import _ from 'underscore'; import _str from 'underscore.string'; import { OutlineViewItem } from 'mailspring-component-kit'; import { MailboxPerspective, FocusedPerspectiveStore, SyncbackCategoryTask, DestroyCategoryTask, CategoryStore, Actions, RegExpUtils, } from 'mailspring-exports'; import * as SidebarActions from './sidebar-actions'; import { ISidebarItem } from './types'; const idForCategories = categories => _.pluck(categories, 'id').join('-'); const countForItem = function(perspective) { const unreadCountEnabled = AppEnv.config.get('core.workspace.showUnreadForAllCategories'); if (perspective.isInbox() || unreadCountEnabled) { return perspective.unreadCount(); } return 0; }; const isItemSelected = perspective => FocusedPerspectiveStore.current().isEqual(perspective); const isItemCollapsed = function(id) { if (AppEnv.savedState.sidebarKeysCollapsed[id] !== undefined) { return AppEnv.savedState.sidebarKeysCollapsed[id]; } else { return true; } }; const toggleItemCollapsed = function(item) { if (!(item.children.length > 0)) { return; } SidebarActions.setKeyCollapsed(, !isItemCollapsed(; }; const onDeleteItem = function(item) { // TODO Delete multiple categories at once if (item.deleted === true) { return; } const category = item.perspective.category(); if (!category) { return; } Actions.queueTask( new DestroyCategoryTask({ path: category.path, accountId: category.accountId, }) ); }; const onEditItem = function(item, value) { let newDisplayName; if (!value) { return; } if (item.deleted === true) { return; } const category = item.perspective.category(); if (!category) { return; } const re = RegExpUtils.subcategorySplitRegex(); let match = re.exec(category.displayName); let lastMatch = match; while (match) { lastMatch = match; match = re.exec(category.displayName); } if (lastMatch) { newDisplayName = category.displayName.slice(0, lastMatch.index + 1) + value; } else { newDisplayName = value; } if (newDisplayName === category.displayName) { return; } Actions.queueTask( SyncbackCategoryTask.forRenaming({ accountId: category.accountId, path: category.path, newName: newDisplayName, }) ); }; export default class SidebarItem { static forPerspective(id, perspective, opts: Partial = {}): ISidebarItem { let counterStyle; if (perspective.isInbox()) { counterStyle = OutlineViewItem.CounterStyles.Alt; } const collapsed = isItemCollapsed(id); return Object.assign( { id, name:, contextMenuLabel:, count: countForItem(perspective), iconName: perspective.iconName, children: [], perspective, selected: isItemSelected(perspective), collapsed: collapsed != null ? collapsed : true, counterStyle, onDelete: opts.deletable ? onDeleteItem : undefined, onEdited: opts.editable ? onEditItem : undefined, onCollapseToggled: toggleItemCollapsed, onDrop(item, event) { const jsonString = event.dataTransfer.getData('mailspring-threads-data'); let jsonData = null; try { jsonData = JSON.parse(jsonString); } catch (err) { console.error(`JSON parse error: ${err}`); } if (!jsonData) { return; } item.perspective.receiveThreadIds(jsonData.threadIds); }, shouldAcceptDrop(item, event) { const target = item.perspective; const current = FocusedPerspectiveStore.current(); if (!event.dataTransfer.types.includes('mailspring-threads-data')) { return false; } if (target.isEqual(current)) { return false; } // We can't inspect the drag payload until drop, so we use a dataTransfer // type to encode the account IDs of threads currently being dragged. const accountsType = event.dataTransfer.types.find(t => t.startsWith('mailspring-accounts=')); const accountIds = (accountsType || '').replace('mailspring-accounts=', '').split(','); return target.canReceiveThreadsFromAccountIds(accountIds); }, onSelect(item) { Actions.focusMailboxPerspective(item.perspective); }, }, opts ); } static forCategories(categories = [], opts: Partial = {}) { const id = idForCategories(categories); const contextMenuLabel = _str.capitalize( categories[0] != null ? categories[0].displayType() : undefined ); const perspective = MailboxPerspective.forCategories(categories); if (opts.deletable == null) { opts.deletable = true; } if (opts.editable == null) { opts.editable = true; } opts.contextMenuLabel = contextMenuLabel; return this.forPerspective(id, perspective, opts); } static forStarred(accountIds, opts: Partial = {}) { const perspective = MailboxPerspective.forStarred(accountIds); let id = 'Starred'; if ( { id += `-${}`; } return this.forPerspective(id, perspective, opts); } static forUnread(accountIds, opts: Partial = {}) { let categories = => { return CategoryStore.getCategoryByRole(accId, 'inbox'); }); // NOTE: It's possible for an account to not yet have an `inbox` // category. Since the `SidebarStore` triggers on `AccountStore` // changes, it'll trigger the exact moment an account is added to the // config. However, the API has not yet come back with the list of // `categories` for that account. categories = _.compact(categories); const perspective = MailboxPerspective.forUnread(categories); let id = 'Unread'; if ( { id += `-${}`; } return this.forPerspective(id, perspective, opts); } static forDrafts(accountIds, opts: Partial = {}) { const perspective = MailboxPerspective.forDrafts(accountIds); const id = `Drafts-${}`; return this.forPerspective(id, perspective, opts); } }