_ = require 'underscore' React = require 'react/addons' {DatabaseStore, AccountStore, TaskQueue, Actions, Contact, Message} = require 'nylas-exports' DeveloperBarStore = require './developer-bar-store' DeveloperBarTask = require './developer-bar-task' DeveloperBarCurlItem = require './developer-bar-curl-item' DeveloperBarLongPollItem = require './developer-bar-long-poll-item' class DeveloperBar extends React.Component @displayName: "DeveloperBar" @containerRequired: false constructor: (@props) -> @state = _.extend @_getStateFromStores(), section: 'curl' filter: '' componentDidMount: => @taskQueueUnsubscribe = TaskQueue.listen @_onChange @activityStoreUnsubscribe = DeveloperBarStore.listen @_onChange componentWillUnmount: => @taskQueueUnsubscribe() if @taskQueueUnsubscribe @activityStoreUnsubscribe() if @activityStoreUnsubscribe render: =>
@_onExpandSection('queue')}> Queue Length: {@state.queue?.length}
@_onExpandSection('long-polling')}> { _.map @state.longPollState, (val, key) =>
} Long Polling
@_onExpandSection('curl')}> Requests: {@state.curlHistory.length}
Actions.sendFeedback() }>Feedback
_sectionContent: => expandedDiv =
matchingFilter = (item) => return true if @state.filter is '' return JSON.stringify(item).indexOf(@state.filter) >= 0 if @state.section == 'curl' itemDivs = @state.curlHistory.filter(matchingFilter).map (item) -> expandedDiv =
else if @state.section == 'long-polling' itemDivs = @state.longPollHistory.filter(matchingFilter).map (item) -> expandedDiv =
else if @state.section == 'queue' queue = @state.queue.filter(matchingFilter) queueDivs = for i in [@state.queue.length - 1..0] by -1 task = @state.queue[i] # We need to pass the task separately because we want to update # when just that variable changes. Otherwise, since the `task` # pointer doesn't change, the `DeveloperBarTask` doesn't know to # update. status = @state.queue[i].queueState.status queueCompleted = @state.completed.filter(matchingFilter) queueCompletedDivs = for i in [@state.completed.length - 1..0] by -1 task = @state.completed[i] expandedDiv =
Remove Queued Tasks
expandedDiv _onChange: => @setState(@_getStateFromStores()) _onClear: => Actions.clearDeveloperConsole() _onFilter: (ev) => @setState(filter: ev.target.value) _onDequeueAll: => Actions.dequeueAllTasks() _onExpandSection: (section) => @setState(@_getStateFromStores()) @setState(section: section) _getStateFromStores: => queue: TaskQueue._queue completed: TaskQueue._completed curlHistory: DeveloperBarStore.curlHistory() longPollHistory: DeveloperBarStore.longPollHistory() longPollState: DeveloperBarStore.longPollState() module.exports = DeveloperBar