import React from 'react'; import _ from 'underscore'; import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs'; import shell from 'shell'; import {Flexbox} from 'nylas-component-kit'; const displayedKeybindings = [ { title: 'Application', items: [ ['application:new-message', 'New Message'], ['application:focus-search', 'Search'], ], }, { title: 'Actions', items: [ ['application:reply', 'Reply'], ['application:reply-all', 'Reply All'], ['application:forward', 'Forward'], ['application:archive-item', 'Archive'], ['application:delete-item', 'Trash'], ['application:remove-from-view', 'Remove from view'], ['application:gmail-remove-from-view', 'Gmail Remove from view'], ['application:star-item', 'Star'], ['application:change-category', 'Change Folder / Labels'], ['application:mark-as-read', 'Mark as read'], ['application:mark-as-unread', 'Mark as unread'], ['application:mark-important', 'Mark as important (Gmail)'], ['application:mark-unimportant', 'Mark as unimportant (Gmail)'], ['application:remove-and-previous', 'Remove from view and previous'], ['application:remove-and-next', 'Remove from view and next'], ], }, { title: 'Composer', items: [ ['composer:send-message', 'Send Message'], ['composer:focus-to', 'Focus the To field'], ['composer:show-and-focus-cc', 'Focus the Cc field'], ['composer:show-and-focus-bcc', 'Focus the Bcc field'], ], }, { title: 'Navigation', items: [ ['application:pop-sheet', 'Return to conversation list'], ['core:focus-item', 'Open selected conversation'], ['core:previous-item', 'Move to newer conversation'], ['core:next-item', 'Move to older conversation'], ], }, { title: 'Selection', items: [ ['core:select-item', 'Select conversation'], ['multiselect-list:select-all', 'Select all conversations'], ['multiselect-list:deselect-all', 'Deselect all conversations'], ['thread-list:select-read', 'Select all read conversations'], ['thread-list:select-unread', 'Select all unread conversations'], ['thread-list:select-starred', 'Select all starred conversations'], ['thread-list:select-unstarred', 'Select all unstarred conversations'], ], }, { title: 'Jumping', items: [ ['navigation:go-to-inbox', 'Go to "Inbox"'], ['navigation:go-to-starred', 'Go to "Starred"'], ['navigation:go-to-sent', 'Go to "Sent Mail"'], ['navigation:go-to-drafts', 'Go to "Drafts"'], ['navigation:go-to-all', 'Go to "All Mail"'], ], }, ] class PreferencesKeymaps extends React.Component { static displayName = 'PreferencesKeymaps'; static propTypes = { config: React.PropTypes.object, }; constructor() { super(); this.state = { templates: [], bindings: this._getStateFromKeymaps(), }; this._loadTemplates(); } componentDidMount() { this._disposable = NylasEnv.keymaps.onDidReloadKeymap(() => { this.setState({bindings: this._getStateFromKeymaps()}); }); } componentWillUnmount() { this._disposable.dispose(); } _getStateFromKeymaps() { const bindings = {}; for (const section of displayedKeybindings) { for (const [command] of section.items) { const keyBinding = NylasEnv.keymaps.findKeyBindings({command: command}); bindings[command] = keyBinding ? keyBinding : []; } } return bindings; } _loadTemplates() { const templatesDir = path.join(NylasEnv.getLoadSettings().resourcePath, 'keymaps', 'templates'); fs.readdir(templatesDir, (err, files) => { if (!files || !files instanceof Array) return; let templates = files.filter((filename) => { return path.extname(filename) === '.cson' || path.extname(filename) === '.json'; }); templates = => { return path.parse(filename).name; }); this.setState({templates: templates}); }); } _formatKeystrokes(original) { // On Windows, display cmd-shift-c if (process.platform === "win32") return original; // Replace "cmd" => ⌘, etc. const modifiers = [ [/-(?!$)/gi, ''], [/cmd/gi, '⌘'], [/alt/gi, '⌥'], [/shift/gi, '⇧'], [/ctrl/gi, '^'], ]; let clean = original; for (const [regexp, char] of modifiers) { clean = clean.replace(regexp, char); } // ⌘⇧c => ⌘⇧C if (clean !== original) { clean = clean.toUpperCase(); } // backspace => Backspace if (original.length > 1 && clean === original) { clean = clean[0].toUpperCase() + clean.slice(1); } return clean; } _onShowUserKeymaps() { const keymapsFile = NylasEnv.keymaps.getUserKeymapPath(); if (!fs.existsSync(keymapsFile)) { fs.writeSync(fs.openSync(keymapsFile, 'w'), ''); } shell.showItemInFolder(keymapsFile); } _renderBindingsSection = (section) => { return (
); } _renderBindingFor = ([command, label]) => { const descriptions = []; if (this.state.bindings[command]) { for (const binding of this.state.bindings[command]) { descriptions.push(binding.keystrokes); } } let value = "None"; if (descriptions.length > 0) { value = _.uniq(descriptions).map(this._renderKeystrokes); } return (
); } _renderKeystrokes = (keystrokes, idx) => { const elements = []; const splitKeystrokes = keystrokes.split(' '); splitKeystrokes.forEach((keystroke) => { elements.push({this._formatKeystrokes(keystroke)}); }); return ( {elements} ); } render() { return (
Shortcut set:

You can choose a shortcut set to use keyboard shortcuts of familiar email clients.



Define additional shortcuts by adding them to your shortcuts file.

); } } export default PreferencesKeymaps;