const Joi = require('joi'); const _ = require('underscore'); const google = require('googleapis'); const OAuth2 = google.auth.OAuth2; const Serialization = require('../serialization'); const { IMAPConnection, DatabaseConnector, SyncPolicy, Provider, Errors, } = require('nylas-core'); const {GMAIL_CLIENT_ID, GMAIL_CLIENT_SECRET, GMAIL_REDIRECT_URL} = process.env; const SCOPES = [ '', // email address '', // G+ profile '', // email '', // contacts '', // calendar ]; const imapSmtpSettings = Joi.object().keys({ imap_host: [Joi.string().ip().required(), Joi.string().hostname().required()], imap_port: Joi.number().integer().required(), imap_username: Joi.string().required(), imap_password: Joi.string().required(), smtp_host: [Joi.string().ip().required(), Joi.string().hostname().required()], smtp_port: Joi.number().integer().required(), smtp_username: Joi.string().required(), smtp_password: Joi.string().required(), ssl_required: Joi.boolean().required(), }).required(); const gmailSettings = Joi.object().keys({ google_client_id: Joi.string().required(), google_client_secret: Joi.string().required(), google_refresh_token: Joi.string().required(), }); const exchangeSettings = Joi.object().keys({ username: Joi.string().required(), password: Joi.string().required(), eas_server_host: [Joi.string().ip().required(), Joi.string().hostname().required()], }).required(); const buildAccountWith = ({name, email, provider, settings, credentials}) => { return DatabaseConnector.forShared().then((db) => { const {AccountToken, Account} = db; return Account.find({ where: { emailAddress: email, connectionSettings: JSON.stringify(settings), }, }).then((existing) => { const account = existing ||{ name: name, provider: provider, emailAddress: email, connectionSettings: settings, syncPolicy: SyncPolicy.defaultPolicy(), lastSyncCompletions: [], }) // always update with the latest credentials account.setCredentials(credentials); return => AccountToken.create({accountId:}).then((token) => DatabaseConnector.ensureAccountDatabase({ account: saved, token: token, }) ) ); }); }); } module.exports = (server) => { server.route({ method: 'POST', path: '/auth', config: { description: 'Authenticates a new account.', notes: 'Notes go here', tags: ['accounts'], auth: false, validate: { query: { client_id: Joi.string().required(), n1_id: Joi.string(), }, payload: { email: Joi.string().email().required(), name: Joi.string().required(), provider: Joi.string().valid('imap', 'gmail').required(), settings: Joi.alternatives().try(imapSmtpSettings, exchangeSettings, gmailSettings), }, }, response: { schema: Joi.alternatives().try( Serialization.jsonSchema('Account'), Serialization.jsonSchema('Error') ), }, }, handler: (request, reply) => { const dbStub = {}; const connectionChecks = []; const {settings, email, provider, name} = request.payload; let connectionSettings = null; let connectionCredentials = null; if (provider === 'imap') { connectionSettings = _.pick(settings, [ 'imap_host', 'imap_port', 'smtp_host', 'smtp_port', 'ssl_required', ]); connectionCredentials = _.pick(settings, [ 'imap_username', 'imap_password', 'smtp_username', 'smtp_password', ]); } if (provider === 'gmail') { connectionSettings = { imap_username: email, imap_host: '', imap_port: 993, ssl_required: true, } connectionCredentials = { client_id: settings.google_client_id, client_secret: settings.google_client_secret, refresh_token: settings.google_refresh_token, } } connectionChecks.push(IMAPConnection.connect({ settings: Object.assign({}, connectionSettings, connectionCredentials), logger: request.logger, db: dbStub, })); Promise.all(connectionChecks).then((conns) => { for (const conn of conns) { if (conn) { conn.end(); } } return buildAccountWith({ name: name, email: email, provider: provider, settings: connectionSettings, credentials: connectionCredentials, }) }) .then(({account, token}) => { const response = account.toJSON(); response.token = token.value; reply(Serialization.jsonStringify(response)); }) .catch((err) => { const code = err instanceof Errors.IMAPAuthenticationError ? 401 : 400 reply({message: err.message, type: "api_error"}).code(code); }) }, }); server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/auth/gmail', config: { description: 'Redirects to Gmail OAuth', notes: 'Notes go here', tags: ['accounts'], auth: false, }, handler: (request, reply) => { const oauthClient = new OAuth2(GMAIL_CLIENT_ID, GMAIL_CLIENT_SECRET, GMAIL_REDIRECT_URL); reply.redirect(oauthClient.generateAuthUrl({ access_type: 'offline', prompt: 'consent', scope: SCOPES, })); }, }); server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/auth/gmail/oauthcallback', config: { description: 'Authenticates a new account.', notes: 'Notes go here', tags: ['accounts'], auth: false, validate: { query: { code: Joi.string().required(), }, }, }, handler: (request, reply) => { const oauthClient = new OAuth2(GMAIL_CLIENT_ID, GMAIL_CLIENT_SECRET, GMAIL_REDIRECT_URL); oauthClient.getToken(request.query.code, (err, tokens) => { if (err) { reply({message: err.message, type: "api_error"}).code(400); return; } oauthClient.setCredentials(tokens); google.oauth2({version: 'v2', auth: oauthClient}).userinfo.get((error, profile) => { if (error) { reply({message: error.message, type: "api_error"}).code(400); return; } const settings = { imap_username:, imap_host: '', imap_port: 993, ssl_required: true, } const credentials = { refresh_token: tokens.refresh_token, client_id: GMAIL_CLIENT_ID, client_secret: GMAIL_CLIENT_SECRET, } Promise.all([ IMAPConnection.connect({ logger: request.logger, settings: Object.assign({}, settings, credentials), db: {}, }), ]) .then((conns) => { for (const conn of conns) { if (conn) { conn.end(); } } return buildAccountWith({ name:, email:, provider: Provider.Gmail, settings, credentials, }) }) .then(({account, token}) => { const response = account.toJSON(); response.token = token.value; reply(Serialization.jsonStringify(response)); }) .catch((connectionErr) => { reply({message: connectionErr.message, type: "api_error"}).code(400); }); }); }); }, }); }