_ = require 'underscore' NylasStore = require 'nylas-store' {Thread, Message, Actions, SearchView, DatabaseView, DatabaseStore, AccountStore, WorkspaceStore, ChangeStarredTask, FocusedContentStore, ArchiveThreadHelper, TaskQueueStatusStore, FocusedMailViewStore} = require 'nylas-exports' # Public: A mutable text container with undo/redo support and the ability # to annotate logical regions in the text. class ThreadListStore extends NylasStore constructor: -> @_resetInstanceVars() @listenTo Actions.searchQueryCommitted, @_onSearchCommitted @listenTo Actions.archiveAndPrevious, @_onArchiveAndPrev @listenTo Actions.archiveAndNext, @_onArchiveAndNext @listenTo Actions.archiveSelection, @_onArchiveSelection @listenTo Actions.moveThreads, @_onMoveThreads @listenTo Actions.archive, @_onArchive @listenTo Actions.moveThread, @_onMoveThread @listenTo Actions.toggleStarSelection, @_onToggleStarSelection @listenTo Actions.toggleStarFocused, @_onToggleStarFocused @listenTo DatabaseStore, @_onDataChanged @listenTo AccountStore, @_onAccountChanged @listenTo FocusedMailViewStore, @_onMailViewChanged atom.config.observe 'core.workspace.mode', => @_autofocusForLayoutMode() # We can't create a @view on construction because the CategoryStore # has hot yet been populated from the database with the list of # categories and their corresponding ids. Once that is ready, the # CategoryStore will trigger, which will update the # FocusedMailViewStore, which will cause us to create a new # @view. _resetInstanceVars: -> @_lastQuery = null @_searchQuery = null view: -> @_view setView: (view) -> @_viewUnlisten() if @_viewUnlisten @_view = view @_viewUnlisten = view.listen -> @trigger(@) @_autofocusForLayoutMode() ,@ @trigger(@) createView: -> mailViewFilter = FocusedMailViewStore.mailView() account = AccountStore.current() return unless account if @_searchQuery @setView(new SearchView(@_searchQuery, account.id)) else if account.id and mailViewFilter matchers = [] matchers.push Thread.attributes.accountId.equal(account.id) matchers = matchers.concat(mailViewFilter.matchers()) view = new DatabaseView Thread, {matchers}, (ids) => DatabaseStore.findAll(Message) .where(Message.attributes.threadId.in(ids)) .where(Message.attributes.accountId.equal(account.id)) .then (messages) -> messagesByThread = {} for id in ids messagesByThread[id] = [] for message in messages messagesByThread[message.threadId].push message messagesByThread @setView(view) Actions.setFocus(collection: 'thread', item: null) # Inbound Events _onMailViewChanged: -> @createView() _onAccountChanged: -> accountId = AccountStore.current()?.id accountMatcher = (m) -> m.attribute() is Thread.attributes.accountId and m.value() is accountId return if @_view and _.find(@_view.matchers, accountMatcher) @createView() _onSearchCommitted: (query) -> return if @_searchQuery is query @_searchQuery = query @createView() _onDataChanged: (change) -> return unless @_view if change.objectClass is Thread.name @_view.invalidate({change: change, shallow: true}) if change.objectClass is Message.name # Important: Until we optimize this so that it detects the set change # and avoids a query, this should be debounced since it's very unimportant _.defer => threadIds = _.uniq _.map change.objects, (m) -> m.threadId @_view.invalidateMetadataFor(threadIds) _onToggleStarSelection: -> threads = @_view.selection.items() focusedId = FocusedContentStore.focusedId('thread') keyboardId = FocusedContentStore.keyboardCursorId('thread') oneAlreadyStarred = false for thread in threads if thread.starred oneAlreadyStarred = true starred = not oneAlreadyStarred task = new ChangeStarredTask({threads, starred}) Actions.queueTask(task) _onToggleStarFocused: -> focused = FocusedContentStore.focused('thread') cursor = FocusedContentStore.keyboardCursor('thread') if focused task = new ChangeStarredTask(thread: focused, starred: !focused.starred) else if cursor task = new ChangeStarredTask(thread: cursor, starred: !cursor.starred) if task Actions.queueTask(task) _onArchive: -> @_archiveAndShiftBy('auto') _onArchiveAndPrev: -> @_archiveAndShiftBy(-1) _onArchiveAndNext: -> @_archiveAndShiftBy(1) _archiveAndShiftBy: (offset) -> focused = FocusedContentStore.focused('thread') return unless focused task = ArchiveThreadHelper.getArchiveTask([focused]) @_moveAndShiftBy(offset, task) _onMoveThread: (thread, task) -> @_moveAndShiftBy('auto', task) _onMoveThreads: (threads, task) -> selectedThreadIds = threads.map (thread) -> thread.id focusedId = FocusedContentStore.focusedId('thread') keyboardId = FocusedContentStore.keyboardCursorId('thread') TaskQueueStatusStore.waitForPerformLocal(task).then => if focusedId in selectedThreadIds Actions.setFocus(collection: 'thread', item: null) if keyboardId in selectedThreadIds Actions.setCursorPosition(collection: 'thread', item: null) Actions.queueTask(task) @_view.selection.clear() _onArchiveSelection: -> selectedThreads = @_view.selection.items() task = ArchiveThreadHelper.getArchiveTask(selectedThreads) @_onMoveThreads(selectedThreads, task) _moveAndShiftBy: (offset, task) -> layoutMode = WorkspaceStore.layoutMode() focused = FocusedContentStore.focused('thread') explicitOffset = if offset is "auto" then false else true return unless focused # Determine the current index index = @_view.indexOfId(focused.id) return if index is -1 # Determine the next index we want to move to if offset is 'auto' if @_view.get(index - 1)?.unread offset = -1 else offset = 1 index = Math.min(Math.max(index + offset, 0), @_view.count() - 1) nextKeyboard = nextFocus = @_view.get(index) # Remove the current thread from selection @_view.selection.remove(focused) # If the user is in list mode and archived without specifically saying # "archive and next" or "archive and prev", return to the thread list # instead of focusing on the next message. if layoutMode is 'list' and not explicitOffset nextFocus = null # Archive the current thread TaskQueueStatusStore.waitForPerformLocal(task).then => Actions.setFocus(collection: 'thread', item: nextFocus) Actions.setCursorPosition(collection: 'thread', item: nextKeyboard) Actions.queueTask(task) _autofocusForLayoutMode: -> return unless @_view layoutMode = WorkspaceStore.layoutMode() focused = FocusedContentStore.focused('thread') if layoutMode is 'split' and not focused and @_view.selection.count() is 0 item = @_view.get(0) _.defer => Actions.setFocus({collection: 'thread', item: item}) module.exports = new ThreadListStore()