_ = require 'underscore' _s = require 'underscore.string' DOMUtils = Mutating: replaceFirstListItem: (li, replaceWith) -> list = DOMUtils.closest(li, "ul, ol") if replaceWith.length is 0 replaceWith = replaceWith.replace /\s/g, " " text = document.createElement("div") text.innerHTML = "
" else replaceWith = replaceWith.replace /\s/g, " " text = document.createElement("span") text.innerHTML = "#{replaceWith}" if list.querySelectorAll('li').length <= 1 # Delete the whole list and replace with text list.parentNode.replaceChild(text, list) else # Delete the list item and prepend the text before the rest of the # list li.parentNode.removeChild(li) list.parentNode.insertBefore(text, list) child = text.childNodes[0] ? text index = Math.max(replaceWith.length - 1, 0) selection = document.getSelection() selection.setBaseAndExtent(child, index, child, index) removeEmptyNodes: (node) -> Array::slice.call(node.childNodes).forEach (child) -> if child.textContent is '' node.removeChild(child) else DOMUtils.Mutating.removeEmptyNodes(child) # Given a bunch of elements, it will go through and find all elements # that are adjacent to that one of the same type. For each set of # adjacent elements, it will put all children of those elements into # the first one and delete the remaining elements. collapseAdjacentElements: (els=[]) -> return if els.length is 0 els = Array::slice.call(els) seenEls = [] toMerge = [] for el in els continue if el in seenEls adjacent = DOMUtils.collectAdjacent(el) seenEls = seenEls.concat(adjacent) continue if adjacent.length <= 1 toMerge.push(adjacent) anchors = [] for mergeSet in toMerge anchor = mergeSet[0] remaining = mergeSet[1..-1] for el in remaining while (el.childNodes.length > 0) anchor.appendChild(el.childNodes[0]) DOMUtils.Mutating.removeElements(remaining) anchors.push(anchor) return anchors removeElements: (elements=[]) -> for el in elements try if el.parentNode then el.parentNode.removeChild(el) catch # This can happen if we've already removed ourselves from the # node or it no longer exists continue return elements applyTextInRange: (range, selection, newText) -> range.deleteContents() node = document.createTextNode(newText) range.insertNode(node) range.selectNode(node) selection.removeAllRanges() selection.addRange(range) getRangeAtAndSelectWord: (selection, index) -> range = selection.getRangeAt(index) # On Windows, right-clicking a word does not select it at the OS-level. if range.collapsed DOMUtils.Mutating.selectWordContainingRange(range) range = selection.getRangeAt(index) return range # This method finds the bounding points of the word that the range # is currently within and selects that word. selectWordContainingRange: (range) -> selection = document.getSelection() node = selection.focusNode text = node.textContent wordStart = _s.reverse(text.substring(0, selection.focusOffset)).search(/\s/) if wordStart is -1 wordStart = 0 else wordStart = selection.focusOffset - wordStart wordEnd = text.substring(selection.focusOffset).search(/\s/) if wordEnd is -1 wordEnd = text.length else wordEnd += selection.focusOffset selection.removeAllRanges() range = new Range() range.setStart(node, wordStart) range.setEnd(node, wordEnd) selection.addRange(range) moveSelectionToIndexInAnchorNode: (selection, index) -> return unless selection.isCollapsed node = selection.anchorNode selection.setBaseAndExtent(node, index, node, index) moveSelectionToEnd: (selection) -> return unless selection.isCollapsed node = DOMUtils.findLastTextNode(selection.anchorNode) index = node.length selection.setBaseAndExtent(node, index, node, index) getSelectionRectFromDOM: (selection) -> selection ?= document.getSelection() node = selection.anchorNode if node.nodeType is Node.TEXT_NODE r = document.createRange() r.selectNodeContents(node) return r.getBoundingClientRect() else if node.nodeType is Node.ELEMENT_NODE return node.getBoundingClientRect() else return null isSelectionInTextNode: (selection) -> selection ?= document.getSelection() return false unless selection return selection.isCollapsed and selection.anchorNode.nodeType is Node.TEXT_NODE and selection.anchorOffset > 0 isAtTabChar: (selection) -> selection ?= document.getSelection() if DOMUtils.isSelectionInTextNode(selection) return selection.anchorNode.textContent[selection.anchorOffset - 1] is "\t" else return false isAtBeginningOfDocument: (dom, selection) -> selection ?