path = require 'path' fs = require 'fs' LessCache = require 'less-cache' module.exports = (grunt) -> grunt.registerMultiTask 'prebuild-less', 'Prebuild cached of compiled LESS files', -> prebuiltConfigurations = [ ['inbox-light-ui'] ] directory = path.join(grunt.config.get('atom.appDir'), 'less-compile-cache') for configuration in prebuiltConfigurations importPaths = grunt.config.get('less.options.paths') themeMains = [] for theme in configuration # TODO Use AtomPackage class once it runs outside of an Atom context themePath = path.resolve('node_modules', theme) if fs.existsSync(themePath) is false themePath = path.resolve('internal_packages', theme) if fs.existsSync(path.join(themePath, 'stylesheets')) stylesheetsDir = path.join(themePath, 'stylesheets') else stylesheetsDir = path.join(themePath, 'styles') {main} = grunt.file.readJSON(path.join(themePath, 'package.json')) main ?= 'index.less' mainPath = path.join(themePath, main) themeMains.push(mainPath) if grunt.file.isFile(mainPath) importPaths.unshift(stylesheetsDir) if grunt.file.isDir(stylesheetsDir) grunt.verbose.writeln("Building LESS cache for #{configuration.join(', ').yellow}") lessCache = new LessCache cacheDir: directory resourcePath: path.resolve('.') importPaths: importPaths cssForFile = (file) -> baseVarImports = """ @import "variables/ui-variables"; """ less = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8') lessCache.cssForFile(file, [baseVarImports, less].join('\n')) for file in @filesSrc grunt.verbose.writeln("File #{file.cyan} created in cache.") cssForFile(file) for file in themeMains grunt.verbose.writeln("File #{file.cyan} created in cache.") cssForFile(file)