import { ListensToFluxStore, RetinaImg } from 'mailspring-component-kit'; import { localized, Actions, React, Folder, PropTypes, TaskQueue, ExpungeAllInFolderTask, FocusedPerspectiveStore, ThreadCountsStore, } from 'mailspring-exports'; class ThreadListEmptyFolderBar extends React.Component { static displayName = 'ThreadListEmptyFolderBar'; static propTypes = { role: PropTypes.string, folders: PropTypes.array, count: PropTypes.number, busy: PropTypes.bool, }; _onClick = () => { const { folders } = this.props; Actions.queueTasks( folder => new ExpungeAllInFolderTask({ accountId: folder.accountId, folder, }) ) ); }; render() { const { role, count, busy } = this.props; if (!role || count === 0) { return false; } const term = role === 'trash' ? localized('deleted') : role; return (
{count > 1 ? localized(`Showing %@ threads with %@ messages`, (count / 1).toLocaleString(), term) : localized(`Showing 1 thread with %@ messages`, term)}
{busy ? (
) : (
{localized(`Empty %@ now`, role)}
); } } export default ListensToFluxStore(ThreadListEmptyFolderBar, { stores: [TaskQueue, ThreadCountsStore, FocusedPerspectiveStore], getStateFromStores: props => { const p = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current(); const folders = (p && p.categories()) || []; if ( !folders.length || !folders.every(c => c instanceof Folder && (c.role === 'trash' || c.role === 'spam')) ) { return { role: null, folders: null }; } return { folders, role: folders[0].role, busy: TaskQueue.findTasks(ExpungeAllInFolderTask).some(t => => f.accountId).includes(t.accountId) ) > 0, count: folders.reduce( (sum, { id }) => sum + ThreadCountsStore.totalCountForCategoryId(id), 0 ), }; }, });