Create your sync engine instance

N1 needs to fetch mail from a running instance of the Nylas Sync Engine. By default, N1 points to our hosted version, but the code is open source so that you can run your own instance. Note that Exchange accounts are not supported and some plugins that rely on our back-end (snoozing, open/link tracking, etc.) will not work.
1. Install the Nylas Sync Engine in a Vagrant virtual machine by following the installation and setup instructions.
2. Add accounts by running the inbox-auth script. For example: bin/inbox-auth
3. Start the sync engine by running bin/inbox-start and the API via bin/inbox-api.
) } } export default SelfHostingSetupPage