fs = require 'fs-plus' path = require 'path' request = require 'request' module.exports = (grunt) -> cp: (source, destination, {filter}={}) -> unless grunt.file.exists(source) grunt.fatal("Cannot copy non-existent #{source.cyan} to #{destination.cyan}") copyFile = (sourcePath, destinationPath) -> return if filter?(sourcePath) or filter?.test?(sourcePath) stats = fs.lstatSync(sourcePath) if stats.isSymbolicLink() grunt.file.mkdir(path.dirname(destinationPath)) fs.symlinkSync(fs.readlinkSync(sourcePath), destinationPath) else if stats.isFile() grunt.file.copy(sourcePath, destinationPath) if grunt.file.exists(destinationPath) fs.chmodSync(destinationPath, fs.statSync(sourcePath).mode) if grunt.file.isFile(source) copyFile(source, destination) else try onFile = (sourcePath) -> destinationPath = path.join(destination, path.relative(source, sourcePath)) copyFile(sourcePath, destinationPath) onDirectory = (sourcePath) -> if fs.isSymbolicLinkSync(sourcePath) destinationPath = path.join(destination, path.relative(source, sourcePath)) copyFile(sourcePath, destinationPath) false else true fs.traverseTreeSync source, onFile, onDirectory catch error grunt.fatal(error) grunt.verbose.writeln("Copied #{source.cyan} to #{destination.cyan}.") mkdir: (args...) -> grunt.file.mkdir(args...) rm: (args...) -> grunt.file.delete(args..., force: true) if grunt.file.exists(args...) spawn: (options, callback) -> childProcess = require 'child_process' stdout = [] stderr = [] error = null proc = childProcess.spawn(options.cmd, options.args, options.opts) proc.stdout.on 'data', (data) -> stdout.push(data.toString()) proc.stderr.on 'data', (data) -> stderr.push(data.toString()) proc.on 'error', (processError) -> error ?= processError proc.on 'close', (exitCode, signal) -> error ?= new Error(signal) if exitCode != 0 results = {stderr: stderr.join(''), stdout: stdout.join(''), code: exitCode} grunt.log.error results.stderr if exitCode != 0 callback(error, results, exitCode) spawnP: (cmd, args=[], opts={}) -> new Promise (resolve, reject) -> childProcess = require 'child_process' opts.stdio ?= 'inherit' proc = childProcess.spawn(cmd, args, opts) proc.on 'error', grunt.fail.fatal proc.on 'close', (exitCode, signal) -> if exitCode is 0 then resolve() else reject(exitCode) isNylasPackage: (packagePath) -> try {engines} = grunt.file.readJSON(path.join(packagePath, 'package.json')) engines?.nylas? catch error false notifyAPI: (msg, callback) -> if (process.env.NYLAS_INTERNAL_HOOK_URL ? "").length > 0 request.post url: process.env.NYLAS_INTERNAL_HOOK_URL json: username: "Edgehill Builds" text: msg , callback else callback() shouldPublishBuild: -> return false unless process.env.PUBLISH_BUILD if process.env.APPVEYOR if process.env.APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER grunt.log.writeln("Skipping because this is a pull request") return false branch = process.env.APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH if branch is "master" or branch is "ci-test" return true else grunt.log.writeln("Skipping. We don't operate on branch '#{branch}''") return false else if process.env.TRAVIS if process.env.TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST isnt "false" grunt.log.writeln("Skipping because this is a pull request") return false branch = process.env.TRAVIS_BRANCH if branch is "master" or branch is "ci-test" return true else grunt.log.writeln("Skipping. We don't operate on branch '#{branch}''") return false return true