= document.getSelection() return false if not selection.isCollapsed return false if selection.anchorOffset > 0 return true if dom.childNodes.length is 0 return true if selection.anchorNode is dom firstChild = dom.childNodes[0] return selection.anchorNode is firstChild atStartOfList: -> selection = document.getSelection() anchor = selection.anchorNode return false if not selection.isCollapsed return true if anchor?.nodeName is "LI" return false if selection.anchorOffset > 0 li = DOMUtils.closest(anchor, "li") return unless li return DOMUtils.isFirstChild(li, anchor) # Selectors for input types inputTypes: -> "input, textarea, *[contenteditable]" # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/closest # Only Elements (not Text nodes) have the `closest` method closest: (node, selector) -> if node instanceof HTMLElement return node.closest(selector) else if node?.parentNode return DOMUtils.closest(node.parentNode, selector) else return null closestAtCursor: (selector) -> selection = document.getSelection() return unless selection?.isCollapsed return DOMUtils.closest(selection.anchorNode, selector) closestElement: (node) -> if node instanceof HTMLElement return node else if node?.parentNode return DOMUtils.closestElement(node.parentNode) else return null isInList: -> li = DOMUtils.closestAtCursor("li") list = DOMUtils.closestAtCursor("ul, ol") return li and list # Returns an array of all immediately adjacent nodes of a particular # nodeName relative to the root. Includes the root if it has the correct # nodeName. # # nodName is optional. if left blank it'll be the nodeName of the root collectAdjacent: (root, nodeName) -> nodeName ?= root.nodeName adjacent = [] node = root while node.nextSibling?.nodeName is nodeName adjacent.push(node.nextSibling) node = node.nextSibling if root.nodeName is nodeName adjacent.unshift(root) node = root while node.previousSibling?.nodeName is nodeName adjacent.unshift(node.previousSibling) node = node.previousSibling return adjacent getNodeIndex: (context, nodeToFind) => DOMUtils.indexOfNodeInSimilarNodes(context, nodeToFind) getRangeInScope: (scope) => selection = document.getSelection() return null if not DOMUtils.selectionInScope(selection, scope) try range = selection.getRangeAt(0) catch console.warn "Selection is not returning a range" return document.createRange() range selectionInScope: (selection, scope) -> return false if not selection? return false if not scope? return (scope.contains(selection.anchorNode) and scope.contains(selection.focusNode)) isEmptyBoundingRect: (rect) -> rect.top is 0 and rect.bottom is 0 and rect.left is 0 and rect.right is 0 atEndOfContent: (selection, rootScope, containerScope) -> containerScope ?= rootScope if selection.isCollapsed # We need to use `lastChild` instead of `lastElementChild` because # we need to eventually check if the `selection.focusNode`, which is # usually a TEXT node, is equal to the returned `lastChild`. # `lastElementChild` will not return TEXT nodes. # # Unfortunately, `lastChild` can sometime return COMMENT nodes and # other blank TEXT nodes that we don't want to compare to. # # For example, if you have the structure: #


# # The div may have 2 childNodes and 1 childElementNode. The 2nd # hidden childNode is a TEXT node with a data of "\n". I actually # want to return the

. # # However, The

element may have 1 childNode and 0 # childElementNodes. In that case I DO want to return the TEXT node # that has the data of "foo" lastChild = DOMUtils.lastNonBlankChildNode(containerScope) # Special case for a completely empty contenteditable. # In this case `lastChild` will be null, but we are definitely at # the end of the content. if containerScope is rootScope return true if containerScope.childNodes.length is 0 return false unless lastChild # NOTE: `.contains` returns true if `lastChild` is equal to # `selection.focusNode` # # See: http://ejohn.org/blog/comparing-document-position/ inLastChild = lastChild.contains(selection.focusNode) # We should do true object identity here instead of `.isEqualNode` isLastChild = lastChild is selection.focusNode if isLastChild if selection.focusNode?.length atEndIndex = selection.focusOffset is selection.focusNode.length else atEndIndex = selection.focusOffset is 0 return atEndIndex else if inLastChild DOMUtils.atEndOfContent(selection, rootScope, lastChild) else return false else return false lastNonBlankChildNode: (node) -> lastNode = null for childNode in