fs = require 'fs' path = require 'path' _ = require 'underscore-plus' async = require 'async' concurrency = 2 module.exports = (grunt) -> {isAtomPackage, spawn} = require('./task-helpers')(grunt) packageSpecQueue = null logDeprecations = (label, {stderr}={}) -> return unless process.env.JANKY_SHA1 stderr ?= '' deprecatedStart = stderr.indexOf('Calls to deprecated functions') return if deprecatedStart is -1 grunt.log.error(label) stderr = stderr.substring(deprecatedStart) stderr = stderr.replace(/^\s*\[[^\]]+\]\s+/gm, '') stderr = stderr.replace(/source: .*$/gm, '') stderr = stderr.replace(/^"/gm, '') stderr = stderr.replace(/",\s*$/gm, '') grunt.log.error(stderr) getAppPath = -> contentsDir = grunt.config.get('atom.contentsDir') switch process.platform when 'darwin' path.join(contentsDir, 'MacOS', 'Edgehill') when 'linux' path.join(contentsDir, 'edgehill') when 'win32' path.join(contentsDir, 'edgehill.exe') runPackageSpecs = (callback) -> failedPackages = [] rootDir = grunt.config.get('atom.shellAppDir') resourcePath = process.cwd() appPath = getAppPath() # Ensure application is executable on Linux fs.chmodSync(appPath, '755') if process.platform is 'linux' packageSpecQueue = async.queue (packagePath, callback) -> if process.platform in ['darwin', 'linux'] options = cmd: appPath args: ['--test', "--resource-path=#{resourcePath}", "--spec-directory=#{path.join(packagePath, 'spec')}"] opts: cwd: packagePath env: _.extend({}, process.env, ATOM_SHELL_PATH: rootDir) else if process.platform is 'win32' options = cmd: process.env.comspec args: ['/c', appPath, '--test', "--resource-path=#{resourcePath}", "--spec-directory=#{path.join(packagePath, 'spec')}", "--log-file=ci.log"] opts: cwd: packagePath env: _.extend({}, process.env, ATOM_SHELL_PATH: rootDir) grunt.verbose.writeln "Launching #{path.basename(packagePath)} specs." spawn options, (error, results, code) -> if process.platform is 'win32' if error process.stderr.write(fs.readFileSync(path.join(packagePath, 'ci.log'))) fs.unlinkSync(path.join(packagePath, 'ci.log')) failedPackages.push path.basename(packagePath) if error logDeprecations("#{path.basename(packagePath)} Specs", results) callback() modulesDirectory = path.resolve('node_modules') for packageDirectory in fs.readdirSync(modulesDirectory) packagePath = path.join(modulesDirectory, packageDirectory) continue unless grunt.file.isDir(path.join(packagePath, 'spec')) continue unless isAtomPackage(packagePath) packageSpecQueue.push(packagePath) packageSpecQueue.concurrency = concurrency - 1 packageSpecQueue.drain = -> callback(null, failedPackages) runCoreSpecs = (callback) -> appPath = getAppPath() resourcePath = process.cwd() coreSpecsPath = path.resolve('spec') if process.platform in ['darwin', 'linux'] options = cmd: appPath args: ['--test', "--resource-path=#{resourcePath}", "--spec-directory=#{coreSpecsPath}"] else if process.platform is 'win32' options = cmd: process.env.comspec args: ['/c', appPath, '--test', "--resource-path=#{resourcePath}", "--spec-directory=#{coreSpecsPath}", "--log-file=ci.log"] spawn options, (error, results, code) -> if process.platform is 'win32' process.stderr.write(fs.readFileSync('ci.log')) if error fs.unlinkSync('ci.log') else # TODO: Restore concurrency on Windows packageSpecQueue.concurrency = concurrency logDeprecations('Core Specs', results) callback(null, error) grunt.registerTask 'run-specs', 'Run the specs', -> done = @async() startTime = Date.now() # TODO: This should really be parallel on both platforms, however our # fixtures step on each others toes currently. if process.platform in ['darwin', 'linux'] method = async.parallel else if process.platform is 'win32' method = async.series method [runCoreSpecs, runPackageSpecs], (error, results) -> [coreSpecFailed, failedPackages] = results elapsedTime = Math.round((Date.now() - startTime) / 100) / 10 grunt.log.ok("Total spec time: #{elapsedTime}s using #{concurrency} cores") failures = failedPackages failures.push "atom core" if coreSpecFailed grunt.log.error("[Error]".red + " #{failures.join(', ')} spec(s) failed") if failures.length > 0 if process.platform is 'win32' and process.env.JANKY_SHA1 done() else done(!coreSpecFailed and failedPackages.length == 0) grunt.registerTask 'run-edgehill-specs', 'Run the specs', -> proc = require 'child_process' done = @async() testProc = proc.spawn("./atom.sh", ["--test"]) testProc.stdout.on 'data', (data) -> console.log(data.toString()) testProc.stderr.on 'data', (data) -> grunt.log.error(data.toString()) testProc.on 'error', (err) -> grunt.log.error("Process error: #{err}") testProc.on 'close', (exitCode, signal) -> done()