_ = require 'underscore-plus' {generateTempId, isTempId} = require '../../src/flux/models/utils' Task = require '../../src/flux/tasks/task' Actions = require '../../src/flux/actions' Message = require '../../src/flux/models/message' Contact = require '../../src/flux/models/contact' {APIError} = require '../../src/flux/errors' DatabaseStore = require '../../src/flux/stores/database-store' TaskQueue = require '../../src/flux/stores/task-queue' SaveDraftTask = require '../../src/flux/tasks/save-draft' inboxError = message: "No draft with public id bvn4aydxuyqlbmzowh4wraysg", type: "invalid_request_error" testError = (opts) -> new APIError error:null response:{statusCode: 404} body:inboxError requestOptions: opts testData = to: new Contact(name: "Ben Gotow", email: "ben@inboxapp.com") from: new Contact(name: "Evan Morikawa", email: "evan@inboxapp.com") date: new Date draft: true subject: "Test" namespaceId: "abc123" localDraft = new Message _.extend {}, testData, {id: "local-id"} remoteDraft = new Message _.extend {}, testData, {id: "remoteid1234"} describe "SaveDraftTask", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(DatabaseStore, "findByLocalId").andCallFake (klass, localId) -> if localId is "localDraftId" then Promise.resolve(localDraft) else if localId is "remoteDraftId" then Promise.resolve(remoteDraft) else if localId is "missingDraftId" then Promise.resolve() spyOn(DatabaseStore, "persistModel").andCallFake -> Promise.resolve() spyOn(DatabaseStore, "swapModel").andCallFake -> Promise.resolve() describe "performLocal", -> it "rejects if it isn't constructed with a draftLocalId", -> task = new SaveDraftTask waitsForPromise => task.performLocal().catch (error) -> expect(error.message).toBeDefined() it "does nothing if there are no new changes", -> task = new SaveDraftTask("localDraftId") waitsForPromise => task.performLocal().then -> expect(DatabaseStore.persistModel).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it "persists to the Database if there are new changes", -> task = new SaveDraftTask("localDraftId", body: "test body") waitsForPromise => task.performLocal().then -> expect(DatabaseStore.persistModel).toHaveBeenCalled() newBody = DatabaseStore.persistModel.calls[0].args[0].body expect(newBody).toBe "test body" describe "performRemote", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(atom.inbox, 'makeRequest').andCallFake (opts) -> opts.success(remoteDraft.toJSON()) if opts.success it "does nothing if localOnly is set to true", -> task = new SaveDraftTask("localDraftId", {}, localOnly: true) waitsForPromise => task.performRemote().then -> expect(DatabaseStore.findByLocalId).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(atom.inbox.makeRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it "does nothing if no draft can be found in the db", -> task = new SaveDraftTask("missingDraftId") waitsForPromise => task.performRemote().then -> expect(atom.inbox.makeRequest).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it "should start an API request with the Message JSON", -> task = new SaveDraftTask("localDraftId") waitsForPromise => task.performRemote().then -> expect(atom.inbox.makeRequest).toHaveBeenCalled() reqBody = atom.inbox.makeRequest.mostRecentCall.args[0].body expect(reqBody.subject).toEqual testData.subject it "should do a PUT when the draft has already been saved", -> task = new SaveDraftTask("remoteDraftId") waitsForPromise => task.performRemote().then -> expect(atom.inbox.makeRequest).toHaveBeenCalled() options = atom.inbox.makeRequest.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(options.path).toBe("/n/abc123/drafts/remoteid1234") expect(options.method).toBe('PUT') it "should do a POST when the draft is unsaved", -> task = new SaveDraftTask("localDraftId") waitsForPromise => task.performRemote().then -> expect(atom.inbox.makeRequest).toHaveBeenCalled() options = atom.inbox.makeRequest.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(options.path).toBe("/n/abc123/drafts") expect(options.method).toBe('POST') it "should pass returnsModel:false so that the draft can be manually removed/added to the database, accounting for its ID change", -> task = new SaveDraftTask("localDraftId") waitsForPromise => task.performRemote().then -> expect(atom.inbox.makeRequest).toHaveBeenCalled() options = atom.inbox.makeRequest.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(options.returnsModel).toBe(false) it "should swap the ids if we got a new one from the DB", -> task = new SaveDraftTask("localDraftId") waitsForPromise => task.performRemote().then -> expect(DatabaseStore.swapModel).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(DatabaseStore.persistModel).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it "should not swap the ids if we're using a persisted one", -> task = new SaveDraftTask("remoteDraftId") waitsForPromise => task.performRemote().then -> expect(DatabaseStore.swapModel).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(DatabaseStore.persistModel).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "When the api throws a 404 error", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(TaskQueue, "enqueue") spyOn(atom.inbox, "makeRequest").andCallFake (opts) -> opts.error(testError(opts)) if opts.error it "resets the id", -> task = new SaveDraftTask("remoteDraftId") task.onAPIError(testError({})) waitsFor -> DatabaseStore.swapModel.calls.length > 0 runs -> newDraft = DatabaseStore.swapModel.mostRecentCall.args[0].newModel expect(isTempId(newDraft.id)).toBe true expect(TaskQueue.enqueue).toHaveBeenCalled()