node.childNodes by -1 if childNode.nodeType is Node.TEXT_NODE if DOMUtils.isBlankTextNode(childNode) continue else return childNode else if childNode.nodeType is Node.ELEMENT_NODE return childNode else continue return lastNode lastDescendent: (node) -> return null unless node if node.childNodes.length > 0 return DOMUtils.lastNode(node.childNodes[node.childNodes.length - 1]) else return null findLastTextNode: (node) -> return null unless node return node if node.nodeType is Node.TEXT_NODE for childNode in node.childNodes by -1 if childNode.nodeType is Node.TEXT_NODE return childNode else if childNode.nodeType is Node.ELEMENT_NODE return DOMUtils.findLastTextNode(childNode) else continue return null # Only looks down node trees with one child for a text node. # Returns null if there's no single text node findOnlyChildTextNode: (node) -> return null unless node return node if node.nodeType is Node.TEXT_NODE return null if node.childNodes.length > 1 return DOMUtils.findOnlyChildTextNode(node.childNodes[0]) findFirstTextNode: (node) -> return null unless node return node if node.nodeType is Node.TEXT_NODE for childNode in node.childNodes if childNode.nodeType is Node.TEXT_NODE return childNode else if childNode.nodeType is Node.ELEMENT_NODE return DOMUtils.findFirstTextNode(childNode) else continue return null isBlankTextNode: (node) -> return if not node?.data # \u00a0 is   node.data.replace(/\u00a0/g, "x").trim().length is 0 indexOfNodeInSimilarNodes: (context, nodeToFind) -> if nodeToFind.isEqualNode(context) return 0 treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker context idx = 0 while treeWalker.nextNode() if treeWalker.currentNode.isEqualNode nodeToFind if treeWalker.currentNode.isSameNode nodeToFind return idx idx += 1 return -1 # This is an optimization of findSimilarNodes which avoids tons of extra work # scanning a large DOM if all we're going to do is get item at index [0]. It # returns once it has found the similar node at the index desired. findSimilarNodeAtIndex: (context, nodeToFind, desiredIdx) -> if desiredIdx is 0 and nodeToFind.isEqualNode(context) return context treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker context idx = 0 while treeWalker.nextNode() if treeWalker.currentNode.isEqualNode nodeToFind return treeWalker.currentNode if desiredIdx is idx idx += 1 return null findCharacter: (context, character) -> node = null index = null treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(context, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT) while currentNode = treeWalker.nextNode() i = currentNode.data.indexOf(character) if i >= 0 node = currentNode index = i break return {node, index} escapeHTMLCharacters: (text) -> map = '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''' text.replace /[&<>"']/g, (m) -> map[m] # Checks to see if a particular node is visible and any of its parents # are visible. # # WARNING. This is a fairly expensive operation and should be used # sparingly. nodeIsVisible: (node) -> while node and node.nodeType is Node.ELEMENT_NODE style = window.getComputedStyle(node) node = node.parentNode continue unless style? # NOTE: opacity must be soft == if style.opacity is 0 or style.opacity is "0" or style.visibility is "hidden" or style.display is "none" return false return true # This checks for the `offsetParent` to be null. This will work for # hidden elements, but not if they are in a `position:fixed` container. # # It is less thorough then Utils.nodeIsVisible, but is ~16x faster!! # http://jsperf.com/check-hidden # http://stackoverflow.com/a/21696585/793472 nodeIsLikelyVisible: (node) -> node.offsetParent isnt null # Finds all of the non blank node in a {Document} object or HTML string. # # - `elementOrHTML` a dom element or an HTML string. If passed a # string, it will use `DOMParser` to convert it into a DOM object. # # "Non blank" is defined as any node whose `textContent` returns a # whitespace string. # # It will also reject nodes we see are invisible due to basic CSS # properties. # # Returns an array of DOM Nodes nodesWithContent: (elementOrHTML) -> nodes = [] if _.isString(elementOrHTML) domParser = new DOMParser() doc = domParser.parseFromString(elementOrHTML, "text/html") allNodes = doc.body.childNodes else if elementOrHTML?.childNodes allNodes = elementOrHTML.childNodes else return nodes # We need to check `childNodes` instead of `children` to look for # plain Text nodes. for