_ = require 'underscore-plus' React = require 'react/addons' {ComponentRegistry, DatabaseStore, NamespaceStore, TaskQueue, Actions, Contact, Message} = require 'inbox-exports' ActivityBarStore = require './activity-bar-store' ActivityBarCurlItem = React.createClass render: ->
Run Copy {@props.item.command}
_onCopyCommand: -> clipboard = require('clipboard') clipboard.writeText(@props.item.command) _onRunCommand: -> curlFile = "#{atom.getConfigDirPath()}/curl.command" fs = require 'fs-plus' if fs.existsSync(curlFile) fs.unlinkSync(curlFile) fs.writeFileSync(curlFile, @props.item.command) fs.chmodSync(curlFile, '777') shell = require 'shell' shell.openItem(curlFile) ActivityBarTask = React.createClass render: ->
@setState expanded: not @state?.expanded}>
_taskSummary: -> qs = @props.task.queueState errType = "" errCode = "" errMessage = "" if qs.localError? localError = qs.localError errType = localError.constructor.name errMessage = localError.message ? JSON.stringify(localError) else if qs.remoteError? remoteError = qs.remoteError errType = remoteError.constructor.name errCode = remoteError.statusCode ? "" errMessage = remoteError.body?.message ? remoteError?.message ? JSON.stringify(remoteError) return "#{@props.task.constructor.name} #{errType} #{errCode} #{errMessage}" _classNames: -> qs = @props.task.queueState ? {} React.addons.classSet "task": true "task-queued": @props.type is "queued" "task-completed": @props.type is "completed" "task-expanded": @state?.expanded "task-local-error": qs.localError "task-remote-error": qs.remoteError "task-is-processing": qs.isProcessing "task-success": qs.performedLocal and qs.performedRemote module.exports = ActivityBar = React.createClass getInitialState: -> _.extend @_getStateFromStores(), open: false componentDidMount: -> @taskQueueUnsubscribe = TaskQueue.listen @_onChange @activityStoreUnsubscribe = ActivityBarStore.listen @_onChange @registryUnlisten = ComponentRegistry.listen @_onChange componentWillUnmount: -> @taskQueueUnsubscribe() if @taskQueueUnsubscribe @activityStoreUnsubscribe() if @activityStoreUnsubscribe @registryUnlisten() if @registryUnlisten render: -> if @state?.ResizableComponent? ResizableComponent = @state.ResizableComponent else ResizableComponent = React.createClass(render: ->
) expandedDiv =
if @state.expandedSection == 'curl' curlDivs = @state.curlHistory.map (item) -> expandedDiv =
if @state.expandedSection == 'queue' queueDivs = for i in [@state.queue.length - 1..0] by -1 task = @state.queue[i] queueCompletedDivs = for i in [@state.completed.length - 1..0] by -1 task = @state.completed[i] expandedDiv =
Clear Queue
Queue Length: {@state.queue?.length}
Long Polling: {@state.longPollState}
Requests: {@state.curlHistory.length}
_expandedPanelClass: -> React.addons.classSet "message-area": true "panel-open": @state.open _caret: -> if @state.open else _onChange: -> @setState(@_getStateFromStores()) _onClearQueue: -> Actions.clearQueue() _onHide: -> @setState open: false _onShow: -> @setState open: true _onExpandCurlSection: -> @setState open: true Actions.developerPanelSelectSection('curl') _onExpandQueueSection: -> @setState open: true Actions.developerPanelSelectSection('queue') _onFeedback: -> user = NamespaceStore.current().name debugData = JSON.stringify({ queries: @state.curlHistory, queue: @state.queue, completed: @state.completed }, null, '\t') # Remove API tokens from URLs included in the debug data # This regex detects ://user:pass@ and removes it. debugData = debugData.replace(/:\/\/(\w)*:(\w)?@/g, '://') draft = new Message from: [NamespaceStore.current().me()] to: [ new Contact name: "Nilas Team" email: "feedback@nilas.com" ] date: (new Date) draft: true subject: "Feedback" namespaceId: NamespaceStore.current().id body: """

Hi, Edgehill team!

I have some feedback for you.

What happened



I'm using Edgehill #{atom.getVersion()} and my platform is #{process.platform}-#{process.arch}.



-- Extra Debugging Data --


""" DatabaseStore.persistModel(draft).then -> DatabaseStore.localIdForModel(draft).then (localId) -> Actions.composePopoutDraft(localId) _getStateFromStores: -> ResizableComponent: ComponentRegistry.findViewByName 'ResizableComponent' expandedSection: ActivityBarStore.expandedSection() curlHistory: ActivityBarStore.curlHistory() queue: TaskQueue._queue completed: TaskQueue._completed longPollState: ActivityBarStore.longPollState()