node in allNodes by -1 if node.nodeName is "IMG" nodes.unshift node # It's important to use `textContent` and NOT `innerText`. # `innerText` causes a full reflow on every call because it # calcaultes CSS styles to determine if the text is truly visible or # not. This utility method must NOT cause a reflow. We instead will # check for basic cases ourselves. if (node.textContent ? "").trim().length is 0 continue if node.style?.opacity is 0 or node.style?.opacity is "0" or node.style?.visibility is "hidden" or node.style?.display is "none" continue nodes.unshift node # No nodes with content found! return nodes parents: (node) -> nodes = [] nodes.unshift(node) while node = node.parentNode return nodes # Returns true if the node is the first child of the root, is the root, # or is the first child of the first child of the root, etc. isFirstChild: (root, node) -> return false unless root and node return true if root is node return false unless root.childNodes[0] return true if root.childNodes[0] is node return DOMUtils.isFirstChild(root.childNodes[0], node) commonAncestor: (nodes=[], parentFilter) -> return null if nodes.length is 0 nodes = Array::slice.call(nodes) minDepth = Number.MAX_VALUE # Sometimes we can potentially have tons of REALLY deeply nested # nodes. Since we're looking for a common ancestor we can really speed # this up by keeping track of the min depth reached. We know that we # won't need to check past that. getParents = (node) -> parentNodes = [node] depth = 0 while node = node.parentNode if parentFilter parentNodes.unshift(node) if parentFilter(node) else parentNodes.unshift(node) depth += 1 if depth > minDepth then break minDepth = Math.min(minDepth, depth) return parentNodes # _.intersection will preserve the ordering of the parent node arrays. # parents are ordered top to bottom, so the last node is the most # specific common ancenstor _.last(_.intersection.apply(null, nodes.map(getParents))) scrollAdjustmentToMakeNodeVisibleInContainer: (node, container) -> return unless node nodeRect = node.getBoundingClientRect() containerRect = container.getBoundingClientRect() return @scrollAdjustmentToMakeRectVisibleInRect(nodeRect, containerRect) scrollAdjustmentToMakeRectVisibleInRect: (nodeRect, containerRect) -> distanceBelowBottom = (nodeRect.top + nodeRect.height) - (containerRect.top + containerRect.height) if distanceBelowBottom >= 0 return distanceBelowBottom distanceAboveTop = containerRect.top - nodeRect.top if distanceAboveTop >= 0 return -distanceAboveTop return 0 # Produces a list of indexed text contained within a given node. Returns a # list of objects of the form: # {start, end, node, text} # # The text being indexed is intended to approximate the rendered content visible # to the user. This includes the nodeValue of any text nodes, and "\n" for any # DIV or BR elements. getIndexedTextContent: (node) -> items = [] treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(node, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT + NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT) position = 0 while treeWalker.nextNode() node = treeWalker.currentNode if node.tagName is "BR" or node.nodeType is Node.TEXT_NODE or node.tagName is "DIV" text = if node.nodeType is Node.TEXT_NODE then node.nodeValue else "\n" item = start: position end: position + text.length node: node text: text items.push(item) position += text.length return items # Returns true if the inner range is fully contained within the outer range rangeInRange: (inner, outer) -> return outer.isPointInRange(inner.startContainer, inner.startOffset) and outer.isPointInRange(inner.endContainer, inner.endOffset) # Returns true if the given ranges overlap rangeOverlapsRange: (range1, range2) -> return range2.isPointInRange(range1.startContainer, range1.startOffset) or range1.isPointInRange(range2.startContainer, range2.startOffset) # Returns true if the first range starts or ends within the second range. # Unlike rangeOverlapsRange, returns false if range2 is fully within range1. rangeStartsOrEndsInRange: (range1, range2) -> return range2.isPointInRange(range1.startContainer, range1.startOffset) or range2.isPointInRange(range1.endContainer, range1.endOffset) # Accepts a Range or a Node, and returns true if the current selection starts # or ends within it. Useful for knowing if a DOM modification will break the # current selection. selectionStartsOrEndsIn: (rangeOrNode) -> selection = document.getSelection() return false unless (selection and selection.rangeCount>0) if rangeOrNode instanceof Range return @rangeStartsOrEndsInRange(selection.getRangeAt(0), rangeOrNode) else if rangeOrNode instanceof Node range = new Range() range.selectNode(rangeOrNode) return @rangeStartsOrEndsInRange(selection.getRangeAt(0), range) else return false # Accepts a Range or a Node, and returns true if the current selection is fully # contained within it. selectionIsWithin: (rangeOrNode) -> selection = document.getSelection() return false unless (selection and selection.rangeCount>0) if rangeOrNode instanceof Range return @rangeInRange(selection.getRangeAt(0), rangeOrNode) else if rangeOrNode instanceof Node range = new Range() range.selectNode(rangeOrNode) return @rangeInRange(selection.getRangeAt(0), range) else return false # Finds all matches to a regex within a node's text content (including line # breaks from DIVs and BRs, as \n), and returns a list of corresponding Range # objects. regExpSelectorAll: (node, regex) -> # Generate a text representation of the node's content nodeTextList = @getIndexedTextContent(node) text = nodeTextList.map( ({text}) -> text ).join("") # Build a list of range objects by looping over regex matches in the # text content string, and then finding the node those match indexes # point to. ranges = [] listPosition = 0 while (result = regex.exec(text)) isnt null from = result.index to = regex.lastIndex item = nodeTextList[listPosition] range = document.createRange() while from >= item.end item = nodeTextList[++listPosition] start = if item.node.nodeType is Node.TEXT_NODE then from - item.start else 0 range.setStart(item.node,start) while to > item.end item = nodeTextList[++listPosition] end = if item.node.nodeType is Node.TEXT_NODE then to - item.start else 0 range.setEnd(item.node, end) ranges.push(range) return ranges # Returns true if the given range is the sole content of a node with the given # nodeName. If the range's parent has a different nodeName or contains any other # content, returns false. isWrapped: (range, nodeName) -> return false unless range and nodeName startNode = range.startContainer endNode = range.endContainer return false unless startNode.parentNode is endNode.parentNode # must have same parent return false if startNode.previousSibling or endNode.nextSibling # selection must span all sibling nodes return false if range.startOffset > 0 or range.endOffset < endNode.textContent.length # selection must span all text return startNode.parentNode.nodeName is nodeName # Modifies the DOM to wrap the given range with a new node, of name nodeName. # # If the range starts or ends in the middle of an node, that node will be split. # This will likely break selections that contain any of the affected nodes. wrap: (range, nodeName) -> newNode = document.createElement(nodeName) try range.surroundContents(newNode) catch newNode.appendChild(range.extractContents()) range.insertNode(newNode) return newNode # Modifies the DOM to "unwrap" a given node, replacing that node with its contents. # This may break selections containing the affected nodes. # We don't use `document.createFragment` because the returned `fragment` # would be empty and useless after its children get replaced. unwrapNode: (node) -> return node if node.childNodes.length is 0 replacedNodes = [] parent = node.parentNode return node if not parent? lastChild = _.last(node.childNodes) replacedNodes.unshift(lastChild) parent.replaceChild(lastChild, node) while child = _.last(node.childNodes) replacedNodes.unshift(child) parent.insertBefore(child, lastChild) lastChild = child return replacedNodes isDescendantOf: (node, matcher = -> false) -> parent = node?.parentElement while parent return true if matcher(parent) parent = parent.parentElement false looksLikeBlockElement: (node) -> return node.nodeName in ["BR", "P", "BLOCKQUOTE", "DIV", "TABLE"] # When detecting if we're at the start of a "visible" line, we need to look # for text nodes that have visible content in them. looksLikeNonEmptyNode: (node) -> textNode = DOMUtils.findFirstTextNode(node) if textNode if /^[\n ]*$/.test(textNode.data) return false else return true else return false previousTextNode: (node) -> curNode = node while curNode.parentNode if curNode.previousSibling return this.findLastTextNode(curNode.previousSibling) curNode = curNode.parentNode return null module.exports = DOMUtils